PC :: Volume #3 超新星

#306: Broken cocoon to become butterfly

... ... ... 哒...哒...哒... The second of number of countdown beats, this complex huge performance, had not ended by the present. 倒计时的秒数跳动,这复杂庞大的表演,到现在也没有结束。 Until the sight of green appears in the surroundings of white great cocoon, after this pure white great cocoon catches the one layer rich vitality, a feeling that thunders to move restlessly suddenly appears on this giant insect cocoon. 直到绿意浮现在白色巨茧的周围,将这纯白的巨茧染上一层浓郁的生机后,一阵轰鸣躁动的感觉突然浮现在这巨大的虫茧上。 Insect cocoon, is shivering......” Vivian to shout one, feels the change of insect cocoon, she wields the microphone excited, the vision fell on the midpoint of stage. “虫茧,在颤抖啊……”薇薇安大喊一声,感受到虫茧的变化,她激动不已的挥动起话筒,目光落在了舞台的正中央。 Buzz ~ ~ ~ 嗡~~~ Buzz ~ ~ ~ 嗡~~~ Buzz ~ ~ ~ 嗡~~~ In this flash, everyone felt probably the ear lost one's hearing, hears depressed thundering, as this thunders, in the sight of green curls up two diversely colored sceneries fast. 在这一瞬间,所有人好像都感觉耳朵失聪了下,听到一声沉闷的轰鸣,随着这轰鸣,绿意中快速卷起两种色彩不同的风景。 A point is the silver. 一点是银色。 A point is the golden color. 一点是金色。 Flash of this change, bang a sound gets up, this huge insect cocoon blasts open loudly, the sight of green was replaced by the withering golden color fast! 这变化的一刹那,“砰”的一声响起,这庞大的虫茧轰然炸裂,绿意快速被肃杀的金色取代! Shouts the strong winds that whistling blows to howl to blow, is this strong winds that drills by the insect cocoon, just like the one after another sharp knife, the white insect cocoon from inside to outside, at the extremely simple strength, cutting in all directions, from the instance of insect cocoon blasting open, this strong winds comes just right, steady is also rapid, probably same speed one breath exploded the insect cocoon brace, made this coordinated aesthetic sense. 呼呼呼吹啸的狂风刮起,就是这股由虫茧内钻出的狂风,宛如一道道锋利的刀子,将白色虫茧由内到外,以极为干脆的力道,四面八方的切割而出,从虫茧炸裂的瞬间来看,这股狂风来得恰到好处,平稳却又湍急,像是同一速度一口气将虫茧撑炸,制造了这一协调的美感。 The vitality clears, withers will get up. 生机散尽,肃杀将起。 This wind like the tyrant of destruction vitality, brings golden yellow of withering, whistling whistling has blown, stirs rottenly in the time of a blink the insect silk, making one not want to suspect might. 这股风就像覆灭生机的暴君,带着肃杀的金黄,呼呼呼呼地吹过,将虫丝在一眨眼的功夫搅烂,让人丝毫不想去怀疑其中的威力。 The innumerable white insect silk were blown the upper air, under the wind of this not lasting golden color, changes into the little detritus to fall down finally, just like snow point. 无数白色的虫丝被吹上高空,在这并不持久的金色之风下,最终化为一点点碎屑掉下,宛如雪点。 But at this time, the color of this wind also changed, quick that the golden yellow color removes, was caught by the silver white color immediately, in just several seconds, made the audience experience probably from the spring summer, to autumn and winter transformation. 而此时,这股风的颜色也变了,金黄的颜色褪去的很快,马上就被银白之色染上,在短短的几秒钟内,好像就让观众经历了从春夏,到秋天与冬天的转换。 Green one after another golden yellow, but silver white was replaced immediately. 绿色接连金黄,但马上又被银白取代。 This silver white thorough incomparable, with that thick falling, was twisted to break to pieces the smooth pure white insect silk to combine together, really looks like storm general. 这银白透澈无比,与那纷纷扬扬,被绞碎得平整的纯白虫丝组合到一起,就真的像一场暴雪一般。 Beautifly fell, in everyone's vision falls when that several remarkable change, few people notice Ting Shu to arrive at the stage center, static waiting Beautifly falls on the arm. 狩猎凤蝶落下了,在大家的目光都落在那几次惊人的变化时,没有几人注意到庭树已经走到舞台中央,静静的等待狩猎凤蝶落在手臂上。 This entire process Ting Shu looks in the eye, to him, this was not only one performed, was all concentrations that he and Beautifly experienced. 这一整个过程庭树都看在眼中,对他来说,这不仅仅是一场表演了,更是他和狩猎凤蝶所经历的一切的浓缩。 The breeding idea, the coordinated idea, trains the idea, various skills...... contained in this performance. 培育理念,协调理念,训练理念,各种技巧……都包含在了这一场表演中。 More importantly, is the road that and Beautifly passes through together, witnessed Beautifly from the Wurmple broken cocoon to become butterfly process, Ting Shu has the feelings that the bystander is unable to imagine to this performance. 更重要的,是和狩猎凤蝶一起走过的路,见证了狩猎凤蝶刺尾虫破茧成蝶的过程,庭树对这次的表演有着外人无法想象到的感触。 This performance like the change of four seasons, like the course that Beautifly grows, condensed did not know many Ting Shu and Beautifly painstaking care, it can be said that their entirety. 这场表演就像四季的变化,就像狩猎凤蝶成长的历程,凝聚了不知道多少庭树狩猎凤蝶的心血,可以说是他们的全部了。 Like this condenses the performance of painstaking care and sentiment, although the bystander does not know connotation, but also infects by at this moment stage central Coordinator and pokémon, why in the heart does not know acid. 这样凝聚心血与感情的表演,虽然外人不知道其中的内涵,但也被此时此刻舞台中央的协调家精灵感染到,心中不知为何一酸。 They grew......” from Slateport do not know that in far Old Green House, Grandma Arlan scratched the corner of the eye, looked that focuses children who brimmed with the ray, smiling, this was the scene that she most wants to see. “他们成长了……”距离凯那不知多远的青古屋中,奥兰奶奶擦了擦眼角,看着眼中洋溢光芒的孩子们,会心一笑,这才是她最想见到的场景。 ...... …… ...... …… Performance...... finished......” Vivian finally recovered, is full of the emotion: This is I have seen the most special performance...... the Ting Shu player and his Beautifly, brought a very perfect performance for us!!!” “表演……结束了……”薇薇安终于缓过神来,饱含情感道:“这是我见过最特殊的表演……庭树选手和他的狩猎凤蝶,为我们带来了一场非常完美的表演!!!” Under the stage, the applause thunders, for a very long time is not loose. 台下,掌声轰鸣,久久不散。 Judges who even plans the review, spends under the time reorganization the language, said. 就连打算点评的评委们,也都花费时间整理下语言,才缓缓道来。 If I have not guessed that wrong, the essence of that wind is Silver Wind, not only doped Stun Spore, also have strange thing, Silver Powder.” “如果我没猜错的话,那道风的本质是银色旋风,其中不仅掺杂了麻痹粉,还有着一种奇物,银粉。” have to say, whether it is forms the insect cocoon, the broken cocoon to become butterfly process has the difficulty, if were not in Silver Wind dopes Silver Powder to strengthen the wind cutting force, 不得不说,无论是形成虫茧,还是破茧成蝶的过程都极具难度,如果不是银色旋风中掺杂了银粉增强了风的切割力, Has not been able to build the picture that shocks, the preparation of Ting Shu player is sufficient. ” Right, reminding me of the Ting Shu player when Move that preliminary competition showed that at that time was Silver Wind, used the resonance of own dancing in the air and air current, Beautifly's Silver Wind displayed the astonishing aesthetic sense and effort, the beauty of coordination will demonstrate incisively.” 还无法营造出这么震撼的画面,庭树选手的准备非常充分。”“没错,让我想起了庭树选手在预选赛时展现的绝招,那时候就是银色旋风,利用自身的飞舞与气流的共鸣,狩猎凤蝶的银色旋风表现了惊人的美感与力度,将协调之美展示得淋漓尽致。” When judge review, that part that the preliminary competition picture that only then the audience can see, Ting Shu enters the stage, by again playbacking on large screen. 在评委点评的时候,只有现场观众才能看到的预选赛画面,庭树出场的那一部分,又被重新回放在了大屏幕上。 Silver Wind, mixes in Shield Dust to attack Move of opponent in the wind, but under the performance of Beautifly, actually like in the boundless backdrop, is glittering the innumerable stars, radiant dazzling, making one be infatuated, fills the mysticalness of dream-like. With dancing in the air of Beautifly, this Silver Wind like a bright Milky Way, stars, partly visible, enhances one another's beauty. 银色旋风,在风中掺入鳞粉攻击对手的绝招,但在狩猎凤蝶的表演下,却如同在无边的天幕中,闪烁着无数的繁星,璀璨耀眼,令人陶醉,充满梦幻般的神秘。伴随着狩猎凤蝶的飞舞,这银色旋风就像一条灿烂的银河,繁星点点,若隐若现,交相辉映。 Audience who first time sees this picture, is unable to understand that is actually what kind of displaying can make Silver Wind become such a beautiful picture, to the control of air current, has arrived at the bystander unable to touch the situation of understanding. 第一次见到这画面的观众,根本无法理解究竟是怎样的施展才能让银色旋风变为这样一副美丽的画面,这其中对气流的掌控,已经到了外人无法触及理解的地步。 Four years discipline, achievement finally presently! 四年磨练,成果终现! Quite beautiful.” Old Green House everyone, most can realize that this aesthetic sense, this is not they and Ting Shu together, accompanies Wurmple to look into the scene of starry sky time? “好美啊。”青古屋的大伙,最能体会这份美感了,这不就是他们和庭树一起,陪着刺尾虫眺望星空时候的场景么? Sees the performance of Ting Shu and Beautifly in preliminary competition, and shocking of official match, in everyone heart of Old Green House a warmth, what from the bottom of the heart is Ting Shu and Beautifly is proud. 看到庭树狩猎凤蝶预选赛的表现,以及正式赛的惊艳,青古屋的大伙心中一阵温暖,打心底的为庭树狩猎凤蝶自豪。 Stares the Shield Dust ray that in playbacking that full Kongdian clearly extinguishes suddenly suddenly, glitters generally the shining silvery brilliance scene like Milky Way of flowing backwards, Raoul Contesta cannot help but sighing with emotion: If the Ting Shu player uses Silver Powder on preliminary competition, the result possibly must be higher than 96 points.” 凝望回放中那满空点点忽明忽灭的鳞粉光芒,像倒流的银河一般闪烁着灿灿银辉的场景,康肯斯坦不由得感慨道:“如果庭树选手将银粉用在预选赛上,成绩可能比96分还要更高。” even if does not have the performance of official match, saw Move playbacking that Ting Shu preliminary competition shows, the innumerable audience also started to be convinced this score. 就算没有正式赛的表演,看到庭树预选赛展现的绝招回放,无数观众也都开始服气起这个分数了。 The name of supernova, deserves. 超新星之名,当之无愧。 Really was the recent years most has Coordinator rookie of talent, this Ting Shu was quite fierce. 果然是近年来最具天赋的协调家新人,这个庭树好厉害。 ......... ……… ......... ……… Good, it seems like that the judges have hit the score.” “好,看来评委们已经打好分数了呢。” How many makes us have a look at the final score of Ting Shu player is?!” “来让我们看看庭树选手的最终得分是多少吧?!” Everyone's vision was towed on the large screen by the Vivian words, audience, player, appraisal, various different status people, mood respective different. 所有人的目光都被薇薇安的话语牵引到大屏幕上,观众,选手,评审,各种不同身份的人,心情各自不同。 But this is unable to affect this score the influence, actually now who wants to have a look at Ting Shu this splendid perfect performance to obtain finally many differences! 但这都无法影响这一分数的影响力,现在谁都想看看庭树这精彩完美的表演最后究竟能获得多少分! 98 points. 98分。 Total score, 98 points!! 总分,98分!! Surprise, stunned, doubts, discontented, is seeing the flash of score, the innumerable audience erupted oneself mood, started to question this score. 诧异,错愕,疑惑,不满,在看到分数的一瞬间,无数观众爆发出了自己的情绪,开始质疑起这个分数。 Why outstanding isn't such performance, actually the perfect score?! 为什么这么优秀的表演,却不是满分?! Please remember this book first round domain name:. 4 novel net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。四小说网手机版阅读网址:
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