……Is the night.
The Wang Shouzhecarriagereturned tomain house, wroteseverallettersto hand overbyvariousFamily Guardsends.王守哲的马车回了主宅一趟,写了几封信交由各家将派送。Firstremindedto relatenearclan, in order to avoid after theyhit by disaster, is upsettoWang Clan that has not suffered a natural disaster. If by some chanceeven iftheyhave excavated the insect plaguesign, does not hindershowing good will of Wang Clan.
第一时间提醒一下关系较近的家族,以免他们受灾后对没有遭灾的王氏心生嫌隙。即使万一他们已经有所发掘虫灾迹象,也不妨碍王氏的示好。In addition, Wang ShouzheonlybroughttwoFamily Guardto ride a horsegoes outat the same night. After arriving inDingpu Crossing, crossedAn Riverwith the clanfishing boatsecret, when makes a long-range raidChanging Garrison Seat, the weatherwas bright.
The enceinte of Changningcityunder the sunlight, is majesticandsplendid.长宁城的城廓在阳光下,雄壮而熠熠生辉。
The city wallhas more than tenzhang (3.33 m)high, is madeby the vigorousblack stonebrickworkall over the body, on the embattlementis stationingsomemail-armor and helmetbowcrossbowcompletesoldiers. But alsoevery several feets, is deploying troops for defense a giantbedcrossbow.
城墙有十多丈高,通体由浑厚黑石砖砌造,城垛上驻防着一些甲胄弓弩齐全的士卒。每隔数十丈,还布防着一座巨型床弩。Changning Garrisonsaid that is the rankmerelyis the county city, maycompare to Earththesefamouscitiesstillto want the military mightto be aggressive.长宁卫说是级别仅仅是县城,可比起地球上那些著名城池犹要威武霸气。Without the means that thisworldwas notHuaxiain the ancient times. In the Outer Territorydangerous situation, is survivingmanypowerfulmonster beastominousthing. If the beasttide, the tall wallfirmcityis the mankind's onlybarrier.
没办法,这世界可不是华夏古代。外域险境中,生存着许多强大的妖兽凶物。一旦发生兽潮,高墙坚城是人类唯一的屏障。Ping'an Townalsohas the city wall, butwithgarrison seatcompared withincoming messengerthere are numerous similar cases.平安镇也有城墙,但是和卫城比起来差了不知凡几。Wang Shouzheoneline of threepeople of horsesstoppedbefore the city gateslowly, turn over/stand updismount, joinenteredin the team of cityon time. Howeverat this timeenters a cityon time, mostlyispeasant household, small merchant, handicraftsmanand othercivilians.王守哲一行三人的马匹在城门前缓缓停下,翻身下马,加入了赶早入城的队伍之中。不过此时赶早进城的,多半都是农户、小商贩、手工业者等平民。Theyseeto pull the big tall horse, attiremagnificent and expensiveWang ShouzheandFamily Guard, makes wayto express the aweon the instinct.
他们一见到牵着高头大马,衣着华贵的王守哲与家将,就本能地让开表示敬畏。InGreat Qian Country, profound warrior aristocratic familyis the privileged stratum, smallaristocratic family that even ifgoes down in the worldagainis not the civilianscancompare.
在大乾国,玄武世家就是特权阶层,哪怕再落魄的小世家也不是平民能比的。East cityentrance.
东城门口。Twomail-armor and helmetcompletesoldierswelcomed, inspected the Wang Shouzheclantoken, lateraskedhimto enter a cityrespectfully.
After heenters a city, does not delay, is leading a horsedirectlytoward【Qian Clan Trading Company】 The linegoes, the Qian Clan Trading CompanybusinessproliferatesLongzuo Commandery, the strengthis vigorousandprestigehigh-quality. Insect Exterminating Powder of Purple Mansion Academyrefinement, the Qian Clan Trading Companyleadershiphandles.
他进城后也不耽搁,牵着马直接往【钱氏商行】行去,钱氏商行生意遍布陇左郡,实力雄浑而且信誉优质。紫府学宫炼制的灭虫散,正是钱氏商行主导打理。Onlythis, Qian Clan Trading Companyearnsfull, let alonetheirbusinessincessantlyInsect Exterminating Powderthis.
仅此一项,钱氏商行就赚得盆满钵满,更何况他们的生意远不止灭虫散这一项。Pulls out the Wang Clanclantoken, Family Guardkeepsout of the doorto wait, Wang Shouzhewas introducedside hall in firmto wait forby the family household, after the maidservantoffers the fruits and melonstea, retreats.
掏出王氏家族令牌,家将留在门外守候,王守哲被门子引进了商行内的一个偏厅守候,侍女奉上瓜果茶水后退去。Wang Shouzheis drinking teacalm, sizes up. Evenis onlyside hall of firmbranch, isdecoratesas beforeto the utmostluxuriously, the screenhome that varioustypes of valuablelumbersbuild, the antique of optionalplacesuspends, each articleis the value not poor.王守哲淡定地喝着茶,四下打量一番。即便只是一个商行分行的偏厅,依旧是装饰得极尽奢华,各种珍贵木材打造的屏风家居,随意置放的古董摆件等,件件都是价值不菲。ByWang Shouzhequite„superficial”cognition, detectsthisside hall the value of ornament. Minimumseveral hundredover a thousandQian gold, are showing the Qian Clan Trading Companyvigorousfinancial resource, reallydominates one of the Longzuowealthy and powerful familiesworthily.
以王守哲比较“浅薄”的认知,也察觉出这偏厅内的装饰品的价值。就起码数百上千乾金,彰显着钱氏商行的浑厚财力,真不愧是称霸陇左的豪族之一。Wang Shouzheastransmigrator, naturallyunderstands the repertoire of Qian Clan Trading Companypsychologytactic.
身为穿越者的王守哲,自然明白钱氏商行心理战术的套路。Waited forabout the quarter of an hour.
A statureis plump and fair-complected, the whole facewrote the middle-aged man of friendly disposition leads to wealthto walk: „Ping'an Wang ClanFamily Headvisitspersonally, Qianhasto loseto welcome, forgives.”
The Wang Shouzheeyenarrows the eyes, the information that pleasantries that the opposite partymaintains composure, showis somewhat huge.王守哲眼睛一眯,对方不动声色的一句客套话,展现出来的信息有些巨大啊。Heholds the post ofPatriarchthisonly2-3days of matter, moreovernowPing'an Wang Clandeclines, even ifPatriarchchangesthismatter unable to causetoopays attention. Actuallydoes not think, Qian Clan Trading Companynot onlypaid attention. In the quarter of an hour, thendeterminedhisstatus.
他担任族长不过这区区2-3天的事情,而且如今平安王氏式微,哪怕族长变动这种事情也引不起太多关注。却不想,钱氏商行非但关注到了。在一刻钟内,便确定了他的身份。Reallydominates one of the Longzuocommercialgiantsworthily, thisinformation abilityis powerful. Moreover the opposite partyis surnamed Qian, is extraordinary, mostlyis the Qian Clanbloodlineclansman.
真不愧是称霸陇左的商业巨头之一,这信息能力非常强大。而且对方姓钱,气质不凡,多半是钱氏的血脉族人。„Wherewhere, Wangtakes the libertyto come, canmake the Manager Qianentertainmentbe most honoredpersonally.”Wang Shouzhenaturally is also the smalltalkrespondsmodestly. Thissurnamed Qian, naturallypossiblyis notStorekeeper.
The Qian Clan Trading Companymassis enormous, evenStorekeeper of Changningbranch is still a great person, not possibleto receive his to declineclanQi Refining BoundaryPatriarch.钱氏商行体量极大,就算是长宁分行的掌柜也是大人物,不可能来接待他这个破落家族炼气境族长的。
After two peopleexchanged greetingsseveral, sits downrespectively.两人寒暄了几句后各自坐下。
After sitting down, has not startedto discuss the proper business, thatManager QianandWang Shouzhetalked aboutOld Ancestor LongyanfromOld Ancestor Zhouxuan, talked abouthisWang Shouzheagainthrough the achievement of Purple Mansion Academypreliminary test, spoke with confidenceto appear his splendor of schoolwork.
坐下后,也没开始谈正事,那钱主事与王守哲从宙轩老祖谈到珑烟老祖,再谈到他王守哲通过紫府学宫初试的成就,侃侃而谈中显现出了他的功课之出色。But the Wang Shouzhetripschemesreallyin a big way, naturallycannotshow one's ignorance, accompanieshimto chatto chat, exposesunknowinglycompared with the indigenouspowerfullogic capability and power of thought.
而王守哲此行图谋甚大,自然也不能露怯,陪着他闲聊侃大山,不经意间展露一下比土著强大些的逻辑能力与思维能力。„Pitifullywas a pity,withBrother Shouzheyourknowledge, such as attended the Purple Mansion Academysecond examination, becoming the Academydisciple is almost the matter of being settled.”Manager Qiantook seriouslyseveralpointsWang Shouzheunknowingly, half -and-a-half handful ofsay with emotion, „Purple Mansion Academysolelyis notpays great attention tocultivation basetalent, theyalsothink highly of the vision and pattern of Academydisciple. IthinkWang Clanin your hands, will return to the peaksooner or later, evenmake further progressgoes a step further.”
“可惜啊可惜,以守哲老弟你的学识,如去参加紫府学宫的复试,成为学宫弟子几乎是板上钉钉的事情。”钱主事不经意间对王守哲更为重视了几分,半捧半感慨道,“紫府学宫可不单单是注重修为天赋,他们同样器重学宫弟子的眼界与格局。我认为王氏在你手里,迟早会重返巅峰,甚至百尺竿头更进一步。”„Old Brother Qiando not ridicule the little brother.”Wang Shouzheshakes the head the forced smile saying that „ourPing'an Wang Clanonlyaskedsafeto survive, had no other desire.”
“钱老哥可别奚落小弟了。”王守哲摇头苦笑道,“我们平安王氏只求平平安安地生存下来,别无他求。”Ineach otherpolite, two peoplehas startedto be on intimate terms.
在彼此客客气气下,两人已经开始称兄道弟了起来。„Was modest. The words saying Brother Shouzhe, your catches up withmyQian Clan Trading Companyat the same night, is it possible thathaswhatbigbusiness to do?”Exchanged greetings after the long time, Manager Qiansomewhatcould not repressfinally, topictoright track.
“过谦过谦了。话说守哲老弟,你这连夜赶来我钱氏商行,莫非是有什么大生意要做?”寒暄了半晌后,钱主事终于有些按捺不住了,将话题拉向了正轨。hearing this, Wang Shouzheputs the teacupgently, in the lookfilledcalm: „Said that this matteralsoreallyneeds the Old Brother Qianhelp, Ineed5000bags of Insect Exterminating Powder.”闻言,王守哲将茶杯轻轻一放,眼神中充满了淡定:“说起来此事还真需要钱老哥帮忙,我需要五千袋灭虫散。”Such remarks, the Manager Qianhandshookunexpectedly, does not dareto believelooks atWang Shouzhe, good after long time , under restrains by force the discontentedsay/way: „Is it possible that is Brother Shouzhewhiles away the timeI?”
此言一出,钱主事蓦地手抖了一下,不敢置信地看着王守哲,好半晌后强压下不满道:“守哲老弟莫非是来消遣我?”„Old Brother Qianwhatthisword?”Wang Shouzheis indifferent, „big won't Qian Clan Trading Company, link5000bags of Insect Exterminating Powdernot to have?”
“钱老哥何出此言?”王守哲淡然自若,“诺大的钱氏商行,不会连五千袋灭虫散都没有吧?”„Brother, can youknow5000bags of Insect Exterminating Powderaresomany? Insect Exterminating Powderonebag of approximatelyhundredjin (0.5 kg), after the dilution, enoughhundredmugood farmlanduses, but5000bags of Insect Exterminating Powderare500,000mufarmlandamounts used.”Manager Qianis frowning saying that „ourChangning Garrison and flagXiage Townadds, is about 1.5 millionmugood farmland.”
“老弟啊,你可知五千袋灭虫散是何等之多?灭虫散一袋约百斤,稀释后足够百亩良田所用,而五千袋灭虫散已是五十万亩农田的用量了。”钱主事皱着眉头说道,“咱们长宁卫以及麾下各镇加起来,也不过是一百五十万亩左右的良田。”„Iknow.” The Wang Shouzhecomplexionhas not fluctuatedslightly, the lookis very earnest.
The Manager Qianexpressiongraduallybecamesplendid: „Doesn't brothercrack a joke?”钱主事表情渐渐变得精彩了起来:“老弟并非开玩笑?”„Naturallydoes not crack a joke.”Wang Shouzhe said that „myPing'an Wang Clan, althoughis onlyninth gradeinferioraristocratic family, will be insufficientsonot to know the weight.”
“自然不是开玩笑。”王守哲说道,“我平安王氏虽然只是九品末流世家,也不至于会如此不知轻重。”„Okaygood, the brothermayreallygiveme a hugepleasant surprise, thisbought and soldmeto meet.”Manager Qianexpressionjoyfulsay/way, „, but, in the Qian Clan Trading CompanyChangningbranchonly2000bags of stocks, other3000bagsneedto go tootherbranchaccentsto take, at leastrequirestendays of time.”
“好好好,老弟可真是给愚兄一个天大的惊喜啊,这笔买卖我接了。”钱主事表情愉悦道,“不过,钱氏商行长宁分行中仅有两千袋库存,其余三千袋需要去其它分行调取,至少需要十天时间。”„Stockwhysuchfew?”Wang Shouzheknits the browsslightly.
“库存为何如此之少?”王守哲略微皱眉。„Thisare many, in the pastwas the stockbasicallyempties.”Manager Qiansinceresaid,„because ofinvolving the planter and production of raw material, every yearInsect Exterminating Powderoutputplans. Last year the raw materialharvestproduced more than 10%much, wantsto sellvariousclanwith low price, actuallydoes not think, only thenminorityclanare willingto spendto store up goods. Looklast yearwinterthisbatch of ourChangning Garrisonalsohad2000bags of backlogs.”
“这已经不少了,往年都是库存基本清空的。”钱主事正色说道,“因涉及到原材料的种植和生产,每年的灭虫散产量都是计划好的。去岁原材料丰收多生产了10%多,原本想低价售给各家族的,却不想只有少数家族才肯花钱囤货。这不,去岁冬天这一批咱们长宁卫还剩下两千袋积压。”„Brother, whythese aren't clanwillingto store up goodswhile the low price?”Wang Shouzhespoke thoughtlesslyto askcareless.
“老哥,那些家族为何不肯趁着低价囤货?”王守哲漫不经心地随口问道。„This...... good, this mattersaid that was not the secret, manyclanhave known,saidlistenednot to violate the clan regulationsto the brother.” After Manager Qianslightlyonehesitates , helpless said that the medicinal herb that „inInsect Exterminating Powderuses, plantsthroughmanyaristocratic familymedicinefield. Because the benefitis good, has more and more aristocratic familyproductionmedicinefield, in recent years the outputis higher and higher, butwe are also keeping prices down the purchaseraw material. In the winter of this yearperhapsthisbatch of Insect Exterminating Powder, the output...... youalsoknow, the biggerclannewsis quicker.”
“这个……好吧,此事说起来也不是什么秘密了,很多家族都已经知道,说给老弟听也不违反族规。”钱主事略一犹豫后无奈道,“灭虫散中所用的药材,都是通过很多世家药田种植出来的。因为利益不错,就有越来越多的世家投产药田,最近几年产量是越来越高,而我们也在压价收购原材料。今年冬季这一批灭虫散,产量恐怕……你也知道,越大的家族消息越灵通。”Hehe~Wang Shouzheunderstood, thiswas the overcapacity, the saturation of the market. Heineconomics, althoughis not the professional, howeversurpassesthisfantasy worldin the vision and consciousnessindigenous.
呵呵~王守哲明白了,这是产能过剩,市场饱和了。他在经济学上虽然不是什么专业人士,但是在眼界和意识上还是超过这玄幻世界的土著的。„Such being the case.” After Wang Shouzheplanned the momentsaid,„firmkeeps in stock2000bags on -hand merchandise, as well asthat3000bags of stocksIwanted.”
“既然如此。”王守哲谋算了片刻后说道,“商行库存两千袋现货,以及那三千袋期货我都要了。”„This, is Brother Shouzhe, what the stock?”Manager Qiandid not understandthiswordcompletely, on the circlefatfacewas full of the color of doubts.
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