PE :: Volume #35

#1760: Super Saiyan 2

Aura, sends out from Dongfang Yu's, unceasing enhancement. 气息,从东方玉的身上散发出来,不断的增强。 Dongfang Yu is bending down the body slightly lowly, the arrogance winding of gold(en) on Dongfang Yu's, is getting more and more intense, fearful Aura, looked like aggravated the situation the eruption, became more and more berserk. 东方玉微微低伏着身子,金色的气焰缠绕在东方玉的身上,越来越强烈,可怕的气息,就像是火上浇油似的爆发了出来,变得越来越狂暴 The nature, all people can feel Dongfang Yu strength in the unceasing enhancement. 自然,所有的人都能感觉到东方玉身上的力量在不断的增强。 Promotes oneself strength with Karmic Virtue, how many can this promote?”, Looks at the Dongfang Yu's movement, the brow of Ancestor of the Great Balance raises slightly, thinks regarding the Dongfang Yu's action somewhat strangely. “用功德来提升自己实力,这能提升多少吗?”,看着东方玉的动作,鸿钧老祖的眉头微微一扬,对于东方玉的举动觉得有些奇怪。 Karmic Virtue although can promote strength, however looks like in Hongjun, wants to promote to the present to break a Executing Immortal Sword degree sufficiently is completely impossible, but, why can Dongfang Yu also do this? 功德虽然可以提升实力,但是在鸿钧看来,想要提升到现在足以打破诛仙剑阵的程度是完全不可能的,但是,东方玉为什么还要这样做呢? However, in the although heart thinks puzzled regarding the Dongfang Yu's behavior, but Hongjun very trusts Dongfang Yu, saw that Dongfang Yu as if must have any big movement appearance, Hongjun figure moves, arrived at side Dongfang Yu's directly. 不过,虽然心中对于东方玉的行为觉得不解,但是鸿钧对于东方玉还是挺信任的,眼看着东方玉似乎要有什么大动作的样子了,鸿钧身形一动,直接来到了东方玉的身旁。 World yellow and black Linglongta opens, shows the strongest defense shape, comes sword light that is Dongfang Yu resists these to cut. 天地玄黄玲珑塔张开,展现出最强的防御形态,来为东方玉抵挡这些切割过来的剑光。 bastard, what movement this can Dongfang Yu have?”, Hides Rāhu in Executing Immortal Sword, looks at the Dongfang Yu's appearance, in the heart also thought that was somewhat restless. 混账,这东方玉又要有什么动作吗?”,隐藏于诛仙剑阵之中的罗睺,看着东方玉的模样,心中也觉得有些不安了。 although only remaining Dongfang Yu and Hongjun two people, looked like in Rāhu, Dongfang Yu they want to break Executing Immortal Sword again are almost the impossible matters, was, regarding the Dongfang Yu mysterious method, this made Rāhu think as before very restless. 虽然只剩下东方玉鸿钧两个人了,在罗睺看来,东方玉他们再想打破诛仙剑阵几乎是不可能的事情,可是,对于东方玉许多神奇的手段,这依旧让罗睺觉得很不安。 But unfortunately, even if so, Rāhu absolutely does not have the means to stop Dongfang Yu, matter that he can handle now only then, that maintains a Executing Immortal Sword revolution, is unable to divert attention he to attend. 但可惜的是,就算如此,罗睺也完全没有办法去阻拦东方玉,他现在能做的事情只有一点,那就是维持诛仙剑阵的运转,无法分心他顾。 But most makes Rāhu think what is helpless is Executing Immortal Sword these sword light is the disorder, in other words, was Rāhu oneself cannot control. 而最让罗睺觉得无奈的是诛仙剑阵的那些剑光是无序的,换而言之,也是罗睺自己都控制不了的。 Ancestor of the Great Balance stands side Dongfang Yu's, is guard Dongfang Yu, wins some time. 鸿钧老祖站在东方玉的身旁,为东方玉护卫,争取一些时间。 Was good is Rāhu cannot control because of a Executing Immortal Sword attack, otherwise, myriad sword light simultaneously pressed, Dongfang Yu and Hongjun could not block. 好在诛仙剑阵的攻击是罗睺控制不了的,否则的话,万千道剑光齐齐压下来,东方玉鸿钧都挡不住。 dōng dōng dōng...... 咚咚咚…… Ancestor of the Great Balance strength, all pours into world yellow and black Linglongta, haunches the strongest defense shape, resists sword light, these sword light fall on the pagoda, surged intermittent fearful ripples. 鸿钧老祖力量,全都灌注在天地玄黄玲珑塔之中,撑起最强的防御形态,来抵挡一道道剑光,这些剑光落在宝塔上面,激荡起了一阵阵可怕的涟漪。 Looked that the Ancestor of the Great Balance complexion is getting more and more pale, what can know is his consumption very big, but, actually clenches teeth to insist, can only cry out in the heart, what method hurrying making Dongfang Yu have to cause. 鸿钧老祖的脸色越来越苍白,可以知道的是他的消耗非常的大,但是,却咬牙坚持着,只能在心中呐喊着,让东方玉有什么样的手段赶紧使出来。 Nuwa that Mr. Dongfang Yu......”, beyond Executing Immortal Sword, is attacking unceasingly they, look at the situation in sword, similarly is anxious. 东方玉先生……”,诛仙剑阵之外,正在不断进攻的女娲他们,看着剑阵之中的情况,一个个同样是紧张不已。 Looks at the Dongfang Yu's appearance, does not know that actually he has what method to change the course of events, but, they can also look, Hongjun must haunch the defense of world yellow and black Linglongta to protect two people, how long is hard to insist. 东方玉的模样,也不知道他究竟有什么样的手段可以扭转乾坤,但是,他们也看得出来,鸿钧要撑起天地玄黄玲珑塔的防御保护两个人,难以坚持多久的。 Dongfang Yu, you, does don't tell me have strength that what hides not to take?”, Di Jiang (River Emperor) and the others, similarly disturbed and anxious looks at that side Dongfang Yu, saw that Dongfang Yu continually is promoting the oneself strength appearance, the innermost feelings to mutter secretly thought. 东方玉,你,难道还有什么隐藏的力量没拿出来吗?”,帝江等人,同样忐忑和紧张的看着东方玉那边,眼看着东方玉正在不断提升自己力量的模样,内心喃喃暗道 Meanwhile they also thought somewhat to shock, fight this degree, is it possible that did Dongfang Yu have strength that other have not taken? 同时他们也觉得有些震撼,战斗到了这个程度,莫非东方玉还有其他没有拿出来的力量吗? Mr. Dongfang Yu, this, his does don't tell me have the method of broken bureau?”, Other dragon race of these surviving, look at the Dongfang Yu's appearance, in innermost feelings also in secretly is Dongfang Yu refuels. 东方玉先生,这,他难道还有破局的手段吗?”,其他那些残存的龙族们,看着东方玉的模样,一个个内心中也在暗自为东方玉加油。 No matter how, friendship between Dongfang Yu and dragon race, they from the matter between Dongfang Yu and Ancestral Dragon looked came out, said again, Ancestral Dragon died in the Rāhu hand, if Dongfang Yu can kill Rāhu, what was also in disguised form was Ancestral Dragon revenges. 不管如何,东方玉龙族之间的情义,他们从东方玉祖龙之间的事情就看得出来了,再说了,祖龙是死在罗睺手中的,东方玉如果真的能够杀了罗睺的话,也算是变相的为祖龙报仇了。 At this moment, all vision centralized on Dongfang Yu's. 这一刻,所有的目光都集中在东方玉的身上。 The original Dongfang Yu four people were stranded in Executing Immortal Sword cannot break that sword, after Yang Meilao ancestor and Ancestor of the Universe died in battle successively, everybody thought that Dongfang Yu and Ancestor of the Great Balance must die without doubt, but now, looks at the Dongfang Yu's action, in the hearts of all people thought that held straw to grasp. 本来东方玉四个人被困在诛仙剑阵当中都打破不了那个剑阵,随着杨眉老祖和乾坤老祖先后阵亡了之后,大家觉得东方玉鸿钧老祖更是必死无疑了,可现在,看着东方玉的举动,所有人的心中又觉得抓住了一根救命稻草似的。 Not to mention at this time, other people are what idea, Dongfang Yu at this time all thoughts condensed a point, that breaks through, breaks through to the Super Saiyan 2 boundaries. 且不说这个时候,其他人都是什么样的想法,东方玉这个时候所有的心思都凝聚成了一个点,那就是突破,突破到超级赛亚人2的境界。 Only by doing so, perhaps oneself can win a slim chance of survival . Moreover, puts out oneself all Karmic Virtue to come out to promote oneself strength, helping oneself break through, Dongfang Yu was also crosses the rubicon. 也只有这样,自己或许才能争得一线生机,而且,拿出自己所有的功德出来提升自己力量,帮助自己突破,东方玉也算是破釜沉舟了。 Can break through, this relational entire Great Desolate Continent all living things, relate to the later entire Great Desolate Continent trend, naturally, main also related to own matter of life and death. 能否突破,这关系整个洪荒大陆的芸芸众生,关系到以后整个洪荒大陆的走势,当然,最主要的也关系到自身的生死问题了。 Regarding Dongfang Yu, this breakthrough, oneself only permits successfully, cannot be defeated. 对于东方玉而言,这次的突破,自己只许成功,不许失败。 As Karmic Virtue enters the body , to promote own cultivation base, in the middle of Energy Tester, continually is also promoting about the Dongfang Yu's energy value. 随着功德入体,来提升自身的修为,能量测试仪当中,关于东方玉的能量值也在不断的提升着。 Naturally, the Dongfang Yu complete mind of here time placed above own breakthrough, therefore, even if the promotion of energy value at present, simply did not have the thoughts to look. 当然,这儿时候的东方玉全部心神都放在自身的突破上面了,因此,就算是眼前能量值的提升,也根本没有心思去看了。 201850 ... 208600 ... 213200...... 201850…208600…213200…… Aura, in the unceasing enhancement, Dongfang Yu can feel, the leaf that shutting tightly, oneself extended touches this front door the hand, a firm imprisonment, started to present the fissure, thing that oneself wants to obtain, as if the tentacle may and...... 气息,在不断的增强,东方玉能够感觉到,一座紧闭的门扉,自己已经伸出触摸到这座大门的把手了,一个坚固的禁锢,已经开始出现了裂痕了,自己想要得到的东西,也仿佛触手可及了…… This leaf, Dongfang Yu reluctantly has also shoved open a crack, firm imprisonment, presented several fissures, the effort how whatever Dongfang Yu continues again, this leaf does not have the means to shove open completely, to Dongfang Yu how impact, does not have the means to clash completely this imprisonment...... 只是,这一座门扉,东方玉也只是勉强的推开了一条裂缝罢了,坚固的禁锢,也只是出现了几道裂痕而已,任凭东方玉再如何继续的努力,这座门扉都没有办法完全推开,任凭东方玉如何的冲击,也都没有办法将这个禁锢完全冲开…… Dongfang Yu understands that was drawing support from Karmic Virtue strength, oneself already successful touching the Super Saiyan 2 boundaries, but, how should completed this breakthrough, Dongfang Yu actually cannot achieve, has more desire than energy. 东方玉明白,借助着功德力量,自己已经成功的触摸到了超级赛亚人2的界限了,可是,该如何的完成这个突破,东方玉却做不到,心有余而力不足。 Hateful, was poor, almost selected......”. “可恶,就差一点了,就差一点点了啊……”。 Dongfang Yu, transferred oneself all Essence, Qi and Spirit, started the impact toward the Super Saiyan 2 boundaries, however, to Dongfang Yu how effort, actually throughout poor, on difference a little tentacle may and distance, but, absolutely does not have the means. 东方玉,调动了自己所有的精气神,朝着超级赛亚人2的境界发动了冲击,然而,任凭东方玉如何的努力,却始终都差一点,就差这么一点触手可及的距离,但是,却又完全没有办法。 Dongfang Yu, you have any ability to hurry to try, I soon could not support!”, At this time, stood in Dongfang Yu Ancestor of the Great Balance, mouth loud yelling, in his front, that defended the supreme treasure world yellow and black Linglongta proliferates the sword mark, looked that the appearance received very big damage. 东方玉,你有什么能力就赶紧试出来啊,我快要支撑不住了!”,这个时候,站在东方玉身旁的鸿钧老祖,嘴里大声的喊叫到,在他的面前,那防御至宝的天地玄黄玲珑塔已经是遍布剑痕了,看模样已经受到了很大的损伤。 Ancestor of the Great Balance, is the face whiten, the surface like the spirit money, the body presented several sword marks, the blood crossflow, this is the sword light that sometimes world yellow and black Linglongta cannot block, Hongjun with the trace that oneself body resists to leave. 就连鸿钧老祖,也是脸色苍白,面如金纸,身上更出现了好几道剑痕,鲜血横流,这是有的时候天地玄黄玲珑塔挡不住的剑光,鸿钧自己身体去抵挡留下来的痕迹。 Mr. Dongfang Yu, hurry up!”. 东方玉先生,快点啊!”。 At this time, all people, including Nuwa, the line of sight also all fell on Dongfang Yu's, both hands closely have pinched, was nervous, even in the control was creamy sweat. 这个时候,所有的人,包括女娲在内,视线也全都落在东方玉的身上,双手紧紧的捏了起来,神色紧张,甚至手心里都是一片滑腻的汗水。 Dongfang/East(ern) Elder Brother Yu!”, Houtu (Mother Earth) and the others, erupted incomparable strength to attack Executing Immortal Sword, was expecting can Dongfang Yu create, even if tiny bit help, but, their attacks, were actually doomed not to have too many functions. 东方玉哥哥!”,后土等人,更是爆发出了无比的力量去攻击诛仙剑阵,奢望着能够给东方玉造成哪怕一丝一毫的帮助,但是,他们的攻击,却是注定了不会有太多的作用的。 Ended......”. “完了……”。 Was being anticipated by all people Dongfang Yu, Aura actually suddenly reduced, even, could not maintain including the Super Saiyan shape, single Xi kneed down, in the heart was also a despair. 只是,被所有的人都期待着的东方玉,身上的气息却是突然间降低了下来,甚至,连超级赛亚人的形态都维持不了,单膝跪倒在地,心中也是一片绝望。 The impact Super Saiyan 2 boundaries diligently were so long, Dongfang Yu can say that has consumed the complete mind and energy, but, actually throughout missed was in front of the goal a foot, under this aspect, the oneself breakthrough failed, this let in the Dongfang Yu heart despair secretly. 努力的冲击超级赛亚人2的境界这么久了,东方玉可以说耗费了全部的心神和精力,可是,却始终差了那么临门一脚,这个局面下,自己突破失败了,这让东方玉心中暗自的绝望。 Really? The oneself natural talent compares to Kakarrot, and even Son Gohan these people have missed one section, wants to break through the Super Saiyan 2 boundaries, even if gene shackle takes the amplification, has Karmic Virtue as auxiliary, is actually hard to be successful? 果然吗?自己的天资比起卡卡罗特,乃至孙悟饭这些人都差了一截,想要突破超级赛亚人2的境界,就算是基因锁作为增幅,有功德作为辅助,却也难以成功吗? Dongfang/East(ern) Elder Brother Yu......”, looks that Dongfang Yu could not maintain including the Super Saiyan shape, single Xi kneed down the appearance, in the Houtu (Mother Earth) eye, clear tears cannot help but reappeared. 东方玉哥哥……”,看着东方玉超级赛亚人的形态都维持不了,单膝跪倒在地的模样,后土的眼中,一片晶莹的泪光不由得浮现了出来。 What meaning Dongfang Yu this appearance represents, Houtu (Mother Earth) naturally is understanding. 东方玉这副模样代表着什么样意思,后土自然是明白的。 Finished?”, Side similarly is Hongjun of spent force, looks at this moment Dongfang Yu's appearance, the heart also sinks. “结束了吗?”,旁边同样是强弩之末的鸿钧,看着此刻东方玉的模样,心头也是一沉。 The Dongfang Yu's breakthrough failed, despaired, Houtu (Mother Earth), Nuwa, Di Jiang (River Emperor), dragon race, Hongjun also has this moment is paying attention to the Dongfang Yu's person, understands that Dongfang Yu failed. 东方玉的突破失败了,也绝望了,后土,女娲,帝江,龙族,鸿钧还有此刻所有关注着东方玉的人,都明白东方玉失败了。 Suddenly, a desperate mood, fills the air in the world. 一时间,一股绝望的情绪,在天地之间弥漫开来。 Hey, I also think that has any ability, originally blustered......”. “嘿嘿嘿,我还以为有什么能耐呢,原来只是虚张声势而已啊……”。 Only then hides in Executing Immortal Sword, unceasing maintained sword operation Rāhu, in the heart a big stone has been putting, said with a smile secretly. 只有躲藏在诛仙剑阵之中,不断的维持着剑阵运行的罗睺,心中一块大石头放了下来,暗自笑道。 Traces forehead, Rāhu discovered when originally does not know, above oneself forehead, really has dense and numerous beads of sweat. 摸了摸额头,罗睺发现原来不知何时,自己额头之上,竟然有一层密密麻麻的汗珠。 Buzz! 嗡! Feels relieved in Rāhu, Dongfang Yu and the others a piece desperate and deathly stillness time, suddenly, Void split an opening. 只是,就在罗睺放心下来,东方玉等人一片绝望和死寂的时候,突然,虚空裂开了一道口子。 Meanwhile, one big rolled the gold(en) ray to appear, penetrated Executing Immortal Sword directly, fell on Dongfang Yu's, the warm ray, making people think very comfortable. 与此同时,一大团金色的光芒出现了,直接穿透了诛仙剑阵,落到了东方玉的身上,暖洋洋的光芒,让人觉得非常的舒服。 This is!”, Dongfang Yu stretches out the palm of oneself, looks the gold(en) ray that gathers at present, will Dongfang Yu admit mistakes? This was one group of Karmic Virtue, moreover discusses a time Karmic Virtue that the same day and Hongjun obtained were more. “这是!”,东方玉伸出自己的手掌来,看着眼前汇聚起来的金色光芒,东方玉怎会认错?这又是一团功德了,而且是比当日与鸿钧论道的时候获得的功德更多。 This lets in the Dongfang Yu heart the surprise, how suddenly to have given for no reason oneself Karmic Virtue? don't tell me? Is Heavenly Dao also wants to assist oneself to break through? 这让东方玉心中诧异,无端端的,怎么又突然给了自己一份功德了?难道?是天道也想相助自己突破吗? It is not right! 不对! Quick, Dongfang Yu responded, was not this. 很快,东方玉反应过来了,不是这样的。 This group of Karmic Virtue are oneself earns, this was just oneself rescued Nuwa from the hand of Rāhu, Heavenly Dao has given oneself Karmic Virtue! 这一团功德自己应得的,这是刚刚自己罗睺的手中救下了女娲,天道自己功德
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