……Butlong time, without the least bitresponse.
可过了半晌,没有半点回应。Can't? The Wang Shouzheinnermost feelingsthump, passed throughdoes not bringgolden finger, thisrhythma littlepit? Afterward, Wang Shouzheattemptsrepeatedlyrepeatedly, has not actually seen the golden fingertrace.
不会吧?王守哲内心咯噔了一下,穿越不带金手指,这节奏有点坑啊?随后,王守哲又是反反复复地多次尝试,却始终未见金手指的踪影。Hisheartmore and morecoolcool, thisfantasy worldnumerous strong competitors, ferocious beastruns amuckoverbearingly, howwithoutgolden fingerto play?
他的心越来越哇凉哇凉,这个玄幻世界高手如云,凶兽霸道横行,没有金手指怎么玩?„Evidently, first can only walkonestepto look atonestep.” The Wang Shouzheexpressionis slightly dignified, buthefelt relaxedquickly, evenwithoutgolden fingersome of hisstillmanyadvantages.
At least afterfusingmemory, hediscoversthisworld, although the expert is very strong, howeverin the livelihood of the peopledevelopment and thoughtsophistication, is inferior to the earthman, even ifhe is only the office worker who an ordinaryuniversitygraduates......
In the Wang Shouzhepreparationsummarizes the advantage.
就在王守哲准备总结一下优势时。Unexpectedly, young male servantWang Guito/clashesflustered outside: „Family Head, Family Head, the important matteris not good, Sixth Masterwas hit, hesent peopleto request reinforcements.”
蓦地,小厮王贵在外面慌慌张张地冲进来:“家主,家主,大事不好了,六老爷被打了,他派人回来求援了。”Sixth Master?六老爷?
The Wang Shouzhebrowslightlywrinkle, the memorywells up: „IsSixth UncleWang Dinghai.”王守哲眉头微皱,记忆涌来:“是六叔王定海。”Wang Dinghaiis the Wang Shouzhegreat uncle, is rankedsixthinadult maleding generation. Hisaptitudeordinarycultivation baseis ordinary, actuallyquiteexcels at the river character, thereforeis responsible for of a fishingfleetclanindustries.王定海是王守哲的族叔,在男丁定字辈中排行第六。他资质普通修为一般,却较为擅长水性,因此负责家族产业之一的捕鱼船队。NowWang Dinghaiwas hit, shouldbethat side the family propertyfishingfleethaduncertainties, happen tocantake the opportunityto observewith own eyesthisworld.
如今王定海被打,应该是族产捕鱼船队那边出现了变数,正好可以借机亲眼观察一下这个世界。„Calmly, flusteredhighly improper?”Wang Shouzhereadandhere, tranquil. After reprimandingone, the calmsay/way, „prepared the carriage, wehad a look.”
“镇静,慌慌张张地成何体统?”王守哲念及此处,就平静了下来。斥责一声后,淡定道,“准备马车,我们去看看。”„Yes, Family Head.”Wang Guiquicklyaccordingly, runsto prepareto go on a journeyspeedily.
“是,家主。”王贵急忙应声,一溜烟跑去准备出行。Wang Shouzhehad/left the dooraccording to the memory, walkstoward the main housefront doorslowly, is observingmain housevariousconstructionfacilities and structures, inmemoryone by oneverificationwithmind.王守哲根据记忆出了房门,慢悠悠地向主宅大门走去,一路观察着主宅的各建筑设施和结构,与脑海中的记忆一一印证。On the road, sawexactly the father's wifeGongsun HuicomplexionleadsseveralFamily Guarddignifiedly, walkstoward the main entrancein a hurry.
路上,恰好见到嫡母公孙蕙脸色凝重地率领几名家将,匆匆往正门走去。Wang ShouzhesalutestoGongsun Hui: „Has seenAunt.”王守哲对公孙蕙行了个礼:“见过大娘。”Wang Shouzhe of memoryfusionhas known,helost one's mothersince childhood, after Gongsun Huiismy deceased fatherWang Dingyue, main wife that marries, hasonedaughter of first wifeto callWang Luomiao, this yearhaseight years old.
记忆融合的王守哲已经知道,他自幼丧母,公孙蕙是先父王定岳后娶的正妻,育有一嫡女名唤王珞淼,今年已有八岁。ThereforealthoughGongsun Huiis the Wang Shouzhefather's wife, is actually not a birth mother. Howeverhermental dispositionis good-hearted, alwaysregardsWang Shouzhesuch as to leave, the aspectslook afterverywell.
因此公孙蕙虽是王守哲的嫡母,却并非生母。但是她秉性纯厚,向来视王守哲如己出,方方面面都照顾得很好。Thisactually and generalfantasy novelrepertoireis not quite same.
这倒是和一般玄幻小说的套路不太一样。Gongsun HuiseesWang Shouzhe, goes forwardto hold onhishand, on the facefullis the color of concern: „HowZhe'er did youcome out? Have youused the meals? The bodymayoncemany.”公孙蕙一见到王守哲,就上前拉住他的手,脸上满是关切之色:“哲儿你怎么出来了?你用过膳了吗?身体可曾好些。”OtherFamily GuardalsohurriedsalutetoWang Shouzhecups the hands.
其余家将也急忙对王守哲拱手行礼。„Aunt, Iunobstructive, youassigned/life the spiritmeals that the personpreparedalsoto finish eating, turn headsaidwithyouagaincarefully.”Wang Shouzheworks looseherhandcalmly, the complexionserioussay/way, „Auntis leadingFamily Guard, is it possible thatcansupportSixth Uncle? IaccompanyAuntto gotogether.”
The Gongsun Huicomplexionsinks, slightly after doingto hesitate, said: „Zhe'er, sinceyouhave inherited the position of Patriarch, sooner or laterwill facethese , the bodyis well, thathas a looktogether.”公孙蕙脸色一沉,略作犹豫后道:“哲儿,既然你已继承族长之位,迟早会面临这些,既身体已然无恙,那就一起去看看吧。”„Yes, Aunt.”
“是,大娘。”two peoplehad/left the main housemain entrance, on the main entrancesignboardwritesPing'an Wang Clanseverallarge charactersflying of dragons and dancing of phoenixes, the imposing manneris uncommon.两人一齐出了主宅正门,正门牌匾上龙飞凤舞地写着平安王氏几个大字,气势可谓不凡。Maycoordinate the paintcolormotleyporch pillar, as well aswrites„establishing” the whitelantern of characterto flutterin the wind, is actually showing the declinedrearyfeeling that Wang Familyis declining.
可配合着漆色斑驳的廊柱,以及写着“奠”字的白色灯笼在风中飘荡,却在彰显着王家江河日下的没落萧瑟感。„Family Head, Eldest Lady Gongsun, the carriagehas arranged.”Personalyoung male servantWang Guiruns, „sword and bowarrowhas placedon the carriage.”
“家主,公孙大娘子,马车已经备好。”贴身小厮王贵一路小跑过来,“剑和弓矢已放在马车上了。”Slightlydoesto discuss,Wang ShouzheandGongsun Huiride a carriage, otherfourFamily Guardare ridingabout the chestnut horseguardrespectively, goestoAn RiverDingpu Crossing.
略作商量,王守哲与公孙蕙共乘一辆马车,其余四位家将各骑着黄骠马护卫左右,一路向安江定蒲渡口而去。On the way, Gongsun Huijustcause and effectone by onenarration.
在途中,公孙蕙将将前因后果一一叙述。Hadprevious lifethis lifeWang Shouzhe of thought that quickstrokesto be clearactual situation, An Riverwas a strip widthcomplementhundred zhang (333 m)great river, in the river the aquatic productwas rich, andhad the characteristics, mayhave the long-timeeconomic interestthrough the fishing fleet.
拥有前世今生思维的王守哲,很快就捋清楚了实际情况,安江是一条宽余数百丈的大江,江内水产丰富且有特色,通过捕捞船队可产生长久的经济利益。Mayhave the place of benefit, oftenwill have the conflict, the Ping'an Townthreebigaristocratic familywhichfamilies/homeis not naturally willingto give upthisfat, afterall sorts ofbattles and compromises, Ping'an/safethreebigaristocratic familydelimits the domainnot to cross the bordernowrespectively.
可有利益的地方,往往就会有矛盾冲突,平安镇三大世家自然谁家也不愿意放弃这块肥肉,经过种种争斗和妥协,如今平安三大世家各自划定地盘互不越界。ThisAn Riverfrom the Dingpu Crossingright30li (0.5 km)toRocky Shoal, is the Ping'an Wang Clanwatersdomain.
这安江从定蒲渡口右起三十里至乱石滩,就是平安王氏的水域地盘。In recent years, moreovertwoaristocratic familyeach generation produces talented peoplerisesunceasingly, the appetiteis biggradually, butin the overalldomainlimitedsituation, the natureeasyto extend the chopstickstoothersfamily/homepot.
只是近些年来,另外两个世家人才辈出不断崛起,胃口渐大,而在总体地盘有限的情况下,自然容易将筷子伸到别人家锅里。Nibbled the planto performunceasingly, the clandomain and industryare reducingyear after yearunceasingly. The domainis smaller, the resourceswill be then scarcer, the clansmanlacks the resourceshard to bring about is also longer, since thenfalls intoduring the vicious circle.
蚕食计划早已经不断上演,家族的地盘和产业在年复一年地不断缩小。地盘越小,资源便会越紧缺,族人缺乏资源也更难成长,从此陷入恶性循环之中。What the situationis worse, Wang ClanclanSea Calming Divine NeedleOld Ancestor Longyan, bodyas ifoneyearwas inferior for a year, recently during for several yearswas closing up, was inincluding the family that bigmatter, withoutrevealone side, outside worlddefinitelytoherwhether can also fightto guess.
The situationis less optimistic, the Wang Shouzhebrowwrinkles.
The words saying that Wang Clanmain houseis situated at the foot of a hill and beside a streamto construct, from the Dingpu Crossing more than tenli (0.5 km), the roadbedhardlyandhas the maintenanceyear to year. AlsosomeoutpostFamily Guardlead the way, unobstructed , the carriagehalfdouble-hourhas then arrived.
When thisferry spotinPing'an Townconstructsinitially, is one of the Changning Garrisonoutposts. Developsafter the Ping'an Town more than hundredyearsagain, Dingpu Crossinghas becomehas connected the north-southkey communication line.
此渡口在平安镇初建时,便已经是长宁卫的前哨之一。再经过平安镇百余年发展,定蒲渡口已成了连通南北的交通要道。Ping'an three aristocratic familieshas the wharf, ferry, storeinthisand other infrastructures.平安三世家在此都有码头、渡船、商铺等基础设施。
The ferry spothassomesimpledefense facilities, the city wall is quite crude56metershigh, can only resist the ferocious beastimpact of small scale.
After Wang Shouzheonegroup of enter the ferry spot, directly soars the deep water wharfto go. Under the longwood constructiontrestle, is standing erect the giantwooden poles of both armsencirclements, selects the place of 34zhang (3.33 m)water depth the trestle, the profundal zonetwogroups of crosswisetrestles, composed the one after anotherberth.王守哲一行人进入渡口后,直奔深水码头而去。长长的木结构栈桥下,矗立着一根根双臂合围的巨型木柱,一路将栈桥挑到三四丈的水深之处,深水区又有两路横向栈桥,组成了一个个泊位。In the berthanchors the ships that sizesare varying, has the ferryandmerchant ship, to have the fishing boat.
泊位上停靠着一艘艘大小不一的船只,有渡船、商船、也有渔船。Looksfrom afar, sees the trestleendto havetwogroups of troops to confrontmutually. both sidesgrasp the clubknife and forkrespectively, the mood is very fierce.
远远望去,就见栈桥尽头有两拨人马互为对峙。双方各自手持棍棒刀叉,情绪都十分剧烈。„Old Sixth Wang, yourcouragemaybe fatenough. Alsodaresto lead the personto stop upyour familyYoung Master Yongzhou, are youdislike the young masterto punchyou is not heavy?” A youthteased the sound of ridiculeto resound.
“王老六,你胆子可够肥的。还敢带人来堵你家永州小爷,你是嫌小爷揍你不够重吗?”一个青年戏谑嘲弄的声音响起。„YourthisLiú Familyyoungson-of-a-bitch.”Anothermanvoiceis roaringexcitedlyangrily, „aren't youindarklaunchingsneak attack? Is the manwedepends on the oneselfskill, the launchingrealbladesolidspear/gundoesagain, howyourWang FamilySixth Masterteachesyouthisson-of-a-bitchto cultivate the behavior.”
“你这刘家的小狗崽子。”另一个汉子声音激动愤怒地吼着,“你不就是暗下水中偷袭吗?是爷们咱们就凭自己的本事,再下水真刀实枪地干一场,你王家六爷教教你这狗崽子怎么做人。”„Old Sixth Wang, do not blame the young masterto look down uponyou, onyour old ageentire jobdogwent, the least bitbraindoes not have.” The youthvoicesnorts contemptuously saying that „underwaterambushitself/Benis one of the going to wartactics, fightsdifficultly before inadequately, muststatebeforehand,doesn't permitto use the tactic? Hehe, was really morelive. Might as welltumble outPing'an Townearlier, so as to avoidspoils the grain.”
“王老六,你别怪小爷看不起你,你这一把年纪全活狗身上去了,半点脑子都没有。”青年声音嗤之以鼻道,“水下伏击本就是打仗战术之一,难不成打架之前还得事先声明,不准使用战术吗?呵呵,真是越活越回去了。不如早点滚出平安镇,免得糟蹋粮食。”Youthonegroup of peoplelaugh boisterously, creates a disturbancewith the youth, tumbles outPing'an Town, tumbles outPing'an Town.
The Dingpu Crossingpersonis disorderly, gathersmanytravellerspeddler, at this timehas surroundedto looklively, variousdiscussionsare unceasing.定蒲渡口人丁杂乱,聚集着不少过往旅客行商,此时都已经围拢过来看起热闹,各种议论声不断。Todaythisconflict, definitelywill followtheirstrengths of legs and tongues, hand downotherplaces. Suffers a lossPing'an/safeWang Family of sideas this conflict, will becomefor a while the laughingstock, becomes the subject of spare time, harms the Wang Clanmilitary might.
今天这场冲突,必然会跟着他们的脚力与嘴舌,口口相传到其它地方。作为此次冲突吃亏一方的平安王家,也会成为一时笑柄,成为茶余饭后的谈资,有损王氏威武。„Liú Familyyoungson-of-a-bitch.” The manhad become flushed the face, the violent angerto the pinnacle, „yougo too far, yourSixth Masterandyouspelled!”
“刘家小狗崽子。”那汉子已经涨红了脸,暴怒到了极致,“你欺人太甚,你六爷和你拼了!”„The Wang Familyold dog, hasto plantcomes!”
A both sidesfighting, just likestringcollapseSilianis ready to be set off.
双方一场械斗,正如弦崩丝连一触即发。„Stop!”Gongsun Huisees the situationto be urgent, the hurriedhalf steparrivesto confrontprevents, „Wang Dinghai, Liú Yongzhou, youare first calmer, had the wordsto saywell.”
“住手!”公孙蕙见事态紧急,急忙快步走到对峙中间阻止,“王定海,刘永州,你们先冷静一些,有话好好说。”Wang ShouzhefearsAuntto suffer a loss, the handwields, fourWang FamilyFamily Guardthenclose, protectsto be one of them Gongsun Hui. Butheisfollows , to continue to observeallindifferently.王守哲怕大娘吃亏,手一挥,四位王家家将便一拥而上,将公孙蕙护在其中。而他则是紧随其后,继续冷眼观察着一切。
The spot inspection and memorytoldhim, thatwore the personalwaterto depend, the waistis hanging a shortblade, seemed like the somewhatcarelessyouthto callLiú Yongzhou, the Liú Clanyong generationclanmember.
现场观察和记忆告诉他,那个身着贴身水靠,腰间挂着一把短刃,看上去有些吊儿郎当的青年叫刘永州,刘氏永字辈家族成员。In the hearsaythis childexcels at the water battle, excels atfleeing from within the watertechniqueespecially, oncegrasped the shortbladedivingto capture and killbow heavyover200jin (0.5 kg)first stageferocious beastScarlet Scaled Eel, but23 or 24-year-oldprominence, is the Ping'an Liú Clangood student.
传闻中此子擅长水战,尤擅水遁之术,曾手持短刃潜水捕杀过一头重逾两百斤的一阶凶兽赤鳞鳝,不过二十三四岁就声名鹊起,是平安刘氏千里驹。Anothermalestatureis thin, the skinis dark, lookedis the person who long-termaquaticseeks a livelihood. Hishead and armhang out colored streamers, entanglesomelinenare seemingsomewhatdistressed.
另外一个男子身材精瘦,皮肤黝黑,一看就是位长期水上讨生活的人。只是他脑袋和胳膊都挂了彩,缠着些麻布显得有些狼狈。ThatWang Shouzhegreat uncle——Wang Dinghai, specificallyis responsible forfisheryfishing operation of clanininfluencewaters, similarly is very good at the water battlefishing and hunting, isthatRed Tailed Spirit Yellowcheekmain forcebackstop who Wang Shouzhepreviouslyate.
那正是王守哲的族叔——王定海,专门负责家族在势力水域中的渔业捕捞作业,同样十分擅长水战渔猎,也是王守哲先前吃的那条红尾灵鳡的主力捕手。„Yo, originallyisWang FamilyEldest Lady Gongsun.”ThatyouthnamedLiú Yongzhou, smilinglycasualcups the hands. Afterwarddisdainsto taunttowardWang Dinghai, „Old Sixth Wang, youand my juniorsomewhatrub the conflict, carried out the clansisters-in-lawto supportunexpectedly, the Yongzhouadmirationadmiration, felt ashamed of one's inferiority.”
“哟,原来是王家的公孙大娘子。”那个叫刘永州的青年,笑眯眯地随便拱手。随后又朝王定海不屑嘲讽,“王老六,你和我这小辈有些摩擦冲突,竟还搬出了族嫂来撑腰,永州敬佩敬佩,自愧不如啊。”„You......” the Wang Dinghaidarkfacerisesblack red.
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