PE :: Volume #35

#1766: 300 years

After anything has not been strength powerful, cannot achieve, if cannot achieve, that is strength is weak! 没有什么是力量强大之后不能做到的,如果做不到,那就是力量还不够强! This idea, has passed through by a strength card faith, what Dongfang Yu practice is Dragon Ball Plane's Qi and gene shackle system, theoretically, Dongfang Yu's strength can along with oneself practice, forever the promotion without limits, therefore, along with oneself unceasing practice, can obtain the sage rank one day strength. 这个理念,是贯穿了以力证道的信念,东方玉修炼的是龙珠位面的气基因锁体系,从理论上而言,东方玉的实力是能够随着自己修炼,永无止境的提升下去的,所以,随着自己不断的修炼在,总有一天能够获得圣人级别的力量 Regarding Dongfang Yu, praying mat is not the essential thing, but regarding Houtu (Mother Earth), and even regarding entire witch clan, function of this praying mat very important. 对于东方玉而言,一个蒲团并非是必不可少的东西,但是对于后土而言,乃至对于整个巫族而言,这蒲团的作用都非常的重要。 Represented Hongjun to pass on the Disciple status, on the other hand has represented the position of sage, therefore, after Dongfang Yu considered, has given Houtu (Mother Earth) this praying mat. 一则是代表了鸿钧亲传弟子的身份,另外一方面则是代表了圣人之位,因此,东方玉思虑一番之后,才把这个蒲团让给了后土 Not to mention at this time, regarding the matter that Dongfang Yu offered one's seat to somebody, what thoughts other people were, at this time, explaining religious doctrine of Hongjun started, from the shallow to the deep, the mysterious language can clear hearing contain highest good. 且不说这个时候,对于东方玉让座的这件事情,其他人都是什么样的心思,这个时候,鸿钧的讲道已经开始了,由浅入深,玄妙的语言能让人清晰的听到其中所蕴含的至理。 Because between Dongfang Yu and Hongjun have said on the theory, therefore, this time saying, was deepened the Dongfang Yu's impression and understanding. 因为曾经东方玉鸿钧之间就论道过了,因此,这一次的讲道,算是加深了东方玉的印象和理解。 Ancestor of the Great Balance says before Zixiaogong, the word of sage is reverberating in the world, gives an exaggerated account of things, wells up the phenomenon of golden lotus to appear, but all people of listening, sits seven on praying mat to pass on Disciple, or is these has not obtained the person of praying mat seat, immerses, on the face or reveals the color of liking, or reveals the color of thinking, naturally also some people wear a look of vacant colors. 鸿钧老祖于紫霄宫前讲道,圣人之言在天地之间回荡着,以至于天花乱坠,地涌金莲的异象出现,而所有听讲的人,无论是坐于蒲团上的七位亲传弟子,亦或者是那些没有得到蒲团座位的人,都沉醉于其中,脸上或露出欢喜之色,或露出思索之色,当然也有的人面带茫然之色。 Hongjun says, the time is not short, the Dongfang Yu's mind immerses in cannot feel passing of time completely. 鸿钧讲道,时间并不短,东方玉的心神沉浸在其中更是完全感觉不到时间的流逝。 This looks like sleeps, regarding sleeping soundly, the time is eyes closes obviously then opens such a while, may in fact, the time actually pass for 78 hours, now listens to under the condition of [say / way], what's the matter. 这就像是睡觉似的,明明对于熟睡者而言,时间不过是眼睛闭上然后再睁开这么一会儿罢了,可实际上,时间却过去了78个小时了,现在听道的状态下,也是怎么回事。 Regarding Dongfang Yu, cannot feel passing of time completely, looks like heavy rested. 对于东方玉而言,完全感受不到时间的流逝,就像是沉沉的睡过去了似的。 At least looks like in Dongfang Yu, words that Hongjun explains religious doctrine obviously also in splendid, actually stops suddenly, at the same time, before Zixiaogong, all people, from this most profound condition, recovered slowly. 至少在东方玉看来,鸿钧讲道的话语明明还在精彩的时候,却戛然而止,与此同时,紫霄宫前所有的人,也从这玄之又玄的状态下,慢慢的回过神来了。 Was good, first time explains religious doctrine to consume the time 300 years, you, next time says, 12,600 years later......”, after Hongjun eye of halo regarded one to present all people, waved to say. “好了,第一次讲道耗费时间300年,尔等去吧,下一次讲道,在12600年之后……”,鸿钧的目光环视了一圈在场所有的人之后,挥了挥手说道。 The voice falls, Hongjun figure also had his boys and girls to vanish together, in this square 3000 listeners of arrival, without any a person can discover that actually one after another Hongjun how left. 话音落下,鸿钧身形还有他身旁的童男童女跟着一起消失了,这广场上陆陆续续到来的3000听客,没有任何一个人能发现鸿钧究竟是如何离开的。 As after Hongjun explains religious doctrine has completed, the meaning that these audience in square have not continued to stay, successively left. 随着鸿钧讲道完成了之后,广场上的这些听众们也没有继续停留下去的意思,一个个陆陆续续的离开了。 Has seen Mr. Dongfang Yu, our master Younger Brother three must return to Kunlun Mountain to sense the truth that the teacher narrated, no longer stayed, at this time, the father, the yuan shi tian zun and exceedingly high founder three people arrived in front of Dongfang Yu's, said to Dongfang Yu. “见过东方玉先生,我们师兄弟三个要回昆仑山去感悟老师所讲述的道理,就不再停留了”,这个时候,老子,元始天尊和通天教主三人来到了东方玉的面前,对东方玉说道。 It looks like they very much respects to Dongfang Yu, after all before Hongjun becomes the Saint, the Dongfang Yu's reputation may also above Hongjun, even if became sage Disciple, even is the big senior brother, but the father is also maintaining to Dongfang Yu the necessary respect. 看起来他们对东方玉还是很尊敬的,毕竟在鸿钧成圣之前,东方玉的名头可还在鸿钧之上呢,就算是成为了圣人弟子,甚至是大师兄,可老子对东方玉还保持着必要的尊敬。 Um, you go, hear speech/words, Dongfang Yu has selected nod(ded), after Three Pure Ones has said the hello, then visits them to leave. “嗯,你们去吧”,闻言,东方玉点了点头,和三清打过了招呼之后,便看着他们离开了。 Stood after praying mat, received and instructed the Daoist and accurate mentioning person two master Younger Brother, on the face is having the happy look. 蒲团上站起来了之后,接引道人和准提道人两个师兄弟,脸上带着欢喜的神色。 Obviously obtained two praying mat, became the sage passes on Disciple, making them feel that very happy, in departure, they poured also one after another gives Dongfang Yu say goodbye, after all the Dongfang Yu's reputation was too resounding on Great Desolate Continent. 显然得到了两个蒲团,也成为了圣人的亲传弟子,让他们都觉得非常的高兴,在离开的时候,两人倒也相继给东方玉道别了一番,毕竟东方玉的名头在洪荒大陆上而言太响亮了。 Dongfang/East(ern) Elder Brother Yu, how you gave me this position, you should be Disciple of teacher, moreover was the big senior brother. 东方玉哥哥,你怎么把这个位置让给我了,本来你该是老师的弟子的,而且是大师兄的”。 Houtu (Mother Earth) arrived in front of Dongfang Yu's, on face is bringing kindly with the guilty look, hurried saying in a hurry, looks at the appearance, wishes one could to give back to Dongfang Yu this position. 后土来到了东方玉的面前,脸上带着关切和愧疚的神色,急忙匆匆的说道,看模样,恨不得把这个位置还给东方玉 All right, to me, the status function of sage Disciple is not big, leaves you, looks at the Houtu (Mother Earth) appearance, Dongfang Yu extends take action to come, touches the head of Houtu (Mother Earth) gently, favors saying that drowns. “没事,对我而言,圣人弟子的身份作用不大,还是留给你吧”,看着后土的模样,东方玉出手来,轻轻摸了摸后土的脑袋,宠溺的说道。 Thinks following not measures the tribulation is Great Battle of Witch and Demon, Dongfang Yu regarding witch clan, especially somewhat worried regarding the Houtu (Mother Earth) future, the reason for doing so, for protection Houtu (Mother Earth) and witch clan exist(ence) as far as possible. 想到接下来的无量量劫就是巫妖大战,东方玉对于巫族,特别是对于后土的未来都有些担忧,这样做的目的,也是为了尽可能的保护后土巫族存在 Dongfang Yu, the ritual to Houtu (Mother Earth), was really too heavy......”, at this time, Di Jiang (River Emperor) and the others also came, the look somewhat was complex. 东方玉,你对后土的这个礼,实在是太重了……”,这个时候,帝江等人也过来了,神色都有些复杂。 On the one hand they can become regarding Houtu (Mother Earth) Disciple of sage also very happy, but similarly, this position is actually Dongfang Yu gives Houtu (Mother Earth), this makes them also feel guilty, witch clan owed Dongfang Yu's eventually is too many. 一方面他们对于后土能成为圣人的弟子也非常的高兴,但是同样的,这个位置却是东方玉让给后土的,这让他们也觉得愧疚,巫族东方玉的终究是太多了。 „Amn't I the witch clan Saint ancestor? Amn't I the witch clan person?”, Regarding Di Jiang (River Emperor) and the others words, Dongfang Yu said with a smile that regarding a praying mat position, the appearance that as if not cares. “我不是巫族的圣祖吗?我不也是巫族的人吗?”,对于帝江等人的话,东方玉笑着说道,对于一个蒲团的位置,似乎毫不在意的样子。 Also they do not know that praying mat luckily is not only representing the sage Disciple position, is representing the position of later sage person, otherwise, has not known that they can be any appearances. 也幸亏他们不知道那一个蒲团不只是代表着圣人弟子的位置,更是代表着以后的一尊圣人之位,否则的话,还不知道他们会是什么样子呢。 Um, yes, Dongfang Yu you are our witch clan person, the Dongfang Yu's words, let Di Jiang (River Emperor) numerous nod(ded). “嗯,是的,东方玉你已经是我们巫族的人了”,东方玉的话,让帝江重重的点头 Dongfang Yu's of although from the status firmly is not the person of witch clan, is, for these years, witch clan has actually treated as the oneself person to regard Dongfang Yu, regarding the Dongfang Yu's benevolence, Di Jiang (River Emperor) and the others bearing in mind firmly, quite an obligation did not say the feeling of thanking. 虽然从身份上而言东方玉的确不是巫族之人,可是,这么多年来,巫族却一直都把东方玉当做自己人看待了,对于东方玉的恩情,帝江等人牢牢的记在心里,颇有一种大恩不言谢的感觉了。 Mr. Dongfang Yu, I, can I speak several words with you?”. 东方玉先生,我,我能不能和你说几句话?”。 Treats in Dongfang Yu and these witch clan in the same place, chatted a while time, suddenly together female sound. 就在东方玉和这些巫族们待在一起,聊了一会儿的时候,突然一道女声响了起来。 The people have turned head, Nuwa stands in the one side, such as the pupil of water is staring at Dongfang Yu. 众人回过头去,正是女娲站在一旁,如水的眸子盯着东方玉 Dongfang Yu, we returned to the Pangu palace to go first, saw that Nuwa as if had any private words to want with Dongfang Yu saying that Di Jiang (River Emperor) and the others did not have to do to stay again, saying of say goodbye, during the speeches has drawn nearby Houtu (Mother Earth) sleeves. 东方玉,我们先回盘古殿去了”,眼看着女娲似乎有什么私密的话想和东方玉说的,帝江等人也就没有再多作停留了,道别的说道,说话间拉了拉旁边后土的衣袖。 although now is a sage passed on Disciple, between Houtu (Mother Earth) and Nuwa were the senior sister younger sister's relations, but, looks that Nuwa wanted to pester Dongfang Yu, moreover Dongfang Yu itself specially loved to Nuwa, this made Houtu (Mother Earth) look at Nuwa is not very pleasing to the eyes appearance. 虽然现在都是圣人的亲传弟子了,后土女娲之间算是师姐妹的关系了,可是,看着女娲想要纠缠东方玉,而且东方玉本身对女娲又特别宠爱,这让后土一直都看女娲不是很顺眼的样子。 Younger sister, walks, looks that Houtu (Mother Earth) treats in the appearance that same place is not willing to depart, drew her sleeves, Di Jiang (River Emperor) said in a low voice. “小妹,走吧”,看着后土一副待在原地不肯离去的模样,拉了拉她的衣袖,帝江低声说道。 hear speech/words, Houtu (Mother Earth) silently nod(ded). 闻言,后土默默点头 No longer was in the past that willful Young Miss, the Houtu (Mother Earth) disposition was also mature and calm, although in the innermost feelings very between not happy Dongfang Yu and Nuwa lived alone, but she will not display too obviously. 到底不再是当年那个任性的小姑娘了,后土的心性也成熟和沉稳了许多,尽管内心中很不高兴东方玉女娲之间独处,但她也不会表现得太明显。 Deep after looking at Dongfang Yu and Nuwa, they returned to the Pangu palace with Di Jiang (River Emperor). 只是深深的看了东方玉女娲一眼之后,跟着帝江他们回到盘古殿去了。 Nuwa, what you have to ask?”, Looks at Nuwa, Dongfang Yu start to talk asks. 女娲,你有什么想问的吗?”,看着女娲,东方玉开口问道。 To be honest, before kept the praying mat seat time, saw that Nuwa has not snatched the position, in the Dongfang Yu's heart somewhat was also disturbed, didn't expect Ancestor of the Great Balance for Nuwa, has put finally out praying mat specially, this stemmed from Dongfang Yu's to anticipate, but in the reason, Dongfang Yu was also Nuwa feels happy. 说实话,之前留个蒲团座位的时候,眼看着女娲没有抢到位置,东方玉的心中也有些忐忑的,没想到最后鸿钧老祖为了女娲,特意多拿出了一个蒲团,这出乎东方玉的意料,但却又在情理之中,东方玉也为女娲感到高兴。 Mr. Dongfang Yu, I have an issue to ask you, pupil of Nuwa, earnest is staring at Dongfang Yu, has hesitated a moment later, said: You, why are you good to me so? Moreover . Moreover the teacher specially is also good to me, what reason is this?”. 东方玉先生,我有一个问题想要问你”,女娲的眸子,认真的盯着东方玉,沉吟了片刻之后,道:“你,你为什么对我这么好?而且,而且老师也对我特别好,这是什么原因?”。 Before Dongfang Yu was very good to oneself, this Nuwa surprised, to Dongfang Yu favorable impression time of fresh, thinks that Dongfang Yu had the favorable impression to oneself, has not gone into seriously. 之前东方玉自己很好,这点女娲惊讶中,又对东方玉好感倍生,认为东方玉只是对自己有好感而已,也未深究。 But for oneself, sage teacher has put specially out praying mat today, this stems from unexpected of Nuwa, understands that these have certainly the secret that any oneself does not know, ponders over, Nuwa thought that oneself asks Dongfang Yu is best. 可今天为了自己,圣人老师特意多拿出了一个蒲团,这出乎女娲的意料之外,同时也明白这其中一定有什么自己不知道的秘密,思前想后,女娲觉得自己还是问一问东方玉最好。 Why?”, The Nuwa words, making Dongfang Yu silent. “为什么?”,女娲的话,让东方玉沉默了。 Why will oneself be good to her? This reason relates to human race, the turning point that relates to Nuwa to become Sheng, such matter can Dongfang Yu speak irresponsibly casually? Let alone, now is also not the Nuwa to become Sheng opportunity. 自己为什么会对她好?这个原因关系到人族,更关系到女娲成圣的契机,这样的事情东方玉怎能随便乱说?更何况,现在还不是女娲成圣的机会。 This matter, tells you now the time, later you naturally can know, silent a moment later, Dongfang Yu shakes the head, thought that temporarily good that this reason said. “这件事情,现在还不到告诉你的时候,以后你自然会知晓了”,沉默了片刻之后,东方玉摇摇头,觉得暂时还是不要把这个原因说出来的好。 Nuwa deep looked at Dongfang Yu one, silent a moment later, had not closely examined actually again. 女娲深深的看了东方玉一眼,沉默了片刻之后,倒是没有再追问。 A thread of conversation revolution, the Nuwa as if careless appearance, said: Was right, are Mr. Dongfang Yu and between Sister Houtu (Mother Earth), what relate? I thought that Sister Houtu (Mother Earth) has the special sentiment to you. 只是话锋一转,女娲仿佛漫不经心的样子,道:“对了,东方玉先生后土师姐之间,是什么关系呢?我觉得后土师姐对你有特殊的感情呢”。 Houtu (Mother Earth)? To oneself?”, After latter knowledge, Dongfang Yu that thinks heard that the word of Nuwa, has gawked slightly. 后土?对自己?”,后知后觉的东方玉闻听女娲之言,微微楞了一下。 Has hesitated a moment later, start to talk, but Nuwa said suddenly: Was good, my also a little matter needs to leave, Dongfang Yu turned head meet again|goodbye. 沉吟了片刻之后,正要开口,可是女娲却突然说道:“好了,我还有点事情需要离开,东方玉回头再见了”。 After a word falls, Nuwa very rapid left Zixiaogong, seems afraid the Dongfang Yu's answer. 一言落下之后,女娲很迅速的就离开了紫霄宫这边,似乎害怕东方玉的答案。 Looks figure that Nuwa departs, thinks again just her words, the Dongfang Yu's brow slightly wrinkled, suddenly thought that somewhat is utterly confused. 看着女娲离去的身形,再想到刚刚她的话语,东方玉的眉头微微皱了起来,一时间觉得有些心乱如麻。 Thinks that Dongfang Yu shakes the head, for the time being has pressed these in chaos trains of thought that has not thought anything again, but has turned head to come to see a Zixiaogong finally. 想了想,东方玉摇摇头,暂且将这些乱七八糟的思绪按了下去,没有再多想什么,只是最后回过头来看了一眼紫霄宫。 Float the Zixiaogong in Void beyond 33 days is tranquil, 悬浮于33天外虚空之中的紫霄宫平静无比, At once, Dongfang Yu figure moves, left Zixiaogong directly, arrived at the Pangu palace quickly. 旋即,东方玉身形一动,直接离开了紫霄宫,很快来到了盘古殿这边。 Hongjun says, is divided three times, next time must wait till for more than 10,000 years later, Dongfang Yu thought that oneself is hard to wait, in the heart has decided to leave Great Desolate plane. 鸿钧讲道,共分三次,下一次还要等到10000多年以后,东方玉觉得自己是难以等待下去的,心中已经决定离开洪荒位面了。
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