POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#1: Starting today when Patriarch

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...... …… Great Qian Longchang in 3145 in April 9 th. 大乾隆昌三千一百四十五年四月初九。 Ping'an Wang Clan, first Family Head Wang Dingyue prime of life grieves for the dead. 平安王氏,先家主王定岳英年伤逝。 After seven days mourning period, as direct descendant bloodline son of first wife's Wang Shouzhe according to the country system clan regulations, under Aunt Wang Clan Gongsun Hui and management of numerous Clan Elder, reported after bright Old Ancestor Longyan and generations, succeeds for new generation Patriarch. 七日丧期后,身为嫡系血脉嫡子的王守哲依国制族规,在大娘王氏公孙蕙与众族老的主持下,禀明珑烟老祖及列祖列宗后,继任为新一代族长 Wang Clan is Great Qian Country ninth grade profound warrior aristocratic family that compiles a register to evaluate, the influence only to limit area Changning Garrison Ping'an Town, belongs to inferior aristocratic family. 王氏大乾国造册评定的九品玄武世家,影响力仅局限于长宁卫平安镇一带,属于末流世家 But Ancestor once is also extravagant, getting to the bottom to Great Qian Wang Clan lineage. 祖上也曾阔过,追根溯源可至大乾王氏一脉 Millenniums ago the ancestor does not know why branch family from Great Qian Wang Clan, has no fear of great distances to arrive at Longzuo Commandery, quarried a mountain pioneer/monarch earth to establish Longzuo Wang Family, laid the clan cornerstone. 千年前先祖不知为何从大乾王氏分家,不远万里来到陇左郡,开山辟土建立了陇左王家,奠定了家族的基石。 Then Longzuo Wang Family could also be the prestigious family large clan, the crest of wave does not have two. 当时的陇左王家也算得上是名门大族,风头无二。 Pitifully the flower does not only have the hundred days to be red, the person does not have thousand days good. 只可惜花无百日红,人无千日好。 After the scenery, the family/home potential withers and falls day after day. 风光之后,家势日渐凋落。 Later. 之后。 Longchang in 3000, Longzuo Wang Clan talent Wang Zhouxuan goes south with the family member and Development Command to Changning Garrison, opens up wasteland to construct the stronghold to set up the town/subdues in the Liuping Mountain Range mountains and An River intersection point, does pioneering work despite great hardships the development human habitat to perform the meritorious service, constructs Ping'an Wang Clan to take root in the multiplication to live. 隆昌三千年,陇左王氏的才俊王宙轩携家人与开拓令南下至长宁卫,于六平山脉余脉与安江交汇处开荒建寨立镇,筚路蓝缕开拓人类栖息地立下功勋,建平安王氏扎根繁衍生息。 When Old Ancestor Zhouxuan peak strength once achieved Spirit Platform Boundary late stage, hoodwinks the public in Ping'an Town. 宙轩老祖巅峰战力时曾达到灵台境后期,于平安镇一手遮天。 The one who made Old Ancestor Zhouxuan proud was, his closely related granddaughter Wang Longyan natural beauty vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, 18 years old of then Qi Refining Boundary seven layers, after by the famous Purple Mansion Academy enrollment, in 30 years old of breakthrough to Spirit Platform Boundary, less than 60 years old then broke through to Spirit Platform Boundary intermediate stage, deeply by Purple Mansion Academy thinking highly of cultivation. 更令宙轩老祖骄傲的是,其嫡孙女王珑烟天姿纵横,十八岁便炼气境七层,被大名鼎鼎的紫府学宫录取后于三十岁突破至灵台境,不到六十岁便突破到灵台境中阶,深受紫府学宫器重栽培。 Simultaneously Wang Longyan and Shanyin Liu Clan Liu Xuanfu and called Changing's Two Beauties, the reputation remoteness. 同时王珑烟山阴柳氏柳萱芙并称长宁双娇,声名远扬。 In addition Old Ancestor direct descendant great-grandson Wang Qiongyuan, talent is also extraordinary, then achieves Spirit Platform Boundary in the Old Ancestor cultivation support next 40 years old, and wields the position of clan Patriarch. 此外老祖嫡系重孙王穹元,同样天赋非凡,在老祖的栽培扶持下四十岁便达到灵台境,并执掌家族族长之位。 At that time Wang Clan three Spirit Platform scenery were infinite, the clan influence even affected the entire Changning Garrison area. 当时王氏一门三灵台风光无限,家族势力甚至影响到整个长宁卫地区。 Sometimes until Longchang in 3095, Old Ancestor Zhouxuan 145 years old, subside for a long time Liuping Mountain deep place ferocious beast sudden rebellion, when Ping'an Town becomes the disaster area. 直至隆昌三千零九十五年,时年宙轩老祖一百四十五岁,平息已久的六平山深处凶兽突然暴动,平安镇首当其中成为灾区。 In order to protect the clan hundred years of base industry, Old Ancestor Zhouxuan does not hesitate to constrain fifth stage ferocious beast Golden Winged Sun Swallowing Tiger personally, the waiting reinforcements, but. 为守护家族百年基业,宙轩老祖不惜亲自拖住五阶凶兽金翅吞日虎,等待援军而至。 This match the tactical situation was extremely frigid, although Golden Winged Sun Swallowing Tiger and beast disaster, later the rushed Changning Garrison reinforcements besieged to cut to kill, however Ping'an Wang Clan has actually encountered the enormous wound. 此役战况极其惨烈,虽然金翅吞日虎和兽灾,均被随后赶到的长宁卫援军围攻斩杀,然而平安王氏却已经遭到了极大的创伤。 This match not only Old Ancestor Zhouxuan fell from the sky, moreover was placed the great expectations by Old Ancestor fourth-generation Spirit Platform Boundary initial stage Patriarch Wang Qiongyuan, as well as fifth-generation successor Wang Xiaoqi same dying in battle beast disaster. 此役非但宙轩老祖陨落,而且被老祖寄予厚望的第四代灵台境初阶族长王穹元,以及第五代接班人王宵启同样战死兽灾。 Falling from the sky of Ping'an Wang Clan two generations of Spirit Platform Boundary, the strength prestige reduces greatly. 平安王氏两代灵台境的陨落,实力威望大减。 But Liú Clan and Zhao Clan these two clever obedient dependency clan are ready to make trouble, the strategic maneuvering tries to annex the Wang Clan base industry. 刘氏赵氏这两家乖巧听话的附庸家族蠢蠢欲动,合纵连横试图吞并王氏基业。 Critical moment Wang Clan third generation clansman Wang Longyan, gives up the Purple Mansion Academy excellent future returning to clan resolutely, and initiates an attack to meet head-on the enemy side to amount to three Spirit Platform Boundary powerhouses. 关键时刻王氏第三代族人王珑烟,毅然决然地放弃紫府学宫大好前途回归家族,并主动出击迎战敌方总计三位的灵台境强者。 Under one against three, Wang Longyan cuts to kill the enemy Spirit Platform Boundary ally outrageously, shocked Liú Clan and Zhao Clan Spirit Platform Old Ancestor. 以一敌三下,王珑烟悍然斩杀敌方灵台境盟友,震慑住了刘氏赵氏灵台老祖 Pitifully Wang Longyan this war injury is only critical, the strength drops Spirit Platform Boundary initial stage , and life reduces greatly. 只可惜王珑烟此战伤势过重,实力跌落灵台境初阶且寿元大减。 Even so, Wang Longyan lifts up the heavy burden by one's effort as before, protected Ping'an Wang Clan reluctantly. Liú Clan and Zhao Clan do not dare to enrage Wang Longyan excessively, then set nibbled technique. 但即便如此,王珑烟依旧以一己之力扛起重担,勉强守护住了平安王氏刘氏赵氏不敢过份激怒王珑烟,遂定下了蚕食之术 The time flashes by, was 40-50 years passed by, generations of clansmen have not presented next Spirit Platform Boundary, this time was the even/including first Patriarch Wang Dingyue dies. 时间一晃而过,又是40-50年过去了,一代代的族人始终未曾出现下一位灵台境,这一次更是连先族长王定岳都死了。 All heavy burdens, as if fell on new generation Patriarch Wang Shouzhe! 所有的重担,都似乎落到了新一代族长王守哲身上! ...... …… Wang Clan main house, in an antique courtyard side building. 王氏主宅,一座古色古香的院落厢房内。 Few, no, the Family Head ~ deceased is over, you first eat a thing. Again continue like this, perhaps the body could not endure. These meals, are Eldest Lady Gongsun prepare for you personally.” Personal young male servant Wang Gui is carrying the sandalwood gift box cautiously, in the foreheads full is heavyhearted. “少,不,家主~逝者已矣,您先吃点东西吧。再如此下去,身体恐怕吃不消了。这些饭菜,是公孙大娘子亲自为您准备的。”贴身小厮王贵小心翼翼地端着紫檀木食盒,眉宇间满是忧心忡忡。 ~ Wang Shouzhe to spit a foul air, put down «Wang Clan Inheritance Summary», the look restored some pure brightness, in the heart the thought lived, could not think of a traffic accident, passed through fantasy world unexpectedly, but also became decline profound warrior aristocratic family Patriarch bewilderedly. Only pitifully, the task is very evidently heavy.” “呼~王守哲吐了口浊气,放下了《王氏传承纪要》,眼神恢复了些清明,心中念头生起,“想不到一场车祸,竟然穿越到了一个玄幻世界,还莫名其妙地成了一个没落的玄武世家族长。只可惜,看样子担子很重啊。” Originally before 3rd, original body Wang Shouzhe because of mourning by the side of the coffin to employ professional mourners extremely sadly. One pours before my deceased father coffin dizzy, when he wakes up spookily, actually turned into transmigrator. 原来早在三日前,原身王守哲因守灵哭丧太过伤心。一头昏倒在先父棺木前,等他幽幽醒来,却变成了穿越者 These three days, the process of memory fusion makes Wang Shouzhe look somewhat ignorant, the people only said that it excessively somewhat loses the soul sadly, actually inside does not know the universe truth, but defers to the clan regulations and inheritance, arched the position of Patriarch him. 这三日来,记忆融合的过程让王守哲看起来有些浑浑噩噩,众人只道其过度伤心有些失魂,却不知内里乾坤实情,只是依照族规和传承,将他拱上了族长之位。 Reads off «Wang Clan Inheritance Summary», Wang Shouzhe generally had some understanding of this clan as well as world. this world that he is at called Great Qian Country, Great Qian founds a nation by profound warrior aristocratic family, Imperial Family is biggest profound warrior / black tortoise clan, other every large or small profound warrior aristocratic family are such as is spread like stars in the sky densely covered. 读完《王氏传承纪要》,王守哲大抵对这家族以及世界有了些了解。他所在的这方世界叫【大乾国】,大乾玄武世家立国,皇室便是最大的玄武家族,其它大大小小的玄武世家更是如星罗密布。 Complicate, or direct, either is indirect the politics of affecting entire Great Qian, economy, even is the national destiny life. 彼此之间盘根错节,或直接,或间接着影响着整个大乾的政治,经济,甚至是国运命脉。 Do not look at Wang Clan clan merely is inferior ninth grade aristocratic family, however is one of the domineering local bullies area Changning Ping'an/safe, in government authorities organization Guard Residence also occupied a big right to speak. 别看王氏家族仅仅是末流九品世家,然而在长宁平安一带已属于强势的地头蛇之一,官府机构镇守府中也占据了不小的话语权。 Even, in Wang Shouzhe paternal great-grandfather that generation, Wang Clan clan is overlord level aristocratic family that Ping'an Town kept promises, the tentacle of power and influence can affect Changning Garrison peripheral. 甚至乎,早在王守哲曾祖父那一辈,王氏家族更是平安镇说一不二的霸主级世家,权势的触手能影响到长宁卫周边。 With «Wang Clan Inheritance Summary», that two soul-stirring transition wars, after creating the clan expert falls from the sky, is one year is inferior for a year. Even if there is Old Ancestor Longyan to strive the support, is hard to resist nibbling of jointly Liú Clan and Zhao Clan. 只是随着《王氏传承纪要》中,那两场惊心动魄的转折大战,造成家族高手陨落后,便是一年不如一年了。哪怕有珑烟老祖勉力支撑,也难以抵挡刘氏赵氏的联手蚕食。 First Family Head Wang Dingyue in order to cultivation becomes Spirit Platform Boundary to strive to turn the tide, does not hesitate the thorough Outer Territory dangerous situation to seek the breakthrough chance. 家主王定岳为了能修炼灵台境力挽狂澜,不惜深入外域险境寻求突破机缘。 However failing when success seemed within reach of Wang Dingyue, the prime of life loses unfortunately early, making deterioration Ping'an Wang Clan incessantly have one misfortune after another. 然而王定岳的功败垂成,不幸英年早丧,让衰败不止的平安王氏雪上加霜。 Without the accident happened, according to this will develop in the next dozens years the domain industry of Wang Clan clan, will gradually be nibbled by other Ping'an Town two replaces, was once big and magnificent clan will also deteriorate to collapse, clan bloodline will drop the civilians. 若是没有意外发生,照此发展下去未来几十年内王氏家族的地盘产业,会被平安镇其余两家逐渐蚕食取代,曾经偌大而辉煌的家族也会衰败倒塌,家族血脉将堕成平民。 Actually interesting world.” Wang Shouzhe narrows the eye, he who gradually fuses the memory ponders secretly, seems like predecessor Wang Shouzhe, although young, is actually not a simple role.” “不过倒是个有趣的世界。”王守哲微眯起眼睛,逐渐融合记忆的他不由暗忖,“好像前身王守哲虽然年轻,却也不是一个简单的角色。” The memory told him, Wang Shouzhe was honored as the youngster talent since childhood, the talent aptitude in Old Ancestor Zhouxuan counted in seven generations of heir bloodline, slightly missed compared with Old Ancestor Longyan merely partly plans. 记忆告诉他,王守哲从小被誉为少年天才,天赋资质在宙轩老祖数下来七代子嗣血脉中,也就仅仅比珑烟老祖略差半筹。 Fostered by clan centralized resources, the Wang Shouzhe 18 years old achieved Qi Refining Boundary six layers high stage, are not far from seventh layer. 家族集中资源的培养下,王守哲十八岁就达到了炼气境六层高段,距离第七层也不远了。 This good news, at least not to pass through to the waste material on actually. 这倒是个好消息,至少不是穿越到废材身上。 Nearby young male servant Wang Gui, looks that the complexion Yin clear change of Wang Shouzhe is uncertain, worried: Family Head you are first resting, my asked the doctor to come.” 一旁的小厮王贵,看着王守哲的脸色阴晴变化不定,更为担忧了:“家主您先歇着,我这就去请医师过来。” Might as well, I have not been affected much.” Wang Shouzhe prevented his action, Wang Gui, you first go out, my something need to ponder.” “无妨,我已无大碍了。”王守哲阻止了他的举动,“王贵,你先出去,我有些事情需要思考一下。” „!” “喏!” Wang Gui puts down the gift box to receive an order the retreat, covers carefully visits. 王贵放下食盒领命退去,小心地掩上了门。 After Wang Gui walks, only when is left over a person, Wang Shouzhe relaxes truly, spirit lax. These days mourned by the side of the coffin the consciousness fusion, has not eaten meal well, the belly is hungry cluck calls, promoted the clan anything's complicatedness, first filled the belly turn head ponders over again slowly. 王贵走后,只剩下一个人时,王守哲才真正松了一口气,精神松懈了下来。这些日子守灵加意识融合,没好好吃饭,肚子早已经饿得咕咕直叫,振兴家族什么的千头万绪,先填饱肚子回头再慢慢琢磨。 Turns on the fine sandal wood gift box cover, marvelous meal fragrance greets the nostrils, but. In the gift box some round number room partitions, have the food to have the vegetable/dish to have the meat, steams the fish meat together. 打开精致的檀木食盒盖子,一阵奇妙的饭菜香味扑鼻而至。食盒内部分成数个隔断,有饭有菜有肉,还有一块清蒸鱼肉。 Under the stimulation of appetite, he took up the chopsticks to clamp the meat to force in the mouth fast, the seasoning was common, the taste exceptionally was rich, under the good chewing vigor the fragrant meat taste covered entirely the mouth, after swallowing got into the stomach, faintly can also feel that a slight heat flow is surging. 食欲的刺激下,他飞快拿起筷子夹了块肉塞进了嘴里,佐料一般,口感却异常丰富,良好的嚼劲下喷香肉味布满口腔,吞咽下肚后,隐隐还能感觉到一股细微的热流在涌动。 So isn't delicious? 唔,这么好吃? What meat is this? Pork? It is not right, the pork taste rough is not so exquisite. Mutton? Also is not right, this meat does not have the least bit rank odor, the meat fragrant sincere juice is plentiful, before the taste time is passes through, occasionally has tasted expensive import beef seem like. 这是什么肉?猪肉?不对,猪肉口感粗糙没有这么细腻。羊肉?也不对,这肉没有半点膻味,肉香淳厚汁液丰满,口感倒像是穿越前偶尔品尝过一次的昂贵进口牛肉。 However quick, he fuses memory considering he, this is the Spirit Horned Yak meat, is a precious meat, long-term edible can the strong body and spirit promote the function of cultivation. 然而很快,他融合的“记忆”告之他,这是灵角牦牛肉,是一种珍贵的肉食,长期食用能强壮体魄促进修炼的作用。 His predecessor is Young Patriarch, is aptitude is uncommon, is the first sequence that the clan resources provide, naturally has the qualifications to enjoy so the resources. 他前身为少族长,又是天资不凡,是家族资源供养的第一序列,自然有资格享用如此资源。 Wang Shouzhe feels some within the body heat flows to surge, marvelous feeling that the energy quickly restores. Sighs with emotion one secretly, is really the good meat, under the seduction of gourmet, 32 chopsticks eat cleanly few yak beef. 王守哲感受着体内些许热流在涌动,精力迅速恢复的奇妙感。不由暗自感慨一声,果然是好肉,美食的诱惑下,三两筷子就把为数不多的牦牛肉吃得一干二净。 Under has not given full expression, he stared at that to steam the fish meat, fused the memory to tell him this to call Red Tailed Spirit Yellowcheek. That is one type produces in rare spirit fish from left near An River, is the second stage ferocious beast level, the build frequently can as long as several hundred jin (0.5 kg), the strength be possible to turn the boat is quite fierce. 意犹未尽下,他又盯上了那一段清蒸鱼肉,融合记忆告诉他这叫红尾灵鳡。那是一种出产自左近安江中的罕见灵鱼,属于二阶凶兽层次,体型动辄能长到数百斤,力可翻舟极为凶猛。 The ordinary fisherman bumped into this ferocious beast, for fear that evades it less, escaping must be slightly slowly the ship turns the aspect that the person perishes. 普通渔民碰到了这种凶兽唯恐避之不及,逃跑稍慢必是船翻人亡的局面。 This Red Tailed Spirit Yellowcheek first Patriarch Wang Dingyue when last year, in the expert with several clans displayed the method lucky capture. After decomposition salt stain, collection in the clan icehouse, as the spirit food supplement of clan young bloodline. 这条红尾灵鳡还是先族长王定岳在去年之时,与几位族内高手施展手段并幸运捕获。分解腌渍后珍藏在了家族冰窖之中,作为家族年轻血脉灵食补充。 The female cooks select the fishbone early completely, fish meat the entrance salt fresh refreshing and smooth tender, and walks randomly in within the body along with a cool comfort, all over the body happy delicacy. 厨娘早将鱼刺挑尽,鱼肉入口腌鲜爽滑嫩,并伴随着一股清凉舒适感在体内游走,通体舒畅美味至极。 The rice is not every thing, the grain of cooked rice full clear, eats to shoot the tooth tightly and has the rich irises and orchids flavor, this is the famous spirit food white jade Zhi meter/rice. 米饭也不是凡物,饭粒饱满晶莹,吃起来紧实弹牙并有浓郁的芝兰味道,这正是大名鼎鼎的灵食白玉芝米。 This food eats the Wang Shouzhe taste to be infinite, the weak feeling and dispirited spirit of body dissipate immediately, what replaces it is in full vigour and bursting with life. 这一顿饭吃得王守哲滋味无穷,身体的虚弱感和萎靡精神顿时消散一空,取而代之的是精力旺盛和神采奕奕。 If such way of eating, cultivation gets up to will certainly be exceptionally amazingly quick. 如果顿顿都这么吃法,修炼起来必将异常神速。 But this obviously is the not possible matter, now clan no longer in the past grand occasion. Even his position sequence cannot so wasteful way of eating, not to mention other clan members. 但这显然是不可能的事情,如今家族不复当年盛况。即便是他的地位序列也远不能如此奢靡吃法,更不用说其它家族成员了。 He promotes Family Head now, cannot ignore other clan members, invades their resources to supply oneself endlessly. If really so, how long this clan will of the people could not want to be separate, accelerated to perish. 他如今晋升成了家主,自是不能罔顾其他家族成员,无休止侵占他们资源来供给自己。若真如此,要不了多久这家族就会人心离散,加速灭亡了。 Even if to eat various types of delicacieses, must help the Wang Clan clan growth be powerful. 哪怕是为了顿顿吃上各种美食佳肴,也要帮助王氏家族成长强大啊。 System!” Wang Shouzhe lies on the bed digestion, closes eyes summons with the thought calm. “系统!”王守哲躺在床上消食,闭目用意念淡定地呼唤。 ...... ……
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