PE :: Volume #35

#1754: Regains the full condition Dongfang Yu

The fight, to this time, aspect is tends has almost clarified, dragon race and in phoenix clan these influence of underlying bed differs not in a big way, but top high-level strength looks like, the phoenix clan slightly wins partly plans. 战斗,到了这个时候,局面差不多已经是趋于明朗化了,龙族和凤族这些中低层的势力是相差不大的,而顶尖的高层力量看起来,凤族这边是略胜半筹。 After all besides Dongfang Yu the fight between here and Primal Phoenix can maintain the aspect of being on a par with, that side Boros by Qilin of the Beginning to the crush, similarly, Ancestral Dragon strength also slightly must miss compared with Rāhu partly plans. 毕竟除了东方玉这边和元凤之间的战斗能维持住不相伯仲的局面之外,波罗斯那边被始麒麟给碾压着,同样的,祖龙实力也稍微比罗睺要差半筹。 Therefore, from the aspect, dragon race is not as good in partly plans. 因此,从局面上来看,龙族这边是略逊于半筹的。 Along with fight unceasing passage, fight also approaching last act gradually, this is a frigid war, on Great Desolate Continent, absolutely is an unprecedented frigid war. 随着战斗不断的推移,战斗也渐渐的接近尾声了,这是一场惨烈的战争,在洪荒大陆上而言,绝对是一场前所未有的惨烈战争。 Looks as far as the eye can see to look, huge dragon race, the corpse of phoenix clan and Qilin clan piles up simply, rivers of blood, after slaughtering the present aspect, no matter the dragon race camp or the powerhouse of phoenix clan camp, the casualties are all serious, the vitality damaged severely. 纵目望去,巨大的龙族,凤族和麒麟族的尸体简直是堆积如山,血流成河,随着厮杀到了现在的局面之后,不管是龙族阵营还是凤族阵营的强者,全都死伤惨重,元气大伤了。 To this time, actually both sides are the spent forces, but, terrifying murderous aura and fighting intent fill the air in the world as before, making the mind of all people be infected, the fight is continuing as before, powerhouse one after another, continuous but actually. 到了这个时候,其实双方都已经是强弩之末了,但是,恐怖的杀气和战意依旧弥漫于天地之间,让所有人的心神都受到感染,战斗依旧在继续,一个接一个的强者,接连不断的倒了下去。 Snort, Boros, I acknowledged that your strength is very indeed strong . Moreover, talent divine ability also very fearful, but, I know that you now were not good......”. “哼,波罗斯,我承认你的实力的确很强,而且,天赋神通也非常的可怕,但是,我知道你现在已经不行了……”。 Qilin of the Beginning, the mouth puffs, the appearance of energetic dispirited, but looks the flesh lump that at present disrupts innumerably got together slowly in together, gathered the Boros appearance, the mouth congealing sound said. 始麒麟这边,嘴里喘着粗气,精神萎靡的样子,但是看着眼前无数碎裂的肉块慢慢聚合在一起了,重新汇聚成波罗斯的模样,嘴里凝声说道。 During the speeches, Qilin of the Beginning has not gathered while the flesh lump of Boros in completely together, threw directly, the giant incomparable Qilin palm, inserted in these flesh lumps directly, has held down the bead of hideaway in flesh lump, as if amber generally pure bead. 说话间,始麒麟趁着波罗斯的肉块还没有完全汇聚在一起的时候,直接扑了上去,巨大无比的麒麟掌,直接插进了这些肉块之中,一把按住了隐藏于肉块中的一颗珠子,仿佛琥珀一般纯净的珠子。 At once, Qilin palm makes an effort, Cameroon the sound resounds, on the bead presented many fissures immediately, collapse disruption. 旋即,麒麟掌用力,喀啦啦的声音响起,珠子上立马出现了许多的裂痕,紧接着崩溃碎裂。 As after this bead disrupts, the flesh lump that these gather, lost life immediately likely, fell in the place, cannot move again, turned into the complete flesh lump. 随着这颗珠子碎裂之后,这些汇聚起来的肉块,立马像是失去了生命似的,掉落在地了,再也动弹不了,变成了完全的肉块而已。 In the Qilin of the Beginning front, in fact Boros had been killed 78 times, each Boros can borrow oneself talent ability thus to reactivate. 始麒麟的面前,实际上波罗斯已经被杀了78次了,每一次波罗斯都能够借用自己的天赋能力从而复活。 His resurrecting ability looks like compared with phoenix clan Rebirth From the Ashes strength powerful, because he can quick resurrecting after the death, Rebirth From the Ashes of phoenix clan at least must wait for several days to be good. 他这复活能力看起来比凤凰族浴火重生力量都更加强大,因为他能在死亡之后很快的复活,凤凰族的浴火重生至少要等好几天的时间才行。 Boros......”, looks here situation, Dongfang Yu turned head, complexion big change. 波罗斯……”,看着这边的情况,东方玉回过头来,脸色大变。 didn't expect Boros will die unexpectedly here, but, in the final analysis looks like, solemn Qilin of the Beginning has to kill Boros ability, matter that is also not hard to accept. 没想到波罗斯居然会死在这里,但是,归根结底的看来,堂堂始麒麟拥有杀死波罗斯能力,也并非是难以接受的事情。 Where you were looking at this time......”, because of the Boros death, Dongfang Yu cannot help but somewhat lost concentration, but how will Primal Phoenix waste this opportunity? The phoenix flame winding of berserk on that incisive sharp claws, has grasped toward Dongfang Yu directly. “你这个时候在看哪里呢……”,因为波罗斯的死,东方玉不由得有些分神了,而元凤岂会浪费这个机会?狂暴的凤炎缠绕在那尖锐的利爪上面,直接朝着东方玉抓了过来。 Dongfang Yu that dodges, chest instantaneously by that giant chicken feet tearing, fearful wound, not only lets the blood long class, inside internal organs can also see, such fearful injury, apparently does not have the means to restore in a short time. 闪躲不及的东方玉,胸口瞬间被那巨大的凤爪给撕裂开来,可怕的伤口不只是让鲜血长流,就连里面的内脏也都看得到,这样可怕的伤势,显然没有办法在短时间内恢复的。 bastard fellow!”, At the same time, nearby Ancestral Dragon, heart anger, is controlling oneself Dragon Ball, blooms powerful incomparable Aura, maliciously hits toward Rāhu. 混账家伙!”,与此同时,旁边的祖龙,心头怒意更甚,操控着自己龙珠,绽放出强大无比的气息,狠狠的朝着罗睺撞过去。 The strength aspect, Ancestral Dragon must be not as good compared with Rāhu as before partly plans, Dragon Ball although powerful, but in the Rāhu hand also has Executing Immortal Sword, Absolute Immortal Sword and Fallen Immortal Sword three handles, three handle Divine sword, almost every handle was not inferior in Ancestral Dragon Dragon Ball. 只是,实力方面,祖龙依旧是比罗睺要略逊半筹,龙珠虽然强大,可是罗睺手中也有诛仙剑绝仙剑陷仙剑三柄,三柄神剑,几乎每一柄都不逊色于祖龙龙珠了。 Dies!”, Moreover Primal Phoenix at the same time, looks to fight such long Dongfang Yu, like this caused heavy losses under the hand of oneself, how to give up this expanded superiority the opportunity? Flaming gold(en) flame burns, changes to the dreadful sea of fire to press toward Dongfang Yu. “去死吧!”,另外一边的元凤,看着斗了这么久的东方玉,这样在自己的手底下重创了,岂会放弃这扩大优势的机会?熊熊的金色火焰燃烧起来,化作滔天火海朝着东方玉这边压下来。 The chest was almost broken, Dongfang Yu received such heavy losses, strength will certainly have the influence of certain extent, this looked like in Primal Phoenix, puts to death the Dongfang Yu best opportunity. 胸膛几乎都被破开了,东方玉受了这样的重创,实力一定会有一定程度的影响,这在元凤看来,是诛杀东方玉最好的机会了。 Dongfang Yu's was really receives caused heavy losses, strength also indeed came under the influence of certain extent. 东方玉的确是受了重创了,实力也的确是受到了一定程度的影响。 Looks at present, the Dongfang Yu look concentrates slightly, at the same time, hand on storage ring gently wipes, a emerald green colored bean appears in the Dongfang Yu's palm, one of two Senzu Bean Dragon Ball plane only saves. 只是,看着眼前的这一幕,东方玉眼神微微一凝,与此同时,手在纳戒上轻轻的一抹,一颗翠绿色的豆子出现在东方玉的掌心之中,正是龙珠位面仅存的两颗仙豆之一。 Has not hesitated, Dongfang Yu lost into the mouth this Senzu Bean directly. 没有迟疑,东方玉直接将这颗仙豆丢入了嘴里。 As Senzu Bean enters the mouth, under the strength function of powerful, Dongfang Yu injury almost restores instantaneously such as beginning, strength that so, consumes incessantly also completely was restored in this moment, has been the most flourishing time. 随着仙豆入嘴,强大力量作用下,东方玉身上的伤势几乎瞬间恢复如初,不止如此,消耗掉的力量也在这一刻完全得到了恢复,重新达到了全盛的时期。 Grasps God-Slayer Spear to shake, Dongfang Yu's Aura erupts once again, as if scissors once again oneself front phoenix flame tearing, at the same time, figure like the electricity, direct my humble home Primal Phoenix, threw in that Qilin of the Beginning direction. 手持弑神枪一震,东方玉的气息再度爆发出来,仿佛剪刀似的再度将自己面前的凤炎给撕裂了,与此同时,身形如电,直接舍下了元凤,朝着那始麒麟的方向扑了过去。 Qilin of the Beginning, succeeds after Boros has put to death, the mind cannot help but relaxed, fights was so long, finally success has put to death Boros. 始麒麟这边,成功的将波罗斯诛杀了之后,心神不由得松了一口气,战斗了这么久,终于成功的诛杀了波罗斯了。 However, when he just relaxed, suddenly, the unprecedented sense of crisis in the moral nature explodes, making the Qilin of the Beginning whole body fine hair almost set upright, reflective leaned the body to dodge. 然而,就在他刚刚松了一口气的时候,突然,前所未有的危机感在心底里爆炸开来,让始麒麟浑身汗毛几乎都竖了起来,反射性的侧过身子想要闪躲。 pūchī! 噗嗤 The blood splash blooms, late, was mixing with fearful Aura and anger, Dongfang Yu's God-Slayer Spear has passed through the body of time directly, terrifying murderous aura wreaking havoc Qilin of the Beginning mortal body wantonly, lets flood unceasing passing that his vitality looks like burst a dike. 血花绽放,晚了,夹杂着可怕的气息怒意,东方玉的弑神枪直接贯穿了时期的身子,恐怖的杀气大肆的肆虐始麒麟肉身,让他的生机就像是决了堤的洪水般不断的流逝。 Reluctant turning head, Qilin of the Beginning looks at oneself behind Dongfang Yu, in the look has the look that is not daring to believe that obviously didn't expect Dongfang Yu suddenly will appear unexpectedly in oneself behind. 勉强的回过头来,始麒麟看着自己身后的东方玉,眼神中带着不敢置信的神色,显然没想到东方玉居然会突然出现在自己身后了。 Naturally, the biggest reason everyone didn't expect, obviously received the heavy losses, moreover is Dongfang Yu of spent force, suddenly becomes the appearance that jumps for joy, not only the injury fully restored, own strength also fully restored. 当然,最大的原因还是谁都没想到,明明受了重创,而且已经是强弩之末的东方玉,突然会变得活蹦乱跳的样子,不但伤势完全恢复了,就连自身的力气也完全恢复了。 The wrist|skill turns, God-Slayer Spear in Dongfang Yu hand in within the body of Qilin of the Beginning maliciously turns, almost broke to pieces its heart complete turning. 手腕一扭,东方玉手中的弑神枪始麒麟体内狠狠的一扭,几乎将它的心脏都完全的扭碎了。 Actually also does not wait to look at Qilin of the Beginning is what result, Dongfang Yu leaving suddenly to retreat, in the hōng lóng lóng bang sound, the claw of Primal Phoenix in the place that just Dongfang Yu stood, has left behind a fearful endocrater. 也不等着看始麒麟究竟是什么样的结局,东方玉抽身暴退,轰隆隆的巨响声中,元凤的爪子在刚刚东方玉站立的地方,留下了一个可怕的巨坑。 Dongfang Yu clarified at this time has not been willing to make the entanglement with Primal Phoenix the meaning, has not paid attention to chase down oneself Primal Phoenix. 东方玉这个时候摆明了就是不愿意和元凤多做纠缠的意思,没有理会追杀着自己元凤 At this time Primal Phoenix was also the spent force, Dongfang Yu looked like wants to pursue oneself unable to overtake, because of the Boros death, under Dongfang Yu dreadful anger, threw toward that Rāhu once again, billowing Aura, was faint broke 200,000. 这个时候元凤也是强弩之末呢,东方玉看来就算是想追自己也追不上,因为波罗斯的死,东方玉滔天的怒意之下,再度朝着那罗睺扑了过去,滚滚气息,隐隐间已经突破了200000大关了。 The God-Slayer Spear lance point, points to Rāhu, at this time nearby Ancestral Dragon also noted certainly imposing manner agitated Dongfang Yu, saw that Dongfang Yu erupts such formidable strength unexpectedly once again, even was faint was just stronger than the half minute, Ancestral Dragon also hit the spirit, was controlling Dragon Ball and Dongfang Yu together, collaborated to launch the attack toward Rāhu. 弑神枪的枪尖,直指罗睺,这个时候旁边的祖龙当然也注意到了气势汹汹的东方玉了,眼看着东方玉居然再度爆发出这么强悍力量,甚至隐隐间比刚刚更强了半分,祖龙也打起了精神,操控着龙珠东方玉一起,联手朝着罗睺发动了攻击。 Fought this aspect, did not have what so-called morality and justice. 战斗到了这个局面,已经没有什么所谓的道义了。 But is facing Ancestral Dragon and Dongfang Yu their collaboration attack, Rāhu is also with amazement the discoloration, his strength is strong, doesn't have the means to resist these two to collaborate? 而面对着祖龙东方玉两人的联手攻击,罗睺也是骇然色变,他的实力再强,也没办法抵挡这两人联手吧? Has not attempted to resist their thoughts, Rāhu leaving suddenly to retreat, going all out dodges their attacks. 根本就没有妄图抵挡住两人的心思,罗睺抽身暴退,拼命的闪躲两人的攻击。 although has three handle Divine sword in hand, but Rāhu also knows that oneself wants alone to face Dongfang Yu and attacks of Ancestral Dragon two people are completely the impossible matter, therefore under their attack, Rāhu can only hit 12 the spirit to dodge and escape hand in hand. 虽然有三柄神剑在手,可是罗睺也知道自己想要独自面对东方玉祖龙两个人的攻击是完全不可能的事情,所以在两人携手的攻击下,罗睺只能打起12分的精神来闪躲和逃命。 No matter Ancestral Dragon Dragon Ball or Dongfang Yu's God-Slayer Spear, to Rāhu, is fearful kills, he is not willing to experiment their weapon with the oneself Fiendgod true body is whether fierce. 不管是祖龙龙珠还是东方玉的弑神枪,对罗睺而言,都是可怕的杀器,他可不愿意用自己魔神真身去试验一下两人的兵器是否厉害。 Primal Phoenix was pursuing Dongfang Yu's, but, looks that Dongfang Yu and Ancestral Dragon collaborated to attack Rāhu to go at this time, a Primal Phoenix brow wrinkle slightly. 元凤本来是在追逐着东方玉的,只是,看着东方玉祖龙这个时候联手攻击罗睺去了,元凤的眉头微微的一皱。 although he also knows, if Rāhu were also killed, depended on oneself a person to die without doubt, but Primal Phoenix actually also clear, oneself was pursuing the Dongfang Yu's words, was well below that Dongfang Yu pursued oneself. 虽然他也知道如果罗睺也被杀了的话,就凭自己一个人必死无疑了,但元凤却也清楚,自己去追着东方玉的话,远远不如东方玉来追自己 Thinks of here, the Primal Phoenix vision sweeps, the look has locked not far away Houtu (Mother Earth) instantaneously, at once a figure transition. 想到这里,元凤的目光一扫,眼神瞬间锁定了不远处的后土,旋即身形一个转折。 Has not been hiding the meaning of oneself goal, the dreadful sea of fire erupts, Primal Phoenix threw toward Houtu (Mother Earth) directly, sharp claw maliciously has grasped toward Houtu (Mother Earth). 没有藏着自己目标的意思,滔天的火海爆发出来,元凤直接朝着后土扑了过去,锋锐的爪子狠狠的朝着后土抓了过去。 Houtu (Mother Earth)!”, Here Dongfang Yu, had naturally discovered Primal Phoenix goal, the complexion changes, the figure instantaneous transition, threw toward Primal Phoenix. 后土!”,这边的东方玉,自然也发现了元凤的目标,脸色一变,身形瞬间转折,朝着元凤扑了过去。 After having eaten up Senzu Bean, Dongfang Yu can say that now was in the heyday, the strength aspect must also plan compared with Primal Phoenix. 吃下了一颗仙豆之后,东方玉现在可以说处于全盛时期,实力方面已经比元凤还要强一筹了。 Younger sister!”, Saw that here Houtu (Mother Earth) had been locked by Primal Phoenix, other side several Ancestor Witch complexions changed. “小妹!”,眼看着这边后土元凤锁定了,旁边其他几个祖巫脸色都变了变。 Di Jiang (River Emperor) displays oneself space class divine ability instantaneously, folds space length between Primal Phoenix and Houtu (Mother Earth). 帝江瞬间施展出自己的空间类神通,来折叠元凤后土之间的空间距离。 Meanwhile, Candle Dragon also puts forth oneself time divine ability, comes the time speed of flow of slow Primal Phoenix whole body. 同时,烛九阴也跟着使出自己的时间神通,来迟缓元凤周身的时间流速。 Under divine ability that they collaborate, naked eye obvious, Primal Phoenix threw past speed toward Houtu (Mother Earth), dropped a big section of appearance suddenly. 在两人联手的神通下,肉眼可见,元凤朝着后土扑过去的速度,陡然间下降了一大截的样子。 Hateful, these Ancestor Witch divine ability ability indeed trouble......”, Primal Phoenix naturally realized that the change of whole body space and time, the heart has cannot help but criticized one. “可恶,这些祖巫们的神通能力的确麻烦……”,元凤自然察觉到了周身空间和时间的变化了,心头不由得暗骂一声。 The eyeball transferred one, saw not far away Nuwa quickly, about the relations between Nuwa and Dongfang Yu, actually also had the scout to report to give Primal Phoenix in secret. 眼珠子转了一圈啊,很快看到了不远处的女娲,关于女娲东方玉之间的关系,其实也有探子暗中汇报给元凤了。 Since wants to hold Houtu (Mother Earth) already was difficult, then Primal Phoenix has discarded simply her. 既然想要抓住后土已经非常的困难了,那么元凤索性就舍弃了她。 figure moves, has worked loose Di Jiang (River Emperor) and Candle Dragon directly the space and time channel under their cloth, threw toward Nuwa, the sharp claw, grasps Nuwa instantaneously in the hand...... 身形一动,直接挣脱了帝江烛九阴两人布下的时空通道,朝着女娲扑了过去,锐利的爪子,瞬间将女娲抓在手中……
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