PC :: Volume #3 超新星

#307: Unprecedented

Most people go to the puzzled vision to the judge group, five judges on the scene, everyone has 20 points of jurisdiction, Ting Shu total score a score of 98 points, where was short of 2 points? 大部分人向评委团投向不解的目光,在场五位评委,每人拥有20分的权限,庭树总分98分的成绩,是从哪里少了二分呢? Nurse Joy, two Nurse Joy each people only hit a score of 19 points. 乔伊小姐,两位乔伊小姐每人只打了19分的成绩。 Nurse Joy realized probably the surprise of audience, one explains immediately: Although I also like the performance of Ting Shu player very much, but stands the specialized angle, this performance is not perfect.” 乔伊小姐好像意识到了观众们的诧异,其中一位立刻解释道:“虽然我也很喜欢庭树选手的表演,但站在专业的角度上来讲,这次表演并非完美无缺。” This saying, causes one to move restlessly instantaneously, but stemming from the trust Nurse Joy, the audience plans to listen attentively. 这话一出,瞬间引起一阵躁动,不过出于对乔伊小姐的信任,观众们还是打算倾听一下。 Raoul Contesta, Sukizo, even Wallace also reveals the doubts the expression, properly speaking Ting Shu this performance, went to the one very perfect situation. 康肯斯坦,须佐木,就连米可利也都露出疑惑的表情,按理说庭树这次的表演,已经达到了一个非常完美的地步了吧。 Not but their specialized angles, will not make the perfect score to Ting Shu the result. 不然以他们三人的专业角度,也不会给庭树打出满分的成绩。 Is the condition, Beautifly after the performance ended, oneself fall into the condition of feeling weak, perhaps before Contest Battle, dancing in the air that Beautifly has one's wish continually had the difficulty.” “是状态,狩猎凤蝶在表演结束后,自身陷入了非常乏力的状态,恐怕华丽对战前,狩猎凤蝶连随心所欲的飞舞都有困难了。” This is we make 19 points of key, although this performance can be said as very perfect, but was actually Beautifly overdraws the enormous price to trade, whether it is Quiver Dance, was that astonishing insect silk, Giga Drain, Stun Spore, controlled slight Silver Wind, each Move took is very good alone, let alone combined after these together, the Beautifly present physical strength has been not much left.” “这就是我们打出19分的关键,虽然这场表演可以说是非常完美,但却是狩猎凤蝶透支了极大的代价换来的,无论是蝶舞,还是那惊人的虫丝,终极吸取,麻痹粉,控制到细微的银色旋风,每个绝招单独拿出来都很不错,何况将这些组合到一起后,狩猎凤蝶现在的体力已经所剩无几了。” The lens pull closer, is not only the person, by the equipment, everyone can also see that is built 镜头拉近,不仅是现场的人,透过设备,每人也都能看到立于庭树手臂上那气喘吁吁,看上去有些疲惫的狩猎凤蝶 Was looked.” Ting Shu shows a faint smile, he has not dodged this issue from the beginning. “被看出来了么。”庭树微微一笑,他从一开始就没回避这个问题。 In his opinion, was discovered was normal. 在他看来,被发现再正常不过了。 From the Nurse Joy appraisal angle, this exhaustion pokémon full power, sends out the method of most radiant performance, is not perfect. 想必以乔伊小姐的评审角度,这种耗尽精灵全力,发出最璀璨的表演的方法,并非完美吧。 so that's how it is, no wonder Ting Shu is arriving by Beautifly finally, unexpectedly is this.” 原来如此,怪不得庭树在最后走到狩猎凤蝶旁边,竟然是这样。” That has anything, this was manifesting Ting Shu and Beautifly fetters!! Pokémon Contest, is Coordinator and pokémon both common stage.” “那有什么,这正体现了庭树狩猎凤蝶的羁绊呀!!华丽大赛,本来就是协调家精灵两者共同的舞台。” The audience also express oneself view. 观众也纷纷发表自己的看法。 However... in a performance, spared no effort, indeed is the unprecedented behavior. 不过…在一场表演中,用尽了全力,的确是史无前例的行为。 Such vast momentum performance, is not only the audience, the even appraisal is also first time sees. 这么声势浩大的表演,不仅是观众们,就连评审也是第一次见。 A performance finished... before Ting Shu the strength that shows, wants to be promoted Contest Battle Round to be not very difficult, is the intention that he does this what? 一场表演赛罢了…以庭树之前表现的实力,想要晋级到华丽对战环节并不是很困难,他这样做的用意是什么呢? Ting Shu looks to the direction of lens, shows the smiling face. 庭树看向镜头的方向,露出笑容。 Old Green House everyone, saw, this was I and Beautifly was complete, now has shown to you, happy? 青古屋的大伙,看到了么,这就是我和狩猎凤蝶的全部了,现在已经都展现给你们了,开心么? ...... …… ...... …… „If such that Nurse Joy said that indeed is separated with the original intention of performance slightly.” Raoul Contesta said. “如果是乔伊小姐说的那样,的确与表演的本意略微脱离。”康肯斯坦道。 Looks at the Beautifly present appearance, after comparing a war, simply is exhausted. 狩猎凤蝶现在的模样,简直比一场大战后还要疲惫呀。 This does not perform, said that is goes all out is not overrated. 这已经不是表演了,说是拼命也不为过。 Really is the strange child, to Grand Festival, prepared with Beautifly unexpectedly, instead does not use that Altaria, or Castform?” The Raoul Contesta heart said. “真是奇怪的孩子,都到了华丽大型庆典,竟还准备用狩猎凤蝶,反而不用那只七夕青鸟,或者漂浮泡泡么?”康肯斯坦心道。 Compared with Altaria, the Beautifly disadvantage, was pointed out by Nurse Joy at the beforehand performance, physical strength! 比起七夕青鸟,狩猎凤蝶的劣势,在之前的表演就被乔伊小姐指出了啊,体力! Perhaps the Grand Festival stage can win by the skill, but that is establishes in the both sides skill has under the premise of very big disparity, but this, splendid Coordinator like Ting Shu, but presented many, how Ting Shu in the end prepares in the battle match win. 也许华丽大型庆典的舞台可以凭借技巧获胜,但那是建立在双方技巧上有很大差距的前提下,但是这一届,像庭树这样出色的协调家,可是出现了很多呢,庭树到底准备如何在对战赛取胜呢。 Some explanation of Nurse Joy, Ting Shu had not refuted, the question sound of audience vanishes slowly, sees this, stands Ting Shu in stage is startled slightly, some unexpectedly so many people have the approval to him, this did not explain success that they perform, the performance of this road high-sounding talk, for is today such effect! 有了乔伊小姐的解释,庭树也没有反驳,观众的质疑声慢慢消失,看到这一幕,站在舞台上的庭树都是微微一怔,竟然有这么多人对他产生认可,这不就说明了他们表演的成功么,这一路高调的表现,为的就是今日这样的效果! Has the question to the allocation of judge, this on Grand Festival similarly is the unprecedented situation! 对评委的打分产生质疑,这在华丽大型庆典上同样是前所未闻的情况呀! Follows the warm applause, 伴随热烈的掌声, Ting Shu went down the stage, witnesses Ting Shu is also good to the present supporter from first Pokémon Contest, the judge is also good, saw after a Ting Shu performance, influence, understands at heart instantaneously many...... broken cocoon to become butterfly is not only this performance...... Ting Shu oneself, at this moment, broken cocoon to become butterfly. 庭树走下了舞台,见证庭树从第一场华丽大赛到现在的支持者也好,评委也好,看到庭树一场表演后产生的影响,心里瞬间明白了很多……破茧成蝶的不仅仅是这一场表演……庭树本人,于此刻,也破茧成蝶了。 ...... …… ...... …… After Ting Shu, other Coordinator go on stage one after another, may have the Jia Le 92 points, Ting Shu 98 points of these two hard-to-pass high scores was keeping off, most people as if lost the brilliance, the ray of performance deeply are covered. 庭树之后,其余协调家接连上场,可有了伽乐92分,庭树98分这两个难以逾越的高分挡着,大部分人都仿佛失去了光彩,表演的光芒被深深盖住。 Let alone the preliminary competition six over 95 points players, each one are the evildoer/monstrous talent, this made the ordinary participant desperate. 更何况预选赛六位95分以上的选手,个个都是妖孽,这就更让普通的参赛者绝望了。 Carries on the First Tier player of performance after Ting Shu is Hikaru, this person of preliminary competition also conducts after Ting Shu, was preliminary competition receives the officer to mark performance one perfectly. Hikaru is called „the Flash magician, the performance and battle characteristics are the utilization of Flash Move. 庭树之后进行表演的第一梯次选手是阿光,此人预选赛也是在庭树之后进行的,为预选赛完美的收官画上了华丽的一笔。阿光被称为“闪光的魔术师”,表演和对战的特色就是闪光绝招的运用。 His partner is Alakazam, in the stage of official match, by superb Light Screen, Alakazam compares the strong computing power by that even human, designed the one perfect space, finally made an astonishing sparkle picture with Flash Move. 他的搭档是一只胡地,在正式赛的舞台上,凭借一手出神入化的光墙,胡地以那连人类都比不过的超强计算能力,设计了一个完美的空间,最后用闪光绝招制造了一幅惊人的闪耀画面。 Innumerable rays like lifelike life, deduction heartily beautiful brilliance under the Alakazam director. 无数光芒就像活灵活现的生命,在胡地的指挥下尽情的演绎出绝美的光辉。 Only used two Move, although this performance are only more than one Move preliminary competition, but changes positions in massive Light Screen moving shapes, under high computation of Alakazam, showed all kinds of performance scenes. 只用了两个绝招,这场表演虽然只比预选赛多出一个绝招,但在大量光墙的移形换位,胡地的高度计算下,还是展现了各种各样的华丽场景。 94 points. 94分。 Compared with the Ice and Fire Envoy Jia Le even higher 2 points. 冰火使者伽乐还要高二分。 Ice and Fire Envoy, supernova, Flash magician...... 冰火使者,超新星,闪光的魔术师…… one after another splendid Coordinator mounts the stage, the audience loudly shouted satisfies a craving, felt trip has not been made in vain. 一个又一个出色的协调家上台,观众们大呼过瘾,觉得不虚此行。 The Sinnoh seductive woman, Hani, with Grassy Terrain, Constrict, Grass Knot, Nature Power, forcefully the entire stage change is a green forest, making other players pale by comparison, raises eyes to look into the distance, in stage green big forest like sea, becomes one (piece of) continually. The vegetation is much longer, is sending out the profound ideal condition. 神奥妖姬,朵蜜儿,用青草场地,缠绕,打草结,自然之力,硬生生将整个舞台改变为一座绿色森林,让其他参赛选手相形见绌,举目远望,舞台上绿色的大森林像海洋一样,连成一片。草木长得郁郁葱葱,散发着深邃的意境。 The fish of flowing, Mizushima. His Dewgong reduced the intense hydraulic pressure with Aqua Ring, coordinated Aqua Jet and Rain Dance, turned into the curtain of water the entire stage, finally by the strength that Aqua Ring reduced, made the one deep blue fountain and Rain Dance shines on each other mutually, but Dewgong, then Waterfall to the highest place, is showing the exquisite body. 流动之鱼,水岛。他的白海师水流环压缩出了强烈的水压,配合水流喷射祈雨,将整个舞台变成水之帷幕,最后凭借水流环压缩的力量,制造了一个蔚蓝的喷泉与祈雨相互交辉,而白海师自身,则攀瀑到最高处,展现着自身优美的身躯。 After that Childe of Lightning Feng Che, other also/still each tier Coordinator players, are showing oneself performance that goes all-out, completely finished until Contest Performance Round. 在那之后,电之贵公子风澈,还有其余各个梯次协调家选手,都尽全力的展现着自己的表演,直到华丽表演环节彻底结束。 Please remember this book first round domain name:. 4 novel net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。四小说网手机版阅读网址:
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