PE :: Volume #35

#1767: Return

Hongjun says, said for 300 years, immerses in the world highest good 300 years, although from the energy value perspective, Dongfang Yu's promotion many, has not been, Dongfang Yu can very clear feeling, regarding own strength various control aspects, have very considerable promotion. 鸿钧讲道,足足讲了300年的时间,沉浸于天地至理当中300年的时间,虽然能量值方面来看,东方玉的提升并没有多少,可是,东方玉能够很清楚的感觉到,对于自身力量的操控各方面,都有了很长足的提升。 Initially entered the Super Saiyan 2 levels, the control of Dongfang Yu to own energy is also hard to achieve boundary in every way possible, even the disposition will receive changes the influence of body condition, changes from big, but now, Dongfang Yu knows that is under the Super Saiyan 2 shapes, own strength can also control completely. 本来初入超级赛亚人2的层次,东方玉对自身能量的掌控还难以达到入微的境界,甚至心性都会受到变身状态的影响,变得自大,可现在,东方玉知道就算是超级赛亚人2形态下,自身的力量也能够完全的掌控好了。 To the control of own strength, this is an aspect, next, after Hongjun explains religious doctrine, Dongfang Yu can feel that the strength system of oneself practice, had some slight changes. 对自身力量的掌控,这是一方面,其次,随着鸿钧讲道之后,东方玉能够感觉到自己修炼力量体系,有了些许细微的变化了。 The original practice air/Qi, is the system of pure Dragon Ball plane, but now, the Dongfang Yu's practice system, has been integrated into the middle of the system of Great Desolate plane. 本来修炼的气,就是单纯的龙珠位面的体系,可现在,东方玉的修炼体系,算是纳入了洪荒位面的体系当中了。 practice way these have not changed, but, oneself actually stepped by the strength card Myth system, these 300 years that Hongjun explains religious doctrine, likely is some ceremony. 修炼方式这些都没变化,但是,自己却踏上了以力证道的神话体系,鸿钧讲道的这300年,像是某种仪式。 figure has delimited in the midair, quick, Dongfang Yu arrived at the Pangu palace, after falling, in main hall, can see that ten two Ancestor Witch get together, they clearly have in the discussion about Zixiaogong one line of matters, naturally, in discussing seven passes on Disciple and these ordinary listens to a between the concrete difference. 身形在半空中划过,很快的,东方玉来到了盘古殿这边,落下来之后,在大殿之中,能看到十二祖巫齐聚,他们显然是在商议有关于紫霄宫一行的事情,当然,也在探讨七个亲传弟子和那些普通的听道者之间的具体区别。 Dongfang Yu, you came back, after Dongfang Yu walks into the Pangu palace, Di Jiang (River Emperor) and the others the vision place on Dongfang Yu's, start to talk said. 东方玉,你回来了”,随着东方玉步入盘古殿之后,帝江等人的目光都放在东方玉的身上,开口说道。 Um, came back......”, hear speech/words, Dongfang Yu selected nod(ded), during the speeches the vision has placed the body of Houtu (Mother Earth). “嗯,回来了……”,闻言,东方玉点了点头,说话间目光放在后土的身上。 Perhaps because of just the Nuwa words, therefore Dongfang Yu looks at Houtu (Mother Earth), some look non- natures. 或许是因为刚刚女娲的一番话,所以东方玉看着后土,眼神都有些不自然。 To be honest, because perhaps the 180,000 years ago matters, even if present Houtu (Mother Earth) seemed like mature woman, but, in the Dongfang Yu's heart has actually treated as once youngest sister to regard her. 说实话,或许因为180000年前的事情,所以即便现在后土看起来已经是一个成熟的女人了,但是,东方玉的心中却一直都把她当做曾经的小妹妹来看待。 The Houtu (Mother Earth) look, naturally is places on Dongfang Yu, but, saw that Dongfang Yu too does not dare to contact the oneself look unexpectedly, the brow of Houtu (Mother Earth) is slightly pressed, the feminine intuition makes her know that Dongfang Yu as if some do not suit. 后土的眼神,自然是放在东方玉身上的,只是,看到东方玉居然不太敢接触自己的眼神了,后土的眉头微微蹙起,女性的直觉让她知道东方玉似乎有些不对劲。 Dongfang Yu, the matter that explains religious doctrine about Zixiaogong, what seven do pass on Disciple you to know?”, Treats as the oneself person same to regard Dongfang Yu, therefore with the Dongfang Yu speech time, Di Jiang (River Emperor) does not have what polite meaning, directly came straight to the point has cut into the subject. 东方玉,关于紫霄宫讲道的事情,七位亲传弟子你可知道些什么?”,把东方玉当做自己人一样看待,因此和东方玉说话的时候,帝江并没有什么客气的意思,直接单刀直入的就切入了主题。 Dongfang Yu has given Houtu (Mother Earth) the seat specially, he such does has certainly the profound meaning? 东方玉特意把座位让给了后土,他这么做一定有深意的吧? Sage Disciple, was advantage was naturally many, but concrete was any advantage, now also the opportunity, after waiting for Ancestor of the Great Balance three times to explain religious doctrine, can know, shook the head, the matter about that several sage positions, now is also not said that Dongfang Yu has not told Di Jiang (River Emperor) them. “圣人弟子,自然是好处多多了,但具体是什么好处,现在还不到时机,等鸿钧老祖三次讲道完毕之后,才能知晓”,摇摇头,关于那几尊圣位的事情,现在还不是说的时候,东方玉也就没有告诉帝江他们。 Good......”, hearing Dongfang Yu not to be willing saying that Di Jiang (River Emperor) and the others naturally have not been pestering the meaning of questioning, after all they trusted Dongfang Yu. “好吧……”,听得东方玉不愿意说,帝江等人自然也没有纠缠着追问的意思,毕竟对于东方玉他们还是非常信任的。 Has hesitated a moment later, nearby Candle Dragon also start to talk asked: Was right, Dongfang Yu, before that Zixiaogong, originally only then six praying mat, may for Nuwa, the Hongjun sage actually increase praying mat, obviously he is regards with a special fondness to Nuwa, you to Nuwa also bewildered being intimate with, this Nuwa whether has what unusual place?”. 只是沉吟了片刻之后,旁边的烛九阴开口问道:“对了,东方玉,那紫霄宫前本来只有六个蒲团而已,可为了女娲,鸿钧圣人却多增加了一个蒲团,可见他对女娲是另眼相看的,你对女娲也莫名其妙的亲近,这女娲是否有什么不同寻常的地方?”。 Candle Dragon these words, making the pupil of Houtu (Mother Earth) fall on Dongfang Yu's, careful looks at Dongfang Yu, obviously, the answer of Candle Dragon this issue, Houtu (Mother Earth) also unusual caring. 烛九阴的这番话,让后土的眸子落在东方玉的身上,仔细的看着东方玉,显然,烛九阴这个问题的答案,后土也非常的在意。 This......”. “这个嘛……”。 Regarding Candle Dragon the issue, Dongfang Yu has hesitated the moment, after Organization words and expressions, replied said: Actually, matter about Nuwa, the Ancestor of the Great Balance behavior naturally has the consideration of his oneself, why regards with a special fondness to Nuwa as for me, this matter has not said really. 对于烛九阴的这个问题,东方玉沉吟了片刻,组织了一下词语之后,回答说道:“其实,关于女娲的事情,鸿钧老祖的行为自然是有他自己的考量,至于我为什么对女娲另眼相看,这个事情还真不好说”。 Good, looked that Dongfang Yu about the appearance that this aspect does not want to say much, Candle Dragon they do not have to ask again. 好吧,看东方玉关于这方面也不想多说的样子,烛九阴他们也就没有再多问了。 However about sage, something about explaining religious doctrine, Dongfang Yu actually well chatted with them, although has about becoming these matters of Saint, Dongfang Yu cannot say, but other matters, said that or does not have what relations. 不过关于圣人,关于讲道的一些事情,东方玉倒是好好的和他们都聊了聊,虽然有关于成圣的这些事情,东方玉都不能说,但其他的一些事情,说说还是没有什么关系的。 Saw after time similar, Dongfang Yu has held a grand banquet, had young Houyi their joyful reunions well with ten two Ancestor Witch. 眼瞅着时间差不多了之后,东方玉跟着举办了一场盛大的宴会,和十二祖巫还有小后羿他们好好的欢聚了一场。 No matter how, Great Tribulation of Dragon and Phoenix passed, is very long days, Great Desolate Continent will be tranquiler, at least appears before the behind Great Battle of Witch and Demon quantity tribulation, entire continent is tranquil. 不管如何,龙凤大劫过去了,接下来很长一段日子,洪荒大陆都会平静很多,至少在后面巫妖大战的量劫出现之前,整个大陆都是平静的。 A banquet, everybody is eats to drink, but the labor looks at the appearance mood not high appearance. 一场宴会,大家都是吃好喝好,只是共工看模样情绪并不高的样子。 Dongfang Yu sits in altogether the side of labor, inquired in a low voice after several, this is clear, originally labor this was touches the scenery to excite the emotions, has thought previous banquet time, Ancestral Dragon may still at this banquet, be only this banquet, Ancestral Dragon actually already the body dying [say / way] disappeared. 东方玉坐在共工的身旁,低声询问了几句之后,这才明白,原来共工这是触景生情了,想到了上次宴会的时候,祖龙可还在这宴会上呢,只是这次宴会,祖龙却早就身死道消了。 Ancestral Dragon......”, heard these words of labor, in the Dongfang Yu's mind also remembers Ancestral Dragon, in the heart cannot help but darkly sighed one. 祖龙啊……”,听到共工的这番话,东方玉的脑海中也想起了祖龙,心中不由得暗叹了一声。 Actually must say that the Dongfang Yu determination regarding Ancestral Dragon, oneself is also shows extreme tolerance as friend, clear(ly) knows that Great Tribulation of Dragon and Phoenix is the danger, oneself also brings several Ancestor Witch to go to help, even was surrounded by perils almost loses including the oneself life. 其实要说起来,东方玉自觉对于祖龙,自己作为朋友还算是仁至义尽的,明知道龙凤大劫是危险,自己还带着几个祖巫前去帮忙,甚至险象环生差点连自己的命都丢了。 What is only a pity, oneself this effort, cannot stand off heaven's will eventually like the blade, was completely the human affairs listens to the destiny. 只可惜的是,自己这番努力,终究还是敌不过天意如刀,也算是尽人事听天命了。 Still remembers that initially oneself to the persuasion of Ancestral Dragon, urging him to contract some dragon race influence, what a pity these words have not gained the understanding of Ancestral Dragon, even also stirs up him not to be quick. 犹记得当初自己祖龙的劝说,劝他收缩一些龙族势力,可惜这番话却没有得到祖龙的理解,甚至还惹得他不快。 although Ancestral Dragon saw the light suddenly finally, when understood at the point of death heaven's will such as the truth of blade, was too what a pity late at that time. 虽然最后祖龙顿悟过来了,在临死之际明白了天意如刀的道理,可惜,那个时候却太晚了啊。 Thinks that finally the Ancestral Dragon result, in the Dongfang Yu's heart also cannot help but heaved a deep sigh, at once looked at altogether the labor, even was other Ancestor Witch. 想到最后祖龙的结局,东方玉的心中也不由得长叹一声,旋即看了看共工,甚至是其他的祖巫 Altogether the labor at this time also in sighing with emotion the Ancestral Dragon opportunity, after actually did not know Great Tribulation of Dragon and Phoenix, is Great Battle of Witch and Demon, actually his oneself, and even entire witch clan similarly was a those concerned. 共工这个时候还在感慨祖龙的机遇,却不知道龙凤大劫之后,便是巫妖大战了,其实他自己,乃至整个巫族都同样是局内人啊。 Thinks that Great Battle of Witch and Demon matter, the Dongfang Yu's mind cannot help but firmer, no matter how, oneself must promote cultivation base well, strives in Great Battle of Witch and Demon, helping witch clan cross the great misfortune. 想到巫妖大战的事情,东方玉的心神不由得坚定了许多,不管如何,自己一定要好好的提升修为,争取在巫妖大战的时候,帮助巫族渡过大劫。 Helped the idea of dragon race be defeated, gang witch clan that but Dongfang Yu actually wants to succeed in the past. 帮助龙族的想法是失败了的,可是东方玉却想成功的帮巫族度过去。 Although heaven's will is absolute, but has violated one time in Journey to the West plane Dongfang Yu, understands that heaven's will may disobey actually, but was this difficulty is too big. 虽说天意不可违,但在西游记位面东方玉违背过一次,也明白天意其实是可违的,只不过是这个难度太大了而已。 After the banquet ended, the people diverged respectively, when other Ancestor Witch left, Houtu (Mother Earth) also remains same place, then start to talk makes Houyi leave, oneself gang Dongfang Yu silently cleans up the aftermaths in these banquets. 宴会完了之后,众人各自散去了,只是等到其他的祖巫们都离开了,后土却还留在原地,然后开口让后羿离开,自己则默默的帮东方玉收拾这些宴会上的残局。 Dongfang/East(ern) Elder Brother Yu, do you want to leave?”, Silently is tidying up, the Houtu (Mother Earth) appearance looks like, actually quite the feelings of good wife and loving mothers, after silent for a long time, start to talk asked to Dongfang Yu. 东方玉哥哥,你又要离开了吗?”,默默的收拾着,后土的模样看起来,倒是颇有一番贤妻良母的感觉,沉默了许久之后,开口东方玉问道。 Dongfang Yu's movement, silent a moment later, has selected nod(ded) slightly, said: Good, I indeed was am about to leave. 东方玉的动作微微一顿,沉默了片刻之后,跟着点点头,道:“不错,我的确是准备离开了”。 The Dongfang Yu's words, have verified the intuition in Houtu (Mother Earth) heart, heard his these words, the hand of Houtu (Mother Earth) trembles slightly. 东方玉的话,算是印证了后土心中的直觉了,听到他的这番话,后土的手微微一颤。 Also after passed through some time silence, Houtu (Mother Earth) asked: That this time, how long Dongfang/East(ern) Elder Brother Yu do you want to leave?”. 又是经过了一段时间的沉默之后,后土跟着问道:“那这一次,东方玉哥哥你要离开多久呢?”。 I am not clear, hear speech/words, Dongfang Yu shook the head. “我也不清楚”,闻言,东方玉摇了摇头。 Once more crossed over words, the time are random, Dongfang Yu indeed does not know when next time will come to be, is only, to Dongfang Yu, distance next Hongjun explains religious doctrine is also more than 10,000 years later, oneself may unable to wait to be so long. 再次穿越的话,时间是随机性的,东方玉也的确是不知道下次来会是什么时候,只是,对东方玉而言,距离下一次鸿钧讲道也是10000多年以后了,自己可等不了那么久。 Houtu (Mother Earth) was silent, but static in tidying up these tableware, both sides did not say a word, after all things have tidied up, Houtu (Mother Earth) then start to talk, saying of feeble voice: I, I'll wait for you come back......”. 后土沉默了,只是静静的在收拾着这些餐具,双方一言不发,等到所有的东西都已经收拾好了之后,后土这才开口,细声的说道:“我,我等你回来……”。 A word falls, Houtu (Mother Earth) then left quickly, but Dongfang Yu looks at figure that Houtu (Mother Earth) departs, in the heart sighed secretly. 一言落下,后土很快便离开了,而东方玉看着后土离去的身形,心中却暗自叹了一口气。 Original Dongfang Yu own discussing a request is very low, what cannot realize, may after the reminder of Nuwa, Dongfang Yu discovered that the sentiment of Houtu (Mother Earth) to oneself, indeed does not look like the sentiment of pure brother and sister, it seems like, her sentiments to some oneself also men and women? 本来东方玉自身的情商很低,意识不到什么的,可随着女娲的提醒之后,东方玉发现后土自己的感情,的确不太像单纯的兄妹之情,看来,她对自己也有些男女之情吗? Yeah......”, thought of this, in the Dongfang Yu's heart cannot help but darkly sighed one. “哎……”,想到这点,东方玉的心中不由得暗叹了一声。 How to process regarding the sentiment of men and women, Dongfang Yu now is several hundred -year-old advanced age, but how actually as before does not understand to process, let alone, oneself currently had Bai Feifei and Bulma two woman, will contaminate other sentiments again, Dongfang Yu oneself will think guilty. 对于男女之情如何处理,东方玉就算现在已经是几百岁的高龄了,可是却依旧不懂得如何处理,更何况,自己现在已经有了白菲菲布玛两个女人了,再沾染其他的感情,东方玉自己都会觉得愧疚。 Shakes the head, after Dongfang Yu for the time being these thoughts press, at once figure moves, arrived at the sea deep place. 摇摇头,东方玉暂且将这些心思按下去了之后,旋即身形一动,来到了大海深处。 As after Ancestral Dragon died, dragon race some exist(ence) of surviving, moved the crystal palace sea most deep place. 随着祖龙都死亡了之后,龙族一些残存的存在,已经将水晶宫都搬迁到了大海的最深处了。 Dongfang Yu arrived here, had found by island cliff waterfall, the palm extends, initially Ancestral Dragon left the Dongfang Yu's Dragon Gate, then appears in the palm. 东方玉来到了这里,找到了一处海岛悬崖的瀑布旁,手掌一伸,当初祖龙留给东方玉的龙门,便出现在掌心。 Dongfang Yu overhangs this Dragon Gate directly in the waterfall peak, then under the Dongfang Yu's seal technique, keeping waterfall under this Dragon Gate definitely from transferring the energy value, in the meantime, lets this Dragon Gate oneself display prestige energy, establishes the difficulty of having corresponded. 东方玉直接将这龙门高挂在瀑布的顶端,然后在东方玉的封印术之下,让这龙门之下的瀑布都完全无法调动能量值,同时,让这龙门自己发挥威能,设定了相对应的难度。 My Dongfang Yu with the name of Ancestral Dragon, hangs a Dragon Gate in the summit of waterfall, all Shui, as long as can swim waterfall, has leapt Dragon Gate, all may obtain the dragon race bloodlines, becomes the dragon race member, all this arrangement after already prepare, Dongfang Yu start to talk, the sound has almost spread over entire sea. “我东方玉祖龙之名,高悬一座龙门于瀑布之巅,所有水族,但凡能游过瀑布,跃过龙门者,皆可获得龙族血脉,成为龙族成员”,将一切该布置的都已经布置好了以后,东方玉开口,声音几乎传遍了整个大海 After these matters have completed, Dongfang Yu has also completed the Ancestral Dragon final last wish, has not stopped again the meaning, summoned Plane Elevator directly, left this Great Desolate's plane...... 将这些事情作好了之后,东方玉也算是完成了祖龙最后的遗愿了,没有再多做停留的意思,直接召唤了位面电梯,离开了这洪荒的位面了……
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