PE :: Volume #35

#1759: Promotes strength by Karmic Virtue

In Legend Executing Immortal Sword, under a sage cloth, needs four sages to collaborate to break, concept that the powerhouse who in other words, under the cloth a Executing Immortal Sword person, almost needs four same ranks can break through the enemy lines. 传说诛仙剑阵,一位圣人布下,需要四位圣人联手才能够打破,也就是说,布下诛仙剑阵的人,差不多需要四位同等级的强者才能破阵的概念。 Although did not say person strength that breaks through the enemy lines must be just the same as lineup, but can actually 't differ too? 虽不说破阵的人实力要和布阵者一模一样,但是却不能相差太多吧? But the Rāhu energy value has surpassed 2 50,000 critical junctions, pursues Rāhu besides the Hongjun energy value, Dongfang Yu, Ancestor of the Universe and Yang Meilao ancestor three people were worse than Rāhu a level, even Yang Meilao ancestor is also having the serious injury. 可是罗睺能量值超过了25万大关,除了鸿钧能量值直追罗睺之外,东方玉乾坤老祖和杨眉老祖三人都比罗睺差了一个层次,甚至杨眉老祖还带着严重的伤势。 Therefore, even if four people collaborate, want to defeat this Executing Immortal Sword, but also has missed some durations and degrees of cooking. 因此,就算四人联手,想要击破这诛仙剑阵,还差了一些火候。 Good powerful sword, our four people collaborate unable to break unexpectedly, looks to twist, Executing Immortal Sword that then restores, the Ancestor of the Universe complexion was having appearance with amazement, muttered said. “好强大的剑阵,我们四人联手居然都打不破”,看着扭曲了一些,然后又跟着恢复过来的诛仙剑阵,乾坤老祖的脸色带着骇然的模样,喃喃说道。 oneself four are immediately the top powerhouses, but collaborates not to hit Rāhu unexpectedly? This makes people think that really heart was startled. 自己四个都是当下顶尖的强者啊,可是联手居然打不过罗睺?这真的让人觉得心惊了。 What sword is that? Such fearful, unexpectedly can be stranded such several powerhouses in sword?”, Don't said that was stranded in Executing Immortal Sword inside Dongfang Yu and the others, even if the powerhouse who outside sword survives, looks at this, cannot bear surprised start to talk. “那是什么剑阵?这么可怕,居然能把那么几位强者都困在剑阵当中?”,莫说是被困在诛仙剑阵里面的东方玉等人了,就算是剑阵外面残存的强者,看着这一幕,都忍不住惊讶的开口 Dongfang Yu......”, looks is surrounded Dongfang Yu in Executing Immortal Sword, on the face of Houtu (Mother Earth) has the look that is worrying about. 东方玉……”,看着被包围在诛仙剑阵当中的东方玉,后土的脸上带着担忧的神色。 Silent a moment later, stretched out the palm of oneself, the gold(en) phoenix flame burns in the palm of Houtu (Mother Earth). 沉默了片刻之后,跟着伸出自己的手掌,金色的凤炎在后土的手掌中燃烧起来。 180,000 years passed by, that phoenix of Houtu (Mother Earth) within the body seal became very strong, but similarly, as Jinchūriki of phoenix, Houtu (Mother Earth) can also control the phoenix flame completely strength. 180000年过去了,后土体内封印的那只凤凰已经变得很强了,但是同样的,作为凤凰的人柱力,后土也已经能够完全的操控凤炎的力量了。 Burnt the gold(en) phoenix flame, at once, Houtu (Mother Earth) lost the phoenix flame in oneself hand directly, pounded toward Executing Immortal Sword, obviously wanted to give some long-distance attack support from Executing Immortal Sword outside. 燃烧起了金色的凤炎,旋即,后土直接将自己手中的凤炎丢了出去,朝着诛仙剑阵砸过去,显然是想要从诛仙剑阵的外面给一些远程的攻击支援。 When the Houtu (Mother Earth) phoenix flame arrives around Executing Immortal Sword, the sword light of emerging out of thin air, instantaneously these phoenix inflammations chops crushes, changes to a star light dissipation in airborne. 只是,当后土的凤炎来到诛仙剑阵附近的时候,凭空出现的剑光,瞬间将这些凤炎劈得粉碎,化作星光点点消散于空中。 Very obviously, Executing Immortal Sword wants to break from outside, is not that easy matter. 很显然,诛仙剑阵想要从外面打破,也不是那么容易的事情。 Really unusual powerful, sword, can be all stranded them in unexpectedly, even, can put to death them completely......”. “果然非常的强大啊,一个剑阵,居然可以把他们全都困在其中,甚至,能将他们全部诛杀了……”。 To be honest, even if Rāhu oneself, is first time displays to end the full page Executing Immortal Sword, saw that Dongfang Yu four were all stranded in sword cannot come out, even started the injured situation to appear, in the heart of Rāhu also thought to be startled, although he already knew Executing Immortal Sword powerful, may actually didn't expect be able powerful to present. 说实话,即便是罗睺自己,也是第一次施展出完整版的诛仙剑阵,眼看着东方玉四个全都被困在剑阵之中出不来,甚至一个个开始受伤的情况出现了,罗睺的心中也觉得吃惊,虽然他早就知道诛仙剑阵的强大了,可却没想到强大至斯。 Buzz humming sound...... 嗡嗡嗡…… The Zhu Xian four swords, hang in midair, the radiant and sharp sword light, the gathering, at once, the sword light flashes through once again radiantly, in this sword Jinnouchi changes to the disorder able to move unhindered, the fearful sword light gives people a feeling of destroying the hardest defenses. 诛仙四剑,悬于半空,璀璨而锋锐的剑光,再度汇聚,旋即,剑光璀璨闪过,在这剑阵之内化作无序的纵横,可怕的剑光给人一种无坚不摧的感觉。 Fearful Aura, lets sword Jinnouchi's people once again crazy fending, bone-chilling cold sword light absolutely do not have any order to say, therefore, to the middle of the sword person, unusual danger. 可怕的气息,让剑阵之内的众人再度疯狂的闪避,一道道凛冽的剑光完全没有任何的秩序可言,因此,相对于剑阵当中的人而言,非常的危险。 In the hand of Ancestor of the Great Balance has a world yellow and black Linglongta, defensive power unusual formidable, although is impossible to make him stand in Executing Immortal Sword perfectly, may occasionally resist several sword light not to have the issue. 鸿钧老祖的手中有一尊天地玄黄玲珑塔,防御力非常的强悍,虽然不可能让他完好无损的站在诛仙剑阵当中,可偶尔抵挡几次剑光还是没有问题的。 In the hand of Ancestor of the Universe has, above portrays a mysterious and profound Primal Chaos Chart case, from power and influence, was topest innate supreme treasure, occasionally can also resist several wisps of Executing Immortal Sword rays. 乾坤老祖的手中有一张古图,上面刻画着一个玄奥而深邃的太极图案,从威势上来看,也是最顶尖的先天至宝了,偶尔也能抵挡几缕诛仙剑阵的光芒。 In the Dongfang Yu hand does not have no powerful defense treasure, can only with every effort by the God-Slayer Spear point to the sword light that these cut, what making Dongfang Yu love dearly, are too many along with God-Slayer Spear and sword light contact, on the lance point started to present a sword mark continuously. 东方玉手中并没有什么强大的防御宝物,只能尽力的以弑神枪点向这些切割过来的剑光,让东方玉心疼的是,随着弑神枪与剑光接触太多,枪尖上已经开始出现一缕缕的剑痕了。 Is innate supreme treasure God-Slayer Spear, unexpectedly also slowly is damaged under the Executing Immortal Sword sword light. 身为先天至宝弑神枪,居然也慢慢的在诛仙剑阵的剑光下受损。 Only then Yang Meilao ancestor looks like most pitiful, although looks like from energy value, not compared with Dongfang Yu and Ancestor of the Universe difference, but unfortunately in his hand does not have what innate supreme treasure, therefore, is most distressed in Executing Immortal Sword. 只有杨眉老祖看起来最可怜,虽然能量值方面看来,并不比东方玉乾坤老祖差,但可惜的是他手中并没有什么先天至宝,因此,在诛仙剑阵当中最狼狈。 Along with three waves of sword light, Yang Meilao ancestor hand pair of Lei chui in changes to the smashing, oneself also dodges, body was cut to pieces by that Executing Immortal Sword sword light. 随着三波剑光过后,杨眉老祖手中的一对雷公锤化作粉碎,自身也闪躲不及,身体被那诛仙剑阵的剑光切碎了。 Looks that Yang Meilao ancestor's body had been torn into shreds by the sword light, the Dongfang Yu's complexion very becomes very ugly. 看着杨眉老祖的身子被剑光撕碎了,东方玉的脸色很变得很难看。 After Yang Meilao ancestor died, lineup strength, but once again dropped a level, wanted to break this Executing Immortal Sword more difficult again. 杨眉老祖死了之后,己方阵容的实力,可就再度下降了一个层次啊,再想要打破这诛仙剑阵就更加困难了。 But unfortunately, under this Executing Immortal Sword, the Dongfang Yu four people protected oneself difficultly, let alone helps others, therefore , can only look helplessly Yang Meilao ancestor had been killed by Executing Immortal Sword, no one had ability to begin the help. 但可惜的是,在这诛仙剑阵之下,东方玉四人自保都困难,更别说去帮助别人了,因此,也只能眼睁睁的看着杨眉老祖被诛仙剑阵杀了,却谁都没有能力上手帮忙。 Moreover, Yang Meilao ancestor bitter experience also side had proven a person strength, indeed cannot look at the energy value purely. 另外,杨眉老祖的遭遇也侧面的证明了一个人实力,的确不能单纯的看能量值。 From the situation of energy value, Dongfang Yu, Yang Meilao ancestor and Ancestor of the Universe energy value is similar, but in the Dongfang Yu's hand has God-Slayer Spear, in the hand of Ancestor of the Universe has Primal Chaos Chart, can therefore resist the moment, but Yang Meilao ancestor was actually killed, can see a powerful magical treasure importance sufficiently. 能量值的情况来说,东方玉,杨眉老祖和乾坤老祖能量值是差不多的,可东方玉的手中有弑神枪,乾坤老祖的手上有太极图,因此都能抵挡片刻,而杨眉老祖却被杀了,足以看得出一件强大法宝的重要性。 Everybody begins to have a look together!”. “大家一起动手看看啊!”。 Saw the Yang Mei old ancestors in Executing Immortal Sword to be put to death, Houtu (Mother Earth) was worried that the Dongfang Yu's safety, mouth start to talk called out, summoned other Ancestor Witch, other expert that in the dragon race camp survived helped. 眼看着诛仙剑阵内的杨眉老祖都被诛杀了,后土更加担心东方玉的安危了,嘴里开口叫道,号召其他的祖巫,还是龙族阵营内残存的其他高手来帮忙。 As the Houtu (Mother Earth) words fall, nearby Di Jiang (River Emperor) and the others naturally being duty-bound not to turn back came, fully realizes that Executing Immortal Sword fierce, therefore they do not dare to approach that Executing Immortal Sword, can only the distant emanation attack. 随着后土的话落,旁边的帝江等人自然是义无反顾的过来了,深知那诛仙剑阵的厉害,所以他们也不敢靠近那诛仙剑阵,只能远远的发出攻击。 As for other powerhouses who the dragon race camp survives? After look at each other in dismay, surviving dragon race worries about the Dongfang Yu's friendship actually, similarly came, but these attach in the powerhouses of dragon race subordinates, wants take action help few of actually. 至于龙族阵营残存的其他强者们?面面相觑一番之后,残存的龙族倒是顾念东方玉的情义,同样过来了,但是那些依附于龙族麾下的强者们,愿意出手帮忙的却寥寥无几。 As dragon race falls to this paddies, the powerhouses of other camps, has not attached to dragon race again but exist(ence) necessity. 随着龙族落到这步田地,其他阵营的强者们,也没有再依附龙族存在的必要了。 hōng hōng hōng...... 轰轰轰…… No matter how, over a hundred powerhouse collectives have sent out the attack, all kinds of magecraft and divine ability, continuous pounds toward that Executing Immortal Sword, splashed brilliant effects. 不管如何,还是有上百个强者集体发出了攻击的,各种各样的术法神通,接连不断的朝着那诛仙剑阵砸过去,溅起了一个个绚烂的效果。 However, Executing Immortal Sword actually stands one's ground steadfastly, whatever these magecraft and divine ability attack, does not have the slight effect, even gives Executing Immortal Sword to make some influences unable to achieve continually, this Executing Immortal Sword fearfulness, making people feel deep shock. 然而,诛仙剑阵却岿然不动,任由这些术法神通来攻击,没有丝毫的效果,甚至连给诛仙剑阵作出一些影响都做不到,这诛仙剑阵的可怕,让人感到深深的震撼。 The sword light able to move unhindered as before, the sharp point, as before is the feeling of destroying the hardest defenses, the figure hideaway of Rāhu in secret, the meaning of as before again not having presented that is this Executing Immortal Sword, actually sufficiently put to death in sword all people. 剑光纵横依旧,锐利的锋芒,依旧是无坚不摧的感觉,罗睺身形隐藏于暗中,依旧没有再出现的意思,可是这诛仙剑阵,却足以诛杀剑阵中所有的人了。 With the lapse of time, sword Dongfang Yu and the others , the consumption was also getting bigger and bigger, nerve tight deals with all disorderly Sword Qi, this feeling, making the spiritual consumption of person also very big. 随着时间的推移,剑阵内的东方玉等人,消耗也越来越大了,神经紧绷的应对所有无序的剑气,这种感觉,让人的精神消耗也很大。 Naturally, with the lapse of time, Dongfang Yu and the others bodies, one after another had been injured by the sword light. 当然,随着时间的推移,东方玉等人的身上,陆陆续续的已经被剑光所伤了。 It looks like Dongfang Yu, although has dodged with every effort, resisted many sword light with God-Slayer Spear, but had many sword light not to be easy to hide as before, body somewhat has left behind several wounds. 就像是东方玉,虽然已经尽力的闪躲了,也用弑神枪抵挡住了许多的剑光,可是依旧有许多的剑光不是那么容易躲过去的,身上多多少少的已经留下了十几道伤口了。 Under the fierce movement, the blood overflows, was almost incarnadine Dongfang Yu's body, looks distressedly. 剧烈的运动下,鲜血溢出,几乎将东方玉的身体都染红了,看过去非常的狼狈。 Naturally, distressed, not only Dongfang Yu a person, Primal Chaos Chart although in Ancestor of the Universe hand defends ability to be very strong, but after is only a drawing, facing Executing Immortal Sword such kills, almost restrains Primal Chaos Chart, in these sharp sword light, on Primal Chaos Chart also appeared many thin fissure that if sending, this also looks at the universe old man to love dearly. 当然,狼狈的不只是东方玉一个人而已,乾坤老祖手中的太极图虽然防御能力很强,但毕竟只是一张图画而已,面对诛仙剑阵这样的杀器,几乎是克制太极图的,在这些锋锐的剑光中,太极图上面也出现了许多细若毫发的裂痕了,这也看得乾坤老者心疼不已。 But, in the front of life, so-called magical treasure does not give up, must take to use. 可是,在性命的面前,所谓的法宝就算是再不舍得,也要拿出来用。 Similarly, many sword light have also left behind the deep wound on the body of Ancestor of the Universe, even, half palm of Ancestor of the Universe was cut, the injury became more and more heavy. 同样的,许多的剑光也在乾坤老祖的身上留下了深深的伤口,甚至,乾坤老祖的半个手掌都被切下了,伤势变得越来越重了。 Situation was very troublesome......”. “情况很麻烦了……”。 Relatively speaking, in the middle of this Executing Immortal Sword Ancestor of the Great Balance, wanted with ease, but looks at Dongfang Yu their distressed appearances, looked again this Executing Immortal Sword absolutely did not have to the appearance that stopped revolving, in the heart of Ancestor of the Great Balance suddenly also somewhat be at wit's end slightly, was really this Executing Immortal Sword is strong too fearfully a point. 相对而言,这诛仙剑阵当中的鸿钧老祖,要轻松了一些,只是看着东方玉两人狼狈的样子,再看这诛仙剑阵完全没有丝毫要停止运转的模样,鸿钧老祖的心中一时间也有些无计可施,实在是这诛仙剑阵强得太可怕了一点。 Finally, is dozens sword light suddenly appears, changes to storms the appearance, takes away as many things as possible toward Ancestor of the Universe, Primal Chaos Chart under wreaking havoc of these sword light was separated, ray gloomy falling in place. 终于,又是数十道剑光突然出现,化作一片暴风的模样,朝着乾坤老祖席卷而去,在这些剑光的肆虐下太极图被割裂开来,光芒暗淡的掉落在地。 The other sword light, have torn Ancestor of the Universe guard divine ability instantaneously, has left behind 45 fearful wounds on him, even opens up the stomach him, cuts off around the middle, in the pitiful yell sound, Ancestor of the Universe falls down, looked that the appearance was not soon good. 余下的剑光,瞬间撕裂了乾坤老祖的护身神通,在他身上留下了45道可怕的伤口,甚至将他开膛破肚,拦腰斩断,惨叫声中,乾坤老祖倒在地上,看模样已经快要不行了。 „It is not good! The words that Yang Meilao ancestor and Ancestor of the Universe body falls one after another, depend on me and Ancestor of the Great Balance two want to escape, was more difficult, what to do? What also means has?”. “不行了!杨眉老祖和乾坤老祖相继身陨的话,就凭我和鸿钧老祖两个想要逃脱出去,更难了,怎么办?还有什么办法?”。 Simultaneously is opening the Super Saiyan shape and gene shackle's condition, in the Dongfang Yu's heart mutters secretly thought, is seeking for the means of broken bureau. 同时开启着超级赛亚人的形态和基因锁的状态,东方玉的心中喃喃暗道,寻找着破局的办法。 Has hesitated a moment later, Dongfang Yu clenched teeth. 沉吟了片刻之后,东方玉咬了咬牙。 In front of absolute strength, any scheme and idea are pale and weak, in this Executing Immortal Sword, wants to run away, can only break this strategy to be good. 在绝对的实力面前,任何的计谋和想法都是苍白无力的,在这诛仙剑阵当中,想要逃出去,只能打破这个阵法才行。 Therefore, hopes only then, that breaks through own strength, becomes stronger. 所以,希望只有一个,那就是突破自身的实力,变得更强。 Breakthrough!”, Thinks that the breakthrough the matter, Dongfang Yu stretched out the palm of oneself, one group of shining rays appear in the Dongfang Yu's palm, Dongfang Yu gave Ancestral Dragon to decide in the world successively the first surname, initially and Hongjun discussed Karmic Virtue that a time obtained. “突破啊!”,想到突破的事情,东方玉伸出了自己的手掌,一团金灿灿的光芒出现在东方玉的掌心之中,正是东方玉先后给祖龙定了天地间第一个姓氏,还有当初和鸿钧论道时候获得的功德 Opens mouth, Dongfang Yu swallowed into the mouth this group of Karmic Virtue directly, used these Karmic Virtue, Dongfang Yu starts to promote oneself strength forcefully, launched the impact toward the Super Saiyan 2 degrees...... 张开嘴,东方玉直接将这一团功德吞入了嘴里,利用这一些功德,东方玉开始强行提升自己实力,朝着超级赛亚人2的程度发起冲击…… The energy value has been about 200,000 degrees, should oneself approach the Super Saiyan 2 boundaries? 能量值已经达到了200000左右的程度了,自己应该靠近超级赛亚人2的界限了吧?
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