PE :: Volume #35

#1750: Dongfang Yu's tactic

How?”, The Dongfang Yu suddenly start to talk words, making turning head of some Ancestral Dragon surprise visit him. “怎么了?”,东方玉突然开口的话,让祖龙有些诧异的回过头来看着他。 It looks like by the Ancestral Dragon vision, Executing Immortal Sword map although is precious, but, trades Rāhu and demon clan with it leaves Primal Phoenix and Qilin of the Beginning alliance, this is worth. 祖龙的眼光看来,一张诛仙剑阵图虽然珍贵,但是,用它换罗睺和魔族离开元凤始麒麟的联盟,这还是值得的。 Also, initially oneself announced that the world and phoenix clan do not die continuous, only then the phoenix clan and Qilin clan start to talk responded, Rāhu has not responded. 再说,当初自己宣告天下和凤族不死不休,也只有凤族和麒麟族开口响应了,罗睺却没有响应。 On the same day have you and Rāhu moved? In his hand can have the powerful Divine sword?”, Dongfang Yu's look somewhat serious stares at Ancestral Dragon, start to talk is inquiring said. “当日你和罗睺动过?他的手上可有强大的神剑?”,东方玉的眼神有些严肃的盯着祖龙,开口询问说道。 Perhaps others do not know, but won't Dongfang Yu on famous Executing Immortal Sword to Great Desolate Continent know? 别人或许不知道,可东方玉怎会对洪荒大陆上鼎鼎大名的诛仙剑阵不知道呢? If said that God-Slayer Spear is single body strongest weapon, then Executing Immortal Sword was the Great Desolate plane strongest whole set weapon. 若是说弑神枪是单体最强的武器,那么诛仙剑阵就是洪荒位面最强的整套兵器了。 Executing Immortal Sword, Absolute Immortal Sword, Fallen Immortal Sword and Slaying Immortal Sword \; Adds a chart again, can compose Executing Immortal Sword, was known as that a Saint lineup, the strength of non- four Saint cannot break, its prestige can be self-evident. 诛仙剑绝仙剑陷仙剑戮仙剑\;再加一张阵图,便可组成诛仙剑阵,号称一圣布阵,非四圣之力不可破,其威能不言而喻。 Good, the war of the same day, in the hand of Rāhu indeed two handle very fierce Divine sword, hear speech/words, Ancestral Dragon confident point nod(ded), the earnest reply said. “不错,当日之战,罗睺的手中的确有两柄非常厉害的神剑”,闻言,祖龙坦然的点点头,认真的回答说道。 Has two handles?”, Some Dongfang Yu suspicions looks at Rāhu. “只有两柄吗?”,东方玉有些怀疑的看着罗睺 In the past oneself and Rāhu have also begun, knows that in the hand of Rāhu had Executing Immortal Sword, until now also had two handles? Can be he only puts out two handles intentionally? 当年自己罗睺也动手过,知道罗睺的手上有一口诛仙剑,到现在为止也只有两柄吗?会不会是他故意只拿出两柄来? Good, I did not have what issue, has hesitated a moment later, Dongfang Yu shook the head to say. “好吧,我没有什么问题了”,沉吟了片刻之后,东方玉摇摇头说道。 No matter Rāhu whether hid other two Divine sword, this transaction was hard to stop, after all, traded Rāhu to leave the alliance of phoenix clan and Qilin clan with a Executing Immortal Sword chart, this indeed was worth. 不管罗睺是否真的隐藏起了其他两口神剑,这个交易都难以阻拦了,毕竟,用一张诛仙剑阵图换罗睺离开凤族和麒麟族的联盟,这的确是值得的。 Also, the Rāhu true goal is attempts to master line sword, only if lets him and phoenix clan really collaborates, otherwise, this chart must give him. 再说了,罗睺真正的目的就是冲着主线剑阵图来的,除非真的让他和凤族联手,否则,这张阵图一定要给他的。 Ancestral Dragon, this transaction complied finally, somewhat Rāhu with trepidation, relaxed. 祖龙,这个交易终于答应下来了,本来有些提心吊胆的罗睺,也松了一口气。 Waits for Ancestral Dragon took after a Treasure House Vice Admiral master line sword chart, Rāhu puts out a hand to receive this chart, carefully after looked, nod(ded) receiving, poured has also fulfilled the commitment of oneself, bringing Ancestral Dragon to leave the crystal palace on the preparation, went to demon the entrance. 祖龙宝库中将主线剑阵图拿出来了之后,罗睺伸手接过这张阵图,仔细的看了看之后,点头将之收起,倒也履行了自己的承诺,带着祖龙就准备离开水晶宫,去魔界的入口处了。 Wait / Etc., I also together go......”, however, at this time, Dongfang Yu actually suddenly start to talk. “等等,我也一起去吧……”,然而,就在这个时候,东方玉却突然开口了。 This......”. “这个……”。 Hears the Dongfang Yu's words, in the heart of Rāhu naturally is the rejection, after all demon entrance very mysterious, the person who knows the fewer the better. 听到东方玉的话,罗睺的心中自然是拒绝的,毕竟魔界的入口处非常的神秘,知道的人越少越好。 Especially Dongfang Yu, should better unable to make him know, because looks like in Rāhu, on entire Great Desolate Continent, threat of Dongfang Yu to oneself, perhaps is biggest. 特别是东方玉,最好不能让他知道,因为在罗睺看来,整个洪荒大陆上,东方玉自己的威胁,或许是最大的。 Your Rāhu strength is not worse than Ancestral Dragon, if you led him to leave, what had to ambush in secret? Did we compensate the madame to fold the soldier? Therefore I must go together, by me and Ancestral Dragon strength, this Great Desolate Continent did not have what ambush to be able to block our two really. “你罗睺实力并不比祖龙差,若是你真的带着他离开了,暗中却有什么埋伏呢?我们岂不是赔了夫人又折兵?所以我要一同前往,以我和祖龙力量,这洪荒大陆还真没有什么埋伏能拦得住我们两个的”。 Dongfang Yu earnest looks at Rāhu, start to talk said that the reason of giving also very full, making people be hard to reject. 东方玉认真的看着罗睺,开口说道,给出的理由也非常的充分,让人难以拒绝。 Um, good, hears the Dongfang Yu's words, nearby Ancestral Dragon also with nod(ded), approves of the Dongfang Yu's viewpoint. “嗯,不错”,听到东方玉的话,旁边的祖龙也跟着点头,赞同东方玉的观点。 No matter how, oneself and Dongfang Yu are this of same camp will not have the mistake, his words, Ancestral Dragon naturally unconditionally approved. 不管如何,自己东方玉是同一阵营的这不会有错,他的话,祖龙自然是无条件赞同了。 That, good......”, has hesitated the moment, saw that Dongfang Yu and Ancestral Dragon were insisting must lead the way together, finally Rāhu is also helpless, can only select nod(ded), at once left the crystal palace insistently. “那,那好吧……”,迟疑了片刻,眼看着东方玉祖龙都坚持着要一同前行,最后罗睺也无奈,只能点点头,旋即一马当先的离开了水晶宫。 Dongfang Yu and Ancestral Dragon follow after behind, speed of three powerhouses are extremely quick, has not cost how much time, then arrived at a Ethereal Mountain covert foot place. 东方玉祖龙跟在身后,三位强者的速度极快,并没有耗费多少时间,便来到了不周山的一处隐蔽的山脚处。 With the palm of Rāhu gently wielded, withdrew a camouflage under his cloth, quick, a space crack then appeared in everybody's front, was the demon entrance. 跟着罗睺的手掌轻轻的一挥,撤去了他布下的一个障眼法,很快,一个空间裂缝便出现在大家的面前了,正是魔界的入口处。 The entire demon clan hides in a mysterious different space, on Great Desolate Continent, exist(ence) of demon clan has been no wonder mystical. 整个魔族隐藏在一处神秘的异度空间之中,也难怪在洪荒大陆上,魔族的存在一直都非常的神秘了。 As the entrance of Lord of the Rings appeared, Ancestral Dragon naturally did not have the polite meaning, direct take action, has gotten down firm restrictive seal in the entrance cloth of this demon, lived in this demon temporary seal. 随着魔戒的入口处显现出来了,祖龙自然没有客气的意思,直接出手,在这魔界的入口处布下了一层坚固的禁制,将这魔界暂时封印住了。 To this time, the transaction has been closed, the meaning that Dongfang Yu and Ancestral Dragon have not stayed again, turned around to return to that side the crystal palace directly. 到了这个时候,交易算是完成了,东方玉祖龙也没有再停留下来的意思,直接转身回到水晶宫那边去了。 The Dongfang Yu direct construction Space Transmission Gate went back, this convenient method, the transmission gate two sides people think surprised. 东方玉直接架构了一个空间传送门回去,这方便的手段,传送门两边的人都觉得惊奇。 chi chi chi...... 嗤嗤嗤…… Space Transmission Gate innumerable small sparks, dissipated quickly, Space Transmission Gate also vanished, Demon Ancestor Rāhu looks the place that Dongfang Yu and Ancestral Dragon vanish, the corners of the mouth have raised a smiling face slightly, at once took that Executing Immortal Sword chart. 空间传送门的无数小火星,很快消散了,空间传送门也跟着消失了,魔祖罗睺看着东方玉祖龙消失的地方,嘴角微微扬起了一丝笑容,旋即将那诛仙剑阵图拿了出来。 Looks at this Executing Immortal Sword chart, the smiling face spreads slowly, until turned into big laughing wildly finally, at the same time, three handle peerless Divine sword also float in the Rāhu body side. 看着这张诛仙剑阵图,笑容慢慢扩散,直到最后变成了一大片的狂笑,与此同时,三柄绝世神剑也悬浮于罗睺的身侧。 Executing Immortal Sword, but also remaining handle Slaying Immortal Sword , you have killed last, was best your Earlier Heaven Three Races the person to die, while you attacked mutually, I collect Slaying Immortal Sword , when the time comes, after you mutually wounded, Executing Immortal Sword opened, entire Great Desolate Continent must submit to my under foot! Even if your Dongfang Yu is no exception, Hahaha......”. 诛仙剑阵,还剩下最后一柄戮仙剑了,你们去杀吧,最好你们先天三族的人全都死光了,趁着你们相互攻伐的时候,我去收集戮仙剑,到时候,等你们两败俱伤了之后,诛仙剑阵张开,整个洪荒大陆都得臣服于我的脚下!就算是你东方玉也不例外,哈哈哈……”。 What thoughts not to mention Rāhu is, after returning to the crystal palace, Ancestral Dragon they are can determine that the demon clan not again and phoenix clan they will unite in together, therefore relatively speaking, but will face the words of phoenix clan and Qilin clan, pressure light many. 且不说罗睺这边是什么样的心思,回到了水晶宫之后,祖龙他们算是可以确定魔族不会再和凤族他们联合在一起了,所以相对而言,只是面对凤族和麒麟族的话,压力会轻不少。 About plan how to battle, became was simply more direct, the phoenix clan and Qilin clan although each one had expert, was most powerhouse after all Primal Phoenix and Qilin of the Beginning two. 关于如何作战的计划,也变得简单直接了一些,凤族和麒麟族虽然各自都有高手,可是最强者毕竟还是元凤始麒麟两个罢了。 But oneself? It looks like in Ancestral Dragon, oneself forcing Primal Phoenix does not have any issue, but Dongfang Yu had defeated Qilin of the Beginning one time, therefore, has oneself and Dongfang Yu copes with the Qilin of the Beginning words separately, should not have the issue. 自己这边呢?在祖龙看来,自己力压元凤一头还是没什么问题的,而东方玉曾经打败过始麒麟一次了,所以,有自己东方玉分别对付始麒麟的话,应该都没有问题。 Then, here also has dragon race many powerhouses, Di Jiang (River Emperor) and other Ancestor Witch, especially have War God Boros this is next to Primal Phoenix they peerless powerhouse, as soon as plans. 然后,这边还有龙族许多的强者,还有帝江等五位祖巫,特别是还有战神波罗斯这个仅次于元凤他们一筹的绝世强者。 The fight scale that Longfeng fights is very simple, that is the king to the king, soldier's battle pattern to soldier. 龙凤大战的战斗规模很简单,那就是王对王,将对将,兵对兵的厮杀模式。 No, about this time war, I have completely different operation plans!”. “不,关于这次的战争,我有完全不同的作战计划!”。 As after Ancestral Dragon the idea of oneself said that Dongfang Yu actually shakes the head, with start to talk, very famous the field in the later generation envied the strategy of horse racing to say. 只是,随着祖龙自己的想法说出来之后,东方玉却摇摇头,跟着开口,将后世中很出名的田忌赛马的策略说了出来。 Dongfang Yu oneself can cope with Primal Phoenix, it is estimated that can maintain an aspect of being on a par. 东方玉自己可以去对付元凤,估计能维持一个不相伯仲的局面。 Let Boros cope with Qilin of the Beginning, although is suppressed, but persists in not having the issue some time, really incorrect words, but can also let Di Jiang (River Emperor) and Boros collaborates to cope with Qilin of the Beginning together. 波罗斯去对付始麒麟,虽然会被压制住,但是坚持一段时间还是没有问题的,实在不行的话,还可以让帝江波罗斯一起联手对付始麒麟 Comes out as for final Ancestral Dragon spatially, is used to cope with the other expert of phoenix clan and Qilin clan, strives to fight a battle to force a quick decision, in a short time puts down them. 至于最后的祖龙空出来,用来对付凤族和麒麟族的其他高手们,争取速战速决,在短时间内扫平他们。 The situation of although war must look at Dongfang Yu their these top expert outcome, but same, battles and fights between hundreds of thousands of powerhouses, the situation also similarly relates to outcome on entire battlefield. 虽然战争的局势要看东方玉他们这些顶尖高手胜负,可同样的,数十万强者之间的厮杀和战斗,局势也同样关系到整个战场上的胜负啊。 Great Desolate Continent developed present although already 180,000 years, but for these years, large-scale battle little, was mainly primarily ten thousand clan multiplication to live, general fight aspect, was the high-end strength resistance high-end strengths, this of low-end strength resistance low-end strength. 洪荒大陆发展到现在虽然已经180000年了,可这么多年来,大型的厮杀很少,主要还是以万族繁衍生息为主,一般的战斗局面,也都是高端战力对抗高端战力,低端战力对抗低端战力的这样。 The field that Dongfang Yu proposed envied the strategy of horse racing, was lets on crystal palace main hall seriously all person fresh feelings. 东方玉提出的这个田忌赛马的策略,当真是让水晶宫大殿上所有的人都耳目一新的感觉。 Has hesitated carefully the moment, all people think the Dongfang Yu's words, indeed is very reasonable. 仔细沉吟了片刻,所有的人都觉得东方玉的话,的确是非常有道理啊。 If can be idle really temporarily Ancestral Dragon strength, puts down the phoenix clan and other Qilin clan these backbone strength with its strength, can indeed be very easy to affect the war aspect the trend. 如果真的能把祖龙力量暂时空余出来的话,用它的力量来扫平凤族和麒麟族其他那些中坚力量的话,的确是能够很容易影响战争局面的走向。 Hahaha, good, the Dongfang Yu's words are very reasonable, we like this manage, when the time comes laborious everybody, numerous nod(ded), Ancestral Dragon start to talk said that has decided the Dongfang Yu's proposition, fought the key battle strategy that as Longfeng. 哈哈哈,好,东方玉的话很有道理,我们就这样办,到时候就辛苦各位了”,重重的点头,祖龙开口说道,将东方玉的提议敲定了下来,作为龙凤大战的主要作战策略了。 But other people above main hall, some admirations looks at Dongfang Yu, didn't expect Dongfang Yu except for beside strength powerful, has such wisdom unexpectedly, seriously is fearful Character(s). 大殿之上的其他人,都有些敬佩的看着东方玉,没想到东方玉除了本身的实力强大之外,居然还有这样的智慧,当真是可怕的人物啊。 Regarding these people looks that oneself already respects the look that and wears, in the Dongfang Yu's heart does not have what self-satisfied look. 对于这些人看着自己既敬且佩的眼神,东方玉的心中却并没有什么得意的神色。 Regarding being born the person of modern, this is the battle strategy that all people know, is the most basic tactic, like these Art of War, thirty six strategies what moves, can make these Great Desolate Continent people startled be Celestial? 对于出生于现代的人而言,这是所有人都知道的作战策略啊,更是最基本的战术,像那些孙子兵法,三十六计什么的搬上来,岂不是要让这些洪荒大陆的人们惊为天人 No matter how, battle strategy such formulated, quick, Ancestral Dragon officially has also determined the day of combat. 不管如何,作战策略就这么制定下来了,很快的,祖龙也正式确定了作战的日子。 After repairing and maintaining roughly about three days, crystal palace influence, started to take action, turned out in full strength completely, is headed by Ancestral Dragon and Dongfang Yu they, about 1 million powerhouses, dense and numerous has delimited from the sky, flew toward the position that the Chinese parasol tree temple was. 修整了约莫三天左右的时间之后,水晶宫这边的势力,开始行动了起来,完全是倾巢而出,以祖龙东方玉他们为首,近1000000的强者,密密麻麻的从天空中划过,朝着梧桐神殿所在的位置飞了过去。 Hundreds of thousands of dragon race turn out in full strength, the powerhouses of other witch clan and races, this walk above Great Desolate Continent, seriously is fearful strength. 数十万龙族倾巢而出,还有巫族和其他种族的强者,这行走于洪荒大陆之上,当真是一支可怕的力量啊。 Dense and numerous, the air/Qi of withering makes all people think heavy, in the entire world is also reverberating terrifying and cold murderous aura. 密密麻麻的,肃杀之气让所有的人都觉得沉甸甸的,整个天地之间也都回荡着一股恐怖而冷冽的杀气。 At this time, Chinese parasol tree temple, the phoenix clan and Qilin clan have also prepared appropriately, the powerhouses of two big races turned out in full strength similarly, in addition other these dependencies in the other race powerhouses of their subordinates, from the population, the phoenix clan and Qilin clan joined up to be even more than dragon race. 这个时候,梧桐神殿这边,凤族和麒麟族也已经准备妥当了,两大种族的强者同样是倾巢而出,再加上其他那些附庸于他们麾下的其他种族强者,从人数上来看,凤族和麒麟族联合起来甚至比龙族这边更多一些。 Bastard fellow, seriously is dirty place Mouse. “混蛋家伙,当真是一只肮脏的地老鼠”。 At this time, even if was away from 1 million li (0.5km) remote, Primal Phoenix can feel killing intent that dragon race they sent out, but, until now Rāhu and demon clan has not appeared, this let the Primal Phoenix heart the anger, the fever was more prosperous...... 这个时候,即便隔着1000000里之遥,元凤都能感受到龙族他们散发出来的杀机了,可是,直到现在罗睺和魔族都没有出现,这让元凤心头的怒火,越烧越旺……
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