POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#26: Dream butterfly

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...... …… Wang Liuyu is also holding Wang Luojing thorough inquiry, obviously she also very loves dearly the clever niece who this childhood loses father, but also the stopper gave her especially a ten Qian gold gold banknote. 王琉玉也是抱着王珞静问长问短,显然她也挺心疼这个幼年丧父的乖巧侄女,还特地塞给了她一张十乾金的金票。 Aunt, Jing'er cannot want, I heard that Cousin Zhuo is attacking Qi Refining Boundary three layers now, you remain to him.” Wang Luojing beckons with the hand again and again, how is not willing to want. 姑姑,静儿不能要,我听说灼表哥现在正在冲击炼气境三层,您给他留着吧。”王珞静连连摆手,怎么都不肯要。 Usually the cultivation resources of young clansman, come from the clan supplies mainly. In addition, some blood relationship nearer relatives, for example the parents and other will find the way to support young one generation. 通常年轻族人的修炼资源,主要来自家族的供给。除此之外,一些血缘关系更近的亲属,例如父母等多会想办法支援一下年轻一代。 However Wang Luojing father Wang Dingbang died five years ago, therefore Luojing will compare to suffer a loss in this aspect. 但是王珞静的父亲王定邦在五年前就死了,因此珞静在这方面会比较吃亏。 Jing'er, Aunt makes you take takes.” Wang Liuyu slightly angry say/way, your father not , my makes own Aunt can also not lend a hand your some?” 静儿,姑姑让你拿着就拿着。”王琉玉微微恼怒道,“你爹不在了,我这个做亲姑姑的还能不帮衬你一些?” Luojing you accept.” Wang Shouzhe said in one side with a smile, do not disappoint a Third Aunt intention.” 珞静你就收下吧。”王守哲在一旁笑着说道,“你别辜负了三姑姑的一片心意。” He is certainly clear, after this was Wang Luojing and Wang Shouzhe displays the enormous value . Cheap maternal grandfather Gongsun Mo draws to sit with somebody Third Aunt Third Uncle especially, that has a mind to strengthen own density of both sides again, plays the kinship sign again. 他当然清楚,这是王珞静王守哲都表现出了极大的价值后。“便宜外祖父”公孙墨特地把三姑姑三姑父拉来陪坐,那是有心再度加强双方的亲密度,再打一下亲情牌。 Moreover Wang Luojing is future Spirit Insect Master, at this time doesn't win over wins over? But Wang Shouzhe is also is naturally glad to see that the bilateral relations become more intimate, after all the Gongsun Clan all-round strength be more powerful than Ping'an Wang Clan. 而且王珞静是未来的灵虫师,此时不拉拢什么时候拉拢?而王守哲自然也是乐意见到双方关系变得更加亲密,毕竟公孙氏综合实力要比平安王氏强大许多。 Yes, Fourth Elder Brother, thanks Third Aunt.” Wang Luojing received cleverly. “是,四哥哥,谢谢三姑姑。”王珞静乖巧地收了下来。 Afterward two family member harmony happiness sit down to eat meal. 随后两家人其乐融融地坐下吃饭。 However this time is held the lead is not Wang Shouzhe, but is Wang Luojing. 不过这一次被捧着的主角并非是王守哲,而是王珞静 Luojing.” A Gongsun Mo face gave her on kindly personally abundantly one bowl of White Jade Spirit Rice food, clamped a bulk Spirit Horned Yak meat, a bulk spirit fish meat, today you are too laborious, ate, sure.” 珞静啊。”公孙墨一脸和蔼地亲自给她盛上了一碗白玉灵米饭,夹上一大块灵角牦牛肉,一大块灵鱼肉,“今日你太辛苦了,多吃点,千万别客气。” Wang Luojing is somewhat helpless, looked weakly to Wang Shouzhe. Any clan resources are the unified distribution, Wang Luojing as the girl in clan parallel veins, trains the sequence is not high in clan, spirit food that every month can assign is limited, where has so luxurious way of eating? 王珞静有些手足无措,弱弱地看向了王守哲。任何家族的资源都是统一分配的,王珞静身为家族直脉中的女孩子,在家族中培养序列并不高,每个月能分配到的灵食非常有限,哪有如此奢侈的吃法? Her pursing the lips lip, wants to eat, actually does not dare. 她抿了抿嘴唇,想吃,却又不敢。 Eats, do not disappoint maternal grandfather's intention.” Wang Shouzhe loves dearly touches her head, later Elder Brother will try hard, striving helps the family members have the last auspicious day.” “吃吧,别辜负了外祖父的心意。”王守哲心疼地摸了摸她头,“以后哥哥会努力一些,争取让家里人都过上好日子。” Un, thanks Fourth Elder Brother, many thanks Grandfather Gongsun.” Wang Luojing takes up the chopsticks obediently, digs up to pull up the White Jade Spirit Rice food in gulps, the expression satisfies. “嗯呢,谢谢四哥哥,多谢公孙爷爷。”王珞静乖乖地拿起筷子,大口大口扒拉起白玉灵米饭,表情甚是满足。 Sees her to eat so very happily, when Wang Shouzhe is gratified is also heavy, felt the head of a clan pressure. 看到她吃得如此美滋滋的,王守哲欣慰之余也是沉甸甸的,感受到了一族之长的压力。 Zhe'er, this time was also lucky you.” Gongsun Mo poured out spirit wine to say to Wang Shouzhe, our people have appraised, this time because of your support, we reduced production 20% compared with last year at most, recalled the losses of over a thousand Qian gold.” 哲儿啊,这一次也多亏了你。”公孙墨斟了灵酒王守哲说,“我们的人评估过了,这一次因为你们的支援,我们至多比去岁减产20%,挽回了上千乾金的损失。” Over a thousand Qian gold, regardless to Gongsun Clan or Wang Clan, is a great sum of money. The one who makes Gongsun Mo care, Wang Shouzhe sends the goodwill signal to Gongsun Clan. 上千乾金,无论对公孙氏还是王氏来说,都是一笔巨款。更让公孙墨在意的是,王守哲公孙氏释放出来亲善信号。 Also therefore, Gongsun Clan also showed the most sincerity to entertain Wang Shouzhe one line, spirit wine spirit food managed enough. These entertains, at least must consume more than ten Qian gold. 也正是因此,公孙家族也拿出了最大诚意来招待王守哲一行,灵酒灵食都管够。这一顿招待,起码要耗费十几乾金 Maternal grandfather and I was too polite.” Wang Shouzhe drank spirit wine, said humbly, said this is our family/home luck is also good, happen to bumped into my younger sister to comprehend some controlling insect technique.” “外祖父和我太客气了。”王守哲喝了一口灵酒,谦逊地说道,“说起来这也是咱俩家运气不错,正好碰到舍妹领悟了一些驭虫之术。” In Young Patriarch Gongsun Qiang look that the one side is invited along bursting with life: Said that Shouzhe you have the good fortune, just became Patriarch, excavated Spirit Insect Master from clan. Does not know that Luojing did have the husband's family's home? Can consider our family/home Little Yan?” 一旁作陪的少族长公孙锵眼神中神采奕奕:“说起来还是守哲你有福气,刚一当上族长,就从家族中发掘出了个灵虫师。就是不知珞静有没有婆家了?要不要考虑一下我们家小焱?” ?” “唔?” Wang Luojing is eating to eat the meat, hears this saying eye to stare the plump, seemed frightened generally. 王珞静正在扒饭吃肉呢,一听到这话眼睛瞪得圆滚滚,仿佛被吓到了一般。 Uncle, Luojing is only 12 years old.” In the Wang Shouzhe intonation also disclosed slightly some discontentedly, „, let alone the younger male cousin was Gongsun Clan orthodox lineage, our family/home Luojing was only parallel veins, feared that did not match.” “大舅,珞静才十二岁。”王守哲的语调中也微微透露出些许不满,“何况表弟是公孙氏嫡脉,我们家珞静仅是直脉,怕是不相配。” „It is not important, is not important.” Gongsun Qiang does not seem to listened to Wang Shouzhe the word of beyond the words, but also said in that „the good girl like Luojing, our family/home not to shut out her bloodline.” “不打紧,不打紧。”公孙锵仿佛没听出王守哲的言外之词,还在那一个劲儿地说,“像珞静那样的好女孩子,我们家是不会嫌弃她血脉的。” Wang Shouzhe caresses the forehead, you do not shut out, but does our family/home shut out? 王守哲一抚额头,你不嫌弃,可我们家嫌弃啊? Was good comes out to block the firepower offensive because of this time Gongsun Hui: Elder Brother, do not think was too beautiful. But our family/home Luojing Spirit Insect Master, the potential will be infinite in the future. With this the method of controlling Nine Stars Insect King, in the future will be the entire Changning Garrison sweetie pie. Purple Mansion Academy Insect Exterminating Powder made that big careless mistake, which doesn't want to use again?” 好在这时公孙蕙出来挡住了火力攻势:“哥哥,你可别想的太美了。我们家珞静可是灵虫师,未来潜力无穷。就拿她这一手控制九星虫王的手段来说,未来就是整个长宁卫的香饽饽。紫府学宫灭虫散出了那么大纰漏,哪家都不太想再用了吧?” paused, Gongsun Hui continues saying: With Gongsun Family 16,000 mu good farmland, a season applies drugs one time, one year of twice, achieve more than 300 Qian gold in the consumption of Insect Exterminating Powder every year. If our Wang Clan receives Gongsun Clan two hundred Qian gold, the Spirit Insect Master visit expelling worm, this business does do personally does not do?” 顿了一下,公孙蕙又继续道:“就拿公孙家的一万六千亩良田来说,一季用药一次,一年两次,每年在灭虫散的消耗上就达到三百多乾金。若是我们王氏就收公孙氏两百乾金,灵虫师亲自上门驱虫,这笔生意做还是不做?” The Gongsun Hui words, as if reminded everyone is common. 公孙蕙的话,仿佛点醒了所有人一般。 Then was even Gongsun Mo held breath a cold air/Qi, looked that was extremely serious to the Wang Luojing look, looking like looking that a gold ore was common. 便是连公孙墨都是倒吸了一口冷气,看向王珞静的眼神极其郑重,就像是在看一个金矿一般。 Ability that Spirit Insect Master makes money, was too strong. 灵虫师赚钱的能力,实在太强了。 About this business, Wang Shouzhe also has in fact had the consideration. However depending on Luojing Spirit Insect Master, in limited pays attention to both the quantities to be inevitably limited in a short time, supporting to guarantee 50,000-60,000 mu to be serious. 关于此桩生意,实际上王守哲也是已经有过考虑了。但是光凭珞静一个灵虫师,在有限短时间内兼顾数量必然有限,撑死了能保个50,000-60,000亩就不得了了。 Even so, light/only by helping various clan expelling worms. A year can gain 700-800 Qian gold at least, that is the friendship preferential price. 但即便如此,光靠帮各家族驱虫。一年起码就能赚个700-800乾金,那还是友情优惠价。 Let alone, Spirit Insect Master most are good at training spirit insect, in spirit insect, but many economical spirit insect, for example spirit silkworm spirit bee and so on. 更别说,灵虫师最擅长培养灵虫,灵虫之中可是有不少经济型的灵虫,例如灵蚕灵蜂之类。 Therefore Aunt Gongsun Hui said the Wang Shouzhe innermost thoughts, Gongsun Qiang you thought beautifully, which family/home had/left such Ghinwa, will not hate to take away to get married. 所以大娘公孙蕙说出了王守哲的心里话,公孙锵你想得太美了,谁家出了这么一个金娃娃,都不会舍得拿去嫁人的。 Shouzhe you also are really the good good fortune.” Gongsun Qiang looks in the Wang Shouzhe look again, filled envied and envied, really wished one could in clan also to have such Spirit Insect Master. 守哲你还真是好福气啊。”公孙锵再看王守哲的眼神中,充满了羡慕和嫉妒,真是恨不得家族里也出这么一个灵虫师 Only pitifully, Spirit Insect Master is not so good. 只可惜,灵虫师不是那么好出的。 First, having the Spirit Insect Master talent number is extremely scarce, must have with insect class communication talent is good, that is talent of suitable side door. 一来是,拥有灵虫师天赋者数量太过稀少,必须有和虫类沟通的天赋才行,那是相当偏门的天赋 Second major clan do not have the inheritance of Spirit Insect Master, very difficult to screen Spirit Insect Master talent to come from the clansman. 二来是各大家族本身都没有灵虫师的传承,很难从族人中筛选出灵虫师天赋来。 According to information that Gongsun Family has, Spirit Insect Master of entire Changning Garrison area, but only three. Respectively is Shanyin Liu Clan, Changning Xu Clan, as well as City Guard Residence has Spirit Insect Master Consecrate. 根据公孙家掌握的情报,整个长宁卫地区的灵虫师,不过才区区三个。分别是山阴柳氏,长宁徐氏,以及城卫府有一位灵虫师供奉 The information is more exhaustive, after all Shanyang Gongsun Clan Wang Shouzhe is more powerful in Spirit Platform clan. 情报比王守哲更详尽一些,毕竟山阳公孙氏灵台家族中更为强盛。 Because Gongsun Clan and Wang Clan have the thoughts of each other being on good terms, this dinner eats the harmony happiness actually. 公孙氏王氏都存在着彼此交好的心思,这一顿晚饭倒是吃得其乐融融。 Next day. 翌日。 Restored Wang Luojing of spirit , to continue Lacewing Insect King and Nine Stars Insect King that domesticates to seize newly. Has Wang Luojing that has experienced repeatedly to seem like the progress to be big, spent half double-hour to tame several Insect King merely. 恢复了精神的王珞静,继续驯化新抓捕来的草蛉虫王九星虫王。有过多次经验的王珞静似乎进步不小,仅仅花费半个时辰就驯服了数头虫王 By afternoon, she had put in Insect King another two villages, then only needs Gongsun Clan clansman Family Guard , to continue to seize wild Lacewing Insect and Nine Stars Insect, supplemented toward the village wheat field. 到了下午时分,她已经将虫王都投放到了另外两家农庄之中,接下来只需要公孙氏的族人家将,继续去抓捕野生的草蛉虫九星虫,往农庄麦田里补充。 Has the restraint of Insect King and takes the lead, these Lacewing Insect and Nine Stars Insect will not leave. 虫王的约束的和带头,那些草蛉虫九星虫都不会离开。 Fourth Elder Brother, these Insect King domesticated degrees were too shallow.” After Wang Luojing completes all these, some condition exhausted say/way, perhaps could not take on several th, their wild nature will restore, therefore several days must also come again one time. Fourth Elder Brother, we first go to Yingxiu Lu Clan.” 四哥哥,那些虫王的驯化程度都太浅了。”王珞静做完这一切后,状态有些疲惫道,“恐怕要不了几日,它们的野性就会恢复,因此过几日还得再来一次。四哥哥,咱们先去映秀卢氏吧。” Luojing, I thought that you were somewhat tired.” Wang Shouzhe said kindly, might as well rest one to go late again.” 珞静啊,我看你有些累了。”王守哲关切地说,“不如休息一晚再去。” Fourth Elder Brother, I am all right.” Wang Luojing shook the head saying that the indication that insect plague erupted was getting more and more obvious, the words that tomorrow will go to again, Lu Clan will lose is very big. Fourth Elder Brother, I know Yingxiu Lu Clan and your relations......” 四哥哥,我没事的。”王珞静摇头说,“虫灾爆发的征兆越来越明显了,明天再去的话,卢氏会损失很大。四哥哥,我知道映秀卢氏和您的关系……” Yes, relations. 是啊,关系。 In fact, purely from the blood relationship, the relations of Yingxiu Lu Clan and Wang Shouzhe is very intimate. Mother who because he dies young because of the sickness, is Yingxiu Lu Clan thousand gold (daughter) Young Lady, is the Lu Clan present age Patriarch Lu Zhengxiong younger sister. 实际上,纯粹从血缘关系上来说,映秀卢氏王守哲的关系是非常亲近的。因为他因病早逝的母亲,便是映秀卢氏的千金小姐,同时也是卢氏当代族长卢正雄的胞妹。 In addition, Lu Zhengxiong main wife came from Wang Clan sixth generation of orthodox lineage, is Wang Shouzhe own Aunt Wang Liuling. 此外,卢正雄正妻则是来自于王氏第六代嫡脉,也就是王守哲的亲姑姑王琉灵 This type marries the custom that marries mutually, deducts in profound warrior aristocratic family frequently. Among both sides orthodox lineage marries mutually marries mutually, will make two clan achieve the apex in own density. 这种互娶互嫁的风俗,在玄武世家之间是经常演绎的。双方嫡脉之间的互嫁互娶,会让两个家族在亲密度上达到顶点。 The only accident/surprise, is Wang Shouzhe birth mother Lu Mengxue when he six years old died of illness, threw down young one son and one daughter. In the Wang Shouzhe memory, birth mother's memory throughout is most tenacious, until now remembered the birth mother is still very grieved. 唯一的意外,便是王守哲的生母卢梦雪在他六岁时就病逝了,丢下了年幼的一儿一女。在王守哲的记忆中,生母的记忆始终是最顽强的,迄今想起生母依旧十分心痛。 Is good waits him to be excellent because of stepmother Gongsun Hui at a young age, regards, if oneself leaves, pours also makes him accept the stepmother gradually, and reduced the wounds of many innermost feelings. 好在继母公孙蕙自小待他极好,视若己出,倒也渐渐地让他接受继母,并减少了许多内心的创伤。 The memory and in the sentimental fusion deeper and deeper situation, Wang Shouzhe also felt that gradually oneself even more integrated this world, as if oneself was since childhood in an member who on this world grew up, the memory of Earth instead seemed like the dreamland to be the same gradually. 记忆和感情融合越来越深的情况下,王守哲也渐渐地感觉到自己愈发融入到了这个世界,仿佛自己就是从小在这世界上长大的一份子,地球的记忆反而渐渐像是梦境一般。 ...... ……
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