PE :: Volume #35

#1745: witch clan helps Dragon Dui

The war, started, Ancestral Dragon Ao Yi is Great Desolate plane the sovereign of non- crown, powerful strength and dragon race huge influence, has given his endless self-confidence, even if faces Demon Ancestor, the phoenix clans and Qilin three clans collaborate, does not see the look that Ancestral Dragon has anything to dread. 大战,开始了,祖龙傲一洪荒位面的无冕之皇,强大力量龙族庞大的势力,给了他无尽的自信,即便面对魔祖,凤族和麒麟三族联手,也不见祖龙有什么畏惧的神色。 Ancestral Dragon also said that this war, does not die with the phoenix clan continuous, therefore, once dragon race take action, is turning out in full strength that plants seriously. 祖龙也说了,这次大战,与凤族可谓不死不休,因此,一旦龙族出手了,当真便是倾巢而出的那种了。 After all the phoenix clan, the strength of Qilin clan and demon clan is not weak, they collaborated, Ancestral Dragon also has to acknowledge that influence indeed dominates above dragon race, even can say about two times of degrees. 毕竟凤族,麒麟族和魔族的力量都不弱,他们联起手来,祖龙也不得不承认,势力的确是凌驾于龙族之上的,甚至可以说将近两倍的程度了。 Therefore, although has confidence of grasping the nettle, but Ancestral Dragon regarding this time war, in innermost feelings unusual attaching great importance, once take action, dragon race above entire Great Desolate Continent, almost responded the summons of Ancestral Dragon, started to gather. 所以,尽管拥有迎难而上的信心,可祖龙对于这次的大战,内心之中还是非常的重视的,一旦出手,整个洪荒大陆之上的龙族,几乎都响应了祖龙的号召,开始聚集起来了。 Naturally, on most powerful the race as entire Great Desolate Continent, dragon race possibly is not only a pure oneself tribal group, for these years, many tribal groups received blessing of dragon race, therefore, after this war official has begun, many races also started to gather, was accompanying the dragon race common onset and retreat. 当然,作为整个洪荒大陆上最强大的种族,龙族之强不可能只是单纯的自己一个族群而已,这么多年来,许多的族群都受到了龙族的庇佑,因此,随着这场大战正式的拉开了序幕之后,许多种族也开始聚集起来了,陪着龙族共同进退。 About this time war, ten two Ancestor Witch also gathered in the Pangu palace discussed well, no matter how, between witch clan and dragon race had the complicated relations, regarding this time war, witch clan naturally must table well condition. 关于这次的大战,十二祖巫们也聚集在盘古殿中好好的商议了一番,不管如何,巫族龙族之间还是有千丝万缕的关系的,对于这次的大战,巫族自然是要好好的表一个态了。 Relatively speaking, ten two Ancestor Witch dispositions want to be franker, how about to deal with the situation of war of this Longfeng, ten two Ancestor Witch almost all people said should take action help one another dragon race. 相对而言,十二祖巫们的性格要直爽很多,关于如何应对这次龙凤之战的情况,十二祖巫几乎所有的人都表示应该出手相助龙族 After all in Great Desolate Continent all race eyes, witch clan completely became dragon race attached, if aloof, later witch clan also does have what face countenance to be built on this day between? 毕竟在洪荒大陆所有的种族眼里,巫族完全成为了龙族的附属了,若是无动于衷的话,以后巫族还有何颜面立于这天地之间? Pours is not all witch clan like this thinks that as Di Jiang (River Emperor) of heads of ten two Ancestor Witch, his consideration must be more, Houtu (Mother Earth) after is the female, therefore considers the issue time, will be more careful. 只是,倒也并非所有的巫族都这样想的,作为十二祖巫之首的帝江,他的考虑显然要更多一些,还有后土毕竟是女性,所以考虑问题的时候,也会更加细心一点。 About this war, Younger Brother approves to help dragon race fight together, but, this fought sweeps across after all was too big, put by our witch clan strength, threw down a stone in the river, although can splash the water splash, but could not actually have achieved the degree of influence rivers, on the face of Di Jiang (River Emperor), was having the look of hesitation, said in a low voice. “关于这场大战,诸位兄弟都赞同帮助龙族一起战斗,可是,这一战毕竟席卷太大了,以我们巫族力量放下去,也不过是在河里丢下一块石头罢了,虽然能溅起水花,但是却还做不到影响河流的程度”,帝江的脸上,带着沉吟的神色,低声说道。 witch clan after 180,000 years of development, has been the present degree with great difficulty, if joins, obtained calamity of the extermination of the clan? 巫族经过180000年的发展,好不容易达到了现在的程度,若是加入进去,却得到了一个灭族之祸呢? Moreover, this time war, I always think some suspicious places......”. “而且,这次的大战,我总觉得有些蹊跷的地方……”。 At this time, nearby Houtu (Mother Earth) also start to talk, in the foreheads brought to wipe the doubts the look, said: Mentioned reasonably, was war of this Longfeng the what kind important matter? Beforehand unexpectedly an indication does not have, this too towering some. 这个时候,旁边的后土开口了,眉宇间带着一抹疑惑的神色,道:“按理说来,龙凤之战这是何等的大事?事先居然一点征兆都没有,这太突兀了一些”。 The word of Houtu (Mother Earth), lets nearby several other Ancestor Witch, slightly is startled, at once thinks secretly, many person silently nod(ded), thought that the word of Houtu (Mother Earth) is indeed rational. 后土之言,让旁边的其他几位祖巫,都是微微一怔,旋即暗自思索,不少人都默默点头,觉得后土之言的确有理。 Before witch clan banquet time, Ancestral Dragon and Primal Phoenix they all arrived, could not see slightly the clue, why for several days, suddenly Ancestral Dragon on a grand scale announced didn't die to the phoenix clan the war of continuous race? 之前巫族宴会的时候,祖龙元凤他们全都到了,根本看不出丝毫端倪啊,为何短短几天的时间,突然祖龙就大张旗鼓的宣布了对凤族不死不休的种族之战? No matter had anything, did Ancestral Dragon this decision, appear somewhat is towering and careless? 不管是发生了任何事情,祖龙这个决定,都显得有些突兀和草率了吧? Dongfang Yu watches the discussions of ten two Ancestor Witch, static treating in side, had not interrupted, the Houtu (Mother Earth) words, made Dongfang Yu somewhat surprisedly look at her actually, didn't expect Houtu (Mother Earth) can realize that unexpectedly these things, is really not actually easy. 东方玉看着十二祖巫的讨论,一直都静静的待在旁边,没有插嘴,不过后土的话,倒是让东方玉有些惊讶的看了看她,没想到后土居然能察觉到这些东西,倒是真的不容易了。 Really to the man, woman can carefully? 果然相对于男人而言,女人要更加细心一点吗? Perhaps others do not know, but Dongfang Yu oneself knows but actually, the Ancestral Dragon manner, came under the influences of some Will of Heavenly Dao actually. 别人或许不知道,可东方玉自己倒还是知道一些的,祖龙的行为举止,其实是受到了一些天道意志的影响的。 Had words to say well in the modern society, wanting made it perish, must make its crazy, present Ancestral Dragon first, and even Primal Phoenix they, in the Dongfang Yu's eye, somewhat the somewhat crazy trend, this were the results of Will of Heavenly Dao disturbance. 在现代社会有句话说得好,欲使其灭亡,必先使其疯狂,现在的祖龙,乃至元凤他们,在东方玉的眼中,多多少少都有些疯狂的趋势了,这都是天道意志干扰的结果。 It looks like a person, is at the violent anger under condition, will make many not sane matter to come, Don't said the observer, even if were his oneself, afterward turned head to think that will feel the regret, thought that initially the oneself behavior how such two compelled. 就像是一个人,处于暴怒的状态下,会作出许多不理智的事情来,莫说旁观者了,就算是他自己,事后回过头来想想,都会觉得后悔,觉得当初自己的行为怎么那么二逼。 Obviously, because of result of Will of Heavenly Dao disturbance, Ancestral Dragon their wills a little likely was looks like slowly is similar to the psychology of violent anger approaches. 显然,因为天道意志干扰的结果,祖龙他们的意志都有点像是慢慢的像类似于暴怒的这种心理状态靠近了。 Why this was also to later period, not measures the tribulation presented the time, even if were the reason that the sages must treat carefully, once were involved, was involuntary, even if were the disciple of sage, perhaps fallen in. 这也是为什么到了后期,无量量劫出现的时候,就算是圣人都要小心对待的缘故,一旦卷入其中,便是身不由己了,即便是圣人的门徒,也说不定得陨落其中了。 Dongfang/East(ern) does Elder Brother Yu, regarding this matter, what view you have?”, At this time, Houtu (Mother Earth) turned head, the vision falls on Dongfang Yu's, start to talk inquired. 东方玉哥哥,对于这件事情,你有什么看法呢?”,就在这个时候,后土回过头来,目光落在东方玉的身上,开口询问道。 Along with the Houtu (Mother Earth) words, other Ancestor Witch, the vision also falls on Dongfang Yu's, yes, until now, Dongfang Yu did not have the start to talk speech, does not know that what thoughts he is. 随着后土的话语,其他的祖巫们,目光也都落在东方玉的身上,是啊,直到现在为止,东方玉都一直还没开口说话呢,也不知道他是什么样的心思。 Asked the head of oneself, the Dongfang Yu's vision has swept Houtu (Mother Earth) and other Ancestor Witch, has hesitated secretly the moment, Organization words and expressions. 问到了自己的头上了,东方玉的目光扫了一眼后土和其他的祖巫们,暗自沉吟了片刻,组织了一下词语。 Engages in introspection, regarding the matter that this Longfeng fights, Dongfang Yu can say that already knew the result, naturally does not want witch clan to participate, this was no different than oneself to jump the fiery pit, but, these years dragon race somewhat to some witch clan looking, if were really aloof, had could not be justified. 扪心自问,对于这次龙凤大战的事情,东方玉可以说早就知道结局了,自然是不愿意巫族参加的,这无异于自己跳火坑了,但是,这些年来龙族多多少少的对巫族都有一些照拂,如果真的是无动于衷的话,有太说不过去了一些。 Therefore, after doing slightly hesitates, Dongfang Yu start to talk said: Said like Di Jiang (River Emperor), this time Longfeng fought, definitely very frigid, slaughters will even sweep across entire Great Desolate Continent, by witch clan strength investment, but can start some mighty waves, simply did not have the means to change the aspect of this war. 因此,稍作沉吟之后,东方玉开口说道:“诚如帝江所言,这次的龙凤大战,必然会非常的惨烈,厮杀甚至会席卷整个洪荒大陆,以巫族力量投入其中,只不过能兴起一些波澜而已,根本没有办法改变这场大战的局面”。 Mentioned this, Dongfang Yu, duplicate also said slightly: But, if everybody said that if real standing by, reputation of witch clan on Great Desolate Continent becomes very smelly, was almost hard to base, two, sorry these years dragon race to witch clan has helped, three, this war swept across entire Great Desolate Continent, even if wanted to stand by, also not necessarily could achieve. 一言及此,东方玉微微一顿,复又说道:“但是,如大家所言,如果真的袖手旁观的话,一则以后巫族洪荒大陆上的名声会变得非常的臭,几乎难以立足,二则,也对不起这些年来龙族巫族的一些帮助了,三则,这次大战席卷整个洪荒大陆,就算是真的想要袖手旁观,也不一定做得到”。 That, what to do should I?”. “那么,我到底该怎么办呢?”。 As after Dongfang Yu's analyzes, ten two Ancestor Witch respective nod(ded), obviously regarding Dongfang Yu's these words, approves of very much, at once, nearby Candle Dragon start to talk asks, asks the witch clan aspiration. 随着东方玉的分析之后,十二祖巫各自点头,显然对于东方玉的这番话,还是很赞同的,旋即,旁边的烛九阴开口问道,也算是问出了巫族的心声了。 „The take action help wants take action, but, witch clan cannot turn out in full strength, therefore, in my opinion, the words of this war, we offer part of strengths of”, in the Dongfang Yu's heart already had the idea, therefore, start to talk expressed the oneself manner. 出手帮忙是一定要出手的,但是,巫族决不能倾巢而出,所以,在我看来,这次大战的话,我们还是出一部分的力气吧”,东方玉的心中早就有了想法,因此,开口表达出了自己的态度。 Um, must strive, but can actually 't offer the complete strength?”, The Dongfang Yu's words, making these Ancestor Witch look at each other in dismay, in the look have the look of acclaiming, obviously feels the approval regarding Dongfang Yu's these words. “嗯,要出力,但是却又不能出全部的力气?”,东方玉的话,让这些祖巫面面相觑,眼神中也都带着赞叹的神色,显然是对于东方玉的这番话感觉到赞同的。 Dongfang Yu's analysis, is fair, ten two Ancestor Witch then well discussed, finally determined, deferred to the policy that Dongfang Yu gave to handle affairs, witch clan put out part of strength to help dragon race. 东方玉的分析,也是合情合理的,十二祖巫们然后好好的商议了一番之后,最后确定下来了,就按照东方玉所给的方针来行事,巫族拿出一部分的力量来帮助龙族 Finally, what strength about putting out, about going to many people, ten two Ancestor Witch also well discussed, slowly also determined the situation. 最后,关于拿出什么样的力量,关于去多少人,十二祖巫们也好好的商议了一番之后,慢慢的也就确定下来了情况。 Boros as War God, is in itself very militant exist(ence), this not measures the tribulation fight, looks like gluttony grand feast regarding Boros, he naturally will not miss, therefore, Boros start to talk expressed the meaning of oneself firmly, oneself must participate. 波罗斯作为战神,本身又是一个非常好战的存在,这样无量量劫般的战斗,对于波罗斯而言就像是一场饕餮盛宴似的,他自然是不会错过了,因此,波罗斯开口坚定的表达了自己的意思,自己一定要去参加。 Next, as Di Jiang (River Emperor) of heads of ten two Ancestor Witch, expressed oneself to pass, as witch clan nominal Boss, he went to battlefield to assist personally dragon race, was completely different to the significance of person, therefore, he was also the indispensable person. 其次,作为十二祖巫之首的帝江,也表达了自己必须过去,作为巫族名义上的首领,他亲自前往战场上相助龙族了,给人的意义是完全不一样的,所以,他也是不可或缺之人。 Altogether the labor also expressed the wish that oneself has wanted to go to with start to talk, to other Ancestor Witch, after all altogether the labor and Ancestral Dragon personal friendship must be better. 跟着,共工也跟着开口了表达了自己想去的意愿,相对于其他的祖巫而言,毕竟共工和祖龙的私交都要更好一些了。 Finally, has hesitated a moment later, Dongfang Yu also proactively expressed that oneself must lead Houyi to go. 最后,沉吟了片刻之后,东方玉也主动表示自己要带着后羿前去。 Dongfang Yu although to not measures the tribulation to have the awe, but such aspect Dongfang Yu thought that oneself is essential, does the time that later Great Desolate Continent requires to treat again was too long, is it possible that Great Battle of Witch and Demon not measures the tribulation, seals the matter of god not measure tribulation oneself to be able to evade? 一则东方玉虽然对无量量劫心存敬畏,但这样的局面东方玉觉得自己必不可少的,以后再洪荒大陆要待的时间太久了,莫非巫妖大战的无量量劫,封神之事的无量量劫自己都能躲得过吗? Two, Dongfang Yu, since has treated as oneself Disciple Houyi, naturally also wants training well, lets situation that he experiences ahead of time not measures the tribulation, to him was not any misdemeanor. 二则,东方玉既然已经把后羿当做自己弟子的,自然也想要好好的培养一番,让他提前见识见识无量量劫的情况,对他而言也不算什么坏事了。 Finally, wish fuses Candle Dragon also with start to talk, after expressing oneself wanted the past wish, this witch clan must help one another dragon race lineup, almost determined. 最后,祝融和烛九阴也跟着开口了,表达了自己想要过去的意愿之后,这巫族要去相助龙族的阵容,就差不多确定下来了。 Di Jiang (River Emperor), Candle Dragon, altogether the labor, wish melts, Dongfang Yu, Boros six big expert, this could be said as very huge strength, in addition elite powerhouses in some witch clan, poured have also formed a not allow to neglect team. 帝江,烛九阴,共工,祝融,东方玉,波罗斯六大高手,这可以说是一股非常庞大的力量了,再加上一些巫族中的精锐强者,倒也算是组成了一支不容忽视的队伍。 Wait / Etc., this time fights me also to participate. “等等,这次的大战我也要去参加”。 Saw after the population almost determined, nearby Houtu (Mother Earth), start to talk, the running together of two syllables in rapid speech said suddenly that expresses wish that oneself wanted. 只是,眼看着人数差不多确定下来了之后,旁边的后土,突然开口,急声说道,表达了自己想要去的意愿。 Hearing Houtu (Mother Earth) must go, other Ancestor Witch look at each other in dismay, at once Di Jiang (River Emperor) and Candle Dragon start to talk, wants to persuade Houtu (Mother Earth) to remain one after another. 听到后土要去,其他的祖巫面面相觑,旋即帝江烛九阴相继开口,想要劝说后土留下来。 After all she is ten two Ancestor Witch younger sisters, everybody must look after to him specially, this time war is not jokes, therefore, everybody naturally is hopes that she keeps witch clan. 毕竟她是十二祖巫里的小妹,大家对他要特别关照一些,这次的大战可不是闹着玩的,因此,大家自然是希望她留在巫族 I, no matter, Dongfang/East(ern) Elder Brother Yu, I must go, my strength is also very strong, regarding Di Jiang (River Emperor) and Candle Dragon their stops, Houtu (Mother Earth) has not paid attention, is only excessive, looks that the Dongfang Yu entreaty said that looks at her look, obviously is the appearance of setting firm resolve. “我不管,东方玉哥哥,我也要去,我的实力也是非常强的”,对于帝江烛九阴他们的阻拦,后土并没有理会,只是偏过头来,看着东方玉哀求道,看她的神色,显然是下定了决心的模样。 Good, such being the case you also together go. “那好吧,既然如此你也一同前去吧”。 Looked at the Houtu (Mother Earth) look, Dongfang Yu has also guessed that obtained now has blocked, perhaps behind she alone will also run, since could not block, that can only comply. 看了看后土的神色,东方玉也猜得到就算现在拦住了,或许后面她也会独自跑去,既然拦不住,那就只能答应了。
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