PC :: Volume #3 超新星

#304: Supernova Ting Shu

The official match, each going on stage player will be said that Jia Le, according to displays the title obtained in passing Pokémon Contest, Ice and Fire Envoy , indicating this person excels at the coordinated utilization of Ice Type and Fire Type Move, is one unique Coordinator. 正式赛,每个上场的选手都会被介绍一番,伽乐,根据在过往华丽大赛中表现取得的称谓,冰火使者,表明了此人擅长冰系与火系绝招的协调运用,是一位极具特色的协调家 Five judges, everyone has 20 points of grading rights, five people of scores add, was the total score of this person. 五位评委,每人拥有20分的评分权利,五人的分数加起来,就是此人的总分了。 Quite beautiful, Jia Le player Frosslass uses the combination of Ice Shard and Will-O-Wisp, successfully overcame ice fire mutually restraint.” “好美,伽乐选手这只雪妖女利用冰砾鬼火的组合,成功克服了冰火互相克制的局面。” After being one's turn the performance of official match, the inter-combinations of many Move, making everyone has an eyeful. 轮到正式赛的表演后,多种绝招的互相组合,让所有人都大饱眼福。 91 points, the Jia Le player was made a total score of 91 points by the appraisal finally!” “91分,伽乐选手最终由评审打出了91分的好成绩!” Indeed good, with Ominous Wind Will-O-Wisp and Ice Shard perfect combination, this ice hot twofold day feeling, manifests the coordinated level of this player sufficiently, I remember that his Ice and Fire Envoy name, is stems from the Jia Le player to perform with Ice Type and Fire Type Move frequently alone, this combination should be a bold attempt.” “的确不错,用奇异之风鬼火冰砾完美的组合起来,这种冰火两重天的感觉,足以体现这位参赛选手的协调水准,我记得他冰火使者的叫法,是源于伽乐选手经常单独的用冰系和火系绝招进行表演,这次的组合应该是一次大胆的尝试。” First time presents the high score, after Raoul Contesta gave the affirmation, other judges also expressed oneself view. 头一次出现高分,康肯斯坦给予了肯定后,其他评委也发表了自己的看法。 Really, can obtain the player of good achievements in preliminary competition, the following official match have no reason not to show own elegant demeanor strongly, the Jia Le player a score of 91 points direct steamroll front all players. 果然,在预选赛就能取得好成绩的选手,接下来的正式赛没理由不强势展现自己的风采,伽乐选手91分的成绩直接碾压了前面所有参赛选手。 ...... …… ...... …… Good, our invited under one, supernova from Fallarbor Town, Ting Shu!!” Vivian said. “好,那我们有请下一位,来自秋叶镇的超新星,庭树!!”薇薇安道。 „The Ting Shu player is first time participates in Grand Festival, from making a debut to the present, only then six record that participates in Pokémon Contest, but these six participation, to come to an end completely victory, but said that has rookie of talent!!” 庭树选手是第一次参加华丽大型庆典,从出道到现在只有六次参加华丽大赛的记录,但这六次参赛,全部都是以优胜告终,可是说是极具天赋的新人!!” He performs the technique to bring the pleasant surprise uniquely frequently . Moreover the Ting Shu player also enters the official match in preliminary competition tied for second place with a total score of 96 points......” “他独一无二的表演手法经常能给人带来惊喜,另外庭树选手也是在预选赛以96分的好成绩并列第二名晋级到正式赛的……” When Vivian introduction, at the scene, has not actually been shocked through the audience who the network understood beforehand. 薇薇安介绍时,不在现场,却又没通过网络事先了解的观众都惊呆了。 Tied for second place? 并列第二 Elder Brother Ting Shu, did he unexpectedly become such fierce?” Although originally Old Green House everyone knows that Ting Shu successfully stepped into the official match, but actually knows nothing about his result, first time knew that performance of Ting Shu in preliminary competition, they suddenly have an misconception of not familiar present person. 庭树哥,他竟然变得这么厉害了?”原本青古屋的大家虽然知道庭树成功踏入了正式赛,但是对他的成绩却一无所知,头一次得知庭树预选赛的表现,他们忽然有一种不熟悉眼前之人的错觉。 When Ting Shu takes the stage slowly, the Old Green House child and Grandma Arlan look at that facial color tranquil youngster, a heart accelerated to beat, then simultaneously remained silent, is waiting for the performance of Ting Shu. 庭树缓缓走上舞台,青古屋的孩子和奥兰奶奶看着那面色平静的少年,一颗心加速跳动了下,然后齐齐保持沉默,等待着庭树的表演。 Went on stage!” Pays attention to the Ting Shu crowd to spunk up. “上场了!”留意过庭树的人群打起精神。 Raoul Contesta, Sukizo, two Joy, also/still Wallace. 康肯斯坦,须佐木,两位乔伊,还有米可利 Ting Shu takes the stage, raised the head, looks to familiar several, in the heart moves, he sees Wallace to reveal, if after without smiling face looks oneself, the heart said, it seems like Wallace should recognize itself in the preliminary competition time. 庭树走上舞台,抬起头,看向熟悉的几位,心中一动,他看见米可利露出若有如无的笑容看着自己后,心道,看来米可利应该在预选赛时候就认出自己了。 Good, then please start to perform!!” Vivian shows the smiling face, said. “好,那么请开始表演吧!!”微微安露出笑容,道。 Before Ting Shu mounts the stage, most players perform the score of link are more than 80 points, only had Jia Le to arrive at 92 points. 庭树登台之前,大部分选手表演环节的得分都是80多分,唯有伽乐到达了92分。 I remember that he is the same...... in the Ting Shu heart with me in the preliminary competition result absent-minded, then gets hold of Beautifly's Poké Ball, ejects- “我记得他在预选赛的成绩和我一样吧……”庭树心中恍惚一下,然后握紧狩猎凤蝶的精灵球,抛出- Beautifly, Attract arrives-” 狩猎凤蝶,迷人登场吧-” took a deep breath, Ting Shu looks that with the red light leaps, dances in the air above the stage, gentle fans that to Beautifly of gorgeous wing, the vision concentrates. 深呼吸一口气,庭树看着随着红光跃出,飞舞在舞台之上,轻柔的扇动那对艳丽的翅膀的狩猎凤蝶,目光一凝。 The reason that because Attract enters the stage, Beautifly among the colorful textures is filling the weak brilliance at this time, vague transparent affections have the dim feeling to linger by its body, probably is the presence accompaniment of Beautifly. 由于迷人出场的原因,狩猎凤蝶此时五彩斑斓的纹理间弥漫着微弱的光辉,一颗颗若有若无的透明爱心带着朦胧的感觉萦绕在它身躯旁,像是在为狩猎凤蝶的出场伴奏。 „Does Attract arrive?” This move is very common in Pokémon Contest, but is shown now by Beautifly, five judges and audience have a strange misconception. 迷人登场?”这招已经在华丽大赛很常见了,但现在由狩猎凤蝶展现出来,五位评委和观众有一种奇怪的错觉。 so that's how it is, Beautifly Attract Move has not displayed, but interrupts in the flash of displaying forcefully, although discarded the Attract effect, but the Attract Move aesthetic sense actually stayed on Beautifly completely......” under the Wallace ponder, 原来如此,狩猎凤蝶迷人绝招并没有施展出来,而是在施展的一瞬间强行中断,虽然舍弃了迷人的效果,但迷人绝招的美感却完整停留在了狩猎凤蝶身上……”米可利思考下, The explanation said. „If pure arrival, the Attract Move effect instead is secondary, this was reserved Attract Move, good arrival.” The judges reveal the surprised vision, it seems like Attract Move was developed an application. 讲解道。“如果是单纯的登场的话,迷人绝招的效果反而是次要,这是将迷人绝招内敛了呀,不错的登场。”评委们露出惊讶的目光,看来迷人绝招又被开发出了一种运用方式呢。 Looked quickly, Beautifly used String Shot Move ~ “快看,狩猎凤蝶用出吐丝绝招了~” The Vivian time is paying attention to the sound in stage, under the direction of Ting Shu, Beautifly dances in the air to is stage center's, the physique waves gently, simultaneously the careful mouth apparatus leap one after another white silk thread, with the dance of Beautifly, leaps together. 薇薇安时刻注意着舞台上的动静,在庭树的指挥下,狩猎凤蝶飞舞到舞台中央,身姿轻轻舞动起来,同时细细的口器跃出一条又一条白色丝线,随着狩猎凤蝶的舞蹈,一起跃动起来。 It seems like not just is String Shot, Beautifly is also dancing, actually it must make what!?” “看来不单单吐丝,狩猎凤蝶自己在也跳舞呢,它究竟要做什么呢!?” Quiver Dance!! 蝶舞!! Only then a few has will use Quiver Dance Move Trainer to see, Beautifly is not pure waving, this rhythm is Quiver Dance Move! 只有少数拥有会使用蝶舞绝招训练家看出,狩猎凤蝶并不是单纯的舞动,这个节奏是蝶舞绝招 Wallace shows the curious expression, this rhythm words...... 米可利露出好奇的表情,这个节奏的话…… Really, with the dance of Beautifly, its speed becomes more and more quickly, the silk thread that because simultaneously Beautifly puts out are getting more and more, visually feels leaps like the one (piece of) white silk like waves. 果然,随着狩猎凤蝶的舞蹈,它的速度变得越来越快,同时由于狩猎凤蝶吐出的丝线越来越多,从视觉上给人的感觉就像一片白色丝绸如波浪般跃动一样。 This air current is......” “这股气流是……” Shortly, Vivian noticed in the stage, strange rhythm that insect silk swayed, surprised opens the mouth: Looks quickly, Beautifly waving speed...... quite quick, the camera angle of view pulls closer, everyone sees not to have, the air current that weak actually has, is towing the path of insect silk-” 没多久,薇薇安又注意到了舞台上,那虫丝拂动的古怪节奏,惊讶开口:“快看,狩猎凤蝶的舞动速度……好快啊,摄像头视角拉近,大家看到没有,一股微弱却真实存在的气流,正在牵引着虫丝的轨迹-” The insect silk are getting more and more, the innumerable insect silk not only do not have, because quantity Confusion interwines, instead under the strange gas flow effect, defers to own path to revolve. 虫丝越来越多,无数虫丝非但没有因为数量混乱的交织在一起,反而在奇异的气流作用下,按照自己的轨迹运转起来。 The Beautifly waving speed is getting more and more fast, the change of air current is also getting more and more obvious, this time everyone also understands finally this is not ordinary waving, do the words of pure dancing in the air, how possibly make so the move? 狩猎凤蝶的舞动速度越来越快,气流的变化也就越来越明显,这时的大家也终于明白了这不是普通的舞动,单纯的飞舞的话,怎么可能弄出如此动静? „When how possibly, to conduct Quiver Dance String Shot, has tested the pokémon control very much, the air current of Beautifly in the end how use?” The small mouth of even Nurse Joy could not close, this skill, the difficulty was too high. “怎么可能,进行蝶舞吐丝,就已经很考验精灵的掌控力了,狩猎凤蝶到底怎么利用的这股气流?”就连乔伊小姐的小嘴都合不上了,这份技巧,难度太高了。 However if they know, Beautifly in Sandstorm of powerful, taking advantage of innumerable possibly to the gravel that oneself cause the damage, Quiver Dance that and under that tyrannical air current practices, they will not have such expression, instead will take it for granted. 不过如果她们知道,狩猎凤蝶是在强力的沙暴里,借着无数可能对自己造成伤害的砂砾,以及那暴虐的气流下练习的蝶舞,他们就不会有这样的表情,反而会觉得理所应当。 The skill is astonishing, the difficulty is astonishing, the performance of Beautifly, making all skillful difficulty familiar people admire, but this has not ended, in the audience and judges discussed this Quiver Dance and String Shot and skill between air current three, the white wave like band split loudly, scatters in all directions to go, making threatening gestures surrounded the stage. 技巧惊人,难度惊人,狩猎凤蝶的表演,让所有对此技巧难度熟知的人佩服不已,但这还没完,就在观众和评委们谈论这蝶舞吐丝、气流三者间的技巧时,像绸带一样的白色波浪轰然裂开,四散而去,张牙舞爪的将舞台包围。 Please remember this book first round domain name:. 4 novel net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。四小说网手机版阅读网址:
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