POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#17: Decides to buy to the hand

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...... …… „When on-hand merchandise refers to the goods that can connect at the scene, the stock needs to assign the date can connect with, Old Brother Qian you did not say need the ingredient, ten days later can connect with?” Wang Shouzhe spoke thoughtlessly to him spread a knowledge. “现货就是指当场能交接的货,期货就是需要指定日期时才能交接,钱老哥你不是说需要调货,十天后才能交接吗?”王守哲随口给他普及了一下知识。 Is reasonable, a Brother Shouzhe such saying I understood the difference.” Manager Qian was in high spirits, an eye Gulu revolution, said in a low voice, Brother Shouzhe, your 5000 bags of Insect Exterminating Powder, definitely did not supply for oneself. Is it possible that found the new opportunity?” “有道理,守哲老弟这么一说我就明白了差别。”钱主事精神振奋了起来,眼咕噜一转,低声说,“守哲老弟啊,你这五千袋灭虫散,肯定不是自备。莫非,是找到了新的商机?” Hehe, Old Brother Qian said that was the new opportunity.” Wang Shouzhe smilingly serves tea to drink, I help the expensive/noble firm cleaning up stock, but I also make a small profit, about win-win. Old Brother Qian, to sincere price.” “呵呵,钱老哥都说是新的商机了。”王守哲笑眯眯地端茶喝着,“我帮贵商行清理库存,而我也从中获取一笔微薄利润,合则双赢嘛。钱老哥,给个实诚价。” Ha, about win-win, the Brother Shouzhe words also are really interesting, I did not inquire. In view of this, that these 5000 bags of Insect Exterminating Powder, hit a 10% discount to the brother, altogether 4500 Qian gold.” “哈哈哈,合则双赢,守哲老弟的话还真是有意思,那我就不过问了。既如此,那这五千袋灭虫散,给老弟打个九折,一共四千五百枚乾金。” 4000!” “四千!” 4200 most lowered the brother.” “四千二最低了老弟。” 4200 4200, but I must use the prestige payment current this payment for goods of Ping'an Wang Clan clan.” Wang Shouzhe tranquil say/way, one month later, I 4200 Qian gold one point of many deliveries.” “四千二就四千二,但是我要动用平安王氏家族的信誉支付当前这笔货款。”王守哲平静道,“一个月后,我将四千二百枚乾金一分不少交付。” Manager Qian slightly stares, but says with a smile at once: This matter is feasible, but we must establish the contract, if at the appointed time cannot put in the payment for goods, our firm has the right to resort to any method to pursue the payment for goods.” 钱主事略一愣,但旋即笑道:“此事可行,但是我们要立下契约,届时若是付不出货款,我们商行有权动用任何手段追讨货款。” Wang Clan clan goes down in the world again, that is also profound warrior aristocratic family, is some family properties, the light is one Fenggu Village Sell words at least over ten thousand Qian gold. So long as both sides have the contract, powerful Qian Clan Trading Company some are the means pursues this debt. 王氏家族再落魄,那也是一个玄武世家,还是有些家底的,光是一个【丰谷农庄】出售的话至少上万乾金。只要双方有契约,势力庞大的钱氏商行有的是办法追讨回这笔债务。 Old Brother Qian did not say the contract, I must draw up the contract.” A Wang Shouzhe face sincere say/way, I have been relating the merchant ship, after three days, I will send people your firm storehouse to transport 2000 bags of Insect Exterminating Powder, after ten days , is the second batch. If your firm violation is not willing to deliver the cargo or cannot deliver, must pay the penalties of our three times of payment for goods.” 钱老哥不说契约,我也要拟定契约的。”王守哲一脸正色道,“我已经在联系商船,三日后我会派人去贵行库房搬运两千袋灭虫散,十日后便是第二批。如果贵行违约不肯交付货物或者交付不出来,需支付我方三倍货款的违约金。” Brother please feel relieved, the prestige is our Qian Clan Trading Company several hundred years of base industry bases fundamentally.” The Manager Qian complexion very serious say/way, in any event, we will deliver the goods on time in proper amount.” “老弟请放心,信誉是我们钱氏商行数百年基业的立足根本。”钱主事脸色非常郑重道,“无论如何,我们都会按时按量交付货品。” I trust the credibility of your firm, but this business to our small Ping'an Wang Clan, concerns significantly.” Wang Shouzhe is also the complexion serious say/way, establishes the contract sureproof, I also felt relieved.” “我信任贵行的信誉,但是这笔买卖对我们小小平安王氏来说,关乎重大。”王守哲也是脸色严肃道,“白纸黑字立下契约,我也放心。” Such being the case, that inscribes.” Manager Qian does not think that one's own side has any reason to break a contract, moreover is only the transaction of only several thousand Qian gold, that matter to entire Qian Clan. “既然如此,那就写上。”钱主事丝毫不认为己方有任何理由会违约,而且只是区区数千乾金的交易而已,对整个钱氏来说也就那么回事儿。 two people spent a double-hour, under attitude that Wang Shouzhe nitpicks, had explicit implementation to various provisions of contract. 两人足足花了一个时辰,在王守哲吹毛求疵的态度下,对契约的各项条款都有了明确的落实。 When the both sides signing signature, attains the contract respectively, Manager Qian has been sweating profusely, he wipes away sweat the forced smile: Qian pursues commerce for 20 years, sees so exhaustive lease condition and meticulous word usage for the first time. However returns to the original topic, so exhaustive lease condition, avoided the future senseless dispute actually, making Qian broaden the outlook, learn/study.” 当双方各自画押签字,拿到契约之时,钱主事已经满头大汗了,他擦了擦汗苦笑:“钱某从商二十载,还是第一次见到如此详尽的契约条款和缜密用词。不过又说回来,如此详尽的契约条款,倒是避免了日后的无谓纷争,让钱某大开眼界,学习了。” Hehe ~ 呵呵~ Wang Shouzhe is only Xiaoxiao/smile, this is nothing? Some complex commercial contracts on Earth, far exceed this type of rough contract hundred times, the layman like reading the heavenly book is the same. 王守哲只是笑笑,这算啥?在地球上一些复杂的商业合同,远超这种粗糙契约的百倍,外行人如同看天书一样。 Finally attained the contract, a big stone in Wang Shouzhe heart fell. 终于拿到了契约,王守哲心中的一块大石头就落了下来。 Although by him understanding Qian Clan Trading Company, even the contract is not exhaustive, they will not violate the oneself prestige. Prestige that several hundred years save, is a firm most valuable thing. 虽说以他对钱氏商行的了解,即便契约没有那么详尽,他们也是不会违背自己的信誉。数百年积攒下来的信誉,是一个商行最值钱的东西。 As for this money sends the expert to exterminate an entire family and so on, that is more impossible. 至于为了这点点钱派遣高手来灭门之类,那就更加不可能了。 Although own Old Ancestor Longyan shortly after life, but eventually is established Spirit Platform Old Ancestor that Purple Mansion Academy comes out, in the hand hides what card in a hand who unclear. Once ignores the life to erupt one wave, is very likely to carry off Spirit Platform Boundary. 自家珑烟老祖虽然命不久矣,但终究是一个紫府学宫出来的老牌灵台老祖,手中藏着什么底牌谁都不清楚。一旦不顾性命爆发一波,极有可能带走一位灵台境 Under the balances of all sorts of reasons, casts the decision that the Wang Shouzhe adventure wrestled. Without the means that Wang Clan clan was too poor, poorly to the situation that a grain Little Origin Cultivating Pill must plan, continue like this only to fall into the vicious circle. 种种缘由的权衡下,才铸就了王守哲冒险一搏的决定。没办法,王氏家族太穷了,穷到一粒“小培元丹”都要算计的地步,如此下去只会陷入恶性循环。 Does not do right by only, perhaps was this Manager Qian. 唯一对不住的,恐怕就是这位钱主事了。 Others arrive at the middle age is a young chancellor of remote local branch, obviously the family background in deep-rooted and flourishing Qian Clan clan is not high. This wave of losing money operation, branch Storekeeper is very likely to make him shoulder the responsibility. 他人到中年才是一个偏僻地区分行的小小主事,显然在根深叶茂的钱氏家族中出身不高。这一波的亏本操作,分行掌柜极有可能让他扛下责任。 Old Brother Qian, the this time cooperation is happy.” Wang Shouzhe sets out to ask to be excused, later said in a low voice, if as expected, I will deliver the brother in the near future a great merit.” 钱老哥,这一次合作愉快。”王守哲起身告退,随后低声道,“若不出意外的话,不久的将来我会送老哥一件大功。” Manager Qian stares, immediately hehe said with a smile: Is indebted the brother auspicious words, I deliver Brother Shouzhe.” Among chatting and laughing, Manager Qian sent out the front door Wang Shouzhe directly. 钱主事一愣,当即呵呵笑道:“承蒙老弟吉言,我来送送守哲老弟。”说说笑笑间,钱主事直接将王守哲送出了大门。 After leaving Qian Clan Trading Company, the Wang Shouzhe mood all of a sudden becomes joyful, three days, so long as three days later he can ease the Wang Clan financial crisis significantly. 离开了钱氏商行后,王守哲的心情一下子变得愉悦不已,三天,只要三天后他就能大幅度缓解王氏的财政危机。 Family Head.” 家主。” two has defended in Family Guard, pulls the horse to come to call respectfully. 两位一直守在门外的家将,牵着马儿过来恭敬地招呼。 Wang Zhong, Wang Yong.” Wang Shouzhe said with a smile, I did not have for a long time, accompanied me to stroll well in garrison seat.” 王忠,王勇。”王守哲笑道,“我好久没出来了,陪我在卫城好好逛逛。” Yes, Family Head.” The two Family Guard respectful sound should say, is leading a horse to accompany Wang Shouzhe to stroll in garrison seat at will. “是,家主。”两位家将都恭声应道,牵着马陪着王守哲卫城内随意逛着。 When Old Ancestor Zhouxuan is alive, the Wang Clan peak has Family Guard 47, cultivation base highest achieves Qi Refining Boundary nine layers. 宙轩老祖在世时,王氏巅峰时期有家将四十七位,其中修为最高的一位达到炼气境九层 But present Wang Clan, only has Family Guard nine, cultivation base highest is also Qi Refining Boundary five layers. 而如今的王氏,仅有家将九名,修为最高的也不过是炼气境五层 Family Guard is different from the domestic servant, they are not slave, but is dependency, but they are also different from guest official contract invitation -type outcomer. 家将不同于家仆,他们已不是奴籍,而是附庸籍,但他们又不同于客卿这种契约聘请式的外来者。 Overwhelming majority Family Guard are the trusted subordinates who clan train, they have the high position and treatment in clan, actually not the round trip freedom, living is Family Guard dies at will is also Family Guard. 绝大部分家将都是家族内部培养出来的亲信,他们在家族中有较高的地位和待遇,却并无随意来去的自由,生为家将死亦是家将 Their destinies and birth and death, tie up firmly in the main family together, one prospers then all prosper one suffers then all suffer. Also therefore, some clan will use the children of collateral branch or born frequently and very outstanding Family Guard union. First ties up is closer, second can improve clan bloodline. 他们的命运和生老病死,都和主家牢牢捆绑在一起,一荣俱荣一损俱损。也正是因此,一些家族经常会用旁系或庶出的子女与非常优秀的家将结合。一来是捆绑更紧密,二来是可以改善家族血脉 Now Wang Clan these nine Family Guard, their ancestry are Family Guard that Old Ancestor Zhouxuan trains personally, the descendant who the generation inherits, the loyalty is extremely high. 如今王氏的这九位家将,他们的祖辈都是宙轩老祖亲自培养出来的家将,世代传承下来的后代,忠诚度都极高。 Wang Zhong, remembers that your youngest son is 7 or 8-year-old?” Wang Shouzhe spoke thoughtlessly to ask, profound warrior / black tortoise aptitude enter the grades?” 王忠,记得你小儿子已经七八岁了吧?”王守哲随口问道,“玄武资质入品了吗?” Wang Zhong quickly keeps up with two to return said: Is indebted Family Head care my son, the boy participated in the spring of this year's aptitude test, the result is low grade third grade, now he has entered the Clan School initiation, and started to raise the meridians stage warm.” 王忠急忙跟上两步回道:“承蒙家主关心犬子,那小子参加了今年春季的资质测试,结果为下品丙等,现在他已经入族学启蒙,并开始温养经络阶段了。” During the speeches, his corners of the mouth bring back slightly show the happy expression, obviously very satisfies son's aptitude. 说话间,他的嘴角微微勾起露出笑意,显然十分满意儿子的资质。 profound warrior / black tortoise aptitude first minute/share enter the grades with not enter the grades, enter the grades quite can whether be important, is representing whether has the potential of training. But in low grade aptitude, minute/share A , B , C , D four. Can be evaluated low grade third grade is the second stage level, was worth the clan flower big strength cultivation. 玄武资质首分入品与不入品,能否入品极为重要,代表着是否具有培养的潜力。而下品资质中,又分甲乙丙丁四等。能被评为下品丙等已经算是第二阶层,值得家族花大力气栽培了。 Really is the brave or vigorous do not father cowardly children.” Wang Shouzhe approved one, taught well, in the future may compared with you.” “果然是虎父无犬子。”王守哲赞了一声,“好好教导,未来可比你强。” Many thanks Family Head auspicious words.” Wang Zhong smiles the crow's foot to stack, he this year is 36 years old, has had the one big one small two son, the profound warrior / black tortoise aptitude entered. The eldest son was 15 years old, has in one year is grown, can become Family Guard is the clan potency. The youngest son is talent achieves low grade third grade, entered the key training sequence. “多谢家主吉言。”王忠笑得眼角皱纹堆起,他今年三十六岁,已生了一大一小两个儿子,玄武资质都入了品。大儿子已经十五岁,再过一年便算是成年,就能成为家将家族效力了。小儿子更是天赋达到下品丙等,进入了重点培养序列。 Reviews nearby another Family Guard Wang Yong look is actually some embarrasedly, he and Wang Zhong age was similar, married the Wang Clan collateral branch female, gave birth to one son and one daughter. 反观旁边另外一名家将王勇的神色却是有些讪讪,他和王忠年龄差不多,娶了王氏旁系女子,生下了一子一女。 Son profound warrior / black tortoise aptitude examination not enter the grades, can only study the article, at present 17 years old have worked in the silkworm village. The daughter is only six years old, has not examined the profound warrior / black tortoise aptitude. But even examined the profound warrior / black tortoise aptitude, still eventually was only a girl. 儿子玄武资质检测不入品,只能学文,目前已经十七岁在蚕庄做事。女儿才六岁,尚未检测玄武资质。但就算是检测出了玄武资质,也终究只是个女孩。 Wang Yong, you may probably seize the last several years of chance, with the sister-in-law many efforts, strives to regenerate one to come out.” Wang Zhong teased with a smile, perhaps changed from bad to good, gives birth to the low grade second grade boy to come.” 王勇,你可要把握住最后几年机会,和嫂子多多努力,争取再生一个出来。”王忠笑着调侃,“说不定时来运转,生出个下品乙等的小子来。” Urges to go faster!” Wang Yong does not wave patiently, mentioned this topic he somewhat is depressed. “去去去!”王勇不耐烦地挥手,一提到这话题他就有些闷闷不乐。 Three people stroll in Changing Garrison Seat, but memory of Wang Shouzhe to Changning city gradually is also clear, in the entire city the resident population roughly has 15-16 ten thousand. Is occupying many established profound warrior aristocratic family, relates the relations with Ping'an Wang Clan quite intimate is Changning Xu Clan. 三人在长宁卫城一路闲逛,而王守哲长宁城内的记忆也逐渐清晰起来,整个城内常住人口约莫有15-16万。居住着多个老牌玄武世家,其中与平安王氏关系关系较为亲近的就是长宁徐氏 But is quite eventually intimate, mass disparity bigger and bigger of both sides, is not clan in level, therefore Wang Shouzhe has not visited the plan of Xu Clan Family Head. 但终究只是比较亲近而已,双方的体量差距越来越大,已不是一个层面上的家族,因此王守哲没有去拜访徐氏家主的打算。 Changning Xu Clan besides operation traditional village, the special industry that it is in sole possession of main centralized on the silk arrange/cloth work place. 长宁徐氏除了经营传统农庄之外,其独有的特殊产业主要集中在丝绸布坊上。 The cotton Asou cocoon of entire Changning Garrison area planter production, supplies to Changning Xu Clan several workshops, they produce the cloth silk, sells to the entire province county, earns is full. 整个长宁卫地区种植生产的棉麻生茧,都是供应给长宁徐氏的几个工坊,他们生产出布匹丝绸,销往整个州郡,赚得是盆满钵满。 Simultaneously of Ping'an Wang Clan pillar industries Xinmao Silkworm Village The produced fresh cocoon then supplied to Changning Xu Clan. 同时平安王氏的支柱产业之一欣茂蚕庄】出产的生茧便是供应给了长宁徐氏 ...... ……
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