PE :: Volume #35

#2065: Sage tangled warfare

Chapter 2065 第2065章 Sage tangled warfare 圣人混战 Dongfang Yu's figure appeared, the gold(en) long hair hangs to the position of waist border directly, muscle high haunching up of whole body, to person one type the feeling of having been full of the explosive force, grasps God-Slayer Spear in the hand, powerful Aura erupts, suppresses all Tian sufficiently. 东方玉的身形出现了,金色的长发直接垂到腰际的位置,浑身的肌肉高高的拱起,给人一种充满了爆发力的感觉,手持弑神枪在手,强大气息爆发出来,足以镇压诸天。 Dongfang Yu......”, looked that begins Dongfang Yu that holds God-Slayer Spear to present, receives and instructs with the complexion that raises certainly ugly. 东方玉……”,看着手执弑神枪出现的东方玉,接引和准提的脸色都非常的难看。 Dongfang Yu's strength they are clear, the person who didn't expect, most is not willing to see, actually saw. 东方玉的实力他们可是非常清楚的,没想到,最不愿意见到的人,却还是见到了。 Your two lotus thrones, with my God-Slayer Spear are also with the root a common origin, so looks like, are your two lotus thrones, and my Dongfang Yu are also predestined friends? The words such being the case, that hands over. “你们的两座莲台,和我的弑神枪也是同根同源呢,如此看来,你们的两座莲台,是不是和我东方玉也有缘呢?既然如此的话,那就交出来吧”。 The hand holds God-Slayer Spear in Dongfang Yu of hand, the vision falls is raising and receives and instructs their bodies certainly, start to talk said that imposing manner is astonishing. 手执弑神枪在手的东方玉,目光落在准提和接引两人的身上,开口说道,气势惊人。 Hahaha, good, your two, wish one could world all things to be predestined friends with you, now Dongfang Yu thought that your lotus thrones and he is predestined friends, can you be willing to give up what one treasures?”, At the same time, in Void shakes the distortion, at once, the father also walked from Void, on the face is bringing saying of smiling face. 哈哈哈,不错,你们两个,恨不得天下所有的东西都和你们有缘,现在东方玉觉得你们的莲台和他有缘啊,你们可愿割爱?”,与此同时,虚空之中一震扭曲,旋即,老子也从虚空之中走了出来,脸上带着笑容的说道。 Big senior brother said rational, figure that almost simultaneously, the primitive day Venerable has also trod from Void, had the exceedingly high founder. “大师兄所言有理”,几乎同时,原始天尊的身形也从虚空之中踏了出来,紧接着的还有通天教主。 Good, for this 12 World Exterminating Black Lotus lotus throne, an audiences sage successively appeared. 好吧,为了这一座12品灭世黑莲的莲台,众位圣人已经是陆陆续续的出现了。 Besides Houtu (Mother Earth) treats as in the middle of the hell has not appeared, for a appearance of innate supreme treasure, the numerous Saints gets together. 除了后土依旧待在地府当中没有出现之外,为了一件先天至宝的出现,众圣齐聚。 Master!”, Looks at Dongfang Yu's to appear, on nearby Houyi face had the excited look, start to talk to call out. “师父!”,看着东方玉的出现,旁边的后羿脸上带着激动的神色,开口叫道。 Un, you are very good, grew, Dongfang Yu excessively has come to see a Houyi, was the gratified appearance selects nod(ded) very much. “嗯,你很不错,也成长起来了”,东方玉偏过头来看了一眼后羿,很是欣慰的模样点点头 As the Dongfang Yu's vision falls on his body, on Energy Tester the ability value about Houyi also appeared, is very good, enough 200,000 over. 随着东方玉的目光落在他的身上,能量测试仪上面关于后羿的能力值也跟着出现了,很不错,足足有200000出头。 As witch clan, mortal body strength itself very powerful, the energy value is only strength part, although is only over 20 ten thousand ability values, may synthesize mortal body strength looks like, compared favorably with 30 ten thousand energy value above cultivator. 身为巫族,肉身力量本身就非常强大的,能量值只是实力的一部分而已,虽然只是20万能力值出头,可综合肉身力量看来,比得上30万能量值以上的修士了。 Hears Dongfang Yu's to acclaim, on Houyi's face is having the joyful color, so long as can obtain the praise of master, all that then just oneself made, as if were worth. 听到东方玉的赞叹,后羿的脸上带着欣喜之色,只要能得到师父的赞扬,那么刚刚自己所做的一切,似乎都非常的值得了。 Nearby receiving and instructing and proposes two certainly ugly, the complexion. 旁边的接引和准提两个,脸色非常的难看。 oneself they come earliest, reasonably mentioned this World Exterminating Black Lotus to fall right in oneself finally, but actually didn't expect, finally unexpectedly ended up to turn out the fate that a numerous Saint got together. 自己两人来的最早,按理说来这灭世黑莲应该是最后落在自己手里的才对,但是却没想到,最后居然落得个众圣齐聚的下场。 The powerhouses of witch demon three clans, lowered the head at this time, did not say a word, they are very clear, after these sages appear, this innate supreme treasure World Exterminating Black Lotus with oneself slightly has not related. 妖魔三族的强者,这个时候都低着头,一言不发了,他们很清楚,随着这些圣人们出现之后,这先天至宝灭世黑莲也就和自己没有丝毫的关系了。 The battle between sages, is not oneself has the qualifications to meddle, but innate supreme treasure can attract the sages, in reason. 圣人之间的争斗,可不是自己有资格能够插手的,而先天至宝能将圣人们吸引过来,也在情理之中了。 Hateful, the sage, these sages are really hateful......”, nearby monster Master Kunpeng, the body was having the injury at this time, but his vision looks to including Dongfang Yu all people, in the look is having the unwilling color. “可恶,圣人,这些圣人真可恶……”,旁边的妖师鲲鹏,这个时候身上带着伤势,可他的目光看向包括东方玉在内所有的人,眼神中都带着不甘之色。 Because of the appearances of these sages, lets oneself these people, almost lost power diligently. 就是因为这些圣人的出现,让自己这些人,几乎完全丧失了努力的动力了。 practice diligently how? In the end impossible to defeat the sage. 再努力的修炼又如何?到头来还是不可能打败圣人的。 How becomes again? In the world has supreme treasure to appear , can only fall in the hands of their these sages. 变得再强又如何?天地之间有至宝出现,也只能落在他们这些圣人的手中。 Simple, innate does supreme treasure, which have not in the hand of sage? 简单的来说,先天至宝,有哪一件不是在圣人的手中? exist(ence) of sage, in other people opinion, perhaps is aloof exist(ence), making all living things awe and prostrate oneself, but looks like in Kunpeng, these so-called sages, press a mountain on all living things top of the head completely. 圣人的存在,在旁人看来,或许是超然物外的存在,让芸芸众生敬畏和膜拜,可是在鲲鹏看来,这些所谓的圣人,完全是压在众生头顶上的一座大山。 Because of their exist(ence), therefore lets oneself, is as for being similar in Old Ancestor Ming He and town Yuan child they, completely lost the goal that continues to try hard. 就是因为他们的存在,所以才让自己,乃至于类似于冥河老祖和镇元子他们这些人,完全失去了继续努力的目标了。 World cultivator, derives the world spiritual energy respectively, the the sun and moon essence, but these the sun and moon essence and spiritual energies, should be all living things myriad things, therefore, all cultivator are the thieves, world thief, but takes the sage as!”. “天下修士,各自汲取天地灵气,日月精华,而这些日月精华和灵气,本该是芸芸众生万物的,所以,所有的修士都是大盗,天地大盗,而其中以圣人为最!”。 Saw that innate supreme treasure appearance of don't tell me, finally can only become these sage decided but not yet announced things of as before, in Kunpeng heart envious hatred difficult draw! 眼看着难道的先天至宝出现,最后依旧只能成为这些圣人内定的东西了,鲲鹏心中嫉恨难平! Not to mention in the monster Master Kunpeng heart, how to shout sage not dead, thief incessantly the words, at this time, Dongfang Yu and the others the attention all placed on World Exterminating Black Lotus. 且不说妖师鲲鹏的心中,如何呼喊着“圣人不死,大盗不止”的话语,这个时候,东方玉等人的注意力全都放在灭世黑莲上面。 Now, after sage successively appeared, was faint is also divided into three camps. 现在,诸位圣人陆陆续续的出现了之后,隐隐间也分成三个阵营了。 Receives and instructs with raises certainly, naturally is the same camp, but Three Pure Ones since Beginning of the Universe treated in the same place, now similarly is a camp, but Nuwa stood side Dongfang Yu's, obviously was faint and Dongfang Yu is the same camp. 接引和准提,当然是同一阵营的,而三清自从天地初开就待在一起了,现在同样是属于一个阵营,而女娲则站在东方玉的身旁,显然隐隐间和东方玉是同一个阵营。 Houtu (Mother Earth) although is also a sage, but actually the body samsara, her exist(ence) relates to the entire samsara, relates to the Three Realms and Six Paths normal order, therefore, if not the important matter, Houtu (Mother Earth) little will leave the hell generally. 后土虽然也是圣人,但却身化轮回,她的存在关系到整个轮回,关系到三界六道的正常秩序,所以,若非重要的事情,后土一般很少会离开地府。 Since has looked like these 120,000 years, Houtu (Mother Earth) has not even had been to demon to come to see oneself these elder brothers several times, can be inferred. 就像是这120000年以来,后土甚至都没到过魔界来看自己这些哥哥们几次,可见一斑了。 It seems like, the words were needless to say much, in whose hand these 12 Pin Heilian fell into finally, depending on the skill, the vision has swept one respectively, including oneself, seven sages here, came for 12 Pin Heilian, Dongfang Yu start to talk said. “看来,话不用多说了,这12品黑莲最后落入谁的手中,各凭本事了”,目光扫了一眼,包括自己在内,七位圣人在此,都是为了12品黑莲而来的,东方玉开口说道。 What truth? Appeared at this time pale and weak, the mouth spoke the words to be attractive, were others possible to hand over, final result, must look that whose skill was bigger. 什么道理?在这个时候都显得苍白无力了,嘴里说得话再漂亮,别人可不可能拱手相让,最后的结果,还是要看谁的本事更大。 Regarding the Dongfang Yu's words, nearby father and receives and instructs them not to refute. 对于东方玉的话,旁边的老子和接引他们都没有反驳。 As indeed, the matter develops now great slow, said anything again, became pale and weak, finally must look that whose method was stronger. 的确,随着事情发展到现在的巨慢,再说任何事情,都变得苍白无力了,最后还是要看谁的手段更强。 I offered a few ordinary introductory remarks so that others may offer their valuable ideas......”, saw that everybody has not begun, father shows a faint smile, start to talk said. “那我就抛砖引玉了……”,眼看着大家都还没有动手,老子微微一笑,开口说道。 Mouth although was speaking the offering a few ordinary introductory remarks so that others may offer their valuable ideas words, magical treasure that but, father takes, impressively is top innate supreme treasure Primal Chaos Chart. 嘴里虽然只是说着抛砖引玉的话,但是,老子拿出来的法宝,赫然是顶尖的先天至宝太极图 Part of this Pangu's Axe Primal Chaos Chart launches, formidable incomparable strength, as if imprisoned instantaneously all space and times generally, at the same time, father put out a hand a move, strength has locked the black lotus, info clerk. 盘古斧的部分所化的太极图展开,强悍无比的力量,瞬间仿佛将所有的时空都禁锢住了一般,与此同时,老子伸手一招,力量锁定了黑莲,将之收纳。 Crash-bang...... 哗啦啦…… At this time, in Void myriad ribbons appeared, the seven treasures wonderful tree that actually certainly raised, broke through the imprisonment of Primal Chaos Chart, in many branch windings that World Exterminating Black Lotus. 只是,就在这个时候,虚空之中万千丝绦出现,却是准提的七宝妙树,突破了太极图的禁锢,许多的枝条缠绕上了那灭世黑莲 Thump! 咚! In Void, the sound of evening drum and morning bell gets up, was actually Primal Chaos Bell that the primitive day Venerable took. 虚空之中,暮鼓晨钟之声响起,却是原始天尊的混沌钟取了出来。 The vigorous and sad ding resounds, the fearful sound wave has delimited the branch of seven treasures wonderful tree, all shatters these branches. 浑厚而沉闷的钟声响起,可怕的声波划过七宝妙树的枝条,将这些枝条全都震裂。 The sage tangled warfare, started. 圣人混战,开始了。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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