PE :: Volume #35

#1753: Hate of Ancestral Dragon

Balance of victory, gradually has forgotten dragon race this camp to start to incline. 胜利的天平,渐渐的已经忘龙族这个阵营开始倾斜了。 All people can look, Dongfang Yu and Primal Phoenix are on a par, that side War God Boros has also constrained Qilin of the Beginning, this time Ancestral Dragon completely likely was bullying, his strength was not only nobody can resist, even was his exist(ence), has to make all powerhouses branch out part of mind to be vigilant him, strength that the nature, can display had 60%-70%. 所有人都看得出来,东方玉元凤不相伯仲,那边的战神波罗斯也拖住了始麒麟,这个时候的祖龙完全像是虎入羊群似的,他的力量不但是没有人能够抵挡,甚至是他的存在,就不得不让所有的强者分出一部分心神来警惕他了,自然,能发挥出来的力量只有六七成而已。 Fearful Dragon Ball, under the control of Ancestral Dragon completely is exist(ence) that is hard to resist, under howling of that Dragon Ball, another phoenix and Qilin directly was hit the muddy flesh, this fearful strength, astounding, the morale naturally suffered a disastrous decline. 可怕的龙珠,在祖龙的操控下完全是难以抵挡的存在,在那龙珠的呼啸之下,一只又一只的凤凰和麒麟都被直接撞成了肉泥,这可怕的力量,让人惊骇,士气自然是一落千丈了。 Although Primal Phoenix and Qilin of the Beginning look that at present this is burning with anger, is in a short time, they are actually hard to get rid of the entanglement of Dongfang Yu and Boros. 尽管元凤始麒麟看着眼前这一幕都怒火中烧,可是短时间内,他们却难以摆脱东方玉波罗斯的纠缠。 Slaughters, frigid slaughters to continue, in front of battlefield this fearful meat grinder, all lives became not worthy of mentioning. 厮杀,惨烈的厮杀继续着,在战场这个可怕的绞肉机面前,所有的生命都变得微不足道了。 Fearful murderous aura almost infected all people, in this moment, as if all people kills to get angry, absolutely did not have slightly the sane appearance, the deep in one's heart as if sound unceasingly was summoning them: Kills! 可怕的杀气几乎感染了所有的人,在这一刻,似乎所有的人都杀红了眼,根本就没有丝毫理智的模样了,内心深处似乎有一个声音在不断的呼唤着他们:杀杀杀! Slaughters is still continuing, this Chinese parasol tree temple surrounding area in several thousand li (0.5km), all turned into a fearful slaughtering field, the corpse that here leaves behind piles up seriously, bright red bloodstain, was completely incarnadine the entire earth. 厮杀还在继续,这梧桐神殿方圆数万里之内,全都变成了一片可怕的杀戮场,在这里留下的尸体当真是堆积如山,鲜红色的血迹,也完全将整个大地都染红了。 although looks like the population are less, but, balance of victory actually already in slowly inclined toward dragon race, looks at the appearance, final dragon race should achieve a frigid success. 虽然看起来人数更少,可是,胜利的天平却已经在慢慢的往龙族这边倾斜了,看模样,最后的龙族应该会获得一个惨烈的胜利。 „, Dongfang Yu and Ancestral Dragon these two fellows collaborate, is seriously fierce......” “啧啧啧,东方玉祖龙这两个家伙联手起来,当真厉害啊……” Demon Ancestor Rāhu, hides in Anzhong to peep at the aspect on this battlefield, looks that the dragon race camp can achieve the aspect of defeating a numerically superior enemy, Rāhu has the sound, sighed secretly said. 魔祖罗睺,隐藏于暗中窥视着这个战场上的局面,看着龙族的阵营真的能做到以少胜多的局面,罗睺啧啧有声,暗自感叹说道。 However, what does Rāhu hide goal here is? Pure sees a play? Naturally is impossible! 不过,罗睺躲在这里的目的是什么?单纯的来看戏吗?自然是不可能的! The Rāhu goal is very simple, that is hopes that the Earlier Heaven Three Races person can die cleanly on today's this battlefield, only then Earlier Heaven Three Races has been annihilated, later the oneself demon clan can lord over Great Desolate Continent. 罗睺的目标很简单,那就是希望先天三族的人在今天这个战场上能死得干干净净的,只有先天三族全军覆没了,以后自己的魔族才能够独霸洪荒大陆啊。 Because is hitting such attention, the Rāhu talent and Ancestral Dragon transaction, left the camp of phoenix clan, on the one hand can obtain a Executing Immortal Sword chart from the hand of Ancestral Dragon, on the other hand, is if oneself does not walk, the phoenix clan will obtain to win. 正是因为打着这样的注意,罗睺才和祖龙交易,离开了凤族的阵营,一方面能从祖龙的手中得到诛仙剑阵图,另外一方面,也是因为如果自己不走的话,凤族就会获得胜利了。 It looks like in Rāhu, not having the words that oneself strength helps one another, dragon race influence although to be not as good as in Fengzu and Qilin clan collaborates, but actually should also end up to turn out a mutually wounded aspect is right, which knows that the true situation was dragon race instead got the winning side, moreover if as expected, the Qilin clan and phoenix clan will collaborate to be defeated by dragon race. 本来在罗睺看来,没有自己力量相助的话,龙族势力虽然略逊于凤族和麒麟族联手,但是却也应该会落得个两败俱伤的局面才对的,哪知道,真正的情况是龙族反而占据了上风,而且不出意外的话,麒麟族和凤族联手都会被龙族打败。 Who wins, does not permit in the Rāhu heart, therefore, saw dragon race gradually must expand the superiority, then establishes the victory time, Rāhu somewhat could not sit still, in the heart also decided take action. 谁获得胜利,在罗睺心中都是不允许的,所以,眼看着龙族渐渐的要把优势扩大,然后奠定胜利的时候,罗睺有些坐不住了,心中也决定出手了。 The Rāhu goal is very simple, who both sides of fight obtained the superiority to suppress anyone, made the war of both sides maintain a balanced aspect with every effort, in this case, fought the final words, Earlier Heaven Three Races naturally was the casualty completely. 罗睺的目的很简单,战斗的双方谁获得了优势就打压谁,尽力的让双方的战局维持住一个平衡的局面,这样的话,战斗到最后的话,先天三族自然是死伤殆尽了。 The intention moves, Rāhu in take action, has put on one directly in secret jet black such as Robe of black ink, Rāhu has cut into battlefield, in secret the powerhouses of help phoenix clan and Qilin clan, in Rāhu under helps darkly, the dragon race camp powerhouses were put to death. 心念一动,罗睺直接在暗中出手了,穿着一袭漆黑如墨的袍子,罗睺神不知鬼不觉的切入了战场之中,暗中帮助凤族和麒麟族的强者们,在罗睺的暗助之下,一个个龙族阵营强者被诛杀了。 If Ancestral Dragon Dragon Ball, is in surface is putting to death expert of phoenix clan camp, then Rāhu was in secret is putting to death expert of dragon race camp, with the lapse of time, the tactical situation incomparable frigidity of both sides, was actually strange maintenance a balanced aspect. 如果说祖龙龙珠,是表面上的在诛杀凤族阵营的高手,那么罗睺就是在暗中诛杀龙族阵营的高手了,随着时间的推移,双方的战况无比的惨烈,可是却诡异的维持住了一个平衡般的局面。 Moreover public figure who both sides fight, already buckle more than half, the entire Great Desolate Continent air, seemed bringing the thick smell of blood. 而且双方战斗的人士,都已经折损过半了,整个洪荒大陆的空气,似乎都带着浓浓的血腥味了。 Fights the present, passed very long time, Primal Phoenix and Dongfang Yu both sides were the appearances of being scarred, Dongfang Yu's Aura became weak, the consumption was enormous, the Super Saiyan shape almost quickly could not maintain. 战斗到了现在,已经是过去了很长的时间了,元凤东方玉双方都是伤痕累累的样子,东方玉的气息变得微弱了下来,消耗极大,就连超级赛亚人的形态几乎都快维持不住了。 The mouth puffs, grasps the palm of God-Slayer Spear slightly to shiver, clothes also becomes tattered, some body many bloodstains, the burned black place, looked that the appearance knows was distressed. 嘴里喘着粗气,握着弑神枪的手掌都微微颤抖了起来,身上的衣服也变得破破烂烂的,身上更有许多血迹,还有很多焦黑的地方,看模样就知道非常的狼狈了。 Similarly, to Dongfang Yu, the Primal Phoenix that side appeared more pitiful, several blood holes, all were Dodon Ray fall the scar that on him kept, has filled Dodon Ray of penetrability, making on Primal Phoenix the blood long class continue. 同样的,相对于东方玉而言,元凤那边显得更加凄惨了,身上好几个血洞,全都是洞洞波落在他身上的时候留下来的伤痕,充满了贯穿力的洞洞波,让元凤身上鲜血长流不止。 Moreover, the body also many wounds, these are God-Slayer Spear remain, although the Primal Phoenix build looks like very huge, but, because of the reason of blood, this time Primal Phoenix as if turned into a blood phoenix. 而且,身上也有好多的伤口,这些都是弑神枪留下来的,虽说元凤的体型看起来非常的巨大,但是,因为鲜血的缘故,这个时候的元凤仿佛变成了一只血凤凰。 Words that however must speak, moreover Boros at the same time looks like most pitiful, the whole person looks like, Essence, Qi and Spirit is the unusual dispirited. 不过要说起来的话,另外一边的波罗斯看起来最凄惨,整个人看起来,精气神已经是非常的萎靡了。 Original Boros strength must miss compared with Qilin of the Beginning plans, can support is so long, but must give credit to him can quickly restore any injury the talent. 本来波罗斯实力就比始麒麟要差一筹,能支撑这么久,还要归功于他能够迅速恢复任何伤势的天赋了。 It looks like when One Punch Man plane, even if were body has crushed, can quickly restore, otherwise, how can Boros support under the hand of Qilin of the Beginning is so long? 就像是在一拳超人位面的时候,就算是身体粉碎了,也能迅速恢复,否则的话,波罗斯如何能在始麒麟的手底下支撑这么久? hū chī... hū chī...... The toughness of this fellow is seriously fearful......”, Qilin of the Beginning the mouth also puffed at this time, looks that the Boros look is also having a helpless feeling. 呼哧呼哧……这家伙的韧性当真可怕啊……”,始麒麟这个时候嘴里也喘着粗气,看着波罗斯的眼神也带着一丝无奈的感觉。 oneself strength is obviously stronger than him, but does not have the means to defeat him, this looks like ferocious tiger has been facing a turtle, is unable the feeling of lower jaw to be the same. 明明自己实力比他更强,但是却没办法打败他,这就像是一直猛虎面对着一只乌龟,无从下嘴的感觉一样了。 Regarding Ancestral Dragon, the time is to actually cross the quick appearance, is controlling Dragon Ball in the hand, under the Ancestral Dragon unceasing attack, dies the expert of phoenix clan and Qilin clan under his hand, at least also 3,000-4,000, these have been possible to be in the Ancestral Dragon vision quite strong exist(ence). 对于祖龙而言,时间却是过得很快的样子,操控着龙珠在手,祖龙不断的攻击之下,死在他手底下的凤族和麒麟族的高手,至少也有三四千了,这些可都是祖龙目光中比较强的存在 In his opinion, oneself has put to death expert of these many phoenix clan and Qilin clan, the superiority that dragon race has should expand to decides outcome sufficiently the time? 在他看来,自己诛杀了这么多凤族和麒麟族的高手,龙族占据的优势应该已经扩大到足以决定胜负的时候了吧? When Ancestral Dragon recovers, has swept an audience the time, was actually stunned, because from the aspect, the dragon race superiority was not big. 只是,当祖龙回过神来,扫了一眼全场的时候,却是愕然了,因为从局面上来看,龙族的优势并不大。 What's the matter? The quantity of although dragon race camp are quite few, but, oneself has put to death several thousand opposite side expert, properly speaking dragon race should have the crush superiority is right. 怎么回事?虽然龙族阵营的数量比较少,可是,自己都诛杀了数千个对方高手了,按理说龙族应该具备了碾压性的优势了才对啊。 pūchī! 噗嗤 When Ancestral Dragon stunned looks at the surrounding all, suddenly, not far away shadow has brought to the attention of Ancestral Dragon. 就在祖龙愕然的看着周围一切的时候,突然,不远处的一个影子引起了祖龙的注意。 Original dragon race and Qilin clan is fighting, both sides look like are on a par, but this shadow from that dragon race has delimited, the body of instantaneous dragon race had a fearful wound, the blood long class, in the painful cry, this dragon race by the claw of that Qilin clan directly according to the ground, the big mouth directly was also nipped the neck of dragon race. 本来一个龙族和麒麟族正在战斗,双方看起来不相伯仲的,可是这个影子从那龙族的身后划过,瞬间龙族的身上就出现了一道可怕的伤口,鲜血长流,痛叫声中,这个龙族也被那麒麟族的爪子直接按在地上,血盆大口直接咬中了龙族的脖子。 Hateful fellow!”, Saw that this shadow walked randomly in darkness together, has assassinated expert of dragon race camp, the Ancestral Dragon complexion changed, was bringing thick killing intent, controlled oneself Dragon Ball to fly directly, like lightning rumbled toward this black sillhouette in the past, speed was extremely quick, made the person dodge radically without enough time. “可恶的家伙!”,眼看着这一道影子在黑暗中游走,暗杀了一个又一个龙族阵营的高手,祖龙脸色一变,带着浓浓的杀意,操控着自己龙珠直接飞了起来,闪电般的朝着这个黑色人影轰了过去,速度极快,根本让人来不及闪躲。 This Dragon Ball flies toward oneself, the shadow as if also felt, take action like lightning, handle snow white long sword appeared in his palm, toward that Dragon Ball maliciously divided. 只是,这龙珠朝着自己飞过来,黑影似乎也感受到了,闪电般的出手,一柄雪白色的长剑出现在他掌心,朝着那龙珠狠狠的一劈。 In the bang, the hand grasps long sword shadow figure loudly under the hit of Dragon Ball, was shaken has drawn back dozens meters, but finally actually success Dragon Ball keeping off. 轰然巨响之中,手握长剑的黑影身形龙珠的撞击下,被震退了数十米,但是最后却成功的将龙珠给挡了下来。 What!?”. “什么!?”。 Saw that oneself Dragon Ball kept off unexpectedly had gotten down, Ancestral Dragon stared in a big way eyes, at present this naturally was to stem from his unexpected, this mysterious can sillhouette be able to block oneself Dragon Ball unexpectedly? 眼看自己龙珠居然被挡了下来了,祖龙瞪大了眼睛,眼前这一幕自然是出乎他的意料之外了,这个神秘的人影居然能够挡得住自己龙珠 Must know under this Dragon Ball bombardment, even if Qilin of the Beginning good Primal Phoenix they not necessarily to block, who this shadow is? Unexpectedly has such strength? 要知道这龙珠轰击之下,就算是始麒麟元凤他们两个也不一定挡得住呢,这个黑影是谁?居然有这样的力量 Good fierce......”. “好厉害……”。 Goal that Dragon Ball always many people pay attention , the phoenix clan, naturally also many people saw this, feeling that during the shock, many person one spirits inspire greatly. 龙珠总是很多人关注的目标,凤族这边,自然也有很多人看到了这一幕了,震惊之中,许多人更有一种精神大振的感觉。 Rāhu!”. 罗睺!”。 Who although has not recognized this shadow the status is, the person but who in this side Great Desolate Continent world can block the oneself Dragon Ball attack, ponders over, only then Rāhu can achieve, in the Ancestral Dragon look, erupts the unprecedented violent anger, hating the sound to call out. 虽然还没认出这个黑影的身份是谁,但是这方洪荒大陆的天地之中能挡住自己龙珠攻击的人,思前想后,也只有罗睺能做得到了,祖龙的眼神中,爆发出前所未有的暴怒,恨声叫道。 Excuse me, Ancestral Dragon, we met, gets up along with the Ancestral Dragon dragon roar sound, the shadow simply had also revealed the oneself truth about the matter comes, who isn't Rāhu can also be? “不好意思,祖龙,我们又见面了”,随着祖龙龙吟声响起,黑影也干脆的亮出了自己的庐山真面目来,不是罗睺还能是谁? oneself to the crystal palace, obtained a Executing Immortal Sword chart obviously, complied to leave the camp of phoenix clan, but, Rāhu appeared. 明明自己到了水晶宫,得到了诛仙剑阵图,也答应了离开凤族的阵营,可是,罗睺还是出现了。 „The bastard thing, fails to keep one's word!”. 混账的东西,言而无信!”。 In the Ancestral Dragon look erupts the unprecedented hatred, such badly had been suspended one, no matter , the anger in heart likely will be the volcano of eruption will be ordinary. 祖龙的眼神中爆发出前所未有的恨意,被人这么恶劣的摆了一道,不管是谁,心中的愤怒都会像是喷发的火山一般了。 Has made a mistake, I complied with your matter to achieve, the demon entrance by your seal, the demon clan had not been presented on this battlefield, I promised you to be separated from the phoenix clan and Qilin of the Beginning camp also achieve, now my will and behavior by the oneself wish, they have not collaborated with Primal Phoenix. “错了,我答应你的事情已经做到了啊,魔界入口被你封印了,魔族并没有出现在这个战场上,还有,我答应你脱离凤族和始麒麟的阵营也做到了啊,现在我的意志和行为不过是凭借自己的意愿罢了,并没有和元凤他们联手啊”。 Regarding the Ancestral Dragon anger, Rāhu beckoned with the hand, corrects said. 对于祖龙的愤怒,罗睺摆了摆手,纠正说道。 Quibbled!”, In the violent anger sound, on Ancestral Dragon all strength all erupt, at the same time, figure moves, is mixing with the dreadful anger, threw toward Rāhu. “强词夺理!”,暴怒声中,祖龙身上所有的力量全都爆发出来,与此同时,身形一动,夹杂着滔天的愤怒,朝着罗睺扑了过去。 Hides in secret, does not know that the powerhouses of many dragon race camps were given to assassinate by him, in addition failing to keep one's word of Rāhu, the fearful hatred and anger, almost made Ancestral Dragon lose sanely. 躲藏在暗中,也不知道多少龙族阵营的强者被他给暗杀了,再加上罗睺的言而无信,可怕的仇恨和怒火,几乎让祖龙失去理智了。 Counter-attacks! Counter-attacks!”. “反攻!反攻!”。 Saw this, Rāhu this fellow appeared finally, the Primal Phoenix spirit also greatly inspired, the mouth called out fierce, was summoning strength that the phoenix clan camp survived, rose spiritedly to counter-attack. 看到这一幕,罗睺这家伙终于还是出现了,元凤的精神也是大振,嘴里厉声叫道,号召着凤族阵营所残存的力量,奋起反攻。
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