PE :: Volume #35

#1747: Been jealous Houtu (Mother Earth)

figure moves, Dongfang Yu left the crystal palace, because of crystal palace incomparably huge reason, therefore, to the front door of crystal palace, Dongfang Yu's figure appears very tiny. 身形一动,东方玉出了水晶宫,因为水晶宫无比巨大的缘故,因此,相对于水晶宫的大门,东方玉的身形显得非常的渺小。 figure float in midair, outside Dongfang Yu looks at various clan powerhouses who makes noise, the look narrows the eyes slightly, at once, powerful Aura, slowly ascends slowly from his body. 只是,身形悬浮于半空之中,东方玉看着外面喧闹的各族强者,眼神微微眯起,旋即,一股强大气息,缓缓的从他的身上慢慢升腾起来。 Sound that outside, makes noise slowly tranquil, all person hearts had turning head of feeling, the vision have placed on Dongfang Yu's. 外面,喧闹的声音缓缓的平静了下来,所有的人都心有所感的回过头来,目光放在了东方玉的身上。 It is not all people have seen Dongfang Yu's, but, all people understand at this time that this float in the crystal palace entrance person, is witch clan Saint ancestor Dongfang Yu, feels imposing manner that on him sends out intentionally, all people static visits him. 并不是所有的人都见过东方玉的,可是,这个时候所有的人都明白,这个悬浮在水晶宫门口的人,正是巫族的圣祖东方玉,感受到他身上故意散发出来的气势,所有的人都静静的看着他。 It seems like, your many people regarding population that witch clan arrives, is somewhat discontented......”, Dongfang Yu figure float in midair, the sharp vision as if can see about 100,000 li (0.5km), the tranquil sound, can pass on is very very far. “看来,你们很多人对于巫族来到的人数方面,有些不满啊……”,东方玉身形悬浮于半空中,锐利的目光似乎能看到100000里开外,平静的声音,能够传出去很远很远。 Dongfang Yu's these words, let outside various clan powerhouses, does not know how should speak. 东方玉的这番话,让外面的各族强者们,不知道该如何说话了。 Regarding these people who witch clan arrives, they naturally are not discontented, because selfish, but these words who dares to say? 对于巫族来到的这些人,他们自然不是不满,而是因为自私,但是这番话有谁敢说出来的? Moreover Dongfang Yu not, they can say fervent appearance very much, when Dongfang Yu stands before them truly, dares truly to the person who Dongfang Yu spoke, actually could not look. 而且东方玉不在的时候,他们可以说得很慷慨激昂的样子,但是当东方玉真正站在他们面前的时候,真正敢对东方玉说话的人,却根本找不出来了。 It seems like, you are also some keyboard hero......”. “看来,你们也都是一些键盘侠而已啊……”。 Dongfang Yu's eye of halo regarded one all powerhouses, saw that their nobody dares to meet the oneself thread of conversation radically, on the face cannot help but flashes through the demeanor that has wiped to laugh, tranquil saying. 东方玉的光环视了一圈所有的强者,眼看着他们根本没有人敢接自己的话茬,脸上不由得闪过了一抹嗤笑的声色,平静的说道。 The keyboard hero is any meaning, the powerhouses of these major races naturally do not know that but they actually also know that the view of this keyboard hero, certainly is not the words and expressions of praise and that's the end. 键盘侠是什么意思,这些各大种族的强者们自然是不知道的,可他们却也知道,这键盘侠的说法,一定不是什么夸奖的词语就是了。 Actually, Dongfang Yu looks at these people, stands not to have facing the oneself courage continually, in innermost feelings more regarding the pride and self-satisfacations of oneself forcing all powerhouses, instead is not disappointed. 其实,东方玉看着这些人,连站出来面对自己的勇气都没有,内心中更多的并非是对于自己力压所有强者的骄傲和得意,反而是失望。 In any event after these people, together resists the ally of phoenix clan and Qilin clan, but has a look at their appearances, in a state of disunity, including facing the oneself courage does not have, such teammate, believes nobody can like? 无论如何这些人以后都是共同对抗凤族和麒麟族的战友,可是看看他们的样子,一盘散沙,连面对自己的勇气都没有,这样子的队友,相信没有人会喜欢的吧? Observed the situation one all people, looked that their nobody daring stands to refute the oneself opinion, Dongfang Yu shakes the head secretly, at once no longer speaks, turns around to return to that side the crystal palace. 环视了一圈所有的人,看他们真的没有人胆敢站出来反驳自己言论的,东方玉暗自摇摇头,旋即不再说话,转身回到水晶宫那边去了。 Since oneself a few words have blown them, making them not dare to clamor again at will, Dongfang Yu naturally was also disinclined to cost the time on their bodies the energy. 既然自己一句话已经镇住了他们,让他们不敢再随意叫嚣了,东方玉自然也就懒得在他们的身上耗费时间了精力了。 Wait / Etc., Mr. Dongfang Yu, we indeed only came such to select the person to witch clan, unusual did not satisfy......”. “等等,东方玉先生,我们的确对巫族只来了这么点人,非常的不满意……”。 Saw Dongfang Yu turns around to prepare to depart, sudden clear sound sound. 只是,眼看着东方玉转身准备离去的时候,突然一声清脆的声音响了起来。 When this silence reigns, this clear sound very clear, attracted the attention of all people, at this moment, the vision of almost all people follow the prestige to go. 在这万籁俱寂的时候,这清脆的声音非常的清晰,同时也吸引了所有人的注意,这一刻,几乎所有人的目光都循声望去。 Dongfang Yu hears the form that behind resounds, figure is also slightly, at once recovers, saw that a year makes the 17-18 years old appearance young girl, wears a white gauze skirt, to the person a holy feeling, falls along with the Dongfang Yu's vision on the body of this woman, on Dongfang Yu present Energy Tester also appears a very high figure. 东方玉听到身后响起的身影,身形也是微微一顿,旋即回过神来,紧接着看到一个年约十七八岁模样的少女,身穿一袭白色的纱裙,给人一种圣洁的感觉,随着东方玉的目光落在这个女子的身上,东方玉眼前的能量测试仪上也浮现出一个挺高的数字。 146200. 146200。 „? Unexpectedly has 140,000 many energy values?”, Looked that with the energy value that this woman has, in Dongfang Yu's heart secretly surprise. “哦?居然有140000多的能量值?”,看和这个女子所拥有的能量值,东方玉的心中暗自诧异。 Although now the Great Desolate plane military power value was very high, but 140,000 many energy values, are still rare expert, when the heart this woman of surprise in the energy value that has, the Dongfang Yu vision falls to this woman below places, Dongfang Yu's pupil slightly shrinks. 虽说现在洪荒位面武力值已经很高了,可140000多的能量值,依然算是一个难得的高手啊,心中诧异于这个女子所拥有的能量值之余,东方玉紧接着目光落到这个女子的下身处,紧接着东方玉的瞳孔微微的一缩。 Originally this woman although looks like very holy appearance, but under places is actually a long snake tail, this appearance made in the Dongfang Yu's mind cannot help but flash through initially in the Nuwa posterity who Legend of Sword and Fairy plane saw. 原来这个女子虽然看起来很圣洁的模样,但是下身处却是一条长长的蛇尾,这副模样让东方玉的脑海中不由得闪过了当初在仙剑奇侠传位面看到的女娲后人。 don't tell me? This woman is...... 难道?这个女子是…… Is monster race Nuwa, her although reputation is good, but, dares to question the Dongfang Yu's words unexpectedly?”, At this time, some people in a low voice has called out in alarm. “是妖族女娲啊,她虽然名声不错,可是,居然敢质疑东方玉的话?”,就在这个时候,有的人低声惊呼了起来。 Was born race that to the world presented that the appearance of monster race wants to be later, after all most evil spirits were animal practice demon, but Nuwa exist(ence), the status in monster race was very good, was only, on these illustrious powerhouses to Great Desolate Continent, Nuwa strength has been nothing to speak, even must miss a big truncation compared with Boros. 相对于天地诞生就出现的种族,妖族的出现要晚许多了,毕竟大多数的妖物都是动物修炼所化的精怪,而女娲存在,在妖族中的地位还是很不错的,只是,相对于洪荒大陆上那些赫赫有名的强者而言,女娲实力就不值一提了,甚至比波罗斯还要差一大截呢。 The surrounding sound, discussed in a low voice, the nature main discussion goal places the body of Nuwa. 周围的声音,低声的议论了起来,自然主要的议论目标还是放在女娲的身上。 Some said her to be brave, some said that she does not fear death is very brave, naturally more people were said that she was stupid, does not understand why she must work as this person who takes the lead, what was main was she does not have this strength to work as this person who takes the lead. 有的说她胆大,有的说她不怕死很勇敢,当然更多的人是说她愚蠢的,不明白她为何要当这个出头鸟,更主要的是她也没有这个实力来当这个出头鸟啊。 Really, she is Nuwa, makes that Nuwa of person......”. “果然啊,她就是女娲,造人的那个女娲……”。 Listens to nearby discussion sound, the Dongfang Yu's heart to surge suddenly the endless feeling, looks at Nuwa, in the heart also as if myriad emotions surges. 听着旁边的议论声,东方玉的心头突然涌起无尽的感慨,看着女娲,心中也似乎有万千情感涌起。 Nuwa makes the person, this is the matter that all people know, Human(ity) is Nuwa creates, but Dongfang Yu had thought that oneself is the a person class status, therefore, regarding Nuwa exist(ence), Dongfang Yu's has the special sentiment at heart. 女娲造人,这是所有人都知道的事情,人类女娲创造出来的,而东方玉又一直觉得自己一个人类的身份,因此,对于女娲存在,东方玉的心里头有着特殊的感情。 Even if Dongfang Yu clearly knows that this Great Desolate plane World and Real World are completely different, is, even if in Real World, has Nuwa to make Myth Legend of person similarly. 即便东方玉明知道这个洪荒位面世界现实世界完全不同,可是,就算是在现实世界,同样有女娲造人的神话传说啊。 Nuwa, looked at the appearance somewhat timid appearance at this time, just that words were look that the Dongfang Yu's appearance was too rampant, in the heart an indignation, making her unable to bear say. 女娲,这个时候看模样有些怯生生的样子,刚刚那番话不过是看着东方玉的模样太嚣张了,心中一点愤慨,让她忍不住说出口来。 But looks at Dongfang Yu that has turned round now, listens to near the ear the discussion sounds of various clan powerhouses, Nuwa instead not to know that again should say anything, looks like girl, suddenly jumped up a being a focus of public attention big stage to be the same, feels helpless. 可现在看着回过身来的东方玉,再听着耳边各族强者的议论声,女娲反而不知道该说什么了,就像是一个女孩子,突然跳上了一个万众瞩目的大舞台一样,不知所措。 Dongfang Yu naturally saw the Nuwa mentality, on the face revealing cannot help but wipes the temperate smiling face, the sound also became calm, making the mood of person cannot help but slowly relax. 东方玉自然看出了女娲的心态了,脸上不由自主的露出一抹温和的笑容,声音也变得心平气和了许多,让人的心情不由得慢慢放松了下来。 „Did you call Nuwa? You said that you didn't approve of witch clan to leave 1000 people? Truth that this matter involves are many, is not easy to explain clearly. “你叫女娲是吧?你说你不赞同巫族只是出了1000人?这件事情涉及到的道理很多的,没有那么容易解释清楚”。 But, did not explain that easily slowly explained that can always explain?”, Hears the Dongfang Yu's words, Nuwa was calmer, start to talk replied said. “可是,不容易解释就慢慢解释啊,总不能不解释吧?”,听到东方玉的话,女娲的心情平静了许多,开口回答说道。 Original start to talk is because in the heart an indignation, hears the Dongfang Yu such calm appearance at this moment, in the Nuwa heart changed to his idea actually. 本来开口是因为心中一点愤慨,此刻听到东方玉这么心平气和的样子,女娲心中对他的观念倒是改变了一些。 Um, you also said are reasonable, this, you are treating to the crystal palace, waits for me to give you to explain slowly?”. “嗯,你说得也有道理,这样吧,你到水晶宫里面去待着,等下我慢慢给你解释?”。 Regarding the Nuwa words, Dongfang Yu thinks that selects nod(ded) saying that simultaneously start to talk invited Nuwa to go to main hall of crystal palace to treat. 对于女娲的话,东方玉想了想,点点头说道,同时开口邀请女娲去水晶宫的大殿之中待着。 Hissing...... 嘶…… Hears the Dongfang Yu's words, looks his calm to appearance that Nuwa spoke, many people have held breath cold air, surprised looks at Dongfang Yu and Nuwa. 听到东方玉的话,看着他心平气和的对女娲说话的样子,不少人倒吸了一口凉气,惊讶的看着东方玉女娲 didn't expect Nuwa stood start to talk, Dongfang Yu not only has not blamed her, even calm speech, but also invited Nuwa to go to the crystal palace to treat. 没想到女娲站出来开口了,东方玉非但没有责怪她,甚至心平气和的说话,还邀请女娲去水晶宫待着。 Must know that in this moment crystal palace has the qualifications to treat, besides the dragon race high level, top powerhouse who only then Dongfang Yu their this minority comes to help in the fighting. 要知道,此刻水晶宫里有资格待着的,除了龙族的诸位高层之外,就只有东方玉他们这少数前来助战的顶尖强者了。 To be honest, Dongfang Yu's responded that is Nuwa also somewhat is in a daze, but, hears Dongfang Yu to make oneself go to the crystal palace to treat, moreover well and oneself says that truth, Nuwa does not have too many timid meanings actually, has selected nod(ded), then follows toward the crystal palace. 说实话,东方玉的反应就算是女娲也有些发愣的,不过,听到东方玉自己去水晶宫待着,而且会好好的和自己说一说这其中的道理,女娲倒是没有太多胆怯的意思,点了点头,便朝着水晶宫之内走进去。 This is Younger sister Nuwa? The elder sister I had heard in witch clan your reputation, making me lead you to go in. “这位是女娲妹妹吧?姐姐我在巫族的时候就听说过你的名头了,让我来带你进去吧”。 However. At this time, was together the gently beautiful female sound, put on Houtu (Mother Earth) of Dahong color women's clothing, gradually walked from the crystal palace, said to Nuwa. 不过。就在这个时候,又是一道柔美的女声响了起来,紧接着,穿着一袭大红色衣裙的后土,缓步从水晶宫之中走了出来,对女娲说道。 However, in the pupil of Houtu (Mother Earth) has actually been full of the look of carefully examining, obviously is sizing up Nuwa, why can obtain the Dongfang Yu different view favor. 不过,后土的眸子中却充满了审视的神色,显然是在打量女娲,凭什么能得到东方玉另眼青睐。 The although person still in the crystal palace, may very much relate regarding Dongfang Yu outside every action and every movement Houtu (Mother Earth), she looked that however realized Dongfang Yu had the completely unusual gentleness to Nuwa, this feeling makes Houtu (Mother Earth) think at heart unusual was not happy, looks the Nuwa look has also filled being hostile. 虽然人还在水晶宫,可对于东方玉外面的一举一动后土还是很关系的,她看然察觉到了东方玉女娲有完全不同寻常的温柔,这种感觉让后土觉得心里非常的不高兴,看着女娲的眼神也充满了敌视。 Indistinct, as if thought that present woman can be oneself enemy for a lifetime in the future. 隐约之间,似乎觉得眼前的女子将来会是自己一辈子的敌人似的。 Good, you bring Nuwa to go, remembers that takes care of her well, Dongfang Yu hears the Houtu (Mother Earth) words, pours has not thought that but exhorts Houtu (Mother Earth) to Nuwa good. “好吧,你带女娲进去吧,记得,好好照顾她”,东方玉听到后土的话,倒也没有多想,只是嘱咐后土要对女娲好一点。 After all this has created the entire human race person, Dongfang Yu regarding him, naturally was wanted with every effort her entertains. 毕竟这是创造了整个人族的人啊,东方玉对于他,自然是想要尽力的把她招待好了。 Dongfang Yu actually does not know that this time Houtu (Mother Earth) has eaten the vinegar, does not know, in this has eaten in front of vinegar woman, you are better to other woman, this only will be instead more exciting her mood. 只是,东方玉却不知道这个时候的后土吃了醋,更不是知道,在这吃了醋的女人面前,你越是对其他的女子好,这反而只会更加刺激她的情绪罢了。 Good, I knew, Dongfang/East(ern) Elder Brother Yu, superficially, Houtu (Mother Earth) is a very clever appearance, during the speeches, bringing Nuwa to walk toward the inside of crystal palace. “好的,我知道了,东方玉哥哥”,表面上看起来,后土还是一副很乖巧的模样,说话间,带着女娲朝着水晶宫的里面走进去。 Is walking at the same time time, looks that the Nuwa look is bringing thick being hostile. 只是,一边走着的时候,看着女娲的眼神带着浓浓的敌视。 Miss Houtu (Mother Earth), hello, regarding this witch clan one of the ten two Ancestor Witch, Nuwa naturally had heard her reputation, has selected nod(ded) slightly, greeted to say to Houtu (Mother Earth). 后土小姐,你好”,对于这巫族的十二祖巫之一,女娲自然是听说过她的名头,微微点了点头,对后土打招呼说道。 Um, hello, you before and Dongfang/East(ern) Elder Brother Yu understanding?”. “嗯,你好,你以前和东方玉哥哥认识吗?”。 Houtu (Mother Earth) also selects nod(ded), but looked like must appear desolate, simultaneously asked to Nuwa. 后土也点点头,不过看起来就要显得冷淡许多了,同时对女娲问道。 No, I and Mr. Dongfang Yu are the first understanding, shakes the head, Nuwa replied said. “没有,我和东方玉先生是第一次认识”,摇摇头,女娲回答说道。 Regarding look that in the Houtu (Mother Earth) look is hostile, Nuwa naturally can look, is only, in the meantime, in the heart also understands that being hostile to of Houtu (Mother Earth) to oneself, should come from Dongfang Yu this person. 对于后土眼神中敌视的神色,女娲自然是能够看得出来的,只是,同时,心中也明白后土自己的敌视,应该是来自于东方玉这个人。
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