PC :: Volume #8 传说

#1057: The old iron first decides small target ^ to remember new 81 Chinese net м

…… …… Mewtwo through unceasingly meditation, huge energetic sea that accumulates, is it extremely strong mastery, after it succeeds the destruction factor of control within the body, the destructive power of this spiritual strength reached the one unprecedented altitude. 超梦通过不断冥想,所积累的庞大精神海洋,原本就是它极强的底蕴,在它成功掌控体内的破坏因子后,这股精神力量的破坏力更是达到了一个前所未有的高度。 Facing Mewtwo Psychic, Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre started to go all out Struggle, the one whole body sends out the heavy/thick power and influence, one showed to swallow all special characteristics, under the resistances of two strengths, Psychic started to break up, the Mewtwo forehead also had several fierceness. 面对超梦精神强念,原始固拉多原始盖欧卡开始拼命挣扎,一个浑身散发出了厚重的威势,一个展现出了能够吞噬一切的特质,两股力量的反抗下,精神强念开始崩解,超梦的额头也出现了几丝狰狞。 After Ting Shu one hints, Altaria and Gallade fast retreat, follow the counter-attack of Groudon and Kyogre, Mewtwo powerful Psychic start substantializing, changes into Psyshock to defeat. 庭树一个示意后,七夕青鸟艾路雷朵快速撤退,伴随固拉多盖欧卡的反击,超梦强大的精神强念开始实质化,化为一股精神冲击击破过去。 This flash, Groudon and Kyogre as if were detonated general, was wrapped then again to crash into the sea by giant smog. 这一瞬间,固拉多盖欧卡仿佛被引爆一般,被一股巨大烟雾包裹然后重新坠入海洋。 Existence of Mewtwo, Groudon and Kyogre do not have the expectation, after Mewtwo joins the war, two Super-ancient Pokémon one after another are repulsed. 超梦的存在,固拉多盖欧卡毫无预料,超梦加入战局后,两只超古代精灵更是接连败退。 However, two Super-ancient Pokémon adaptiveness are also extremely terrifying, is quick they to start to attempt to corrode Confusion/psychokinesis with the strength of Ability, to autoplastic Protect, place of Ability end adds the body, moves close to Groudon Psywave meets gets up by Burn instantaneously, sea of Ability origin adds the body, Kyogre as if fuses together with the sea, oneself start Aqua Ring to make the curtain that one Psywave moving was hard to pass through. 不过,两只超古代精灵的适应能力也是极为恐怖的,很快它们就开始尝试用特性之力腐蚀念力,给自己形成保护,终结之地特性加身,靠近固拉多精神波动会瞬间被灼烧起来,始源之海特性加身,盖欧卡仿佛与大海融为一体,自身发动水流环制造了一个精神波动难以贯穿的幕。 Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre, once uses Ability full power, the physical exertion will speed up, the natural energy drains will also be quicker, so long as gives their sufficient pressures, they then do not have the energy to inspire more natural energies, will then be forced to withdraw from the Primal shape, after the victory and defeat all looks at this!” Ting Shu shouts greatly. 原始固拉多原始盖欧卡一旦全力动用特性,体力消耗就会加快,自然能量流失的也会越快,只要给它们足够的压力,它们便没有精力去引动更多的自然能量,然后就会被迫退出原始形态,胜负全看这之后的了!”庭树大喊道。 I knew.” “我知道了。” Just like most lifeform, Groudon and Kyogre suffer the crisis, erupted a stronger instinct. They grown stronger, but this strengthen is Ting Shu is glad to see that this started to consume the physical strength on behalf of them significantly, even if was many human powerhouses forces together, has not forced in them this share, have to say, the situation really has the favorable turn now! 和大部分生物一样,固拉多盖欧卡遭受危机,也爆发出了更强的本能。它们变强了,不过这变强是庭树乐意见到的,这代表它们开始大幅度消耗体力了,就算是众多人类强者一同逼迫,也没有把它们逼迫到这个份上,不得不说,现在局势真的出现了转机! Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre with the flame and water current as the hindrance, weakened the function of Confusion/psychokinesis, causes Mewtwo Psystrike , even after passing through flame and water current, was still scattered by two pokémon. 原始固拉多原始盖欧卡用火焰与水流作为阻碍,削弱了念力的作用,导致超梦精神击破即使在贯穿了火焰与水流后,仍然被两只精灵打散。 both sides start to establish the offensive and defensive operations, very intensive collision, lets Mewtwo cold snort/hum one, is no longer willing to conduct this passive fight, the next moment, its shape transforms again, the body as if presents hood armor and other organs of elemental composition, after this is its muscle explodes, the body powerful proof, is different from former that petite shape, Mewtwo of this shape a Fighting Type pokémon misconception, the powerful vitality replaced the spiritual energy, 双方开始建立起攻防战,高强度的碰撞,让超梦冷哼一声,不再愿意进行这种被动的战斗,下一刻,它形态再次转化,身上仿佛出现“兜帽”“装甲”等元素组成的器官,这是它肌肉爆裂后,身体强大的证明,不同于之前那个娇小的形态,这一形态的超梦给人一种格斗系精灵的错觉,强大气血代替了精神能量, Condenses Thunder Punch single-handed, changes into X shapes Mewtwo no longer to depend upon the spiritual strength, erupts at the powerful strength and speed, the upfront bumped hardly contained Aqua Ring of strength of sea of origin, its fist fast unparalleled, knocked out the fist, if had Thunder to gallop, forced Kyogre unceasingly, near body and Kyogre single Qi conducted the Mega collision, it gave up very much obviously by enemy two plans, decided to take the lead to rout one. 单手凝聚雷电拳,化为X之形态的超梦不再依靠精神力量,以强大力道与速度爆发而出,正面硬碰蕴含了始源之海之力的水流环,它拳速无双,出拳如有雷电奔腾,不断逼迫盖欧卡,近身与盖欧卡的单鳍进行了超级碰撞,很显然它放弃了以一敌二的打算,决定率先击溃其中一只 Primal Groudon, Altaria by the fierce Mack sound, has to the whole body wrap fire of life to fight, coordinates Fairy Aura, this had the qualifications of resisting Primal Groudon, Mega Diancie can also become a big boost, although it the growth time is short, but also is Legend(ary), strength in the Ting Shu team even Gallade still had been inferior, but for with Gallade Protect Ting Shu, Diancie actually cannot be out to fight now together personally, Mega Altaria and Mega Diancie and Mega Gallade, the Ting Shu three big trump cards, enter the stage now all, although the division of labor is different, but actually showed the Ting Shu powerful mastery. 原始固拉多这边,七夕青鸟被烈火影响,不得不全身包裹生命之火进行战斗,配合妖精气场,这才有了对抗原始固拉多的资格,超级蒂安希本身也能成为一大助力,它虽然成长时间短暂,但也身为传说,战力于庭树队伍中即使是艾路雷朵也有所不如,不过如今为了和艾路雷朵一起保护庭树,蒂安希却不能下场亲自战斗,超级七夕青鸟超级蒂安希超级艾路雷朵,庭树的三大王牌,如今尽数出场,分工虽不同,但却展现了庭树强大的底蕴。 We help you!” “我们来帮你!” Ice Beam, Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Dragon Rage, Hydro Pump and diffraction grating artillery, numerous Move come in swarms, each one contained to disturb the Primal Groudon huge energy, 急冻光线恶之波动影子球龙之怒水炮、光栅炮,众多招式蜂拥而至,每一道都蕴含了能够干扰到原始固拉多的巨大能量, Steven and the others joining, making the Ting Shu pressure be alleviated instantaneously. We...... also/still hope!!” 大吾等人的加入,让庭树压力瞬间得到缓解。“我们……还有希望啊!!” If, from all over the world which region/place person most pays attention to the result that this fights, then without doubt is the Sootopolis City resident, the place of this war left Sootopolis City is too near, even the complementary waves can affect Sootopolis City, if it can be imagined two big Super-ancient Pokémon true strengths can release, what kind of total destruction then Sootopolis City this/should meeting was hit by, when the time comes, Sootopolis City most average people, were unlikely hard to run away. 如果说,世界各地哪个地方的人最关注这一战的结果,那么无疑是琉璃市市民,这场大战的地点离琉璃市太近了,即使是余波都能影响到琉璃市,可想而知如果两大超古代精灵真正的力量得以释放,那么琉璃市该会遭受怎样的灭顶之灾,到时候,琉璃市大部分普通人,恐怕都难以逃走。 The situation three waves to a single stroke, suppress Super-ancient Pokémon from Fairy Elite Four Ting Shu, then the Super-ancient Pokémon difficulty-relief, contends to numerous top level Trainer again with joint forces, starting Falling Moon Plan is fruitless, the mentality of Sootopolis City resident was gradually disintegrated, has arrived in the brink of collapse, the Falling Moon Plan failure, most Sootopolis City residents have planned to be deliberately bad, does not select all means to escape, when Ting Shu leads Mewtwo to put in the battlefield again, and admission of again many alliance Elite Four, League Champion and Wallace, make them cannot help but stop all behaviors. 局势一波三折,从妖精天王庭树镇压超古代精灵,然后超古代精灵脱困,再到众多顶级训练家合力抗衡,发动月陨计划无果,琉璃市市民的心态可谓是逐渐被瓦解,已经抵达崩溃的边缘,月陨计划失败,大部分琉璃市市民已经打算自暴自弃,不择一切手段逃生,但是,当庭树带领超梦再次投入战场,以及诸多联盟天王联盟冠军米可利的再次入场,却让他们不由自主停下一切行为。 These Trainer...... have not given up. 这些训练家……还没有放弃。 Sootopolis City, the one little girl sees the picture of Ting Shu fight, cannot help but cried, then goes all out to shout: 琉璃市,一个小女孩看到庭树战斗的画面,不由得哭了出来,然后拼命喊道: Come on!!! Elite Four Ting Shu!!” “加油!!!庭树天王!!” Come on!! Wallace Master!!!” “加油!!米可利大师!!!” As the fight hits again, Sootopolis City encouraged the one layer level voice, countless person facial color red ripping heart shouting strongly, come on, Trainers. 随着战斗再次打起,琉璃市激扬出了一层层声浪,无数人面色通红的撕心竭力的大喊,加油,训练家们 Water Region 127, Ting Shu and the others, although cannot feel the mentality of Sootopolis City resident to change, does not know how the all over the world regards this war, but each of them has to completely own effort, prevent Groudon and Kyogre footsteps. 127号水域,庭树等人虽然感受不到琉璃市市民的心态变化,也不知道世界各地如何看待这一场大战,但是他们每个人都不得不尽自己的努力,去阻止固拉多盖欧卡的脚步。 Mewtwo is suppressing Primal Kyogre, gradually expanded the advantage, alliance Elite Four successfully suppresses Primal Groudon, as the matter stands, Ting Shu and the others, although was pleasantly surprised, but the pressure was also getting bigger and bigger, because was close to the disadvantage, Primal Groudon and eruption of Primal Kyogre instinct more and more strong strength, squeezed itself to return to the Primal time. 超梦压制着原始盖欧卡,逐渐扩大优势,联盟天王们成功压制住了原始固拉多,这样一来,庭树等人虽然惊喜,但压力也越来越大,因为接近劣势,原始固拉多原始盖欧卡都本能的爆发出了越来越强的力量,来压榨自己回归原始的时间。 At present although is human one side has the overwhelming superiority, as Groudon and Kyogre go all out, presenting the casualties should be inevitable. 眼下虽然是人类一方占据绝对优势,但随着固拉多盖欧卡拼命,出现伤亡应该是不可避免的。 But after realizing this point, even before is, has been injured Elite Four Sidney, has not flinched, is clenching teeth as before, calms the mind to make the direction. 但意识到这一点后,哪怕是之前已经受伤过的花月天王,也没有退缩,依旧咬着牙,静下心来做着指挥。 By the computation of Rotom Pokédex, Primal Kyogre and energy response of Primal Groudon is dropping unceasingly, explained before they and Mewtwo, has started to deteriorate to the injury that Groudon and Kyogre create, moreover now Groudon and Kyogre facing great pressure, has to start to use the strength of source. 根据洛托姆图鉴的计算,原始盖欧卡原始固拉多的能量反应正在不断下降,说明了他们和超梦之前对固拉多盖欧卡造成的伤势已经开始恶化,而且现在固拉多盖欧卡面对强大压力,也不得不开始动用本源的力量。 Vanilluxe!!” As numerous pokémon limits force, after Groudon attacks innumerably, the whole body erupts everywhere magma to jump to shoot, big of power and influence makes the situation reverse instantaneously, at this time the Groudon physical strength drops significantly, probably activated Blaze Ability Reversal Move general ability to be the same similarly, started to counter-attack vigorously, under the magma covered, Groudon erupted the astonishing speed and strength unexpectedly, acted under two Confusion/psychokinesis obstructions forcefully, successfully brandished the arm, gripped to oneself recent Vanilluxe ruthlessly, the magma flowed in the palm, under pinched again, the Vanilluxe direct melting died. 双倍多多冰!!”随着众多精灵的极限逼迫,固拉多遭受无数攻击后,全身爆发出漫天岩浆迸射出去,威势之大让局势瞬间扭转,此时固拉多体力大幅度跌落,像是激活了类似“猛火特性”“起死回生招式”一般的能力一样,开始大力反击,岩浆遮盖下,固拉多竟然爆发出了惊人的速度和力量,硬生生在两股念力阻挠下行动,成功将手臂挥舞出去,把离自己最近的双倍多多冰狠狠握住,岩浆流淌于手掌,重捏之下,双倍多多冰直接融化死去。 The Elite Four Glacia Vanilluxe war perished, represented the out-of-control of aspect, Primal Kyogre under the Mewtwo pressure, erupted the huge strength, the energy response of Water Region 127 started to rise dramatically fiercely, the Weather Institute examination place, many researchers were serious, started to worry about many alliance Elite Four safety. 波妮天王双倍多多冰的战亡,代表了局面的失控,原始盖欧卡超梦的压力下,同时也爆发出了庞大的力量,127号水域的能量反应开始剧烈飙升,天气研究所检测处,众多研究员面色凝重,开始担忧起来众多联盟天王的安危。 Then...... is most essential one step. 接下来……将是最关键的一步。 Hateful!” Ting Shu gets hold of the fist, feels constrained, although found the law of collapsing, but thinks sacrifice, made Ting Shu happy, probably realized that the Ting Shu mood, just flew from Sootopolis City pink pokémon, crooked tilting the head, after the eye winked, it started to change is a whole body majority is green wyvern. “可恶!”庭树握紧拳头,心情压抑,虽然找到了破局之法,但想到其中的牺牲,却让庭树高兴不起来,好像是体会到了庭树的心情,刚刚从琉璃市飞了一圈回来的粉色精灵,歪了歪头,眼睛一眨后,它开始变化为一条全身大部分是绿色的飞龙。
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