PC :: Volume #8 传说

#1054: Moon/Month falling prestige

Very when obviously, Frost Moon falls from the sky the fluctuation, even if is Sootopolis City can also feel clearly. 很显然,冰月陨落时的波动,就算琉璃市也能清晰感受到。 However, because the Hoenn navy made numerous Protect measures regarding Sootopolis City, and in Frost Moon contains is the pure Fairy energies, therefore the influence is not very big, has not presented such as the energy emission and energy pollution and so on situation. 不过,因为芳缘海军围绕琉璃市做了众多保护措施,且冰月中蕴含的都是纯净的妖精能量,所以影响并不是很大,并没有出现如能量辐射和能量污染之类的情况。 Picture after losing signal two seconds, again loaded, in just, part of distance Frost Moon falling from the sky place near unmanned aerial vehicles, directly was destroyed, is far as for the distance, received the influence that fluctuation that spreads, lost the signal temporarily. 画面在失去信号两秒后,又重新加载了出来,就在刚刚,一部分距离冰月陨落地点较近的无人机,直接被破坏,至于距离较远的,也受到了扩散出来的波动的影响,暂时失去了信号。 The explosion of this Frost Moon, in the Hoenn League estimation, and is close to the smallest taboo weapons, the Hurricane pressure of explosion even presses out one a depth of hundred meters big vortex right under the ignition point the sea, toward on, the light of Fairy shone several kilometers upper air, if were not Steven and the others knew ahead of time the Frost Moon might, has fled to the safety seat, perhaps was incapable with Groudon and Kyogre withstands this falling from the sky Frost Moon strength together. 这次冰月的爆炸,在芳缘联盟估测中,以及接近规模最小的禁忌武器,爆炸的暴风压力在引爆点正下方甚至将海洋压出一个深达百米的大漩涡,朝上,妖精之光照耀到了几千米高空,如果不是大吾等人提前得知冰月的威力,已经逃离到安全位置,恐怕无力和固拉多以及盖欧卡共同承受这颗陨落的冰月的力量。 This......” “这……” In Sootopolis City, the people see this picture, immediately for it absent-minded, Sootopolis City, even has completely safe measure Protect, still inevitably had the aftershock of small scale, might that it can be imagined, Frost Moon falls from the sky powerful. And when now the people discover when the picture already could not find Groudon and Kyogre trace, they completely cannot help but suffocate, the suspicion is unceasing. 琉璃市中,群众看到这个画面,顿时为之失神,刚才的琉璃市,即使有着万全的措施保护,仍然不可避免的产生了小规模的余震,可想而知,冰月陨落的威力有多强大。且如今当群众发现在画面中已经找不到固拉多盖欧卡的踪影时,他们全部不由得窒息,猜疑不断。 Won......” “赢了吧……” Should win, under that attack, Groudon and Kyogre how possibly is well.” “应该是赢了,在那种攻击下,固拉多盖欧卡怎么可能平安无事。” Alliance did Elite Four kill Groudon and Kyogre?” “联盟天王们杀死了固拉多盖欧卡吗?” Realizes this point, many people were shocked, somewhat frightened looks big vortex that revolves unceasingly, is this strength that Trainer can grasp? 意识到这一点,不少人愣住了,有些惊悚的看着那不断旋转的大漩涡,这是训练家能掌握的力量吗? Usually at the competition that on the television sees, initial level like Ever Grande Conference, mid level like Masters Competition, high level like Elite Four Challenge Competition, Champion challenge tournament, in these competitions, Trainer's Pokemon strength, no matter is exaggerating, will not proliferate to the location outside, at present this picture, really impacts the strength concepts of most people. 平常在电视上看到的比赛,初级彩幽大会,中级大师赛,高级天王挑战赛,冠军挑战赛,那些赛事中,训练家的小精灵的力量不管多么夸张,也根本不会扩散到场地之外,眼前这个画面,实在冲击了大部分群众的力量观念。 This was unable to call it Trainer...... this to compare favorably with the strength of gods simply. 这已经根本不能称之为训练家了吧……这简直是媲美神明的力量。 Naturally , some small number maintained the reason, for example Mayor Sootopolis City, Sootopolis Gym Juan, they, although also shocks in this Falling Moon Plan destructive power, but also is insufficient to know nothing about the strength with most people same, because knows are too many, therefore the one thought appeared in their mind as if by prior agreement...... 当然,也有少部分人保持了理智,比如琉璃市市长,琉璃道馆亚当,他们虽然同样震惊于这个月陨计划的破坏力,但还不至于和大部分群众一样对力量一无所知,但正是因为知道的太多,所以一个念头不约而同出现在了他们脑海中…… Hasn't Hoenn League, really used the taboo weapon? 芳缘联盟,真的没有动用禁忌武器吗? At present is this destruction...... achieved by Trainer unexpectedly purely? 眼前这个破坏……竟然纯粹是由训练家做到的? At the beginning of Pokémon League establishes, the position of benefit community is not prominent, most human, take the totem by certain pokémon as the belief, at that time various religions stood in great numbers, the Legendary Pokémon follower are innumerable, generally speaking, is most human awes the pokémon strength, although also existed controlled the pokémon strength to mobilize the person of war, but also aimed at ordinary Pokémon, but facing Legendary Pokémon, few dares to contend. 精灵联盟建立之初,利益共同体的地位还不显赫,大部分人类还以某些精灵作为信仰、作为图腾,当时各种宗教林立,传说中的精灵信徒无数,总的来说,就是大部分人类非常敬畏精灵的力量,虽然也存在了一些驾驭精灵的力量发动战争的人,但是也只是针对普通小精灵,而面对传说中的精灵,几乎没有人敢去抗衡。 Before Pokémon League has not established, time that the science and technology has not developed, dares to hit Legendary Pokémon the person of idea to be few. 精灵联盟没有建立之前,科技还没有发展起来的时候,敢打传说中的精灵的主意的人寥寥无几。 However, at that time one detonation experiment conducts, Pokémon League strengthened oneself human hegemony position thoroughly, the religion of innumerably believing pokémon was suppressed, Legendary Pokémon no longer is also invincible, south the world, Pokémon League detonated a large-scale taboo weapon in the midair, the fireball radius that the explosion had at that time was more than 4000 meters, the flame has exceeded the altitude of detonation, therefore the fireball swept across Ground quickly, and proliferated to rapidly throwing altitude, at that time, region/place about 900 km away may see the flame. even if is gill fungus shape cloud also about 35 km in width that the explosion has, about 59 km in height...... the might is exceptionally terrorist. 但是,随着当时一个引爆实验的进行,精灵联盟彻底巩固了自己人类霸权的地位,无数信仰精灵的宗教遭受打压,传说中的精灵也不再无敌,于世界南部,精灵联盟在半空引爆了一颗超大规模禁忌武器,爆炸当时所产生的火球半径达4000余米,火焰已超过引爆的高度,所以火球很快地就席卷了地面,并迅速扩散到投掷的高度,那时,在将近900千米外的地方都可看见火焰。就算是爆炸产生的蕈状云也宽近35千米,高约59千米……威力异常恐怖。 Although is the in the air detonation, but this taboo weapon still caused large-scale Earthquake, even the electromagnetic pulse wave after explosion created the radio communication window period of one hour, then after the explosion , the atmospherical disturbance that triggers surrounded the star about three times fully, during this, innumerable Legendary Pokémon were alarmed, awakens, human enters the alliance political power time since then, takes the modernization road. 虽然是空中引爆,但是这个禁忌武器仍然引起了大规模地震,甚至爆炸后的电磁脉冲波足足造成了一个小时的无线电通讯空窗期,然后爆炸后所引发的大气扰动整整环绕了星球近三次,这期间无数传说中的精灵被惊动,惊醒,人类从此进入联盟政权时代,走上现代化道路。 However, the taboo weapon after all is the deterrence measure, cannot be used as the conventional weapons, from then on the alliance also rarely shows such mastery, the moon/month that Ting Shu these inspires time falls, although the scale range is not big, but has surpassed the destruction that the common strength has been able to cause, by Sootopolis City Mayor and the others is thought no wonder was the alliance used the small scale taboo weapon. 不过,禁忌武器终归是威慑手段,不能作为常规武器,从那以后联盟也很少展现这样的底蕴,庭树这一次引动的月陨,规模范围虽然不大,但已经超出了寻常力量可以造成的破坏,也难怪被琉璃市市长等人认为是联盟动用了小规模禁忌武器。 Primal Groudon and disappearance of Primal Kyogre, making the all over the world pay attention to Water Region 127 people to start silent. 原始固拉多原始盖欧卡的消失,让世界各地关注127号水域的人们开始沉默。 The deep sea big vortex also returns to normal slowly, all appear peaceful incomparable. 紧接着,深海大漩涡也慢慢平复,一切都显得安静无比。 The major alliances, again located the Ting Shu position. 各大联盟,重新定位了庭树的地位。 Everyone, according to our examinations, this Frost Moon the suitable small scale taboo weapon, in other words, Elite Four Ting Shu had grasped the strength of taboo......” “各位,根据我们的检测,这颗冰月已经相当小规模禁忌武器,也就是说,庭树天王掌握了禁忌的力量……” This Falling Moon Plan entire process, appeared in this world that several true being in power people actually at present. 这次月陨计划的全过程,也照实出现在了这个世界那几个真正掌权人的眼前。 They first time hold such complex mood, living taboo weapon, but is different from these inanimate object, can say, the taboo weapon of alliance, even other one Elite Four Level Trainer could not cope, the place of one top level Trainer thorough habitation, who dares to order to throw the taboo weapon? The taboo weapon might is huge, but is also quite bad to the environmental effect, the use likely will easily cause backlash of some Legendary Pokemon, if simultaneously wound and innocent person, will be condemned by the people. 他们头一次抱有这么复杂的心情,活着的禁忌武器,可不同于那些死物,可以说,联盟的禁忌武器,连一个天王级别的训练家都对付不了,一个顶级训练家深入人烟之地,谁敢下令投掷禁忌武器?禁忌武器威力巨大,但对环境影响也极为恶劣,轻易动用可能会引起部分传说精灵的反噬,同时如果伤及无辜,也会受到民众的谴责。 However, when Ting Shu this kind of living the taboo weapon appears, the significance is instantaneous, although the moon/month falls to need to shield and setup time, but compares other taboo weapons, flexible are too many. Then no matter how, the Hoenn League international standing, greatly will definitely be improved, even if compares favorably with Indigo League also perhaps, the even Champion exchange match and Elite Four exchange match competition omitted. 但是,当庭树这样一个活着的禁忌武器出现,意义瞬间不同,虽然月陨需要掩护和准备时间,但相比其他禁忌武器,已经灵活太多了。接下来不管如何,芳缘联盟的国际地位,肯定会大大提升,就算媲美石英联盟也说不定,就连冠军交流赛、天王交流赛这种比试都省去了。 Everyone is good.” “大家还好吧。” Although the moon/month falling effect shocks, making the world see the moon/month falling might, however Ting Shu the overwhelming majority members of Fairy regiment are exhausted, moreover as the litigant, the Ting Shu mood was not optimistic, because he felt that the matter will not have ended simply...... 虽然月陨效果震撼,让世界看到了月陨的威力,但是庭树妖精军团的绝大部分成员却已经筋疲力尽,而且作为当事人,庭树心情并不乐观,因为他感觉事情并没有那么简单就会结束…… The moon/month falling might, he has not imagined is so strong, perhaps is hard to cause heavy losses to Groudon and Kyogre. 月陨威力,并没有他想象中的那么强,恐怕难以重创固拉多盖欧卡 Ting Shu, Steven, Glacia, Lance and Wallace, your five people listen?” 庭树大吾波妮米可利,你们五个人听的到吗?” In just, examined Groudon and Kyogre......” “就在刚刚,检测到固拉多盖欧卡……” again made an appearance in the sea!!” 重新在海洋上露面了!!” As Groudon and Kyogre again surfaces, immersed the Sootopolis City resident in being survivor of disaster pleasant sensation, immediately showed the unbelievable expression. 随着固拉多盖欧卡重新浮出水面,原本沉浸在劫后余生快感中的琉璃市市民,顿时露出了难以置信的表情。
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