PE :: Volume #35

#1752: Frigid

Along with the Ancestral Dragon movement, dragon race influence here powerhouses, morale resounding launched the impact toward phoenix clan their lineups, dense and numerous crowds, as if endless meteor shower. 随着祖龙的动作,龙族势力这边的强者们,一个个士气高亢的朝着凤族他们的阵容发起了冲击,密密麻麻的人群,仿佛无尽的流星雨似的。 In a twinkling, entire battlefield is ready to be set off, all kinds of divine ability, magecraft and treasure ray, radiant incomparable, completely illuminated entire Great Desolate Continent. 霎时间,整个战场一触即发,各种各样的神通,术法宝物的光芒,璀璨无比,将整个洪荒大陆都完全的照亮了。 Naturally, is facing the attacks of dragon race camp these powerhouses, the powerhouses in phoenix clan territory, similarly spunks up, after all from the population, the words that the phoenix clan and Qilin clan collaborate, the population above dragon race. 当然,面对着龙族阵营这些强者的攻击,凤族领地之内的强者们,同样打起精神来,毕竟从人数上而言,凤族和麒麟族联手的话,人数还是在龙族之上的。 When the people of this both sides wrestle in the same place, battles of various close 2 million clan powerhouses, this condition seems like the incomparable frigidity. 当这双方的人们扭打在一起的时候,接近2000000各族强者的厮杀,这状况看起来是无比的惨烈。 Entire battlefield changed to a giant meat grinder, has many lives to vanish above this battlefield every second, on Great Desolate Continent first time not measures the tribulation, started to show its terror to come. 整个战场都化作了一个巨大的绞肉机,每一秒都有许多的生命在这战场之上消失,洪荒大陆上的第一次无量量劫,开始展现出它的恐怖来了。 Di Jiang (River Emperor) space divine ability, the move between take action, very marvelous, ability of space class also makes people virtually impossible to guard against. 帝江一手空间神通,出手间的招数,非常的奇妙,空间类的能力也让人防不胜防。 Candle Dragon has time class talent divine ability, makes people be hard to resist, the ability alternation of various time acceleration and time recollection is fighting, can easily plays with others in applauses. 烛九阴拥有时间类的天赋神通,更加让人难以招架,各种时间加速和时间回溯的能力穿插在战斗之中,能轻易的将别人玩弄于鼓掌之间。 Altogether the labor and wished melts two, can wave to draw on the dreadful flood, another can release various God Fire, fire and water have no mercy, divine ability that they showed that completely was battle of wide scope, the innumerable powerhouses submerged under their water and fire. 共工和祝融两个,一则能挥手间招来滔天洪水,另外一个举手投足间能释放出各种神火,水火无情,他们两个所展现出来的神通,完全是大范围的厮杀,无数的强者淹没在他们的水火之下。 Finally also has Houtu (Mother Earth) divine ability magecraft, and even Nuwa strength, the bright eye above this battlefield, after all their strength above this battlefield was also the rare expert ranks. 最后还有后土神通术法,乃至女娲力量,在这战场之上都非常的亮眼,毕竟他们的力量在这战场之上也算是难得的高手行列了。 It looks like, is dragon race here influence occupies in leeward, the quantity that after all the phoenix clan and Qilin clan collaborate are more, the expert quantity is also very strong. 看起来,是龙族这边的势力屈居于下风的,毕竟凤族和麒麟族联手的数量更多,高手的数量也很强。 The fight just started to open, nature Ancestor Witch gave opposite side to cause very big damage, bright eye influence that but displayed on battlefield along with them, attracted the phoenix clan and attention of Qilin clan expert, then these expert dealt with them separately, actually slowly has stabilized the aspect, even, started to counter-attack toward the dragon race powerhouses...... 战斗刚开始打开的时候,自然祖巫们都给对方造成了很大的伤害,可是随着他们在战场上表现出来的亮眼势力,也吸引了凤族和麒麟族高手的注意,然后这些高手分别去应对他们,倒是慢慢的将局面稳住了,甚至,朝着龙族的强者们这边开始了反扑…… battlefield aspect, gradually was in the stage of superheating, Primal Phoenix here and Dongfang Yu fought for a long time, simply have not defeated the Dongfang Yu's means that God-Slayer Spear in Dongfang Yu of hand, strength was not indeed weak in oneself, this made the Primal Phoenix mood even more anxious. 战场的局面,渐渐的已经进入了白热化的阶段了,元凤这边和东方玉斗了许久,都根本没有打败东方玉的办法,弑神枪在手的东方玉,实力的确不弱于自己了,这让元凤的心情越发的急切。 When fight, Primal Phoenix also looked at a not far away float not to have take action Ancestral Dragon, such aspect made the Primal Phoenix mind dignified. 战斗之余,元凤还瞄了一眼不远处悬浮着没有出手祖龙,这样的局面让元凤心神凝重。 At this time both sides had it can be said that turned out in full strength, but didn't Ancestral Dragon have take action unexpectedly? He in what? 这个时候双方可以说是倾巢而出了,可祖龙居然还没出手?他在等什么? What is main is once Ancestral Dragon take action, but who can also be able to block his strength? 更主要的是一旦祖龙出手的话,还能有谁挡得住他的力量 Hateful! Hateful demon clan!”, After thinking of Ancestral Dragon take action, nobody can in resisting his strength, in the heart of Primal Phoenix has cannot help but criticized to make noise. “可恶!可恶的魔族!”,想到祖龙出手之后,就没有人能够在抵挡住他的力量了,元凤的心中不由得暗骂出声来。 although looks like from the aspect of present war, oneself here is having the superiority, but once Ancestral Dragon real take action, this situation will have the transformation immediately. 虽然从现在战争的局面上看来,自己这边占据着优势,可一旦祖龙真的出手,这形势立马会发生转变。 Qilin of the Beginning! Fights a battle to force a quick decision!”, Heart secretly anxious, Primal Phoenix start to talk was calling out to Qilin of the Beginning that side loudly. 始麒麟!速战速决!”,心头暗自急切了起来,元凤开口对着始麒麟那边大声叫道。 oneself must defeat Dongfang Yu in a short time is the impossible matter, he can only hoping to repose that side Qilin of the Beginning. 自己要短时间内打败东方玉是不可能的事情了,他只能把希望寄托于始麒麟那边。 Snort, fights with me, do you have the thoughts to pay attention to side unexpectedly?”, Falls along with the Primal Phoenix words, Dongfang Yu's sound in Primal Phoenix has made a sound. “哼,和我战斗,你居然还有心思去理会旁边啊?”,随着元凤的话落,东方玉的声音在元凤的身后响了起来。 Meanwhile, radiant God-Slayer Spear delimits toward the back of Primal Phoenix. 与此同时,璀璨的弑神枪朝着元凤的后背划过来。 Sad and shrill pitiful yell sound gets up, under the shape of phoenix true body, the back of Primal Phoenix was cut a big opening by God-Slayer Spear, the blood that everywhere dances in the air has sprinkled from the sky. 凄厉的惨叫声响起,凤凰真身的形态下,元凤的后背被弑神枪划开了一道大大的口子,漫天飞舞的鲜血从天空中洒下。 Obtains the reminder of Primal Phoenix, the Qilin of the Beginning complexion is also bringing some dignifiedly. 得到元凤的提醒,始麒麟的脸色也带着一些凝重。 Now the aspect on this battlefield, Qilin of the Beginning also knew certainly, words that does not want to defeat, oneself is best to fight a battle to force a quick decision, presently defeats this War God Boros is good. 现在这战场上的局面,始麒麟当然也知道了,不想败的话,自己最好是能够速战速决,现将这战神波罗斯打败才行。 Deeply after inspiring, the meaning that Qilin of the Beginning had not covered-up, the profound yellow nine pagodas appeared, blooms the dense ray, has covered toward Boros, in the meantime, Qilin of the Beginning also shows the oneself Qilin true body. 深吸一口气之后,始麒麟也没有藏着掖着的意思了,玄黄色的九层宝塔出现了,绽放出氤氲的光芒,朝着波罗斯笼罩了过去,同时,始麒麟也展现出自己的麒麟真身。 While Boros resists the oneself magical treasure attack time, the giant incomparable Qilin palm printed toward Boros in the past. 趁着波罗斯抵挡自己法宝攻击的时候,巨大无比的麒麟掌朝着波罗斯印了过去。 Bang, Boros was hit by Qilin of the Beginning, figure looks like by rubber ball that which flies, pounding maliciously falls above the earth, making the entire earth as if crack come. 砰的一声,波罗斯始麒麟击中,身形就像是被飞的皮球似的,狠狠的砸落在大地之上,让整个大地似乎都龟裂开来。 Gets sick to want you to assign while you, above battlefield does not have what truth to say, saw that after Boros was struck by oneself flew, Qilin of the Beginning opens the mouth of oneself, vigorous incomparable strength gathered in his mouth, at once, changes to together the fearful shock-wave, rumbled toward Boros that side in the past. 趁你病要你命,战场之上也没有什么道理可言,眼看着波罗斯自己击飞出去了以后,始麒麟张开自己的嘴巴,浑厚无比的力量在他的嘴中汇聚,旋即,化作一道可怕的冲击波,朝着波罗斯那边轰了过去。 Thump! 咚! Saw this shock-wave possibly lets Boros causes heavy losses to the time together, Dragon Ball appeared, keeps off in this together shock-wave front. 只是,眼看着这一道冲击波可能让波罗斯重创的时候,一颗龙珠出现了,挡在这一道冲击波的面前。 Firm if rock Dragon Ball horizontally in midair, complete resists together completely this shock-wave that Qilin of the Beginning puts out. 坚若磐石的龙珠横在半空中,完完全全的将始麒麟吐出的这一道冲击波完全抵挡住了。 Ancestral Dragon!”, Looks at this familiar Dragon Ball, in the Qilin of the Beginning heart one tight. 祖龙!”,看着这一颗熟悉的龙珠,始麒麟心中一紧。 Really, couldn't Ancestral Dragon bear take action? The almost reflective movement, Qilin of the Beginning has illuminated the oneself profound yellow pagoda instantaneously, protecting cautiously in the oneself side. 果然,祖龙还是忍不住出手了吗?几乎反射性的动作,始麒麟瞬间将自己的玄黄色宝塔照了回来,小心翼翼的护在自己的身旁。 After Ancestral Dragon Dragon Ball has resisted the attack of Qilin of the Beginning, then again has not continued to the meaning of his take action, but is controlling Dragon Ball, the clever rotation, shoots to go toward another direction electricity. 只是,祖龙龙珠抵挡了一下始麒麟的攻击之后,便没有再继续对他出手的意思,而是操控着龙珠,灵巧的转动,朝着另外一个方向电射而去。 A powerful Fire Phoenix phoenix, brandishes the wing to summon the flaming roaring flame, is slaughtering with Houtu (Mother Earth), but, a Dragon Ball as if twinkling migration presents in this phoenix, has hit directly. 一个强大火凤凰,挥舞着翅膀召唤出熊熊烈焰,正在和后土厮杀,只是,一颗龙珠仿佛瞬息移动般出现在这只凤凰的身后,直接撞了上去。 Bang, this only Fire Phoenix phoenix changed to the flesh and blood that everywhere danced in the air, body directly by this Dragon Ball cracking-up. 砰的一声,这只火凤凰化作漫天飞舞的血肉,身体直接被这龙珠给撞碎了。 Moreover one side, Di Jiang (River Emperor) space class divine ability, similarly and whole body jet black black ink Qilin has been slaughtering, this black ink Qilin wants to come is also Qilin clan topest expert, the appearance that both sides frequent each other is very lively. 另外一边,帝江的空间类神通,同样和一直浑身漆黑的墨麒麟厮杀着,这墨麒麟想来也是麒麟族最顶尖的高手,双方你来我往的样子好不热闹。 But, similarly, Dragon Ball presents in this black ink Qilin, making body of this black ink Qilin also change into the muddy flesh. 可是,同样的,一颗龙珠出现在这墨麒麟的身后,让这墨麒麟的身体也跟着化为肉泥。 Candle Dragon, altogether the labor, wish fuses the match who Nuwa their these expert face respectively, under the attack of Ancestral Dragon, these phoenix clan and Qilin clan expert, was killed to the town by that fearful Dragon Ball...... 还有烛九阴,共工,祝融和女娲他们这些高手各自面对的对手,在祖龙的袭击下,这些凤族和麒麟族高手们,一个个被那可怕的龙珠给镇杀了…… Why Ancestral Dragon did not have take action, sees this, many people responded gradually. 祖龙为什么一直没有出手,看到这一幕,许多人渐渐的反应过来了。 Originally, Ancestral Dragon has waited for the opportunity to act in side, is waiting for Di Jiang (River Emperor) their these expert , helping him attracts the phoenix the powerhouses of clan and Qilin clan, then, again by Ancestral Dragon take action, thousand honored strength instantaneously these phoenix expert instant kill of clan and Qilin clan. 原来,祖龙一直都在旁边伺机而动,等着帝江他们这些高手,帮他把凤族和麒麟族的强者们都吸引出来,然后,再由祖龙出手,千钧之力瞬间将这些凤族和麒麟族的高手秒杀 Besides witch clan their these powerhouses, dragon race itself naturally also has the powerhouse, other races powerhouses...... 除了巫族他们这些强者之外,龙族本身自然也有强者,还有其他种族的强者…… Occupies a commanding position, Ancestral Dragon vision glance entire battlefield, under his control, that Dragon Ball on battlefield changes fearfully kills, the powerhouses of the phoenix clan and Qilin clan compared with after the Ancestral Dragon vision has locked, Dragon Ball howls, hits the muddy flesh body of these people directly. 居高临下,祖龙的目光扫视整个战场,在他的控制下,那龙珠战场上化作最可怕的杀器,一个个凤族和麒麟族的强者比祖龙的目光锁定了之后,龙珠呼啸而过,直接将这些人的身体撞成肉泥。 Although said that phoenix clan has Rebirth From the Ashes talent divine ability, but, their rebirth is not can achieve in a short time, generally requires several days to be good. 尽管说凤凰族有浴火重生的天赋神通,但是,他们重生也不是短时间内就能做得到的,一般都需要几天的时间才行。 The situation on battlefield, after Ancestral Dragon meddled, really starts to realize to reverse, along with the phoenix clan and Qilin clan powerhouse continuous fallen, Ancestral Dragon that instant kill anybody's fearful strength, makes the person cannot help but branch out part of mind to pay attention to the Ancestral Dragon trend sufficiently. 战场上的局势,随着祖龙插手了之后,果然开始实现逆转了,随着凤族和麒麟族一个个强者接连不断的陨落,祖龙那足以秒杀任何人的可怕力量,更让人不由得分出一部分心神来注意祖龙的动态。 Balance of victory, slowly inclined toward dragon race, this looks at the Qilin of the Beginning eye to stare to crack. 胜利的天平,慢慢的往龙族这边倾斜了,这看得始麒麟目瞪欲裂。 Mouth roared, under his control, that profound yellow pagoda bloomed the radiant ray, maliciously has pounded toward Ancestral Dragon: Ancestral Dragon! You are the dragon race head of the clan to the juniors of my clan sneak attack unexpectedly!”. 嘴里一声咆哮,在他的操控下,那玄黄色的宝塔绽放出璀璨的光芒,狠狠的朝着祖龙砸了过去:“祖龙!你身为龙族的族长居然对我族的小辈们偷袭!”。 Bang! 砰! At this time, together radiant sillhouette appeared, the whole body as if portrays the innumerable mysterious and mysterious engraved inscriptions, on the palm wears a gauntlet|glove, a fist maliciously has pounded toward this profound yellow pagoda. 只是,就在这个时候,一道璀璨的人影出现了,浑身似乎刻画着无数神秘而玄奥的铭文,手掌上戴着一副拳套,一拳狠狠的朝着这玄黄色的宝塔砸了过去。 Fearful strength pushed this sillhouette to retrocede several kilometers, even shook including the arm. 可怕的力量推着这个人影后退了数千米,甚至连手骨都震断了。 But, the arm of quick that break restored, the one-eyed of Boros has covered entirely the blood thread, tight stares at Qilin of the Beginning, the whole body fearful fighting intent transpiration is getting up, said: Your match is I! To others take action, you must surmount my corpse to be good first!”. 可是,很快的那断裂的手骨又重新恢复了,波罗斯的独眼布满了血丝,紧紧的盯着始麒麟,浑身可怕的战意蒸腾起来,道:“你的对手是我!想要对别人出手,你得先跨越过我的尸体才行!”。 Ancestral Dragon! Gives me Assistant. 祖龙!给我助手”。 Similarly, looks appearance that here Ancestral Dragon slaughters, in oneself clan top expert by that Dragon Ball cracking-up mortal body, the mouth of Primal Phoenix is also one roars, the wings vibrates, is bringing the billowing sea of fire, threw toward Ancestral Dragon that side. 同样的,看着这边的祖龙大开杀戒的模样,自己族内许多顶尖的高手都被那龙珠给撞碎了肉身,元凤的嘴里也是一声咆哮,双翼震动,带着滚滚的火海,朝着祖龙那边扑了过去。 Blink! 闪烁 Dongfang Yu's figure dodges baseless, appears before the body of Primal Phoenix instantaneously. 只是,东方玉的身形凭空一闪,瞬间出现在元凤的身前。 God-Slayer Spear in hand in Void, fearful strength, as if let the entire space likely is the mirror generally has disrupted, on fearful space crack as if World sharpest knife. 手中的弑神枪虚空中一点,可怕的力量,似乎让整个空间都像是镜子一般的碎裂了,可怕的空间裂缝仿佛世界上最锋利的刀子似的。 Your match is I! Is it possible that you imagine for 180,000 years ago generally escapes?”. “你的对手是我!你莫非又想像180000年前一般逃命吗?”。 On the face is having the color of sneering tranquilly, Dongfang Yu looks at oneself front Primal Phoenix, on God-Slayer Spear blooms startled day murderous aura, Dongfang Yu keeps off in front of Primal Phoenix, has the bearing that one man guards the pass Yorozuo opens. 脸上带着冷笑之色,东方玉平静的看着自己面前的元凤,弑神枪上绽放出惊天的杀气,东方玉挡在元凤面前,颇有一夫当关万夫莫开的气度。 The attack of Qilin of the Beginning and Primal Phoenix, Ancestral Dragon has not paid attention, the appearance that turns a blind eye to is trusts Dongfang Yu and Boros obviously they can help oneself resist, Dongfang Yu and Boros have not disappointed the trust of Ancestral Dragon. 始麒麟元凤的攻击,祖龙都没有理会,视若无睹的样子显然是信任东方玉波罗斯他们能够帮自己抵挡下来,果然,东方玉波罗斯也没有辜负祖龙的信任。 The Ancestral Dragon thoughts place on battlefield, is controlling Dragon Ball fully, changes to the Shinigami|Death God sickle to be ordinary, the life of sickleman phoenix clan camp powerhouse . Moreover, goal of Ancestral Dragon choice, but also is expert of phoenix clan camp. 祖龙的心思都放在战场上面,全力操控着龙珠,化作死神的镰刀一般,收割者一个个凤族阵营强者的性命,而且,祖龙挑选的目标,还偏偏是凤族阵营的高手 At this time, in the phoenix clan camp to oneself expert of some strength confidence, can say the everybody feels insecure...... 这个时候,凤族阵营中对自己实力有些信心的高手,可以说人人自危……
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