PE :: Volume #35

#1743: Words „to become Sheng”

„Is world unkind, takes myriad things as the dogs and hay worthless thing?”, Dongfang Yu's words exit / to speak, making the Hongjun entire body slightly shake, obviously these words are very big regarding his impact. “天地不仁,以万物为刍狗?”,东方玉的话出口,让鸿钧整个身子都是微微一震,显然这句话对于他的冲击很大。 Careful taste Dongfang Yu's these words, Hongjun always thought that such in the middle of few ten characters, as if already contain incomparably profound Heavenly Dao highest good, as if also very vividly and deeply elaborated Heavenly Dao exist(ence). 细细的品味东方玉的这句话,鸿钧总觉得就这么寥寥十个字当中,似乎就已经蕴含着无比深邃的天道至理了,似乎也非常形象和深刻的阐述了天道存在 Saw that the Hongjun heart has the feeling appearance, Dongfang Yu has not disturbed him, but turned head, as before static looks at the following Great Desolate myriad things. 眼看着鸿钧心有所感的样子,东方玉也没有打扰他,只是回过头来,依旧静静的看着下面的洪荒万物。 Actually, but also somewhat the idea about Heavenly Dao aspect, Dongfang Yu will not say, does not dare to say. 其实,还有些关于天道方面的想法,东方玉是不会说出来的,也不敢说出来。 That is the matter that Heavenly Dao decides, is not cannot change. 那就是天道所定的事情,也并非是不能更改的。 At least, in Journey to the West plane, Dongfang Yu successfully eliminated should Heavenly Dao be doomed Buddhism energetically. 至少,在西游记位面,东方玉就成功的消灭了本该天道注定大兴的佛教。 Hongjun has been perceiving through meditation Heavenly Dao, later becomes about Heavenly Dao exist(ence), these words, are no different than the word of going against heaven's will, Dongfang Yu naturally will not say that listened to Hongjun. 只是,鸿钧一直在参悟天道,以后更是会成为身合天道存在,这些话语,无异于逆天之言,东方玉自然是不会说给鸿钧听了。 Who knows that and other Hongjun to become Sheng, or was about Heavenly Dao, can find the way to eliminate the person of oneself this going against heaven's will? 谁知道等以后鸿钧成圣了,或者说是身合天道了,会不会想办法消灭自己这个逆天之人? Possibility that he will do this, very big? 他会这样做的可能性,非常的大吧? Matter that very simple analogy, Heavenly Dao is doomed, if a law of country, then Hongjun exist(ence), quite in the guardian and performer of this law. 很简单的比喻,天道注定的事情,如果说是一个国家的法律的话,那么鸿钧存在,就相当于这个法律的护卫者和执行者了。 Moreover Hongjun in has grown under instilling into of provision of law, in the innermost feelings will never appear violates the provision of law the matter, but the law is also heartless, even is unreasonable. 而且鸿钧一直都在在法律条文的灌输下成长起来的,内心中永远都不会出现违背法律条文的事情,而偏偏法律又是无情的,甚至是不讲道理的。 If violated the legal like oneself person exist(ence), will keep the hand as Hongjun of legal guardian to oneself? Dongfang Yu has not believed. 一旦出现了像自己这样违背法律的人存在了,作为法律护卫者的鸿钧会对自己留手吗?东方玉还真不相信。 Dongfang Yu, the mind is hesitating secretly, nearby Hongjun, „seemed to be unkind from world takes the myriad things at this time in the thinking of these words to recover for dogs and hay worthless thing, at once, earnest saying: „The many thanks Mr. Dongfang Yu's direction, this unretractable statement, making me obtain benefits a great deal......”. 东方玉这边,心神暗自沉吟着,旁边的鸿钧,这个时候似乎已经从“天地不仁以万物为刍狗”这句话的思索中回过神来了,旋即,认真的说道:“多谢东方玉先生的指点,这金口玉言,让我获益良多……”。 Was polite, saw that Hongjun gave oneself to bow unexpectedly personally, to be honest, in the Dongfang Yu's heart was a little small vanity obtained the satisfied feeling, in the meantime, Dongfang Yu extended both hands hurriedly, Hongjun that will bow held, does not dare to pull rank. “客气了”,眼看着鸿钧居然亲自给自己鞠躬了,说实话,东方玉的心中还是有点小小的虚荣心得到了满足的感觉的,同时,东方玉急忙伸出双手来,将鞠躬的鸿钧扶了起来,不敢托大。 Actually, said with the Hongjun theory that Dongfang Yu does not have what energy, after all oneself is not grasping principles, does not want to pass to perceive through meditation the Heavenly Dao thoughts . Moreover, path that Dongfang Yu takes also with a strength card path. 其实,和鸿钧论道,东方玉是没有什么底气的,毕竟自己并非是一个悟道者,也从来都没有想过去参悟天道的心思,而且,东方玉走的路子也是以力证道的路子。 Even if oneself does not understand any Heavenly Dao, may live the modern society of self-information large explosion, the excellent sentence, Dongfang Yu can have words at fingertips and write with facility. 只是,即便自己不懂得什么天道,可到底是生活自信息大爆炸的现代社会,很多绝佳的句子,东方玉还是能信手拈来的。 It looks like in the middle of the modern society, perhaps some people have not paid respect to the image of Buddha, even has not entered the temple, but anything bodhi book does not have the tree, the bright mirror also stage, did not have a thing, may leave to annoy dust similar such sentence, believes or has words at fingertips and writes with facility. 就像是现代社会当中,或许有的人从来都没有参拜过佛像,甚至从来都没进过寺庙,可什么“菩提本无树,明镜亦非台,本来无一物,可出惹尘埃”类似的这样句子,相信还是信手拈来的。 In any event, world is unkind takes the myriad things as dogs and hay worthless thing the sentence to come out, Dongfang Yu or success fooled Hongjun, making him feel that oneself was the same with him, perceived through meditation Heavenly Dao colleague. 无论如何,一句“天地不仁以万物为刍狗”的句子出来,东方玉还是成功的唬住了鸿钧的,让他觉得自己和他一样,都是参悟天道的同行者。 At once, Dongfang Yu and Hongjun, regarding the Heavenly Dao situation, has discussed respectively. 旋即,东方玉鸿钧这边,对于天道的情况,又各自探讨了起来。 Must say, although in the surface is the discussion, may in fact be Hongjun was saying that Dongfang Yu is listening. 要说起来,虽说表面上是探讨而已,可实际上都是鸿钧在说,东方玉在听。 although present Hongjun did not have a tenth Saint, but he perceives through meditation is actually Good Fortunes Jade Plate, and has perceived through meditation 180,000 years, through one said with his theory that Dongfang Yu also felt oneself obtains benefits a great deal, at least regarding Heavenly Dao some understanding and sensibility also became profound. 虽然现在的鸿钧还没有成圣,可他参悟的却是造化玉碟,而且足足参悟了180000年之久,通过一番和他的论道,东方玉也感觉自己获益良多,至少对于“天道”的一些了解和感悟也变得深刻了起来。 On development of plot according to Great Desolate Continent, after Hongjun to become Sheng, will explain religious doctrine in Zixiaogong successively three times, then taught six sage Disciple. 按照洪荒大陆剧情的发展,鸿钧成圣了之后,会先后在紫霄宫讲道三次,然后便教出了六位圣人弟子 But Dongfang Yu now? Gave a private lesson from Hongjun here ahead of time, freely present Hongjun also has not become the Saint, but on the present his some understanding and sensibility to Heavenly Dao, has made Dongfang Yu benefit. 可是东方玉现在呢?算是提前从鸿钧这里开了点小灶了,尽管现在的鸿钧还未成圣,可就现在他对天道的一些理解和感悟,就已经让东方玉获益匪浅了。 Between Dongfang Yu and Hongjun, discuss so-called Heavenly Dao, a blink was half a month time passed by, although was mainly Hongjun is explaining religious doctrine with Dongfang Yu. 不知不觉间,东方玉鸿钧之间,探讨所谓的天道,一眨眼就是半个月的时间过去了,虽说主要是鸿钧在和东方玉讲道。 May at least the surface, both sides use the name of discussion, therefore, Dongfang Yu often jumps several classical sentences, even in occasionally picks up several to say from Tao Te Ching, in addition Dongfang Yu to the Great Desolate plane completely different visions and angles, poured has also given Hongjun many inspirations. 可至少表面上来说,双方是打着探讨的名义的,因此,东方玉不时的蹦出几句经典的句子,甚至从“道德经”里面偶尔挑出几句说出来,再加上东方玉相对于洪荒位面完全不同的眼光和角度,倒也给了鸿钧很多的启发。 Theory time of half a month, actually unusual worth and happiness. 这半个月的论道时光,倒是非常的值得和愉快。 Was right, Mr. Dongfang Yu, you had said before becomes the matter of Saint? Recently these days came, I was also faint regarding to become Sheng had an idea, does not know whether you could say in detail?”. “对了,东方玉先生,你之前说过成圣之事?最近这些日子来,我对于成圣也隐隐间有了点想法,不知你能否详细说说?”。 Saw that their theories said that almost arrived at the last act time, Hongjun start to talk, said to the Dongfang Yu inquiry suddenly. 眼看着两人的论道,差不多已经到了尾声的时候,鸿钧突然开口,对东方玉询问道。 „Becoming the Saint......”, hears Hongjun this word, Dongfang Yu is startled slightly, at once deep looked at Hongjun one, his present energy value has achieved 24. Was the 50,000 degree, faint to touch to become Sheng the threshold? “成圣……”,听到鸿钧此言,东方玉微微一怔,旋即深深的看了鸿钧一眼,他现在的能量值已经达到了24.5万的程度了,隐隐间已经触摸到了成圣的门槛了吗? Remembers that in Great Desolate has a very famous view, inadequate Saint finally is ants, in other words, once to become Sheng, strength completely has an earth-shaking change, is not a simple breakthrough can compare completely. 记得洪荒之中有一句很出名的说法,“不成圣终是蝼蚁”,也就是说,一旦成圣的话,实力完全是有一个天翻地覆般的变化的,完全不是简单的一个突破就能比的。 Then, in the foundation of close 2 50,000 energy value, makes an earth-shaking breakthrough again, what degree can that energy value be? 那么,接近25万能量值的基础上,再有个天翻地覆的突破,那能量值可以达到什么样的程度? 300,000? The promotion of trivial 50,000 energy value is absolutely impossible to be called is the earth-shaking change and promotion. 300000?区区5万能量值的提升绝对不可能称得上是天翻地覆的变化和提升。 How many are that? 400,000? Perhaps? To the later period, the gold content of each energy value will be getting higher and higher, perhaps also only then promotes 1 50,000 above energy value directly, can be considered as on is the earth-shaking change? Artificial ants that can regard other not tenth Saint. 那是多少?400000?或许吧?到了后期,每个能量值的含金量会越来越高,或许也只有直接提升15万以上的能量值,才能算得上是天翻地覆的变化吧?才能视其他没有成圣的人为蝼蚁。 Mr. Dongfang Yu?”. 东方玉先生?”。 Dongfang Yu, because Hongjun touched to become Sheng a threshold, in the heart suspected many, may look that Dongfang Yu hesitated has not been speaking, Hongjun could not bear shouted one in a low voice. 东方玉这边,因为鸿钧触摸到了成圣的一丝门槛,心中猜想很多,可看着东方玉只是沉吟着没有说话,鸿钧忍不住低声的喊了一句。 „, Excuse me, I just in thinking with some sage related ideas. “哦,不好意思,我刚刚在思索和圣人有关的一些想法”。 Hongjun yelling in a low voice, making Dongfang Yu recover, on the face has the happy expression, the apology to say. 鸿钧的低声叫喊,让东方玉回过神来,脸上带着笑意,道歉说道。 During the speeches, Dongfang Yu has hesitated slightly the moment, reorganized the train of thought slightly, at once start to talk, said: Actually, the sage is your my suspicion, after all since Pangu big god splitting heaven and earth apart, has also never had the person to sense Heavenly Dao, nature, can touch on nobody with the sage related thing, let alone to become Sheng, therefore, I can only say that suspicion of oneself, individual word, is only for reference. 说话间,东方玉微微迟疑了片刻,稍微整理了一下思绪,旋即开口,道:“其实,圣人不过是你我的一个猜想罢了,毕竟从盘古大神开天辟地以来,还从来没有人感悟天道的,自然,也就没有人能够触摸到和圣人有关的东西了,更别说成圣,所以,我只能说说自己的猜想吧,个人之言,仅供参考”。 Um, rational, hear speech/words, Hongjun has selected nod(ded), expressed the support, the words that after all Dongfang Yu spoke, were well-founded, persuasive. “嗯,有理”,闻言,鸿钧点了点头,表示赞同,毕竟东方玉说的话,有理有据的,让人信服。 So-called sage, by me, this is aloof in exist(ence) of Great Desolate Continent all living things completely......”, Dongfang Yu start to talk, described the picture of sage slightly. “所谓圣人,以我来看,该是完全超脱于洪荒大陆芸芸众生的存在……”,东方玉开口,将圣人的景象稍微描绘了一些。 although oneself has not seen the sage, but in later generation Legend, description about sage very many, description of Dongfang Yu in the later generation about sage, chose the view that some comparisons tallied saying that was. 虽然自己没见过圣人,但后世传说之中,关于圣人的描述非常的多,东方玉将后世之中关于圣人的一些描述,挑选一些比较符合的说法来说说,还是可以的。 Dongfang Yu this illustration about sage, although said that is inadequate system, is only occasionally the odds and ends view, but, Hongjun actually gradually had a quite clear concept. 东方玉这番关于圣人的解说,虽然说是不成系统,只是偶尔一鳞半爪的说法而已,可是,鸿钧却渐渐的已经有了个比较清晰的概念了。 After all Hongjun is one is relying on half Good Fortunes Jade Plate, can comprehend exist(ence) of achievement sage, therefore, even if reorganizes and senses from the incomplete thing voluntarily, fills the gap ability in part aspect, Hongjun is very strong. 毕竟鸿钧是一个凭借着半块造化玉碟,就能领悟成就圣人的存在,所以,就算是从残缺的东西中自行整理和感悟,填补空白的部分这方面的能力,鸿钧还是很强的。 Um, the straightforward point, the brain makes up ability perhaps is the Great Desolate Continent first person. 嗯,直白一点来说,脑补能力或许是洪荒大陆第一人。 although these are only some Mr. Dongfang Yu your suspicions, but, to me is actually benefits greatly, [say / way] about the sage, Mr. Dongfang Yu walked in front of me, along with Dongfang Yu after sage's description had ended, Hongjun is the harvest many appearances, sigh with emotion saying. 虽然这些都只是东方玉先生你的一些猜想而已,可是,对我而言却是受益匪浅啊,关于圣人之道,东方玉先生走在我前面了”,随着东方玉关于圣人的一些描述结束了之后,鸿钧更是收获颇丰的模样,感慨的说道。 Perhaps at this moment I walk quickly compared with you, but to become Sheng such matter, is actually not who walks can come to the end point quickly, perhaps after you, to become Sheng will be much earlier than me, regarding the feeling and admiration of Hongjun, on the Dongfang Yu face is having the smiling face, shakes the head the feeling to say. “或许此刻我走得比你快一点,可成圣这样的事情,却不是谁走得快就能走到终点的,或许你以后成圣会比我早得多呢”,对于鸿钧的感慨和钦佩,东方玉脸上带着笑容,摇头感慨说道。 These words fact, after Longfeng fights actually as far as time is concerned not long, Hongjun should meet to become Sheng. 这番话倒是事实,从时间上来看,龙凤大战之后没有多久,鸿钧就应该会成圣了。 „?”. “哦?”。 Dongfang Yu these words said have no interest, but the Hongjun hear actually intends, hears Dongfang Yu these words suddenly fiercely, the Hongjun look one brightly, closely has observed closely Dongfang Yu, said: don't tell me? How Mr. Dongfang Yu you to become the Saint, knows?”. 只是,东方玉这句话说者无心,可鸿钧听来却是有意,乍然间听闻东方玉这番话,鸿钧的眼神猛的一亮,紧紧的盯住了东方玉,道:“难道东方玉先生你对如何成圣,也知道吗?”。 „......”, The Hongjun words, making Dongfang Yu be startled slightly, at once responds, the words in oneself sentence, indeed are disclosed that knows becomes the meaning of law of Saint, regarding Hongjun, to become Sheng the method naturally was he now the thing that wanted to know. “呃……”,鸿钧的话,让东方玉微微一怔,旋即反应过来了,自己语句中的话,的确是透露出知道成圣之法的意思,对于鸿钧而言,成圣的方法自然是他现在最想要知道的东西了。 The pupil of Hongjun, filled has earnestly sought and look of anticipation, regarding this look, Dongfang Yu could not say the rejection words. 鸿钧的眸子,充满了渴求和期待的神色,对于他这眼神,东方玉说不出拒绝的话来。 Silent the moment, Dongfang Yu told Hongjun in the thinking becomes the law of Saint is whether appropriate, how two are also waiting to have a look at the response of Heavenly Dao, can present Void Thunder Yinlai to warn oneself. 沉默了片刻,东方玉一则是在思索告诉鸿钧成圣之法是否合适,二则也是在等着看看天道的反应如何,会不会出现虚空雷音来警告自己 If appeared, Dongfang Yu is will not say absolutely. 若是真的出现了,东方玉是绝对不会说的。 Waited for the moment, Heavenly Dao not any caution, wants to come, Heavenly Dao has also been doomed the position of Hongjun quick achievement sage, can therefore tell the meaning that the Hongjun thing has not stopped regarding oneself? 只是,等了片刻,天道并没有任何的警示,想来,天道也注定了鸿钧快成就圣人之位,所以对于自己要告诉鸿钧的东西并没有阻拦的意思? Read and this, Dongfang Yu again has not considered that many, the vision fell on the Hongjun look, the complexion was also more earnest, start to talk said: About becoming the law of Saint, I indeed know some. 一念及此,东方玉也就没有再考虑那么多了,目光落在鸿钧的神色,脸色也认真了许多,开口说道:“关于成圣之法,我的确知晓一些”。 Also asked Mr. Dongfang Yu to teach me, Hongjun this lived to not forget mister great kindness and great virtue!”, Hears the Dongfang Yu's words, Hongjun both hands holds the fist in the other hand, deep bowed to Dongfang Yu. “还请东方玉先生教我,鸿钧此生必不忘先生大恩大德!”,听到东方玉的话,鸿钧双手抱拳,深深的给东方玉鞠了一个躬下去。 90 degrees bending the waist, made clear is becoming the law of Saint is important to Hongjun. 90度的弯腰,昭示着成圣之法对鸿钧而言是多么的重要了。
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