PE :: Volume #35

#1761: Great Desolate Continent highest energy value

Is Nuwa regarding Great Desolate Continent, important? This is the matter without a doubt, after all Great Desolate Continent final protagonist is Human(ity), but Nuwa creates Human(ity) exist(ence), she was naturally important. 女娲对于洪荒大陆而言,重不重要?这是毋庸置疑的事情,毕竟洪荒大陆最后的主角人类,而女娲是创造出人类存在,她自然是非常的重要了。 But Dongfang Yu rescued Nuwa, this naturally has the big Karmic Virtue matter, will have Karmic Virtue to lower, in reason. 东方玉救下了女娲,这自然是具备大功德的事情了,会有功德降下,也在情理之中了。 Therefore, at this time Heavenly Dao lowered Karmic Virtue to get down, although stemmed from Dongfang Yu's to be unexpected, but actually in reason. 因此,这个时候天道降下了一份功德下来,虽然是出乎了东方玉的意料之外,但是却又在情理之中了。 It can be said that regarding Dongfang Yu, the appearance of this Karmic Virtue, comes just in time, is Dongfang Yu most needs boost now the time. 对于东方玉而言,这一份功德的出现,可以说是来得正是时候,也是东方玉现在最需要一把助力的时候了。 Rashly, Dongfang Yu opens mouth, swallowed down this huge Karmic Virtue directly, huge Karmic Virtue changes completely follows the Dongfang Yu's will, changes to powerful strength to attack the Super Saiyan 2 boundaries. 不由分说,东方玉张开嘴,直接将这一份巨大的功德吞了下去,庞大的功德完全化作遵循东方玉的意志,化作强大力量去冲击超级赛亚人2的境界。 A heavy front door, has shoved open boosted by final slowly, a tenacious imprisonment, under the Dongfang Yu's impact, split slowly...... 一座沉重的大门,在最后的助力下慢慢的推开了,一个坚韧的禁锢,在东方玉的冲击下,慢慢的裂开了…… Meanwhile, huger gold(en) Aura, as if changes to a gold(en) light beam, embezzled Dongfang Yu's figure completely. 与此同时,更加庞大的金色气息,仿佛化作一个金色的光柱,将东方玉的身形完全吞没了。 Bang! 轰! Terrifying Aura, erupts instantaneously, lets entire Executing Immortal Sword, shook, four handle Divine sword partly hang in airborne , is trembling. 恐怖的气息,瞬间爆发出来,让整个诛仙剑阵,都震荡了起来,四柄神剑半悬在空中,也在不住的震颤着。 Terrifying Aura, making the hideaway in Rāhu in secret think that the chest stagnates, as if has big iron hammer pounding maliciously on the chest of oneself. 恐怖的气息,让隐藏于暗中的罗睺都觉得胸口一滞,似乎有一个大铁锤狠狠的砸在自己的胸口上似的。 How? What situation the present is?”, Beyond Executing Immortal Sword, all people raise the head to hope that looks in sword that almost to flood the entire sword gold(en) arrogance. “怎么样了?现在是什么情况?”,诛仙剑阵之外,所有的人都翘首以盼,看着剑阵之中那几乎充斥着整个剑阵的金色气焰。 In all person hearts curious looks, stares in a big way eyes, actually wanted to have a look in that what happened. 所有的人心中都好奇的看着,瞪大了眼睛,想要看看那里面究竟发生了什么事情。 A moment later, these dreadful gold(en) arrogance, received slowly, has revealed the Dongfang Yu's true self. 片刻之后,这些滔天的金色气焰,缓缓的收了回来,露出了东方玉的本来面目。 Twined in the gold(en) arrogance of Dongfang Yu whole body, at this time no longer was the flame shape, but turned has spurted the gaseity, from the appearance, the Dongfang Yu's semblance change was not very as if big, pours the vertical hair likely is an appearance of broom, now became straighter, sending silk unusual had the gloss. 本来缠绕在东方玉周身的金色气焰,这个时候不再是火焰状了,而是变成了喷气状,从模样上来看,东方玉的外表变化似乎并不算很大,倒竖的头发本来像是一个扫把的样子,现在变得更加笔直了,一根根的发丝非常的具有光泽。 What is main is in these gold(en) spurting gaseity strength, can see the innumerable small electrical sparks in unceasing Blink. 更主要的是在这些金色的喷气状力量之中,能看到无数的小电花在不断的闪烁着。 Does not use carefully felt Aura that on Dongfang Yu sent out, was only this appearance gives people a feeling of incomparable powerful, the Aura winding of gold(en), was mixing the white lightning, the Dongfang Yu's eye pupil looked like was more callous, both hands held the chest, in the callous look also gave people a stubborn and arrogant feeling. 不用仔细的去感受东方玉身上散发出来的气息了,光是这幅模样就给人一种无比强大的感觉了,金色气息缠绕,混合着白色的闪电,东方玉的眼眸看起来更加的冷酷了,双手抱胸,冷酷的眼神中也给人一种桀骜而自大的感觉。 The look concentrates slightly, falls on oneself present Energy Tester, Dongfang Yu can see on oneself Energy Tester, presented one scarlet such as the value of blood, is making clear to present Dongfang Yu, actually to have what strength. 眼神微微一凝,落在自己眼前的能量测试仪上面,东方玉能看到自己能量测试仪上,出现了一个猩红如血的数值,也昭示着现在的东方玉,究竟拥有什么样的力量了。 282600. 282600。 280,000 many energy values? Is this Super Saiyan 2 shapes? Really were more than Super Saiyan 1 shape of 100,000 energy value start, was almost the earth-shaking change. “280000多的能量值吗?这就是超级赛亚人2的形态吗?果然比10万能量值起步的超级赛亚人1形态强了很多很多啊,几乎是天翻地覆的变化了”。 Looks the energy value that oneself has now, feels oneself within the body almost to be able destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth strength, in the Dongfang Yu's heart to mutter secretly thought. 看着自己现在所拥有的能量值,感受到自己体内几乎能够毁天灭地般的力量,东方玉的心中喃喃暗道 On the one hand is the fearful strength of exclamation under Super Saiyan 2 shape, on the other hand thought naturally, the change of Super Saiyan, the breakthrough of each shape, was the promotion of huge scope. 一方面是惊叹于超级赛亚人2形态下的可怕力量,另外一方面又觉得理所当然了,超级赛亚人的变化,每一个形态的突破,都是巨大幅度的提升。 The Energy Tester maximum measuring range, was 300,000, now Dongfang Yu had 280,000 many energy values, has almost reached the Energy Tester survey limit. 能量测试仪最大的测量范围,就是300000了,现在东方玉拥有了280000多的能量值,几乎是达到了能量测试仪的测量极限了。 The whole body bathes in the gold(en) air/Qi and lightning, the Dongfang Yu's look has swept in the middle of this Executing Immortal Sword all once again, in the heart is actually surges the endless self-confidence. 浑身沐浴在金色的气和闪电之中,东方玉的眼神再度扫过这诛仙剑阵当中的一切,心中却是涌起无尽的自信。 Holds the both hands of chest to put down, the Dongfang Yu palm wields gently, God-Slayer Spear appears in the Dongfang Yu's palm once again, figure moves, with long hurried strides proceeds to walk, carefully. 抱胸的双手放下,东方玉手掌轻轻一挥,弑神枪再度出现在东方玉的掌心,身形一动,大步流星的往前走去,一步一个脚印。 Nearby Hongjun saw that Dongfang Yu crossed oneself figure, such simply walked going forward, said: Dongfang Yu, do not impulse, our two needs collaborate well......”. 旁边的鸿钧眼看着东方玉越过了自己身形,就这么干脆的走了上前,道:“东方玉,别冲动,我们两个需要好好的联手……”。 Does not use!”, Is only, regarding the Hongjun words, Dongfang Yu does not return, grasps God-Slayer Spear to go forward unceasingly, said: Hongjun, you were also very tired, the rest, the following matter, gives me well. “不用了!”,只是,对于鸿钧的话,东方玉头也不回,手持弑神枪不断上前,道:“鸿钧,你也很累了,好好休息吧,接下来的事情,交给我吧”。 What!? Gives you a person? This......”, hears the Dongfang Yu's words, Hongjun was somewhat scared. “什么!?交给你一个人?这……”,听到东方玉的话,鸿钧有些傻眼了。 Just four people collaborated not to have the means to break this Executing Immortal Sword, now Dongfang Yu unexpectedly alone a person like breaking it? Is this really self-confident? Extremely arrogant? 刚刚四个人联手都没办法打破这诛仙剑阵啊,现在东方玉居然独自一个人就像打破它?这真的是自信?还是狂妄? bastard thing! Too extremely arrogant, gives me dead!”. 混账东西!太狂妄了,给我去死吧!”。 The Rāhu of hideaway in Executing Immortal Sword, looks that walks Dongfang Yu that goes forward step by step, naturally also heard the words of his mouth, the look changes, at once is angry, powerful strength pours into, making a Executing Immortal Sword revolution even more anxious, innumerable sword light Blink, has covered in the middle of entire sword all. 隐藏于诛仙剑阵之中的罗睺,看着一步步走上前的东方玉,自然也听到了他嘴里的话,神色一变,旋即大怒,强大力量灌注下去,让诛仙剑阵的运转越发的急切了,无数的剑光闪烁,笼罩了整个剑阵当中所有的一切。 dīng dīng dīng...... 叮叮叮…… Dongfang Yu with long hurried strides proceeds to walk, the under foot does not abhor Xu, only then God-Slayer Spear in his palm, brandishes airtight, several sword light continuous cuts, but, in God-Slayer Spear by Dongfang Yu hand directly was all broken. 只是,东方玉大步流星的往前走去,脚下不疾不徐,只有一杆弑神枪在他的掌心之中,挥舞得密不透风,十几道剑光接连不断的切过来,但是,全都被东方玉手中的弑神枪直接震碎了。 As the Dongfang Yu's energy value rose dramatically directly 80,000 degrees, present Dongfang Yu, strength compared with just completely was a promotion of difference between heaven and earth . 随着东方玉的能量值直接飙升了80000的程度,现在的东方玉,实力比起刚刚完全是一个天差地别的提升了。 What!? He, he can unexpectedly such easily......”. “什么!?他,他居然能这么轻易的……”。 Looks Dongfang Yu that walks step by step, looks that these Executing Immortal Sword sword light do not have the means to stop his footsteps, in the heart of Rāhu cannot help but secretly to be startled unexpectedly, strength that Dongfang Yu shows now, made people think seriously inconceivable. 看着一步步走过来的东方玉,看着这些诛仙剑阵的剑光居然都没有办法阻拦他的脚步,罗睺的心中不由得暗自吃惊,东方玉现在所展现出来的实力,当真让人觉得不可思议了。 The Dongfang Yu's look is calm, the whole body is bathing the gold(en) air/Qi and lightning, forwards step by step, grasps God-Slayer Spear, to the person an unapproachable feeling, has exceeded 280,000 energy values, is making clear to present Dongfang Yu, actually to have strength of what degree. 东方玉的神色冷静,浑身沐浴着金色的气和闪电,一步步向前,手持弑神枪,给人一种无可匹敌的感觉,超过了280000的能量值,也昭示着现在的东方玉,究竟拥有何种程度的力量 Words from energy value perspective, said that Dongfang Yu was entire Great Desolate Continent most powerhouse does not have now mistakenly, no matter Rāhu or Hongjun, were worse than Dongfang Yu at this time a section. 能量值方面来看的话,说东方玉现在是整个洪荒大陆的最强者也没有错了,不管是罗睺还是鸿钧,这个时候都比东方玉差了一截。 Executing Immortal Sword isn't strong? That is without a doubt, is, Executing Immortal Sword again strong, it is also the method that the community attacks, but is not the single body attack, therefore, the strength height of lineup has decided the altitude of Executing Immortal Sword destructive power. 诛仙剑阵强不强?那是毋庸置疑的,可是,诛仙剑阵再强,它也是群体攻击的手段,而不是单体攻击,因此,布阵者的实力高低决定了诛仙剑阵的破坏力的高度。 exist(ence) that so long as four strength and lineup want to work as can break this sword, regarding the powerhouse of sage level, naturally was very formidable, may regarding ordinary person, strength be lower, this Executing Immortal Sword prestige can appear weaker. 只要四个实力和布阵者想当的存在就能打破这个剑阵,对于圣人层次的强者而言,自然是非常强悍了,可对于普通人而言,实力越低,这诛仙剑阵的威能就显得越弱。 Dongfang Yu from the energy value perspective, was the forcing Rāhu was planning now, to this degree, 30,000 energy value disparities was considered as sufficiently on is a stair, in addition God-Slayer Spear this innate supreme treasure in the hand, Dongfang Yu's strength completely had the crush Rāhu superiority. 东方玉现在从能量值方面来说,是力压着罗睺一筹了,到了这个程度,30000的能量值差距足以算得上是一个台阶了,再加上弑神枪这件先天至宝在手,东方玉的力量完全拥有碾压罗睺的优势。 Moreover, Executing Immortal Sword Rāhu is also under the first low-quality cloth, does not calculate specially skilled, therefore, after breaking through the Super Saiyan 2 degrees, Dongfang Yu's strength, is not this Executing Immortal Sword can resist. 再则,诛仙剑罗睺也是第一次布下,并不算特别的熟练,因此,突破到了超级赛亚人2的程度之后,东方玉的力量,已经不是这个诛仙剑阵能够抵挡住的了。 xiū xiū xiū...... 咻咻咻…… Radiant swords light, unceasing eruption from the Zhu Xian four swords, is only, these was stronger much the sword light, now actually including stopping the Dongfang Yu's footsteps could not achieve, was grasping God-Slayer Spear, Dongfang Yu easily the sword light that these shot, all broke. 一道道璀璨的剑光,从诛仙四剑上不断的爆发出来,只是,这些强得可怕的剑光,现在却连阻拦东方玉的脚步都做不到了,一手持着弑神枪,东方玉轻而易举的就将这些射过来的剑光,全都震碎了。 Originally, so long as enters strength to be stronger than lineup, even if the strong level, can cope with these sword light easily, this feeling was a little actually similar to magic incantation ability. “原来,只要入阵者的实力比布阵者更强,就算是强一个层次,都能够轻易的对付这些剑光啊,这感觉倒是有点类似于定心咒能力了”。 Crushed dozens sword light easily, Dongfang Yu regarding this Executing Immortal Sword prestige energy, there is a more profound understanding. 轻而易举的击碎了数十道剑光,东方玉对于这诛仙剑阵的威能,也有了一个更加深刻的了解。 Naturally, mainly broke through the Super Saiyan 2 degrees, the scope of Dongfang Yu strength promotion was too big will have such discovery. 当然,主要还是突破了超级赛亚人2的程度,东方玉实力提升的幅度太大了才会有这样的发现。 Good, good fierce......”, saw that Dongfang Yu now completely not the appearance that a Executing Immortal Sword prestige can pay attention, at this moment, all people stare dumbfounded. “好,好厉害……”,眼看着东方玉现在完全不把诛仙剑阵的威能放在眼里的样子,这一刻,所有的人都瞠目结舌。 Deep looked at Dongfang Yu one, all people have to acknowledge that present Dongfang Yu, strength indeed was powerful to has surpassed thinking of all people. 深深的看了东方玉一眼,所有的人都不得不承认现在的东方玉,实力的确是已经强大到了超出所有人的想想了。 Mr. Dongfang Yu......”, Nuwa both eyes, extraordinary splendor flow of tears looks at Dongfang Yu, strength that at this moment Dongfang Yu shows, deep attraction her vision. 东方玉先生……”,女娲双眼,异彩涟涟的看着东方玉,这一刻东方玉所展现出来的力量,深深的吸引了她的目光。 Good, good, Dongfang/East(ern) Elder Brother Yu, I knew......”, looks at Dongfang Yu present strength, even if were Executing Immortal Sword is also hard to injure to other party to become Shenme, the appearance that Houtu (Mother Earth) wept, a big stone also relaxed at heart. “太好了,太好了,东方玉哥哥,我就知道……”,看着东方玉现在的力量,就算是诛仙剑阵也难以对他造成什么伤害了,后土喜极而泣的模样,心里头一块大石头也放松了下来了。 strength only then what's the matter? It seems like that the Executing Immortal Sword most powerful place also can only cope with strength not to be higher than the oneself goal, no wonder only then in the hand of sage, this Executing Immortal Sword can have the big prestige!”. 力量就只有怎么回事吗?看来,诛仙剑阵最强大的地方也只能对付力量不高于自己的目标啊,难怪只有在圣人的手里,这诛仙剑阵才能拥有偌大的威名!”。 God-Slayer Spear in Dongfang Yu hand, broke several sword light after easily, arrived at the Executing Immortal Sword most core position directly, the callous vision also falls on Rāhu of this eye place. 东方玉手中的弑神枪,轻易的震碎了十几道剑光之后,直接来到了诛仙剑阵的最核心位置,冷酷的目光也落在这阵眼处的罗睺身上。 The corners of the mouth raise slightly, Dongfang Yu brings back a callous incomparable smile, said: Rāhu, you may once think that now how oneself has can die?”. 嘴角微微一扬,东方玉勾起一个冷酷无比的微笑,道:“罗睺,现在你可曾想好了自己要怎么死吗?”。 You, you......”, in the Rāhu look have look with amazement to stare at Dongfang Yu. “你,你……”,罗睺的眼神中带着骇然的神色盯着东方玉 This Super Saiyan 2 shapes, more than 280,000 have the energy values, Aura that on Dongfang Yu sends out, making Rāhu feel that heavy, looks like a mountain presses in the oneself heart. 超级赛亚人2的形态,280000有余的能量值,东方玉身上所散发出来的气息,让罗睺感觉到沉甸甸的,就像是一座大山压在自己心头上似的。 Feels Dongfang Yu Aura, Rāhu then understands that his strength has surmounted oneself now, compared with oneself powerful. 感受到东方玉身上的气息,罗睺便明白,他的力量现在已经超越了自己,比自己更加强大了。 Since you are speechless, then, dies......”. “既然你无话可说的话,那么,就去死吧……”。 The meaning of rubbish, Dongfang Yu raises God-Slayer Spear in hand, berserk incomparable strength pours into, at once, a God-Slayer Spear point in hand, changes to together the radiant flowing light, straight makes a long-range raid toward Rāhu. 没有废话的意思,东方玉扬起手中的弑神枪,狂暴无比的力量灌注到其中,旋即,手中的弑神枪一点,化作一道璀璨的流光,直直的朝着罗睺奔袭过来。
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