POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#21: Opens the new world door to Second Elder Brother

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...... …… Such small interlude, Wang Shouzhe has not cared, but changed to the topic the subject: Right, Second Elder Brother, in your fish stall was the value of live fish highest?” 此等小插曲,王守哲并没有太放在心上,而是将话题转到了正题上:“对了,二哥,你的鱼档中活鱼的价值最高吧?” Yes, besides spirit fish, is some superior live fish values is then highest. The perch class and gan kind, the mandarin fish class and bo kind, the shad class and coilia class these to be famous freshly and tenderly, quite and others was liked by the aristocratic family rich merchant, the only request is fresh/live.” Wang Shouyi knits the brows saying that on Sixth Uncle fishing fleet has the live water chamber, from the live water chamber comes ashore, needs to deliver with the special-purpose carriage to Changing Garrison Seat at the same night, but we also need to deliver to the buyer hand in the shortest time. Even if using extremely short, will have many mistakes, in ten tenths will have 60%-70% dead, after dying, falls half only to treat as the fresh fish on the value to sell.” “是的,除了灵鱼之外,便是一些上等的活鱼价值最高。鲈类、鳡类、鳜类、鲌类、鲥类、鲚类这些都是以鲜嫩著称,颇受世家富商等喜欢,唯一要求就是鲜活。”王守义皱眉说道,“六叔捕渔船队上有活水舱,从活水舱上岸后,需要用专用马车连夜送至长宁卫城,而我们也需要在最短的时间内送到买家手中。哪怕用时极短,也会出现很多差错,十成中会有60%-70%死掉,死掉后就价值跌去一半只能当作鲜鱼卖。” After Wang Shouzhe slightly makes the consideration, said: „, The cost of transportation process, and lethality of live fish is the two key. Solves this two problem, even if the fishing attains the output not to increase, one year can still earn additionally much.” 王守哲略作思量后说:“如此说来,运输过程的成本,以及活鱼的致死率是两个关键。解决这两个问题,即便渔获产量不增加,一年也能额外赚取不少。” He rushes about the inspection in various clan industries, that is to have a look at each link of clan industrial production, if can make some optimizations with the thought of his modern earthman, then can enhance output of family property. 他之所以在家族各产业中奔波视察,那是想看看家族产业生产的每一个环节,如果能用他现代地球人的思维作出一些优化,便能提高族产的产出。 Fourth Brother, if can have the means solution live fish death, the conservative estimate are additionally many 70-80 Qian gold to have confidence every year.” On the Wang Shouyi face stops loves dearly freely, „that died may be the net profit.” 四弟若能有办法解决活鱼死亡,保守估计每年额外多出70-80乾金有把握的。”王守义脸上止不住地心疼,“死掉的那可都是纯利。” Now does not say, I must have a look at Second Elder Brother your original plan.” “现在不好说,我得看看二哥你原有的方案。” Fourth Brother comes along with me.” Wang Shouyi is leading Wang Shouzhe to the separate compound backyard, there stops two to harness the carriage. What is different from the ordinary carriage, they not while the cage of person, but is placing a great-circle wooden barrel respectively, he said, „a carriage installs the running water and fish, another carriage only installs the running water. Every other double-hour, needs putting the water in fish wooden barrel replaces part. But even so, after the live fish are slightly many, as before will cause the death, I have been considering whether increases harnesses the carriage to install the running water, but then the cost of consumption will increase much.” 四弟随我来。”王守义领着王守哲到了别院的后院中,那里停着两驾马车。和普通马车不同的是,它们没有乘人的轿厢,而是各自安置着一个大圆木桶,他说道,“其中一辆马车装活水和鱼,另外一辆马车仅装活水。每隔一个时辰,就需要将装鱼木桶内的水换掉一部分。可即便如此,活鱼略多后,依旧会造成死亡,我已经在考虑是否增加一驾马车装活水,只是如此一来消耗的成本会增加不少。” Sees the Wang Shouyi live fish transportation media, the eye of Wang Shouzhe hides pulls out, Sixth Uncle that side every day can acquired have the value live fish the quantity is not many, most times are about one day 1,000-2,000 jin (0.5 kg). 一看到王守义的活鱼运输手段,王守哲的眼皮子就一抽,六叔那边每天能捕获到的有价值活鱼本就数量不多,最多时候不过一天1,000-2,000斤而已。 When transportation can resort to the so astonishing method unexpectedly? These fish barrels are also the unexpected crudeness, anything increases the oxygen, anything filters does not have, is only then the two character, changes the water! 运输时竟然要动用如此惊人的手段?这些鱼桶也是出乎预料的简陋,什么增氧,什么过滤统统都没有,就是只有两个字,换水! In order to change the water, used a carriage to put the water unexpectedly. This is insufficient, does Wang Shouyi prepare also to increase a carriage unexpectedly? 为了换水,竟还动用了一辆马车装水。这还不够,王守义竟然准备还增加一辆马车? However Wang Shouzhe also knows, this really not strange Wang Shouyi. Because this is profound warrior / black tortoise world, everyone is thinking how to promote cultivation base boundary, how to enhance on individual military force. 不过王守哲也是知道,这真不怪王守义。因为这是一个玄武世界,所有人都是想着如何提升修为境界,如何提升个人武力上面。 Naturally not all human elites, do not study some natural divisions/disciplines. Even if these people studied came out some achievements, could still value the broom as one's own, various knowledge were strictly kept secret, being hard outward diffusion. 当然也并非所有人类精英,都不去研究一些自然学科。只是那些人就算研究了出来部分成果,也都会敝帚自珍,各种知识都被严格保密,难以向外扩散。 This does not blame them, the knowledge that even if Wang Shouzhe studies, only will still be for the clan secret use, making him spread to benefit other clan that is not thinks about it. 这不怪他们,就算是王守哲研究出来的知识,也会仅供家族秘密使用,让他扩散出去惠及其他家族那是想都别想。 The Wang Shouzhe previous life going to work time is not the ideal salt fish, the holiday will fish frequently, the fishing of the friend fishing attains, buys has increased the oxygen pump to try to raise the live fish to eat slowly, but the result discovered the light is increases the oxygen fish the same as die quickly, after slightly makes the material search and learn/study, he understood some simple principles. 王守哲上辈子上班时候属于没理想的咸鱼,节假日经常会和朋友去钓钓鱼,钓到的渔获多了,也买过增氧泵等试图养活鱼慢慢吃、但是结果发现光是增氧鱼一样死得很快,略作资料搜索和学习后他明白了一些简单的原理。 To raise the live fish to eat slowly, must make the oneself water tank satisfy three conditions. 要想养活鱼慢慢吃,就得让自己的水箱满足三个条件。 First is in the water the amount of dissolved oxygen, the survival of fish needs the oxygen, but the oxygen in water is limited, in a bucket the fish puts more oxygen consumptions to be bigger, this can through increasing the oxygen serves the purpose. 第一就是水中溶氧量,鱼的存活需要氧气,而水中的氧气是有限的,一个水桶里鱼放得越多氧气消耗越大,这可以通过增氧来达到目的。 Next is clean of water quality, excrement and food debris of fish can produce the ammonia and nitrite, the breath can produce the nitrogen, these were the factors of fish death, can through changing the water, filtration and other method solutions. 其次便是水质的清洁,鱼的粪便物和食物残渣会产生氨和亚硝酸盐,呼吸会产生氮,这些都是鱼死亡的因素,可以通过换水,过滤等手段解决。 Furthermore is the temperature, the temperature is higher, the activeness of fish is bigger, the oxygen that needs to consume can increase, the produced ammonia class and other toxic substances will also increase. Therefore, maintains the relative low temperature of water quality is also effective. 再者就是温度,温度越高,鱼的活性就越大,需要消耗的氧气会增加,产生的氨类等有毒物质也会增多。因此,保持水质的相对低温也非常有效。 After these three points, two people entered the Wang Shouyi study room, after Wang Shouzhe slightly makes the thinking, with the paper drew a simple schematic diagram, installs top level of the round wooden barrel of fish to filter, the water after filtration appears the heavy rain shape to fall into the wooden barrel, what this with is the simplest water drop increases the oxygen principle. 结合这三点后,两人进了王守义的书房,王守哲略作思索后,用纸张画出了一个简易草图,装鱼的圆木桶顶层进行过滤,过滤后的水呈淋雨状落入木桶中,这采用的是最简单的滴水增氧原理。 And exhausts possibly the simple words, popularized the principle of oxygen and toxic substance with Wang Shouyi. 并且用尽可能简单的话,与王守义普及了一下氧气与有毒物质的原理。 Wang Shouyi has done for more than ten years in the fish stall, quick had ravelled the principle of Wang Shouzhe, he suddenly is big Dao Comprehending: Listened to a Fourth Brother such saying, I suddenly was actually clearer. Before the family/home the elder handed down from generation to generation saying that must trade the running water, the reason is the fish needs the liveliness in drinking water, the liveliness insufficient water became the stagnant water, the fish also died. The meaning of Fourth Brother is, can increase in the water with the heavy rain water drop law the liveliness, I have not thought actually.” 王守义在鱼档已经做了十多年,很快就弄明白了王守哲的原理,他恍然大悟道:“听四弟这么一说,我倒是突然明白了许多。以前家里长辈只是传下来说要换活水,原因是鱼需要吃水里的活气,活气不够水就成了死水,鱼也就死了。四弟的意思是,用淋雨滴水法能增加水中活气,我倒是没想过。” This is in the old book looks like, has the effect not to say specifically, but must Second Elder Brother make several experimental comparisons.” Wang Shouzhe nods secretly, the liveliness on the liveliness, must always come to understand compared with oxygen that stubborn oral confession well. “这是古籍上看来的,具体有没有效果不好说,还得二哥多做几次试验对比。”王守哲暗自点头,活气就活气吧,总比氧气那个拗口词要来得好理解。 Fish ate the liveliness to put out death qi, the excrement were many in the water produced the toxic gas, through the cotton fabric level, the broken charcoal, the gravel level filtered the excrement toxic gas in water, in the water non-toxic, the fish will not naturally die. How haven't I thought?” “鱼吃了活气吐出死气,粪便在水中多了产生毒气,通过棉布层,碎木炭,沙砾层过滤掉水中的粪便毒气,水中无毒,鱼自然就不会死了。我怎么没想到呢?” Wang Shouyi more said that is more excited: Is the cold hot condition that Fourth Brother said also is quite reasonable, the day more transported the live fish dead coldly are less, many that in the summer the live fish died. Originally is a day of hot fish is quite active, the liveliness that then they need are more...... transports no wonder during the daytime is inferior to be good in the evening! If in some water Riga cellaring ice......” 王守义越说越兴奋:“还有就是四弟说的冷热条件也颇有道理,天越冷运送活鱼死亡越少,夏天活鱼死的多。原来是天热鱼比较活跃,那它们需要的活气就越多……难怪白天运输不如晚上好!若是在水里加些窖藏冰……” The theory of Wang Shouzhe instruction, seemed like to Wang Shouyi opened a leaf of new world front door, before the things of many being puzzling, thought through all of a sudden. 王守哲传授的理论,就好像是给王守义打开了一扇新世界的大门,以前很多百思不得其解的事情,一下子都想通了。 Second Elder Brother you understood on the line, can make the artisan first make several miniature sets to try.” Wang Shouzhe watched a weather, time, I did not have other things to process early, first said goodbye.” 二哥你理解了就行,可以让工匠先做几个小型装置多试试。”王守哲看了一下天色,“时间不早了,我还有其他事情要处理,就先告辞了。” Wang Shouzhe as Patriarch, is not carries out the invention and creation. Let alone is more said than done, making him go to dao to put in order these things to be not necessarily able personally to do very well. 王守哲身为族长,可不是来搞发明创造的。更何况知易行难,让他亲手去捯饬那些东西未必能做得很好。 So long as Wang Shouyi understood the principle, he undertakes the following work sufficiently. 只要王守义理解了原理,他足以承担接下来的工作。 Fourth Brother do not worry.” Wang Shouyi draws him not to put, you come fish stall one time, Second Elder Brother not to entertain rarely well. At noon in Hundred Flavors Pavilion Eats a meal, the live fish of that restaurant is we supplies, various food flavors are one certainly. The Second Elder Brother several places have not wanted to understand, siphon effect draining water that you said? Increases the liveliness with the pump to the water tank the principle is anything, how to use the pump principle to make the water walk toward the high place......” 四弟别着急走。”王守义拉着他不放,“你难得来鱼档一次,二哥还没好好招待呢。中午就在【百味轩】用膳,那家酒楼的活鱼都是咱们供应的,各种菜肴味道都是一绝。二哥还有好几个地方没想明白,你说的虹吸效应排水式?用唧筒给水箱增加活气的原理又是什么,如何使用唧筒原理让水往高处走……” ! 得了! Wang Shouzhe is listening to his mouth why 100,000, although some big, actually also know that is the good deed. Wang Shouyi operation fish stall many years, if really can this field of endeavor, the business of fish stall be gradually getting better and better in the future, this was also makes the great contribution to clan. 王守哲听着他口中“十万个为什么”,虽然有些头大,却也知道是好事。王守义经营鱼档多年,如果真能浸淫此道,未来鱼档的生意会越来越好,这也算是为家族作出巨大贡献了。 Not just Wang Clan fish stall in this Changning Garrison, but over ten aristocratic family clan are running the fish stall business. Especially Liú Clan and Zhao Clan, doing are bigger than the Wang Clan scale. 在这长宁卫中并非只有王氏鱼档一家,而是有超过十个世家家族在经营着鱼档生意。尤其是刘氏赵氏,做得都比王氏规模要大。 Own fish stall does well, while creating to jump over Duocai rich, in fact also extruded the existing space of opponent. 自家鱼档做得越好,在创造出越多财富的同时,事实上也是挤压了对手的生存空间。 Therefore Wang Shouzhe spent some time, again with Wang Shouyi on well formative education. The siphon effect and manual pump need the pipeline, on this world to the utilization of pipeline is quite rough, only has the bamboo pipe and earthenware pipe, and copper pipe and other types, but poured reluctantly is also sufficient. 因此王守哲多花了些时间,再与王守义好好上起了“启蒙教育”。虹吸效应和手动泵都需要管道,这世界上对管道的运用相当粗糙,仅有竹管、陶管、以及铜管等几种,不过倒也勉强够用了。 The manual pump cannot make temporarily are not related, absorbs the floor water with the simple siphon principle, asking the partner the manpower to pour water toward the filter bed becomes. So a freight volume of carriage considerably increases, the live fish rate/lead also greatly enhances. 手动泵暂时做不出也没关系,用简易的虹吸原理将底层水吸出来,叫伙计人工往过滤层倒水即成。如此一辆马车的运输量就大大增加,活鱼率也大幅度提高。 Wang Shouyi hears is deluded, at noon in anything Hundred Flavors Pavilion When eats a meal, holds on Wang Shouzhe to inquire endlessly. 王守义听得是如痴如醉,就连中午在什么【百味轩】用膳时,都拉住王守哲喋喋不休地询问。 Second Elder Brother, this was Hundred Flavors Pavilion really the Changning Garrison best several restaurants?” Wang Shouzhe is eating Hundred Flavors Pavilion these food, suddenly feeling its flavor is ordinary, but wins in the food high-quality. 二哥,这百味轩真的是长宁卫最好的几个酒楼了?”王守哲吃着百味轩的那些菜肴,顿觉其味道一般,只是胜在食材优质而已。 Naturally, on blending flavors the level surpasses the Wang Clan clan female cook, has the big disparity on flavor and Earth. 当然,在调味上的水准还是超过王氏家族厨娘的,就是在味道方面和地球上还是有较大差距。 Fourth Brother, this food ate 32 big 73 bronzes silver coins......” the Wang Shouyi face to be black, protested, this was the pin money that I accumulated laboriously, the so tasty food, were you unexpectedly dissatisfied?” 四弟,这一顿饭吃了32大铜73个角子……”王守义脸都黑了,喊冤不已,“这都是愚兄辛辛苦苦攒下的私房钱,如此鲜美的菜肴,你竟然还不满足?” Wang Shouzhe touches the chin, the dropping variance feeling conjectures is the pot of monosodium glutamate, chicken essence of previous life msg and when Earth floods in each corner of food, has made in his soul memory be mentioned very high degree to the tasty threshold value. 王守哲摸了摸下巴,落差感估猜是谷氨酸钠的锅,上辈子在地球上时味精和鸡精充斥在食物界的每一处角落,早就让他灵魂记忆中对鲜美的阈值被提到很高的程度。 If can do msg, can turn into an industry? 如果能把味精搞出来,是不是也能变成一项产业? ...... ……
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