PE :: Volume #35

#2064: Is predestined friends with me

Chapter 2064 第2064章 Is predestined friends with me 与我有缘 Sage not shame! 圣人不可辱! Monster Master Kunpeng dares unexpectedly in the presence of everyone the words that refuted to raise certainly, this courage, really praise worthy, but this consequence was actually not he can withstand, raised certainly is only a light look, has made him cause heavy losses spits blood. 妖师鲲鹏竟然敢当众反驳准提的话,他这勇气,着实可嘉,只是这后果却不是他能够承受的,准提只是一个淡淡的眼神而已,就已经让他重创吐血了。 although several years ago their two had been punched by the Dongfang Yu violent, may be relative to other people, strength of sage, as before is the insurmountable natural moat. 虽然前几年他们两个都被东方玉暴揍了一顿,可相对于其他人而言,圣人的实力,依旧是不可逾越的天堑。 bastard, bastard......”, is damaged to spit blood, in the monster Master Kunpeng heart is startled and hates. 混账,混账……”,受创吐血,妖师鲲鹏的心中又惊又恨。 What startled is strength of sage, indeed is not oneself can look, what however hates was the past Zixiaogong, oneself should have praying mat, was actually mixed by that red cloud, lost praying mat. 惊的是圣人的实力,的确不是自己能够仰望的,但是恨的是当年紫霄宫,自己本该有一个蒲团的,却被那红云搅和了,以至于失去了蒲团 Mentioned reasonably, received and instructed with raises them certainly, in the past was impossible to have praying mat, nature to become Sheng did not have their opportunities, original oneself should have a sage position was right. 按理说来,接引和准提两人,当年不可能有蒲团,自然成圣也就没他们的机会,本来自己该有一尊圣位才对的。 Monster Master Kunpeng, is not the heart broad generation, although the matter passes many years, may often think that oneself and Saint position just misses, but occupied receiving and instructing of position of oneself sage and raises certainly, now completely by overlooking the look of ants looks at oneself, this lets in the Kunpeng heart the envious hatred difficult draw. 妖师鲲鹏,本来就不是什么心胸宽广之辈,尽管事情已经过了很多年,可每每想到自己和圣位失之交臂,而占据了自己圣人之位的接引和准提,现在完全是以俯视蝼蚁的眼神看着自己,这让鲲鹏心中嫉恨难平。 Quasi-Saint peak how? As before ants! 准圣巅峰又如何?依旧不过蝼蚁而已! A light look, making Kunpeng this evil livestock understand after what was a sage, the vision that at once proposes certainly looked to that World Exterminating Black Lotus, opened the palm, has grasped toward that 12 World Exterminating Black Lotus directly. 一个淡淡的眼神,让鲲鹏这孽畜明白了什么叫圣人之后,旋即准提的目光看向了那灭世黑莲,张开手掌,直接朝着那12品灭世黑莲抓了过去。 The powerhouses of witch demon three clans, look at the movement that raises certainly, startled and anger, but, actually does not dare to stop. 妖魔三族的强者,看着准提的动作,又惊又怒,但是,却不敢阻拦。 The prestige of sage, only if similarly is exist(ence) of sage, otherwise, nobody can stop the movement that raises certainly. 圣人之威,除非同样是圣人的存在,否则,根本没有人能阻拦准提的动作。 ! 咻! However, palm that raises shortly certainly must fall, when above that World Exterminating Black Lotus, suddenly, radiant brilliance appeared together. 然而,眼看着准提的手掌就要落在那灭世黑莲之上的时候,突然,一道璀璨的光华出现了。 At this moment, the world has as if changed colors, only then this together radiant brilliance, as if has become in the world the only color. 这一刻,天地仿佛都失色了,只有这一道璀璨的光华,仿佛成了天地之间唯一的色彩。 Is Houyi, as Dongfang Yu's Disciple, Houyi builds the bow archery, to was raising certainly begins. 是后羿,作为东方玉的弟子,后羿搭弓射箭,对着准提动手了。 On palm that sharp arrow arrow, shooting maliciously is raising certainly, the might of this arrow arrow, even if Sun can also fallen, but, falls above the body hand back that raises certainly, does not have what function, does not have the means to create including a skin flesh wound. 锐利的箭矢,狠狠的射在准提的手掌上面,这箭矢的威力,即便是太阳也能陨落,只是,落在准提的身手背之上,却并没有什么作用,连一点皮外伤都没有办法造成。 Bold! 大胆! Just monster Master Kunpeng orally the words that refuted to raise certainly, was made to cause heavy losses by his look, but does Houyi, dare unexpectedly directly to sage take action? 刚刚妖师鲲鹏只是口头上反驳了准提的话而已,就被他一个眼神弄得重创了,而后羿,居然敢直接对圣人出手 To monster Master Kunpeng, Houyi truly was then considered as on is bold. 相对于妖师鲲鹏而言,后羿这才真正算得上是胆大包天了。 Looks to shoot the arrow arrow on oneself hand back, in the eye that raises certainly also flashes through wipes anger. 看着射在自己手背上的箭矢,准提的眼中也闪过一抹怒意 Is excessive, sees is Houyi time, the look stagnates slightly. 偏过头来,看到是后羿的时候,神色微微一滞。 Good, Houyi? As before is the ants, what behind him is standing is Dongfang Yu! 好吧,后羿?依旧是蝼蚁而已,可是他背后站着的是东方玉 Although Houyi younger generation, but actually the straight collimation proposes the meaning of not having flinched. 后羿虽说是晚辈,但却直视准提没有丝毫退缩的意思。 Facing sage time, oneself may, not only the pure representative witch clan, has represented the master Dongfang Yu's honor! 面对圣人的时候,自己可不只是单纯的代表了巫族,更代表了师父东方玉的脸面! Even if dies, cannot lose the face of master. 即便是死,也不能丢了师父的面子。 Houyi, you may know to sage take action, is what consequence!?”, although thinks of the Dongfang Yu's time, some round of being afraid/painful, may at least in the face unable at heart weak imposing manner, raises coldly certainly looks at Houyi to ask. “后羿,你可知对圣人出手,是什么样的后果!?”,虽然想到东方玉的时候,心里有些发憷,可至少面子上不能弱了气势,准提冷冷的看着后羿问道。 This black lotus misses with your Buddhism, this is the thing of demon!”, Houyi is a young bull did not fear that the appearance of tiger, the disposition also looks like the bow and arrow in hand to be ordinary, unprecedented, earnest stares is raising certainly, the firm sound said. “这黑莲与你佛教无缘,这是魔界之物!”,后羿是一副初生牛犊不怕虎的样子,性格也像手中的弓箭一般,一往无前,认真的盯着准提,坚声说道。 This is the difference......”, looks that Houyi can also straighten one's neck with raises certainly reasons with, nearby several monster gods and demon clan powerhouses, in the heart muttered secretly thought. “这就是差别……”,看着后羿还能梗着脖子和准提讲理,旁边的几位妖神和魔族强者,心中都喃喃暗道 Yes, just Kunpeng orally refuted one, has spat blood on the severe wound, but Houyi take action, certainly has raised is also only and he reasonable, this discrimination for anything, everybody naturally was well aware. 是啊,刚刚鲲鹏只是口头上反驳了一句,就重伤吐血了,可后羿都出手了,准提也只是和他讲道理而已,这差别待遇是为了什么,大家当然是心知肚明了。 Dongfang Yu of strongest sage, really imposing manner extraordinary, even if raises certainly, does not dare to his Disciple take action, few days ago, Buddha Realm to be frightened by Dongfang Yu at will obviously. 最强圣人的东方玉,果然气势不凡啊,就算是准提,也不敢随意对他的弟子出手,可见前些日子,佛界真的被东方玉打怕了。 Raises shortly certainly is speaking with Houyi unexpectedly, put that World Exterminating Black Lotus in the one side has disregarded, received and instructed naturally cannot stand by, direct take action, has grasped toward that 12 World Exterminating Black Lotus directly. 眼看着准提居然在和后羿说话,把那灭世黑莲搁在一旁不管不顾了,接引自然不会袖手旁观了,直接出手,朝着那12品灭世黑莲直接抓了过去。 Receives and instructs shortly must that 12 World Exterminating Black Lotus grasp , in hand, the mutation regenerates. 只是,眼看着接引就要把那12品灭世黑莲抓在手中的时候,异变再生。 A pink embroidered ball appeared, toward receiving and instructing to have hit, the infinite strength, making the hand that received and instructed be hit one side went, nature, got nothing for one's effort. 一颗粉红色的绣球出现了,朝着接引撞了过来,无穷的力道,让接引的手都被撞到了一旁去了,自然,也抓了个空了。 Meanwhile, in Void woman walked, this hit the receiving and instructing red embroidered ball to return to the hand of woman. 与此同时,虚空之中一个女子走了出来,这个撞开了接引的红绣球回到了女子的手中。 Nuwa Junior Sister, this black lotus is predestined friends with my Buddhism, but also looks at Junior Sister you to be accommodating, looks Nuwa that walks from Void, received and instructed in the heart the somewhat helpless darkness to sigh one, at once holds their palms together, saying in a low voice. 女娲师妹,这黑莲与我佛教有缘,还望师妹你行个方便”,看着从虚空之中走出来的女娲,接引心中有些无奈的暗叹了一声,旋即双手合十,低声的说道。 This is not good!”, Looks at the appearance that receives and instructs, Nuwa shook the head, said: This World Exterminating Black Lotus is innate supreme treasure, who can result in respectively depending on the skill, how can by your a few words, offer on both hands? Were the thing that , your Buddhism has been predestined friends too also many?”. “这可不行!”,看着接引的模样,女娲摇了摇头,道:“这灭世黑莲乃先天至宝,何人能得各凭本事罢了,怎能由你一句话,就双手奉上呢?再说了,你们佛教有缘的东西也太多了吧?”。 Received and instructed the face to be thick-skinned bountifully was similar to the city wall, heard Nuwa these words, thought that on the face was somewhat burning. 饶是接引脸皮厚得和城墙差不多了,听到女娲的这番话,也觉得脸上有些火辣辣的。 Indeed, for these years, so long as is the thing that settles on, no matter heavenly materials and earthly treasures, is talented people, received and instructed with raises certainly said that was predestined friends with Buddhism. 的确,这么多年来,只要是看中的东西,不管是天材地宝,还是人才,接引和准提都说与佛教有缘。 „Is that matter of today, how my Buddhism owes Junior Sister your karma?”, Thinks that receives and instructs somewhat helpless start to talk to say. “那今日之事,算是我佛教欠师妹你一个因果如何?”,想了想,接引有些无奈的开口说道。 „Can karma trade innate supreme treasure? My Nuwa also wants to owe several such karma but actually, regarding receiving and instructing saying that the words, Nuwa shook the head. “一个因果就能换得一件先天至宝?我女娲倒也想多欠几个这样的因果了”,对于接引的话,女娲摇了摇头的说道。 Mentioned this, then said slightly: Moreover, if I remember that good, can karma that your Buddhism owes be many? Was this louse are many have not feared itchy?”. 一言及此,微微一顿,接着说道:“另外,若我记得不错的话,你们佛教欠下的因果可多了去吧?这是虱子多了不怕痒吗?”。 Yes, initially numerous to become Sheng time, Buddhism loudly distributed 3000 to vow, this established the Confucianism, let receive and instruct with raises two personal testimonies saying that certainly to become Sheng, this 3000 loudly vows until now Buddha Realm not to cash, this may owes entire Great Desolate world big karma. 是啊,当初众位成圣的时候,佛教发下了3000大誓愿,这才成立大教,让接引和准提两人证道成圣了,这3000大誓愿直到现在佛界都还没有兑现呢,这可算是欠下了整个洪荒天地大因果了。 36 lotus thrones, our Buddhism has resulted in 12 Pin Jinlian and 12 blue lotuses, only this 12 Pin Heilian, with root a common origin, lowers the head finally, receives and instructs the oneself stance to suspend as before very lowly. “36品莲台,我们佛教已得12品金莲和12品青莲,只余这最后12品黑莲,同根同源”,低着头,接引依旧吧自己的姿态摆得很低。 Hahaha......”. 哈哈哈……”。 At this time, suddenly in Void a clear and bright smiling sound. 只是,就在这个时候,突然虚空之中一阵清朗的笑声响了起来。 Meanwhile, Dongfang Yu also the steps from Void, the vision falls on the body of receiving and instructing, said: God-Slayer Spear in my hand, with your lotus thrones with root a common origin, your lotus thrones is also whether predestined friends with me. 与此同时,东方玉也从虚空之中踏步而出,目光落在接引的身上,道:“如此说来我手中的弑神枪,也和你们的莲台同根同源啊,你们的莲台是否也与我有缘”。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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