PE :: Volume #35

#1755: Executing Immortal Sword( incomplete version)

Hey, Dongfang Yu, stops......”. “嘿嘿嘿,东方玉,住手……”。 Primal Phoenix shows the oneself phoenix true body, the whole body is bathing the blood, looks like very pitiful, but her giant incomparable claw, actually grasped Nuwa at this time in the palm, sharp vision perpendicular incidence Dongfang Yu, making Dongfang Yu be cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt, does not dare to move heedlessly. 元凤展现出自己的凤凰真身,浑身都沐浴着鲜血,看起来非常的凄惨,但是这个时候她那巨大无比的爪子,却将女娲都抓在手掌之中,锐利的目光直射东方玉,让东方玉投鼠忌器,不敢乱动。 The Dongfang Yu's brow closely wrinkled, earnest looks at oneself front Primal Phoenix. 东方玉的眉头紧紧的皱了起来,认真的看着自己面前的元凤 Silent a moment later, said: Primal Phoenix, this is not your disposition, in my opinion, by your arrogant disposition, is impossible to make this matter, you did not think that the transformation of oneself disposition is somewhat strange?”. 沉默了片刻之后,说道:“元凤,这不是你的性格,在我看来,以你高傲的性格,是不可能做出这种事情的,你不觉得自己性格的变换有些奇怪吗?”。 I do not do! To this time, you had given up any idea of that makes me obey your will. “我不管!到了这个时候了,你休想让我听从你的意志”。 Regarding the Dongfang Yu's words, in the heart of Primal Phoenix no doubt thinks somewhat surprised, indeed makes such matter to come is not the oneself disposition, but, the matter arrived at this, so-called arrogant as if became pale and weak, the Primal Phoenix mouth squawk called out. 对于东方玉的话,元凤的心中固然觉得有些吃惊,的确做出这样的事情来不是自己的性格,但是,事情都已经到了这一步了,所谓的高傲似乎变得苍白无力了,元凤嘴里尖声叫道。 This not measures the tribulation, is seriously terrorist, almost can twist the a person disposition, looks that in front of oneself fell into demented condition Primal Phoenix, in the Dongfang Yu's heart shook the head secretly. “这无量量劫,当真恐怖,几乎能扭曲一个人的心性了”,看着自己面前陷入了癫狂状态的元凤,东方玉的心中暗自摇头。 Primal Phoenix at this moment looks like, where also has the beforehand that arrogantly is similar to the appearance lordly. 此刻的元凤看起来,哪里还有之前那高傲如同贵族般的模样啊。 Nuwa, by Primal Phoenix tight grasping in the hand, looks at Dongfang Yu, the look somewhat surprised appearance. 女娲,被元凤紧紧的抓在手中,看着东方玉,眼神有些吃惊的模样。 although Nuwa knows that Dongfang Yu with seeking ordinary person is completely different to oneself, but, she has not thought that fought this essential time, for oneself, Dongfang Yu will stop unexpectedly, this let Nuwa when being startled, thought unusual move. 虽然女娲知道东方玉自己和寻常人完全不一样,但是,她没有想到,战斗到了这关键的时候,为了自己,东方玉居然会住手,这让女娲在吃惊之余,又觉得非常的感动。 No matter how, some people take seriously oneself, is this one is worth the joyful matter is not? 不管如何,有人重视自己,这都是一件值得让人高兴的事情不是? Dongfang/East(ern) Elder Brother Yu......”, side almost by Houtu (Mother Earth) that Primal Phoenix has grasped going, looks at this, the complexion also somewhat ugly appearance. 东方玉哥哥……”,旁边差点被元凤抓了去的后土,看着这一幕,脸色也有些难看的模样。 Dongfang Yu's this behavior, making all people understand that status of Nuwa in his heart, this makes Houtu (Mother Earth) feel that unprecedented threat feeling, thinks what is not clear, Dongfang Yu to will meet why shortly after Nuwa, so will attach great importance. 东方玉的这个行为,让所有人都明白女娲在他心中的地位了,这让后土感觉到前所未有的威胁感,更想不明白的是,为什么东方玉会对才见面没多久的女娲,会这般重视。 Primal Phoenix, can complete......”, saw that Primal Phoenix grasped Nuwa to be the hostage, compelling Dongfang Yu to be cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt does not dare to move, in the heart of Demon Ancestor Rāhu the great happiness, naturally also somewhat cannot help but surprised. 元凤,做得好……”,眼看着元凤抓了女娲做人质,逼得东方玉投鼠忌器不敢动弹,魔祖罗睺的心中不由得大喜,当然也有些吃惊。 didn't expect natural disposition arrogant incomparable Primal Phoenix, will make this matter to come unexpectedly, but, he controlled the Dongfang Yu's words, oneself pressure could be said as reduced greatly, Ancestral Dragon, oneself can cope. 没想到生性高傲无比的元凤,居然会做出这种事情来,不过,他控制住了东方玉的话,自己身上的压力可以说是大大减轻了,一个祖龙而已,自己是能够对付的。 Huge Dragon Ball, to the person one type scarlet-red such as the feeling of fire, the front surface pounds. 巨大的龙珠,给人一种赤红如火的感觉,迎面砸来。 But, at this time, the Rāhu complexion was actually the calm appearance, looks straight ahead Dragon Ball that was pounding, said: Ancestral Dragon, to present this situation, I did not have the thoughts to compensate you to play again, fights a battle to force a quick decision, you also arrived at the spent force. 可是,这个时候,罗睺的脸色却是一脸平静的模样,直视着砸过来的龙珠,道:“祖龙,到了现在这个地步,我也没有心思赔你再玩下去了,速战速决吧,你也到了强弩之末了”。 During the speeches, Rāhu extends the take action palm, Executing Immortal Sword falls in the hand of Rāhu, at once, in all person stunned looks, Rāhu Executing Immortal Sword pricked the chest of oneself directly. 说话间,罗睺出手掌,诛仙剑落在罗睺的手中,旋即,在所有人愕然的眼神中,罗睺诛仙剑直接刺入了自己的胸膛。 Vigorous warm-blooded sprays from the chest of Rāhu, sprinkles on three handle Divine sword directly. 紧接着,蓬勃的热血从罗睺的胸口中喷射出来,直接洒在三柄神剑上面。 „Is he doing!?”. “他在干什么!?”。 Looks at Rāhu this as if from the oppressive behavior, the people on all battlefield, look at each other in dismay, looked at each other in consternation, are frightened obviously by Rāhu such action. 看着罗睺这仿佛自虐般的行为,所有战场上的人,都面面相觑,相顾愕然,显然被罗睺这样的举动吓到了。 After sprinkling Rāhu heart blood essence, these three handle Divine sword bloomed ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) bold light, at once, the Rāhu palm turns, a huge chart appeared in his control. 只是,洒下了罗睺心头的精血之后,这三柄神剑绽放出万丈豪光,旋即,罗睺手掌一翻,一张巨大的阵图出现在他的手心之中。 The chart in Rāhu hand flew, hangs above three handle Divine sword, naked eye obvious, these three handle Divine sword assume the glyph, ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) dragon's body surrounding of Ancestral Dragon, at the same time, in the world fills terror the air/Qi of withering, frightening. 跟着,罗睺手中的这张阵图飞了起来,高悬于三柄神剑之上,肉眼可见,这三柄神剑呈品字形,将祖龙的万丈龙躯包围在其中,与此同时,天地之间弥漫起恐怖的肃杀之气,让人心惊胆战。 What this is!? Murderous aura of good terror!”. “这是什么!?好恐怖的杀气!”。 At this moment, almost all the person in fight had turned head, looks at that charts and three handle Divine sword, in the heart in great surprise secretly thought, Aura of this terror, has surpassed the cognition in everybody heart completely. 这一刻,几乎所有在战斗中的人都回过头来了,看着那一张阵图和三柄神剑,心中大惊暗道,这恐怖的气息,完全超出了大家心中的认知了似的。 ability of good terror, charts and three handle Divine sword combinations, can erupt such fearful Aura unexpectedly!?”, Grabs Nuwa in Primal Phoenix of hand, looks at this, in the heart also cannot help but darkly is at present startled. “好恐怖的能力,一张阵图和三柄神剑组合,居然能爆发出这么可怕的气息!?”,就连抓着女娲在手的元凤,看着眼前这一幕,心中也不由得暗惊。 Even if is the Great Desolate Continent top powerhouse, Primal Phoenix feels this fearful murderous aura, in the heart also surges the feeling that is hard to resist. 就算是身为洪荒大陆顶尖的强者,元凤感受到这可怕的杀气,心中也涌起一股难以抵抗的感觉。 „Is this? Executing Immortal Sword?”, To other people, Dongfang Yu naturally can understand this strategy. “这是?诛仙剑阵吗?”,相对于其他人,东方玉自然是能明白这个阵法了。 Looks at that three handle Divine sword, the Dongfang Yu's brow closely wrinkled, thinks unreadable, in Legend Executing Immortal Sword doesn't need four handle Divine sword to be good? Did he only suffice with three handles unexpectedly? 只是,看着那三柄神剑,东方玉的眉头紧紧的皱了起来,觉得难以理解,传说诛仙剑阵不是需要四柄神剑才行吗?他居然只用三柄就够了? don't tell me? Is because caught the oneself heart blood essence reason? Stimulated to movement Executing Immortal Sword of incomplete version forcefully? 难道?是因为染上了自己心头精血的缘故?强行催动出了残缺版的诛仙剑阵? Ancestral Dragon! Runs away quickly!”, Among thoughts revolve, Dongfang Yu loud is shouting to that Ancestral Dragon. 祖龙!快逃!”,心念电转之间,东方玉大声的对着那祖龙喊道。 A Executing Immortal Sword illustrious prestige, Dongfang Yu naturally knows that said that it was Great Desolate Continent first kills not to be overrated, even if were only the incomplete version, may after all also be Executing Immortal Sword, can it be that can Ancestral Dragon resist? 诛仙剑阵的赫赫威名,东方玉自然是知道的,说它是洪荒大陆第一杀阵也不为过了,就算只是残缺版的,可毕竟也是诛仙剑阵啊,岂是祖龙能够抵挡的? Runs away!? 逃!? This time Ancestral Dragon, looked solemn, all mind placed above oneself Dragon Ball. 这个时候的祖龙,神情肃穆,所有的心神都放在自己龙珠之上。 His although also felt this incomplete version Executing Immortal Sword terror, did the thoughts of but, in his heart actually not having run away, as the dragon race head of the clan, entire Great Desolate Continent the sovereign of non- crown, how could escape? 虽然也感觉到了这残缺版诛仙剑阵的恐怖,但是,他的心中却没有逃的心思,作为龙族的族长,整个洪荒大陆的无冕之皇,岂能逃跑? All mind place above Dragon Ball, under the control of Ancestral Dragon, this Dragon Ball as if meteorite hits Earth, has hit toward Rāhu maliciously. 所有心神都放在龙珠之上,在祖龙的操控之下,这龙珠仿佛陨石撞地球似的,朝着罗睺狠狠的撞了过去。 Kills!”, Is facing coming Dragon Ball, the face whiten of Rāhu like the spirit money, a hand is covering the chest of oneself, another hand pinched a sword Secret Art, to Dragon Ball one finger that the front surface was hitting, the mouth drinks lowly. “杀!”,面对着迎面而来的龙珠,罗睺的脸色苍白如金纸,一只手捂着自己的胸膛,另外一只手捏起了一个剑诀,对着迎面撞过来的龙珠一指,嘴里低喝。 Together silver-white sword glow suddenly Blink, that huge and hard Dragon Ball, was cut from the middle instantaneously, looked like a cake is cut open. 一道银白色的剑芒突然闪烁,紧接着,那巨大而坚硬的龙珠,瞬间从中间被切了开来,就像是一个蛋糕被切开了似的。 What!?”, Looks at oneself Dragon Ball, unexpectedly does not resist ability was cut open, a Ancestral Dragon mouth blood has spurted, does not dare to believe looks that oneself that was cut open two halves Dragon Ball. “什么!?”,看着自己龙珠,居然毫无抵挡能力的被切开了,祖龙嘴里一口鲜血喷了出来,不敢置信的看着自己那被切开成两半的龙珠 oneself Dragon Ball is not inferior to innate supreme treasure, unexpectedly such easily was cut open? This is possible!? 自己龙珠可不亚于先天至宝啊,居然这么轻易的就被切开了?这怎么可能!? Kills again!”. “再杀!”。 The Rāhu complexion was paler several points, energetic dispirited, but, stretched out the finger of oneself tremblingly, once again to Ancestral Dragon that side one stroke. 罗睺的脸色更加苍白了几分,精神萎靡,可是,微微颤颤的伸出了自己的手指,再度对着祖龙那边一划。 At this moment, entire slaughters frigid battlefield, becomes incomparable peaceful, all person vision have placed Rāhu and bodies of Ancestral Dragon two people. 这一刻,整个厮杀惨烈的战场,变得无比的安静了下来,所有的人目光都放在了罗睺祖龙两个人的身上。 Present, making all people think to shock, even, they know, the result that this fights, should be clear in this moment. 眼前的这一幕,让所有的人都觉得震撼,甚至,他们知道,这一战的结局,在这一刻就该见分晓了。 As the finger of Rāhu directs, the silver-white sword glow, in the midair similarly is partly visible Blink. 随着罗睺的手指一引,银白色的剑芒,在半空中同样是若隐若现的闪烁 Everywhere dragon blood spurts, Ancestral Dragon that ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) dragon's body, breaks directly from the middle. 紧接着,漫天龙血飞洒,祖龙那万丈龙躯,直接从中间断裂开来。 Also is together the sword light, Ancestral Dragon that tenacious incomparable dragon's body also with hands down resembles cut off, a Executing Immortal Sword terror, making trillion live Spiritual Sense to result in the hand and foot to be icy cold. 又是一道剑光,祖龙那坚韧无比的龙躯也不费吹灰之力似的被斩断了,诛仙剑阵的恐怖,让亿万生灵觉得手足冰凉。 Good terror, is this Executing Immortal Sword?”, Dongfang Yu also panic-stricken looks at present one, in the heart mutters secretly thought. “好恐怖,这就是诛仙剑阵吗?”,东方玉也惊骇的看着眼前的一幕,心中喃喃暗道 This is also only three handle Divine sword cloths Executing Immortal Sword under of incomplete version, if ends the full page Executing Immortal Sword, this terror to what degree? Makes the person not dare to imagine seriously. 这还只是三柄神剑布下的残缺版的诛仙剑阵啊,如果是完整版的诛仙剑阵,又该恐怖到何种程度?当真让人不敢想象。 „Is this fellow, hiding unexpectedly also such terrifying strength?”, Even if Primal Phoenix on same front, looks at present one, in the heart also thinks deep dreading. “这家伙,居然还隐藏着这么恐怖的力量?”,就算是同一条战线上的元凤,看着眼前的一幕,心中也觉得深深的忌惮。 It seems like Rāhu this fellow is hides deeply, has such terrifying ability, on this Great Desolate Continent also who is his match? No wonder was called Great Desolate Continent most powerhouse. 看来罗睺这家伙才是隐藏得最深的啊,拥有这样恐怖的能力,这洪荒大陆上还有谁是他的对手?难怪被人称之为洪荒大陆最强者了。 By the heart blood essence irrigation of oneself, has stimulated to movement Executing Immortal Sword of incomplete version forcefully, Rāhu at this time is also the oil completely lamp dry appearance, but, looks at Ancestral Dragon body cutting off two sections by oneself, in the Rāhu look flashed through wipes the hope the body, figure such as the electricity toward Ancestral Dragon to throw directly. 强行以自己的心头精血灌溉,催动了残缺版的诛仙剑阵,罗睺这个时候也已经是油尽灯枯的模样了,只是,看着祖龙身躯都被自己给斩断成了两截,罗睺眼神中闪过一抹渴望的身上,身形如电的朝着祖龙直接扑了过去。 Opens the big mouth, divine ability that Rāhu swallows starts, Ancestral Dragon that cut off ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) dragon's body, the distortion of body of latter half in the midair, flew toward Rāhu that side then shrank rapidly. 张开大嘴,罗睺吞噬的神通发动,祖龙那被斩断的万丈龙躯,后半截的身子在半空中一个扭曲,然后飞速缩水的朝着罗睺那边飞了过去。 Finally, arrives in front of Rāhu time, only then the pinky is so big, was swallowed down by Rāhu one directly. 最后,来到罗睺面前的时候只有小拇指那么大一条而已,被罗睺一口直接吞了下去。 As after having swallowed the half body of Ancestral Dragon, naked eye obvious, the Rāhu complexion started becomes ruddy, the wound on chest also in restoration slowly, Rāhu Aura, in promotion slowly. 随着吞下了祖龙的半截身子以后,肉眼可见,罗睺的脸色开始变得红润了起来,就连胸膛上的伤口也在慢慢的恢复,罗睺身上的气息,也在慢慢的提升。 This is Rāhu first time is in front of all living things, displays oneself swallowing divine ability. 这还是罗睺第一次当着芸芸众生的面,施展出自己的吞噬神通 He, he has swallowed unexpectedly down the half body of Ancestral Dragon......”, looks at the Rāhu movement with own eyes, countless person scream make noise, this makes people think fearful. “他,他居然把祖龙的半截身子都吞下去了……”,亲眼看着罗睺的动作,无数的人尖叫出声,这一幕让人觉得可怕。 „Is his talent divine ability? Unexpectedly can depend upon to swallow others to strengthen oneself strength!?”. “这就是他的天赋神通吗?居然可以依靠吞噬别人来增强自己力量!?”。 Looks that the half body of Ancestral Dragon was swallowed, even if in the heart of Primal Phoenix the feelings of south some like grieve for like, in the heart also mutters secretly thought. 看着祖龙的半截身子被吞了,就算是元凤的心中都南面有些兔死狐悲之感,心中也是喃喃暗道 Jie Jie Jie......”. “桀桀桀……”。 After having swallowed the half body of Ancestral Dragon, Rāhu thought that oneself looked like has eaten up perfect big tonic pills, strength from top to bottom during the fast restoration, grins to send out smiles strangely, the hope look is staring at other Ancestral Dragon half, then, threw toward Ancestral Dragon. 吞下了祖龙的半截身子以后,罗睺觉得自己就像是吃下了十全大补丸似的,浑身上下的力气在快速的恢复之中,咧着嘴发出怪笑,渴望的眼神又盯着祖龙另外半截,然后,朝着祖龙扑了过去。 The dragon race vitality is very tenacious, even if cut in two at the waist, but Ancestral Dragon a short time is not easy dead , to continue toward Rāhu that oneself throws, Ancestral Dragon to transfer oneself surviving shortly forcefully strength, opens Longzui, puts out flaming Dragon Fire. 龙族的生命力还是非常顽强的,就算是被腰斩了,可祖龙一时半会儿的还没有那么容易死去,眼看着继续朝着自己扑过来的罗睺,祖龙强行调动起自己残存的力量,张开龙嘴,吐出熊熊的龙火 Regarding these Dragon Fire, Rāhu actually looks like has not seen, the Fiendgod true body hit in these Dragon Fire directly, then opened mouth, bit directly above the Ancestral Dragon flesh and blood. 只是,对于这些龙火,罗睺却像是没有看到似的,魔神真身直接撞进了这些龙火之中,然后张开嘴,直接咬在祖龙的血肉之上。 Huge dragon's body has almost become cone-shape, falls on that part of Rāhu mouth, reduces to happen to can let the degree that Rāhu bites, on the face brings to smile strangely, Rāhu has bitten the body of Ancestral Dragon, swallowing slowly in the past. 巨大的龙躯几乎成了锥形,落在罗睺嘴里的那部分,缩小到正好能让罗睺咬住的程度,脸上带着怪笑,罗睺咬住了祖龙的躯体,慢慢的吞噬过去。 Ancestral Dragon stared in a big way both eyes, helplessly looks at Rāhu, inch by inch swallowed oneself body...... 祖龙瞪大了双眼,眼睁睁的看着罗睺,正在一寸一寸的将自己身体吞噬……
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