PE :: Volume #35

#1751: Begins is King Zha

killing intent, unprecedented killing intent fills the air on entire Great Desolate Continent, the myriad things life on entire Great Desolate Continent can feel this day between fearful killing intent. 杀机,前所未有的杀机在整个洪荒大陆上弥漫起来,整个洪荒大陆上的万物生灵都能感受到这天地之间可怕的杀机 Terrifying Aura, making all people feel that the heart heavy feeling, regarding the person who these are perplexed, these killing intent obviously are Longfeng fights the time erupts, but in fact, actually rarely has the person to know that these fearful killing intent, in fact ascend the sky not measures the tribulation that between distributes. 恐怖的气息,让所有的人都感觉到心头沉甸甸的感觉,对于这些不明所以的人来说,这些杀机显然都是龙凤大战的时候才爆发出来的,而实际上,却鲜有人知道,这些可怕的杀机,实际上上天地之间发下的无量量劫。 Huge team, nearly 1 million quantities, enormous and powerful approached toward the Chinese parasol tree temple, dense and numerous dragon race with various clan powerhouses, almost covered to be the same the entire sky completely. 庞大的队伍,近乎1000000的数量,浩浩荡荡的朝着梧桐神殿这边靠近过来了,密密麻麻的龙族和各族强者,几乎将整个天空完全都掩盖住了一样。 The innumerable forms, have cast a piece of dense and numerous shadow above the earth, let turn into dusk simply in broad daylight. 无数的身影,在大地之上投下了一片密密麻麻的黑影,简直让大白天都变成了黄昏似的。 The phoenix clan and Qilin clan all powerhouses, look at this nearly 1 million quantities, the heart feel dignifiedly, but, in not measures under the hauling of tribulation, heavy heart, quick actually emerges intermittent fighting intent and killing intent. 凤族和麒麟族所有的强者,看着这近乎1000000的数量,心头都感觉到凝重,但是,在无量量劫的牵引之下,沉甸甸的心头,很快的却又涌现出一阵阵的战意杀机 Primal Phoenix, Qilin of the Beginning, have you prepared suffering to death?”. 元凤,始麒麟,你们作好了受死的准备吗?”。 When all dragon race strength powerhouses, have all surrounded sky over the entire Chinese parasol tree temple time, is Ancestral Dragon start to talk of head, the vigorous and sad sound, resounds through the entire world, imposing manner very sufficient. 当所有龙族实力的强者,全都包围了整个梧桐神殿上空的时候,为首的祖龙开口,浑厚而沉闷的声音,响彻整个天地,气势非常的充足。 You prepared to suffer to death!?”, Falls along with the Ancestral Dragon words, other side dragon race and various clan powerhouses, felt that the morale big quake, start to talk shouted to clear the way with one voice. “你们准备好了受死吗!?”,随着祖龙的话落,旁边其他的龙族和各族强者们,感觉到士气大震,齐声开口喝道。 imposing manner that about 1 million lives simultaneously start to talk, erupts, frightening, but similarly, in one vigorous effort, their morale also become very resounding. 近1000000的生灵同时开口,这其中所爆发出来的气势,让人心惊,而同样的,一鼓作气,他们的士气也变得非常的高亢。 Snort, who lives who dies is uncertain......”. “哼,谁生谁死还不一定呢……”。 Hears the Ancestral Dragon words, feels imposing manner that opposite erupts, the heart of Primal Phoenix and in Qilin of the Beginning secretly is also startled, but, to them, controls the oneself mood naturally to be easier, after having restrained the oneself mind, saying of Primal Phoenix mouth impolite being in sharp opposition. 听到祖龙的话,感受到对面所爆发出来的气势,元凤始麒麟的心中也暗自吃惊,不过,对于他们而言,掌控自己的情绪自然要容易许多的,收敛了自己的心神之后,元凤嘴里也不客气的针锋相对的说道。 Was good, let alone that many idle talk, had any move to cause, saw that both sides had the possibility mouth artillery very long appearance, Dongfang Yu have stood directly, blocks the words that behind Ancestral Dragon has wanted to speak. “好了,别说那么多废话了,有什么招数都使出来吧”,眼看着双方有可能嘴炮很久的样子,东方玉直接站了出来,也算是拦住了祖龙后面想说的话。 In one vigorous effort, fades again, three use up, in the situation of this moment morale big quake, should not in speaking that many words wastes the time, while the morale maximum time attacks is main. 一鼓作气,再而衰,三而竭,此刻士气大震的情况下,就不应该在说那么多话浪费时间了,趁着士气最高的时候出击才是最主要的。 A word falls, Dongfang Yu, the palm wields slightly at once, startled day murderous aura erupts from the Dongfang Yu's palm, God-Slayer Spear appears in his hands. 一言落下,东方玉微微一顿,旋即手掌一挥,惊天的杀气从东方玉的掌心爆发出来,弑神枪出现在他的手中。 Meanwhile, the shining ray erupts on Dongfang Yu's, entered the Super Saiyan shape instantaneously, the energy value also rose dramatically over 140,000 degrees. 与此同时,金灿灿的光芒在东方玉的身上爆发,瞬间进入了超级赛亚人的形态,能量值也跟着飙升到了140000出头的程度。 The lance point points to Chinese parasol tree temple direction, said: Who suffers to death!?”. 枪尖直指梧桐神殿这边的方向,道:“何人上来受死!?”。 The tranquil words, actually give people Haki|domineering myriad feelings, a person of spear|gun points to the camp of phoenix clan and Qilin clan, Dongfang Yu has not put any ruthless words, is, the pure dependence oneself behavior and movement, have made the person have Haki|domineering myriad feelings. 平静的话语,却给人一种霸气万千的感觉,一人一枪直指凤族和麒麟族的阵营,东方玉没有放什么狠话,可是,单纯的依靠自己的行为和动作,就已经让人有了一种霸气万千的感觉。 His stance, is makes the powerhouses morale under dragon race influence higher, this is Dongfang Yu, on entire Great Desolate Continent one of the topest powerhouses. 他这副姿态,更是让龙族势力下的强者们士气更高,这就是东方玉啊,整个洪荒大陆上最顶尖的强者之一啊。 Was pointing by the Dongfang Yu's lance point, the camp of phoenix clan side, suddenly had nothing to say in reply, the morale naturally also descended. 东方玉的枪尖指着,凤族这方的阵营,一时间无言以对,士气自然也跟着降落了下来了。 Dongfang Yu's strength, entire Great Desolate Continent powerhouses are know words that he stands, other people come up are bring death, can have from gathering begins with him, has Qilin of the Beginning and Primal Phoenix they? 东方玉的实力,整个洪荒大陆的强者们都是知道的,他站出来的话,其他人上去都不过是送死而已,能有自合和他动手的,也只有始麒麟元凤两人而已吧? The Qilin of the Beginning words, had defeated one time in Dongfang Yu's, don't tell me? Needs Primal Phoenix to come up personally? 始麒麟的话,曾经已经在东方玉的手里败过一次了,难道?需要元凤亲自上去吗? But Primal Phoenix said again is also this influence leader, Ancestral Dragon figure has not moved, Primal Phoenix was out, this said that oneself here camp couldn't compare the opposite? 元凤再这么说也是这势力的领导者啊,祖龙身形未动,元凤就下场了,这岂不是说自己这边的阵营比不上对面? To be honest, Dongfang Yu's this behavior, stems from all people unexpected seriously, this both sides go on an expedition, although makes the powerhouse come out single Tiao, will cause the morale of both sides, but, where has Dongfang Yu first to jump to enter the stage? 说实话,东方玉的这个行为,当真是出乎所有人意料之外的,这双方征战的时候,虽然让强者出来单挑,会引起双方的士气,可是,哪有东方玉第一个就跳出场的? This looks like fighting landlord is the same, take action was King Zha, made the person be caught off guard seriously. 这就像是打斗地主一样,出手就是王炸了,当真让人措手不及了。 Snort, Dongfang Yu, your I slightly do to compare notes on the same day, today makes obsolete come to meet you again. “哼,东方玉,当日你我只是稍作切磋而已,今日就让老朽再来会一会你吧”。 Qilin of the Beginning also knows that now such aspect, the words that nobody goes to battle with are improper, but the words of Primal Phoenix fate similarly are personally improper, therefore, he can only be thick the facial skin to stand. 始麒麟也知道现在这样的局面,没人出战的话不妥,可元凤亲自下场的话同样不妥,因此,他只能厚着脸皮站出来了。 Also, has coped with the Dongfang Yu's words, always coped with Ancestral Dragon to be much better compared with under? 再说了,对付东方玉的话,总比等下对付祖龙要好一些吧? Snort, you do not need to flaunt the advantage of argument, under the hand/subordinate defeated general what Zuyan is brave? Primal Phoenix, 180,000 years ago you escape under my hand in a panic, now 180,000 years passed by, I to wanting to have a look at you whether had the manager to enter. “哼,你无需逞口舌之利,手下败将何足言勇?元凤,180000年前你在我手底下仓皇逃命,现在180000年过去了,我到想要看看你是否有所长进了”。 Regarding the Qilin of the Beginning words, the appearance that Dongfang Yu exhibits disdaining, the lance point points to that side Primal Phoenix, start to talk sent out to Primal Phoenix invited the war. 只是,对于始麒麟的话,东方玉摆出一副不屑的样子,枪尖直指元凤那边,开口元凤发出了邀战。 The Dongfang Yu's words, making Qilin of the Beginning turn head to come to see Primal Phoenix. 东方玉的话,让始麒麟回过头来看元凤 Similarly, was in front of Great Desolate all living things powerhouse was saying for 180,000 years ago the oneself defeat matter in his hands by Dongfang Yu, on the face of Primal Phoenix also flashes through wipes the scowl. 同样的,被东方玉当着洪荒众生强者的面说出180000年前自己败在他手中的事情,元凤的脸上也闪过一抹怒容。 Since opposite side is mentioning names take action challenges oneself, Primal Phoenix how could necking in? hear speech/words, sets out directly, figure moves, threw toward Dongfang Yu directly. 既然对方已经是指名道姓的出手挑战自己了,元凤岂能缩头?闻言,直接起身,身形一动,直接朝着东方玉扑了过来。 Good, I must have a look at your 180,000 years to pass, actually cultivation base has promoted many, Primal Phoenix is having the scowl, opens the palm of oneself maliciously in the Dongfang Yu's direction wields. “那好,那我也要看看你180000年过去了,修为究竟提升了多少”,元凤带着怒容,张开自己的手掌朝着东方玉的方向狠狠的一挥。 In a twinkling, the gold(en) phoenix flame changes to the dreadful sea of fire to be common, maliciously toward Dongfang Yu here non-uniform pressure. 霎时间,金色的凤炎化作滔天火海一般,狠狠的朝着东方玉这边的方向压了过来。 Faces these dreadful seas of fire of coming, on the Dongfang Yu's face is bringing to wipe the color of laughing. 只是,面对着迎面而来的这些滔天火海,东方玉的脸上却只是带着一抹嗤笑之色。 The degree of gene shackle fourth rank intermediate stage opens, huge Aura made the Dongfang Yu whole body combustion the gold(en) arrogance berserk, the energy value also rose dramatically to close 200,000 degrees. 基因锁第四阶中期的程度跟着开启,庞大的气息东方玉周身燃烧的金色气焰变得更加狂暴了,能量值也跟着飙升到接近200000的程度。 Grasps God-Slayer Spear maliciously, the Dongfang Yu palm wields, if said that this gold(en) dreadful sea of fire, looks like a gold(en) canvas, then this God-Slayer Spear lance point, looks like handle scissors...... 手持弑神枪,东方玉手掌狠狠的一挥,若是说这金色的滔天火海,就像是一匹金色的画布,那么这弑神枪的枪尖,就像是一柄剪刀似的…… Under the lance point brandishes, Dongfang Yu directly in front of oneself the dreadful sea of fire tearing, in the meantime, directs, changes to together the radiant bolt of white silk, shoots to go toward the Primal Phoenix electricity. 枪尖挥舞之下,东方玉直接将自己面前的这滔天火海给撕裂开来,同时,一指点出,化作一道璀璨的匹练,朝着元凤电射而去。 Primal Phoenix, don't these outmoded methods try before me? You are insulting me, was insulting your oneself?”. 元凤,这些老掉牙的手段就别在我面前试出来了吧?你这是在侮辱我,还是在侮辱你自己呢?”。 Has ripped open front sea of fire, simultaneously after returning to Primal Phoenix together Dodon Ray, on the Dongfang Yu's face, has the smiling face of wiping the taunt, sneers was saying. 撕开了面前的火海,同时回了元凤一道洞洞波之后,东方玉的脸上,带着一抹嘲讽的笑容,冷笑着说道。 although Primal Phoenix has always been able to cause the damage on hopeless the oneself phoenix flame to Dongfang Yu, is his these words language, makes Primal Phoenix think the anger. 虽然元凤从来就没指望过自己的凤炎能够对东方玉造成伤害,可是他这番话语,还是让元凤觉得愤怒。 The mind sinks, the Primal Phoenix mouth exudes a clear yelling sound, at once figure moves, changes to the phoenix true body, formidable incomparable strength has pressed toward Dongfang Yu directly. 心神一沉,元凤嘴里发出一声清脆的啼叫声,旋即身形一动,化作凤凰真身,强悍无比的力量直接朝着东方玉压了过来。 At this moment, the attention of all people by the fight between Dongfang Yu and Primal Phoenix captured, Primal Phoenix has not probed Dongfang Yu's strength and fight pattern wait / etc., showed the oneself phoenix true body directly, obviously he attached great importance to Dongfang Yu's. 这一刻,所有人的目光都被东方玉元凤之间的战斗所吸引了,元凤都没有怎么试探过东方玉的实力和战斗模式等等,直接就展现出了自己的凤凰真身,可见他对东方玉的重视了。 Similarly, Dongfang Yu grasps God-Slayer Spear, easy can tear the phoenix flame, proved strength that sufficiently Dongfang Yu has. 同样的,东方玉手持弑神枪,轻而易举的就能撕裂凤炎,也足以证明东方玉所拥有的实力了。 The Super Saiyan shape added on the gene shackle's amplification again, Dongfang Yu's energy value close 200,000 degrees, in addition God-Slayer Spear this innate supreme treasure in the hand, the prestige that shows can unusual powerful, even if Primal Phoenix were shows the phoenix true body to come, and Dongfang Yu has fought the degree of being on a par. 超级赛亚人的形态再加上基因锁的增幅,东方玉的能量值接近200000的程度了,再加上弑神枪这先天至宝在手,所展现出来的威能非常的强大啊,元凤即便是展现出了凤凰真身来,也不过和东方玉斗了个不相伯仲的程度罢了。 Appearance that both sides frequent each other, fight very intense, but, looks like everyone does not have the means how the opposite side appearance. 双方你来我往的样子,战斗非常的激烈,但是,却看起来谁也没有办法奈何对方的样子。 Qilin of the Beginning looks at the present fight, the complexion somewhat ugly appearance, fight between Dongfang Yu and Primal Phoenix, looked like has been on a par, who then the oneself match can be? Qilin of the Beginning looked at not far away old god is treating Ancestral Dragon, the heart cannot help but sank. 始麒麟看着眼前的战斗,脸色有些难看的样子,东方玉元凤之间的战斗,看起来不相伯仲了,那么自己的对手会是谁呢?始麒麟看了不远处老神在在的待着的祖龙一眼,心不由得沉了下去。 Ancestral Dragon strength, absolutely is a forcing oneself head, was faint wants to be stronger than Dongfang Yu. 祖龙实力,绝对是力压自己一头的,隐隐间比东方玉都要强一些了。 Qilin of the Beginning, the hearsay are you as a head of the clan of Qilin clan Earlier Heaven Three Races, strength as if weakest? Then I want to try your method actually. 始麒麟,传闻你作为先天三族之一麒麟族的族长,实力似乎最弱啊?那么我倒是想要试试你的手段呢”。 At this time, suddenly dreadful fighting intent erupted, Boros of one-eyed has stood directly, said to Qilin of the Beginning. 就在这个时候,突然滔天的战意爆发了出来,独眼的波罗斯直接站了出来,对始麒麟说道。 The words exit / to speak of Boros, lets all person look at each other in dismay, the look is stunned, between Dongfang Yu and Primal Phoenix have fought, then mentioned reasonably, Qilin of the Beginning should be able to begin with Ancestral Dragon, was this in all person hearts almost the obvious matter? 波罗斯的话出口,让所有的人都面面相觑,神色愕然,东方玉元凤之间战斗了,那么按理说来,始麒麟应该会和祖龙动手的,这是所有人心中几乎都心照不宣的事情吧? Was didn't expect, Boros stands to invite to fight to Qilin of the Beginning unexpectedly? 没想到,居然是波罗斯站出来对始麒麟邀战了? Words of Boros provocation, said Qilin of the Beginning to be burning with anger, the although appearance looked like oldest, the Qilin of the Beginning disposition was also calmer, may be of a head of the clan Earlier Heaven Three Races, was in front of entire Great Desolate Continent all living things saying that oneself was in Earlier Heaven Three Races is weakest, wasn't this hitting the face of oneself intentionally? Can Qilin of the Beginning endure? 波罗斯挑衅的话,说得始麒麟怒火中烧,虽然模样看起来最老了,始麒麟的性格也更加沉稳,可到底是先天三族之一的族长,当着整个洪荒大陆芸芸众生的面说自己先天三族中最弱的,这不是故意在打自己的脸吗?始麒麟怎能忍受? Also, opposite side has mentioned names must challenge oneself, can't flinch? 再说了,对方都指名道姓的要挑战自己了,也不能退缩吧? Such being the case, I pour also think War God Boros in attractive Legend, actually to have what strength, the look holds anger, the Qilin of the Beginning casting a sidelong glance old god is treating Ancestral Dragon, the sinking sound was saying. “既然如此,那我倒也想好好看看传说中的战神波罗斯,究竟有什么样的实力呢”,眼神含着怒意,始麒麟瞟了一眼老神在在待着的祖龙,沉声说道。 To with the Ancestral Dragon fight, Qilin of the Beginning was certainly willing to begin with Boros. 相对于和祖龙战斗,始麒麟当然是更加愿意和波罗斯动手了。 Good!”, What although faces is Qilin of the Beginning, but Boros fighting intent is more resounding, on the face is bringing thick fighting intent, fearful Aura erupts from the body of Boros, first take action, like lightning threw toward Qilin of the Beginning. “好!”,虽然面对的是始麒麟,可波罗斯战意却更加高亢,脸上带着浓浓的战意,可怕的气息波罗斯的身上爆发出来,抢先出手了,闪电般的朝着始麒麟扑了过去。 At this time, the fight is positive opened, Dongfang Yu and Primal Phoenix began to be on a par, Boros and Qilin of the Beginning began, Boros occupied in leeward, but can actually resist some Qilin of the Beginning time reluctantly. 这个时候,战斗已经算是正面的打开了,东方玉元凤动手不相伯仲,波罗斯始麒麟动手,波罗斯屈居于下风,但却能勉强抵挡住始麒麟一些时间。 Sees here, on the face of Ancestral Dragon is having the smiling face, at once the palm brandishes, has made a hand signal of attack...... 看到这里,祖龙的脸上带着笑容,旋即手掌挥舞,作出了一个进攻的手势……
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