PC :: Volume #3 超新星

#305: White great cocoon

The innumerable white silk threads, cover entirely the Beautifly four directions in the flash with the swift and violent stance, such as slender white snake same waves, then the innumerable new silk threads alternate, change in several seconds, the entire stage was only covered by these crowded incomparable insect silk probably! 无数白色丝线,在一瞬间以迅猛的姿态布满狩猎凤蝶的四方,如一条条纤细的白蛇一样舞动,然后无数新的丝线穿插出来,这其中的变化只在短短几秒钟,整个舞台就好像被那些密集无比的虫丝覆盖! This String Shot weight/quantity......” Nurse Joy suppresses the impulsion that stands up, unbelievable say/way. “这个吐丝的分量……”乔伊小姐强忍住站起身的冲动,难以置信道。 it's not just Nurse Joy, even Wallace is startled, saw stage that this white silk covers, he cannot understand this change from where. 不止是乔伊小姐,就连米可利都大吃一惊,眼看这白丝覆盖的舞台,他也不能理解这种变化从何而来。 Perhaps even Ariados, is unable to achieve this String Shot quantity, this in the end is......” “恐怕就连阿利多斯,也无法做到这种吐丝的数量,这到底是……” Before TV Station, before big screen, most familiar Ting Shu this Beautifly without doubt is Old Green House, but they, were still feared by Beautifly this type of full insect silk even. 电视台前,大荧幕前,最熟悉庭树只狩猎凤蝶的无疑是青古屋的诸位,可即使是他们,也被狩猎凤蝶这种铺天盖地的虫丝惊住了。 In the audience line of sight dead ahead position, in the main stage, the innumerable insect silk interweaves, wraps with the pure white silk the Beautifly body, like forming the one huge incomparable white insect cocoon, looks at such as one to expand more than ten times of Silcoon to reappear from afar, magnificent incomparable. 就在观众视线正前方的位置,主舞台上,无数虫丝交织,将狩猎凤蝶身体用洁白的丝包裹起来,就像形成一个巨大无比的白色虫茧,远远望去如一只扩大十多倍的甲壳茧再现,壮观无比。 In all around of this huge white insect cocoon, some insect silk extend at will, mutually staggered, lets this insect cocoon comprised of the insect silk, seems like the one chaos great egg, mysterious incomparable. 在这巨大的白色虫茧的四周,一些虫丝随意延伸,相互交错,让这由虫丝组成的虫茧,看起来就像一个混沌的巨蛋,神秘无比。 This type is the Beautifly build does not know that many time of insect silk quantities, simply is...... shock on unprecedented vision. 这种是狩猎凤蝶体型不知道多少倍的虫丝量,简直是……前所未有的视觉上的震撼。 General Beautifly, is absolutely impossible to have such String Shot quantity, only rely on Quiver Dance squeezes also insufficiently the Beautifly unknown potential, definitely has the skill that we do not know.” “一般的狩猎凤蝶,绝对不可能有如此的吐丝量,光光靠蝶舞狩猎凤蝶未知的潜能压榨出来还不够,其中肯定有我们不知道的技巧。” I guessed that possibly is matching of food, the changes in some diet, can indeed in affect the one pokémon body condition extremely in a short time.” Joy said. “我猜测可能是食物的搭配,一些饮食方面的改变,的确可以在极短时间内影响一只精灵的机体状况。”乔伊道。 Diet? The past of also saying, at present this participant, is one ten -year-old Breeder.” Wallace points at the nodded table, has not paid attention to two shocking Joy, said slowly. “饮食么?也说的过去,眼前这个参赛者,可是一位十岁的培育家呀。”米可利手指点了点桌子,没有理会两位震惊的乔伊,缓缓说道。 ...... …… ...... …… This fellow in the end in making anything......” in player preparation room, other 63 players look at the vision to there. “这个家伙到底在做什么……”参赛选手准备室内,其余六十三位选手都把目光看向那里。 Contest Performance Round only then three minutes, but most players can only show oneself performance with less than 30 seconds, lasted for nearly two minutes like Ting Shu, has not concluded the performance of stance unexpectedly, this huge layout, making all participants stand up, looks to this young participant. 华丽表演环节只有三分钟的时间,但大部分选手只用不到三十秒就可以展现完自己的表演,像庭树这样耗时了近两分钟,竟然还没有收尾架势的表演,这种庞大的布局,让所有参赛者都站起身来,看向这个年龄不大的参赛者。 Interesting, what his does in the end want to make?” “有趣,他到底想做什么?” only rely on most starts that Quiver Dance and insect silk shocking dance, before enough has let he enters, Top 32?” 单靠最开始那蝶舞与虫丝惊艳的舞蹈,已经足够让他进入前三十二强了吧?” Purple sends the female to stop the matter on hand, looks earnestly to the screen, said: That 96 points of little rascal? It seems like wants to obtain Top Coordinator some honor difficulties in Hoenn again time.” 一名紫发女子停止手上的事情,认真看向屏幕,道:“那个96分的小鬼么?看来想要在芳缘再取得一次顶尖协调家的荣誉有些困难呢。” Just went down stage soon Jia Le also scratched the head, remembers own performance, suddenly thought that is somewhat perfunctory: Considers as finished, so long as can be promoted were good, the key point at the battle match, this fellow may be really strange.” 才刚刚走下舞台不久的伽乐挠了挠头,想起自己的表演,突然觉得有些敷衍:“算了算了,只要能晋级就好了,重点在对战赛,这个家伙可真奇怪。” A sailor suit youngster stands under the screen, thought aloud: Is younger than me, but is actually such splendid Coordinator.” 一名水手服少年站在屏幕下,自言自语:“比我年纪还小,但是却已经是这么出色的协调家了。” Although has not seen the complete performance of Ting Shu, landscape that but from this huge layout, then must present definitely shockingly. 虽然还没有看到庭树的完整表演,但从这庞大的布局来看,接下来要出现的景观肯定会让人震惊不已。 Judge whether it is or the player, first time noticed that is matching the player who first round goes all out officially. 无论是评委还是选手,头一次看到在正式赛第一环节就这么拼命的参赛选手。 This was Beautifly that I knew...... their in the end experienced anything.” The Chisana whole body shivers, then smiled, was too rousing. “这还是我认识的狩猎凤蝶么……他们到底经历了什么。”小失浑身颤抖,然后笑了出来,太让人兴奋了。 ...... …… ...... …… I think that since this should be Pokémon Contest conducts, besides Sir Wallace superior that the most magnificent time?” The one Joy cheeks bring blushing, looked that said to Wallace. “我想这应该是华丽大赛举办以来,除了米可利大人优胜的那一届外,最辉煌的一次了吧?”一位乔伊脸颊带着羞红,看向米可利道。 preliminary competition can over 95 points players, past Grand Festival be able to present one person to be good.” 预选赛可以在95分以上的选手,以往的华丽大型庆典能出现一人就已经不错了。” Raoul Contesta shakes the head, „ this time presents six people unexpectedly, does not know is good or bad, this time Top Coordinator gold content, 康肯斯坦摇了摇头,“这次竟然出现六人,也不知道是好是坏,这次的顶尖协调家的含金量, Should be able be said as highest? It is not inferior compared with Wallace your. ” The giant white insect cocoon, such quiet lying down in the stage, the main conference hall falls into at this moment quietly, is waiting for the following change. 应该可以说是最高了吧?比起米可利你那一届也不逊色。”巨大的白色虫茧,就那样静悄悄的躺在舞台上,这一刻主会场都陷入沉寂,等待着接下来的变化。 What will in the end have? 到底会发生什么? Starts.” “开始吧。” Feels the conference site atmosphere and stage changes in the direction that oneself estimate develops, Ting Shu takes the step, walks like the insect cocoon that side, when Ting Shu takes first step to play, from inside to outside, several silk threads fill the clear green light suddenly, several complex incomparable white insect silk in the innumerable Confusion mixed insect silk, as if act as the role that one ignited, fills giant insect cocoon surrounding one layer the green light instantaneously, lets this unprecedented ultra beast cocoon, sent out the astonishing brilliance! 感受到会场氛围和舞台变化朝着自己预想的方向发展,庭树迈出步子,像虫茧那边走去,当庭树迈出第一步起,由内到外,几条丝线突然弥漫起晶莹的绿光,某几条复杂无比的白色虫丝在无数混乱交杂的虫丝间,似乎充当了一个引燃的作用,瞬间将绿光弥漫到巨大虫茧外围一层,让这个史无前例的超大虫茧,散发出了惊人的光辉! In this moment, the abundant sight of green appears in everyone at present, lets this round of great cocoon spry and vigor, shows a vitality that is inconceivable, like spring flower vitality abundant, innumerable vegetation recovers, has a changing the world ideal condition. 在这一刻,盎然的绿意浮现在所有人眼前,让这一轮巨茧充满生气和活力,透出一股难以想象的生命力,如同春天花本生机盎然,无数草木复苏,颇有一番改天换地的意境。 Moves unnecessarily......” Wallace to say suddenly. “多此一举……”米可利突然道。 Eh? Wallace Master...... this......” 米可利大师……这……” „, Sorry, I mean, with the approach of moving unnecessarily, can actually show such beautiful scene, it seems like Ting Shu player to this performance very big time.” “哦哦,抱歉,我的意思是,用多此一举的做法,却能展现出这样的美景,看来庭树选手对这次的表演下了很大一番功夫。” We know, Beautifly Absorb Move can through that tall and slender mouth apparatus direct Absorb, can be carrier Absorb...... to look through the insect silk, now in the stage, Beautifly is using the insect silk, and Grass Type Move Absorb, constituted the one bridge with the sunlight.” “我们都知道,狩猎凤蝶吸取绝招可以通过那细长的口器直接吸收,也能通过虫丝作为载体吸收……看出来了么,现在舞台上,狩猎凤蝶正在用虫丝,以及草系的绝招吸取,与太阳光构成了一个桥梁。” This sight of green...... appears like this.” “这份绿意……就是这样出现的。” Had the explanation of Wallace, everyone shocking looks in the stage the change of insect cocoon, that is filling the astonishing sight of green ray, before can be unexpectedly, that pure white insect cocoon, this change...... is not the average person can understand. 有了米可利的讲解,大家都惊艳的看着舞台上虫茧的变化,那弥漫着惊人绿意光芒的,竟会是之前那纯白的虫茧,这种变化……根本不是一般人能理解的。 Innumerable sunlight energies through insect silk by Absorb, but is actually not able to flow in Beautifly within the body, the mechanism that both repel one another, unwittingly built sight of green to fill the insect silk the marvelous sight, let this moving unnecessarily, should the useless skill combination, turn into a business abundant picture. 无数阳光能量通过虫丝被吸收,但却无法流入狩猎凤蝶的体内,两者互相排斥的机理,在不知不觉间营造了一幅绿意弥漫虫丝的奇观,让这种多此一举,本应无用的技巧组合,变成了一副生意盎然的画面。 This is Ting Shu after Giga Drain- Morning Sun skill is defeated the combination that finds out, coordinates some Solar Beam ideas, built this scene, calculates that has not disappointed in that failure skill high and low time. 这是庭树在“终极吸取-晨光”技巧失败后想出的组合,配合阳光烈焰一些理念,营造出了这幅场景,也算没有辜负在那个失败技巧上下的功夫。 Fierce, has the population not to have, until now, the blending of combination that Beautifly did in the end show and skillful idea of how many Move?” “厉害,有人数过没,到现在为止,那只狩猎凤蝶到底展现了多少种绝招的组合和技巧理念的融汇?” at this moment, in preparation room, players by this complex performance attracting. 此时此刻,准备室内,选手们已经被这复杂的表演给吸引了进去。 Please remember this book first round domain name:. 4 novel net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。四小说网手机版阅读网址:
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