POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#23: Gongsun Clan „Young Patriarch”

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...... …… Spirit Opening Pill can improve the aptitude, it is said is some Pill Dao Great Grandmaster researches and develops specially uses to improve the human cultivation aptitude medicinal pill. 启灵丹能改善资质,据说是某位丹道大宗师专门研发用以改善人类修炼资质的丹药 That Pill Dao Great Grandmaster consumed the lifetime painstaking care to research and develop Spirit Opening Pill, But is quite finally disappointed, because Spirit Opening Pill only aims at profound warrior / black tortoise aptitude low grade to have the slight promotion. 那位丹道大宗师耗费了毕生心血研发出的【启灵丹】,但是结果还是比较失望,因为启灵丹仅针对玄武资质下品者有些微提升。 Moreover also can only slightly improve the profound warrior / black tortoise aptitude, is not very obvious. 而且也只能些微改善一下玄武资质,并非十分明显。 Even so, Spirit Opening Pill to Ping'an Wang Clan this ninth grade inferior aristocratic family, is very high stage divine level medicinal pill. 但即便如此,启灵丹平安王氏这种九品末流世家来说,已经是非常高阶的“神级丹药”了。 Especially in view of Wang Shouzhe this profound warrior / black tortoise aptitude low grade first grade level, that is the usability is extremely stronger. Said that he is the youngster talent, only missed compared with past Old Ancestor Longyan partly plans, carrying/sustaining clan future hope. 尤其是针对王守哲这种玄武资质下品甲等层次来说,那就更是实用性极强。都说他是少年天才,比起当年的珑烟老祖也仅差半筹,承载着家族未来的希望。 However Wang Shouzhe oneself is very clear, his aptitude places in the Changning Garrison range, is good, future shock Spirit Platform Boundary will be quite hopeful. But if takes a broad view at entire Longzuo Commandery, is not worth mentioning, the comprehensive condition just met the Purple Mansion Academy recruitment of students need simply, do others receive must look at the follow-up test. 但是王守哲自己十分清楚,他的资质放在长宁卫范围内,已然算是不错,未来冲击灵台境颇有希望。可若是放眼整个陇左郡来看,根本不值一提,综合条件仅仅是刚好满足了紫府学宫的招生需求,人家收不收还得看后续的测试。 Is good because of Wang Shouzhe even in low grade first grade, is still best existence, only misses one from the intermediate grade aptitude. If there is an opportunity to take Spirit Opening Pill The words, can make further progress go a step further probably, advance into the intermediate grade aptitude ranks, that is completely different. 好在王守哲即使是在下品甲等中,也算是拔尖的存在,距离中品资质仅差一线而已。若是有机会服用【启灵丹】的话,保不齐就能百尺竿头更进一步,跻身于中品资质行列,那就完全不一样了。 Old Ancestor Longyan Wang Longyan, is the earnest intermediate grade aptitude. 珑烟老祖王珑烟,便是正儿八经的中品资质。 In the Changning Garrison hundreds of thousands of population, has the intermediate grade aptitude the probability to be very low. In the event of is including Purple Mansion Academy actively to strive, enters Academy then to meet key training. 长宁卫数十万人口中,出现中品资质的概率很低。一旦出现,便是连紫府学宫都会积极争取,一入学宫便会重点培养。 But Spirit Opening Pill belongs to third stage spirit pill . Moreover the output is scarce. When Old Ancestor Zhouxuan is alive, is still not necessarily able to guarantee that certainly can make Spirit Opening Pill. 只不过启灵丹属于三阶灵丹,而且产量非常稀少。即使宙轩老祖在世时,也未必能保证一定能弄来启灵丹 Sees in the Wang Shouzhe look Yin clear uncertain, nearby Wang Luojing said cleverly: Fourth Elder Brother, I will certainly try hard well, strive to give you to get so far as Spirit Opening Pill.” 眼看着王守哲眼神中的阴晴不定,一旁的王珞静乖巧地说道:“四哥哥,我一定会好好努力,争取给你弄到启灵丹。” Luojing, should not be used to your Fourth Elder Brother.” Gongsun Hui touches her head with a smile, this Amethyst Spirit Bee can make then the lane to live exactly, if makes are not little significance exactly. Some trivial Amethyst Spirit Bee insect cocoons will cultivate the colony to come, is not an easy matter, failed when will save the experience, do not give the oneself too tremendous pressure.” 珞静啊,你可不要太惯着你四哥哥。”公孙蕙笑着摸了摸她的头,“这紫晶灵蜂能弄活便弄活,若是弄不活也没多大关系。将区区一些紫晶灵蜂的虫蛹培植出蜂群来,可不是件容易的事情,失败了就当积攒经验,千万别给自己太大压力。” Aunt said right.” Wang Shouzhe is also quickly said, Luojing, this honey-comb itself/Ben is I buys to play to you, abandoned also indifferently, the experience of Spirit Insect Master saves is not matter in one single day.” 大娘说得对。”王守哲也是急忙说道,“珞静啊,这蜂巢本就是我买来给你玩玩的,废了也无所谓,灵虫师的经验积攒本就不是一朝一夕的事情。” Wang Luojing is only 12 years old, putting on Earth that is the elementary student of sixth grade, after Wang Shouzhe, does not want to give her the too tremendous pressure. 王珞静不过才十二岁,放到地球上那还是个六年级的小学生,王守哲后可不想给她太大压力。 Fifth Aunt, Fourth Elder Brother, I knew.” Wang Luojing complied with the sound cleverly, then holds that Amethyst Spirit Bee honey-comb, pondered over in one side slowly, her look is extremely dedicated and infatuated, seemed attained the most beloved toy. 五婶婶,四哥哥,我知道了。”王珞静乖巧地应了声,然后捧着那个紫晶灵蜂蜂巢,在一旁慢慢琢磨了起来,她的眼神极其专注而痴迷,就好似拿到了最心爱的玩具。 Wang Shouzhe then thinks, oneself this Fifth Younger Sister probably and average person is not quite same, is inborn infatuated to the insect. Her own Elder Brother Wang Shounuo has said that Luojing squatted at age liangsan in the courtyard looked that the ant can look for several days and several nights. 王守哲这才想起来,自己这个五妹妹好像和普通人不太一样,天生对虫子非常痴迷。就连她的亲哥哥王守诺都说过,珞静在两三岁时蹲在院子里看蚂蚁都能看几天几夜。 forget it, forget it, tosses about by her. 罢了罢了,就由得她去折腾吧。 Wang Shouzhe and Gongsun Hui, knows the limitation very much shuts up, does not disturb her as far as possible. 王守哲公孙蕙,也都很识相地闭上了嘴,尽可能不去打搅她。 The carriage follows the major road the line, is not bumpy, particularly after entering to Shanyang Town, is level road one piece. 马车一路顺着官道而行,并无颠簸,尤其是进入到山阳镇后,更是坦途一片。 Shanyang Gongsun Clan in this domain, operated already for over 200 years, is deep-rooted. Because they have some special industries, is high regarding the request of path, therefore spends money on path to be many every year. 山阳公孙氏在这一块地盘上,经营了已经超过两百年,早已经根深蒂固。因为他们拥有一些特殊产业,对于道路的要求较高,因此每年花在道路上的钱很多。 The carriage exercises in the smooth sturdy and healthy road surface, tucks up the carriage car(riage) curtain to see, the distant place has the mountain range that the back haunches up high to be clearly discernible. 马车行使在平坦的硬实路面上,撩开马车车帘可以看到,远处有背脊高高拱起的山脉清晰可见。 That is the Liuping Mountain mountains, bypasses from Ping'an Town, after piercing An River, last mountain mountains that high sticks out. 那是六平山的余脉,从平安镇外侧绕过,刺穿了安江后,高高隆起的最后一段大山余脉。 This mountains such as great Dragon Spine back grand Gong, instead is steeply precipitouser compared with the other topography of Liuping Mountain mountains, therefore is called Dragon Spine Mountain. 只是这段余脉如巨龙脊背般隆拱而起,比起六平山余脉的其它地势反而更加险峻陡峭,因此被称作为龙脊山 Northwest Dragon Spine Mountain, is called Shanyin, but its southeast side is called Shanyang. 龙脊山西北面,被称作山阴,而其东南面被称作山阳 Shanyang dominates by Gongsun Clan, but Shanyin is Liu Clan monopolizes the power in a place. 山阳是以公孙氏称雄,而山阴则是柳氏独霸一方。 Wang Shouzhe and the others, reason that through the Changning ferry spot, enters the Shanyang range from the major road in north of the Changjiang River. That is intends to avoid Shanying gorge that area waters especially, because that is the Ping'an Town another big aristocratic family Zhao Clan waters domain. 王守哲等人,之所以通过长宁渡口,从江北的官道进入山阳范围。那是特地有意避开山鹰涧那一带水域,因为那是平安镇另外一大世家赵氏的水域地盘。 After the Shanyang domain, does not have/leave more than half double-hour, then hears hoofbeat to resound, several knights welcomed following Grand Dao fast. 到了山阳地盘后不出半个多时辰,便听得一阵马蹄声响起,数名骑士顺着大道飞快迎了上来。 And a knight, is of a Wang An Wang Clan Family Guard. Wang An was dispatched to advance Envoy of Shanyang Gongsun Clan notification traveling schedule. 其中一名骑士,正是王氏家将之一王安。王安是被派遣先行去山阳公孙氏通报行程的使者 The Wang Shouzhe carriage front, Wang Wu and Wang Yong two Family Guard progresses to forward, separated certain distance the opposite party knight and carriage. 王守哲马车前方,王武王勇两位家将策马向前,将对方骑士与马车隔开了一定距离。 This is Family Guard the responsibility of guard, even if in opposite party one group of knights has the oneself person. 这是家将的护卫之责,哪怕对方一行骑士中有自己人。 Wang Yong, fast reported that reported Family Head.” Wang An and other knights stopped, turns over/stands up dismount respectively, he said loudly, Gongsun Clan Young Patriarch kisses/intimate to greet Family Head and Eldest Lady Gongsun.” 王勇,速速禀报家主。”王安等骑士停了下来,各自翻身下马,他大声说道,“公孙氏少族长亲来迎接家主公孙大娘子。” The sound is very loud, in the Wang Shouzhe carriage also heard. 声音很大,王守哲的马车内也听到了。 Is Elder Brother.” Very has been solemn virtuous everyone's style Gongsun Hui, revealed the color of little girl liking unexpectedly. However she thinks on the carriage also has Wang Shouzhe and Wang Luojing this two junior, then rushed to exhibit the elder style, sincere said that Zhe'er, Luojing. According to the formality, we get out and uncle meet.” “是哥哥。”一直都挺端庄贤淑大家风范的公孙蕙,蓦地露出了小女孩般的欢喜之色。不过她一想到马车上还有王守哲王珞静两个小辈,便又赶忙摆出了长辈风范,正色说道,“哲儿,珞静。按照礼节,咱们下车去和大舅见面吧。” Wang Shouzhe sees the Aunt so little children's stance extremely rarely, in the heart smiles, he then realized Aunt, although ordinary serious solemn, when she as remarrying to marry Wang Dingyue is only 19 years old, at age 22 under the birth Younger Sister Luomiao until now was about eight years, therefore her actually age was only 30 years old. 王守哲还是极其难得见到大娘如此小儿女的姿态,不由心中莞尔,他这才意识到大娘虽然平常严肃端庄,但是她作为续弦嫁给王定岳时不过才十九岁,22岁时诞下珞淼妹妹迄今不过八年,因此她实际岁数才三十岁。 If puts on Earth going north broad and other big cities, the woman who 30 years old has not married were many, moreover usually says the girl. 如果放到地球上北上广等大城市,三十岁没结婚的女人多了去,而且通常都是自称女孩。 The idle talk does not raise. 闲话不提。 two people gets out with Gongsun Hui, but at this time Gongsun Clan Young Patriarch also led two Family Guard to welcome. 两人随着公孙蕙下车,而此时公孙氏少族长也率领两名家将迎了上来。 Gongsun Qiang, Gongsun Clan current first wife's eldest son. His surface does not need, the appearance is quite martial-looking white/in vain, under sturdy clothes obviously handsome tall and straight, but, Wang Shouzhe actually knows that this Young Patriarch uncle is 38 years old, cultivation base reached the Qi Refining Boundary eight layers peak. 公孙锵,公孙氏当前嫡长子。他面白无须,长相颇为英武,一身劲装下更显俊朗挺拔,不过,王守哲却知道这位少族长“大叔”已经是三十八岁了,修为更是达到了炼气境八层巅峰。 little sister.” The Gongsun Qiang half step goes forward, said with a laugh, „your returns to maternal home with great difficulty, does not inform the big brother ahead of time, the big brother quite goes to the Shanyang external connection you.” “小妹。”公孙锵快步上前,笑呵呵道,“你这好不容易回娘家一趟,也不提前通知大哥,大哥好去山阳外接你的。” Gongsun Hui is in several blood brother sisters smallest one, therefore most is in favor in home, Gongsun Qiang also loves Gongsun Hui this Little Sister. 公孙蕙是几个亲兄弟姊妹中最小的一个,因此在家中最受宠爱,公孙锵也是非常疼爱公孙蕙这个小妹。 Elder Brother.” Gongsun Hui collects a ritual, the deportment solemn say/way, Little Sister comes back to visit the father and Elder Brother should duty completely, how could exhausted does Elder Brother kiss to greet? Zhe'er, has not seen the uncle quickly.” 哥哥。”公孙蕙敛敛一礼,仪态端庄道,“小妹回来探望父亲和哥哥是应尽的本份,岂能劳烦哥哥亲来迎接?哲儿,还不快见过大舅。” She dark under caused under the meaningful glance toward Wang Shouzhe. 她暗下朝王守哲使了下眼色。 The Wang Shouzhe associative compound, cups the hands salutes to say immediately: Shouzhe has seen the uncle.” 王守哲会意,当即拱手行礼道:“守哲见过大舅。” Gongsun Qiang is staring, took a look at the Wang Shouzhe good after long time, suppresses one: Shouzhe grew up much, seriously is the martial-looking talent, exceeds your father a great deal.” 公孙锵瞪着眼睛,瞅了王守哲好半晌后,才憋出了一句:“守哲长大了不少,当真是英武之才,胜过你父良多。” Although he is the Gongsun Hui big brother, but is not good to the Wang Shouzhe father impression, even is quite somewhat hostile. 他虽然是公孙蕙的大哥,但是对王守哲父亲印象并不好,甚至颇有些敌视。 The cause naturally is the Little Sister who he loves, gives one to do to remarry compared with his age also big old man unexpectedly, making him very uncomfortable. 起因当然是他疼爱的小妹,竟然去给一个比他年龄还大的老男人做续弦,让他非常不爽。 Later, because has had several enmities with Wang Dingyue because of the character disagreement/not with, simply on never Wang Clan gate. 之后,又因与王定岳因性格不和有过几次嫌隙,索性就从不上王氏的门。 this time Wang Dingyue died, he has not visited as the brothers-in-law, but sent clan Elder and several direct line clansmen helps. 这一次王定岳死了,他身为妻兄都没有上门,而是派遣了家族长老和几位直系族人去帮忙。 Hears this words black, the face of Wang Shouzhe one. Although he is transmigrator, however the memory of predecessor has fused together with him, he similarly is also Wang Shouzhe. 听得此话,王守哲的脸一黑。虽然他是穿越者,但是前身的记忆已和他融为一体,他同样也是王守哲 This Gongsun Qiang said a word improper, how could to make him unresponsive? 这个公孙锵如此言语不当,岂能让他毫无反应? Elder Brother, your doing talked nonsense.” Gongsun Hui complexion one angry, gets angry the sound said, apology! Otherwise, I return to Wang Clan immediately.” 哥哥,你休要胡言乱语。”公孙蕙脸色一恼,怒声道,“道歉!否则,我立即就回王氏。” „! Good, was Elder Brother is wrong.” “呃!好吧,是哥哥错了。” The Gongsun Qiang hurried hollow laugh apologized, later said toward Wang Shouzhe cupped the hands, uncle also apologized with you, hopes that should not be offended. I and your father are in the character incompatible, but if wants to come carefully, your father talent and achievement far exceed me.” 公孙锵急忙干笑道歉,随后朝王守哲拱了拱手说,“大舅也和你道歉,希望你别见怪。我与你父不过是性格上合不来,可若是细细想来,你父无论是天赋与成就都远超过我。” His saying did not have the problem, Wang Dingyue to reach the Qi Refining Boundary nine layers peak at age 40, had peeped the qualifications of Spirit Platform Boundary. 他这话没毛病,王定岳40岁时已经达到了炼气境九层巅峰,有了一窥灵台境的资格。 But if Gongsun Qiang wants to be that level, but also some boil slowly. 公孙锵要想达到那种层次,还有的慢慢熬呢。 Even if Gongsun Qiang 38 years old, but Young Patriarch is only Young Patriarch, the happy anger flows in the surface. 哪怕公孙锵已经三十八岁了,但是少族长到底只是少族长,喜怒均流于表面。 However this character is actually frank, is not a person who is difficult to deal with. This is appraisal in secret Wang Shouzhe to Gongsun Qiang....... 不过这性格倒是直爽,不是个难应付的人。这是王守哲公孙锵的暗中评价。……
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