POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#3: Repertoire counterattacking

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...... …… Sufficed.” The Gongsun Hui sweet and delicate voice reprimanded prevents, later also said, Sixth Uncle, first do not impulse, everything we solved calmly.” “够了。”公孙蕙娇声斥责阻止,随后又道,“六叔,你先别冲动,凡事我们冷静解决。” Gongsun Hui is the Shanyang Gongsun Clan daughter of first wife, is Wang Clan first Patriarch main wife, is the Wang Clan new generation Patriarch father's wife, handles by this status mediates this matter to be enough. 公孙蕙本身是山阳公孙氏的嫡女,又是王氏族长正妻,更是王氏新一代族长的嫡母,以此身份来处置调停此事已足够。 Wang Dinghai said agitatedly: Fifth Sister-in-law, is not my Old Sixth is impulsive, but is the Liú Family boy goes too far. This Ping'an Town everyone knows, this An River from the Dingpu Crossing right 30 li (0.5 km) to Rocky Shoal, is my Ping'an/safe Wang Family waters domain. But Liú Yongzhou that boy overflight fishing , the this time unexpectedly splendid overflight ten li (0.5 km), I must not begin expel again and again, this does An River have the leeway that my Wang Family bases?” 王定海语气激动道:“五嫂嫂,不是我老六冲动,而是刘家小子太过份。这平安镇谁都知道,这安江定蒲渡口右起三十里至乱石滩,是我平安王家的水域地盘。可刘永州那小子几次三番地越线捕捞,这一次竟然堂而皇之的越线十里,我要再不动手驱逐,这安江还有我王家立足的余地吗?” Yo yo, Old Sixth Wang you may other guilty party sues first.” Liú Yongzhou received the greatest undeserved appearance, this An River wind flood is anxious, my Liú Family waters domain in the An River upstream, will have to decide unavoidably does not anchor. You come up actually, hits us with the fishing boat, under the conflict suffers a loss actually also calls the guardian. Really absurd, is bullies my Liú Family not to have the Patriarch elder?” “哟哟哟,王老六你可别恶人先告状。”刘永州一副受到了莫大冤枉的模样,“这安江风大水急,我刘家水域地盘又在安江上游,难免会有定不住船的时候。倒是你一上来,就拿渔船来撞我们,冲突之下吃了点亏竟然还叫家长。真是岂有此理,是欺负我刘家没有族长长辈吗?” Wang Shouzhe had not spoken is observing and estimating secretly, he had determined when this time is the conflict that Liú Clan provokes on own initiative, the goal mostly while his Patriarch new high-rank probes 12, possibly saves is thinking over the idea of his new Patriarch ability. 王守哲一直没说话在暗暗观察和揣摩,他已经确定这一次刘氏主动挑起的争端,目的多半就是趁着他这个族长新上位时试探一二,也可能存着一些掂量他这位新族长能耐的想法。 If his Patriarch skill insufficient and is afraid of getting into trouble timidly. Then collaborates with Zhao Clan mostly, a series of conspiracy bright stratagems such as the tide will well up. 若是他这个族长本事不够且胆小怕事。接下来多半又是与赵氏联手,一系列的阴谋明谋就会如潮水涌至。 cough cough!” 咳咳!” Wang Shouzhe coughs two, walks up calm. 王守哲咳嗽两声,淡定地走上前去。 Nephew Shouzhe, did you also come?” Wang Dinghai complexion one happy, immediately the extremely angry say/way, gives you Sixth Uncle to figure out quickly, this boy causes to cheat the sneak attack in secret. Your Sixth Uncle refuses to accept, wants to come a fair contest with him again.” 守哲侄儿,你也来了?”王定海脸色一喜,随即又愤愤道,“快给你六叔评评理,这小子暗中使诈偷袭。你六叔不服,想和他再来一次公平较量。” Originally is Wang Clan few clans, no, should be Patriarch harnesses.” The Liú Yongzhou eye narrows the eyes slightly, revealed to Wang Shouzhe some dreaded and color of envy. “原来是王氏少族,不,应该是族长驾到了。”刘永州眼睛微微一眯,对王守哲露出了些许忌惮和嫉妒之色。 Without a doubt, Wang Shouzhe far exceeds his Liú Yongzhou in various aspect all-round strengths. Moreover Wang Shouzhe is only 18 years old, cultivation to Qi Refining Boundary sixth layer high stage, the growth potential will be very then big in the future. 毫无疑问,王守哲在各方面综合实力上都是远超过他刘永州的。而且王守哲才十八岁,便修炼到了炼气境第六层高段,未来成长潜力很大。 Now Liú Clan also dreads Wang Shouzhe, if gives him the opportunity to rush to Spirit Platform Boundary, that Ping'an Town pattern will have the momentous change. 如今刘氏内部也非常忌惮王守哲,如果给他机会冲上灵台境,那平安镇的格局就会发生巨大变化了。 Surrounding some crowds, starts to whoop in a low voice, seems quite interested to young Patriarch that Ping'an Wang Clan just succeeded, during the expressions pointed out indistinctly, Wang Clan first Patriarch Wang Dingyue dies is too early, if can support again ten years, after Wang Shouzhe this Young Patriarch grows thoroughly, the Ping'an Wang Clan aspect was different. 周围一些围观群众们,也开始低声议论纷纷,似乎对平安王氏刚继任的年轻族长颇有兴趣,言辞之间都隐约指出,王氏族长王定岳死太早,如果能再撑个十年,等王守哲少族长彻底成长起来后,平安王氏的局面就不一样了。 Sixth Uncle, you can't win them all.” Wang Shouzhe narrows the eye slightly, lowers the sound to speak thoughtlessly the probe saying that „, but, Sixth Uncle you really had confidence that wins him steadily? If under glare of the public eye loses again, harms my Wang Clan prestige.” 六叔,胜败乃兵家常事。”王守哲微微眯起眼睛,压低着声音随口试探道,“不过,六叔你真有把握稳赢他?若是众目睽睽下再输一场,有损我王氏威望啊。” This......” Wang Dinghai slightly does hesitant, said in a low voice, I have had several times of conflicts with that surnamed Liú boy, usually is well-matched, has the advantage mutually. Does not know that is why weird today, boy fled from within the water technique seems progressed a big truncation, the skidding strip loach in the water was likely ordinary, unexpected under Sixth Uncle suffers a loss. However the nephew you could rest assured that your Sixth Uncle is at cost of the life also to win this.” “这个……”王定海略作犹豫,低声说道,“我与那姓刘的小子有过数次冲突,平常都是旗鼓相当,互有优势。不知为何今天邪了门,那小子的水遁之术好似进步了一大截,在水里滑溜地像条泥鳅一般,猝不及防下六叔吃了亏。不过侄儿你放心,你六叔拼着老命也要赢下这一场。” Flees from within the water technique to progress a big truncation? 水遁之术进步一大截? Hehe, this was interesting, Wang Shouzhe touches the nose, on has generally understood the tactic of opposite party. Creates the conflict, arouses the Wang Dinghai refusing to accept mentality, then makes Liú Yongzhou this promising youth defeat Wang Dinghai under glare of the public eye, the buckle Wang Clan prestige. 呵呵,这就有意思了,王守哲摸了摸鼻子,大抵上已经明白对方的战术了。制造矛盾冲突,激起王定海的不服心态,然后在众目睽睽之下让刘永州这个后起之秀击败王定海,折损王氏威望。 If can intensify the mood again, both sides sign gambling contract anything, that was perfect. At the appointed time, is can bite a next bulk meat from Wang Clan. 若是能再激化一下情绪,双方签个赌约什么的,那就再完美不过了。届时,自是又能从王氏身上咬下一大块肉来。 Wang Shouzhe had the explicit judgment to the scene, immediately said: Sixth Uncle, this matter junction is handled by me.” 王守哲对现场有了明确的判断,当即说道:“六叔,此事交由我来处置。” This......” Wang Dinghai slightly one hesitant, but, after seeing a Wang Shouzhe calm appearance, then calm withdrew two steps, Shouzhe, you must add are more careful, Liú Clan most is good at playing with the clever trick.” “这……”王定海略一犹豫,不过,在看到王守哲一副气定神闲的模样后,便冷静了下来退后两步,“守哲,你要多加小心些,刘氏最擅长玩弄诡计。” Sixth Uncle felt relieved and, cannot suffer a loss.” After Wang Shouzhe comforts one, observed the situation one week, the clear and resonant voice under glare of the public eye said: profound warrior aristocratic family, always establishes a family by the military. So-called inherited domain, if the later generation incompetent protection, stepping down a corner is also natural. Liú Yongzhou, your Liú Clan wants to nibble annexes my Wang Clan hunting and fishing region, creating the conflict is a track. Is inferior more refreshed, among our two peers, might as well imitate the ancestry to come one regardless of the life and death arena war, who won the fishery of opposite party to turn over to who how?” 六叔且放心,吃不了亏。”王守哲安抚一句后,环视了现场一周,在众目睽睽下朗声说道:“玄武世家,向来是以武立家。所谓祖传地盘,若是后辈无能守护,退居一隅也是理所当然。刘永州,你们刘氏既想蚕食吞并我王氏渔猎区域,制造矛盾冲突不过是小道而已。不如爽快一些,咱们两个同辈之间,不如效仿祖辈来一场不论生死擂台战,谁赢了对方的渔场就归谁如何?” What?” “啥?” Surrounding screams, life and death arena!? Wang Clan that youngster can Patriarch be so radical? 周围一片惊呼声,生死擂台!?王氏那少年族长要不要如此激进啊? Wang Shouzhe was smaller than enough five years old Liú Yongzhou, but so initiates the life and death arena war face to face, lets Liú Yongzhou complexion azure white, this he does not dare to meet, cannot catch, can only say embarrasedly: Wang Family Patriarch you chatted, you are Patriarch, how can under the arena life and death struggle?” 王守哲刘永州小了足足五岁,可如此当面发起生死擂台战,却让刘永州脸色一阵青一阵白,这茬他不敢接,也接不住,只能讪讪说:“王家族长您说笑了,你可是族长,怎能下擂台生死战呢?” Only from this point, Liú Yongzhou, although in contemporaries also good, but compared with has treated as Young Patriarch training Wang Shouzhe to miss planned incessantly. 仅从这一点上来看,刘永州虽然在同龄人中也不俗,但是比起一直当作少族长培养的王守哲来说差了不止一筹。 Hehe ~ Wang Shouzhe sneers the taunt, does not have the guts then not to have the guts, why to say so pompously. My Wang Shouzhe then stands today here, so long as is your Liú Clan yong generation, coming many my Wang Shouzhe to meet many.” “呵呵~王守哲冷笑嘲讽,“无胆便是无胆,何必说得如此冠冕堂皇。我王守哲今天便站在这里,只要是你刘氏永字辈,来多少我王守哲接多少。” Good! Said well, Wang Clan new Patriarch enough heroic spirit.” “好!说得好,王氏族长够豪气啊。” profound warrior / black tortoise clan, establishes a family by the military, a little meaning, these looked how Liú Clan meets. As far as I know, Liú Clan yong generation biggest 36 or 37-year-old many, smallest is still babbling, thinks it over, whom but also really cannot find out to be able with a Wang Clan new Patriarch war.” 玄武家族,以武立家,有点意思,这一下看刘氏怎么接。据我所知,刘氏永字辈最大的三十六七岁多,最小的还在牙牙学语,思来想去,还真是想不出谁能和王氏族长一战。” You, this youngster strength how? Also really can defeat Liú Clan all yong generation?” “兄台,这年轻人实力怎么样?还真能打败刘氏所有永字辈?” „Are you people from other place? That was our Ping'an Wang Clan new Patriarch Wang Shouzhe, the year only 18 on quick cultivation to Qi Refining Boundary high stage . Moreover the legend he was extremely strong on Sword Dao talent, sword technique has been in the reach a high degree of proficiency situation.” The natives said proudly, „, moreover that Wang Shouzhe through the recruitment of students inspection of Purple Mansion Academy, will soon have entered a school, only Wang Clan was such a big deal pitifully, has to give up the studies.” “你是外地人吧?那是我们平安王氏族长王守哲,年仅十八就快修炼炼气境高阶了,而且传说他在剑道天赋上极强,剑术早就到炉火纯青的地步了。”本地人略带自豪地介绍说,“而且那王守哲已通过紫府学宫的招生考核,不日即将入学,只可惜王氏出了那么一桩大事,只得放弃学业了。” Purple Mansion Academy, is that was known as that enters Purple Mansion to become Spirit Platform Purple Mansion Academy? Fierce fierce, what a pity pitifully!” 紫府学宫,就是那个号称一入紫府必成灵台紫府学宫?厉害厉害,可惜可惜!” Surrounding discussing spiritedly passes to the Wang Shouzhe ear, made him recall actually also really adopted the Purple Mansion Academy recruitment of students primary election a short time ago. 周围的议论纷纷传到王守哲耳里,倒是让他记起前不久还真通过了紫府学宫的招生初选。 Longzuo Commandery Purple Mansion Academy will recruit a new student/life every three years, their requests are quite strict, in the Changning range will have one to three each time through the primary election, and has the quota that the qualifications participate in ring-test, but in this year Wang Shouzhe is. 陇左郡紫府学宫每三年都会招收一届新生,不过他们的要求极为严格,长宁范围内每次都会有一到三个通过初选,并有资格参与复考的名额,而这一年王守哲名列其中。 However said that anything will soon enter a school was exaggerating, the entire Changning Garrison control area, ten years eight years is also not necessarily have a Purple Mansion student. Wang Shouzhe confessed uncommonly, actually also knows that can through the probability that the second examination inspected less than 30%. 但是说什么即将入学就夸张了,整个长宁卫管辖范围,十年八年也未必能出一个紫府学生。王守哲自认不凡,却也知道能通过复试考核的概率不足30%。 The surrounding wind direction and public opinion, start to lean toward Wang Clan. 周围的风向和舆论,开始向王氏倾斜。 The previous that conflict contradiction, processing did not work as will damage the Wang Clan reputation. And yet, actually instead encouraged the Wang Clan prestige. 之前的那一场冲突矛盾,原本处理不当会损伤王氏名声。可眼下,却反而助长了王氏的威望。 Big nephew does attractively.” The Wang Dinghai whole face joyful say/way, looked that Liú Family young animal also does dare rampantly not?” “大侄儿干得漂亮。”王定海满脸欣喜道,“看那刘家的小崽子还敢嚣张不?” In Gongsun Hui that pair of beautiful pupils, is to the Wang Shouzhe extraordinary splendor again and again, never expected that his in a few words one, unexpectedly the misdemeanor that will harm the clan prestige, reversed to the Liú Clan prestige unfavorable situation. 公孙蕙那对美眸中,更是对王守哲异彩连连,没想到他三言两语一出,竟然将有损家族威望的坏事,扭转成了对刘氏威望的不利局面。 Before then, her son of first wife always only concentrates on his cultivation, cares to other things are extremely few, never expected when initially Patriarch, demonstrated the ability. 在此之前,她那嫡子向来只专注于自身修炼,对其余事情关心极少,没想到初当族长,就显示出了能耐。 Good!” “好!” Unexpectedly, a bravo resounds, Wang Clan Family Head this opinion, really made Liú revealing, admire, profound warrior / black tortoise clan, established a family by the military, if could not defend the ancestral legacy of property, why not to step down a corner, good, said well!” 蓦地,一个喝彩声响起,“王氏家主这番言论,真是令刘某振聋发聩,佩服佩服,玄武家族,以武立家,若守不住祖业,何不退居一隅,好,说得好!” During the speeches wears the brocade robe, the impressive middle-aged man, surrounded by several fierce brave Family Guard, the expression faint smile is staring at Wang Shouzhe majestic. 说话间一位身穿锦袍,气度不凡的中年男子,在几名悍勇家将的簇拥下龙行虎步而出,表情似笑非笑地盯着王守哲 This person, Gongsun Hui and Wang Dinghai simultaneously look changes: Unexpectedly is Liú Shengye!” 此人一出,公孙蕙王定海齐齐色变:“竟然是刘胜业!” Especially Gongsun Hui, the direct complexion reminded to Wang Shouzhe embarrassedly in a soft voice: Zhe'er, Liú Clan Family Head appears at this time must have the fishy, you must deal carefully.” 尤其是公孙蕙,直接脸色难堪地对王守哲轻声提醒:“哲儿,刘氏家主此时出现必有蹊跷,你须得小心应对。” Liú Shengye. 刘胜业 The Wang Shouzhe eye narrows the eyes slightly, no matter what working as of Ping'an Liú Clan Patriarch, heard that his military force is not Liú Clan is strongest, 40 years old had not broken through to Qi Refining Boundary eight layers. 王守哲眼睛微微眯起,平安刘氏的当任族长,听说他个人武力并非刘氏最强,四十岁了还没突破到炼气境八层 However in the Wang Shouzhe memory, this person always to plan becomes famous deceitfully, is the famous person with kindly face and cruel heart. Before he and Wang Clan, in the confrontation of Patriarch Wang Dingyue profits repeatedly, and is good at operating the family property, making the Liú Clan strength progress day by day. 但是在王守哲的记忆中,此人向来以算计狡诈出名,是有名的笑面虎。他与王氏族长王定岳的交锋中屡屡占了便宜,且非常善于经营族产,让刘氏的实力蒸蒸日上。 Originally is the Family Head Liú arrival.” Wang Shouzhe responded calm freely, „, since Family Head Liú approved me, whether that did approve of me and Liú Yongzhou life and death arena?” He without delay, first under a wrap/sets to Liú Shengye said again. “原来是刘家主驾临。”王守哲淡定自如地回应,“既然刘家主都认同我的话,那是否赞同我与刘永州的生死擂台了?”他二话不说,先给刘胜业下个套再说。 Where has this matter, although the Family Head Wang words are reasonable, but do you as head of a clan, how could bully the weak?” Liú Shengye hits the snake to say along with the stick on, „is not only the life and death arena, naturally results in the status almost to have the quality of being worth looking.” “哪有此事,王家主的话虽然有道理,但是你身为一族之长,岂能以大欺小?”刘胜业打蛇随棍上道,“既是生死擂台,自然得身份差不多才有看头。” His meaning, naturally wants to pull on Liú Yongzhou and Wang Dinghai this war. 他的意思,自然是想将此战拉扯回刘永州王定海身上。 Family Head Liú this word is really rational.” The Wang Shouzhe expression nod approval, your my Wang Clan Liú Clan, usually in rubs earnestly extremely numerous, the accumulated grievances are many. Since wants the life and death arena, was inferior that your my two Patriarch goes forth to battle personally, could be the status to be equivalent.” 刘家主此言甚是有理。”王守哲表情认真地点头赞同,“你我王氏刘氏,平日里摩擦极多,积怨不少。既然要生死擂台,不如你我两位族长亲自上阵,也算得上是身份相当了。” What?” “啥?” The Liú Shengye face pulls out, on Patriarch personally life and death arena? Was Wang Shouzhe this boy insane? First bites Liú Yongzhou, now direct bit his Liú Shengye! Whom this is catches to nip , did I say am that meaning? 刘胜业脸庞一抽,族长亲自上生死擂台?王守哲这小子疯了吗?先是咬上了刘永州,现在直接一口咬上了他刘胜业!这是逮谁咬谁啊,我说得是那意思吗? The peddler passenger who surroundings these surround, as well as other ferry spot people also fell into during the completely silent shock, this comes up is the two aristocratic family Patriarch personally life and death struggle, can be impulsive? 周围那些围观的行商旅客,以及渡口其他人士也陷入了鸦雀无声的震惊之中,这一上来就是两个世家族长亲自生死战,要不要如此冲动啊? ...... ……
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