PE :: Volume #35

#1765: Dongfang Yu offers one's seat to somebody

This sound exits, lets present all people to seek the prestige, saw only to sit red Yun stands end of rear, start to talk said that the look clear appearance, making outside Zixiaogong all people in square stunned. 这个声音出口,让在场所有的人都寻声望去,只见坐在最后面末尾的红云站了起来,开口说道,神色真切的模样,让紫霄宫外广场上的所有人都愕然。 The didn't expect red cloud obtained praying mat, unexpectedly will give up, don't tell me is because his luck was good, very easily obtained, therefore doesn't treasure? 没想到红云已经得到了蒲团,居然会放弃,难道是因为他运气好了,很轻易的就得到了,所以就不珍惜吗? many thanks......”. 多谢了……”。 Will get angry man who hits the Zixiaogong cliff, hears the word of red cloud, saying of being overjoyed, at once gratefully sat on red cloud praying mat, the mouth naturally was again and again expresses gratitude to him. 正要怒撞紫霄宫石壁的男子,听到红云之言,大喜过望的说道,旋即毫不客气的就一屁股坐到了红云的蒲团上面,嘴里自然是对他连连道谢了。 This Younger Brother, our master Younger Brother two people actually only then a position, but also asked you to modestly decline, thanked......”. “这位兄弟,我们师兄弟两个人却只有一个位置,还请你能谦让一下,谢谢……”。 After sitting, this man at once turns the head, was saying to oneself Kunpeng that obviously was wants the stratagem to seize the seat of Kunpeng. 坐下来之后,这个男子又旋即转过头来,对着自己身旁的鲲鹏说道,显然是想要谋夺鲲鹏的座位了。 „......”, Kunpeng naturally did not have to be so good to speak, heard the words of this man, the complexion changed, must reject. “不……”,鲲鹏自然没有那么好说话了,听到这个男子的话,脸色一变,就要拒绝。 But his words with enough time have not said that this by in his man on take action, powerful strength has covered his whole body instantaneously, temporarily controlled him. 可是他的话还没来得及说完,这个靠在他身旁的男子就出手了,强大力量瞬间笼罩了他的全身,暂时控制住了他。 many thanks, this Dongfang/East(ern) some continent many good people, while this opportunity, side that be with smile on the face, a man of amiable feeling walks up to the person directly, has hit Kunpeng. 多谢了,这东方大陆还是有很多好人的”,趁此机会,旁边那个面带笑容,给人一种平易近人感觉的男子直接走上前来,一屁股就把鲲鹏撞了出去。 Very obviously, others are two people cope with Kunpeng one, how is Kunpeng a match? praying mat under seat was robbed immediately. 很显然,人家是两个人对付鲲鹏一个,鲲鹏如何是对手?座位下的蒲团立马就被抢走了。 Competition of this praying mat, respectively depended on the skill, therefore regarding these two movements from Western man, the people on the scene does not have take action to intervene but actually. 蒲团的争夺,本来就是各凭本事,所以对于这两个来自西方男子的动作,在场的众人倒也没有出手干预。 Hateful!”, Was controlled the body also instant, waits for Kunpeng to recover, being angry wish take action. “可恶!”,被控制住身子也不过刹那而已,等鲲鹏回过神来的时候,大怒的想要出手 However in this time, immortal sound is remote, Zixiaogong entrance place, Ancestor of the Great Balance figure has emerged out of thin air, the side also carves the boys and girls who the jade carves with two powders. 不过就在此时,仙音渺渺,紫霄宫门口处,鸿钧老祖身形凭空出现了,身旁还跟着两个粉雕玉琢的童男童女。 Presents all people not to discover that actually Ancestor of the Great Balance how appears, even if Dongfang Yu does not see clearly, even links a fluctuation of space not to have. 在场所有的人都没发现鸿钧老祖究竟是如何出现的,即便是东方玉也看不清楚,甚至连一丝空间的波动都没有。 Was good, peaceful, after Ancestor of the Great Balance appeared, his virgin start to talk said that the slightly immature sound, let noise in Zixiaogong square peaceful. “好了,诸位安静”,随着鸿钧老祖出现了之后,他身旁的童男开口说道,略显稚嫩的声音,让紫霄宫广场上的喧闹都安静了下来。 That is angry wants the take action Kunpeng incessantly, has to suppress the oneself anger for the time being, does not have the meaning of take action, but wicked looks that these two snatched the oneself praying mat man, finally, has been full of the hatred vision stubbornly is staring at the red cloud. 就连那大怒不止想要出手的鲲鹏,也不得不暂且压住自己的怒火,没有出手的意思,只是恶狠狠的看着这两个抢了自己蒲团的男子,最后,充满了恨意的目光死死的盯着红云。 If red cloud as letting, these two people from West, how dare splendid competes for the seat? 如果红云不把作为让出来的话,这两个来自西方的人,岂敢堂而皇之的来争夺座位? But, red cloud takes oneself after letting, these two westerners by two enemies one, this caused the oneself seat to be robbed. 可是,红云把自己的作为让出来了之后,这两个西方人是以二敌一,这才导致自己的座位被抢夺了。 It can be said that oneself seat although was robbed by two westerners, but, red Yun Cai is the genuine blasting fuse. 可以说,自己的座位虽然是被两个西方人抢走的,但是,本质上而言,红云才是真正的导火索。 Ancestor of the Great Balance appeared, on although has not sent out how powerful Aura, however his exist(ence), makes people feel that heart of the awe, as if the life regarding the awe of world most instinct, in all person hearts cannot give birth to Ancestor of the Great Balance the heart of revolt. 鸿钧老祖出现了,虽然身上并没有散发出多么强大气息,但是他的存在,就让人感觉到一种敬畏之心,仿佛生灵对于天地最本能的敬畏,所有的人心中都生不出对鸿钧老祖的反抗之心。 Venerable of sage, even if any words had not said that any matter has not been done, is only static sitting here, already became the center of entire world. 圣人之尊,即便什么话都没说,什么事情都没做,只是静静的坐在这里,就已然成为整个天地的中心了似的。 Sat in the front of all people, the Hongjun vision sweeps one to present all people, does not know whether the misconception, looks on six praying mat for the seat of honor Dongfang Yu, the Ancestor of the Great Balance vision stayed slightly, at once the vision crossed Dongfang Yu, went to other places. 坐在所有人的面前,鸿钧的目光扫了一眼在场所有的人,也不知是否错觉,看着六个蒲团上为首坐着的东方玉,鸿钧老祖的目光微微停留了一下,旋即目光越过了东方玉,投向了其他的地方。 Nuwa, on you comes......”, finally, the Ancestor of the Great Balance vision falls in the praying mat following crowd, start to talk said. 女娲,你上前来……”,最后,鸿钧老祖的目光落在蒲团后面的人群之中,开口说道。 I?”, Hears the Ancestor of the Great Balance words, has not snatched Nuwa of seat to stare slightly. “我?”,听到鸿钧老祖的话,没有抢到座位的女娲微微愣了一下。 didn't expect Hongjun will call oneself unexpectedly, but, Nuwa has not thought but actually that walked to go forward several steps. 没想到鸿钧居然会叫自己,不过,女娲倒也没有多想,走上前了几步。 This seat, you sit down, puts out a hand to wield, seventh praying mat appeared, falls on most end position, Ancestor of the Great Balance start to talk said. “这个座位,你来坐下吧”,伸手一挥,第七个蒲团出现了,落在最末尾的位置,鸿钧老祖开口说道。 Ancestor of the Great Balance the action, lets Zixiaogong all person look at each other in dismay, is only six praying mat, is the Hongjun sage unexpectedly for her, added a seat specially? Was this too also good to Nuwa? Regards with a special fondness completely. 鸿钧老祖的这番举动,让紫霄宫所有的人都面面相觑,只是六个蒲团而已,可是鸿钧圣人居然为了她,特意多加了一个座位?这对女娲也太好了吧?完全是另眼相待啊。 When heart startled, the vision of many person, more or less also falls on Dongfang Yu's. 心惊之余,不少人的目光,或多或少的也落在东方玉的身上。 Initially Dongfang Yu also had the action that treated specially to Nuwa, today Ancestor of the Great Balance is so, this was Nuwa too also lucky? Completely was the collection myriad loves in a feeling. 当初东方玉女娲也有特殊对待的举动,今天鸿钧老祖又是这般,这女娲也太幸运了一些吧?完全是集万千宠爱于一身的感觉了。 Don't said that was others, Nuwa oneself, has gawked slightly, at once looked around not far away Dongfang Yu one. 莫说是别人了,就连女娲自己,也微微楞了一下,旋即看了看旁边不远处的东方玉一眼。 Dongfang Yu to her nod(ded), hints her to sit down slightly, Nuwa then after Hongjun thanked, on most end the praying mat sat. 东方玉对她微微点头,示意她坐下,女娲这才对鸿钧感谢了一番之后,在最末尾的这个蒲团上坐了下来。 All people regarding the Hongjun action, think surprised, even thought that some are unfair, but Dongfang Yu does not have such feeling. 所有人对于鸿钧的举动,都觉得惊讶,甚至觉得有些不公平,但是东方玉却没有这样的感觉。 Because Dongfang Yu is very clear, Nuwa is the sage who Heavenly Dao decides, therefore, will have such treatment also in the reason, but, what making Dongfang Yu surprised was oneself snatches a position, Ancestor of the Great Balance had not actually driven away the meaning of oneself. 因为东方玉很清楚,女娲天道所定的圣人,所以,会有这样的对待也在情理之中了,只是,让东方玉惊讶的是自己抢了一个位置,鸿钧老祖却没有驱赶自己的意思。 „???”. “???”。 The Dongfang Yu's vision falls on the body of Ancestor of the Great Balance, sure enough, survey upper limit, only then 300,000 Energy Tester, above demonstrated that has the energy value about Ancestor of the Great Balance completely is the question mark, naturally has exceeded 300,000 survey upper limits. 东方玉的目光落在鸿钧老祖的身上,果不其然,测量上限只有300000的能量测试仪,上面所显示出来有关于鸿钧老祖能量值完全是问号,自然是超越了300000的测量上限了。 Did not use Energy Tester, Dongfang Yu own intuition can know, Ancestor of the Great Balance strength unusual powerful, at least under strength compared with oneself Super Saiyan 2 shape, but also wanted more strongly, even can not say in the same level...... 都不用能量测试仪了,东方玉自身的直觉就能知道,鸿钧老祖实力非常的强大,至少比自己超级赛亚人2形态下的力量,还要强很多很多,甚至可以说不在同一个层次…… Was good, everybody sat words, the later position......”, after letting Nuwa sat, Ancestor of the Great Balance start to talk, is takes this as the order arranges. “好了,大家都坐好了的话,以后的位置就……”,让女娲坐下来了之后,鸿钧老祖开口,算是把这个作为的次序安排下来了。 Wait / Etc.......”, but, at this time, Dongfang Yu actually suddenly start to talk, unexpectedly has broken the Hongjun words, attracted the attention of all people. “等等……”,不过,就在这个时候,东方玉却突然开口了,竟然打断了鸿钧的话语,也吸引了所有人的视线。 „? Dongfang Yu, what words did you have to say?”, The look glanced gently, Ancestor of the Great Balance start to talk asked to Dongfang Yu. “哦?东方玉,你有什么话要说吗?”,眼神轻轻的瞟了过来,鸿钧老祖开口东方玉问道。 I sit some not to be familiar with, Houtu (Mother Earth), you sit my position, at this time, Dongfang Yu had actually stood from praying mat, at the same time, said to oneself behind Houtu (Mother Earth) start to talk. “我坐着有些不习惯啊,后土,你过来坐我的位置”,这个时候,东方玉却从蒲团上站了起来,与此同时,对自己身后的后土开口说道。 Another on own initiative the person who the oneself position does let? 又一个主动把自己位置让出去的人? The Dongfang Yu's words, let the people heart in Zixiaogong startled, casts the vision that admires innumerably to Houtu (Mother Earth). 东方玉的话,让紫霄宫里的众人心惊,同时也向后土投去无数艳羡的目光。 It seems like Dongfang Yu to witch clan seriously very good, especially and relations between Houtu (Mother Earth), are better. 看来东方玉巫族当真是非常的好啊,特别是和后土之间的关系,更好啊。 „? I?”, Hears Dongfang Yu to say these words suddenly, Houtu (Mother Earth) has indeed gawked. “啊?我?”,听到东方玉突然说出这番话来,后土的确是楞了一下的。 However, Dongfang Yu actually rashly has drawn Houtu (Mother Earth) directly, directly according to the oneself seat. 不过,东方玉却不由分说的直接把后土拉了过来,直接按在自己的座位上面。 Ancestor of the Great Balance, has not stopped regarding present one, but the vision falls on Dongfang Yu's, in the look flashes through wipes the doubts the look, obviously in doubts Dongfang Yu's this action. 鸿钧老祖,对于眼前的一幕并没有阻拦,只是目光落在东方玉的身上,眼神中闪过一抹疑惑的神色,显然是在疑惑东方玉的这番举动。 When Houtu (Mother Earth) has sat down after praying mat, Hongjun then start to talk, said to Dongfang Yu: You determined that this position can give Houtu (Mother Earth)?”. 等到后土蒲团上坐下了以后,鸿钧这才开口,对东方玉说道:“你确定这个位置要让给后土吗?”。 Good, I have determined, Dongfang Yu earnest point nod(ded). “不错,我确定了”,东方玉认真的点点头 Looks at Dongfang Yu to determine the appearance, selects nod(ded), at once sleeve swing gently, in front of oneself several powerhouses, after praying mat fluctuated, the order of praying mat seat has arranged. 看着东方玉确定了的模样,点点头,旋即袖子轻轻的挥舞,自己面前的几位强者,蒲团变幻了一番之后,蒲团座位的顺序重新排列了一番。 Sat in Houtu (Mother Earth) of forefront position, the position moved Three Pure Ones. 本来坐在最前面位置的后土,位置挪到了三清的身后。 Was good, since this seat determined like this, then, this, your seven people from now on the future, were my will pass on Disciple, father tian was the big senior brother, Nuwa is small Junior Sister......”, after front seven praying mat positions of people have arranged, Ancestor of the Great Balance start to talk announces said. “好了,这个座位既然这样确定了的话,那么以后就都这样吧,你们七人从今往后,便是我的亲传弟子了,老子添为大师兄,女娲为小师妹……”,将面前七个人的蒲团位置重新排列了之后,鸿钧老祖开口宣布说道。 What!? These praying mat positions, are representing the Hongjun sage passes on the Disciple status!? 什么!?这几个蒲团的位置,代表着鸿钧圣人的亲传弟子身份!? Such remarks, entire Zixiaogong all people have a big shock. 此言一出,整个紫霄宫所有的人都大惊失色。 Passes on the Disciple status to represent any meaning, these people are naturally clear, early knows that this praying mat position such important words, that is went all out also to compete seriously. 亲传弟子的身份代表着什么意思,这些人自然是清楚的,早知道这个蒲团的位置这么重要的话,那当真是拼了命也要去争夺啊。 These have not snatched the person in position, the regret has it, annoying has it, not willingly naturally was more, the sound also started to make noise, obviously wanted to entreat the Hongjun sage mercy, increased several seats again and so on...... 这些没抢到位置的人,后悔的有之,懊恼的有之,不甘心的自然是更多了,声音也开始喧嚣起来了,显然是想要哀求鸿钧圣人慈悲,再添加几个座位之类的…… Was good, this matter does not need to talk too much, now explains religious doctrine to start......”. “好了,此事无需多言,现在讲道开始……”。 Beckons with the hand, Hongjun has stopped the words of all people instantaneously, obviously this had also indicated the oneself manner, has not resulted in discussed. 摆摆手,鸿钧瞬间止住了所有人的话语,显然这也表明了自己的态度了,没得谈。 Saw that the Hongjun sage look of decidedly, the people no longer said anything, spunked up to look at the Hongjun sage, waited to listen to him to explain religious doctrine. 眼看着鸿钧圣人决然的神色,众人不再多说什么了,打起精神看着鸿钧圣人,等着听他讲道。 Front sits Houtu (Mother Earth) on fourth praying mat actually, at this time has turned head to come to see Dongfang Yu, the look is somewhat annoying. 倒是前面坐在第四个蒲团上的后土,这个时候回过头来看了看东方玉,神色有些懊恼。 Early knows that this praying mat such important words, oneself said anything will not snatch the Dongfang/East(ern) Elder Brother Yu position. 早知道这个蒲团这么重要的话,自己说什么也不会去抢东方玉哥哥的位置了。 Dongfang Yu has actually given a Houtu (Mother Earth) smiling face, has comforted her. 只是,身后的东方玉却给了后土一个笑脸,安慰了她一番。 To Dongfang Yu, this praying mat significance is not very big, what oneself practice is gene shackle and Dragon Ball Plane's Qi, such practice system continuously forever promotion without limits, moreover oneself walks also with a strength card path, anything must solve with strength. 东方玉而言,这个蒲团的意义并不是很大,自己修炼的是基因锁龙珠位面的气,这样的修炼体系会一直都永无止境的提升下去,而且自己走的也是以力证道的路子,任何事情都要用力量去解决。 Therefore, this seat to Dongfang Yu, significance in fact is not big, no matter the energy value of sage is 300,000, is 400,000, and even 500,000, along with oneself unceasing practice, oneself can promote to this level one day. 因此,这个座位对东方玉而言,实际上的意义不大,不管圣人的能量值到底是300000,还是400000,乃至500000,随着自己不断的修炼,自己总有一天能提升到这个层次的。 However Houtu (Mother Earth) is different, Great Tribulation of Dragon and Phoenix passed, Dongfang Yu remembers what following is Great Battle of Witch and Demon, witch clan also will look when the time comes like dragon race so fallen. 但是后土就不一样了,龙凤大劫已经过去了,东方玉记得接下来的可是巫妖大战呢,到时候巫族也会像龙族这般陨落 If Houtu (Mother Earth) became Hongjun passes on Disciple, can good? At least will the Houtu (Mother Earth) security have some safeguards? 如果后土成为了鸿钧的亲传弟子的话,会不会好一点呢?至少后土的安全会有一些保障吧? If Houtu (Mother Earth) can also become the sage, is naturally good. 若是后土也能成为圣人的话,自然是再好不过了。
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