PE :: Volume #35

#1763: Worldwide celebration

Yes, under the Super Saiyan 2 shapes, dozens Shadow Clone collectives send out Energy Wave, is not easy to withstand, what is main, God-Slayer Spear of Dongfang Yu main body, has poured into own all strength to Rāhu finally strikes, was makes entire Great Desolate Continent vibrate. 是啊,超级赛亚人2的形态下,数十个影分身集体发出气功波,可不是那么容易承受的,更主要的是,东方玉本尊的弑神枪,灌注了自身所有的力量罗睺的最后一击,更是让整个洪荒大陆都震动了。 So the attack, lets person mind big quake, all people stared in a big way eyes at this time, raises the head to look at the Rāhu direction that to hope, did he die? 如此攻击,让人心神大震,所有人这个时候都瞪大了眼睛,翘首以盼的看着罗睺的方向,他死了没有? dīng dīng dīng...... 叮叮叮…… As after Dongfang Yu last imitates the Buddha's radiance column general attack, sees only in the midair the cut-throat swift and fierce Zhu Xian four swords, completely lost the intelligence appearance, dropped from the midair. 随着东方玉最后一道仿佛光柱一般的攻击之后,只见半空中凶狠凌厉的诛仙四剑,完全失去了灵性的样子,从半空中跌落了下来。 However, at this time actually nobody paid attention to this Executing Immortal Sword, the vision places the Rāhu direction. 不过,这个时候却没有人关注这诛仙剑阵了,目光都放在罗睺的方向。 Long time, complementary waves divergence of explosion slowly, under glare of the public eye, has revealed Rāhu figure. 良久之后,爆炸的余波缓缓的散去,在众目睽睽之下,露出了罗睺身形 Sees only Rāhu figure to lie down on the ground, the whole body is pitiful trace in an extremely difficult situation, naturally, what most alarmed is the Rāhu chest locates a blood hole of lip size, is translucent, obviously is finally Dongfang Yu God-Slayer Spear strikes, passed through the chest of Rāhu completely. 只见罗睺身形躺在地上,浑身都是狼狈不堪的凄惨痕迹,当然,最让人触目惊心的还是罗睺胸口处一个碗口大小的血洞,前后透亮,显然是最后东方玉弑神枪的一击,完全将罗睺的胸膛都贯穿了。 Lies down is motionless in ground Rāhu, Aura does not have, in addition this fearful injury, making all people understand that Rāhu this should die. 躺在地上的罗睺一动不动,气息全无,再加上这可怕的伤势,让所有人都明白,罗睺这应该是死了。 Such injury, can say that the entire heart was crushed under the attack of God-Slayer Spear, Rāhu not the hope that was possible also to survive. 这样的伤势,可以说整个心脏都在弑神枪的攻击下被粉碎了,罗睺不可能还有生存下来的希望了。 Died?”, Looks at Rāhu this pitiful appearance, the Dongfang Yu's brow selects slightly, in the heart thinks some suspicions. “死了吗?”,看着罗睺这凄惨的模样,东方玉的眉头微微一挑,心中觉得有些怀疑。 although looks like died appearance, strength under Super Saiyan 2 shape regarding oneself also has very sufficient self-confidence now, but, Rāhu after is in the middle of Great Tribulation of Dragon and Phoenix Boss, generally isn't the villain that type very exist(ence) that is difficult to kill? 虽然看起来是死了的样子,对于自己现在超级赛亚人2形态下的力量也有着非常充足的自信,可是,罗睺毕竟是龙凤大劫当中的BOSS啊,一般反派不都是那种很难杀死的存在吗? In the heart somewhat suspected that Dongfang Yu maintained the Super Saiyan 2 shapes as before, the look is sweeping one side fell in the Zhu Xian four swords of ground, extended take action to hold one move. 心中有些怀疑,东方玉依旧维持着超级赛亚人2的形态,眼神扫了一旁掉落在地上的诛仙四剑,伸出手掌一招。 The Zhu Xian four swords flew successively, falls in the Dongfang Yu's palm, then, Dongfang Yu fell also to receive in the Executing Immortal Sword chart of place Rāhu side...... 诛仙四剑先后飞了起来,落在东方玉的掌心之中,然后,东方玉跟着把罗睺身旁掉落在地的诛仙剑阵图也收了起来…… The Zhu Xian four sword and a chart, fell in the Dongfang Yu's hand successively, was only, under the Dongfang Yu's attention, along with the oneself movement, the Rāhu corpse was motionless, simply did not have any response. 诛仙四剑和阵图,先后都落在东方玉的手中了,只是,在东方玉的注意之下,随着自己的动作,罗睺的尸体一动不动的,根本没有任何反应。 Dongfang Yu relaxed secretly, at once also received the Zhu Xian four sword and a chart, it seems like, Rāhu died. 东方玉暗自松了一口气,旋即将诛仙四剑和阵图也收了起来,看来,罗睺是真的死掉了。 He died now, but, he can also resurrect......”, is only, at this time, Ancestor of the Great Balance was actually the step limp arrived at side Dongfang Yu's, looks the ground has been lying down Rāhu, start to talk said. “他现在已经死了,可是,他还能复活……”,只是,就在这个时候,鸿钧老祖却是步履蹒跚的来到了东方玉的身旁,看了看地上躺着的罗睺,开口说道。 During the speeches, Ancestor of the Great Balance stretches out the palm of oneself, toward the Rāhu corpse gently wields. 说话间,鸿钧老祖伸出自己的手掌,往罗睺的尸体轻轻的一挥。 Month White Flame has emerged out of thin air, has swept across the whole body of Rāhu quickly, under this moon/month of White Flame, the body of Rāhu changes to the ashes quickly, in the meantime, Ancestor of the Great Balance also cut off the possibility of Rāhu resurrecting obviously. 白色的火焰凭空出现了,很快席卷了罗睺的全身,在这月白色的火焰之下,罗睺的身子很快化作灰烬,同时,鸿钧老祖显然也断绝了罗睺复活的可能性。 Resurrecting?”, Looks at the Ancestor of the Great Balance action, Dongfang Yu naturally has not stopped, is only the words of his mouth, lets in the Dongfang Yu's heart some surprise , the inquiry look looks at Ancestor of the Great Balance. “复活?”,看着鸿钧老祖的举动,东方玉自然是没有阻拦的,只是他嘴里的话,让东方玉的心中有些诧异,也以询问般的眼神看着鸿钧老祖 Meanwhile, the Dongfang Yu's Super Saiyan 2 shapes also relieved. 与此同时,东方玉的超级赛亚人2的形态也跟着解除了。 Rāhu has to swallow divine ability, not only can depend upon to swallow others to obtain strength, even can obtain the bloodlines and divine ability that ability copes with, he had swallowed the phoenix, therefore also had Rebirth From the Ashes ability, if like this leaves alone, the later some time, he will possibly reactivate, I the fire of day punishing completely burnt down his vitality now, this was thoroughly eliminated him, looks at the Dongfang Yu inquiry look, Rāhu start to talk was explaining said. 罗睺拥有吞噬神通,不只是能够依靠吞噬别人而获得力量,甚至能获得对付的血脉和神通能力,他曾经吞噬过凤凰,因此也具备了浴火重生能力,若是就这样放任不管的话,以后的某个时候,他可能会重新复活的,我现在已天罚之火将他的生机全部烧毁了,这才算是彻底消灭了他”,看着东方玉询问般的眼神,罗睺开口解释着说道。 „......”, hear speech/words, Dongfang Yu had selected nod(ded), is suddenly enlighted. “原来如此……”,闻言,东方玉点了点头,恍然大悟。 At once, after they also at will chatted several, Hongjun said that the oneself injury is heavy, needs to go back recreation well, therefore has not stopped, figure moved, changes to the flowing light to leave together. 旋即,两人又随意的聊了几句之后,鸿钧自己的伤势不轻,需要回去好好的休养一番,所以并没有多作停留,身形一动,化作一道流光离开了。 He had not demanded unexpectedly Executing Immortal Sword, good, this was my spoils of war!”, Saw that Ancestor of the Great Balance figure left quickly, in Dongfang Yu's heart actually secretly surprise, naturally, likes secretly. “他居然没有索要诛仙剑阵啊,不错,这就是我的战利品了!”,眼看着鸿钧老祖身形很快离开了,东方玉的心中却暗自诧异,当然,也暗自欢喜。 This Executing Immortal Sword formidable is without a doubt, now, it has become the oneself spoils of war, is getting stronger and stronger along with oneself strength, this Executing Immortal Sword prestige can be also getting bigger and bigger, waits for oneself strength to upgrade the level of sage, All Heavens and Myriad Realms to estimate that oneself can walk sideways. 诛仙剑阵的强悍是毋庸置疑的,现在,它成了自己的战利品了,随着自己实力越来越强,这诛仙剑阵的威能也会越来越大,等自己实力提升到了圣人的层次,诸天万界估计自己都能横着走了。 To this time, Great Tribulation of Dragon and Phoenix had finished, but, presents all people not to have the happy look. 到了这个时候,龙凤大劫算是结束了,只是,在场所有的人却没有开心的神色。 This war, has not won the side, even can say that all people were a side of failure. 这一战,并没有胜利方,甚至可以说所有的人都是失败的一方了。 From Earlier Heaven Three Races, Ancestral Dragon, Primal Phoenix and Qilin of the Beginning all died in battle, moreover Earlier Heaven Three Races also complete casualty completely, survived are not many, can say that suppression entire Great Desolate Continent Earlier Heaven Three Races, is dissipates to today. 先天三族来看,祖龙,元凤始麒麟全都阵亡了,而且先天三族也完全死伤殆尽了,所残存下来的都不多,可以说镇压整个洪荒大陆先天三族,到了今日算是消散了。 To Dongfang Yu, this fights the although harvest to be very big today, is, Dongfang Yu's mood similarly very heavy, not only Ancestral Dragon died, Boros also died. 东方玉而言,今日这一战虽然收获很大,可是,东方玉的心情同样非常的沉重,不只是祖龙死了,就连波罗斯也死了。 To Dongfang Yu, Ancestral Dragon and Boros are the oneself familiar people, their deaths, naturally were make Dongfang Yu think moved. 东方玉而言,祖龙波罗斯都是自己熟悉的人,他们的死,自然是让东方玉觉得伤感了。 These time not measures the tribulation, makes Dongfang Yu think seriously fearful, Earlier Heaven Three Races how powerful? Suppressed entire Great Desolate Continent, but actually vanished into thin air in this Great Tribulation of Dragon and Phoenix. 这一次无量量劫,也当真让东方玉觉得可怕,先天三族多么强大啊?镇压整个洪荒大陆了,可是在这龙凤大劫之中却烟消云散了。 Ancestral Dragon, Primal Phoenix, Qilin of the Beginning, Boros, Rāhu and Yang Meilao ancestor and Ancestor of the Universe they, could be said as the topest powerhouses on Great Desolate Continent, was, under this disaster, their completely fallen...... 还有祖龙元凤始麒麟波罗斯罗睺、杨眉老祖和乾坤老祖他们,在洪荒大陆上都可以说是最顶尖的强者了,可是,在这场劫难之下,他们全部都陨落了…… It can be said that the entire Great Desolate Continent top powerhouse, almost fallen, this fearful result, has seriously all made on Great Desolate Continent all races think fearful and apprehensive. 可以说,整个洪荒大陆的顶尖强者,几乎全都陨落了,这可怕的结果,当真让洪荒大陆上所有的种族都觉得心惊胆战。 Perhaps, regarding Great Desolate Continent, at this moment the ranks of top powerhouse, only remaining Dongfang Yu and Ancestor of the Great Balance two people? Also is in this war, finally remaining two top powerhouses. 或许,对于洪荒大陆而言,此刻顶尖强者的行列,就只剩下东方玉鸿钧老祖两个人了吧?也是这场大战中,最后剩下的两个顶尖强者了。 However, from the harvest, Dongfang Yu and Ancestor of the Great Balance has to harvest respectively, Ancestor of the Great Balance obtained a world yellow and black Linglongta, defense unparalleled, Dongfang Yu also obtained Executing Immortal Sword, it may be said that among world strongest killed. 不过,从收获上而言,东方玉鸿钧老祖算是各有收获了,鸿钧老祖得到了一尊天地玄黄玲珑塔,防御无双,东方玉也得到了诛仙剑阵,可谓天下间最强的杀阵了。 We go back, to this time, the war had also finished, all people respective after having cleaned battlefield, departs one after another, Dongfang Yu naturally they together left with Di Jiang (River Emperor). “我们回去吧”,到了这个时候,战争也已经结束了,所有人都各自的打扫了一番战场之后,相继离去,东方玉自然是跟着帝江他们一同离开了。 Quick, six months flashes...... 很快的,半年的时间一晃而过…… In the half year, entire Great Desolate Continent because the Great Tribulation of Dragon and Phoenix matter vibrated, Earlier Heaven Three Races has almost deteriorated, head of the clan also respective fallen of since three clans, that war can be said as Pangu splitting heaven and earth apart the most fearful war, this first time not measures the terror of tribulation, making trillion lives think fearful and apprehensive. 这半年来,整个洪荒大陆都因为龙凤大劫的事情震动了,先天三族几乎完全衰败了,三族的族长也各自陨落,那一战可以说是盘古开天辟地以来最可怕的一次战争,这第一次无量量劫的恐怖,让亿万生灵都觉得心惊胆战。 Naturally, in the half year, the entire Great Desolate Continent situation also had very big change. 当然,这半年来,整个洪荒大陆的局势也发生了很大的变化。 Initially Earlier Heaven Three Races suppressed entire Great Desolate Continent, has extruded other races existing space greatly, now along with the deterioration of Earlier Heaven Three Races, other Great Desolate Continent races felt a big stone on top of the head as if to move things out of the way was the same, the nature, wantonly was expanding. 当初先天三族镇压整个洪荒大陆,大大的挤压了其他种族的生存空间,现在随着先天三族的衰败,洪荒大陆其他的种族感觉到头顶上的一块大石头似乎被搬开了一样,自然,都在大肆的扩张了。 However, as after Earlier Heaven Three Races has deteriorated, the race of these wantonly expansion, does not have any race to dare to provoke witch clan. 不过,随着先天三族衰败了之后,这些大肆扩张的种族,却没有任何一个种族敢来招惹巫族的。 On the one hand was witch clan influence initially is in itself is next to Earlier Heaven Three Races exist(ence), next, a Dongfang Yu person of strength, suppressed Great Desolate sufficiently, did not use Dongfang Yu again take action, was only a Dongfang Yu's reputation, nobody dares to provoke witch clan. 一方面是巫族势力当初本身就是仅次于先天三族存在,其次,东方玉一人之力,足以镇压洪荒了,都不用东方玉出手了,光是东方玉的一个名头,就没有人敢来招惹巫族了。 After Great Tribulation of Dragon and Phoenix ended, Dongfang Yu does not have anxiously the return, in the half year, Dongfang Yu in consolidates own cultivation base. 龙凤大劫完了之后,东方玉也没有急着回归,这半年来,东方玉都在不住的巩固自身的修为 As Karmic Virtue enters the body, the energy value under Dongfang Yu habit has been close 20,000 degrees, in the half year Dongfang Yu in familiar within the body strength slowly. 随着功德入体,东方玉常态下的能量值已经达到了接近20000的程度了,这半年来东方玉都在慢慢的熟悉体内力量 Naturally, the familiar Super Saiyan 2 shapes in the half year Dongfang Yu also. 当然,这半年来东方玉也在不住的熟悉超级赛亚人2的形态。 Similar to first time changes the body, this Super Saiyan 2 shapes, is Dongfang Yu is based on gene shackle's is successful, Dongfang Yu nature wish lets the oneself adaptation Super Saiyan 2 shapes as far as possible, waited one day not to open the gene shackle's time to change the body is successful. 如同第一次变身,这超级赛亚人2的形态,也是东方玉建立在基因锁的基础上才成功的,东方玉自然想要让自己尽可能的适应超级赛亚人2的形态,等着有一天在不开启基因锁的时候能够变身成功了。 Finally, in the half year, Dongfang Yu also in unceasing comprehension Executing Immortal Sword. 最后,这半年来,东方玉也在不断的领悟诛仙剑阵。 Regarding Dongfang Yu, this Executing Immortal Sword was strengthens the version and group attacks magic incantation of version, so long as although the energy value of goal were higher than oneself certain degree, a Executing Immortal Sword effect will fall short greatly, was, a Executing Immortal Sword fearfulness, as before was the matter of coming clearly into view. 对于东方玉而言,这诛仙剑阵算是强化版和群攻版的定心咒了,虽然只要目标的能量值高出自己一定的程度,诛仙剑阵的效果会大打折扣,可是,诛仙剑阵的可怕,依旧是历历在目的事情。 The Dongfang Yu present energy value achieved more than 280,000 to have, can compared with Dongfang Yu stronger exist(ence), meet very much difficultly again. 东方玉现在的能量值达到了280000有余,能比东方玉更强的存在,已经很难再遇到了。 On this day, Dongfang Yu in the middle of Bulma's Roar, after having finished day of practice, the mouth gasps for breath, is lying down on the sofa rests, is holding also appreciatively Karmic Virtue of one group of fist sizes. 这一天,东方玉布玛号当中,结束了一天的修炼之后,嘴里喘着气,正躺在沙发上休息,同时也把玩着一团拳头大小的功德 After this was initially Great Tribulation of Dragon and Phoenix, Karmic Virtue that Heavenly Dao falls, obviously is commends oneself in the contribution that Great Tribulation of Dragon and Phoenix makes, but this group of Karmic Virtue Dongfang Yu the use, is not remaining but actually anxiously for the time being, to prepare emergency requirement. 这是当初龙凤大劫之后,天道降下来的功德,显然是表彰自己龙凤大劫作出的贡献,不过这团功德东方玉倒也不急着使用,暂且留着,以备不时之需。 hōng lóng lóng...... 轰隆隆…… However, at this time, suddenly in the world reverberated intermittent Heavenly Dao Thunder Yin, in Void can hear the innumerable immortal sounds to be remote, the innumerable half empty half solid flower petals, danced in the air to sprinkle in the midair, in the entire world, seemed filling cheerful Aura, seemed congratulating that anything resembled. 然而,就在这个时候,突然天地之间回荡起了一阵阵的天道雷音,紧接着,虚空之中能够听到无数的仙音渺渺,无数半虚半实的花瓣,在半空中飞舞着洒落下来,整个天地之间,似乎都弥漫着一股欢快的气息,似乎在庆贺什么似的。 Dongfang Yu walked from Bulma's Roar, looks at this aspect of worldwide celebration, in the heart first is the surprise, at once responds, is don't tell me? 东方玉布玛号当中走了出来,看着这普天同庆的局面,心中先是诧异,旋即反应过来了,难道是? I am Ancestor of the Great Balance, already card resulted in beginning of the universe Grand Dao, Zixiaogong beyond 33 days supposes the rostrum, being predestined friends all may listen......”. “吾乃鸿钧老祖,现已证得混元大道,于33天外紫霄宫设下讲坛,有缘者皆可听之……”。 As if to verify suspicion in Dongfang Yu heart, quick, in the world reverberated a sound, resounded through Great Desolate Continent. 似乎是为了印证东方玉心中的猜想,很快,天地之间回荡起了一个声音,响彻洪荒大陆
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