POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#18: spirit bee honey-comb

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...... …… The idle talk does not raise for the time being. 闲话暂且不提。 In Changing Garrison Seat, what is liveliest is the Eastern Market Western Market two regions. Eastern Market is mainly various types of along the street stores, selling many are under garrison seat the local products of various villages, what fruits and melons vegetables, domestic animal poultry and daily necessities, daily necessities wait/etc, Ping'an Wang Clan fish stall then in Eastern Market. 长宁卫城之中,最热闹的要数东集西市两块区域。东集主要是各种沿街商铺,卖得多是卫城底下各乡镇的土特产,什么瓜果蔬菜、家畜肉禽、柴米油盐,生活用品等等,平安王氏的鱼档便在东集之中。 Wang Shouzhe and the others were leading a horse to be involved, seemed a giant agricultural market fair, various types of agricultural products and handicrafts had everything expected to find, besides the rich merchant or outside aristocratic family large-scale store, many scattered stall keepers occupies a county fair everywhere corner, traded some strange things, this was the Changning government authorities gives the wandering cultivator stroke especially the stall, avoided them setting up a stall everywhere does not manage well. 王守哲等人牵着马置身其中,就好似进了一个巨大的农贸市场,各种农产品和手工艺品是应有尽有,除了富商或世家的大型商铺外,还有许多零散摊贩占据着市集一处处角落,贩卖些奇奇怪怪的东西,这是长宁官府特地给散修划出摊位,避免他们到处摆摊不好管理。 On wandering cultivator basically does not have the thing, but their usual all corners of the country roam about, the traded thing is very mixed, occasionally will present some novel thing. 散修身上基本没有好东西,但是他们通常五湖四海流浪,贩卖的东西很杂,偶尔会出现一些新奇之物。 „The second stage top ferocious beast Black Backed Violent Bear bear's gall, only this, selling price ten five Qian gold, declined the counter-offer.” Scar of knife wound man wandering cultivator that wears animal skin armor is setting up a stall, the stall paves with a thick bearskin, above bear's gall that uses the branch to hang vice- is drying in the shade, is setting upright the block sign, a living person not near appearance. 二阶顶级凶兽黑背暴熊熊胆,仅此一副,售价十五乾金,谢绝还价。”一个身披兽皮甲的刀疤男子散修在摆摊,摊位是用一张厚实的熊皮铺就,上面用树枝挂着副阴干的熊胆,竖着块牌子,一副生人勿近的模样。 This bearskin back black abdomen is white, the quality of material is vigorous, pouring indeed is the Black Backed Violent Bear skin.” Family Guard Wang Zhong said in one side in a low voice, this bear's gall inside guts kind luster golden yellow physical appearance is not bad, ten five Qian gold were actually inexpensive, hands over to sell to Pill Shop at least to gain 45 Qian gold.” “这熊皮背黑腹白,质地浑厚,倒的确是黑背暴熊的皮。”家将王忠在一旁低声说道,“这熊胆内侧胆仁色泽金黄品相不差,十五乾金倒是不贵,转手卖给丹坊至少赚四五个乾金。” Wang Shouzhe must learn/study the ferocious beast atlas since childhood, can distinguish most ordinary ferocious beast and ferocious beast material, but Xiaoxiao/smile said, this small advantage we were not corrupt.” Saying, without turning the head is leaving. 王守哲自幼要学习凶兽图册,能分辨出大部分普通凶兽凶兽身上的材料,只是笑笑道,“这便宜咱们还是莫贪了。”说着,头也不回地离开了。 Is it possible that Family Head thinks that is a swindler? I thought that bear's gall luster physical appearance is excellent, mistakenly.” Wang Zhong is somewhat unwilling, obedient following, is the look somewhat is reluctant to part, „, if Family Head cannot have a liking to make a change...... to be inferior......” 家主莫非认为那是骗子?我看那熊胆色泽品相都极好,错不了的。”王忠有些不甘,却还是听话的跟上,就是眼神有些恋恋不舍,“若家主看不上赚点小钱……不如……” Idiot, Family Head decided saw the fishy.” Wang Yong stared his one eyes ruthlessly. “蠢货,家主定是看出了蹊跷。”王勇狠狠地瞪了他一眼。 Hehe ~ that bearskin edge skin becomes dark dry, obviously some years, that bear's gall, although has dried in the shade, the pouch color is actually also passing the new vigor, peeling at most is about three months.” Wang Shouzhe said that words that Wang Zhong you must buy, I can lend money with you, the net profit does not need to share with me.” “呵呵~那熊皮边缘内瓤干燥发黑,显然有些年头了,那副熊胆虽已阴干,囊色却还透着新鲜劲,剥出至多不过三个月。”王守哲笑着说,“王忠你要买的话,我可以借钱与你,余利不必与我分享。” In his heart also secret funny, compares in Earth, our profound warrior / black tortoise world setting up a stall swindlers seem that rough, does not arrange strange tale anything, is very non-specialized. 他心中也不由暗暗好笑,相比于地球,咱们玄武世界的摆摊骗子都显得那么粗糙,都不编个离奇故事什么的,忒不专业了。 Does not want, today is to follow luckily Family Head comes out together.” A Wang Zhong cold sweat lingering fear, the extremely angry say/way, wandering cultivator is really incredible, mooching were too many.” “不要不要了,幸好今天是跟着家主一起出来。”王忠一头冷汗后怕,愤愤道,“散修果然都不可信,招摇撞骗的太多了。” Our profound warrior aristocratic family has the family/home to have industry, has to have the base, so long as will defend this base industry to have the continuous cultivation resources.” Wang Shouzhe said indifferently, wandering cultivator does not have the base to drift the prodigal son without the root everywhere, all resources must rely on one's own effort to revive, the day crosses the nature to be difficult, moves toward the swindling and abducting to steal and other wrong roads very much easily. Moreover they, once commits a crime, can pat the buttocks to walk away greatly, changed/easy Ronghuan the status is a cinch. If wandering cultivator can get so far as the resources casually. Why our to perform good deeds for generations the development family property, sparing no sacrifice the life is the clan protection basis industry?” “咱们玄武世家有家有业,有根有基,只要守好这份基业就会有源源不断的修炼资源。”王守哲淡然说道,“散修都是无根无基四处漂泊浪子,一切资源都得自力更生,日子过得自然艰难,也很容易就走向坑蒙拐骗偷等歧途。而且他们一旦犯了事,大可以拍拍屁股一走了之,易容换身份都不在话下。若是散修随随便便就能弄到资源。咱们的祖祖辈辈何必建功立业开拓族产,不惜牺牲性命为家族守护基业?” Family Head said well is reasonable. 家主说得好有道理。 Wang Zhong Wang Yong two Family Guard, gradually even more admires to Wang Shouzhe, they had felt that new Family Head and first Family Head differences, in a few words distinguish clearly wandering cultivator and aristocratic family situation. 王忠王勇两位家将,逐渐对王守哲愈发敬佩,他们已经感觉到新家主和先家主的不同之处,三言两语就将散修世家的处境分辩得清清楚楚。 Hence, they looked that varied to roadside these appearance, suspends wandering cultivator of various at sixes and sevens thing stalls even more to be vigilant, so long as saw that wandering cultivator feels was a swindler. 至此,他们看向路边那些打扮各异,摆着各种乱七八糟物件摊位的散修愈发警惕了起来,只要看到散修就觉着是骗子。 How does this honey-comb sell?” “这个蜂巢怎么卖?” In the meantime, Wang Shouzhe squats down before a stall suddenly, the vendor is a 40-50 years old middle-aged man, the image is somewhat sloppy, as far as eyes can reach merely is the Qi Refining Boundary three layers peak appearance. 就在此时,王守哲突然在一个摊位前蹲下,摊主是一位四五十岁的中年男子,形象有些邋遢,一眼望去仅仅是炼气境三层巅峰的样子。 However this is most wandering cultivator normal states, aptitude is also bad, deficient systematic cultivation cultivation technique and no elder tender guidance and cultivation resources extremely unstable to wait for the factor, over caused most wandering cultivator to be very difficult to mix. 不过这也是多数散修的正常状态,天资较差、缺乏系统性修炼功法、无长辈悉心指导、修炼资源极不稳定等等等因素,都造成了大部分散修很难混出头。 The vendors see Wang Shouzhe to put on magnificent and expensive, two fully-armed fierce brave Family Guard, obviously is not an average person. 摊主一见王守哲穿着华贵,身后还有两名全副武装的悍勇家将,明显不是普通人。 Immediately will butcher the guest price to swallow back, shows the smile of flattering: This Young Master, this is the Tiger Headed Spirit Bee honey-comb, is I after the ravine meets by chance is at cost of the life to make. You look in this honey-comb also to have many spirit honey and bee cocoons, I want to trade two Little Origin Cultivating Pill.” 顿时将宰客价格咽了回去,露出讨好的笑容:“这位少爷,这是虎头灵蜂蜂巢,是我在山间偶遇后拼着老命弄回来的。您看这蜂巢中还有存有不少灵蜜和蜂蛹,我想换两枚【小培元丹】。” One speaking of Little Origin Cultivating Pill, his throat mouth Gulu. 一说到小培元丹,他喉咙口咕噜了一下。 „Are you snatching?” The Wang Yong complexion changes, the hand according to the hilt, threatens, „your honey-comb head size, can leach 22 spirit honey to withstand/top the day, some trivial bee cocoons insufficiently stir fry a dish, supported to sell several Qian gold.” “你这是在抢吗?”王勇脸色一变,手按在刀柄上,气势汹汹,“你这个蜂巢不过脑袋大小,能滤取二两灵蜜顶了天,区区些许蜂蛹都不够炒一盘菜的,撑死了不过卖几个乾金。” Oh, this Sir do not take offense.” The vendor complexion dreads slightly said, „my honey-comb picks newly, inside many bee cocoons are also living, if expensive/noble clan has Spirit Insect Master, can perhaps cultivate the Tiger Headed Spirit Bee colony.” “哎哟,这位大爷勿要动气。”摊主脸色微微畏惧道,“我这蜂巢是新采摘的,里面好多蜂蛹还活着,若是贵家族灵虫师的话,说不定就能培植出虎头灵蜂蜂群。” Many wandering cultivator dash about, the strength is not much, but the experience has. 很多散修东闯西荡,实力不咋样但见识还是有的。 Your thought too much, the entire Changning Garrison area had not heard that which has Spirit Insect Master. Is sees this thing to be rare, brings to fry is eating to taste foods newly in season.” Wang Shouzhe put out ten Qian gold, enough you buy grain of Little Origin Cultivating Pill, likes wanting, a several plus one silver coin I walk.” “你想多了,整个长宁卫地区都没听说哪家有灵虫师。就是见此物难得,拿来炒着吃尝个鲜。”王守哲拿出了十乾金,“够你买一粒小培元丹的,爱要不要,多加一个角子我就走。” Vendors hesitant after long time, helpless finally the anxiety finalized: This Young Master, this, if in province county true value two ten Qian gold, only attained the province county to go to these bee cocoons dead pitifully.” 摊主犹豫了半晌后终于无奈肉疼成交:“这位少爷,这要是在州郡真值二十乾金,只可惜拿到州郡去这些蜂蛹都要死了。” If not the bee cocoon could not live for several days, the vendor is really also willing to hurry to the province county to sell travel-worn, after all had ten Qian gold price differences. 7788 that once the bee cocoon dies, this Tiger Headed Spirit Bee honey-comb value fell suddenly. 若非蜂蛹活不了几天,摊主还真愿意风尘仆仆赶去州郡卖,毕竟有十个乾金的差价。一旦蜂蛹死的七七八八,这个虎头灵蜂蜂巢价值就暴跌了。 After the deal, Wang Shouzhe made Wang Yong pack to carry to carry off, was disinclined to be wordy with that vendor. 成交后,王守哲王勇打包背起带走,也懒得和那摊主多啰嗦。 This thing is far from takes advantage of a mistake, actually does not owe. Gives words that Fifth Younger Sister Wang Luojing plays, will have the miracle to happen probably, really must foster the Tiger Headed Spirit Bee words, increased a special industry for clan. 此物谈不上是捡漏,却也是不亏的。送给五妹王珞静玩玩的话,保不齐会有奇迹发生,真要养成了虎头灵蜂的话,就是为家族增加一份特殊产业了。 Almost looks to disappear in open country Tiger Headed Spirit Bee, the unvisited place will bump into occasionally, must really look for a half year one year is also not necessarily able to meet with effort. 在野外虎头灵蜂几乎看不见了,只有人迹罕至处才会偶尔碰到,要真费力去找半年一载也未必能遇到。 After that strolls these wandering cultivator stalls, has not met the thing of being interested eventually again. Is walking, arrived among Eastern Market unconsciously , a Changning Eastern Market fish stall place oneself industries. 此后,一路闲逛完那些散修摊位,终究也没再遇到感兴趣之物。走着走着,不觉走到了东集中间,自家产业之一的长宁东集鱼档处。 Ping'an Wang Clan fish stall. 平安王氏鱼档。 Six large characters cross Sanjiandian Shop, compared in these at sixes and sevens stalls, neat and upscale feeling of fish stall obviously. 六个大字横贯三间店铺,相比于那些乱七八糟的摊位,鱼档的整洁度与高档感明显强了许多。 Looks at this Wang Clan fish stall, the Wang Shouzhe memory is emerging, the innermost feelings are also the mighty waves. 看这着王氏鱼档,王守哲的记忆涌现,内心也是波澜不已。 These three store fronts spread following separate compound, is last asset of Wang Clan in Changing Garrison Seat. 这三间铺面加铺后面的别院,已是王氏长宁卫城中最后一份资产了。 After 50 years ago that two wars, the Ping'an Wang Clan prestige suffers a disastrous decline. To support the new Spirit Platform Boundary powerhouse as soon as possible supports clan, Wang Clan sold off many Changing Garrison Seat fixed assets cruel-heartedly. 自五十年前那两场大战后,平安王氏的威望一落千丈。为了尽快扶持出新的灵台境强者来支撑家族,王氏狠心变卖了许多长宁卫城的固定资产。 Only pitifully. 只可惜。 Was placed the great expectations Second Uncle Wang Dingtian 20 years old untimely death, even bloodline has not remained. 被寄予厚望的二伯王定天年仅二十岁就英年早逝,连血脉都没留下来。 Sixth Grandfather Wang Xiaohan achieves Qi Refining Boundary nine layers when forty years old actually, and attempts to attack Spirit Platform Boundary, after the result consumption magnanimous resources, attacks the failure, now 65-year-old Wang Xiaohan has stayed in Qi Refining Boundary nine layers as before. 六爷爷王宵翰倒是在四十几岁时达到炼气境九层,并尝试冲击灵台境,结果耗费海量资源后冲击失败,如今已经65岁的王宵翰依旧停留在炼气境九层 But Wang Shouzhe father Wang Dingyue is sad, when the resources are insufficient supports attacks Spirit Platform Boundary, unexpectedly takes risk to enter Outer Territory to seek the chance, finally built the life. 王守哲的父亲王定岳更是悲催,在资源不足以支撑冲击灵台境时,竟然冒险进入外域寻求机缘,结果连命都搭了进去。 Actually if continues to sell off the clan asset, for example sells out three ranches and so on, can collect Wang Dingyue to attack the Spirit Platform Boundary resources certainly. However then, then does not succeed dies for a righteous cause. Once is defeated, Ping'an Wang Clan night of penniless. 其实若是继续变卖家族资产,例如将三大农场都卖掉之类,铁定能凑出王定岳冲击灵台境的资源了。但是如此一来,便是不成功就成仁。一旦失败,平安王氏就会一夜赤贫如洗。 Wang Shouzhe has the feeling faintly, when he arrived at the Qi Refining Boundary nine layers peak. The clan whole will perhaps make to sell off all assets the action, lets him bet the last wave. 王守哲隐隐有感觉,如果等他到了炼气境九层巅峰时。家族整体也许会作出变卖掉所有资产的举动,来让他赌最后一波。 If just, really must arrive that step, can only prove the failure of Wang Shouzhe this transmigrator. 只不过,若是真的要走到那一步,就只能证明王守哲这个穿越者的失败了。 Fourth Brother, how did you come?” 四弟,你怎么来了?” At a time of some Wang Shouzhe innermost feelings feelings, a pleasantly surprised sound transmits. 就在王守哲内心有些感慨之际,一个惊喜的声音传来。 ...... ……
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