POP :: Volume #1 王氏之崛起

#15: Really fragrant! My treasure granddaughter

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...... …… clan that in addition, Yingxiu Lu Clan, Golden Sand Xu Clan, as well as Donggang Chen Clan also needs to lend a hand actively.” Wang Shouzhe is also sincere said, in the past siwushi years, our Wang Clan is related through marriage to marry with them mutually, has established each other deep relations.” “除此之外,映秀卢氏,金沙徐氏,以及东港陈氏也是需要积极帮衬的家族。”王守哲又是正色地说道,“最近四五十年来,我们王氏与他们互相通婚联姻,已经建立了彼此深厚的关系。” These three clan, are not very powerful clan. However for this reason, can Ping'an Wang Clan that declines conduct orthodox lineage to be related through marriage with the present. And the relations of Yingxiu Lu Clan are most intimate, the Wang Shouzhe birth mother came from Lu Clan direct descendant. 这三个家族,都不是什么很强大的家族。但是正因如此,才会和如今已经没落的平安王氏进行嫡脉通婚。其中映秀卢氏的关系最为亲近,王守哲的生母就是来自卢氏的嫡系。 Now Yingxiu Lu Clan Patriarch main wife Wang Liuling, is Wang Clan sixth generation of orthodox lineage eldest daughter, is Wang Shouzhe own Aunt, relating that is quite complex and intimate. 同时现在映秀卢氏族长正妻王琉灵,也是王氏第六代嫡长女,还是王守哲的亲姑姑,关系那是相当复杂且亲近。 Right, now these three and my Wang Clan relations are very intimate, therefore, Shouzhe your idea is?” Wang Xiaozhi nods assent to say. His two daughter, married Shanyang Gongsun Clan, married Donggang Chen Clan. But son Wang Dingbang that he untimely death, then married Golden Sand Xu Clan direct line. “没错,现在这三家与我王氏关系很亲近,所以,守哲你的想法是?”王宵志点头同意道。他的两个女儿,一个嫁给了山阳公孙氏,一个嫁给了东港陈氏。而他英年早逝的儿子王定邦,则是娶了金沙徐氏的直系。 Fourth Grandfather needs to reorganize the reason and harm that this insect plague erupts rapidly, I dispatch Family Guard to inform these six clan at the same night.” Wang Shouzhe said rapidly, Shanyin Liu Clan and Changning Xu Clan, in the clan have trained Spirit Insect Master, so long as gives the method way, believes that they solve this crisis is not difficult. In addition Golden Sand Xu Clan and Donggang Chen Clan principal work should not be in the agriculture, after we completely arrive at the notice duty, reduces them to lose immediately.” 四爷爷需要迅速整理出此次虫灾爆发的缘由与危害,我派遣家将连夜通知这六个家族。”王守哲飞速说道,“其中山阴柳氏长宁徐氏,族内已经培养出了灵虫师,只要给出方法方式,相信他们自行解决此次危机不难。此外金沙徐氏东港陈氏的主业应该不在农业上,我们尽到通知义务后减少他们损失即行。” paused, Wang Shouzhe also said: What is quite troublesome is Yingxiu Lu Clan and Shanyang Gongsun Clan, first, we want first completely to arrive at the notice duty, in addition we need to rush to rescue them actively, completely arrives in a big way the intention. This they lose in the insect plague even if are very big, will only have the gratitude to us rather than the enmity.” 顿了一下,王守哲又道:“比较麻烦的是映秀卢氏山阳公孙氏,第一,我们要第一时间尽到通知义务,此外我们需要积极驰援他们,把心意尽到最大。这样哪怕他们在虫灾中损失很大,也只会对我们有感激而不是嫌隙。” These plans with the opinion, said Wang Xiaozhi to be dumbfounded. He has not thought, a sudden burst of insect plague can involve the so complex situation. 这一番算计和言论,说得王宵志是一愣一愣的。他万万没想到,一场虫灾的突然爆发会牵扯到如此复杂局面。 What is more important, Wang Shouzhe then can arrange in such a short time so carefully this matter careful, considered the aspects. 更重要的是,王守哲在如此短时间内便能将此事安排如此周到细致,照顾到了方方面面。 Shouzhe, was Fourth Grandfather looked down on you, looked down on Luojing.” The Wang Xiaozhi forced smile sighed, „your generation of youngster were quite truly outstanding, was old, our xiao generation was really old.” 守哲啊,是四爷爷小瞧了你,也小瞧了珞静。”王宵志苦笑地叹道,“你们这一代年轻人确实比较优秀,老了,我们宵字辈是真的老了。” Fourth Grandfather was modest, if not your generation defended the ancestor Zonki industry, where has our these later generations the footholds of?” After Wang Shouzhe modest, is sneers saying that besides that six, particularly Liú Clan and Zhao Clan......” 四爷爷过谦了,若非你们这一辈守住了祖宗基业,哪有我们这些后辈的立足之地?”王守哲谦虚了一句后,又是冷笑道,“除了那六家之外,尤其是刘氏赵氏……” The Wang Xiaozhi facial expression enforced all of a sudden: Shouzhe you could rest assured that recently, our Wang Clan three big villages will certainly block off the flow of news on the 10 th comprehensively.” 王宵志的神情一下子严肃了起来:“守哲你放心,最近十日,我们王氏三大农庄必将全面封锁消息。” Who would imagine, Wang Shouzhe narrowed the eye to smile: Insect plague erupts unable to conceal the truth, which family/home has the agricultural expert. Did not leave on the 3rd, the entire Changning Garrison area will certainly boil. Right, Fourth Grandfather weren't you low price grain bin a number of Insect Exterminating Powder?” 岂料,王守哲眯眼笑了起来:“虫灾爆发是瞒不住的,谁家都有农业高手的。不出三日,整个长宁卫地区必将沸腾。对了,四爷爷你不是低价囤了一批灭虫散吗?” Mentioned this matter, among the Wang Xiaozhi looks filled annoyingly: Yes, last year winter Insect Exterminating Powder was the past years floor price, moreover quantity big preferential benefit. I was thinking, in the family/home three big villages cannot leave Insect Exterminating Powder, after several Elder discussed grain bin one large quantities, suffices me to use for three years. Look is also left over more than 300 Qian gold goods. Owed in a big way owed in a big way, after this insect plague, how could these Insect Exterminating Powder to be useful?” 一提起此事,王宵志神色间就充满了懊恼:“是啊,去岁冬季的灭虫散是历年最低价,而且量大优惠。我本想着,家里三大农庄都离不开灭虫散,就和几位长老商量后囤了一大批,够咱家用三年呢。这不,还剩下三百多乾金的货。亏大了亏大了,经此虫灾,那些灭虫散岂能有用?” clan now already so uptight, owes all of a sudden more than 300 Qian gold, makes Wang Xiaozhi arrive in the tomb sufficiently guilty. 家族现在已经如此拮据,一下子亏掉三百多乾金,足以让王宵志愧疚到坟墓中去。 „Should Insect Exterminating Powder not completely lose the function?” Wang Shouzhe slightly does to hesitate, simultaneously the brain revolved rapidly. 灭虫散应该还未完全失去作用吧?”王守哲略作沉吟,同时脑子飞速运转了起来。 This does not have, but copes with these grown honey insects more difficult than the insect egg.” The Wang Xiaozhi complexion is dignified, I had tried a moment ago, the double dosage mix vegetation lixivium, can remove the honey insect fast, moreover continues to hatch excluding the following honey insect.” “这倒没有,只是对付那些成年蜜虫比虫蛋更困难。”王宵志的脸色非常凝重,“我刚才试过了,得双倍剂量混合草木灰汁,才能快速除掉蜜虫,而且还不包括后续蜜虫继续孵化出来。” Afterward, Wang Shouzhe threw the one after another issue machine gun. 随后,王守哲又是将一个个的问题机关枪般抛了出来。 Wang Xiaozhi by the awe into submission submissive, is not previously dared to belittle Wang Shouzhe at this time but actually again, is bearing the temper one by one explanation. He now is 75 years old, 15 -year-old follow the father to start to contact to work at farming, 60 years, the experience indeed is very until now rich. 王宵志先前被慑服,此时倒也不敢再小觑王守哲,耐着性子一一解答。他如今七十五岁,十五岁跟随父亲开始接触务农,迄今已有六十载,经验的确无比丰富。 „, Ordinary year's harvest each mu winter wheat output value approximately 15 big copper.” The Wang Shouzhe brain is reorganizing the data rapidly, „after deducting the tax money, the tenant farmer commission and farm tool farm cattle seed and Insect Exterminating Powder and so on fixed amortizations, Insect Exterminating Powder amortization in 1 big copper about, the gross profit of overall each mu surplus 8 big copper. If this insect plague controls improper, according to reducing production 50% computations, the village will be in slightly the owing stage, the production cut more loses money much in a big way......” “如此说来,普通年景每亩冬麦产值约15大铜。”王守哲脑子飞速整理着数据,“扣掉税金、佃农佣金、农具耕牛种子与灭虫散等等固定摊销后,其中灭虫散的摊销在一个大铜左右,总体每亩剩余八个大铜的毛利。这次虫灾若是控制不当,按照减产50%计算,农庄会进入略亏阶段,减产越多亏损越大……” If anything does not manage, must reduce production about 70%.” The Wang Xiaozhi body shakes, somewhat understands the meaning of Wang Shouzhe, roughly judged, such as when the insect plague erupts, increases invests 2 big copper Insect Exterminating Powder, can the disaster situation control, in reduced production in 20% compared with the old times.” “若是什么都不管,恐怕得减产70%左右。”王宵志身躯一震,有些明白了王守哲的意思,约莫判断了一下,“如在虫灾爆发时,加大投入二个大铜的灭虫散,可以将灾情控制在比往年减产20%以内。” What Great Qian Country currently implements is the officer grain unification reserve mechanism, any aristocratic family and firm dare to use the good harvest year famine year hype grain price that are the big crimes.” Wang Shouzhe continues to reorganize various conditions, „, therefore, in reducing production 70% foundations, every time recalls reduces production 10% then little to lose 1 big copper 50 silver coins, little reduces production five achievement value 7 big copper 50 silver coins. Then the issue came, without the Spirit Insect Master governance honey insect, Insect Exterminating Powder of that 2 big copper throws is worth!? „ 大乾国目前实行的是官粮统一储备机制,任何世家和商行胆敢利用丰年灾年炒作粮价那是大罪。”王守哲继续整理着各种条件,“因此,在减产70%的基础上,每挽回减产10%便是少损失一大铜50角子,少减产五成就价值七个大铜50角子。那么问题来了,若是没有灵虫师治理蜜虫,那二个大铜的灭虫散投得值不值!?“ Value!” Analysis of one hear of Wang Shouzhe, Wang Xiaozhi nods immediately rapidly, even 4 big copper I still throw.” Meanwhile, his eye shone, excited: Listens to Shouzhe you mean, three hundred Qian gold Insect Exterminating Powder of our family/home grain bin not only have not owed, but can also value six hundred Qian gold? Okay good, these fellows ridiculed my grain bin Insect Exterminating Powder fortunately.” “值!”一听王守哲的分析,王宵志立即飞速点头,“就算是四个大铜我也投。”同时,他的眼睛亮了起来,兴奋不已:“听守哲你的意思是,咱们家囤的三百乾金灭虫散非但没有亏,还能值六百乾金?好好好,亏得那些家伙们嘲笑我囤灭虫散。” „At least value six hundred Qian gold. Our family/home has Fifth Younger Sister Luojing this primary Spirit Insect Master that monopolizes the honey insect, these Insect Exterminating Powder do not use. However compares in the entire Changning Garrison area, Spirit Insect Master futile attempt, most clan must depend upon the Insect Exterminating Powder disaster again.” Wang Shouzhe gives a calm smile, congratulates Fourth Grandfather, was clan gained one greatly.” “是至少值六百乾金。咱们家有五妹珞静这个专治蜜虫的初级灵虫师,那些灭虫散已经不用也罢。但是相比于整个长宁卫地区,灵虫师不过杯水车薪,大部分家族还得再依靠灭虫散度灾。”王守哲淡然一笑,“恭喜四爷爷,为家族大赚了一笔。” Ha, good.” Wang Xiaozhi smiled the complexion ruddily, my family Luojing was really a treasure, worthily was my Wang Xiaozhi granddaughter.” “哈哈哈,太好了。”王宵志笑得脸色都红润了起来,“我家珞静真是个宝,不愧是我王宵志的孙女。” The Wang Shouzhe corners of the mouth pull out, this Fourth Elderly Gentleman is the person is really shameless, previously also regarded men as superior to women what kind of situation, kept on proclaiming the granddaughters lost money. Finally in an instant, Luojing to become treasure. 王守哲嘴角一抽,这四老太爷真的是人老脸皮厚,先前还重男轻女到何等地步,口口声声说孙女都赔钱。结果一转眼,珞静成宝了。 However said, Luojing this future Spirit Insect Master will also really be a treasure. Even if the Insect Exterminating Powder renewal iteration will continue in force from now on, she can also save expensive of 100-200 Qian gold for clan every year agricultural chemicals fee/spent . Moreover the the sum of money of saving is the net profit. 不过说起来,珞静这个未来的灵虫师还真是个宝。哪怕今后灭虫散更新迭代继续有效,她每年也能为家族省下100-200乾金的昂贵“农药费”,而且省下的这笔钱都是纯利润。 But, all these moistened Shouzhe your good fortune.” Wang Xiaozhi smiles has grinned with ear to ear, four masters were also understood your those words, the misdemeanor will often turn into the good deed sometimes. Shouzhe, you have the person of luck, after you Patriarch our Wang Clan will certainly get better and better.” “不过,这一切都是沾了守哲你的福气啊。”王宵志笑得已合不拢嘴,“四爷也算是理解了你那句话,有些时候坏事往往会变成好事。守哲,你是个有福之人,你当族长后咱们王氏一定会越过越好。” Although blindly believes in intolerable, but Wang Xiaozhi to his superstition, Wang Shouzhe appreciates. 虽说迷信要不得,不过王宵志对他的迷信,王守哲还是蛮欣赏的。 Moreover by his advanced thought that in the this time insect plague , if not grasp an opportunity, on unseemly behavior transmigrator. The grain price is not permitted to hype by the Great Qian government authorities powerful control, but the Great Qian government authorities had not banned that hypes Insect Exterminating Powder is not? 而且以他的超前思维,在这一次虫灾中如果不把握点商机,就妄为穿越者了。粮价由大乾官府强力控制不准炒作,可大乾官府并没有禁制炒作灭虫散不是? A plan has gradually taken shape in his mind. 一个计划已经在他的脑海里逐渐成型。 ...... ……
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