PE :: Volume #35

#1749: Executing Immortal Sword chart?

The operation plan, tells from the mouth of Ancestral Dragon, how about to cope with the matter of phoenix clan and Qilin clan, everybody also contributes labor and materials discussed well. 作战计划,从祖龙的嘴里娓娓道来,关于如何对付凤族和麒麟族的事情,大家也添砖加瓦的好好的讨论了一番。 By dragon race strength, even if has gathered many other subordinates races strength, but wish simultaneously resists the phoenix clan and Qilin clan, was too difficult a point. 只是,以龙族力量,即便是集合了不少麾下其他种族的力量,可是想要同时对抗凤族和麒麟族,都太难了一点。 After all in Earlier Heaven Three Races, not only there is a race dependency in the dragon race subordinates, many race dependencies in phoenix the subordinates of clan and Qilin clan. 毕竟先天三族中,不只是有种族附庸在龙族的麾下,还有许多种族附庸在凤族和麒麟族的麾下呢。 Was right, Sir Ancestral Dragon, besides the phoenix clan and Qilin clan, did not say that also has the demon clan? The words that these three clans collaborated how should we deal specifically? That demon clan Rāhu, but is strong very mystically. “对了,祖龙大人,除了凤族和麒麟族之外,不是说还有魔族吗?这三族联起手来的话我们具体该如何应对呢?那魔族罗睺,可强得非常神秘啊”。 At this time, Boss of other races have stood, start to talk asked to Ancestral Dragon. 这个时候,其中一个其他种族的首领站了起来,开口祖龙问道。 Rāhu was known as that the title of Great Desolate Continent most powerhouse, all people know, this is one is absolutely stronger much the strength. 罗睺号称洪荒大陆最强者的称号,所有人都知晓,这绝对是一个强得可怕的战力。 This issue, was our today's discussion scopes......”, heard this issue, on the face of Ancestral Dragon brings to wipe the serious look. “这个问题,就是我们今天的讨论范围了……”,听到这个问题,祖龙的脸上带着一抹沉重的神色。 Indeed, Demon Ancestor Rāhu strength, even if Ancestral Dragon also has to acknowledge that his strength they must be higher than one compared with Primal Phoenix, was not weak in oneself. 的确,魔祖罗睺力量,就算是祖龙也不得不承认,他的实力元凤他们都要高出一线,不弱于自己了。 Once slaughters, this Rāhu strength, is a huge trouble, influence of that demon clan, was not weak. 一旦真的厮杀起来的话,这罗睺实力,是一个巨大的麻烦啊,还有那魔族的势力,本来就不弱了。 Dī dī dī......”. 滴滴滴……”。 However, at this time, suddenly, in the middle of Dongfang Yu present Energy Tester, Blink left several bright red such as the figure of blood, the warning arrow has also aimed at side. 然而,就在这个时候,突然,东方玉眼前的能量测试仪当中,闪烁出几个鲜红如血的数字,警报的箭头也指向了旁边。 Looks the energy value on Energy Tester presenting, at the energy value of that mysterious powerhouse with the witch clan grand meeting was initially exactly the same, is narrowing the eyes in a low voice slightly with Dongfang Yu eyes of Nuwa speech, at once, looks at the past in the direction that the arrow referred, said: Rāhu, since came, why was hiding? Comes out. 看着能量测试仪上面出现的这个能量值,和当初巫族盛会上那个神秘强者的能量值一模一样,正在和女娲低声说话的东方玉眼睛微微眯起来了一些,旋即,朝着箭头所指的方向看过去,道:“罗睺,既然来了的话,何必藏着?出来吧”。 Rāhu came!? 罗睺来了!? Heard Dongfang Yu to say such words above this main hall suddenly, above this crystal palace main hall all people were one startled, at once, many people have made the gesture of protection, tight was staring at Dongfang Yu visual place, everybody believes that Dongfang Yu will not put the arrow for no reason. 听到东方玉突然在这大殿之上说出了这么一番话来,这水晶宫大殿之上所有的人都是一惊,旋即,不少人都做出了防备的姿态,紧紧的盯着东方玉目视着的地方,大家都相信东方玉不会无故放矢的。 tà tà tà...... 踏踏踏…… Really, as after the Dongfang Yu's words fall, suddenly together the form from Void walked, wears a loose cape, on the head is bringing a big hat. 果然,随着东方玉的话落之后,突然一道身影从虚空之中走了出来,穿着一身宽松的斗篷,脑袋上带着一个大大的帽子。 sillhouette that walks has taken off the hat on oneself head directly, revealed the truth about the matter under hat to come, who wasn't Demon Ancestor Rāhu can also? 走出来的人影直接摘下了自己脑袋上的帽子,露出了帽子下的庐山真面目来,不是魔祖罗睺还能有谁? „The Mr. Dongfang Yu really elegant demeanor now as much as ever, unexpectedly can discover that my exist(ence), the Rāhu vision falls on Dongfang Yu's, on the face also reveals wipes the happy expression to come out, start to talk first and Dongfang Yu has greeted to say. 东方玉先生果然风采不减当年啊,居然能发现我的存在”,罗睺的目光落在东方玉的身上,脸上也跟着露出一抹笑意出来,开口先和东方玉打过招呼说道。 Um, your also elegant demeanor won in the past, Dongfang Yu looks at oneself front Rāhu, similarly 180,000 years ago old some appearances, the look has narrowed the eyes slightly, start to talk said. “嗯,你也风采更胜往昔啊”,东方玉看着自己面前的罗睺,同样比180000年前老了一些的样子,眼神微微眯起来了一些,开口说道。 Regarding the energy value that Rāhu has at this moment, Dongfang Yu naturally highly cares, this energy value, has been higher than much compared with oneself. 对于罗睺此刻所拥有的能量值,东方玉自然是非常在意的,这个能量值,比自己高出了不少啊。 Snort, Rāhu, does all your alone also dare to come this? don't tell me did not fear that we do keep here you?”. “哼,罗睺,你孤身一人也敢来此?难道不怕我们把你留在这里吗?”。 At this time, after nearby Ancestral Dragon Ao Yi cold snort|hum, saying of mouth sinking sound. 这个时候,旁边的祖龙傲一冷哼了一声之后,嘴里沉声的说道。 I am the Mouse of hideaway in darkness, rally togethers to attack such matter, Ancestral Dragon you disdains in obviously doing, what do I have to be good to fear?”. “我不过是隐藏于黑暗中的老鼠罢了,群起而攻之这样的事情,祖龙你显然是不屑于做的,我有什么好怕的?”。 Regarding the Ancestral Dragon words, on the face of Demon Ancestor Rāhu brings to wipe the confident look, said with a smile. 对于祖龙的话,魔祖罗睺的脸上带着一抹胸有成竹的神色,笑着说道。 Snort, the Demon Ancestor Rāhu words, let Ancestral Dragon coldly snorted, has not refuted regarding his words but actually. “哼”,魔祖罗睺的话,让祖龙冷哼一声,对于他的话倒也没有反驳。 Indeed, Primal Phoenix has the pride of oneself, Ancestral Dragon naturally also has the oneself dignity, Demon Ancestor Rāhu strength although powerful, but can make Ancestral Dragon with cope with him who others collaborate together? Ancestral Dragon could not have made such matter. 的确,元凤自己的骄傲,祖龙自然也有自己的尊严,魔祖罗睺实力虽然强大,可是要让祖龙与别人一同联手的对付他?祖龙还真做不出这样的事情来。 Snort, Sir Ancestral Dragon disdains in collaborating to cope with you, we will be impolite. “哼,祖龙大人不屑于联手对付你们,我们可不会客气呢”。 Saw that Rāhu this has familiarized the Ancestral Dragon disposition, the confident appearance, nearby two dragon race powerhouses, the energy value in 1 50,000 above, the mouth could not bear start to talk call out, from the energy value, these two dragon race obviously was also powerful expert. 眼看着罗睺这一副摸透了祖龙的脾性,胸有成竹的样子,旁边的两位龙族强者,能量值都在15万以上,嘴里忍不住开口叫道,从能量值上来看,这两个龙族显然也是强大高手了。 You? I spoke frankly that your such fellows, ten eight I do not pay attention to. “你们?恕我直言,就你们这样的家伙,连十个八个的我都不放在眼里”。 Slanting casts a sidelong glance these two dragon race, on the face of Rāhu brings back saying that has wiped to laugh. 斜斜的瞟了一眼这两个龙族,罗睺的脸上勾起了一抹嗤笑的说道。 The although 1 50,000 above energy value is very high, but the Rāhu energy value was higher than them near 100,000 degree, indeed had such extremely arrogant energy. 虽然15万以上的能量值很高,可罗睺能量值却比他们高了将近10万的程度,的确是有这样狂妄的底气了。 Was good, rubbish, what matter Rāhu you have to speak frankly, you will come here are not pure will quarrel?”. “好了,别废话了,罗睺你有什么事情就直说吧,你来到这里不会是单纯的来吵架的吧?”。 Two dragon race high-level air/Qi cannot help the take action appearance shortly, Dongfang Yu beckon with the hand to block dragon race that these two have wished one could to rush immediately, stern looks at Rāhu to ask. 眼看着两个龙族高层气得忍不住要出手的样子,东方玉摆摆手拦住了这两个恨不得立马冲上去的龙族,正色的看着罗睺问道。 Hearing is Dongfang Yu asks, the Rāhu complexion nature stern were many. 听到是东方玉发问,罗睺的脸色自然正色了不少了。 Naturally, I come here goal to be very simple, that wants with make a transaction, so long as you can put out to let my satisfactory condition, I am willing to be separated from the team of phoenix clan and Qilin clan, even, the treachery also has possibility. “当然,我来这里的目的很简单,那就是想要和诸位做一个交易,只要你们能够拿出让我满意的条件的话,我愿意脱离凤族和麒麟族的队伍,甚至,临阵倒戈也有可能”。 What!?”. “什么!?”。 The words exit / to speak of Demon Ancestor Rāhu, let present all person complexions changed, look at each other in dismay, obviously his these words were all person didn't expect. 魔祖罗睺的话出口,让在场所有的人都脸色变了变,面面相觑,显然他的这番话是所有人都没想到的。 At critical moment that this will soon battle against, Rāhu wants to be separated from the union of phoenix clan and Qilin clan unexpectedly, even treachery? 在这即将开战的关键时刻,罗睺居然想要脱离凤族和麒麟族的联合,甚至临阵倒戈? Naturally, when being startled, many people had excitedly, no matter how, Rāhu and strength very powerful of demon clan, if can make him eliminate from the hostile list, this indeed was a good news. 当然,在吃惊之余,不少人有兴奋了许多,不管如何,罗睺和魔族的力量还是非常强大的,若是真的能让他从敌对的名单中消除的话,这的确是一个好消息啊。 Naturally is not all people are willing to believe Rāhu, after all today Rāhu can betray the phoenix clan and Qilin clan, when guarantees does not permit him to betray oneself again, therefore the matter of his treachery did not count on that even, he now this transaction whether stems from the sincerity unable to guarantee. 当然也并非是所有的人都愿意相信罗睺的,毕竟今天罗睺可以背叛凤族和麒麟族,保不准他什么时候又能再背叛自己,所以他临阵倒戈的事情是不指望了,甚至,就连他现在这个交易是否出自真心也不敢保证。 Who knows after he took the advantage, whether will withdraw from the phoenix clan and Qilin clan between really them the union? 谁知道他拿了好处之后,是否真的会退出凤族和麒麟族他们之间的联合? If doesn't withdraw? oneself to compensate the madame to fold the soldier? 若是不退出呢?自己这边岂不是赔了夫人又折兵? In the Ancestral Dragon heart does not trust Rāhu, the meaning that the nature, this had not covered-up, said directly. 祖龙心中对罗睺不信任,自然,这样的话也没有藏着掖着的意思,直接说出口来了。 About the vigilance of Ancestral Dragon, the people in crystal palace, secretly selects nod(ded), thought the words that he spoke are reasonable, in the meantime, looks at Rāhu by the vision of suspicion, he will not hold such thoughts to come really? 关于祖龙的警惕,水晶宫里的众人,也都暗自点点头,觉得他说的话有道理,同时,以猜疑的目光看着罗睺,他不会真的是抱着这样的心思来的吧? My all alone comes, violates dangerous don't tell me to be good to be not enough by body to prove my sincerity?”. “我孤身一人前来,以身犯险难道好不足以证明我的诚意吗?”。 The helpless appearance shrugs, mentioned this, Rāhu has hesitated a moment later, said with start to talk: This, I further expressed the oneself sincerity, so long as after our transactions have established, I appeared the entrance of demon, making you some seal days be possible to be good for the time being?”. 无奈的模样耸了耸肩,一言及此,罗睺沉吟了片刻之后,跟着开口说道:“这样吧,那我就进一步表达自己的诚意,只要我们的交易成立了之后,我将魔界的入口显现出来,让你们暂且封印一些日子可好?”。 These words exit / to speak of Rāhu, made all people somewhat surprised actually, Demon Ancestor Rāhu has been strong very mystically, demon also nobody who their demon clan was at where knew, didn't expect he wanted to come out unexpectedly actively brightly, didn't expect he is willing to let others seal unexpectedly the demon access. 罗睺的这番话出口,倒是让所有的人都有些惊讶了,魔祖罗睺一直强得非常神秘,他们魔族所在的魔界也没有人知道在哪里,没想到他居然愿意主动亮出来,更没想到他居然愿意让别人封印了魔界的出入口。 To be honest, Rāhu suspended the oneself sincerity to this position, no matter other Ancestral Dragon people, had regarding his trust. 说实话,罗睺自己的诚意都摆到这个位置了,不管是祖龙还是其他人,对于他的信任也都有了一些。 Has hesitated a moment later, Ancestral Dragon congealing sound looks at Rāhu, said: Shines the sincerity to this degree, I for the time being believe that your some, want to come you also certainly to seek really in a big way, said that what thing you do want?”. 沉吟了片刻之后,祖龙凝声的看着罗睺,道:“把诚意亮到这个程度,我就暂且相信你一些吧,想来你也一定所谋甚大,说吧,你到底想要什么东西?”。 Ancestral Dragon your dragon race formidable, is not weak in innate supreme treasure, on the same day my experience crossed its prestige energy with own eyes, does not know this Dragon Ball whether......”. 祖龙你的龙族非常强悍,不弱于先天至宝,当日我更是亲眼见识过了它的威能,不知这龙珠能否……”。 On the face of Rāhu is having smiling face, seriously was lion big start to talk, start to talk covets Dragon Ball in Ancestral Dragon hand unexpectedly. 罗睺的脸上带着笑容,当真是狮子大开口了,一开口居然是觊觎祖龙手中的龙珠 Is impossible!”, Has not waited for Rāhu to say words that the Ancestral Dragon complexion changed has rejected Rāhu firmly. “不可能!”,还没等罗睺把话说完,祖龙的脸色变坚定的拒绝了罗睺 Regarding dragon race, Dragon Ball is not only weapon, is the oneself painstaking care, almost and life was equally important. 对于龙族而言,龙珠不仅仅是一件武器而已,更是自己的心血所化,几乎和性命一样重要了。 Dissolute fellow! Unexpectedly dares to covet Dragon Ball of Sir Ancestral Dragon!”. “放肆的家伙!居然敢觊觎祖龙大人的龙珠!”。 Hears Rāhu these words, other side dragon race, on the face are all having the color of indignation, called out loudly, billowing dragon's might has pressed toward Rāhu. 听到罗睺的这番话,旁边其他的龙族,脸上全都带着愤慨之色,大声叫道,滚滚龙威朝着罗睺压了过去。 Ancestral Dragon, you may , to be clear, Dragon Ball can change the people of my demon clan to be separated from the battlefield of phoenix clan and Qilin clan, very much this transaction should be worth to you. 祖龙,你可要想清楚了,一颗龙珠就能换得我魔族的人脱离凤族和麒麟族的战场,这笔交易对你而言应该很值得的”。 Regarding these billowing dragon's might of coming, the appearance that Rāhu has not feared, but the vision falls on the body of Ancestral Dragon, the persuasion said. 对于迎面而来的这些滚滚龙威,罗睺并没有惧怕的样子,只是目光落在祖龙的身上,劝说道。 I said that is impossible, you trade a condition, otherwise, I rather meet on battlefield with you!”. “我说了,不可能,你还是换一个条件吧,否则,我宁愿和你在战场上相见!”。 The Ancestral Dragon complexion is as before dignified, the sinking sound was saying to Rāhu that the firm complexion, to the feeling that the person one type will not vacillate absolutely. 只是,祖龙的脸色依旧凝重,沉声着对罗睺说道,坚定的脸色,给人一种绝对不会动摇的感觉。 This......”. “这个……”。 On the face of Rāhu, brings to wipe awkward look, hesitated a moment later, has only been able to draw back to ask time saying: Words such being the case, then I do choose a chart? Before hearsay 3000, Ancestral Dragon you obtained a Executing Immortal Sword chart, how gives me it?”. 罗睺的脸上,带着一抹为难的神色,迟疑了片刻之后,只能退而求次的说道:“既然如此的话,那么我挑选一张阵图吧?传闻3000年前祖龙你得到了一张诛仙剑阵图,把它送给我如何?”。 Executing Immortal Sword chart!?”. 诛仙剑阵图!?”。 Hears Rāhu these words, the Dongfang Yu's brow selects, surprise looks at Ancestral Dragon, a didn't expect Executing Immortal Sword chart falls unexpectedly in his hands? 听到罗睺的这番话,东方玉的眉头一挑,诧异的看着祖龙,没想到诛仙剑阵图居然落在他的手中? Looks at Rāhu again, on the Dongfang Yu's face is having look suddenly, this Rāhu understands the skill of negotiations actually. 再看罗睺,东方玉的脸上带着恍然的神色,这罗睺倒是深谙谈判的技巧啊。 In the surface to Ancestral Dragon Dragon Ball comes, can in fact actually to that Executing Immortal Sword chart? 表面上是冲着祖龙龙珠来的,可实际上却是冲着那诛仙剑阵图吗? Dragon Ball is his lion big start to talk, a Executing Immortal Sword graphic calculation is the view of bargaining. 龙珠不过是他狮子大开口罢了,诛仙剑阵图算是讨价还价的说法。 Heard Rāhu to want a oneself Executing Immortal Sword chart, the brow of Ancestral Dragon also to wrinkle the wrinkle, his vision naturally could see that chart fierce. 听到罗睺想要自己诛仙剑阵图,祖龙的眉头也皱了皱,他的眼光自然看得出那阵图的厉害。 To oneself the assigns Dragon Ball, Executing Immortal Sword attempts him to think that can accept, therefore, thinks that Ancestral Dragon nod(ded) said: Good, can accept about this me!”. 只是,相对于自己的本命龙珠,一张诛仙剑阵图他觉得还是能接受的,所以,想了想,祖龙点头说道:“那好吧,关于这点我可以接受!”。 Heard Ancestral Dragon to comply, on the face of Rāhu flashed through wipes the happy expression. 听到祖龙真的答应下来了,罗睺的脸上闪过一抹喜色。 Wait / Etc.!”. “等等!”。 However, at this time, Dongfang Yu's sound sound. 然而,就在这个时候,东方玉的声音响了起来。 The Dongfang Yu's words, let Rāhu at heart thump. 东方玉的话,让罗睺的心里咯噔一下。
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