PE :: Volume #35

#1757: World yellow and black Linglongta( ends full page)

Rāhu, the mouth has the insolent smiling face, to stare is presenting all people who the look despises, after having swallowed the most body of Ancestral Dragon, own strength has promoted a big truncation. 罗睺,嘴里带着张狂至极的笑容,眼神蔑视的盯着在场所有的人,吞噬了祖龙的大半个躯体之后,自身的实力已经提升了一大截了。 It looks like in Rāhu, even if oneself now is all alone, had has suppressed strength of audience. 罗睺看来,即便自己现在是孤身一人,却也拥有了镇压全场的力量了。 Earlier Heaven Three Races already the casualty completely, Qilin of the Beginning and Ancestral Dragon died, so long as oneself has put to death Primal Phoenix and Dongfang Yu two finally again, after this Great Desolate Continent, was oneself takes responsibility. 先天三族已经死伤殆尽,就连始麒麟祖龙都死了,只要自己最后再诛杀了元凤东方玉两个的话,这洪荒大陆以后就是自己做主了。 Dongfang Yu's complexion dignified looks at Rāhu, enough 2 50,000 have energy values, complete Executing Immortal Sword in hand, no matter from magical treasure or cultivation base aspect, Rāhu sufficiently crush oneself. 东方玉的脸色凝重的看着罗睺,足足25万有余的能量值,还有完整的诛仙剑阵在手了,不管是从法宝还是修为方面,罗睺都足以碾压自己了。 Don't said that was Dongfang Yu, nearby Primal Phoenix also has filled vigilantly was staring at Rāhu. 莫说是东方玉了,就连旁边的元凤也充满了警惕的盯着罗睺 To this situation, Primal Phoenix had also realized that Rāhu not like like that he who oneself imagined since can swallow Ancestral Dragon, was difficult to guarantee him not to swallow the oneself thoughts. 到了这个地步,元凤也察觉到罗睺并不像自己所想象的那般了,他既然能吞噬祖龙,难保他没有想要吞噬自己的心思。 Tangled warfare fellow! Unexpectedly dares to Sir Ancestral Dragon......”. “混战家伙!居然敢对祖龙大人……”。 Looks at Ancestral Dragon almost only remaining a corpse of head, nearby dragon race, being filled with righteous indignation looks at Rāhu, a dragon race mouth is yelling, figure threw toward Rāhu. 看着祖龙几乎只剩下了一个脑袋的尸体,旁边的龙族,一个个义愤填胸的看着罗睺,其中一个龙族嘴里大声喊叫着,身形朝着罗睺扑了过去。 This threw past dragon race expert, although has the 100,000 many energy values, this dragon race on Great Desolate Continent was also strength good exist(ence), but, Rāhu was actually only gently has shot the finger. 这条扑过去的龙族高手,虽然10万多的能量值,这龙族洪荒大陆上也算是一个实力不错的存在了,可是,罗睺却只是轻轻的弹了弹手指罢了。 A wisp of gold(en) phoenix flame then appeared, has covered the body of this dragon race instantaneously, making him burn a burned body under gold(en) the fire of phoenix. 一缕金色的凤炎便出现了,瞬间覆盖了这个龙族的身子,让他在金色的凤凰之火下燃烧成了一具焦尸。 Enough 100,000 energy values, this almost endured compared with just achieved strength under Super Saiyan shape, this dragon race powerhouse obviously was also reputation not small expert, was in the Rāhu front, actually likely was run over and died Ant with ease by instant kill, Rāhu strength, making all people feel that the heart was startled. 足足100000的能量值,这几乎堪比刚刚达到超级赛亚人形态下的力量了,这个龙族强者显然也算是个名声不小的高手,可是在罗睺的面前,却像是碾死一只蚂蚁般轻松的就被秒杀了,罗睺力量,让所有的人感到心惊。 After the easy crush a energy value has surpassed 100,000 dragon race, Rāhu took back the finger of oneself slowly, the Zhu Xian four swords float in the Rāhu whole body, a sword chart has hung above top of the head, bloomed an intermittent dense ray. 轻而易举的碾压了一个能量值超过10万龙族之后,罗睺慢慢的收回了自己的手指,诛仙四剑悬浮于罗睺的周身,剑阵图高悬于头顶之上,绽放出一阵阵的氤氲光芒。 The line of sight of Rāhu has swept Primal Phoenix and Dongfang Yu two, the corners of the mouth raises slightly: Was good, to present this situation, the fight did not have the significance, made me end this fight. 罗睺的视线扫过元凤东方玉两个,嘴角微微扬起:“好了,到了现在这个地步,战斗也已经没有意义了,就让我结束这场战斗吧”。 A word falls, Rāhu not to Dongfang Yu and opportunity of Primal Phoenix reply, under his control, the Zhu Xian four swords flew directly. 一言落下,罗睺没有给东方玉元凤回答的机会,在他的操控下,诛仙四剑直接飞了出去。 Four handle swords have surrounded the whole body of Primal Phoenix instantaneously, at once, Sword Qi able to move unhindered, completely has covered the whole body of Primal Phoenix. 四柄剑瞬间包围了元凤的全身,旋即,剑气纵横,完全笼罩了元凤的全身。 Linglongta!”. “玲珑塔!”。 Saw that these dense and numerous Sword Qi, the Primal Phoenix discoloration, knows the words that with amazement oneself wants to dodge are completely impossible, at once, a palm of the hand size very fine buttress tower appeared, bloomed the rays of light, covered his figure completely. 眼看着这些密密麻麻的剑气,元凤骇然色变,知道自己想要闪躲的话是完全不可能的,旋即,一尊巴掌大小很精致的小塔出现在了,绽放出毫光,将他的身形完全笼罩了。 The defense of this Linglongta, was only in the attack under-bracing of Zhu Xian four swords the moment, the rays of light of that defense were passed through instantaneously. 只是,这一尊玲珑塔的防御,只是在诛仙四剑的攻击下支撑了片刻罢了,那防御的毫光瞬间被贯穿了。 At once, in the look that in all people shock, a lot of Sword Qi have delimited the body of Primal Phoenix, almost his even completely changed to hashed meat. 旋即,在所有人震撼的眼神中,千百道剑气划过元凤的身子,几乎将他的甚至完全化作一块块碎肉而已了。 chi chi chi...... 嗤嗤嗤…… Saw that the body of Primal Phoenix was cut to break to pieces, the meaning that Rāhu has not given up, puts out the burning hot Dragon Fire to come instantaneously, in contain the vitality these hashed meat cut off completely. 眼看着元凤的身子被斩碎了,罗睺还没有罢手的意思,瞬间吐出炙热的龙火来,将这些碎肉中所蕴含的生机完全断绝了。 The phoenix clan has Rebirth From the Ashes ability Rāhu is very clear, wants to cut off phoenix Rebirth From the Ashes ability, must in contain the vitality each inch flesh and blood cut off is good. 凤族有浴火重生能力罗睺还是很清楚的,想要断绝凤凰浴火重生能力,就必须将每一寸血肉中所蕴含的生机都断绝才行。 Had already swallowed the phoenix, itself also had ability of phoenix clan, Rāhu was knows certainly how can stop phoenix clan Rebirth From the Ashes ability to start. 早就吞噬过凤凰,本身也拥有凤凰族的能力,罗睺当然是知道如何才能阻拦凤凰族浴火重生能力发动了。 The Zhu Xian four swords were too sharp, moreover four swords fire, even if Dongfang Yu wants to stop to be also hard to achieve, Boss of solemn phoenix clan, Primal Phoenix is also unexpectedly hard to support under the hand of Rāhu, such easy had been put to death by him, strength that Rāhu shows now, is really frightening. 诛仙四剑太锋利了,而且四剑齐发,就算是东方玉想要阻拦也难以做到,堂堂凤凰族的首领,元凤居然也在罗睺的手底下难以支撑,这么容易的就被他诛杀了,罗睺现在所展现出来的实力,委实让人心惊。 However, thinks carefully actually in the reason, the energy value to this degree, every 10,000 disparity was not small, let alone missed 50,000 to be many. 不过,仔细想想却又在情理之中了,能量值到了这个程度,每10000的差距都不小,更别说足足差了5万多了。 Next, the magical treasure aspect, Rāhu the crush Primal Phoenix, the Zhu Xian four sword casual handles endured compared with innate supreme treasure exist(ence), did the idle talk four swords fire? 其次,法宝方面,罗睺又碾压了元凤,诛仙四剑随便一柄都是堪比先天至宝存在,更遑论四剑齐发? Finally, after having swallowed Ancestral Dragon, Rāhu strength not only fully restored, but also to bring it up a level, but Primal Phoenix and Dongfang Yu fought were so long, already is the spent force. 最后,吞噬了祖龙之后罗睺力量不但完全恢复了,而且是更上一层楼,而元凤东方玉相斗了这么久,早就已经是强弩之末了。 Synthesizes these points, under the hand of Rāhu, how long Primal Phoenix has not supported then to be cut to kill by the Zhu Xian four swords also in the reason. 综合这几点来看,在罗睺的手底下,元凤没支撑多久便被诛仙四剑斩杀也在情理之中了。 Dongfang Yu, did you prepare? What last words can have?”, After Rāhu killed Primal Phoenix, the cruentation Zhu Xian four swords, point to Dongfang Yu, start to talk inquire said. 东方玉,你准备好了吗?可有什么遗言?”,罗睺斩杀了元凤之后,染血的诛仙四剑,直指东方玉,开口询问说道。 Obviously in the heart of Rāhu, the Dongfang Yu's status as if their several must be higher than Ancestral Dragon, before putting to death Dongfang Yu, he is also willing to make Dongfang Yu leave behind the last words. 显然在罗睺的心中,东方玉的地位似乎比祖龙他们几个都要更高,在诛杀东方玉之前,他还愿意让东方玉留下遗言来。 Looks at Rāhu, the Dongfang Yu's complexion very heavily, strength of this degree, Dongfang Yu has to acknowledge that Rāhu completely has crush oneself strength now, although now oneself because of the function of Senzu Bean, is the heyday, may similarly not be his match. 看着罗睺,东方玉的脸色非常的沉重,这个程度的力量,东方玉不得不承认,罗睺现在完全拥有碾压自己力量了,尽管现在自己因为仙豆的作用,已经是全盛时期,可同样不是他的对手。 Dī dī dī...... 滴滴滴…… At this time, on Dongfang Yu front Energy Tester, actually suddenly Blink left several high quotas the energy values to come out, the emergence of these energy values, making the Dongfang Yu's complexion relax slightly. 只是,就在这个时候,东方玉面前的能量测试仪上,却突然闪烁出几个高额的能量值出来,这几个能量值的出现,让东方玉的脸色微微放松了一些。 From the demonstration of energy value, the future has three people, but the energy value also respectively has the height, the energy values of two people about 200,000, but, the a person energy value has surmounted 240,000 degrees unexpectedly. 能量值的显示上来看,来者有三人,而能量值也各有高低,两个人的能量值在200000左右,但是,还有一个人能量值居然超越了240000的程度了。 Um?”, Not only Energy Tester realized that exist(ence) of these three people, the Rāhu as if also heart had turning head of feeling, the bygone days looks at the past. “嗯?”,不只是能量测试仪察觉到了这三个人的存在,罗睺似乎也心有所感的回过头来,往天边看过去。 Really, three sillhouette approached toward here, was the old man of head, wore a Daoist robe, the appearance of features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality, naturally was that Ancestor of the Great Balance, exceeded 240,000 energy values then to send out from his body. 果然,三道人影朝着这里靠近过来了,为首的老者,身穿一袭道袍,仙风道骨的模样,自然是那鸿钧老祖,超过了240000的能量值便是从他的身上散发出来的。 Follows in the Hongjun side, two old men, the energy value about 200,000, although could not have compared Hongjun and Rāhu, may strength like this not under Qilin of the Beginning and Primal Phoenix their, what strength makes clear is coping to have. 跟在鸿钧的身旁,还有两个老者,能量值都在200000左右,虽然比不得鸿钧罗睺,可这样的力量不下于始麒麟元凤他们的,昭示着对付拥有什么样的力量 The Dongfang Yu's vision falls on the bodies of these two old men, one of them, recognizes unexpectedly. 东方玉的目光落在这两个老者的身上,其中一人,竟然认得。 Initially, when captured God-Slayer Spear, Dongfang Yu has bumped into several expert and oneself competes together, one was Ancestor of the Universe, in the present two old men, there is a person Ancestor of the Universe, but compared to for 180,000 years ago time, he looked like was older. 当初,在夺取弑神枪的时候,东方玉碰到了几个高手自己一同争夺的,其中一个便是乾坤老祖,眼前的两个老者之中,有一个人正是乾坤老祖,只不过比起180000年前的时候,他看起来更加苍老了一些罢了。 Another, is the physique thin old man, energy value has achieved unexpectedly also about 200,000, but Dongfang Yu first time sees him actually, did not know. 还有另外一个,是体格消瘦的老者,身上的能量值竟然也达到了200000左右,不过东方玉倒是第一次见到他,并不认识。 Is headed by Hongjun, three old men came, that Ancestor of the Universe vision has swept from Dongfang Yu's, the look slightly stops on God-Slayer Spear. 鸿钧为首,三个老者过来了,那乾坤老祖的目光从东方玉的身上扫过,眼神在弑神枪上略作停留。 180,000 years passed by, he had forgotten obviously fellow who Dongfang Yu this has only met, but that God-Slayer Spear, lets he familiar feelings. 180000年过去了,他显然忘记了东方玉这个只见过一面的家伙,但是那弑神枪,却让他都有一种熟悉的感觉。 Hongjun, the universe, Yang does Mei, your three also want to stop me?”, Looks the old man who these three present, the Rāhu look narrows the eyes slightly, said in a low voice. 鸿钧,乾坤,杨眉,你们三个也想来阻拦我吗?”,看着这三个出现的老者,罗睺的眼神微微眯起,低声说道。 Rāhu, you by a person of strength, have started this big disaster, lets entire world lost of life, we do not tolerate you. 罗睺,你以一人之力,掀起了这场大劫难,让整个天地都生灵涂炭,我们决不能容你”。 Hongjun pushes to the front looks at Rāhu, mouth congealing sound start to talk said that during the speeches, Rāhu arrived at side Dongfang Yu's, stands with Dongfang Yu shoulder to shoulder, was making clear to the oneself standpoint. 鸿钧一马当先的看着罗睺,嘴里凝声的开口说道,说话间,罗睺来到了东方玉的身旁,与东方玉并肩而立,也昭示着自己的立场了。 „Does hum hum hum, depend on your several also to stop me?”, Looks at oneself front Hongjun and the others, on the face of Rāhu is having insolent and despises the smiling face, start to talk to say. 哼哼哼,就凭你们几个也想阻拦我?”,看着自己面前的鸿钧等人,罗睺的脸上带着张狂和蔑视般的笑容,开口说道。 Snort, Rāhu, was your this too also extremely arrogant? Only then your a person, thinks that can simultaneously defeat our four?”, Yang Meilao ancestor hear speech/words, cannot bear Rāhu this extremely arrogant stance obviously, saying of mouth coldly snorted. “哼,罗睺,你这也太狂妄了吧?只有你一个人而已,认为能同时打败我们四个吗?”,杨眉老祖闻言,显然受不了罗睺这狂妄的姿态,嘴里冷哼一声的说道。 although was three thousand Fiendgod ranks, Rāhu itself was very once strong, but looked like in Yang Meilao ancestor, his again impossible crush oneself these four people? 虽然曾经都是三千魔神的行列,罗睺本身就很强,可是在杨眉老祖看来,他再强也不可能碾压自己这四个人吧? Shortsighted person......”, is only, regarding shouting curses of Yang Meilao ancestor, Rāhu is actually only slanting glanced his one eyes, saying that the mouth disdains. “井底之蛙……”,只是,对于杨眉老祖的叫骂,罗睺却只是斜斜的瞟了他一眼而已,嘴里不屑的说道。 bastard! Did not have to this situation what idle talk said that everybody take action, enforced justice on behalf of Heaven together!”. 混账!到了这个地步也没有什么废话好说的了,大家一起出手,替天行道!”。 Saw that Rāhu is during surrounding now, so is unexpectedly insolent, Yang Meilao ancestor is air/Qi immediately foams with rage, mouth also loud calling out gratefully. 眼看着罗睺现在处于包围之中,竟然还这般张狂至极,杨眉老祖立马是气得吹胡子瞪眼的,嘴里也毫不客气的大声叫道。 Don't said that was Rāhu, Dongfang Yu was also only slanting glanced his one eyes. 莫说是罗睺了,就连东方玉也只是斜斜的瞟了他一眼而已。 This Yang Meilao ancestor's strength although is good, was the disposition was too bad a point, his Rāhu present strength does not know that thinks four people joined up, sufficiently crush Rāhu? 这杨眉老祖的实力虽然不错,可是心性却太差了一点,他连罗睺现在的实力都不知道,就认为四个人联合起来,足以碾压罗睺吗? Besides Hongjun energy value close Rāhu, the energy values of oneself three people are about 200,000, must miss one big section compared with Rāhu, even if no complete Executing Immortal Sword, could defeat Rāhu is two said that let alone in his hand also had complete Executing Immortal Sword in the hand? 除了鸿钧能量值接近罗睺之外,自己三个人的能量值都不过是200000左右而已,比罗睺要差一大截了,就算是没有完整的诛仙剑阵,能否打败罗睺都是两说,更何况他手中还有完整的诛仙剑阵在手? Being patient, regarding Yang Meilao ancestor's words, even if Ancestor of the Great Balance has not paid attention, but start to talk has comforted his, at once extends both hands. “稍安勿躁”,对于杨眉老祖的话,就算是鸿钧老祖也没有理会,只是开口安抚了他一下,旋即伸出双手。 As after Qilin of the Beginning and Primal Phoenix died, magical treasure that they keep, flew to fall in the hand of Hongjun directly. 随着始麒麟元凤死亡之后,两人留下来的法宝,直接飞了起来落在鸿钧的手中。 The Hongjun side appears a pagoda, this was once nine Jinta that captures from the hand of Qilin of the Beginning, the pagoda that then before also one is just the Qilin of the Beginning body died, uses, last just Primal Phoenix took to resist Linglongta of Zhu Xian four swords. 鸿钧的身旁浮现出一尊宝塔,这是曾经从始麒麟的手中夺取的九层金塔,然后还有一尊是刚刚始麒麟身死之前所用的宝塔,最后一尊则是刚刚元凤拿出来想要抵挡诛仙四剑的玲珑塔。 World tower, the yellow and black tower, Linglongta, Santa unites, should show your original appearance......”, looks in front of oneself three float the pagoda, the mouth of Ancestor of the Great Balance said in a low voice. “天地塔,玄黄塔,玲珑塔,三塔合一,也该展现出你本来的面目了……”,看着自己面前三尊悬浮着的宝塔,鸿钧老祖的嘴里低声说道。 As the Hongjun words fall, three pagodas bloom respectively the ray, then pesters together. 随着鸿钧的话落,三尊宝塔各自绽放出光芒,然后纠缠在一起。 However the moment, 36 profound yellow pagoda gatherings appear, bloom broad Aura, this impressively was top innate supreme treasure. 不过片刻,一尊足足有36层的玄黄色宝塔汇聚出现,绽放出恢弘的气息,这赫然又是一件顶尖的先天至宝了。 World yellow and black Linglongta! 天地玄黄玲珑塔!
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