PE :: Volume #35

#1758: By four enemies one

Do not come, here fight you cannot meddle......”. “你们别过来,这里的战斗你们插不上手……”。 Dongfang Yu grasps God-Slayer Spear in the hand, Super Saiyan and gene shackle's amplification, making the Dongfang Yu's energy value be 200,000 degrees, but, looks around Nuwa, Houtu (Mother Earth) and Di Jiang (River Emperor) they wanted the help unexpectedly, hurried start to talk said. 东方玉手持弑神枪在手,超级赛亚人基因锁的增幅,让东方玉的能量值达到了200000的程度,可是,看着旁边的女娲,后土帝江他们居然想要过来帮忙,急忙开口说道。 although ten two Ancestor Witch their strength are good, but the present fight has been 20 ten thousand energy value above scales, their strength also missed, almost continually meddles the help the qualifications not to have. 虽然十二祖巫他们的实力都不错,可是现在的战斗达到了20万能量值以上的档次,他们的实力还差了一些,几乎连插手帮忙的资格都没有了。 This looks like fights between two robust men, does child have the qualifications to join? 这就像是两个壮汉之间的搏斗,一个孩子有资格加入进去吗? Ancestor of the Great Balance, respectively gathered top treasure by world tower, yellow and black tower and Linglongta, but, grasped world yellow and black Linglongta such treasure, Ancestor of the Great Balance facing Rāhu time, the complexion was as before dignified. 鸿钧老祖这边,分别以天地塔、玄黄塔和玲珑塔汇聚成了顶尖的宝物,只是,手持天地玄黄玲珑塔这样的宝物,鸿钧老祖面对罗睺的时候,脸色依旧凝重。 Obviously, Ancestor of the Great Balance can very clear feeling on Rāhu contain fearful cultivation base, what is main, the sharpness of that Zhu Xian four swords, make Ancestor of the Great Balance feel that the heart is startled. 显然,鸿钧老祖能够很清晰的感受到罗睺身上所蕴含的可怕修为,更主要的是,那诛仙四剑的锋利,更让鸿钧老祖感觉到心惊。 Ancestor of the Universe, the facial color heavy has not spoken, in the hand is grasping, similarly complexion dignified looks at Rāhu, fills powerful Aura from his body similarly, but is facing Rāhu time, Ancestor of the Universe does not dare to act rashly. 乾坤老祖,面色沉重没有说话,手中则握着一张古图,同样脸色凝重的看着罗睺,从他的身上同样弥漫出强大气息,但是面对着罗睺的时候,乾坤老祖也不敢轻举妄动。 At this time, the war of so-called Longfeng as if became absolutely does not have the significance, the Earlier Heaven Three Races casualty was serious, the quantity of remains, 1000 numbers not necessarily had. 这个时候,所谓的龙凤之战似乎已经变得完全没有意义了,先天三族死伤惨重,所剩下来的数量,连1000之数也不一定有。 As after Ancestral Dragon, Primal Phoenix and Qilin of the Beginning body falls one after another, this war became does not have the objection, at this moment, all powerhouses of surviving, the vision placed Dongfang Yu and the others the bodies. 随着祖龙元凤始麒麟相继身陨之后,这场战争更加变得没有异议了,这一刻,残存的所有强者,目光都放在东方玉等人的身上。 They are very clear, this is the true Great Desolate Continent topest fight, but the result of this fight, can affect the entire Great Desolate Continent later situation and moves toward. 他们很清楚,这才是真正洪荒大陆最顶尖的战斗,而这一场战斗的结局,能够影响到整个洪荒大陆以后的局势和走向了。 How? Didn't you say by four enemies very confident one? Why does not dare to go forward, the Rāhu Zhu Xian four swords float in the surroundings, on the head a Executing Immortal Sword chart bloom radiant brilliance, looks at surrounding Dongfang Yu and the others, on the face has the look of laughing to say. “怎么了?你们不是说以四敌一很有信心的吗?为何不敢上前了”,罗睺诛仙四剑悬浮于周围,脑袋上一张诛仙剑阵图绽放出璀璨的光华,看着周围的东方玉等人,脸上带着嗤笑的神色说道。 although was surrounded by four top powerhouses, but actually cannot see Rāhu to have any tense and timid appearance. 虽然被四位顶尖强者包围在其中,可是却丝毫看不出罗睺有什么紧张和胆怯的模样。 Dongfang Yu did not say a word, gripped tightly God-Slayer Spear, did not have the energy facing Executing Immortal Sword of this complete version similarly. 东方玉一言不发,紧握弑神枪,面对这完全版的诛仙剑阵同样没有底气。 Just Executing Immortal Sword does of incomplete version on easily killed Ancestral Dragon, who now end the full page to know to be able fearfully to what degree? 刚刚一个残缺版的诛仙剑阵就轻易斩杀了祖龙,现在完整版的谁知道能可怕到什么样的程度? Executing Immortal Sword, was known as that a Saint lineup, the strength of non- four Saint cannot break, although said that Rāhu strength is far from obtaining the boundary of sage, at most is the degree of half Saint, but similarly, the oneself four people have very remote distance from the boundary of sage. 诛仙剑阵,号称一圣布阵,非四圣之力不可破,虽然罗睺实力远远没有得到圣人之境,顶多算是半圣的程度而已,但是同样的,自己四个人也距离圣人之境有非常遥远的距离啊。 „, Since you do not dare to go forward, then I am impolite......”, saw the thoughts that the Dongfang Yu four people have not begun, Rāhu grins to show a fearful smiling face. “也罢,既然你们不敢上前的话,那么我就不客气了……”,眼看着东方玉四人都没有动手的心思,罗睺咧着嘴露出一个可怕的笑容来。 As the Earlier Heaven Three Races head of the clan died, looks like in Rāhu, later the oneself demon clan can dominating/Lord Conquerer Great Desolate, but the Dongfang Yu four people, are the present stop finally in oneself front barrier, so long as cleaned the Dongfang Yu four people, later this Great Desolate Continent completely falls during oneself grasped. 随着先天三族的族长都死了,在罗睺看来,以后自己的魔族可以雄霸洪荒了,而东方玉四个人,是现在最后阻拦在自己面前的障碍,只要扫除了东方玉四人的话,以后这洪荒大陆就完全落在自己掌握之中了。 Therefore, regarding putting to death Dongfang Yu their thoughts, Rāhu somewhat was also impatient. 所以,对于诛杀东方玉他们的心思,罗睺也有些迫不及待了。 As the Rāhu voice falls, the Zhu Xian four swords flew directly, changes to the east , south , west and north four corners respectively, static hanging in the midair, at the same time, a Executing Immortal Sword chart launches on the head of Rāhu, the strange ray has linked these four handle Divine sword. 随着罗睺的话音落下,诛仙四剑直接飞了起来,分别化作东南西北四个角落,静静的悬挂于半空之中,与此同时,诛仙剑阵图在罗睺的脑袋上展开,奇异的光芒链接了这四柄神剑。 At once, fearful murderous aura almost concentrates the essence, fills the air in the world, the touch of flesh, can very clear feeling icy cold murderous aura, cannot help but to present goose flesh. 旋即,可怕的杀气几乎凝成实质,弥漫于天地之间,肌肤的触感,能够很清晰的感受到冰凉的杀气,让人不由得出现了一层鸡皮疙瘩。 My this strategy, needs four handle Divine sword to display its prestige energy completely, I have not shown have ended the full page the strategy, I do not know that some of it actually strong strength, you can experiment well, after Executing Immortal Sword opened, Rāhu figure gradually hidden went in Executing Immortal Sword, the sound is actually the clear reverberation near the ears of all people. “我这个阵法,需要四柄神剑才能完全的发挥出它的威能,我还从来没有展现过完整版的阵法呢,我也不知道它究竟有多强的力量,你们可以好好的试验一下”,诛仙剑阵开启了之后,罗睺身形渐渐的在诛仙剑阵当中隐去了,声音却是清晰的回荡在所有人的耳边。 Buzz...... 嗡…… As after Rāhu figure hidden went completely, is hanging Zhu Xian four swords, indistinct, silver-white Sword Qi started to condense, radiant and bright sword light, contain was letting all person fearful and apprehensive Aura. 随着罗睺身形完全的隐去了之后,悬挂着的诛仙四剑,隐隐约约之间,一道道银白色的剑气开始凝聚起来了,璀璨而明亮的剑光,其中蕴含着让所有人都心惊胆战的气息 Snort, therefore makes the profound Hollow's thing! Visited me to break you!”, The although heart is also startled in this Executing Immortal Sword fearful Aura, but Yang Meilao ancestor's disposition actually wants to be hot tempered. “哼,故弄玄虚的东西!看我破了你!”,虽然也心惊于这诛仙剑阵的可怕气息,但是杨眉老祖的心性却要暴躁一些。 During the speeches, a palm move, pair of giant Lei chui appears in his palm, at once, raised pair of Lei chui in hand high, Yang Meilao ancestor has chosen that Slaying Immortal Sword directly, has pounded toward that sword blade directly. 说话间,手掌一招,一对巨大的雷公锤出现在他的掌心之中,旋即,高高扬起手中的一对雷公锤,杨眉老祖直接挑选了那戮仙剑,直接朝着那剑身砸了过去。 Yang Meilao ancestor, be careful!”, Looks at the Yang Meilao ancestor such impulsive action, nearby Hongjun complexion changes, start to talk called out. “杨眉老祖,小心!”,看着杨眉老祖这么冲动的举动,旁边的鸿钧脸色一变,开口叫道。 A bang, is actually not that pair of god of thunder hammer pounds the round on the sword the sound. 一声巨响,却不是那一对雷公锤砸在剑上面发出来的声音。 Sees only that Lei chui soon to fall , on Slaying Immortal Sword , the silver-white sword light shook in a flash, that pair of god of thunder hammer broke from the middle. 只见那雷公锤即将落在戮仙剑上的时候,银白色的剑光晃了一晃,紧接着,那一对雷公锤就从中间断裂开来了。 Meanwhile, but also follows pitiful yelling, sees only Yang Meilao ancestor to hold the Lei chui left hand, breaks from the wrist|skill place, the blood sprays directly. 同时,还伴随着一声凄惨的大叫,只见杨眉老祖持着雷公锤的左手,从手腕处断裂开来,鲜血直接喷洒而出。 „, My arm!”, The hand is covering the wound place, Yang Meilao ancestor looks at this Zhu Xian four swords again, in the vision contain the endless frightened color. “啊,我的手臂!”,手捂着伤口处,杨眉老祖再看这诛仙四剑,目光中蕴含着无尽的恐惧之色。 The oneself weapon was also Great Desolate Continent rare treasure, but, unexpectedly easily was cut open? Even, shut off including the oneself wrist|skill? This sword is so unexpectedly fearful? 自己的兵器也算是洪荒大陆难得的宝物了,可是,居然轻易的就被切开了?甚至,连自己的手腕都被切断了?这个剑阵居然这么可怕? Too impulsive......”, Dongfang Yu glanced Yang Meilao ancestor one eyes, looks at his pitiful appearance, in the heart shakes the head secretly. “太冲动了……”,东方玉瞟了杨眉老祖一眼,看着他凄惨的模样,心中暗自摇头。 Executing Immortal Sword has such prestige energy, Dongfang Yu does not think strange, is, this Yang Meilao ancestor's movement, looks like in Dongfang Yu, was actually too impulsive a point. 诛仙剑阵有这样的威能,东方玉不觉得奇怪,可是,这杨眉老祖的动作,在东方玉看来,却是太冲动了一点。 What a pity, take action, this Yang Meilao ancestor oneself has not been injured, invisible, weakened ability of one's own side. 可惜了,还没怎么出手呢,这杨眉老祖自己就受伤了,无形之中,算是削弱了己方的能力 This sword, is seriously fearful!”, Looks at Yang Meilao ancestor's result, nearby Ancestor of the Universe complexion also very ugly. “这剑阵,当真可怕啊!”,看着杨眉老祖的结果,旁边的乾坤老祖脸色也非常的难看。 Sword light that on Executing Immortal Sword blooms, was too more fearful, since Yang Meilao ancestor will end up to turn out such aspect, the nature, where oneself comes up also very to go. 诛仙剑阵上面绽放出来的剑光,太可怕了一些,既然杨眉老祖会落得这样的局面,自然,自己上去的话也好不到哪里去。 Ancestor of the Great Balance, complexion also very ugly, this Executing Immortal Sword fearfulness, has stemmed from his unexpected, what is main was looks at this to operate Executing Immortal Sword, was not the way of passive attack, on four handle Divine sword contain the powerful sword light, will be looking extremely at the appearance, quick actively initiated attacks. 鸿钧老祖,脸色也非常的难看,这诛仙剑阵的可怕,也出乎了他的意料之外,更主要的是看这运行起来了的诛仙剑阵,并非是被动攻击的方式,四柄神剑上蕴含着极其强大的剑光,看模样,很快就会主动的发起攻击了。 We give a try, a respective attack handle Divine sword, has a look whether to break it!”, Has hesitated a moment later, Dongfang Yu start to talk said to Hongjun and the others. “我们试试看,各自攻击其中一柄神剑,看看能否打破它!”,沉吟了片刻之后,东方玉开口鸿钧等人说道。 Mentioned reasonably, four people gathered all strength, attacked words together, should be easiest to break away from a Executing Immortal Sword method to be right, but, Dongfang Yu actually remembers that Executing Immortal Sword in Legend, took four Saints to attack separately a direction can break, obviously, this breaks a Executing Immortal Sword best method. 按理说来,四个人集合所有的力量,一起攻击一处的话,应该是最容易打破诛仙剑阵的方法才对,但是,东方玉却记得传说中的诛仙剑阵,要四圣分别攻击其中一个方向才能打破,显然,这才是打破诛仙剑阵的最佳手段。 Separately an attack handle sword?”, Hears Dongfang Yu's to suggest, after Ancestor of the Great Balance and the others had exchanged a look, at once respective nod(ded), as if also can only attempt to have a look like this. “分别攻击其中一柄剑?”,听到东方玉的建议,鸿钧老祖等人交换了一个眼神之后,旋即各自点头,似乎也只能这样尝试着看看了。 Otherwise, when this Executing Immortal Sword driving initiation attack words, perhaps are not many on the opportunity of revolt. 否则的话,等到这诛仙剑阵主动的发起攻击的话,或许就连反抗的机会都不多了。 Good, gives a try......”. “好的,试试看……”。 The nearby Yang Mei old ancestor, clenches teeth, for the time being after stopping the situation that the wound has bled, arrived at that Slaying Immortal Sword front, has completed the action of attack once again. 就连旁边的杨眉老祖,也咬咬牙,暂且止住了伤口流血的情况之后,来到了那戮仙剑的面前,再度作好了攻击的举动。 Dongfang Yu three people, has chosen respectively a handle sword, at once, after four person numerous nod(ded), all had revealed the oneself strongest attack condition, almost simultaneously take action, launched the attack toward four handle Divine sword. 东方玉三人,也各自挑选了其中一柄剑,旋即,四个人重重的点头之后,全都亮出了自己最强的攻击状态,几乎同时出手,朝着四柄神剑发动了攻击。 hōng lóng lóng...... 轰隆隆…… The attack of powerful, falls toward four handle Divine sword, four swords simultaneously encounter the attack, making entire Executing Immortal Sword twist, looked at the appearance looks like distortion balloon. 强大的攻击,朝着四柄神剑落下,果然,四剑同时遭遇攻击,让整个诛仙剑阵都扭曲了起来,看模样就像是一个扭曲的气球似的。 That four handles are hanging the Divine sword in midair, shivered slightly, looks at the appearance of this distortion, as if Executing Immortal Sword quick can collapse. 就连那四柄悬挂在半空中的神剑,也微微的颤抖了起来,看这扭曲的模样,似乎诛仙剑阵很快就能崩溃似的。 After Dongfang Yu several people of attacks fall, this is twisting Executing Immortal Sword , the restoration original design slowly, these time wanted to break a Executing Immortal Sword idea to be defeated. 只是,当东方玉几人的攻击落下之后,这扭曲着的诛仙剑阵,又慢慢的恢复原样了,这一次想要打破诛仙剑阵的想法落败了。 xiū xiū xiū! 咻咻咻 As if entire Executing Immortal Sword , the actions had been enraged by Dongfang Yu and the others, after their attacks dissipated, on Divine sword that four handles hang, sword light Blink. 似乎整个诛仙剑阵,也被东方玉等人的举动激怒了起来,随着他们的攻击消散了之后,四柄高悬的神剑上面,剑光闪烁 Quick, silver-white sword light appeared in sword, toward Dongfang Yu and the others heartless cutting. 很快的,一道道银白色的剑光在剑阵之中出现了,朝着东方玉等人无情的切割过来。 Dodge opens!”, Feels the sword light that Executing Immortal Sword sends out, Dongfang Yu and the others the discoloration, spiritual power opens the pinnacle with amazement, catches these sword light path. “快闪开!”,感受到诛仙剑阵散发出来的剑光,东方玉等人骇然色变,精神力张开到极致,来捕捉这些剑光的轨迹。 Meanwhile, Dongfang Yu also unceasing sways from side to side figure to dodge these Executing Immortal Sword, cold and gloomy sword light unceasing pastes the Dongfang Yu's body to sweep, looked like on the knife point of death dances to be the same simply. 同时,东方玉也不断的扭动身形来闪躲这些诛仙剑阵,一道道森冷的剑光不断的贴着东方玉的身子扫过,简直就像是在死亡的刀尖上跳舞一样。 Pitiful yell sound continuous resounding, in the sword light that these wreak havoc, Yang Meilao ancestor's injury was more serious. 惨叫声接连不断的响起,在这些肆虐的剑光之中,杨眉老祖身上的伤势更重了。 That Ancestor of the Universe was not careful that had been swept by the sword light, was cut two fingers directly, Executing Immortal Sword of destroying the hardest defenses, as if in the world does not have what thing is it cannot cut. 就连那乾坤老祖也不小心被剑光扫过了,直接被切下来了两根手指,无坚不摧的诛仙剑阵,似乎天地间没有什么东西是它切不开的。 Has been a pity, our three people, or were their cultivation base were also lower, if our four person over 230,000 energy values, perhaps should be able take action to break this Executing Immortal Sword together. “可惜了,我们三个人,亦或者说是他们两个人的修为还是低了一些,若是我们四个人都有230000以上的能量值,或许应该能一起出手打破这个诛仙剑阵了”。 As after the first wave of Executing Immortal Sword sword light dissipated slowly, Dongfang Yu relaxed temporarily, remembers Executing Immortal Sword that just twisted, in the heart somewhat regrets sighed darkly. 随着第一波诛仙剑阵的剑光慢慢消散了之后,东方玉暂时放松了一些,想起刚刚扭曲的诛仙剑阵,心中有些惋惜的暗叹道。 although Rāhu has not been the degree of sage, Executing Immortal Sword that but his cloth gets down, at least needed four cultivation base unable to be weaker than him, if person take action slightly, can break together? 虽然罗睺还没有达到圣人的程度,可是他布下来的诛仙剑阵,至少需要四个修为比他弱不了若稍的人一起出手,才能打破吧?
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