PE :: Volume #35

#1744: Gains turned Dongfang Yu

Looks at Hongjun this appearance, Dongfang Yu oneself gained suddenly the feeling, this matter although was very important to Hongjun, may to Dongfang Yu, but was few words. 看着鸿钧这副模样,东方玉突然有一种自己赚到了的感觉,这件事情虽然鸿钧而言无比重要,可对东方玉而言,不过是寥寥几句话罢了。 Since Heavenly Dao has been doomed Hongjun to become Sheng after Great Tribulation of Dragon and Phoenix, his oneself has also touched to become Sheng the threshold, then, even if Dongfang Yu did say, will not change this being doomed matter. 既然天道注定了鸿钧会在龙凤大劫后成圣,他自己也已经触摸到了成圣的门槛了,那么,就算东方玉说不说,都不会改变这个“注定”的事情。 But oneself few words, can obtain Hongjun this greatest gratitude, is worth, the words with Great Desolate Continent very popular view, Hongjun owes oneself today karma may very be big. 自己寥寥几句话,就能得到鸿钧这莫大的感激,还是非常值得的,用洪荒大陆很流行的说法来说的话,鸿钧今日欠下自己的“因果”可就很大了。 The meaning of also not having covered-up after all, oneself must say becomes the law of Saint, in Great Desolate Continent historical, is his oneself personally said that therefore, Dongfang Yu also on start to talk. 也没有藏着掖着的意思,毕竟自己要说的成圣之法,在洪荒大陆的历史上,本来就是他自己亲口说出来的,所以,东方玉也就开口了。 As far as I know, Grand Dao 3000, may the card beginning of the universe, but, truly becomes the law of Saint, in the final analysis, but three methods may elect. “据我所知,大道3000,条条可证混元,但是,真正成圣之法,归根结底,不过三个方法可选”。 „? Has three methods? Also please state in detail. “哦?有三个方法?还请详说”。 Hears the Dongfang Yu's words, unexpectedly three means can to become Sheng, this make the Hongjun look shine actually, earnest stares at Dongfang Yu to ask. 听到东方玉的话,居然有三个办法可以成圣,这倒是让鸿钧的眼神都亮起来了一些,认真的盯着东方玉问道。 First, by strength Hadō, by powerful strength, forcefully breaks the shackles, the achievement sage, does not need to sense Heavenly Dao, so long as pure strength powerful is enough, for example strength powerful to Pangu big god that level......”. “第一,以力破道,就是凭借强大力量,强行打破桎梏,成就圣人,不用感悟天道,只要单纯的力量强大足以,譬如说力量强大盘古大神那个层次的话……”。 Hissing......”, hears the Dongfang Yu's analogy, must be the Pangu big god such degree of by strength Hadō, Hongjun has cannot help but held breath cold air. “嘶……”,听到东方玉的比喻,以力破道要达到盘古大神那样的程度,鸿钧不由得倒吸了一口凉气 strength of Pangu big god strong, that is self-evident, having a look entire Great Desolate Continent that this creates to know. 盘古大神的实力有多强,那是不言而喻的,看看这创造出来的整个洪荒大陆就知道了。 Destroys wants to be easier than the creation, in other words, when you had destruction entire Great Desolate Continent strength, approached the strength degree of Pangu big god, can be inferred. 况且,破坏比创造要容易一些,也就是说,当你拥有了毁灭整个洪荒大陆实力,也不过是接近了盘古大神的实力程度而已,可见一斑。 That, the second method?”, Hongjun has hesitated the moment, naturally understands that this with the strength card [say / way] is the unusual difficulty, asked to Dongfang Yu. “那么,第二个方法呢?”,鸿钧沉吟了片刻,当然明白这以力证道是非常的困难的,紧接着,对东方玉问道。 „The second method, I call to cut three corpse cards saying that then cuts own friendly corpse, wicked corpse and this my corpse, but, this cuts the laws of three corpse, needs big perseverance, the big chance and big wisdom only then succeed, Dongfang Yu selects nod(ded), said that has cut three corpse card views. “第二个方法,我称之为斩三尸证道,便是斩去自身的善尸,恶尸和本我尸,只是,这斩三尸之法,也需要大毅力,大机缘和大智慧方可成功”,东方玉点头,跟着说出了斩三尸证道的说法。 The nature, about anything is three corpses, Dongfang Yu also roughly introduced to Hongjun. 自然,关于什么是三尸,东方玉也大致上的给鸿钧介绍了一下。 Um, becomes the Farben of Saint is not easy, hear speech/words, Hongjun slightly nod(ded). “嗯,成圣之法本就不易”,闻言,鸿钧微微点头 although cuts three corpse card similarly is the extreme difficulty, but he can also look, compares the words that to according to strength card, this cut three corpse card [say / way] to be easier. 虽然斩三尸证道同样是非常非常的困难,可是他也看得出来,相对于以力证道来比较的话,这斩三尸证道要容易许多了。 That, what is last method?”, Had understood successively after strength card and cuts three corpse card methods, Hongjun continues to Dongfang Yu to ask. “那么,最后一个方法又是什么呢?”,先后了解了以力证道和斩三尸证道的方法之后,鸿钧继续对东方玉问道。 Last was the Karmic Virtue card said, Dongfang Yu start to talk said. “最后一个便是功德证道了”,东方玉开口说道。 „Did the Karmic Virtue card say?”, Hears the Dongfang Yu's words, a Hongjun brow slightly wrinkle, looks at Dongfang Yu by the inquiry look, obviously, he has not known that what Karmic Virtue is. 功德证道?”,听到东方玉的话,鸿钧眉头微微一皱,以询问的眼神看着东方玉,显然,他还不知道功德为何物。 After all this Great Desolate world was born freely 18 curved year, but must say that has made the important matter truly, obtained Heavenly Dao praise the person of Karmic Virtue to be few, Hongjun did not understand, does not feel strange. 毕竟这洪荒天地尽管诞生了18弯年之久,可要说真正做出了大事,得到了天道嘉奖的功德的人屈指可数,鸿钧不了解,也就不奇怪了。 Dongfang Yu smiled, at once the palm raises, wisp of gold(en) Karmic Virtue appears in the Dongfang Yu's palm, the shining ray gives people a warm and sacred feeling. 东方玉笑了笑,旋即手掌一扬,一缕金色功德出现在东方玉的掌心之中,金灿灿的光芒给人一种温暖和神圣的感觉。 This is 180,000 years ago, took the name to Ancestral Dragon Ao Yi, lets on Great Desolate Earth presented the first surname time, since Karmic Virtue that Heavenly Dao falls gave Dongfang Yu part, Dongfang Yu preserved. 这正是180000年前,给祖龙傲一取了姓名,让洪荒大地上出现了第一个姓氏的时候,天道降下来的功德给了东方玉一部分,东方玉留存至今。 This was Karmic Virtue, in brief, between did to conform to the Heavenly Dao important matter on this day, or played very big boost role regarding the development of Great Desolate myriad things, Heavenly Dao will then lower Karmic Virtue to you, similarly, you, if has violated Will of Heavenly Dao, made the giant event to damage the development of Great Desolate Continent, Heavenly Dao will lower the condemnation to you similarly......”, Dongfang Yu took oneself wisp of Karmic Virtue, in the meantime, start to talk explained to Hongjun roughly anything was Karmic Virtue. “这就是功德了,简而言之,在这天地之间干下了符合天道的大事,或者是对于洪荒万物的发展起到了很大的助力作用,天道便会降下功德给你,同样的,你若是违背了天道意志,做出了巨大的事件损害洪荒大陆的发展,天道同样会给你降下谴责……”,东方玉自己的一缕功德拿了出来,同时,开口鸿钧大致上的解释了一下什么是功德 So that's how it is, hear speech/words, Dongfang Yu roughly after three to become Sheng method elaborated, Hongjun regarding these things , has one quite to understand profoundly. “原来如此啊”,闻言,东方玉大致上的关于三个成圣的方法都阐述了一遍之后,鸿钧对于这些东西,也算是有了一个比较深刻的了解了。 nod(ded), in the heart has hesitated slightly secretly, in the meantime, the methods about these three to become Sheng, in the Hongjun oneself innermost feelings also well considered, naturally also respective has made a contrast. 微微点头,心中暗自的沉吟了起来,同时,关于这三个成圣的方法,鸿钧自己的内心中也好好的思量了一下,自然也各自的做出了一番对比。 Has hesitated roughly about a half hour appearance, Hongjun start to talk, said: If I consider right, these three types become the laws of Saint, should become by Karmic Virtue the Saint is easiest, cuts three corpse card [say / way] to come, but with the strength card [say / way] is most difficult?”. 沉吟了约莫半个小时左右的样子,鸿钧开口了,道:“如果我思量得没错的话,这三种成圣之法,应该是以功德成圣最容易,斩三尸证道居中,而以力证道是最困难的吧?”。 Good, Hongjun these words, making Dongfang Yu select nod(ded), said: These three card [say / way] become the laws of Saint, indeed is this, by strength card most difficult, Karmic Virtue card easiest, but same, from the strong and weak degree, similarly so, by a strength card sage theoretically is strongest, the Karmic Virtue card [say / way] becomes the saint is weakest......”. “不错”,鸿钧的这番话,让东方玉点了点头,道:“这三个证道成圣之法,的确是这样的,以力证道最难,功德证道最易,不过同样的,从强弱程度而言,同样如此,以力证道的圣人从理论上而言是最强的,功德证道成圣者最弱……”。 Really so......”, Dongfang Yu's replied that has verified the suspicion in Hongjun heart, hear Yandian nod(ded). “果然如此……”,东方玉的回答,算是印证了鸿钧心中的猜想了,闻言点了点头 After with Dongfang Yu's these after the sage and becomes the discussion of law of Saint, Hongjun regarding the oneself following path, had a quite clear concept. 经过和东方玉的这一番关于圣人和成圣之法的探讨之后,鸿钧对于自己接下来的道路,也算是有了一个比较清晰的概念了。 Today the benevolence, Hongjun life-long does not dare to forget. “今日恩情,鸿钧终生不敢相忘”。 Selected nod(ded), Hongjun came this witch clan main goal , has achieved, therefore did not have the significance that continued to treat, finally gave staying behind these words that Dongfang Yu treated a matter seriously , after or has left behind such a commitment, Hongjun turned around directly, left the Pangu palace. 点了点头,鸿钧来这巫族最主要的目的,也算是达到了,因此没有了继续待下去的意义了,最后给东方玉郑重其事的留下这句话,亦或者说是留下了这么一个承诺之后,鸿钧直接转身,离开了盘古殿这边了。 The spiritual cultivation, regarding Hongjun for these years is the matter of oneself alone fumble, these years pass through many tortuous path, were the number were more endless, today from Dongfang Yu, Hongjun were obtain one to be clear, were the most important direction, this let the Hongjun unusual gratitude. 修道,对于鸿钧而言这么多年来都是自己独自摸索的事情,这些年走过多少的弯路,更是数之不尽了,今天从东方玉这边,鸿钧算是得到了一番明确的,也是最重要的指点了,这让鸿钧非常的感激。 After oneself road that must take, regarding oneself later direction, Hongjun also had a very clear goal. 对于自己以后要走的路,对于自己以后的方向,鸿钧也已经有了一个很清晰的目标了。 Left him in Pangu palace, already somewhat impatient wants to perceive through meditation Heavenly Dao well, stepped the card to say to become Sheng the path. 离开了盘古殿的他,已经有些迫不及待的想要回去好好参悟天道,踏上证道成圣的道路了。 Gazes after Hongjun figure to go far away, in the Dongfang Yu's innermost feelings also a feeling, this theory said that Hongjun is the harvest is naturally huge, is similarly, the Dongfang Yu's harvest actually not compared with small that he comes. 目送着鸿钧身形远去,东方玉的内心中也一阵感慨,这番论道,鸿钧自然是收获巨大的,可是同样的,东方玉的收获其实并不比他来的小。 First, by the [say / way] , the Heavenly Dao highest good that the Hongjun mouth narrated, making Dongfang Yu benefit greatly, next, Hongjun owed oneself karma is the incomparable hugeness. 首先,论道之中,鸿钧嘴里讲述的天道至理,让东方玉受益匪浅,其次,鸿钧欠下自己因果更是无比的巨大。 Must know that this is a future sage, even is about Heavenly Dao exist(ence) karma, moreover becomes the Saint turning point and direction karma, so is can it be that easy to repay? 要知道这可是一位未来圣人,甚至是身合天道存在因果啊,而且成圣契机和指引的因果,岂是那么容易偿还的? Hongjun owes Dongfang Yu's is huge karma, this was sentimental invest(ment) of Dongfang Yu on Hongjun, will be higher along with the Hongjun future achievement, the repayment of this invest(ment) was also naturally bigger, but what the Hongjun future will be? Dongfang Yu naturally very clear. 鸿钧欠下东方玉的是一个巨大的因果,这算是东方玉鸿钧身上的一个感情投资了,随着鸿钧将来的成就越高,这个投资的回报自然也就越大了,而鸿钧的未来是什么样的?东方玉自然是非常的清楚。 Buzz...... 嗡…… In Dongfang Yu's heart dark crisp, thought that tonight and a Hongjun field theory said that has realized the win-win aspect time, suddenly, in Void a wisp of profound yellow ray appeared, straight the electricity toward Dongfang Yu shoots. 只是,就当东方玉的心中暗爽,觉得今天晚上和鸿钧一场论道,算是实现了双赢的局面的时候,突然,虚空之中一缕玄黄色的光芒出现了,笔直的朝着东方玉这边电射而来。 This wisp of profound yellow ray, to the person a very temperate feeling, is Karmic Virtue. 这一缕玄黄色的光芒,给人一种非常温和的感觉,正是功德 Dongfang Yu extends take action to hold, this wisp of profound yellow Karmic Virtue falls in the Dongfang Yu's palm finally, has a look carefully, this profound yellow Karmic Virtue, changes to a sphere, roughly had the basketball egg to be so big. 东方玉出手掌来,这一缕玄黄色功德最后落在东方玉的手掌心中,仔细看看,这玄黄色功德,化作一个球形,约莫有篮球鸡蛋这么大了。 Has a look at Karmic Virtue on oneself another palm again, be only a beaded glass size, was smaller much, Karmic Virtue that obviously, this oneself obtained were more several times. 再看看自己另外一个手掌上的功德,只有一个玻璃珠大小而已,要小得多了,显然,这次自己获得的功德更多了好几倍。 Among the world appearance although of first surname is very important, Karmic Virtue that but I obtain is a small part, this time, oneself has directed the issue of Hongjun about sage, the appearance of first sage among the world played very big booster role, therefore, Heavenly Dao also did lower Karmic Virtue to me? 天下间第一个姓氏的出现虽然很重要,但我获得的功德不过是其中的一小部分而已,这次,自己指引了鸿钧关于圣人的问题,对于天下间第一个圣人的出现起到了很大的助推作用,所以,天道也给我降下了功德吗? Moreover nobody and I divide equally, this together Karmic Virtue is my. 而且没有人和我平分,这一道功德全都是我的啊。 Sphere Karmic Virtue of egg size the ray, another beaded glass size, Dongfang Yu thinks that fused after these two wisps of Karmic Virtue together, took in within the body. 一个鸡蛋大小的球形功德所化的光芒,另外一个玻璃珠大小,东方玉想了想,将这两缕功德融合在一起了之后,收进了体内 This Karmic Virtue is the multipurpose thing, later no matter is used to promote oneself cultivation base, is used for amplification magical treasure various quality aspects to be useful, now using, after not having been waiting anxiously, perhaps was when useful? 功德是万能之物,以后不管是用来提升自己修为,还是用来增幅法宝的品质各方面都用得上,现在还不急着用,等以后或许什么时候就用得上了呢? Here Hongjun left the Pangu palace, after Dongfang Yu here obtained Karmic Virtue, making his harvest huger, description in brief, that was gains turns. 这边鸿钧已经离开了盘古殿了,东方玉这边得到了一份功德之后,让他的收获变得更加巨大了,简而言之的形容,那就是赚翻了。 The Pangu palace looks like, at present tranquil auspicious appearance, but, entire Great Desolate Continent is the undercurrent surged at this time actually. 盘古殿这边看起来,目前还是宁静祥和的样子,可是,这个时候整个洪荒大陆其实都已经是暗潮涌动了。 The entire Great Desolate Continent all living things heard the Ancestral Dragon Heavenly Dao manifesto, therefore, the innumerable powerhouses, went to Earlier Heaven Three Races the oneself vision at this time, actually waits to watch the following three clan wars is what condition. 整个洪荒大陆的芸芸众生都听到了祖龙天道宣言,因此,无数的强者,这个时候都将自己的目光投向了先天三族这边,等着看接下来三族大战究竟是什么样的状况。 That side crystal palace, all dragon race in disturbed waiting return of Ancestral Dragon, quick, Ancestral Dragon indeed returned, but, he has the whole body injury to return, dragon race of crystal palace well inquired, naturally also has known encountering of Ancestral Dragon that side Chinese parasol tree temple. 水晶宫那边,所有的龙族都在忐忑的等待着祖龙的归来,很快的,祖龙的确是归来了,但是,他却是带着浑身的伤势归来的,水晶宫的龙族都好好的询问了一番,自然也得知了祖龙在梧桐神殿那边的遭遇了。 The phoenix clan already and Qilin clan as well as did the demon clan join up? Why is the goal? Naturally for destruction dragon race. 凤族早就和麒麟族以及魔族联合起来了?目的是为什么?自然是为了覆灭龙族了。 To this time, the death of gold dragon whether stems from the hand of Primal Phoenix not to be unimportant, more importantly, the phoenix clan they joined up the preparation to start to dragon race. 到了这个时候,金龙之死是否出自元凤之手已经不重要了,重要的是,凤族他们已经联合起来准备对龙族下手了。 „, Things have gotten to this point I and others did not have the escape route, why our does dragon race take the Great Desolate Continent most powerful tribal group is formidable? Is strength! To this time, should let the Great Desolate Continent people, looks at our dragon race strength with own eyes!”. “诸位,事已至此我等已经没有退路了,我们龙族作为洪荒大陆强大的族群是为什么让人敬畏?是力量!到了这个时候,也该让洪荒大陆的人们,亲眼看一看我们龙族力量了!”。 Ancestral Dragon Ao Yi, occupying a commanding position looks in the crystal palace all dragon race high levels, mouth start to talk announced said. 祖龙傲一,居高临下的看着水晶宫中所有的龙族高层们,嘴里开口宣布说道。
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