PE :: Volume #35

#1756: The war casualty of dragon

On World, anything cannot be intimate with see oneself body cuns (2.5cm) was eaten by others makes people think the terror matter, saw Rāhu has bitten oneself body, slowly swallows, even if Ancestral Dragon, in the heart is also having the panic-stricken feeling. 世界上,没有什么能比亲眼看着自己身体一寸寸的被别人吃掉更让人觉得恐怖的事情了,眼看着罗睺咬住了自己身躯,慢慢的吞噬过来,就算是祖龙,心中也带着惊恐的感觉。 To this time, Ancestral Dragon absolutely did not have to resist Rāhu strength, under Rāhu swallowing divine ability, his revolt can only postpone Rāhu to swallow the oneself progress, wanted to stop is the impossible matter. 只是,到了这个时候,祖龙已经完全没有了对抗罗睺力量了,在罗睺的吞噬神通之下,他的反抗只能暂缓罗睺吞噬自己的进度而已,想要阻拦是不可能的事情了。 Looks at the body of that side Ancestral Dragon, inch by inch was swallowed, the Dongfang Yu's heart is also anxious, however, Primal Phoenix actually grabbed Nuwa to threaten oneself at this time, Dongfang Yu does not dare to move heedlessly. 看着那边祖龙的身子,正在一寸一寸的被吞噬下去,东方玉的心头也是焦急,然而,这个时候元凤却抓着女娲来威胁自己,东方玉根本不敢乱动。 Fights present this degree, indeed marches into the last act, Boros died, Qilin of the Beginning also died, now Ancestral Dragon also comes to the verge of death, even, he soon by Rāhu swallowing. 战斗到了现在这个程度,也的确是步入尾声了,波罗斯已经死了,始麒麟也死了,现在就连祖龙也濒临死亡了,甚至,他快要被罗睺给吞噬了。 Primal Phoenix! Is this result that you want? Qilin of the Beginning died, Ancestral Dragon must be swallowed, how even if you did win? This Rāhu strength can you block? Finally, even if your phoenix clan survived, finally was also cheap Rāhu, what can foresee, later this demon clan will certainly control entire Great Desolate Continent. 元凤!这就是你想要的结果吗?始麒麟死了,祖龙也要被吞噬了,就算你获得了胜利又如何?这罗睺力量你挡得住吗?最后,就算你们凤族残存了下来,最后也不过是便宜了罗睺而已,可以预见的是,以后这魔族必将掌控整个洪荒大陆了”。 Dongfang Yu's both eyes, looks straight ahead Primal Phoenix dignifiedly, sound said to Primal Phoenix. 东方玉的双眼,直视元凤,声音凝重的对元凤说道。 This......”, has saying that the Dongfang Yu's words, look like a steelyard weight, falls on the Primal Phoenix heart. “这……”,不得不说,东方玉的话,就像是一记重锤,落在元凤的心头。 although Primal Phoenix has been full of the hatred regarding Dongfang Yu, but, he does not have what favorable impression regarding Rāhu, looked at the surrounding aspect, the Earlier Heaven Three Races almost casualty completely, has a look at Rāhu again, strength that just he showed that indeed makes oneself think fearful and apprehensive, feeling that the Primal Phoenix one type suddenly awakens suddenly. 虽然元凤对于东方玉是充满了恨意的,可是,对于罗睺他更是没有什么好感的,看了看周围的局面,先天三族几乎死伤殆尽了,再看看罗睺,刚刚他展现出来的实力,的确让自己都觉得心惊胆战,元凤突然有一种蓦然惊醒的感觉。 Quick, in the Primal Phoenix look is also having the hatred, said: Dongfang Yu, you did not need to take the spoken language to mislead me again, fights today's this situation, all people did not have the escape route, what no matter and road ahead final result were, I can only proceed. 只是,很快的,元凤的眼神中又带着恨意,道:“东方玉,你不用再拿言语来蛊惑我了,战斗到了今天这个地步,所有人都已经没有退路了,且不管前路最后的结果是什么样的,我都只能往前走了”。 „Is don't tell me this result that you want? Earlier Heaven Three Races makes to today's this situation, is it possible that you did not think unusual suspicious ? Actually, all these are Rāhu in secret instigate!”. 难道这就是你想要的结果吗?先天三族闹到今天这个地步,莫非你不觉得其中非常的蹊跷吗?其实,这一切都是罗睺暗中挑拨的啊!”。 Dongfang Yu although absolutely does not have Rāhu to provoke the evidence of this war in secret, is, all these genuine and fake are unimportant, so long as can have the suspicion in this aspect, was enough. 东方玉虽然完全没有罗睺暗中挑起这场大战的证据,可是,这一切真假都不重要了,只要能有这方面的怀疑,就足够了。 Really, hears the Dongfang Yu's words, this shocked news, making the Primal Phoenix mind big quake, the suspicion look at Rāhu. 果然,听到东方玉的话,这个震撼性的消息,让元凤心神大震,怀疑般的看着罗睺 although not such easily believes the Dongfang Yu's words, but, what has to acknowledge, the Dongfang Yu's words are not completely not possible. 虽然没有这么轻易的相信东方玉的话,可是,不得不承认的是,东方玉的话也并非是完全没有可能的啊。 Dongfang Yu said that what the goals of these words are? To eject the shocked news comes, making Primal Phoenix lose concentration, along with the oneself words, Dongfang Yu had discovered the instance of Primal Phoenix mind vibration, Dongfang Yu both eyes concentrate at once. 东方玉说这些话的目的是什么?就是为了抛出震撼性的消息来,让元凤分神,果然,随着自己的话语,东方玉发现了元凤心神震动的瞬间,旋即东方玉双目一凝。 Enough about 200,000 energy values, change to the eyes power attribute instantaneously, both eyes appear the four corner great pinwheel appearance, in the heart drink lowly: Eye Technique Stage of the Three Punishments! 足足200000左右的能量值,瞬间化作瞳力的属性,双眼跟着浮现出四角大风车的模样,心中一声低喝:瞳技三刑台 Crash-bang...... 哗啦啦…… In Void, jet black such as the chains of black ink appeared, above has covered entirely mysterious and mysterious rune, has tied up the Primal Phoenix body directly, stretches the straight chains to make Primal Phoenix unable to move. 虚空之中,一条条漆黑如墨的锁链出现了,上面布满了玄奥而神秘的符文,直接捆住了元凤身子,绷直的锁链让元凤动弹不得。 Dongfang Yu's figure rapid threw toward Primal Phoenix, in the meantime, 200,000 energy values change to the reiatsu|spiritual pressure attribute. 紧接着,东方玉的身形迅速的朝着元凤扑了过去,同时,200000的能量值跟着化作灵压的属性。 Zanpakuto|Soul Slaying Blade, changes to one string of fine exquisite bells to appear in the Dongfang Yu's wrist|skill, Dongfang Yu extends the take action palm, has grasped toward Nuwa that side. 斩魄刀,化作一串精致小巧的铃铛出现在东方玉的手腕上,东方玉出手掌,朝着女娲那边抓了过去。 Sees the Dongfang Yu's movement, under the Primal Phoenix heart with amazement, wants to get hold of the claw of oneself, grasps directly Nuwa, is, clear delightful bell sounds, made his body stiffen instantaneously. 眼看着东方玉的动作,元凤心下骇然,想要握紧自己的爪子,直接将女娲抓死,可是,清脆悦耳的铃声,却让他的身子瞬间僵住了。 although only then short moment, but, this time, makes Dongfang Yu successful has rescued from his claw Nuwa. 虽然只有短短的片刻而已,但是,这点时间,却让东方玉成功的把女娲从他的爪下救了出来。 Walks quickly!”, Has held on the body of Nuwa, after she rescued, the Dongfang Yu arm flings, flung to fly the body of Nuwa directly. “快走!”,一把拉住了女娲的身子,将她救出来了之后,东方玉手臂一甩,直接将女娲的身子甩飞了出去。 At once the movement slight stay, has not been similar to like lightning threw in the Ancestral Dragon direction, God-Slayer Spear in the hand, the Dongfang Yu's lance point points to Rāhu. 旋即动作没有丝毫的停留,如同闪电般的朝着祖龙的方向扑了过去,弑神枪在手,东方玉的枪尖直指罗睺 In the Dongfang Yu's eye, Rāhu strength fully restored, moreover along with unceasing swallows Ancestral Dragon body, the Rāhu energy value unexpectedly with when production costs rise , prices rise too, broke 2 50,000 critical junctions. 东方玉的眼中,罗睺力量已经完全恢复了,而且随着不断的吞噬祖龙身躯,罗睺能量值竟然跟着水涨船高,已经突破了25万大关了。 Felt behind the attack of Dongfang Yu God-Slayer Spear, Rāhu naturally does not dare to resist the God-Slayer Spear point with oneself mortal body, has almost swallowed Ancestral Dragon 80% mortal body, Rāhu strength was huge. 感受到身后东方玉弑神枪的攻击,罗睺自然也不敢用自己肉身来抵挡弑神枪的锋芒了,几乎吞下了祖龙八成肉身,罗睺力量已经非常的庞大了。 Abandons the part that remained, Rāhu leaves instantaneously, simultaneously the Zhu Xian three swords have delimited toward Dongfang Yu, resisted Dongfang Yu's God-Slayer Spear. 舍了剩下来的部分,罗睺瞬间离开,同时诛仙三剑朝着东方玉划了过来,抵挡住了东方玉的弑神枪 The lance point selects continually, Dongfang Yu selecting to fly the Zhu Xian three swords, fell the Ancestral Dragon front directly, looks at the Ancestral Dragon almost only remaining gigantic heads, how long remaining dragon's body did not have, the feelings of some Dongfang Yu also like grieve for like. 枪尖连挑,东方玉诛仙三剑给挑飞了出去,直接落到了祖龙的面前,看着祖龙几乎只剩下一个硕大的脑袋了,剩下的龙躯并没有多长,东方玉也有些兔死狐悲之感。 This appearance, Ancestral Dragon was hanging the one breath depending on the oneself dragon race formidable vitality completely, wanted to revive him is impossible, even if were Senzu Bean is not good. 这个模样,祖龙完全是凭自己龙族强悍的生命力吊着一口气而已了,想要救活他是不可能的,就算是仙豆也不行。 After all Senzu Bean can only treat the injury, restores strength, does not have the means to achieve the cutting off limb rebirth. 毕竟仙豆只能治疗伤势,恢复力量,却没有办法做到断肢重生。 You, what last words but also there is?”, The Dongfang Yu heart is serious, but has not actually cried makes the daughter condition, but earnest stares at Ancestral Dragon, start to talk is inquiring. “你,还有什么遗言吗?”,东方玉心头沉重,但是却也没有哭哭啼啼的作女儿态,只是认真的盯着祖龙,开口询问道。 Regarding Ancestral Dragon, Dongfang Yu thinks that is achieves to show extreme tolerance. 对于祖龙这边,东方玉自认为已经算是做到仁至义尽了。 „......”, The mouth of Ancestral Dragon coughed several, the death air/Qi of whole face reappeared slowly, obviously he also knows that the oneself result was anything, but, actually not any not willingly look, but looked at dragon race that dragon race survived, less than hundred, this almost could be the casualty completely. “咳咳……”,祖龙的嘴里咳嗽了几下,满脸的死气慢慢浮现起来,显然他也知道自己的结局是什么,不过,却并没有任何不甘心的神色,只是看了看龙族残存下来的龙族,都不足百条了,这几乎可以算是死伤殆尽了。 Under the control of Ancestral Dragon, was cut open two halves Dragon Ball, slowly flew, at once, the innumerable materials disperse from Dragon Ball. 祖龙的控制下,那被切开两半的龙珠,慢慢的飞了过来,旋即,无数的材料从龙珠上面散开。 All kinds of materials, the supreme treasure shell, sprinkles place, these are for 180,000 years Ancestral Dragon precise Dragon Ball time various treasure that uses, finally, remain only remaining one group of most primitive Ancestral Dragon True Yuan. 各种各样的材料,甚至宝贝,洒落一地,这些都是180000年来祖龙凝炼龙珠的时候用的各种宝贝,最后,剩下来的只剩下一团最原始的祖龙真元 Opens Longzui, Ancestral Dragon transfers oneself final strength, has spouted one group of Dragon Fire, falls on this group of True Yuan. 张开龙嘴,祖龙调动自己最后的力量,喷出了一团龙火,落在这一团真元上面。 Under quenching of Dragon Fire, a golden red arched entrance takes shape slowly slowly concise. 龙火的淬炼下,慢慢的,一尊金红色的拱门慢慢凝练成型。 As this arched entrance takes shape, head of Ancestral Dragon, numerous knocking on the ground, Aura dissipation gradually. 随着这一座拱门成型,祖龙的脑袋,重重的磕在地上,气息渐渐的消散。 This arched entrance, descends slowly, was received by Dongfang Yu. 这一尊拱门,缓缓降落下来,被东方玉收了起来。 „, Dongfang Yu, I invited your help me last busy, I used own all True Yuan concise to become a Dragon Gate, so long as crossed the life of Dragon Gate to obtain my bloodlines, became newborn dragon race, entire dragon race was I makes it decline, but I cannot make it cut off......”. “咳咳,东方玉,我请你帮我最后一个忙,我用自身所有的真元凝练成了一尊龙门,只要越过龙门的生灵就获得我的血脉,成为新生的龙族,整个龙族是我让它没落的,但是我不能让它断绝……”。 Aura is weak, the Ancestral Dragon sound becomes indistinct, if not earnest listening, is almost hard to distinguish his words. 气息微弱,祖龙的声音变得缥缈,如果不认真的听,几乎难以辨别他的话语。 Relax, friend, I will certainly help your, looks Ancestral Dragon that will soon die, Dongfang Yu numerous nod(ded). “放心,朋友一场,我一定会帮你的”,看着即将死亡的祖龙,东方玉重重的点头 Also.........”, Returns to consciousness just before dying, the Ancestral Dragon spirit seemed to be good little, both eyes also became existence of God. “还…还有……”,回光返照似的,祖龙的精神似乎好了一点点,双目也变得有神了。 I, I regretted really that initially had not listened to your words, now thinks that your initial words were most reasonable, Heavenly Dao was what a pity heartless, Heavenly Dao was heartless, Hahaha......”. “我,我真后悔,当初没有听你的话啊,现在想想,你当初的话才是最有道理的,可惜,天道无情,天道无情啊,哈哈哈哈……”。 In the big laughter, the mouth of mouth dragon has exuded an intermittent resounding person resonant dragon roar sound of finally, as if Hero dead end yelling. 大笑声中,嘴龙的嘴里最后发出了一阵阵高亢人嘹亮的龙吟声,仿佛英雄末路般的喊叫。 Finally, Aura dissipated completely, all people understand that Ancestral Dragon the body fell. 最后,气息完全消散了,所有人都明白,祖龙已经身陨了。 Sir Ancestral Dragon!”. 祖龙大人!”。 Felt Ancestral Dragon Aura to dissipate completely, these dragon race that survived, grief and indignation yelled that let the entire world, seemed filling dismal air/Qi. 感受到祖龙气息完全消散了,残存下来的这些龙族,一个个悲愤的大叫起来,让整个天地,似乎都弥漫着一股悲凉之气。 Dongfang Yu extends the take action palm, falling gently on the head of Ancestral Dragon, is thinking Ancestral Dragon final yelling, in the heart cannot help but darkly sighed one. 东方玉出手掌,轻轻的落在祖龙的脑袋上,想着祖龙最后的喊叫,心中不由得暗叹一声。 He regrets naturally was initially oneself made him contract the persuasion of dragon race influence in the Pangu palace, initial he cannot understand completely oneself words, before the point of death, finally has thought through, understood the Heavenly Dao heartless meaning. 他后悔的自然是当初自己盘古殿让他收缩龙族势力的劝说,当初的他完全不能理解自己的话语,临死之前终于想通了,也明白了天道无情的含义了。 You want to understand finally, what a pity, you understood lately a point......”, Dongfang Yu's mouth, in a low voice twittering was saying. “你终于想明白了,可惜,你明白得太迟了一点啊……”,东方玉的嘴里,低声的呢喃着说道。 Hahaha......”, at this time, suddenly, is an insolent laughter resounds. 哈哈哈……”,就在这个时候,突然,又是一声张狂至极的笑声响起。 Saw only Rāhu to fall down suddenly the, just liberated in the middle of handle treasure that from Dragon Ball, has put out a handle rusty stain stained sword, in insolent laughter, to person one type the feeling of despising the world. 只见罗睺突然扑倒了附近,从龙珠刚刚解放出来的一柄宝贝当中,拿出了一柄锈迹斑斑的剑,张狂至极的笑声中,给人一种蔑视天下的感觉。 Dī dī dī...... 滴滴滴…… 250800 ... 251100...... 251860...... 250800…251100……251860…… Dongfang Yu turned head, the vision falls on the body of Rāhu, in his Energy Tester, the Rāhu energy value still in the slow promotion, obviously his swallows divine ability unceasing digestion Ancestral Dragon body, making his strength still slowly promote. 东方玉回过头来,目光落在罗睺的身上,在他的能量测试仪中,罗睺能量值还在缓慢的提升,显然他的吞噬神通不断的消化祖龙身躯,让他的力量还在缓慢的提升了。 Originally, last handle Divine sword, by Ancestral Dragon this fellow refining to oneself Dragon Ball, I was said looked everywhere Great Desolate Continent, enough 180,000 years had not found it, Hahaha......”. “原来,最后一柄神剑,被祖龙这家伙炼化到了自己龙珠之中啊,我说找遍了洪荒大陆,足足180000年都没有找到它呢,哈哈哈……”。 Grasps this handle rusty stain stained Divine sword, Rāhu is extending the take action palm finally, has cut open an opening, flowed out the Yin red bloodstain from the wound place, spread on this rusty stain stained Divine sword. 握着最后这柄锈迹斑斑的神剑,罗睺出手掌,割开了一道口子,从伤口处流出殷红色的血迹,在这锈迹斑斑的神剑上蔓延。 By his blood has delimited sword blade above, rusty stain abscission slowly, shows the clear white sword blade, radiant unusual brightness slowly blooms. 被他鲜血划过的剑身之上,锈迹慢慢的脱落,展现出了亮白色的剑身来,璀璨的宝光慢慢的绽放出来。 Primal Phoenix, looks at Zhu Xian four sword collections neat Rāhu, feels on Rāhu more and more huge Aura, in the look is also having the color of thick dreading. 元凤,看着诛仙四剑集齐了的罗睺,感受到罗睺身上越来越庞大的气息,眼神中也带着浓浓的忌惮之色。 Before Primal Phoenix can also treat as the ally to regard him, is the Dongfang Yu's words, on Rāhu stronger and stronger strength, making Primal Phoenix also think that dreaded him. 之前元凤还能将他当做战友来看待,可是东方玉的话,还有罗睺身上越来越强的力量,让元凤也觉得畏惧他了。 After all the Primal Phoenix energy value about 200,000, are the Rāhu present energy values, has surmounted 2 50,000, the strength disparity of both sides, has been an earth-shaking degree. 毕竟元凤能量值不过200000左右,可是罗睺现在的能量值,已经超越了25万了,双方的实力差距,已经达到了一个天翻地覆的程度了。 2 50,000 many energy values, the Zhu Xian four sword and a Executing Immortal Sword chart in the hand, present Rāhu, who can deal......”. “25万多的能量值,诛仙四剑和诛仙剑阵图在手,现在的罗睺,谁能应对……”。 The Dongfang Yu's vision, fell on the body of Rāhu, the mind also slowly sank. 东方玉的目光,落在罗睺的身上,心神也慢慢的沉了下去。
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