POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#22: Amethyst Spirit Bee honey-comb

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...... …… However this thought also flashes to pass, because Wang Shouzhe only knows that the earliest monosodium glutamate extracts from the kelp, but the monosodium glutamate content in kelp is very low, is hard to conduct the industrialization operation. 不过这个念头也只是一闪而逝,因为王守哲只知道最早的谷氨酸钠是从海带中提取的,但是海带中的谷氨酸钠含量很低,难以进行工业化运作。 The modern craft from soybean and other crops, after the microorganism has fermented extracts the monosodium glutamate. 现代工艺都是从大豆等作物,同过微生物发酵后萃取谷氨酸钠。 However refinement craft and principle of Wang Shouzhe to the monosodium glutamate almost knows nothing, making his oneself research and development not know that lord knows when can succeed. Therefore this getting rich thought must put down for the time being, first optimizes the clan industry to begin from the improvement is quite safer. 然而王守哲对谷氨酸钠的提炼工艺和原理几乎一窍不通,让他自己研发不知猴年马月才能成功。因此这个发财的念头也只得暂且放下,先从改进优化家族产业着手比较稳妥一些。 Second Elder Brother, the principle you understood, hopes that you grasp the time experiment and improve, do not disappoint the Sixth Uncle fishing brigade to catch the live fish laboriously. Naturally, must guarantee that our Wang Clan secret, believes how this point is you to be clearer than me.” 二哥,原理你都懂了,希望你抓紧时间实验和改进,千万别辜负六叔的捕鱼大队辛苦抓活鱼。当然,也要保证咱们王氏的机密,相信这一点如何做你比我更清楚。” After Wang Shouzhe exhorted several, leads Family Guard to say goodbye. 王守哲嘱咐了几句后,就率领家将告辞。 But Wang Shouyi after obtaining inheritance , the heart has been hard to take itchy. Delivers continually is disinclined to deliver Wang Shouzhe, attempted impatiently. Once succeeds, fish stall clan traditional industry can display the advantage. 王守义在得到了“传承”后,也早就心痒难耐。连送都懒得送王守哲,就迫不及待去尝试了。一旦成功,鱼档这个家族传统产业就能发挥出优势了。 Changning Garrison East city entrance. 长宁卫东城门口。 After going out of town, is the straight broad major road. 出了城后,便是笔直的宽阔官道。 Wang Shouzhe carries two Family Guard, progresses to gallop directly, after stopping from time to time, does not have/leave half double-hour, arrived in the An River Changning ferry spot. 王守哲携带两名家将,直接策马奔腾,走走停停后不出半个时辰,就抵达了安江长宁渡口。 The Changning ferry spot is government crossing, actually controls in the Changning Garrison government authorities hand, the tentacles of Ping'an Town three aristocratic family extend to here also stop suddenly, are the explicit boundary. 长宁渡口是官渡,实际控制在长宁卫官府手中,平安镇三个世家的触手伸到此处也是戛然而止,属于明确的分界线。 Wang Clan Family Guard has waited for here, saw Wang Shouzhe and the others then welcomed: Wang Wu see Family Head.” 一名王氏家将早就守候在此,一见到王守哲等人便迎了上来:“王武参见家主。” Dispense with ceremony, Aunt and did Fifth Younger Sister come?” When Wang Shouzhe leaves clan at the same night, then left behind the letter paper to Gongsun Hui, making her act according to the plan action in letter paper. “免礼,大娘五妹来了吗?”王守哲连夜离开家族之际,便留下了信笺给公孙蕙,让她根据信笺内的计划行动。 reporting Family Head.” The Wang Wu respectful say/way, Eldest Lady Hui and Fifth Young Lady carriage has waited in front.” 启禀家主。”王武恭敬道,“蕙大娘子五小姐的马车已在前面等候。” Under the direction of Wang Wu, Wang Shouzhe quick converged with Gongsun Hui and the others. After on carriage, Gongsun Hui first gave Wang Shouzhe to pour out one cup of tea, in the foreheads some worried looks: Zhe'er, in your letter paper said the matter, whether really so serious?” 王武的指引下,王守哲很快与公孙蕙等人汇合。上了马车后,公孙蕙先给王守哲斟了一杯茶,眉宇间有些忧色:“哲儿,你信笺中所说之事,是否真有如此严重?” Perhaps is more serious than the imagination.” Wang Shouzhe drinks tea to calm down, knits the brows saying that „the industry of Qian Clan Trading Company proliferates Longzuo, but they actually still not perceived to this matter. Obviously at least in the Longzuo Commandery range, did not have the large-scale influence disaster to sound the early warning.” “恐怕比想象中还要严重。”王守哲喝了口茶定定神,皱眉说道,“钱氏商行的产业遍布陇左,可他们却对此事尚无觉察。可见至少在陇左郡范围内,还没有大型势力对此灾发出预警。” How can so?” Gongsun Hui loses the sound said pale, entire Longzuo Commandery so many rich and powerful family don't aristocratic family, have unexpectedly detected? Then, how could it not be do many civilians want to meet with a disaster?” “怎会如此?”公孙蕙脸色发白地失声道,“整个陇左郡那么多豪门世家,竟无一察觉?如此一来,岂非有很多平民要遭殃?” Aunt considered thoroughly, on this day must collapse, will have the tall person to withstand/top. Our small Wang Clan can do drifts with the current, how to live and expands is the proper way.” The Wang Shouzhe indifferent say/way, Aunt said is quite reasonable, big Longzuo Commandery, possibly is not our first perceives the insect plague. Perhaps most people will neglect, but would some clan perceiving the fishy, made the preparation in secret ahead of time. Also or some people had issued the warning, but the news has not passed to our Changning to come.” 大娘多虑了,这天要塌下来,怎么也会有高个子去顶的。咱们小小王氏能做的就是随波逐流,如何活下来并壮大才是正途。”王守哲淡然道,“不过大娘说得颇有道理,偌大的陇左郡,不可能是我们第一个觉察虫灾的。也许大部分人会疏忽,但总会有一些家族觉察出蹊跷,暗中提前做了准备。亦或者已经有人发出了警告,但是消息还未传到咱们长宁来。” The human nature is common. 人性都是共通的。 After Wang Shouzhe discovered this matter, immediately strictly keeps secret to prepare to seize the chance to scoop up one, other lucky or depending on the skill discovered that this matter's clan also so thinks mostly. 王守哲发现了此事后,立即严格保密而准备趁机捞上一笔,其余侥幸或凭本事发现此事的家族多半也是如此想的。 Let alone, Wang Shouzhe discovered that this matter is very late, complies with situation merely with enough time. Even if publicizes also to erupt the chaotic situation this matter ahead of schedule, is of no help in the general situation radically. 更何况,王守哲发现此事已经很晚了,仅仅来得及顺应局势一把。哪怕把此事宣扬出去也只是将乱局提早爆发而已,于大局根本无补。 Zhe'er you said right, our humble family can attend to oneself being good now.” Gongsun Hui is also feels relaxed saying that „the Great Qian government authorities and Purple Mansion Academy, these rich and powerful family large clans, must meet the making a move disaster relief at crucial moments. Zhe'er, you can think to rescue Gongsun Family in this moment, Aunt first thank you for Shanyang Gongsun Clan.” 哲儿你说得对,咱们小门小户如今能顾好自己就不错了。”公孙蕙也是释然道,“大乾官府与紫府学宫,还有那些豪门大族,在关键时刻必会出手救灾。哲儿,你能在此关头能想到救助公孙家,大娘先替山阳公孙氏感谢你。” Aunt this is what words, Gongsun Clan is related through marriage with our Wang Clan generation, bloodline has altogether melted, by rights ought to mutual attention.” Wang Shouzhe said with a smile, just right, I did not have to visit the maternal grandfather for a long time, paid respects to him.” 大娘这是什么话,公孙氏与咱们王氏世代通婚,早已血脉共融,理当守望相助。”王守哲笑道,“正好,我也好久没去拜访外祖父,向他老人家请安了。” According to Wang Shouzhe knows, being related through marriage of Gongsun Clan and Wang Clan also is really very deep. With Gongsun Clan present age Patriarch Gongsun Mo, his biological grandmother then from Wang Clan fourth generation daughter of first wife Wang Lingdie, Aunt Gongsun Hui must call her a great grandmother. 王守哲所知,公孙氏王氏的通婚还真是很深。就拿公孙氏当代族长公孙墨来说,他的亲祖母便是来自王氏第四代嫡女王玲蝶,大娘公孙蕙还得叫她一声曾祖母呢。 But Wang Clan direct descendant when the fourth generation, similarly married the Gongsun Clan daughter of first wife, that is the Wang Shouzhe great grandmother. 王氏嫡系在第四代时,同样娶了公孙氏的嫡女,那是王守哲的曾祖母。 Thus it can be seen, Gongsun Clan and relational how near on Wang Clan orthodox lineage. 由此可见,公孙氏王氏嫡脉上的关系如何之近。 One speaking of maternal grandfather three characters, after Gongsun Hui slightly one, somewhat was immediately joyful, sighs with emotion was saying: Zhe'er you really grew up, was sensible.” 一说到外祖父三个字,公孙蕙微微一愣后顿时有些欣喜,感慨着说:“哲儿你真的长大了,懂事了。” Although Gongsun Hui is not the Wang Shouzhe birth mother, is actually his father's wife, her father Gongsun Mo naturally is the Wang Shouzhe maternal grandfather. But the Wang Shouzhe predecessor is quite since childhood eccentric, from infancy to maturity several times visit Gongsun Mo are quite indifferent, each other is not really intimate. 公孙蕙虽不是王守哲生母,却是他的嫡母,她的父亲公孙墨自然就是王守哲的外祖父。只不过王守哲的前身从小就比较孤僻,从小到大几次去拜访公孙墨都是较为冷漠,彼此不甚亲近。 But to Gongsun Hui, after remarrying marries Wang Dingyue, only the birth next daughter of first wife not to give birth to the son of first wife, therefore the complete mind also placed on son of first wife Wang Shouzhe. 而对公孙蕙来说,续弦嫁给王定岳后只诞下一位嫡女并无生下嫡子,因此全副心神也都放在了嫡子王守哲身上。 In the Great Qian Country regulation, the rule that as well as all profound warrior aristocratic family jointly obey is so. Between father's wife and son of first wife, no matter one's own, that is the proper mother and child relations. 大乾国律法,以及所有玄武世家共同遵守的规则便是如此。嫡母与嫡子之间甭管是不是亲生的,那都是正经的母子关系。 When Gongsun Hui chatted, Fifth Younger Sister Wang Luojing has sat cleverly, even if listened to be very bored, blinked the eye not to dare the many words. 就在公孙蕙聊天的时候,五妹王珞静一直乖巧地坐着,哪怕听着很无聊,也只是眨巴着眼睛不敢多话。 Luojing, Fourth Elder Brother gave you to bring a gift, did you have a look to like?” Wang Shouzhe puts out a package to hand over to go forward. 珞静,四哥哥给你带了件礼物,你看看喜不喜欢?”王守哲拿出一个包裹递上前去。 Wang Luojing opens looked, actually sees is a honey-comb, she covered the mouth immediately pleasantly surprised, wū wū said: This, this honey-comb whole like the ball, the mouth assumes the hexagon quite the same as, the luster slightly reveals crystal jade transformation, is it possible that is the Amethyst Spirit Bee honey-comb in legend? Thanks Fourth Elder Brother, good.” 王珞静打开一看,却见是一个蜂巢,她顿时惊喜地捂住了嘴,呜呜说:“这,这蜂巢整体浑然如球,口呈六角,色泽略显晶玉化,莫非是传说中的紫晶灵蜂蜂巢?谢谢四哥哥,太好了。” Wait, what ghost is Amethyst Spirit Bee? 等等,紫晶灵蜂是什么鬼? The Wang Shouzhe complexion is slightly stunned: Luojing your scholarship not fine, this clearly is the Tiger Headed Spirit Bee honey-comb.” 王守哲脸色微微错愕:“珞静你学艺不精啊,这分明是虎头灵蜂蜂巢。” Wang Luojing gawked slightly, bites the jade to refer to saying: I knew, Fourth Elder Brother you tested the school I. On Insect Classic records, looks comparison of Tiger Headed Spirit Bee and Amethyst Spirit Bee when the first stage body look like, the small difference is the Amethyst Spirit Bee build is then slenderer. However their honey-comb differences are big, the Tiger Headed Spirit Bee honey-comb is quite usually flat, the nest mouth is slightly rough. But the Amethyst Spirit Bee honey-comb is usual, nest Ticheng crystal jade transformation. This is this nest Amethyst Spirit Bee also in the first stage body level, but slightly has crystal jade transformation. If they promote to the second stage body, the honeycomb will continue compared with on this big ten times, will gradually appear the purple crystal jade shape all over the body.” 王珞静微微一愣,咬着玉指说:“我知道了,四哥哥你又来考校我了。虫经上记载,虎头灵蜂紫晶灵蜂一阶体时长得比较像,微小的差别便是紫晶灵蜂体型更加修长一些。但是它们的蜂巢差别较大,虎头灵蜂蜂巢通常较为扁平,巢口略显粗糙。而紫晶灵蜂蜂巢通常浑圆,巢体呈晶玉化。这是这一窝紫晶灵蜂还在一阶体层次,只是略有晶玉化。如果它们晋升到二阶体,蜂窝会比这个大上十倍不止,通体会逐渐呈紫晶玉状。” During the speeches, Wang Luojing located several bee cocoons cautiously, namely on the small cheek full is the color of loving dearly: Picks the person in honey-comb is really the fool, many cocoon larvae died, wū wū ~ this is really Amethyst Spirit Bee, but also living bee cocoon dozens, were good to be a pity!” 说话间,王珞静又小心翼翼地倒处了几只蜂蛹,顿即小脸蛋上满是心疼之色:“采摘蜂巢的人真是蠢蛋,好多蛹化幼虫都死了,呜呜~这真的是紫晶灵蜂,还活着的蜂蛹不过几十只了,好可惜!” Also is really Amethyst Spirit Bee?” The Wang Shouzhe complexion also became somewhat strange, „was my takes advantage of a mistake?” His predecessor is Young Patriarch, naturally must study the much knowledge, the Tiger Headed Spirit Bee overall in spirit bee is quite common, he also calculates to be familiar. “还真是紫晶灵蜂?”王守哲的脸色也变得有些古怪了起来,“我这算不算是捡漏了?”他前身为少族长,自然要学很多知识,灵蜂中的虎头灵蜂总体比较常见,他还算耳熟能详。 However Amethyst Spirit Bee is the understanding are not many, only knows that this is one type can grow to the second stage spirit bee rare and precious variety. 但是紫晶灵蜂却是了解不多,只知道这是一种能成长到二阶灵蜂的珍稀品种。 Nearby Gongsun Hui hears is also looks askance, covered mouth saying: Zhe'er, this is really not you, when the Tiger Headed Spirit Bee honey-comb buys? How many Qian gold spent?” 一旁的公孙蕙听得也是侧目不已,捂嘴说:“哲儿,这不会真的是你当虎头灵蜂蜂巢买回来的吧?花了多少乾金?” I stroll the rural fair casually, discovered this honey-comb, thinks Fifth Younger Sister has the Spirit Insect Master potential, buys to play...... Wang Shouzhe to lose to her says with a smile, talked a going price on ten Qian gold, was that wandering cultivator and I drilled evidently, hehe ~ “我就是随便逛逛集市,发现了这个蜂巢,一想到五妹妹灵虫师潜质,就买来给她玩玩……”王守哲失笑道,“侃了一通价就十个乾金,看样子是那散修和我都打眼了,呵呵~ Far more than drills, your was blind.” Gongsun Hui also teased with a smile, Amethyst Spirit Bee in second stage spirit bee, once were after truly mature, Amethyst Spirit Honey that delivered, but had solidly this cultivates the effect of Yuan beauty aid, was the main raw material in many second stage spirit pill. If can produce Amethyst Bee King honey, That is the standard third stage spirit material, is famous third stage spirit pill Spirit Opening Pill One of main spirit materials.” “何止是打眼,你们那是瞎眼了。”公孙蕙也是笑着调侃说,“二阶灵蜂中的紫晶灵蜂,一旦真正成熟后产出的紫晶灵蜜,可是拥有固本培元养颜美容的功效,是多种二阶灵丹中的主要原材料。若是能生产出【紫晶蜂王蜜】,那就是标准的三阶灵材,乃著名三阶灵丹启灵丹】的主要灵材之一。” Hiss ~ Wang Shouzhe held breath a cold air/Qi, Spirit Opening Pill, isn't that in the legend can improve the profound warrior / black tortoise aptitude spirit pill?” “嘶~王守哲倒吸了一口冷气,“启灵丹,那不是传说中可以改善玄武资质的灵丹吗?” ...... ……
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