PE :: Volume #35

#1748: Hatred of Kunpeng

Suddenly, oneself accidentally has met Nuwa in Legend unexpectedly, to be honest, Dongfang Yu's, a little finally saw in Legend at this time happy the idol Character(s) exhilaration. 突然之间,自己竟然偶然间遇到了传说中的女娲,说实话,这个时候东方玉的心情很好的,有一点终于见到了传说中偶像般人物的兴奋感。 After all Nuwa makes Legend of person, continuously exist(ence) in all descendants of Yan &\; Yellow Emperors' mind, no matter the Pangu big god in Legend is also good, Houyi who or shot the date, actually, Character(s) in these Myth Legend, nobody's relations and Human(ity) had to look like Nuwa to be so close. 毕竟女娲造人的传说,一直都存在于所有炎黄子孙的脑海之中,不管传说中的盘古大神也好,或者是射日的后羿也罢,其实,这些神话传说中的人物,没有谁的关系和人类有像女娲这么密切的。 Therefore, after seeing Nuwa, Dongfang Yu's is very naturally happy. 所以,见到了女娲之后,东方玉的心情自然很好。 Wait / Etc., Dongfang Yu, why your does witch clan only come this person? Our other races may almost be turn out in full strength!”. “等等,东方玉,你们巫族凭什么就只来这点人?我们其他的种族可几乎是倾巢而出呢!”。 Saw Dongfang Yu will soon turn around to depart, suddenly, was one greatly has won applause, loud was asking to Dongfang Yu. 只是,眼看着东方玉即将转身离去的时候,突然,身后又是一声大叫响了起来,大声的对着东方玉质问道。 Dongfang Yu turned head, the discovery is monster race of bird first person, um, looks like the strength also good appearance, the demonstration of energy value also has about 100,000 unexpectedly, at this time was asking to Dongfang Yu. 东方玉回过头来,发现是一个鸟首人身的妖族,嗯,看起来实力还不错的样子,能量值的显示居然也有10万左右,这个时候正对着东方玉质问道。 In his look is having some cunning looks, obviously is looked that just Nuwa stood to refute Dongfang Yu, instead entered in the middle of the crystal palace by the Dongfang Yu invitation, therefore, he stood. 只是他的眼神中却带着一些狡黠的神色,显然是看刚刚女娲站出来反驳东方玉,反而被东方玉邀请进入了水晶宫当中,所以,他站出来了。 Regarding others, Dongfang Yu will have like to Nuwa? Naturally is impossible. 只是,对于别人,东方玉会有像对女娲那样吗?自然是不可能的。 Turning head Dongfang Yu, the look is bringing cold intention stares in front of oneself the monster of this bird first person, figure is moving, the twinkling migration appears in the opposite side front. 回过头来的东方玉,眼神带着冷意的盯着自己面前这个鸟首人身的妖怪,身形一动,瞬息移动般出现在对方的面前。 The gold(en) ray dodges, Dongfang Yu enters the Super Saiyan shape instantaneously, opened the palm to grasp toward opposite side directly. 金色的光芒一闪,东方玉瞬间进入超级赛亚人的形态,紧接着,直接张开手掌朝着对方抓了过去。 The energy value of this monster has achieved about 100,000 after all, the response is quick, the palm changes to claw, toward Dongfang Yu maliciously grasps. 这个妖怪的能量值毕竟达到了10万左右,反应还是很快的,手掌化作爪型,朝着东方玉狠狠的抓过来。 A sound of skeleton break resounds, the palm of this monster was hit by Dongfang Yu directly. 只是,一阵骨骼断裂的声音响起,这个妖怪的手掌直接被东方玉撞断了。 Has pressed firmly between the fingers the throat of opposite side, at once looks like flings broken gunnysack, according to the sea level, powerful Aura erupts suddenly. 一把捏住了对方的咽喉,旋即就像是甩一个破麻袋似的,按在海面上,强大气息猛然间爆发。 Bang! 轰! The fearful explosion resounded, has raised a difficult situation, waited for these great waves to return to normal many times, the people again the vision went to the past time, Dongfang Yu already left, only then the body static float of that monster above the sea level, looked at the appearance very pitifully, fell into the severely wounded condition, nearly stupor. 可怕的爆炸响起,掀起了一阵惊涛骇浪,等这些浪涛平复了许多的时候,众人再把目光投向过去的时候,东方玉早已离开了,只有那妖怪的身体静静的漂浮在海面之上,看模样非常的凄惨,陷入了重伤的状态,近乎昏迷。 Dongfang Yu at this time, had already relieved the Super Saiyan shape, figure static float in midair, tranquil looks in the sea level is floating the monster, said: Why? Depending on this. 东方玉这个时候,早已解除了超级赛亚人的形态了,身形静静的悬浮在半空中,平静的看着海面上漂浮着的妖怪,道:“凭什么?就凭这个”。 Said Fang Luo, Dongfang Yu observed the situation one to present other people, in the words is having a cold and gloomy feeling, said: „, Other people want to express the different opinion?”. 一言方落,东方玉跟着环视了一圈在场其他所有的人,话语中带着一丝森冷的感觉,道:“那么,还有其他的人想要表达一下不同的意见的吗?”。 The Dongfang Yu's look sweeps has presented all people, all people see the Dongfang Yu's look, cannot help but lowered the head, nobody dares unexpectedly again with Dongfang Yu's look looking at each other. 东方玉的眼神扫过在场所有的人,所有的人看到东方玉的眼神,都不由得低下头去,竟然没有人再敢和东方玉的眼神对视的了。 Looks that these people instigated package of appearances, in the Dongfang Yu heart shake the head secretly, has not said anything again, turned around directly, returning to that side the crystal palace. 看着这些人怂包的模样,东方玉心中暗自摇摇头,没有再多说什么,直接转身,回到了水晶宫那边去了。 Until after Dongfang Yu left, these talented people start to talk outside crystal palace one after another spoke. 直到东方玉离开了之后,水晶宫外的这些人才陆陆续续的开口说话了。 Side also several monster race in the past in sea level held the monster of float. 旁边也有几个妖族过去把漂浮在海面上的妖怪扶了起来。 A move severe wound under Dongfang Yu's, if not for Dongfang Yu keeps the hand, believes that he even died, obviously Dongfang Yu facing this monster time, had the overwhelming superiority. 一招就在东方玉的手底下重伤了,若不是东方玉留手的话,相信他甚至都没命了,可见东方玉面对这个妖怪的时候,还是占据了压倒性优势的。 Good fearful Dongfang Yu, is in Legend can defeat the Qilin of the Beginning powerhouse worthily, including the monster race Kunpeng can unexpectedly move of instant kill. “好可怕的东方玉,不愧是传说中能打败始麒麟的强者,连妖族的鲲鹏居然都能一招秒杀啊”。 Looks figure that Dongfang Yu departs, has a look at the appearance that monster causes heavy losses to again, some people cannot bear saying in a low voice. 看着东方玉离去的身形,再看看那妖怪重创的模样,有的人忍不住低声的说道。 Yes, monster race although overall strength is not high, but actually also several powerhouses, for example that too one, Emperor Jun, Nuwa and the others, this Kunpeng was also powerhouse in a monster race, but, unexpectedly that easily was defeated, Dongfang Yu's strength was really immeasurably deep. “是啊,妖族虽然整体的实力不高,但却也有几位强者的,比如那太一,帝俊,还有女娲等人,这鲲鹏也算是一个妖族中的强者了,可是,居然那么轻易的就被打败了,东方玉的实力真是深不可测啊”。 Some person nod(ded), in the look are having the color of thick shock as before, strength that obviously just Dongfang Yu showed that frightened to present all people. 有的人点头,眼神中依旧带着浓浓的震撼之色,显然刚刚东方玉所展现出来的实力,吓到了在场所有的人。 But, the matter is very strange......”, but, at this time, expert, on the face is having some looks of confusing. “不过,事情很奇怪啊……”,但是,就在这个时候,又有一个高手,脸上带着一些迷惑的神色。 That Nuwa also spoke the same words, why Dongfang Yu to her actually courteous reception, even also led the crystal palace her, but this Kunpeng said that this words, was almost killed by Dongfang Yu? They may be the monster race status. “那女娲也说了相同的话啊,为什么东方玉对她却礼遇有加,甚至把她也带到了水晶宫当中,可是这鲲鹏说这个话,就被东方玉差点杀了呢?他们两个可都是妖族的身份啊”。 don't tell me? Because Nuwa is a woman reason?”, Ponders over, cannot find out any reason to come, this powerhouse mouth twittering the guess was saying in a low voice. 难道?因为女娲是一个女人的缘故?”,思前想后,想不出什么理由来,紧接着,这个强者嘴里低声呢喃着猜测道。 These words although sound is very low, may present may be the powerhouses, can these sounds hide the truth from their ears? 这句话虽然声音很低,可在场的诸位可都是强者啊,这些声音怎能瞒得过他们的耳朵? Along with these words exit / to speak, surroundings many discussion sounds were suddenly more peaceful, at once many person secretly nod(ded). 随着这句话出口,周围许多的议论声陡然间安静了许多,旋即不少人暗自点头 Indeed, Nuwa and Kunpeng said similar words, they are also first time meet with Dongfang Yu, is the monster race status, why does the Dongfang Yu's response meet the disparity to be so big? 的确啊,女娲和鲲鹏都说了同样的话,他们两个也都是第一次和东方玉见面,也都是妖族的身份,为何东方玉的反应会差距这么大? Besides Nuwa is woman, the Kunpeng is man explanation, absolutely did not have any other explanations. 除了女娲女人,鲲鹏是男人这个解释之外,完全没有其他任何的解释了。 didn't expect, is Dongfang Yu unexpectedly a such lascivious person? It seems like that later can well in view of this point......”, in the hearts of many person, already to the Dongfang Yu's forehead has pasted one lasciviously the label. 没想到,东方玉居然是一个这么好色的人啊?看来,以后可以好好的针对他这一点了……”,不少人的心中,已经给东方玉的脑门上贴了一个“好色”的标签了。 Regarding this, Dongfang Yu does not know that now, otherwise, it is estimated that he will not know whether to laugh or cry, after all regarding sentimental, Dongfang Yu thinks that is very earnest. 对于这点,东方玉现在是不知道的,否则的话,估计他会哭笑不得了,毕竟对于感情方面,东方玉自认为还是挺认真的。 Naturally, even if Dongfang Yu knew, is a hundred mouths cannot explain it away, don't tell me said that the oneself status is Human(ity), but after Nuwa, will be doomed to create human race? 当然,就算东方玉知道了,也是百口莫辩,难道自己的身份是人类,而女娲以后注定会创造人族吗? bastard, bastard fellow!”, Nearby Kunpeng, was held by several friend, looks at the direction of crystal palace, in the heart cannot bear the violent anger, continuous saying. 混账,混账家伙!”,旁边的鲲鹏,被几个朋友扶起来了,看着水晶宫的方向,心中忍不住暴怒,接连不断的说道。 Nearby person's discussion, makes Kunpeng think somewhat shamefully, in the look of Kunpeng has been full of the angry look, not only pure is angry regarding Dongfang Yu's, he was links witch clan also together to hate. 旁边人的议论,更让鲲鹏觉得有些无地自容,鲲鹏的眼神中充满了愤怒的神色,不只是单纯的对于东方玉的愤怒,他是连巫族也一起恨上了。 Not to mention outside these people, what thoughts are, at this time, Dongfang Yu returned to the crystal palace. 且不说外面的这些人,都是什么样的心思,这个时候,东方玉已经回到了水晶宫这边了。 In the palace, Ancestral Dragon sits above the seat of honor high, in Ancestral Dragon below first, Di Jiang (River Emperor) as the heads of ten two Ancestor Witch, naturally sits well the first position left side of Ancestral Dragon, but the right first position emptied, this leaves the Dongfang Yu's seat. 宫殿之中,祖龙高坐于主位之上,在祖龙的下首处,帝江作为十二祖巫之首,自然是端坐于祖龙左侧的第一个位置,而右边第一个位置空出来了,这是留给东方玉的座位。 After entering main hall, Dongfang Yu looked at the aspect in crystal palace main hall, ten two Ancestor Witch, the powerhouses of other clans, are assemble, enough 20-30 people of appearances, these people are almost each race Boss. 走进大殿之后,东方玉看了看水晶宫大殿中的局面,十二祖巫,还有其他各族的强者们,齐聚一堂,足足有二三十人的样子,这些人几乎都是各个种族的首领 As for Nuwa? Was placed in the position of right rear. 至于女娲呢?则被安插在右边最后面的一个位置了。 Obviously Nuwa strength although is good, but she is not the clan the long status, therefore was placed in this position is not strange, is not low like that the energy value of Kunpeng, actually continually enters the qualifications of crystal palace not to have. 显然女娲实力虽然不错,但她不是什么一族之长的身份,因此被安插在这个位置也不奇怪,就像那鲲鹏的能量值不低,却连进入水晶宫的资格都没有呢。 Although this position gets up not to have what mistake superficially, but, Dongfang Yu regarding Nuwa this seat naturally is unacceptable, does not look at the Nuwa face, must look in later human race face. 尽管这个位置从表面上看起来没有什么错,但是,东方玉对于女娲这个座位自然是不能接受的,不看女娲的面子,也要看在以后人族的面子上啊。 Comes, you sit side me, after entering the crystal palace, Dongfang Yu pulled a chair to be placed in the oneself side directly, said to Nuwa. “过来,你坐在我身边吧”,走进了水晶宫之后,东方玉直接拉了一个椅子摆在自己的身旁,对女娲说道。 Was needless saying that too many words, was only looked that Dongfang Yu was placed the chair in the oneself side specially, then made Nuwa sit in the oneself side, sufficiently could see attaching great importance to of Dongfang Yu Nuwa. 不用说太多的话,光是看东方玉特意把椅子摆在自己的身旁,然后让女娲坐在自己的身边,就足以看得出东方玉女娲的重视了。 Sees this, in the Ancestral Dragon Ao Yi eye flashes through wipes the happy expression, has not said anything. 看到这一幕,祖龙傲一眼中闪过一抹笑意,没有多说什么。 Boss of other side races, look at each other in dismay, looks at each other in consternation, does not understand why Dongfang Yu actually such will attach great importance to Nuwa. 旁边其他种族的首领们,面面相觑,相顾愕然,不明白为何东方玉女娲竟然会这么重视。 However, what reason, this they have borne in mind, later decided on the attention to deal with Nuwa carefully, otherwise, has provoked the Nuwa words, but has provoked Dongfang Yu. 不过,无论是何缘由,这一幕他们都记在心里了,以后打定了注意要小心的应对女娲,否则,招惹了女娲的话,可就是招惹了东方玉啊。 Di Jiang (River Emperor) and Candle Dragon their look at each other in dismay, on face is also having the surprise look, finally, these Ancestor Witch vision fell on the body of Houtu (Mother Earth). 帝江烛九阴他们面面相觑,脸上也带着诧异的神色,最后,这些祖巫们的目光都落在后土的身上了。 Houtu (Mother Earth) position, but also depends in Di Jiang (River Emperor) their behind, looks that Dongfang Yu has pulled a chair specially, making Nuwa close right up against under oneself side, Houtu (Mother Earth) eyes narrowed the eyes slightly, looks at the Nuwa look, the hostility was heavier. 后土的位置,还靠在帝江他们的后面呢,看着东方玉特意拉了个椅子,让女娲靠着自己身旁座下,后土眼睛微微眯起了一些,看着女娲的眼神,敌意更重。 However, on the face of Houtu (Mother Earth) has not actually displayed anything to come, calm appearance. 不过,后土的脸上却没有表现出什么来,一脸平静的样子。 Di Jiang (River Emperor) and the others looked at the Houtu (Mother Earth) look, has turned and looked at several again, somewhat helpless shaking the head. 帝江等人看了看后土的神色,再相顾看了几眼,都有些无奈的摇摇头。 Others are not perhaps clear, but their oneself is certainly clear, superficially the Houtu (Mother Earth) complexion is very tranquil, as if no what idea to this , because her complexion was too tranquil, demonstrates in her heart to this matter unusual caring. 别人或许不清楚,但是他们自己当然清楚得很,表面上看起来后土的脸色很平静,似乎对这一幕没有什么想法,可是就因为她的脸色太平静了,才显示出她的心中对这件事情非常的在意。 However, this time Dongfang Yu, the thoughts majority placed on nearby Nuwa, therefore, did not have too many attention regarding Houtu (Mother Earth) actually. 不过,这个时候的东方玉,心思大多数都放在旁边的女娲身上,因此,对于后土这边倒是没有太多的关注。 Status of Nuwa in all Human(ity) hearts is self-evident, just saw Nuwa, the Dongfang Yu's mood naturally is very excited, looked like has met an idol mentality suddenly, at least in a short time, the thoughts placed the body of Nuwa. 女娲在所有人类心中的地位不言而喻,刚见到女娲,东方玉的心情自然是很激动的,就像是突然遇到了一个偶像般的心态,至少在短时间内,心思都放在女娲的身上。 Sits by Dongfang Yu's, Nuwa thought that the oneself complexion somewhat feels hot, the enthusiasm of Dongfang Yu to oneself ultra specification, she naturally can feel. 坐在东方玉的旁边,女娲觉得自己的脸色有些发烫的,东方玉自己超规格的热情,她自然能够感受得出来。 Similarly, on this crystal palace main hall the vision of almost all people also place her body, makes her feel uneasy whether sitting or standing. 同样的,这水晶宫大殿上几乎所有人的目光也都放在她的身上,更让她觉得坐立不安。 In this palace can say that each is on Great Desolate Continent the illustrious generation, was staring by these people, Nuwa thought that the brain of oneself as if quickly transferred motionless. 这宫殿之中可以说每一个都是洪荒大陆上赫赫有名之辈,被这些人盯着,女娲觉得自己的脑子似乎都快转不动了。 Then, Dongfang Yu's thoughts part places the body of Nuwa, another part places on the conference, fights the conference that about Longfeng, formally started in such strange atmosphere...... 就这样,东方玉的心思一部分放在女娲的身上,另外一部分才放在会议上面,关于龙凤大战的会议,就在这么怪异的气氛下正式开始了……
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