PE :: Volume #35

#1746: In a state of disunity

Di Jiang (River Emperor), Candle Dragon, wish melts, altogether the labor, Houtu (Mother Earth), Dongfang Yu and Boros, seven big expert in witch clan influence sent out, although does not turn out in full strength, but also has actually put out the half of present witch clan high-end strength. 帝江,烛九阴,祝融,共工,后土,东方玉波罗斯,巫族势力内的七大高手出动了,虽然不是倾巢而出,但是却也是拿出了现在巫族高端战力的一半了。 Regarding dragon race, behavior of witch clan this help, was shows extreme tolerance. 对于龙族而言,巫族这番帮助的行为,也算是仁至义尽了。 In addition includes Houyi over a thousand witch clan warrior(s), this is unusual powerful influence, flew toward the crystal palace that Ancestral Dragon was at directly. 再加上包括后羿在内的上千名巫族战士,这是一支非常强大势力,直接朝着祖龙所在的水晶宫飞了过去。 At this time, the crystal palace surrounding area in 100,000 li (0.5km), completely became the place of Wind and Cloud the powerhouse converged, conditions huge dragon race, occasionally revealed the odds and ends in the clouds, was Shenron|Divine Dragon sees not to see the tail seriously. 这个时候,水晶宫方圆100000里之内,完全成了强者云集的风云之地,一条条体型庞大的龙族,在云端之中偶露一鳞半爪的,当真是神龙见首不见尾了。 Hundreds of thousands of dragon race, this crystal palace surrounding area in 100,000 li (0.5km), changed to a piece of dragon race domain completely, other attach in dragon race, but the exist(ence) race, is experiencing these dragon race huge quantities with own eyes, feels each dragon race body within the body contain fearful strength, when heart startled, the mind became has also stabilized. 数十万龙族,将这水晶宫方圆100000里之内,完全化作了一片龙族的领域,其他许多依附于龙族存在的种族,亲眼见识着这些龙族庞大的数量,感受到每一条龙族体内蕴含的可怕力量,一个个在心惊之余,心神也变得安定了许多。 dragon race strength, making them feel some to feel at ease. 龙族力量,让他们感受到了一些安心了。 These attach in dragon race, but exist(ence) many races, when here gathers, naturally was unavoidably a conversation, besides in sigh with emotion in dragon race powerful, naturally also chatted other races powerhouses to have these news that many people arrived. 这些依附于龙族存在的许多种族,在这边聚集的时候,自然是免不了一番的交谈了,除了在感慨于龙族强大之外,自然也聊起了其他种族的强者有多少人到来的这些消息。 Was right, so far, as if had not seen that the witch clan person comes, don't tell me don't they prepare to come?”, During this conversation, some people suddenly start to talk asked. “对了,直到目前为止,似乎都没看到巫族的人前来啊,难道他们不准备过来吗?”,就在这番交谈之中,有的人突然开口问道。 These words exit / to speak, has as if caused some blasting fuse, about the matter why witch clan has not come, states views. 这句话出口,仿佛引起了某种导火索似的,关于巫族为什么没有前来的这件事,各抒己见。 Some people think that witch clan has not arrived temporarily, naturally, more people were suspecting whether witch clan can come. 有的人认为巫族是暂时还没到罢了,当然,更多的人是在怀疑巫族是否会过来。 However, but also some people cannot bear the pit scold in a low voice, said that witch clan is ungrateful, for no reason obtained the attendance of dragon race, when the dragon race war actually withdraws is not daring to come. 不过,还有的人忍不住低声坑骂起来,说巫族是忘恩负义,平白得到了龙族的照顾,但是在龙族大战的时候却龟缩着不敢过来。 About witch clan, these other races very much pay attention obviously. 关于巫族,这些其他的种族显然还是很关注的。 One was the witch clan grand meeting few days ago, indeed was made witch clan big has revealed a face, especially the fight of Dongfang Yu and Qilin of the Beginning, making Qilin of the Beginning personally acknowledge that oneself defeated. 一则是前些日子巫族盛会,的确是让巫族大大的露了一把脸,特别是东方玉始麒麟的战斗,让始麒麟都亲口承认自己败了。 Two, witch clan strength on unusual powerful, can say that except Earlier Heaven Three Races beside, witch clan strength has been among the best absolutely. 二则,巫族力量本来就非常的强大,可以说,除去了先天三族之外,巫族力量绝对是名列前茅的。 Actually, not only the people of these other races were discussing witch clan, even if were many dragon race, discussed in a low voice. 其实,不只是这些其他种族的人在讨论巫族,就算是很多的龙族,也低声的讨论了起来。 If witch clan can come, regarding dragon race, was one greatly has boosted absolutely, but, so far did not see the witch clan signs, this made in many dragon race innermost feelings also give birth to the discontented heart. 若是巫族能来的话,对于龙族而言,绝对是一个巨大的助力了,只是,目前为止都不见巫族的踪迹,这让许多龙族的内心中也生出了不满之心来。 Ancestral Dragon Ao Yi, sits well above the oneself throne, the powerful spiritual power quantity, naturally got a panoramic view periphery all, said the witch clan matter regarding their mouths, he naturally listened in the ear. 祖龙傲一,端坐于自己的宝座之上,强大精神力量,自然是将周围的一切都尽收眼底了,对于他们这些人嘴里所言巫族的事情,他自然是听在耳中的。 But the person about witch clan does not have the matter of arrival, actually the idea in Ancestral Dragon heart are not many, others do not know, but Ancestral Dragon oneself at heart clear, actually outside person said that witch clan attaches in dragon race, but exist(ence), may in fact, dragon race not make many matters to witch clan. 而关于巫族的人没有到来的事情,其实祖龙心中的想法并不多,别人不知道,但祖龙自己的心里清楚,其实外面人都说巫族依附于龙族存在的,可实际上而言,龙族本质上并没有对巫族做出很多的事情。 Displays dragon race and witch clan friendship very good manner at most, thus makes the phoenix clan dread that does not dare to start to witch clan casually. 顶多只是表现出一个龙族巫族的交情很不错的态度,从而让凤族忌惮,不敢随便对巫族下手罢了。 Therefore, dragon race is somewhat has given some witch clan help, but these help, being insufficient makes the witch clan person help the dragon race war in the final analysis by far, therefore, Ancestral Dragon does not have the matter of arrival regarding witch clan, although in the heart is a little uncomfortable, the meaning of but actually not having been angry. 所以,龙族算是多多少少的都给了巫族一些帮助,可这些帮助,归根结底而言,是远远不足以让巫族的人来帮助龙族大战的,所以,祖龙对于巫族没到来的事情,心中尽管有点不舒服,但是却也没有生气的意思。 hōng hōng hōng...... 轰轰轰…… At this time, suddenly the distant place has transmitted powerful, but deep Aura, many witch clan forms appeared in the horizon, approached in the direction of dragon race territory, pushed to the front in the forefront, naturally was Di Jiang (River Emperor) and Dongfang Yu and the others. 只是,就在这个时候,突然远方传来了强大而深沉的气息,紧接着,许多巫族的身影出现在天边了,朝着龙族领地的方向靠近过来,一马当先走在最前面的,自然是帝江东方玉等人了。 Di Jiang (River Emperor) leads some subordinates witch clan, comes to visit Ancestral Dragon personally. 帝江率领麾下部分巫族,亲自前来拜访祖龙”。 Aspirates the sound, Di Jiang (River Emperor) start to talk said that the clear and bright and vigorous sound, has spread over the entire dragon race territory, making all people be able clear hears his sound. 吐气开声,帝江开口说道,清朗而浑厚的声音,传遍了整个龙族领地,让所有的人都能够清晰的听到他的声音。 „Did witch clan come? Moreover was Di Jiang (River Emperor) of heads of ten two Ancestor Witch comes personally?”. 巫族来了?而且还是十二祖巫之首的帝江亲自来了?”。 Hears this sound, the crystal palace surrounding area liveliness within 100,000 li (0.5km), suddenly peaceful, at once some people surprised screaming. 听到这个声音,水晶宫方圆100000里之内的热闹,突然间安静了一下,旋即有的人惊讶的叫出声来。 Not only Di Jiang (River Emperor), Candle Dragon, altogether the labor, wish fuses Houtu (Mother Earth) these four Ancestor Witch, my goodness, witch clan ten two Ancestor Witch, came five. “不只是帝江呢,还有烛九阴,共工,祝融和后土这四位祖巫,好家伙,巫族的十二祖巫,足足来了五位啊”。 Along with calling out in alarm of this person, has a person to have divine ability in eyesight, distant looks at that side situation, start to talk said. 随着这个人的惊叫,有一个人拥有目力方面的神通,远远的看着那边的情况,开口说道。 Ten two Ancestor Witch, came five? It seems like also on a matter, half......”, hears the situation of that side witch clan coming, actually also some people curled the lip, the somewhat discontented appearance, the spitting trough in a low voice said. “十二祖巫,也只是来了五个而已吗?看来也就那么回事嘛,连一半都不到呢……”,听到巫族那边来的情况,却也有的人撇了撇嘴,有些不满的样子,低声的吐槽说道。 No, my words have not said. “不,我的话还没有说完呢”。 As the words of this person fall, this has the eyesight talent divine ability person, start to talk said: Besides five Ancestor Witch, War God Boros, finally, a person, even if were Boros figure slightly has missed a body, obviously respected to him, don't tell me, this person was in Legend......”. 只是,随着这个人的话落,这个拥有目力方面天赋神通的人,开口说道:“除了五位祖巫之外,还有战神波罗斯呢,最后,还有一个人,就算是波罗斯身形都稍微差了一个身位,显然对他非常的尊敬,难道,这个人就是传说中的……”。 witch clan Saint ancestor, Dongfang Yu!”, At this time, some side person connections, the astringent sound said. 巫族圣祖,东方玉!”,这个时候,旁边有的人接口了,涩声说道。 In the witch clan camp, can let Character(s) that War God Boros respects, besides Dongfang Yu in Legend, but also cannot find out to have the second person really to come out. 巫族的阵营中,能让战神波罗斯都尊敬的人物,除了传说中的东方玉之外,还真想不出能有第二个人出来。 Dongfang Yu! 东方玉 This name appears, making the scene suddenly a deathly stillness, loud noise that makes noise loudly. 这个名字出现,让现场突然变得一片死寂,紧接着,轰然作响的喧闹声。 Must say that at last Great Desolate Continent biggest news, besides the war of Longfeng, has the Dongfang Yu's news. 要说最近这段时间洪荒大陆最大的新闻,除了龙凤之战外,就只有东方玉的消息了。 Initially witch clan grand meeting time the person who went to were not many, personally saw the Dongfang Yu's person to be naturally few, at this moment heard Dongfang Yu in Legend to come, many people elongated the neck to look, in Legend can defeat Qilin of the Beginning Character(s), was Dongfang Yu what appearance? 当初巫族盛会的时候去的人不多,亲眼见过东方玉的人自然很少,此刻听到传说中的东方玉来了,不少人都伸长了脖子去看,传说中能打败始麒麟人物,东方玉到底是何模样? Ancestral Dragon sits well above the oneself throne, at this moment also heard certainly the news that Dongfang Yu and the others arrived, hear speech/words has gawked slightly, will obviously be didn't expect witch clan and Dongfang Yu they will come. 祖龙端坐于自己的宝座之上,此刻当然也听到了东方玉等人到来的消息,闻言微微楞了一下,显然是没想到巫族东方玉他们会过来的。 However, how stunned no matter Ancestral Dragon at this time the heart was, but he also quickly responded, at once figure moves, set out directly, greeted personally. 不过,不管祖龙这个时候心头是如何的错愕,但他也很快反应过来了,旋即身形一动,直接起身,亲自迎接了过来。 Came five Ancestor Witch not to mention, Dongfang Yu also personally came, how Ancestral Dragon said that must pass to greet personally, in the heart of Ancestral Dragon, Dongfang Yu's strength compared oneself also to have no time to let, if there is Dongfang Yu to help, at least Qilin of the Beginning this strong match, oneself does not need to be worried again. 来了五位祖巫暂且不说了,东方玉也亲自过来了,祖龙怎么说都要亲自过去迎接一下的,在祖龙的心中,东方玉的实力相比起自己也不遑多让了,如果有东方玉来帮忙的话,至少始麒麟这个强劲的对手,自己是没有必要再去担心了。 Really, the Dongfang Yu's face is very big, Ancestral Dragon greets, the powerhouse who coming dragon race to cheer unexpectedly personally are how many, but only then Dongfang Yu is worth Ancestral Dragon leaving to greet personally. “果然,东方玉的面子还是很大的,祖龙居然亲自去迎接,来龙族这边助威的强者何其多,可只有东方玉值得祖龙亲自动身去迎接啊”。 At this moment, naturally all people also saw Ancestral Dragon figure, looks that he greets Dongfang Yu unexpectedly personally, all people when heart startled, voices the feeling to the Dongfang Yu's status and strength. 这一刻,自然所有人也都看到了祖龙身形了,看着他居然亲自去迎接东方玉,所有人在心惊之余,也对东方玉的身份地位和实力发出感慨。 No matter and at this time, what idea the crystal palace all races were, after Di Jiang (River Emperor) and Dongfang Yu and the others arrived, quick, Ancestral Dragon figure appeared in everybody's front, on the face also has the frank smiling face, start to talk saying: Hahaha, Di Jiang (River Emperor), Dongfang Yu, welcome you......”. 且不管这个时候,水晶宫这边所有的种族都是什么样的想法,随着帝江东方玉等人到来了之后,很快的,祖龙身形出现在大家的面前,脸上也带着爽朗的笑容,开口说道:“哈哈哈,帝江,东方玉,欢迎你们……”。 After both sides have said the hello, nature Ancestral Dragon greeted the oneself crystal palace Dongfang Yu and the others personally. 双方打过了招呼之后,自然祖龙亲自把东方玉等人迎接到了自己水晶宫这边。 About goal that Dongfang Yu and the others arrived, Ancestral Dragon does not need to inquire again, is only looks at Dongfang Yu and the others the lineups, moreover brought more than 1000 witch clan elite warrior(s) to look comes out. 关于东方玉等人到来的目的,祖龙都不需要再询问了,光是看东方玉等人的阵容,而且还带来了1000多个巫族的精锐战士就能看得出来了。 Quick, had determined the arrival of here witch clan to help one another dragon race, Ancestral Dragon made people pass on this news directly. 很快的,确定了这边巫族的到来是为了相助龙族的,祖龙直接让人把这个消息传了出去。 Regarding outside various clan powerhouses, heard witch clan to come to assist, even Di Jiang (River Emperor) of Dongfang Yu and ten two Ancestor Witch heads of came personally, all people thought that the morale inspired greatly. 对于外面的各族强者而言,听到巫族前来相助了,甚至东方玉和十二祖巫之首的帝江亲自过来了,所有的人都觉得士气大振。 Snort, as far as I know the witch clan powerhouse has 300,000 people fully, but arrives here, only then the trivial more than 1000 people, ten two Ancestor Witch actually also came five, it seems like witch clan regarding the war of Longfeng, is not the special attention. “哼,据我所知巫族强者足有300000人,可是来到这里的只有区区1000多人,十二祖巫却也只是来了五位而已,看来巫族对于龙凤之战,也算不上特别的关注啊”。 When all person almost morale greatly inspire, suddenly saying of some people start to talk coldly snorted, look at the appearance, obviously thinks not the balanced appearance regarding the situation of witch clan arrival. 只是,就在所有人几乎都士气大振的时候,突然有的人开口冷哼一声的说道,看模样,显然是对于巫族到来的情况觉得不平衡的样子。 Sometimes the will of the people are such a matter, does not contract widowed contracts unevenly, sees witch clan powerful, but actually came more than 1000 warrior(s), ten two Ancestor Witch also came five, therefore, some people thought strength that witch clan sends was really too few. 有的时候人心就是这么回事,不患寡而患不均,眼看着巫族强大,但是却只是来了1000多个战士,十二祖巫也只是来了五位而已,因此,有的人觉得巫族派出来的力量实在是太少了。 Nature, witch clan such powerful, the powerhouse who if witch clan sends are more, the powerhouses of other races, won't the pressure also little be? At least the loss also will drop are very many. 自然,巫族这么强大,若是巫族派出来的强者更多的话,其他种族的强者,压力也会少很多不是?至少损失也会下降挺多的。 When indeed, witch clan has not come, in many person hearts secretly curses witch clan, what naturally are more is the envy. 的确,当巫族没来的时候,很多的人都心中暗自咒骂巫族,当然更多的还是嫉妒。 On this occasion the time that Longfeng fights, the witch clan person dares not to enter the war, that is because witch clan influence enough powerful, dragon race impossible because of this, also includes the oneself hostile position witch clan, but refuses to enter the war like witch clan, they do not dare, therefore, what are more when the indignation is the envy. 值此龙凤大战的时刻,巫族的人敢不来参战,那是因为巫族势力足够强大,龙族不可能因为这个,同时把巫族也列入自己的敌对位置,而像巫族这样拒绝参战,他们是不敢的,所以,在愤慨之余更多的还是嫉妒。 But, witch clan came now, these clan powerhouses looked forward to witch clan to turn out in full strength, such oneself pressure was smaller, the loss of oneself race should also little. 可是,现在巫族来了,这些各族强者们又巴不得巫族倾巢而出了,这样自己的压力就小一些了,自己种族的损失应该也会少很多。 Everybody, considered for the oneself benefit, therefore, exits after these words, the powerhouse of actually majority of race, expressed the support, thought that witch clan arrived here strength is really too few, other race may almost be turns out in full strength. 大家,都是为了自己的利益而考虑,因此,随着这番话出口之后,倒是大部分种族的强者,都表示了赞同,觉得巫族来到这里的力量实在是太少了一些,别的种族可几乎都是倾巢而出的呢。 Snort, does not know so-called, 180,000 years passed by, but the tricks of these fellows are such weak. “哼,不知所谓,180000年过去了,可这些家伙的伎俩还是这么幼稚啊”。 Listens to outside these shout, how Dongfang Yu to be able not to understand that their meanings, the corners of the mouth bring back wipe laughing of taunt, at once sets out, walked toward the crystal palace outside...... 听着外面的这些呼喊声,东方玉岂会不明白他们的意思,嘴角勾起一抹嘲讽的嗤笑,旋即起身,朝着水晶宫外走了出去……
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