POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#24: Son with mother

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...... …… However this appraisal, Wang Shouzhe will not reveal the surface at will. He in Zhichang on Earth has fooled around together, although the favor does not calculate that experienced actually also calculates to pass through. 不过这种评价,王守哲也不会随意流露表面。他在地球上于职场厮混过,人情虽不算练达却也算过关。 Uncle spoke discreetly.” The Wang Shouzhe neither arrogant nor servile say/way, person and person are together must look at the fate, Aunt waits me to kiss such as to leave, great kindness. Said nothing of the uncle to speak two jokes, was hits me to scold me, Shouzhe will not have the slight complaint.” “大舅言重了。”王守哲不亢不卑道,“人与人相处是要看缘分的,大娘待我亲如己出,恩同再造。漫说大舅说两句笑话,便是打我骂我,守哲也不会有丝毫怨言。” This saying also said is the ruthless character behind a gentle appearance, to the meaning of Gongsun Qiang was, I respected you am because Aunt was good to me. Otherwise depends on your Gongsun Qiang oneself, perhaps could not have lived to make me respect. 这话说得也是绵里藏针了,给公孙锵的意思是,我敬重你是因为大娘对我好。否则就凭你公孙锵自己,恐怕还生不起让我敬重来。 „Is. My this Little Sister, since the cleverness in trivial matters is virtuous, good-hearted.” The Gongsun Qiang nod, spoke thoughtlessly to praise Gongsun Hui. “是是。我这小妹,从小聪明贤惠,心地善良。”公孙锵点头不已,随口夸赞公孙蕙 Wang Shouzhe is speechless, no wonder Old Patriarch Gongsun one age had not abdicated, indeed this Young Patriarch also is really polish insufficient. No wonder, he can with oneself my late father Wang Dingyue, mutually be reprehensible. 王守哲顿即一阵无语,难怪公孙老族长都一把年纪了还不退位,敢情这位少族长还真是“打磨”不够啊。难怪,他会和自己“亡父”王定岳,互相看不顺眼。 Nearby Gongsun Hui hears is holds the forehead head, the cheeks feels hot shamefacedly. Various own this big brother aspects are good, is lacks the exercise emotional quotient insufficiently. Gathering her must be not very good, should push aside in view of the non- one's own young son of first wife? She became anything not to have the virtue evil and cruel people...... 一旁的公孙蕙听得是扶额头,脸颊发烫羞愧。自家这大哥各方面都挺好,就是缺乏锻炼情商不够。合着她要不够善良,就应该排挤针对非亲生的年幼嫡子了?那她成什么无德歹毒之人了…… She quickly made up one: Zhe'er is my son of first wife, I look after to foster him am the proper duty. Right Elder Brother, father can be healthy?” 她急忙补了一句:“哲儿是我嫡子,我照顾抚养他是应有的本份。对了哥哥,父亲身体可好?” Meanwhile, under the Gongsun Hui heart has endless emotion, before has not felt, may mount the performance after position of Patriarch with Zhe'er. 与此同时,公孙蕙心下感慨不已,以前还不怎么觉着,可随着哲儿登上族长之位后的表现。 Has a look at the big brother again, always thought that the disparity is a little big. Faint within, she started to be worried for Gongsun Clan. Own Elder Brother, really ate without paying 38 years of plain rice. 再看看自家大哥,总觉得差距有点大。隐隐间,她开始替公孙氏担心了起来。自家哥哥,真是白吃了三十八年干饭。 Father is actually healthy.” The Gongsun Qiang also knowledge made an indiscreet remark, after hollow laugh two, sincere said, was the food did not think recently sadly, has been harboring intentions the Little Sister. Look hears you to return to the maternal home to have a look, urged that immediately I come to meet you.” “父亲身体倒是不错。”公孙锵也知失言,干笑了两声后正色说,“就是最近心情不好茶饭不思,一直心心念念着小妹。这不,一听到你回娘家看看,就立即催促我前来接你。” Aunt, the outside wind is big, first returns to the carriage to hurry along to with a sense of urgency well.” Wang Shouzhe cups the hands said, thinks the maternal grandfather has waited to worry, I accompany the uncle to ride a horse together.” 大娘,外面风大,先回马车抓紧赶路为好。”王守哲拱手说,“想必外祖父已经等着急了,我陪大舅一起骑马走。” The black steed that Wang Shouzhe previously rode, has been pulled by Family Guard, now sent the use. 王守哲先前骑的黑色骏马,一直由家将牵着走,现在派上了用处。 Un, that Zhe'er and uncle narrated the light talk well.” Gongsun Hui signals with the eyes secretly, said, pulled Wang Luojing to return to the carriage together. “嗯,那哲儿与大舅好好叙叙话。”公孙蕙暗使了个眼色,说罢,就牵着王珞静一道回了马车。 Wang Shouzhe understands certainly that the meaning of Gongsun Hui, the Wang Clan deterioration, basically is depends entirely on Old Ancestor Longyan one person to deter to support now. If can improve the relations with Gongsun Clan, will be favorable for Wang Clan. 王守哲当然明白公孙蕙的意思,如今王氏积弱,基本是全靠珑烟老祖一人威慑支撑。若是能借此加强与公孙氏的关系,将对王氏十分有利。 Therefore Wang Shouzhe is riding the black steed, walked with Gongsun Qiang in the team front, is chatting with pauses. He attitude to Gongsun Qiang, bases on Gongsun Hui the politeness on face, not unprincipled no bottom line flatters Gongsun Clan. 因此王守哲骑着黑色骏马,与公孙锵走在了队伍前方,有一搭没一搭地闲聊着。他对公孙锵的态度,也是基于公孙蕙的面子上的客气,并不会无原则无底线的去讨好公孙氏 In any world, the relations by marriage are also good, the ally, establishes in the benefit together and in the strength coordinated foundation. The powerhouses because of your acting servilely, will not flatter to flatter, but respects about your many half a point. 任何世界里,姻亲也好,盟友也罢,都是建立在利益共同和实力对等基础上的。强者更不会因为你的卑躬屈膝,谄媚讨好而对你多半分尊重。 Instead is Gongsun Qiang looks at Wang Shouzhe, discovered that this cheap nephew style of speaking or bearing, is the ultra contemporaries, moreover young cultivation base will soon achieve Qi Refining Boundary high stage, in the future the potential will be limitless. 反而是公孙锵王守哲,发现这个“便宜大外甥”无论是谈吐还是气度,都是远超同龄人,而且年纪轻轻修为即将达到炼气境高阶,未来潜力不可限量。 So young outstanding talent, leafs through entire Shanyang Gongsun Clan, unexpectedly cannot discover to be able in comparison. 如此年轻俊杰,翻遍整个山阳公孙氏,竟然找不出能与之相比的。 Especially Gongsun Qiang oneself son Gongsun Yan is years old smaller than one Wang Shouzhe, usually has a look at that boy also to feel good but actually. But comparison words, Gongsun Qiang some chests are stuffy immediately, when is worried was intimate with several points to Wang Shouzhe subconsciously: Shouzhe, you come Shanyang rarely time. this time stays for several days, I make your younger male cousin Little Yan accompany you to go to the mountain to hunt.” 尤其是公孙锵自己的儿子公孙焱就比王守哲小一岁,平常看看那小子倒也觉得不错。可一比较的话,公孙锵顿时有些胸闷,气闷之余不由下意识地对王守哲更为亲近了几分:“守哲啊,你难得来一次山阳这一次就多住几天,我让你表弟小焱陪你去山里狩猎。” Many thanks uncle's good intention.” Wang Shouzhe cups the hands said, is only in the clan the lot of work, Shouzhe thrusts out is head of a clan, after visiting the maternal grandfather, must leave in advance.” “多谢大舅的好意。”王守哲拱手道,“只是族内事务繁忙,守哲腆为一族之长,拜会外祖父后就要先行离开了。” Gongsun Qiang hearing this is the heart stagnates, chest stuffy. Right, this cheap nephew was only 18 years old becomes Patriarch. He 38, but also is only Young Patriarch. Moreover to the present, old Patriarch does not have the meaning that wants to abdicate slightly. 公孙锵闻言更是心头一滞,更为胸闷了起来。对啊,这便宜外甥才十八岁就当上族长了。他都三十八了,还只是个少族长呢。而且到现在,老族长也没有丝毫想退位的意思。 Goes back, in the Gongsun Qiang heart is depressed, words also few. 一路回去,公孙锵心中都是闷闷的,话也没几句。 Shanyang Gongsun Clan main house depends on Dragon Spine Mountain to construct, the topography is steep, outside main house also has the fence arrow tower that stands tall and erect hardly, appearing the imposing manner is very stern. 山阳公孙氏主宅依着龙脊山而建,地势陡峭易守难攻,主宅外又有坚硬高耸的围墙箭塔,显得气势十分森严。 this time Wang Shouzhe as Gongsun Hui son of first wife accompanies, but, does not come two interactions by the Patriarch status, therefore, after is only the simple etiquette alternately, was invited the fore room main hall. 这一次王守哲是以公孙蕙嫡子身份随同而至,并非是以族长身份前来两家交互,因此,只是简单的礼仪交互后,就被请进了前堂正厅。 In the fore room main hall, Gongsun Clan present age Patriarch Gongsun Mo sits well the seat of honor with its main wife Gongsun née Chen, they wear the formal dress, demonstrated to Gongsun Hui and Wang Shouzhe and the others attaching great importance. 前堂正厅之中,公孙氏当代族长公孙墨与其正妻公孙陈氏端坐主位,他们都穿着正装,显示出了对公孙蕙王守哲等人的重视。 Non- filial daughter pays a visit the father, mother.” Gongsun Hui goes forward to pay a visit, the teardrops tumble the cheeks. “不孝女拜见爹爹,母亲。”公孙蕙上前拜见,泪珠滚落脸颊。 Hui'er.” Gongsun née Chen went forward to help up the daughter, sized up excitedly up and down, „your child, three can years has not returned to the maternal home, be well in Wang Family?” 蕙儿。”公孙陈氏上前扶起了女儿,激动地上下打量,“你这孩子,都三年没回娘家了,在王家可安好?” Mother, Wang Family waits the daughter to be excellent, but, but Dingyue he......” mentioned this matter, Gongsun Hui was sheds tears, was quite sad. “母亲,王家待女儿极好,只是,只是定岳他……”一说起此事,公孙蕙又是垂泪不已,颇为伤心。 Oh ~ Dingyue that brat, really should not, not go adventure carelessly, can't defend you to live well?” On the face of Chen Clan is annoying and sad, „was really painstakingly our family/home child.” “唉~定岳那臭小子,真不该,不该去胡乱冒险啊,就不能好好守着你过日子吗?”陈氏的老脸上又懊恼又伤心,“真是苦了我们家孩子。” Ok, your old woman did not understand leaves is carelessly dirty.” The serious Gongsun Mo sinking sound said, our generation profound warrior, should bravely toward striving, Dingyue as Patriarch, cannot have the incorrect reason inevitably, he is downs on one's luck.” “好了,你这老太不懂就别胡乱埋汰了。”一脸严肃的公孙墨沉声道,“我辈玄武者,本应勇往精进,定岳身为族长,必然有不去不行的理由,他不过是时运不济而已。” „Don't I understand? Also is not blames your bad old man.” Gongsun née Chen complained slightly excitedly, said what Wang Dingyue that boy talent talent was outstanding, in the future must become Spirit Platform, accepted unexpectedly the treasure daughter remarried to him! You......” “我不懂?还不都是怪你这个糟老头子。”公孙陈氏微微激动地埋怨道,“说什么王定岳那小子天赋才情都出众,未来必成灵台,竟应承宝贝女儿给他续弦!你……” At this point, she as if remembered Wang Shouzhe also at the scene, immediately is quiet, showed a kind gentle smile to Wang Shouzhe: Shouzhe, the maternal grandmother was sad Dingyue to pass away, was somewhat excited. Ah, your child, three years has not seen unexpectedly looks so to be elegant martial-looking, gives the maternal grandmother to take a look quickly.” 说到此处,她似乎才想起了王守哲还在现场,当即住了嘴,对王守哲露出了一个和蔼慈祥的笑容:“守哲啊,外祖母只是伤心定岳过世,情绪有些激动。啊呀,你这孩子,三年没见竟然长得如此英武俊气,快来给外祖母瞧瞧。” Under the Wang Shouzhe heart smiles, now he understands that the son along with mother proverb, the problem that uncle Gongsun Qiang had a big mouth mostly with Ms. Chen Clan. 王守哲心下不禁莞尔,现在他明白儿子随母这句老话了,大舅公孙锵口无遮拦的毛病多半是随陈氏老太太了。 He will not haggle over with an old woman, immediately walks up cups the hands saying: Shouzhe has seen the maternal grandmother.” 他也不会和一个老太计较,当即走上前去拱手道:“守哲见过外祖母。” Good good, this child looks may be really handsome.” Gongsun née Chen is drawing Wang Shouzhe, more looked that more likes, the concern said, Shouzhe, you can have the engagement? Our Shanyang Gongsun Clan unmarried girls are all good-looking, want......” “不错不错,这孩子长得可真俊。”公孙陈氏拉着王守哲,越看越是欢喜,不由关切道,“守哲啊,你可有定亲?咱们山阳公孙氏的闺女个个俊俏,要不要……” Gongsun Hui face one black, quickly goes forward to prevent: Mother, Shouzhe is my son of first wife, cannot be related through marriage with the Gongsun Clan daughter of first wife.” 公孙蕙脸一黑,急忙上前阻止:“母亲,守哲是我嫡子,是不能和公孙氏嫡女通婚的。” profound warrior aristocratic family is related through marriage mutually, generally needs to trace the fourth generation is not the same person, the peculiar circumstance can make an exception occasionally. 玄武世家互相通婚,一般需要追溯到第四代不是同一个人,特殊情况偶尔可以破例。 Gongsun Hui is the Wang Shouzhe father's wife, although does not have the blood relationship, but according to the tradition and custom must be, particularly in the situation that the present age is related through marriage. 公孙蕙王守哲嫡母,虽没有血缘关系,但是按照传统和规矩也要算进去,尤其是在当代通婚的情况下。 Daughter of first wife is not good, in that parallel veins has several Miss......” “嫡女不行,那直脉里有几个姑娘……” The Gongsun née Chen words have not said, Gongsun Mo could not bear roar: Old lady you were muddled, Shouzhe is the Wang Clan son of first wife, is solemn head of a clan, how can marry the parallel veins female!” 公孙陈氏的话还没说完,公孙墨又忍不住咆哮了:“老太婆你糊涂了,守哲王氏嫡子,又是堂堂一族之长,怎么可以娶直脉女子!” old thing you are muddled, since Gongsun Clan could not find appropriately, that married Chen Clan Miss to be good.” Gongsun née Chen said that our Donggang Chen Clan Miss, is outwardly refined and inwardly intelligent that becomes famous.” 老东西你才糊涂呢,既然公孙氏找不到合适的,那就娶陈氏姑娘好了。”公孙陈氏说道,“我们东港陈氏姑娘,也是出了名的秀外慧中。” Mother, Donggang Chen Clan has not suited Shouzhe Miss.” Gongsun Hui said reluctantly, Luoyi had betrothed actually long ago to Chen Clan Young Patriarch, originally this year must marry, but Dingyue just passed away, needs to observe one's mourning rear area for a year to be able the wedding.” “母亲,东港陈氏也没有适合守哲姑娘。”公孙蕙无奈地解释说,“倒是珞伊早些年已经许配给了陈氏少族长,本来今年就要嫁了,不过定岳刚刚过世,需要守孝一年后方才能大婚。” Yo, is my great-grand nephew Chen Fangjie?” Gongsun née Chen beamed with joy immediately, Fangjie that child I have seen, the individuality is safe, has the talent, the Wang Clan vision is good. Was a pity Shouzhe...... I ponder over......” her is very actually big in the Chen Clan rank again. “哟,可是我那曾侄孙儿陈方杰?”公孙陈氏顿时眉开眼笑了起来,“方杰那孩子我见过,个性稳当,颇有才华,王氏眼光还是好的。就是可惜了守哲……我再琢磨琢磨……”她在陈氏的辈分倒是挺大。 Mother, you do not ponder over randomly.” Gongsun Hui rushes to prevent her trying to bring two ill-matched sides together, „the Shouzhe marriage has decided that is the Shanyin Liu Clan daughter of first wife.” “母亲,你就别乱琢磨了。”公孙蕙赶忙阻止她的乱点鸳鸯谱,“守哲亲事已定,正是山阴柳氏的嫡女。” Shanyin Liu Clan? 山阴柳氏 The Chen Clan complexion all of a sudden changed. 陈氏的脸色一下子变了。 ...... ……
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