PE :: Volume #35

#2063: Ants

Chapter 2063 第2063章 Ants 蝼蚁 magical treasure quality, what is strongest is primal chaos supreme treasure, but primal chaos supreme treasure is divided into three! 法宝的品质,最强的乃是混沌至宝,而混沌至宝分为三件! First, is Pangu's Axe in Great God Pangu hand. 其一,便是盘古大神手中的盘古斧 Is only a pity when Pangu splitting heaven and earth apart, this Pangu's Axe disintegration, changed into Primal Chaos Chart, Pangu's Streamer and Primal Chaos Bell three innate supreme treasure. 只可惜在盘古开天辟地之际,这盘古斧崩碎了,化为太极图,盘古幡混沌钟三件先天至宝 Second, then breed 36 Primal Chaos Azure Lotus that Great God Pangu came out. 其二,便是孕育了盘古大神出来的36品混沌青莲 After Great God Pangu fallen, this primal chaos supreme treasure has also split up, 36 lotus thrones, change to 12 Karmic Virtue's Golden Lotus respectively, 12 Pin Jingshi blue lotuses as well as 12 World Exterminating Black Lotus, these three impressively are the innate supreme treasure ranks. 只是,随着盘古大神陨落之后,这件混沌至宝也跟着分化了,36品莲台,分别化作12品功德金莲,12品净世青莲以及12品灭世黑莲,这三件赫然都是先天至宝的行列。 Five pieces of lotus leaves, changed to innate Five Directions Flag, this Five Directions Flag similarly is the ranks of innate Spirit Treasure \; Finally also has that lotus stem, changes to innate supreme treasure end God-Slayer Spear. 五片莲叶,也化作了先天五方旗,这五方旗同样是先天灵宝的行列\;最后还有那一株莲茎,化作先天至宝之末的弑神枪 Third, are good fortune Artifact Good Fortunes Jade Plate, similarly belongs to the primal chaos supreme treasure quality. 其三,便是造化神器造化玉碟,同样属于混沌至宝的品质。 But along with splitting heaven and earth apart, this supreme treasure was also unfortunately damaged, becomes incomplete, only then initial Ancestor of the Great Balance obtained half incomplete Good Fortunes Jade Plate, perceives through meditation Grand Dao, became in the world the first sage. 但可惜的是随着开天辟地,这件至宝也受损了,变得残缺不全,只有当初的鸿钧老祖得到了半块残缺的造化玉碟,参悟大道,成为了天地间第一位圣人。 So looks like, after three big primal chaos supreme treasure disrupt, changes to powerful magical treasure respectively, so far , has almost his Lord respectively. 如此看来,三大混沌至宝碎裂之后,各自化作强大法宝,目前为止,也几乎是各有其主。 But in recent years, only then that 12 World Exterminating Black Lotus, as well as other Good Fortunes Jade Plate incomplete parts, are missing do not see, has never revealed the trail. 而这些年来,只有那12品灭世黑莲,以及造化玉碟残缺的其他部分,失踪不见,从未显露过踪迹。 Actually didn't expect, the Great Desolate world opens these many years later, this World Exterminating Black Lotus was born finally, moreover hides in this demon. 没想到,洪荒天地开辟这么多年之后,这灭世黑莲终于出世了,而且隐藏在这魔界之中。 Naturally, regarding Great Desolate Continent other powerhouses, innate supreme treasure Pangu's Streamer similarly missing, where does not know to wander about destitute, but in fact in the past Hongjun divided the treasure time, has actually given Dongfang Yu this Pangu's Streamer stealthily. 当然,对于洪荒大陆的其他强者而言,先天至宝盘古幡同样失踪,不知流落何地,但实际上当年鸿钧分宝的时候,却将这盘古幡偷偷送给了东方玉 Along with the appearances of 12 World Exterminating Black Lotus, the nature, the powerhouses of witch demon three clans all could not sit still. 随着12品灭世黑莲的出现,自然,巫妖魔三族的强者全都坐不住了。 This is innate supreme treasure exist(ence), has bred the Great God Pangu 12 lotus thrones, cannot fall into other people hand. 这可是先天至宝存在,更是孕育了盘古大神的12品莲台所化,决不能落入他人手中。 This 12 World Exterminating Black Lotus, the demon air/Qi is pure, should be my demon clan supreme treasure, other people, if captures, kills without the amnesty!”, The demon Luo's look is staring at 12 World Exterminating Black Lotus, the appearance that win, the sinking sound shouted to clear the way. “这12品灭世黑莲,魔气精纯,合该是我魔族至宝,旁人若要夺取,杀无赦!”,魔罗的眼神盯着12品灭世黑莲,一副志在必得的样子,沉声喝道。 Snort, my witch clan is Great God Pangu blood essence, this 12 World Exterminating Black Lotus has bred Great God Pangu the part of primal chaos supreme treasure, from the root, this Baoying should be the thing of my witch clan!”, Along with being bewitched Luo's words falls, nearby Ancestor Witch also simultaneously called out. “哼,我巫族盘古大神精血所化,这12品灭世黑莲乃是孕育了盘古大神混沌至宝的部分,从根源上来说,此宝应该是我巫族之物!”,随着魔罗的话落,旁边的祖巫们也齐齐叫道。 World supreme treasure, has virtue to occupy it, this 12 World Exterminating Black Lotus, how can fall into your hands!”, Similarly, several monster race powerhouses headed by monster Master Kunpeng, called out loudly, has joined the regiment. “天下至宝,有德者居之,这12品灭世黑莲,怎能落入你们之手!”,同样的,以妖师鲲鹏为首的几位妖族强者,也大声叫道,加入了战团。 Suddenly, thinks that the appearance of this World Exterminating Black Lotus, three clan powerhouses fell into the tangled warfare. 一时间,以为这灭世黑莲的出现,三族强者陷入了混战之中。 Demon, is almost independent in Great Desolate Continent, but exist(ence), therefore, the sound in demon, the Great Desolate Continent powerhouse cannot feel theoretically. 魔界,几乎独立于洪荒大陆存在,因此,魔界之中的动静,洪荒大陆的强者理论上是感受不到的。 Along with the appearances of this 12 World Exterminating Black Lotus, in Western Paradise Spirit Mountain, received and instructed with raises their heart to live to induce certainly. 只是,随着这12品灭世黑莲的出现,西天灵山之中,接引和准提两人都心生感应了。 „Are our lotus thrones somewhat moved? Is it possible that? Is born with the rare treasure that it did accompany?”, Realized that the sound of own lotus throne, receives and instructs with raises certainly slightly is startled, counted on the fingers, quick, they have then known the truth of matter. “我们的莲台都有所触动?莫非?是与之相伴的异宝出世了?”,察觉到自身莲台的动静,接引和准提都是微微一怔,掐指一算,很快,他们便得知了事情的真相。 Amitabha, the lotus flower is my Buddhism Saint is colored, this 12 World Exterminating Black Lotus should teach to be predestined friends with me......”, realized that the appearance of World Exterminating Black Lotus, has received and instructed proclaims Buddha in a low voice, start to talk said. “阿弥陀佛,莲花乃是我佛教圣花,这12品灭世黑莲合该与我教有缘……”,察觉到了灭世黑莲的出现,接引低声宣了一声佛号,开口说道。 Threw both sides innate five lines of flags, anxiety, if at this time can again a 12 lotus throne, but was all makes up the beforehand loss, Buddhism naturally won. 丢了两面先天五行旗,正肉疼着呢,这个时候若是能再得一座12品莲台的话,可算是将之前的损失全都补回来了,佛教自然是志在必得。 Un? This plain-colored Yun Jieqi did have the response unexpectedly?”, Almost simultaneously, Nuwa of Wa imperial palace also felt that the plain-colored Yun Jieqi change, among the looks some surprise, twist with rapt attention calculate. “嗯?这素色云界旗居然有了反应?”,几乎同时,娲皇宫的女娲也感觉到素色云界旗的异动,神色间有些诧异,跟着凝神捻算。 Buzz... Buzz...... 嗡…嗡…… Above Great Desolate Continent, Dongfang Yu also realized that oneself Blue Lotus Treasure Colored Banner and God-Slayer Spear simultaneously had induction unexpectedly, blooms to make a debut a brilliance, among the looks is also having the color of surprise. 洪荒大陆之上,东方玉也察觉到了自己青莲宝色旗弑神枪居然同时有了感应似的,绽放出道道光华,神色间也带着诧异之色。 These two did magical treasure, why suddenly present the phenomenon? 这两件法宝,为什么突然出现了异象? 36 Primal Chaos Azure Lotus, magical treasure is numerous, along with the appearance of World Exterminating Black Lotus, these magical treasure that splits up from 36 Primal Chaos Azure Lotus, each one had the induction, but these magical treasure masters, realized certainly the oneself magical treasure mutation. 36品混沌青莲,所化的法宝众多,随着灭世黑莲的出现,这些从36品混沌青莲上分化出去的法宝,各自都有了感应,而这些法宝的主人,当然也察觉到了自己法宝的异变了。 The battle in demon, was in the stage of superheating, once take action, the powerhouses of witch demon three clans not slight keeps the hand, has put out strongest strength completely. 魔界之中的争斗,已经是进入了白热化的阶段了,一旦出手了,巫妖魔三族的强者没有丝毫的留手,全部拿出了最强的力量来。 After all this competes for treasure, but is not the pure fight compares notes, because if kept the hand to cause treasure to fall into others hand, that may regret not. 毕竟这是争夺宝贝,而不是单纯的战斗切磋,若是因为留手导致宝贝落入了别人手中的话,那可就追悔莫及了。 Innate supreme treasure, lets capture sufficiently, after all the entire Great Desolate world that the person went all out, the innate supreme treasure quantity is also that few several. 一件先天至宝,足以让人拼了命的去夺取,毕竟整个洪荒天地,先天至宝的数量也不过是那么屈指可数的几件罢了。 Moreover, the powerhouses of three clans are very clear, this contest cannot pester results in the time to be too long, otherwise, if caused that sage take action, that this treasure has been doomed and everybody has not related. 而且,三族的强者都很清楚,这争夺战决不能纠缠得时间太久了,否则的话,若是引得圣人出手的话,那这件宝贝就注定了和大家没有关系了。 Sometimes the matter between world is this, more is afraid anything's words, more can encounter anything. 只是,有的时候天地之间的事情就是这样的,越是害怕什么的话,就越是会遭遇什么。 Shortly the magical treasure contests of three clan powerhouses to superheating time, suddenly, in the world of this demon Buddha's radiance emerges, at the same time, receives and instructs with raises them certainly, walked from Void. 眼看着三族强者的法宝争夺战到了白热化的时候,突然,这魔界的天地之间一阵佛光涌现,与此同时,接引和准提两人,从虚空之中走了出来。 Pays a visit two sages!”. “拜见两位圣人!”。 Looks that receives and instructs with appearance that raises certainly, this still in competing for three clan powerhouses, complexion big changes, but, actually also has to stop, simultaneously is saluting to two sages. 看着接引和准提的出现,这本来还在争夺之中的三族强者,一个个脸色大变,但是,却也不得不住手,齐齐对着两位圣人行礼。 Un, the lotus flower is my Buddhism Saint is colored, 12 Karmic Virtue's Golden Lotus and 12 Pin Jingshi blue lotus is also my Buddhism supreme treasure, two lotus flowers in this 12 World Exterminating Black Lotus and our hand are with the root a common origin, this treasure teaches to be predestined friends with me, the vision that proposes certainly falls on 12 World Exterminating Black Lotus, both eyes shines, start to talk said. “嗯,莲花乃是我佛教圣花,12品功德金莲和12品净世青莲也都是我佛教至宝,这12品灭世黑莲和我们手中的两朵莲花乃同根同源,此宝与我教有缘”,准提的目光落在12品灭世黑莲上面,双眼放光,开口说道。 Words that raises certainly, start to talk set this World Exterminating Black Lotus is his, this made the witch demon three clans have a big shock. 准提的话,一开口就定下了这灭世黑莲是他的,这让巫妖魔三族大惊失色。 exist(ence) of sage, makes the person not dare to refute. 只是,圣人的存在,却让人不敢反驳。 Nonsense, the treasure of world was the thing of without owner, the blue lotus and golden lotus in your Buddhism, if this black lotus gave you again, how could it not be has become your thing?”. “胡说,天地之宝都是无主之物,青莲和金莲都在你佛教了,这黑莲若是再给你们了,岂不都成了你一家之物?”。 Monster Master Kunpeng initially poured the bottom is also the Zixiaogong listener, other time, now hears this World Exterminating Black Lotus also to be taken away, cannot bear the loud rebuttal say. 妖师鲲鹏当初倒底也是紫霄宫听客,别的时候也就罢了,现在听到这灭世黑莲也要被拿走了,忍不住大声反驳道。 Un?”, Is only, regarding monster Master Kunpeng clamoring, raised certainly was only slanting glanced his one eyes. “嗯?”,只是,对于妖师鲲鹏的叫嚣,准提只是斜斜的瞟了他一眼。 ! 噗! The vision like the mountain, raises heavily certainly does not have any meaning of beginning, is only a look, monster Master Kunpeng of Quasi-Saint peak, the mouth puts out a blood immediately, the look dispirited. 目光沉重如山,准提也没有任何动手的意思,只是一个眼神而已,准圣巅峰的妖师鲲鹏,嘴里立马吐出一口鲜血,神色萎靡。 This, lets in all person hearts one cold: The inadequate Saint finally is the ants! 这一幕,让所有人心中一凛:不成圣终是蝼蚁! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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