PE :: Volume #35

#1762: The war casualty of Rāhu

Under the Super Saiyan 2 shapes, Dongfang Yu present strength could be said as the entire Great Desolate Continent strongest level, grasped God-Slayer Spear him, now is Executing Immortal Sword these sword light is also hard to take his what. 超级赛亚人2的形态下,东方玉现在的力量可以说是整个洪荒大陆最强的层次了,手持弑神枪的他,现在就算是诛仙剑阵的这些剑光也难耐他何。 After all the attacks of these sword light are random, was not controlled by Rāhu, after the point has broken to pieces the attacks of dozens sword light, the appearance of Dongfang Yu step slightly disorder, directly had not arrived at the Rāhu front. 毕竟这些剑光的攻击都是随机性的,并不受到罗睺的控制,点碎了数十道剑光的袭击之后,东方玉步履都没有丝毫紊乱的模样,直接来到了罗睺的面前。 !? 咻!? God-Slayer Spear selects, sharp lance point points to Rāhu, on the terrifying air/Qi is mixing the small electrical sparks of innumerable caper, the prestige of this spear|gun can be indescribable, as if can pass through the entire world. 弑神枪一挑,锐利的枪尖直指罗睺,恐怖的气上混合着无数跳跃的小电花,这一枪的威能难以言喻,似乎能将整个天地都贯穿似的。 Looks that Dongfang Yu's this strikes, the Rāhu mind big quake, is maintaining Executing Immortal Sword him not to resist the Dongfang Yu's attack on spatial take action. 看着东方玉的这一击,罗睺心神大震,正在维持着诛仙剑阵的他根本就空不出手来抵挡东方玉的攻击。 But, Rāhu can only suspend a Executing Immortal Sword revolution, under the mind control, the swords of Zhu Xian four swords have aimed at Dongfang Yu sharp, then, changes to four radiant sword glow to shoot. 无奈之下,罗睺只能暂停了诛仙剑阵的运转,心神操控之下,诛仙四剑的剑尖指向了东方玉,然后,化作四道璀璨的剑芒射过来。 Groans......”, felt the attacks of Zhu Xian four swords, Dongfang Yu does not have what flurried look, the conversely mouth to voice a contemptuous smiling face. “哼哼……”,感受到诛仙四剑的攻击,东方玉没有什么慌乱的神色,反倒是嘴里发出了一阵轻蔑的笑容。 Initially enters under the Super Saiyan 2 shapes, powerful strength with excessively arrogant, the disposition also somewhat affected Dongfang Yu some. 初入超级赛亚人2的形态下,强大力量伴随着过分的自大,心性也多多少少的影响了东方玉一些了。 Finally gave up to stop this Executing Immortal Sword operation? You think after stopping, can defeat me?”. “终于舍得停止这诛仙剑阵的运行了吗?你以为停下来了之后,就能打败我吗?”。 Dongfang Yu receives the hand to hold a gun, the long gun|spear in hand brandishes a huge arc, under formidable strength, strikes to fly the Zhu Xian four swords that this shot directly, in the vision was bringing a cold and gloomy thing, said to Rāhu. 东方玉收手持枪,手中的长枪挥舞成一个巨大的弧形,强悍力量之下,直接将这射过来的诛仙四剑击飞了出去,目光中带着一丝森冷的东西,对罗睺说道。 The finger directs, the Zhu Xian four swords flew, as if four flexible small Elf regarding in the Rāhu side, stared at Dongfang Yu, in the Rāhu look has been being full of the dignified look. 手指一引,诛仙四剑飞了回来,仿佛四个灵活的小精灵似的围绕在罗睺的身旁,盯着东方玉,罗睺的眼神中充满了凝重的神色。 To be honest, faced Dongfang Yu of this degree, Rāhu also has suddenly been being at a loss, from the strength perspective, present Dongfang Yu was stronger than oneself, independent combat words oneself is not his match. 说实话,面对着这个程度的东方玉,罗睺一时间也是束手无策了,从实力方面来看,现在的东方玉已经比自己更强了,单打独斗的话自己都已经不是他的对手了。 Is also invalid to him including Executing Immortal Sword, at this time, in the heart of Rāhu is germination slowly has drawn back intent. 诛仙剑阵也对他无效,这个时候,罗睺的心中已经是慢慢的萌生出了退意了。 What's wrong? To run away? You thought that I will make you run away?”. “怎么?想逃吗?你觉得我会让你逃走吗?”。 The Dongfang Yu's corners of the mouth, are bringing taunt laughing, as if has understood in the Rāhu Blink look the contain significance, in the words also same is having the satire flavor. 东方玉的嘴角,带着嘲讽般的嗤笑,似乎是看懂了罗睺闪烁的眼神中所蕴含的意义,话语中也同样的带着讽刺的味道。 bastard thing! Do not think oneself infallible!”, Hears Dongfang Yu this taunt words, in the heart of Rāhu, the anger also cannot help but erupted. 混账东西!不要太自以为是了!”,听到东方玉这嘲讽般的话语,罗睺的心中,怒火也不由自主的爆发了出来。 No matter how these for 180,000 years, Rāhu strength is called entire Great Desolate Continent has been strongest. 不管如何这180000年来,罗睺实力一直都被称作是整个洪荒大陆最强呢。 Ahem, since you have not been thinking escaping, this was best, otherwise, I must put the thoughts to pursue your this gloomy Mouse, hears Rāhu, God-Slayer Spear in Dongfang Yu hand shakes, launched the attack once again. “哼哼,既然你没有想着逃跑,这就最好了,否则的话,我还要花心思去追你这只阴暗的老鼠呢”,听到罗睺的话,东方玉手中的弑神枪一震,再度发动了攻击。 Looks at the Dongfang Yu's manner, obviously ate the Rāhu appearance completely, under his powerful strength, the prestige energy that this God-Slayer Spear erupted, completely was not just time can compare. 东方玉的态度,显然是完全吃定了罗睺的模样,在他强大力量之下,这弑神枪所爆发出来的威能,完全不是刚刚的时候能比的。 To this degree, 8 ten thousand energy values of Dongfang Yu promotion, the gold content has grown out of nothing to obtain the 100,000 energy value the gold content Dongfang Yu to be higher. 到了这个程度,东方玉提升的8万能量值,含金量比东方玉从无到有获得10万能量值的含金量都要高了。 dīng dīng dīng! 叮叮叮 Saw that Dongfang Yu's God-Slayer Spear comes, the Rāhu complexion is serious, where dares to belittle, under his control, the Zhu Xian four swords changes to the dense and numerous sword glow, takes away as many things as possible toward Dongfang Yu, four handle Divine sword, each handle endured compared with the innate supreme treasure ranks. 眼看着东方玉的弑神枪迎面而来,罗睺脸色沉重,哪里敢小觑,在他的控制下,诛仙四剑化作密密麻麻的剑芒,朝着东方玉席卷而去,四柄神剑,每一柄都堪比先天至宝的行列了。 The sharpness of this Zhu Xian four swords, even if Dongfang Yu is not willing to move with oneself mortal body easily, God-Slayer Spear in hand brandishes, sword that these shoot crowded, resisted completely. 诛仙四剑的锋锐,就算是东方玉也不愿意轻易的用自己肉身去触碰,手中的弑神枪挥舞之间,将这些密集射过来的剑,全部都抵挡下来了。 At this time, fight between Dongfang Yu and Rāhu, as if turned into close combat and Sword Immortal fight between. 这个时候,东方玉罗睺之间的战斗,仿佛变成了一个近战者和一个剑仙之间的战斗似的。 Under the control of Rāhu, Zhu Xian four sword clever incomparable revolving Dongfang Yu, but God-Slayer Spear in Dongfang Yu hand actually dances airtight, all resisted sufficiently these flying swords, even, formidable strength, making the Zhu Xian four swords be hard to resist. 罗睺的操控之下,诛仙四剑灵巧无比的围绕着东方玉,可是东方玉手中的弑神枪却舞得密不透风,足以将这些飞剑全都抵挡下来了,甚至,强悍力量,让诛仙四剑都难以抵挡。 Hateful, will strength of this fellow, how promote these many? This completely is the earth-shaking change!”. “可恶,这家伙的实力,怎会提升这么多的?这完全是天翻地覆的变化啊!”。 Is controlling the Zhu Xian four swords, unceasing launches the attack toward Dongfang Yu, in the heart of Rāhu cannot help but criticizes to say. 操控着诛仙四剑,不断的朝着东方玉发动袭击,罗睺的心中不由得暗骂说道。 Not was only oneself Executing Immortal Sword does not have means to surround Dongfang Yu again, oneself was controlling the attacks of four handle Divine sword, was hard to other party becomes the appearance of injury. 不但是自己诛仙剑阵没有办法再困住东方玉了,就连自己操控着四柄神剑的攻击,也难以对他造成伤害的样子。 Dongfang Yu's shape seems had not the small change, is, around this change strength disparity, too big a point? 东方玉的形态看样子是发生了不小的变化,可是,这个变化前后的实力差距,也太大了一点吧? Good fierce......”. “好厉害……”。 Looks at Dongfang Yu to grasp God-Slayer Spear in the hand, unexpectedly presents the crush Rāhu superiority, at this moment all people stared in a big way eyes, even if were Ancestor of the Great Balance, in the innermost feelings also cannot help but secretly sigh with emotion Dongfang Yu in strength that had. 看着东方玉手持弑神枪在手,居然呈现出碾压罗睺的优势,这一刻所有的人都瞪大了眼睛,即便是鸿钧老祖,内心中也不由得暗自感慨于东方玉所拥有的实力 This Dongfang Yu is the Great Desolate Continent strongest person, looks here Dongfang Yu crush Rāhu superiority, some people mouths cannot bear start to talk say. “这东方玉才是洪荒大陆最强的人啊”,看着这边东方玉碾压罗睺的优势,有的人嘴里忍不住开口说道。 Yes, Rāhu powerful, Ancestral Dragon also by the homicide, once the status of his Great Desolate Continent most powerhouse was worthy of the reputation, but, present Rāhu unexpectedly is not the Dongfang Yu's match, it seems like, Dongfang Yu's strength was in the entire world strongest, fell along with the words of this person, point nod(ded) that some side people approved of said. “是啊,罗睺强大,就连祖龙也被他杀了,曾经他洪荒大陆最强者的身份是名副其实的,可是,现在的罗睺居然不是东方玉的对手,看来,东方玉的实力才是整个天地间最强的了”,随着这个人的话落,旁边有的人赞同的点点头说道。 Good, present Dongfang Yu, indeed was most!”, The sound of discussion, is getting more and more earnest, but about Dongfang Yu was the status of Great Desolate Continent most powerhouse, the person of approval are also getting more and more. “不错,现在的东方玉,的确是最强了!”,议论之声,越来越热切,而关于东方玉洪荒大陆最强者的身份,赞同的人也越来越多了。 The war to this situation, has been able saying that at present marched into the last act, strength that Dongfang Yu showed that also has conquered all people. 战争到了目前这个地步,可以说步入尾声了,东方玉所展现出来的实力,也算是征服了所有人了。 What thoughts Dongfang Yu naturally did not have the thoughts to pay attention to nearby person is, he was grasping God-Slayer Spear, the goal, only then, that cutting to kill Rāhu. 东方玉自然没有心思理会旁边的人都是什么样的心思了,他手持着弑神枪,目标只有一个,那就是将罗睺给斩杀。 Under his swing, the God-Slayer Spear offensive is getting stronger and stronger, resisting of Zhu Xian four swords were also getting more and more weak, fought this degree, both sides have also put out oneself strongest strength, Rāhu as before was not the Dongfang Yu's match. 在他的挥舞之下,弑神枪的攻势越来越强,诛仙四剑的抵挡也越来越无力了,战斗到了这个程度,双方也已经是都拿出了自己最强的力量了,罗睺依旧不是东方玉的对手。 dīng dīng dīng...... 叮叮叮…… The Zhu Xian four swords, as if the maggot of tarsal bone entangles Dongfang Yu, although God-Slayer Spear can all block the sharp attacks of these Divine sword, but has twined side Dongfang Yu's, made the person have the feeling that one type was sick. 诛仙四剑,仿佛跗骨之蛆般缠着东方玉,虽然弑神枪能够将这些神剑的犀利攻击全都挡住,可是一直缠绕在东方玉的身旁,却让人有一种非常厌烦的感觉了。 The look concentrates slightly, God-Slayer Spear in Dongfang Yu hand one after another after the Zhu Xian four swords have opened out, figure dodges, Blink ability starts, figure vanishes instantaneously, presents again time already about dozens meters. 眼神微微一凝,东方玉手中的弑神枪接连的将诛仙四剑拨开了之后,身形一闪,闪烁能力发动,身形瞬间消失,再出现的时候已经在数十米开外了。 The heart moves at will, saw that Dongfang Yu evaded the encirclement rings of oneself Zhu Xian four swords by the Blink skill, the Rāhu vision continued to fall on Dongfang Yu's, at the same time, the Zhu Xian four swords continued toward the Dongfang Yu winding in the past. 心随意动,眼看着东方玉闪烁的技能躲过了自己诛仙四剑的包围圈,罗睺的目光继续落在东方玉的身上,与此同时,诛仙四剑继续朝着东方玉缠绕过去。 Wanted to put to death Dongfang Yu is not that easy, the Rāhu goal only then one, that pesters Dongfang Yu. 想要诛杀东方玉已经不是那么容易了,罗睺的目的只有一个,那就是纠缠住东方玉 Relatively speaking, Rāhu thought that oneself about Dongfang Yu very knew, this changes figure condition although strength is very strong, but as if there is time limit, so long as can, when under his hand has supported to him changes the body is difficult to sustain, oneself wins. 相对而言,罗睺觉得自己东方玉还是挺了解的,他这个变身形虽然力量很强,但是却似乎是有时间限制的,只要能在他的手底下一直支撑到他变身难以为继的时候,自己就胜利了。 Shadow Clone Technique!”, But, looks at the Zhu Xian four swords that the front surface shoots, Dongfang Yu's both eyes actually slightly narrows the eyes, at once, big white smokes flash through, hundred and thousand of Dongfang Yu's Shadow Clone appeared. 影分身之术!”,只是,看着迎面射过来的诛仙四剑,东方玉的双眼却是微微眯起,旋即,一大片的白烟闪过,成百上千个东方玉的影分身出现了。 Then, these Dongfang Yu's figure all threw in the Rāhu direction, dense and numerous sillhouette, simply look like elite combat troops. 然后,这些东方玉的身形全都朝着罗睺的方向扑了过来,密密麻麻的人影,简直就像是一支精锐的战斗部队。 What? This is don't tell me in Legend incarnation divine ability surely?”, Looks at Dongfang Yu these hundred and thousand of Shadow Clone, moreover completely is the entities, the Great Desolate Continent powerhouse stared in a big way both eyes. “什么?这难道传说中化身千万的神通吗?”,看着东方玉这成百上千个影分身,而且完全都是实体,洪荒大陆的诸位强者都瞪大了双眼 Only is this population, made people feel deep shock. 光是这人数,就让人感到深深的震撼了。 xiū xiū xiū! 咻咻咻 As the Zhu Xian four swords have delimited unceasingly, these Dongfang Yu's Shadow Clone are hard to resist the prestige energy of Divine sword, vanished in the white smoke, this makes all people understand, these Shadow Clone strength that Dongfang Yu divides are very weak, casual handle Divine sword can put to death them. 只是,随着诛仙四剑不断划过,这些东方玉的影分身都难以抵挡神剑的威能,一个个都在白烟之中跟着消失了,这让所有的人明白,东方玉分出来的这些影分身实力很弱,随便一柄神剑就能够诛杀他们了。 Even if weak Shadow Clone, that is also Dongfang Yu's Shadow Clone, is not that easily can distinguish with the naked eye. 只是,就算再弱的影分身,那也是东方玉的影分身啊,可不是那么容易用肉眼就能分辨出来的。 Therefore, Dongfang Yu resists the attacks of these Zhu Xian four swords with the huge-crowd strategy, one crowd of Dongfang Yu's Shadow Clone throw toward Rāhu, who is the main body, who is Shadow Clone, is not easy to distinguish. 所以,东方玉用人海战术来抵挡那些诛仙四剑的攻击,一群东方玉的影分身朝着罗睺扑过去,谁是本尊,谁是影分身,根本就没有那么容易分辨。 bastard, does this fellow cause these many useless clone to come out to be useful?”. 混账,这家伙弄出这么多没用的分身出来有什么用?”。 The Zhu Xian four swords look like shear fragrant-flowered garlic, has destroyed a big piece Dongfang Yu's Shadow Clone, however, actually as before dozens Dongfang Yu's Shadow Clone rushed to the Rāhu side, then, all Shadow Clone lift up high both hands, powerful Energy Wave gathers in the Dongfang Yu's double palms. 诛仙四剑就像是割韭菜似的,将东方玉的影分身毁灭了一大片,然而,却依旧有数十个东方玉的影分身冲到了罗睺的身边,然后,所有的影分身都高举双手,强大气功波东方玉的双掌之间汇聚。 Energy Wave! 气功波 A both hands downward pressure that maliciously lifts up high, dozens Energy Wave are radiant looks like crowded meteor shower, continuous pounds toward Rāhu. 高举的双手往下狠狠的一压,数十颗气功波璀璨得就像是密集的流星雨似的,接连不断的朝着罗睺砸过去。 although these Shadow Clone strength do not calculate that unusual powerful, is these Energy Wave quantities, makes people feel similarly thornily. 虽然这些影分身实力都不算非常的强大,可是这些气功波的数量,却同样让人感觉到非常的棘手。 Bang! Bang! Bang!! 砰砰砰 Crowded Energy Wave, looks like rains, the explosions of dozens Energy Wave, looked like have resounded firecrackers. 密集的气功波,就像是下雨似的,数十个气功波的爆炸,就像是响起了一阵鞭炮似的。 The explosions of innumerable terror, embezzled instantaneously completely the body of Rāhu. 无数恐怖的爆炸,瞬间将罗睺的身子完全吞没掉了。 The Dongfang Yu's main body, grasps God-Slayer Spear, has not paid attention to these dozens Energy Wave whether displayed to affect, within the body more than 280,000 had the energy values, poured into God-Slayer Spear completely, making God-Slayer Spear bloom astonishing murderous aura. 东方玉的本尊,手持弑神枪,也没有理会这数十颗气功波是否发挥作用了,体内280000有余的能量值,完全灌注到了弑神枪之中,让弑神枪绽放出惊人的杀气。 The terrifying gold(en) ray along with the God-Slayer Spear lasing, changed holds up a day of great column together, held directly this explosion area most. 紧接着,恐怖的金色光芒随着弑神枪激射了出去,化作一道擎天巨柱般,直接捅进了这爆炸区域的最中间。 Entire Great Desolate Earth, trembled in this moment fiercely, all person lines of sight fall on this together light beam. 整个洪荒大地,在这一刻剧烈的震颤了起来,所有的人视线都落在这一道光柱上面。 World megascism, in this moment, even if were Sun above horizon is overshadowed. 天地剧震,在这一刻,就算是天际之上的太阳黯然失色了。 „Did Rāhu, die?”, Looks at present one, some people mouths muttered said. 罗睺,死了吗?”,看着眼前的一幕,有的人嘴里喃喃说道。
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