POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#19: The fiancee in legend

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...... …… That is a stature strong, wears the homespun cloth hempen garments the adult male who works. Sees only him dang, throws down a box of salt fish that on the shoulder carries, welcomed happily. 那是一个身材健硕,穿着粗布麻衣正在干活的成年男子。只见他“咣当”一下,丢下肩膀上扛着的一箱咸鱼,开心地迎了上来。 Wang Shouzhe calms down, recognizing that is shou generation Old Second Wang Shouyi. Immediately cupped the hands, shows the smile: Second Elder Brother, how you put on this, can work unexpectedly personally?” 王守哲定了定神,认出了那是守字辈老二王守义。当即拱了拱手,露出笑容道:“二哥,你怎么穿成这样,竟然还要亲自干活?” Wang Shouyi laughed foolishly one reluctantly: Sixth Uncle does not know that sent anything to be insane insanely, sent people to deliver the stock salt fish of Dingpu storehouse unexpectedly, assigned/life me to sell with a sense of urgency. By partner for a while also unbearably busy, look is unloading cargo.” 王守义无奈地憨笑了一声:“六叔不知道发了什么失心疯,竟然派人将定蒲库房的库存咸鱼都送了过来,命我抓紧售卖。靠伙计一时也忙不过来,这不,正在卸货呢。” Saying, but also finger/refers of following several lining up drays, was about to block the road. 说着,还一指后面几辆正排着队的载货马车,把路都快堵住了。 ...... Hehe. 呃……呵呵。 Wang Shouzhe knows certainly the reason, that is because of his suggestion and idea, this year the catching absolute bursting of fishing brigade. If keeps in stock the salt fish not to hurry to process, when the following massive fishing attain the listing, the salt fish that before saved will pound in the hand. 王守哲当然知道缘由,那是因为他的建议和想法,今年捕鱼大队的渔获量绝对爆棚。如果库存咸鱼不赶紧处理掉,后续大量渔获上市时,之前存的咸鱼就会砸在手里。 Wang Zhong, Wang Yong, you help unload cargo together.” Wang Shouzhe waves. 王忠,王勇,你们帮着一起卸货。”王守哲挥了挥手。 Yes, Family Head.” two Family Guard lays down the burden immediately, goes to help. Their Qi Refining Boundary four layers, five layers, strength physique far ultra average person multiple. “是,家主。”两位家将立即卸下包袱,前去帮忙。他们一个炼气境四层,一个五层,力气体质都远超普通人多倍。 In addition Wang Shouyi is also Qi Refining Boundary five layers, three profound warrior begin to unload cargo together, the speed rubbed to come up. 再加上王守义也是炼气境五层,三位玄武者一起动手卸货,速度蹭蹭蹭就上去了。 Naturally Wang Shouzhe Qi Refining Boundary six layers high stage, he has wanted on words speed to be quicker. His solemn head of a clan moves the salt fish, spreads must not harm the clan prestige? 当然王守哲已经炼气境六层高段,他要上的话速度就更快了。只是他堂堂一族之长去搬咸鱼,传出去不得有损家族威望? Does not have two quarter, fish on several carriage moved into the storehouse, the roadside also restored unobstructedly. 不出两刻钟光景,几辆马车上的鱼货都搬入了库房,路边也恢复了通畅。 Afterward, cleans clean Wang Shouyi to in the backyard entertain Wang Shouzhe. Was actually rejected, the side in the fish stall sought a place to drink tea to chat. 随后,清洗干净的王守义原本要在后院招待王守哲。却被拒绝了,就在鱼档里侧寻了个地方喝茶聊天起来。 Fourth Brother, our fish stall main sale salt fish and smoked fish solid stuff, fresh fish, as well as live fish.” Wang Shouyi poured out the tea to say personally, salt fish and other solid stuff majorities by the traveling merchant batch purchase, sold to the northwest direction.” 四弟,咱们鱼档主要销售咸鱼和熏鱼干货,鲜鱼,以及活鱼。”王守义亲自斟着茶说,“咸鱼等干货大部分是由行脚商批量采购,销往西北方向。” Fresh fish first sells in the stall keepers to Changing Garrison Seat, their daily early morning will come our fish stall to take delivery of goods. Secondly, in several restaurants to the city supplies the fresh fish, the live fish. Part is responsible for delivering goods by us, but the price can slightly tall some.” “鲜鱼一来是销给长宁卫城内的摊贩们,他们每日凌晨就会来我们鱼档提货。二来,就是给城里几个酒楼供应鲜鱼,活鱼。这一部分由我们负责送货,但是价格会略高些。” Has again is some aristocratic family, the rich business and others, will have the demand of many fresh fish and live fish every day. Therefore every day early morning to the morning, is our fish stall busiest time.” “再有就是一些世家,富商家等,每天也会有不少鲜鱼与活鱼的需求。因此每天凌晨至上午,都是咱们鱼档最忙碌的时候。” In a few words, Wang Shouzhe understands the operation mode of Wang Clan fish stall, mainly attains to deliver the maximization to sell the price the fishing of fishing brigade, the total physical ability to the net income that clan brings, every year approximately also only has more than 200 Qian gold appearances. 三言两语,王守哲就明白了王氏鱼档的运作模式,主要是将捕鱼大队的渔获产出最大化卖出价格,总体能给家族带来的净收益,每年大约也只有两百多乾金的样子。 Also because the net income is not high, is responsible for by clan seventh generation of clansman Wang Shouyi here. 也正是因为净收益不算高,才由家族第七代族人王守义在这里负责。 The Wang Shouyi aptitude is not too good, merely is low grade fourth grade. The clan resources that from infancy to maturity therefore enjoys, are far from the means and Wang Dingyue, Wang Shouzhe they compare, 33 years old, are the Qi Refining Boundary five layers initial stage appearances. 王守义资质不算太好,仅仅是下品丁等。因此从小到大享用的家族资源,远没有办法和王定岳,王守哲他们比,以至于三十三岁了,才是炼气境五层初段的样子。 Is good is calm because of Wang Shouyi, bears hardships and stands hard work, has no complaint to the resource distribution of clan, instead provokes one of the clan industries conscientiously, is clan makes the contribution. 好在王守义性格沉稳,吃苦耐劳,对家族的资源分配也没有任何怨言,反而兢兢业业地挑起家族产业之一,为家族做贡献。 Second Elder Brother, these years was laborious you.” Wang Shouzhe seriously cupped the hands. 二哥,这些年来辛苦你了。”王守哲郑重地拱了拱手 What words Fourth Brother are you?” Wang Shouyi quickly sets out to return a courtesy, my Wang Shouyi as the clan direct line bloodline clansman, operating the clan family property is my duty, what labor discussed? So long as Fourth Brother you some day can rush to Spirit Platform Boundary, our Wang Clan clansman has met the last auspicious day.” 四弟你这是什么话?”王守义急忙起身回礼,“我王守义身为家族直系血脉族人,经营家族族产是我的本分,谈什么辛苦?只要四弟你有朝一日能冲上灵台境,咱们王氏族人一定会过上好日子的。” Spirit Platform Boundary! Spirit Platform Boundary! 灵台境灵台境 In the Wang Shouzhe heart sighs, now in the innermost feelings of all clansmen, pins the hope on his Wang Shouzhe. Also this hope, making them pay thanklessly. 王守哲心中叹了一口气,现在所有族人的内心之中,都是把希望都寄托在了他王守哲身上。也正是这份希望,让他们任劳任怨地付出。 Second Elder Brother felt relieved, our Wang Clan clan will certainly keep improving.” Wang Shouzhe said self-confidently, right, I heard the Nephew Zongsheng aptitude is good, has the low grade third grade appearance?” 二哥放心,咱们王氏家族一定会越走越好。”王守哲自信地笑着说,“对了,我听说宗盛侄儿的资质不错,有下品丙等的样子?” Mentioned Zongsheng, on the Wang Shouyi simple and honest face revealed joyfully, flexure said difficultly: „The boy is good, compared with his father, it seems like my bloodline is good.” 一提到宗盛,王守义憨厚的脸上露出了喜悦,挠了挠头道:“那小子还行,比他爹强,看来我的血脉还是不错的。” Hehe, Second Elder Brother, that is Second Sister-in-law bloodline is good.” Wang Shouzhe teased with a smile, I know, Second Sister-in-law in the past in Golden Sand Xu Clan was still unbetrothed, that was the beautiful woman who becomes famous, many clan discussed marriage. Actually does not think that you can break through a tight encirclement unexpectedly finally, won the Second Sister-in-law heart.” “呵呵,二哥,那是二嫂血脉好。”王守哲笑着调侃说,“我可是知道的,二嫂当年在金沙徐氏待字闺中时,那是出了名的美女,有好多个家族都去提亲了。却不想你竟然最后能杀出重围,赢得二嫂的芳心。” Fourth Brother you actually still remember this matter, at that time were you a child? Hehe, your Second Sister-in-law does not like these gaudy Elder Brother Young Master, settled on your Second Elder Brother honest duty.” Wang Shouyi recalls this matter, is the pride of whole face, can marry your Second Sister-in-law, is my Wang Shouyi this life greatest victory. Right, Fourth Brother you this year 18? When does the preparation marry to go home the Liu Family thousand gold (daughter)?” 四弟你竟然还记得这事,那时候你还是孩子吧?嘿嘿,你二嫂不喜欢那些花里胡哨的公子哥,就看中了你二哥的老实本分。”王守义回忆起此事,就是满脸的骄傲,“能娶到你二嫂,是我王守义这一生最大的胜利。对了,四弟你今年十八了吧?准备什么时候把柳家千金娶回家?” Liu Family thousand gold (daughter)? 柳家千金? Wang Shouzhe stagnates, Wang Shouyi raised this matter, he forgot that oneself has the engagement with Liu Clan orthodox lineage eldest daughter in the body. 王守哲一滞,要不是王守义提起这事,他都忘记自己已经和柳氏嫡长女有婚约在身。 Properly speaking, Wang Clan that now deteriorates is very difficult to build Liu Clan orthodox lineage, relations of both sides maintain at the stage that the parallel veins are related through marriage occasionally merely. Related through marriage from previous Wang Clan Liu Clan orthodox lineage, is the 100 dozens years ago things. 按理说,现在衰败的王氏是很难搭得上柳氏嫡脉的,双方的关系仅仅维持在直脉偶尔通婚的阶段。距离上一次王氏柳氏嫡脉通婚,已经是一百几十年前的事情了。 At that time the Liu Clan daughter of first wife married Old Ancestor Zhouxuan second son Wang Yuyou, but Old Ancestor Zhouxuan second daughter Wang Zhuwei marries into Liu Clan orthodox lineage. 当时柳氏的嫡女嫁给了宙轩老祖的次子王宇佑,而宙轩老祖的次女王珠薇则是嫁入了柳氏嫡脉 What is worth mentioning is, Zhuwei Great Grandaunt gave birth to two sons and one daughter in Liu Clan, now Liu Clan two living Spirit Platform Boundary Old Ancestor, one is the Zhuwei Great Grandaunt son, one is her grandson. 值得一提的是,珠薇祖姑奶奶柳氏生下了二子一女,现在柳氏两位活着的灵台境老祖,一位是珠薇祖姑奶奶的儿子,一位是她老人家的孙子。 Also therefore, Shanyin Liu Clan is reading a fragrant state to Wang Clan throughout. 也正是因此,山阴柳氏王氏始终念着一份香火情。 But Liu Clan fiercest instead is not that two Spirit Platform Boundary Old Ancestor, but is Zhuwei Great Grandaunt daughter Liu Xuanfu. 柳氏最厉害的反而不是那两位灵台境老祖,而是珠薇祖姑奶奶的女儿柳萱芙 Thought back on initially Liu Clan Liu Xuanfu and Wang Clan Wang Longyan, was the elder female cousins relates, was rare heaven's chosen daughter, Shuangshuang/pair was enrolled by Purple Mansion Academy, at that time shocked the entire Changning Garrison area. 遥想当初柳氏柳萱芙王氏王珑烟,即是表姐妹关系,又都是罕见的天之娇女,双双紫府学宫录取,当时震惊了整个长宁卫地区。 They were called as Changing's Two Beauties, fame surpassed general clan Spirit Platform Old Ancestor. Moreover good that they develop in Purple Mansion Academy, future prospect general. 她们被称呼为长宁双娇,名气之强超过了一般家族灵台老祖。而且她们在紫府学宫中都发展的不错,未来前途一片广大。 Only pitifully. 只可惜。 After Wang Clan met with the disaster, Old Ancestor Longyan has to give up the Academy elite disciple status returning to clan, finally ends up a fate that experiences personally the severely wounded life to reduce greatly, until the present has not left Changning. 王氏遭逢大难后,珑烟老祖不得不放弃学宫精英弟子身份回归家族,最终落得个身受重伤寿元大减的下场,直至现在都没有离开过长宁 But Liu Xuanfu has developed in Purple Mansion Academy, the recent situation is not really transparent. However saw that Shanyin Liu Clan is getting more and more powerful to infer, Liu Xuanfu considers to develop very smoothly in the Purple Mansion Academy planted agent. 柳萱芙则是一直在紫府学宫之中发展,近况不甚明了。但是看到山阴柳氏越来越强盛就能推断出,柳萱芙紫府学宫内应当是发展得很顺利。 Therefore, Wang Shouzhe and Liu Clan daughter of first wife engagement, is Old Ancestor Longyan personally the marriage that comes to raise, is she prepares to clan keeps a final safeguard. 因此,王守哲柳氏嫡女这个婚约,是珑烟老祖亲自上门提的亲事,也是她老人家准备给家族留一份最后的保障。 Perhaps was Old Ancestor Longyan paid certain unknown prices, perhaps was Liu Clan is thinking of the initial former friendship as before, in brief this engagement decided. 也许是珑烟老祖付出了某些不为人知的代价,也许是柳氏依旧念着当初的旧情,总之这门婚约就这么定了下来。 Fourth Brother, what Fourth Brother are you thinking?” Wang Shouyi smiles hehe said, is not thinking wife Liu Ruolan that your has not gotten married, Eldest Young Lady Liu?” 四弟,四弟你在想什么呢?”王守义笑嘿嘿地说道,“不会是在想你那个未过门的媳妇柳若蓝,柳大小姐吧?” Hehe ~ Second Elder Brother, how we think to expand clan.” Wang Shouzhe shifts the topic saying that „, if the Sixth Uncle fishing brigade, the annual output achieved in the past one time, your fish stall could endure?” “呵呵~二哥,咱们还是多想想怎么壮大家族吧。”王守哲转移着话题道,“若是六叔的捕鱼大队,年产量达到往年一倍,你这鱼档吃得消吗?” What, one time?” Wang Shouyi complexion one happy, shouted lowly, Fourth Brother, clan is willing to expand the fishing boat? This is the advantageous clan good deed, if really so, I take care do not hold back.” “什么,一倍?”王守义脸色一喜,低呼说,“四弟,家族愿意扩建渔船了?这可是有利家族的好事啊,若真如此,我保管不拖后腿。” That two times?” Wang Shouzhe smilingly said. “那两倍呢?”王守哲笑眯眯地说道。 Hiss ~ Wang Shouyi held breath a cold air/Qi, Fourth Brother, you must while away the time not your Second Elder Brother.” “嘶~王守义倒吸了一口冷气,“四弟,你莫要消遣你二哥。” Wang Shouzhe just released several times pending, unexpectedly, outside hears Yin sad laughter: Wang Family Old Second, Wang Shouyi in? I am Get Rich Gambling Shop Second Storekeeper Ding Youde, does your nephew owe us the Gambling Shop money, when the preparation also?” 王守哲刚待解释几句的时候,蓦地,外面传来一个阴恻恻的笑声:“王家老二,王守义在吗?我是发财赌坊二掌柜丁有德啊,你的侄子欠我们赌坊的钱,准备什么时候还啊?” Get Rich Gambling Shop? Gambling debt? Nephew? 发财赌坊?赌债?侄子? While Wang Shouyi complexion big change, the happy expression on Wang Shouzhe face also solidified, the look becomes somewhat sharp. 就在王守义脸色大变的同时,王守哲脸上的笑意也凝固了起来,眼神变得有些锐利。 ...... ……
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