PE :: Volume #35

#1764: Before Zixiaogong, seizes praying mat

Really......”, hears sound of this reverberation in world, in the Dongfang Yu's heart mutters secretly thought. “果然……”,听到这个回荡在天地之间的声音,东方玉的心中喃喃暗道 Really, Ancestor of the Great Balance really already to become Sheng, even started to get ready to explain religious doctrine in Zixiaogong, short a half year, actually his did strength promote what degree? In the Dongfang Yu's heart harbors curiously, figure moves, beyond the direction toward 33 days flew. 果然啊,鸿钧老祖是真的已经成圣了,甚至都已经在紫霄宫开始准备讲道了,短短半年,他的实力究竟提升到了什么样的程度?东方玉的心中怀着好奇,身形一动,朝着33天外的方向飞了过去。 At this time, the Ancestor of the Great Balance sound, has spread over entire Great Desolate Continent, all lives can clear heard this sound, all big energy, naturally was the mixed reaction. 这个时候,鸿钧老祖的声音,传遍了整个洪荒大陆,所有的生灵都能清晰的听到这个声音,各方大能,自然是反应不一。 Appearance that some people are perplexed, in heart vigilant, does not understand that the so-called sage is anything, therefore do not pass the thoughts of having a look. 有的人不明所以的样子,心中警惕之下,并不明白所谓的圣人是什么,因此并没有要过去看看的心思。 Naturally, regarding more people, actually naturally is curious in this sage is any meaning, therefore leaves beyond the direction toward 33 days to fly. 当然,对于更多的人而言,当然是好奇于这圣人究竟是什么意思,所以动身往33天外的方向飞过去。 Not only Dongfang Yu, ten two Ancestor Witch, Nuwa wait / etc. all parties' powerhouses, suddenly Wind and Cloud surges. 不只是东方玉,还有十二祖巫,女娲等等各方的强者,一时间风云涌动。 Beyond 33 days, although is belongs to this Great Desolate Continent plane, is also independent beside Great Desolate Continent, flies to the journey beyond 33 days, must experience many Void natural defenses, has the Void turbulent flow, has thunder and lightning in Void, flame, the strong winds. 33天外,虽然是属于这洪荒大陆位面之内,可是却又独立于洪荒大陆之外,飞往33天外的路途之中,要经历许多的虚空天险,有虚空乱流,有虚空中的雷电,火焰,狂风。 strength insufficient person Don't said that beyond 33 days listened to Hongjun to explain religious doctrine, arrived at beyond 33 days unable to achieve radically...... 实力不够的人莫说去33天外听鸿钧讲道了,根本就连到达33天外都做不到…… However, these dangers regarding Dongfang Yu, naturally were not anything, does not need to open the Super Saiyan 2 shapes, was only under the ordinary Super Saiyan shape, the Dongfang Yu time had about 160,000 energy values. 不过,这些危险对于东方玉而言,自然是不算什么了,都不需要开启超级赛亚人2的形态,只是普通的超级赛亚人形态之下,东方玉时间就拥有了160000左右的能量值。 After these energy value transformation is the Armoring Haki attribute, Dongfang Yu's mortal body is firm, endures compared with magical treasure, such directly hits toward 33 days beyond. 将这些能量值转化为装甲色霸气的属性之后,东方玉的肉身非常坚固,堪比法宝,就这么直接朝着33天外撞过去。 So-called thunder and lightning and strong winds these things, to Dongfang Yu at all are not anything. 所谓的雷电和狂风这些东西,对东方玉而言根本不算什么。 Roughly has taken about one day, Dongfang Yu finally broke through this layer upon layer dangerous situation, arrived at beyond 33 days. 约莫花了一天左右的时间,东方玉终于突破了这层层险境,来到了33天外。 In Void, a plain palace float, on the front door of this palace, is hanging together the plain qualitative inscribed horizontal tablet, above writes Zixiaogong three large characters. 虚空之中,一座古朴的宫殿悬浮着,这座宫殿的大门上,挂着一块朴质的匾额,上面书写着“紫霄宫”三个大字。 Outside of palace has a giant square, the surrounding area fears about several kilometers, but in big entrance not far away place, is placing six praying mat. 宫殿的外面有一块巨大的广场,方圆怕是在数千米开外,而在大门口不远处的地方,则摆放着六个蒲团 Dongfang Yu's speed is actually not slow, came to outside time this Zixiaogong, only then scattered 78 people, the appearance that but these 78 people also just came, is sizing up in all directions, that six praying mat are placing, they not yes what's the matter, therefore, does not dare to sit. 东方玉的速度倒是不慢,来的时候这紫霄宫外只有零零散散的78个人罢了,只是这78个人也都是刚来的模样,正在四处打量着呢,那六个蒲团摆放着,他们都不明白是怎么回事,因此,都不敢去坐。 Shouted, this Zixiaogong hid in the Void turbulent flow, was really the danger, just came on the road, many demons died in these Void turbulent flow, really has been a pity. “呼,这紫霄宫躲藏在虚空乱流之中,真是危险啊,刚刚来得路上,好多精怪都死在那些虚空乱流中啊,真是可惜了”。 At this time, three sillhouette appeared, looked like the man of country character face, on the face had the look that was regretting to say. 这个时候,三道人影出现了,一个看起来国字脸的男子,脸上带着一些惋惜的神色说道。 Junior brother, is the bastards that some throws over scale Dai Jia, what must so, but, falls after the male voice of this country character face, his nearby looks like very frail man, as if the Scholar appearance, shook the head, the appearance that and does not care about said. “师弟,都是些披鳞戴甲的畜生罢了,何需如此”,只是,随着这个国字脸的男子话音落下之后,他旁边一个看起来很文弱的男子,仿佛书生模样,摇了摇头,并不在意的样子说道。 Was good, two Junior brothers, not must talk too much in the palace of sage, front has several seats, we had a rest in the past. “好了,两位师弟,在圣人的宫殿莫要多言,前面有几个座位,我们过去歇歇脚吧”。 At this time, last looked like oldest, looked like also steadiest male start to talk, has stopped their words, during the speeches, pushing to the front walked toward that six praying mat. 就在这个时候,最后一个看起来最年长,看起来也最稳重的男子开口,止住了他们两个人的话语,说话间,一马当先的朝着那六个蒲团走了过去。 Dī dī dī......”, the Dongfang Yu's vision falls on the bodies of these three people, their energy values are actually not low, over 130,000. 滴滴滴……”,东方玉的目光落在这三个人的身上,他们的能量值倒是不低,都在130000以上。 The energy value of although this degree has fallen far short compared with Dongfang Yu, is, to entire Great Desolate Continent, poured is also rare expert. 虽然这个程度的能量值比起东方玉来说是差得远了,可是,相对于整个洪荒大陆而言,倒也是难得的高手了。 This Zixiaogong entrance person are not many, Dongfang Yu is sizing up their several, the nature, these people were also sizing up Dongfang Yu. 这紫霄宫门口的人并不多,东方玉在打量他们几个,自然,这些人也都在打量东方玉了。 Looks at Dongfang Yu, is that steady male footsteps slightly, at once arrives in front of Dongfang Yu's to suspend the footsteps, some appearance cautiously, asked to Dongfang Yu: This is, Mr. Dongfang Yu?”. 看着东方玉,为首那个稳重的男子脚步微微一顿,旋即来到东方玉的面前暂停了脚步,有些小心翼翼的样子,对东方玉问道:“这位,是东方玉先生吗?”。 Dongfang Yu!? 东方玉!? This name exit / to speak, lets the person complexion big change in entire Zixiaogong square, vision also neat falling on Dongfang Yu's. 这个名字一出口,让整个紫霄宫广场上的人都脸色大变,目光也齐刷刷的落在东方玉的身上。 Very obviously, the these days Dongfang Yu's reputation, has it can be said that resounded through entire Great Desolate Continent, didn't expect, in Zixiaogong can experience to this big energy unexpectedly. 很显然,这些日子东方玉的名头,可以说是响彻了整个洪荒大陆了,没想到,紫霄宫中居然能见识到这位大能。 Although now Ancestor of the Great Balance to become Sheng, is half year, as expert that extremely only saves, the Dongfang Yu's reputation may probably be more resounding than Hongjun. 虽说现在鸿钧老祖已经成圣了,可是这半年来,作为仅存的绝顶高手,东方玉的名头可一直都比鸿钧要更加响亮呢。 Um, your several do name?”, Looks in front of oneself these three people, in the Dongfang Yu's heart somewhat some suspicions, but the appearance that pretends anything not to know, start to talk asked. “嗯,你们几个叫什么名字?”,看着自己面前的这三人,东方玉的心中多多少少有了些猜想,不过还是装作什么都不知道的样子,开口问道。 Hears Dongfang Yu to inquire that oneself name, these people are the appearances that is honored very much, distinguished start to talk to introduce oneself. 听到东方玉询问自己的名字,这几个人都是一副很荣幸的模样,分别开口自我介绍了一番。 But their words , has verified the suspicion in Dongfang Yu heart, they were father, yuan shi tian zun and exceedingly high founder three people. 而他们的话,也算是印证了东方玉心中的猜想了,果然,他们三人正是老子、元始天尊和通天教主三人。 Mr. Dongfang Yu, does not know that actually this sage is what significance? Whether to explain for us?”, Looks at the appearance, to the oneself two senior brothers, the disposition of exceedingly high founder wants an extroverted point, after knowing, at once exceedingly high founder curious asked to Dongfang Yu. 东方玉先生,不知这圣人究竟是何意义?能否为我们解释解释?”,看模样,相对于自己的两位师兄,通天教主的性格要外向一点,相互间认识了之后,旋即通天教主好奇的对东方玉问道。 Naturally, actually nearby yuan shi tian zun and father also very curious sage is what, is only they and Dongfang Yu first meeting, therefore embarrassed inquired that the exceedingly high founder asked at this moment, they also curious looks at Dongfang Yu. 当然,旁边的元始天尊和老子也很好奇圣人究竟为何物,只是他们和东方玉初次见面,所以都不好意思询问罢了,此刻通天教主问出来了,他们也都是好奇的看着东方玉 „The matter of sage, cannot discuss absurdly, waits for you naturally to know, shakes the head, Dongfang Yu not with the meaning that they explained. “圣人之事,不可妄议,等下你们自然知晓了”,摇摇头,东方玉并没有和他们解释的意思。 Looked at this time, the person who in the Zixiaogong square arrives were getting more and more, Dongfang Yu had considered slightly, figure moves at once, gratefully sat on that Zixiaogong entrance first praying mat. 看了看这个时候,紫霄宫广场上来到的人已经越来越多了,东方玉微微考虑了一下,旋即身形一动,毫不客气的在那紫霄宫门口第一个蒲团上坐了下来。 Senior brother, we what to do?”, Looks that Dongfang Yu sat on first praying mat directly, the yuan shi tian zun vision placed father's body, inquired in a low voice. “师兄,我们怎么办?”,看着东方玉直接坐到了第一个蒲团上面,元始天尊的目光放在老子的身上,低声询问道。 Looked that the Dongfang Yu's appearance knows these praying mat as if have the different significances, but, Dongfang Yu sits, oneself how many people have the qualifications and he treat as an equal? 东方玉的模样就知道这几个蒲团似乎有不同的意义,但是,东方玉坐着,自己几个人有资格和他平起平坐吗? Relatively speaking, father's disposition is calmer, although also thought that oneself does not have the qualifications to sit side Dongfang Yu's, but supports sometimes brave starves to death timidly. 相对而言,老子的性格更加沉稳一些,虽然也觉得自己没资格坐在东方玉的身旁,但有的时候撑死胆大的饿死胆小的。 Has hesitated a moment later, father clenches teeth, said: Several of us sit to rest, if at the worst Mr. Dongfang Yu drives away, we come back and that's the end. 沉吟了片刻之后,老子咬咬牙,道:“我们几个坐过去歇一歇吧,大不了如果东方玉先生驱赶的话,我们回来就是了”。 Um, is this, falls along with father's words, nearby yuan shi tian zun and exceedingly high founder think, selects nod(ded). “嗯,就是这样”,随着老子的话落,旁边的元始天尊和通天教主想了想,也跟着点点头 At once, this line of three people walked, according to the father, the yuan shi tian zun and exceedingly high founder three people of status, closed right up against the Dongfang Yu's body to be implicated. 旋即,这一行三人走了过去,依照老子,元始天尊和通天教主三人的身份,靠着东方玉的身旁坐了下去。 Dongfang Yu has turned head to come to see Three Pure Ones, saw the Dongfang Yu's look, on the face of Three Pure Ones has hung up the smiling face hurriedly, was selecting nod(ded) to Dongfang Yu with a smile. 东方玉回过头来看了看身旁的三清,看到东方玉的眼神,三清的脸上急忙挂上了笑容,对着东方玉笑着点点头 Dongfang Yu does not have the arrogant look, be with smile on the face, returns a courtesy has selected nod(ded). 东方玉也没有倨傲的神色,面带笑容,回礼般的点了点头 After all these person present strength although are very weak, after can, after all is also the sages, if the unnecessary words, Dongfang Yu is not certainly willing to offend their these future sages. 毕竟这些人现在的实力虽然很微弱,可以后毕竟也都是圣人啊,如果没有必要的话,东方玉当然也不愿意开罪他们这些未来的圣人。 Dongfang Yu this selects returning a courtesy of nod(ded) with a smile, makes Three Pure Ones feel extremely flattered, simultaneously in the heart also thinks Dongfang Yu to be amiable, the disturbed sentiment also relaxed. 只是,东方玉这个笑着点点头的回礼,却让三清受宠若惊,同时心中也觉得东方玉平易近人,忐忑之情也跟着放松了许多。 The increasing number of people came, ten two Ancestor Witch, Kunpeng, Emperor Jun, town Yuan, red cloud, Old Ancestor Ming He, Fu Xi...... 越来越多的人过来了,十二祖巫,鲲鹏,帝俊,镇元子,红云,冥河老祖,伏羲…… These people, are in later generation will vibrate Great Desolate Continent Character(s), saw that Dongfang Yu sits on praying mat of most head, Three Pure Ones respectively has also sat down, Dongfang Yu does not have start to talk to refute, a little person of eyesight vigor, naturally understood this praying mat should be very important thing. 这些人,一个个都是后世之中会震动洪荒大陆人物,眼看着东方玉坐在最首的蒲团上面,三清也各自坐下了,东方玉也没有开口反驳,有点眼力劲的人,自然明白了这蒲团应该是很重要的东西。 At least now can sit, is the status has symbolized, therefore, several people's responses are quick, rushing to be first threw toward two praying mat that finally remains. 至少现在能坐上去,也是身份的象征了,因此,几个人的反应很快,争先恐后的朝着最后剩下来的两个蒲团扑了过去。 Two praying mat, actually dozens personally compete, although everybody had not revealed that any wide scope, the move of big lethality, may competition, reveal divine ability as before respectively. 两个蒲团,却有数十个人争夺,虽然大家都没有亮出什么大范围,大杀伤力的招数,可相互之间的争夺,依旧是各显神通 The response of Kunpeng is quick, speed was extremely also quick, aimed at a flaw place of neutral, his moved sideways to sit praying mat. 鲲鹏的反应很快,速度也极快,瞅准了一个空挡的破绽处,他一个闪身坐上了其中一个蒲团 Moreover, the luck of that red cloud is very good, the side people are fighting, he discovered that oneself front nobody, praying mat in front of oneself, has not passed on responsibilities unexpectedly, red Yun Zhijie sat last praying mat. 另外,那红云的运气很不错,旁边人都在战斗,他发现自己的面前居然没有人,蒲团就在自己面前了,当仁不让,红云直接坐上了最后一个蒲团了。 To this time, six praying mat outside this Zixiaogong, some people have sat down separately, Dongfang Yu sits in the first place, father, yuan shi tian zun and exceedingly high founder close right up against under Dongfang Yu's side in turn, but finally is Kunpeng and red says them. 到了这个时候,这紫霄宫外的六个蒲团,分别都有人坐下了,东方玉坐在首位,老子、元始天尊和通天教主依次靠着东方玉的身旁座下,而最后则是鲲鹏和红云两人。 Six praying mat had the master shortly, these people stopped competition actually slowly, after all these praying mat are representing any significance, now these people may not know. 眼看着六个蒲团都有了主人,这些人倒是慢慢的停下了争夺,毕竟这几个蒲团代表着什么意义,现在这些人可还不知道呢。 , Increasing number of people came one after another, although these Void turbulent flow very fearful, but, the powerhouse on Great Desolate Continent is many, quick, outside this Zixiaogong gathered over a hundred powerhouses. 陆陆续续的,越来越多的人过来了,虽然那些虚空乱流非常的可怕,但是,洪荒大陆上的强者还是很多的,很快的,这紫霄宫外聚集了上百位强者了。 At this time, two men appeared, looks at appearance 30-40 years old. 就在这个时候,又有两个男子出现了,看模样三四十岁 Happy expression, to the person an amiable feeling, another looks the color of hardship a wear a look, as if there is matter that anything worries very much to be the same. 一个面带笑意,给人一种平易近人的感觉,另外一个面露疾苦之色,似乎有什么很烦心的事情一样。 Oh, our master Younger Brother two, not the far 1 million li (0.5km) remote arrive at this Dongfang/East(ern) hear saying that unexpectedly links a seat not to have, this simply is the shame, so, might as well died well. “唉,我们师兄弟两个,不远1000000里之遥来到这东方听道,居然连一个座位都没有,这简直就是耻辱啊,如此,还不如死去了好”。 That looks the hardship the color man, has swept aspect before a Zixiaogong, wear a look of grief and indignation color saying. 那面露疾苦之色的男子,扫了一眼紫霄宫前的局面,面带悲愤之色的说道。 During the speeches, is one must hit unexpectedly toward the jade step of Zixiaogong. 说话间,竟然是一头要朝着紫霄宫的玉阶上撞去。 Junior brother......”, looks at the appearance of this man, calling out in alarm of side that be with smile on the face man complexion big change, wants to stop actually radically appearance without enough time. “师弟……”,看着这个男子的模样,旁边那面带笑容的男子脸色大变的惊呼,想要阻拦却根本来不及的样子。 Wait / Etc., This Mister, you sit my position, at this time, together the male voice suddenly has made a sound. “等等,这位先生,你还是坐我的位置吧”,就在这个时候,一道男声突然响了起来。
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