PE :: Volume #35

#1742: On saying Hongjun

It looks like in Hongjun, on entire Great Desolate Continent trillion all living things, perhaps only then oneself a person depends upon Good Fortunes Jade Plate to perceive through meditation Heavenly Dao, therefore, when he knew Dongfang Yu may also in perceiving through meditation Heavenly Dao very much, Hongjun highly cares to this matter. 鸿钧看来,整个洪荒大陆上亿万芸芸众生,或许只有自己一个人依靠着造化玉碟参悟天道,所以,当他知道了东方玉很有可能也在参悟天道的时候,鸿钧对这件事情是非常在意的。 Also because of so, Hongjun thought that Dongfang Yu should also be the same mentality, oneself start to talk says Heavenly Dao this word, Dongfang Yu should have some unusual forms to be right. 也正是因为如此,鸿钧觉得东方玉也应该是一样的心态,自己开口说出了“天道”这个词,东方玉应该会有一些异状才对。 Making Hongjun feel that what is stunned, Dongfang Yu absolutely does not have any response. 只是,让鸿钧感觉到愕然的是,东方玉完全没有任何的反应。 It looks like in Dongfang Yu, Hongjun knows Heavenly Dao exist(ence), this is the natural matter, where will feel surprisedly? 东方玉看来,鸿钧知道“天道”的存在,这是理所应当的事情啊,哪里会感觉到惊讶? What making Dongfang Yu compare to care is the present Hongjun energy value, 24. The 50,000 energy value, was only this digit makes the person have a feeling of suffocation. 只是,让东方玉比较在意的是现在鸿钧能量值,24.5万能量值,光是这个数字就让人有一种窒息的感觉了。 The energy value to the later period, each disparity between energy values will be getting bigger and bigger, even if differs 10,000 energy values, was not a small disparity. 能量值到了后期,每一个能量值之间的差距都会越来越大,就算是相差10000的能量值,也算是一个不小的差距了。 But now? The Qilin of the Beginning energy value cannot fight 190,000, the Hongjun energy value was actually higher than 50,000 to have compared with Qilin of the Beginning, this completely was strength of different level. 可是现在呢?始麒麟能量值斗不过190000而已,鸿钧能量值却比始麒麟足足高出了5万有余,这完全是不同层次的力量了啊。 So looks like, as a head of the clan of Qilin clan Earlier Heaven Three Races, under the hand of Hongjun almost including revolt strength? 如此看来,作为先天三族之一麒麟族的族长,岂不是在鸿钧的手底下几乎连反抗的力量都没有? Naturally, lets have the Boros words that Dongfang Yu cares, before Boros has said that Ancestor of the Great Balance results in compared with him not many, should compared with Qilin of the Beginning these people almost, therefore in the Dongfang Yu's estimate, the Ancestor of the Great Balance this time energy value to be about 180,000 degrees. 当然,更让东方玉在意的还有波罗斯的话,之前波罗斯说过了,鸿钧老祖比他强得不多,应该又比始麒麟这些人要差一点点,因此在东方玉的估算中,鸿钧老祖这个时候的能量值应该是180000左右的程度。 But thinks, meets truly unexpectedly differs such in a big way. 可哪想到,真正见面的时候居然相差这么大。 Moreover just did Hongjun reply? He said that perceived through meditation Heavenly Dao to have the sudden enlightenment, in other words, this strength promoted recently? 而且刚刚鸿钧是怎么回答的?他说是参悟天道有了顿悟,也就是说,他这个实力是最近才提升起来的吗? Has the one breath promoted 60,000-70,000 energy values? 一口气足足提升了六七万的能量值? Thinks that this was Mr. Dongfang Yu? Regarding your reputation, I am the spiritual bond am long. “想必这位就是东方玉先生了吧?对于你的名头,我可是神交久矣”。 In Dongfang Yu here heart shocks in the Ancestor of the Great Balance present energy value secretly time, Ancestor of the Great Balance actually initiative and Dongfang Yu start to talk greeted. 东方玉这边心中暗自震撼于鸿钧老祖现在的能量值的时候,鸿钧老祖倒是主动的和东方玉开口打招呼了。 Lives simply but the simple and elegant smiling face, will not make people think that the excessive enthusiasm, will not make people feel similarly becomes estranged. 淡泊而素雅的笑容,并不会让人觉得过份的热情,同样也不会让人感觉到疏远。 Um, has seen Ancestor of the Great Balance, I am the spiritual bond am longer regarding you......”, hears Ancestor of the Great Balance initiative start to talk and oneself speaks, on the Dongfang Yu face is having some looks of respect, similarly earnest nod(ded) said. “嗯,见过鸿钧老祖,我对于你更是神交久矣……”,听到鸿钧老祖主动开口自己说话,东方玉脸上带着一些敬重的神色,同样认真的点头说道。 This is Ancestor of the Great Balance, although has not grown completely, but he after is the first person in Great Desolate history. 这可是鸿钧老祖啊,虽然还没有完全成长起来,可他毕竟才是洪荒历史上的第一人。 Moreover from Great Desolate's plot, after Great Tribulation of Dragon and Phoenix, can he position of achievement sage? 而且从洪荒的剧情上来看,随着龙凤大劫之后,他就能够成就圣人之位了吧? Dongfang Yu knows that Great Tribulation of Dragon and Phoenix now already official start, but Ancestor of the Great Balance to become Sheng after Great Tribulation of Dragon and Phoenix, opens Zixiaogong to explain religious doctrine. 东方玉知道,龙凤大劫现在已经正式的开始了,而鸿钧老祖是在龙凤大劫后成圣的,跟着开辟紫霄宫讲道。 Even, before second time not measures Great Battle of Witch and Demon of tribulation erupts, can successively train Three Pure Ones and Nuwa, certainly to raise and receive and instruct six sages. 甚至,早在第二次无量量劫的巫妖大战爆发之前,就能先后培养出三清女娲、准提和接引六位圣人。 As far as time is concerned, becomes from Ancestor of the Great Balance the Saint should not be far is right. 从时间上来看,距离鸿钧老祖成圣应该已经不远了才对。 The sages, this could be said as on Great Desolate Continent the status of most powerhouse, was known as that all generations did not rub, did not refuse stubbornly to extinguish, only then has been the level of sage, was actually obtained the eternal life? 圣人啊,这可以说是洪荒大陆上最强者的身份了,号称万劫不磨,不死不灭,也只有达到了圣人的层次,才算是真正的得到了永恒的生命了吧? This can also be said as Dongfang Yu practice final pursued, with the strength card [say / way] is the path that Dongfang Yu wants, but what by strength card successful symbol is? Also isn't the position of achievement sage? 这也可以说是东方玉修炼的最终追求了,以力证道是东方玉想要走的路子,而以力证道成功的标志是什么?还不就是成就圣人之位吗? „? Is Mr. Dongfang Yu long to my spiritual bond? It seems like mister to my actually very attention, the Dongfang Yu's words add on this respect again the look, the smalltalk, this did not make Hongjun somewhat surprisedly visit him completely actually. “哦?东方玉先生对我神交久矣?看来先生对我倒是挺关注的啊”,东方玉的话再加上他这敬重的神色,完全不似客套,这倒是让鸿钧有些惊讶的看着他了。 The oneself family background is one of the three thousand Fiendgod, properly speaking once and Dongfang Yu should also be somewhat celebrates a holiday? But looks at the Dongfang Yu's appearance, completely likely is not to the oneself hostile appearance. 自己的出身乃是三千魔神之一,按理说曾经和东方玉也应该算是有些过节的吧?可是看东方玉的模样,完全不像是对自己怀有敌意的样子啊。 Then, oneself is what aspect is worth Dongfang Yu paying attention? Thinks slightly that Hongjun then understood, is it possible that was Dongfang Yu already knew oneself similarly in perceiving through meditation Heavenly Dao, therefore to the oneself specially attention? 那么,自己到底是什么方面值得东方玉注意的呢?稍微想一想,鸿钧便明白了,莫非是东方玉早就知道了自己同样在参悟“天道”,所以才对自己特别关注的吗? No wonder after oneself said the Heavenly Dao matter, Dongfang Yu did not have the change between existence of God colors completely, really? He already knows that oneself is perceiving through meditation Heavenly Dao, therefore not surprised. 难怪自己说出天道的事情之后,东方玉完全没有神色间的变化,果然吗?他是早就知道自己在参悟天道,所以才没有惊讶啊。 Dongfang Yu did not certainly know the misunderstanding of Hongjun, but, Hongjun treated as colleague to regard Dongfang Yu, the nature, he very much regarded as important to Dongfang Yu. 东方玉当然是不知道鸿钧的误会了,不过,鸿钧东方玉当做一个同行者来看待,自然,他对东方玉还是很看重的。 Similarly, Dongfang Yu already knows that the Hongjun status, as well as his later generation in the altitude that Great Desolate Continent can reach, therefore, regarding the Hongjun also unusual respect, relations between both sides, actually very harmonious appearance. 同样的,东方玉早就知道鸿钧的身份,以及他后世在洪荒大陆能达到的高度,因此,对于鸿钧也非常的敬重,双方之间的关系,倒是非常融洽的模样。 Looks at the Hongjun appearance, arrived at this witch clan territory is not pure passing by, but Dongfang Yu decided that has the time to pay a visit Hongjun, since he came, naturally took responsibility to keep him. 鸿钧的模样,来到这巫族的领地并非是单纯的路过而已,而东方玉本来就打定了主意,有时间去拜见一下鸿钧的,既然他来了,自然是做主把他留下来了。 Invited regarding Dongfang Yu's, Hongjun naturally was full mouth complied. 对于东方玉的邀请,鸿钧自然是满口的答应下来了。 Ten two Ancestor Witch, naturally is also had heard the Hongjun reputation, saw Dongfang Yu sent out the invitation to remain him, ten two Ancestor Witch naturally will not oppose. 十二祖巫这边,自然也是听说过鸿钧的名头的,眼看着东方玉发出邀请把他留下来了,十二祖巫自然是不会反对了。 In addition Dongfang Yu said that tonight must invitation Hongjun well, this let ten two Ancestor Witch happily, nod(ded) of being too busy, feared appearance that Dongfang Yu reneges on a promise. 再加上东方玉说了,今天晚上要好好的宴请鸿钧,这更让十二祖巫高兴不已,一个个忙不迭的点头,就怕东方玉反悔的样子。 Looks at ten two Ancestor Witch regarding the Dongfang Yu so-called conducting banquet very excited appearance, Hongjun is somewhat strange, but is quick, conducts thoroughly along with the Dongfang Yu's banquet, Hongjun understands why ten two Ancestor Witch why will have such mentality. 看着十二祖巫们对于东方玉所谓的举办宴会很激动的样子,鸿钧有些奇怪,不过很快的,随着东方玉的宴会彻底举办起来,鸿钧就明白为什么十二祖巫们为什么会有这样的心态了。 These delicacies that because Dongfang Yu takes, is on Great Desolate Continent has not appeared absolutely. 因为东方玉拿出来的这些美味,绝对是洪荒大陆上从来都没有出现过的。 Novel and delicacy, nature, these good food captured on all Great Desolate Continent sufficiently the heart of life, after all these things regarding the beautiful scene and pursues of good food, was all life common places. 新奇和美味,自然,这些美食足以掳获所有洪荒大陆上生灵的心了,毕竟对于美景和美食这些东西的追求,是所有生灵都共通的地方。 However, good food although is attractive, but Hongjun remained naturally not because of the reason of good food. 不过,美食虽然诱人,可鸿钧留下来自然不是因为美食的缘故了。 As after the banquet had ended, these Ancestor Witch respective diverged, after Dongfang Yu branched out several Shadow Clone, simple has packed completely these banquet later things, then made nearby Houyi oneself rest, Dongfang Yu sat in Pangu palace corner, occupying a commanding position was overlooking the star light and moon/month shines according to below Great Desolate Continent. 随着宴会结束了之后,这些祖巫们都各自的散去了,东方玉分出了几个影分身之后,简单的将这些宴会之后的东西全部都收拾了一下,跟着,便让旁边的后羿自己去休息了,跟着,东方玉独自一人坐在盘古殿的角落处,居高临下的俯视着星光和月辉映照下的洪荒大陆 After the Pangu body falls, mortal body changes to the world myriad things, the left eye changes to Sun, the right eye changes to moon, looks that this became Great Desolate Continent that Fan Hua lived it up, in the Dongfang Yu's heart cannot help but flashes through oneself to see with one's own eyes the Pangu splitting heaven and earth apart time in the past the picture. 盘古身陨之后,肉身化作天地万物,左眼化作太阳,右眼化作月亮,看着这变得繁花热闹起来的洪荒大陆,东方玉的心中不由得闪过当年自己亲眼看到盘古开天辟地时候的景象。 Often remembers, initially the Pangu big god opened the world time the picture, just liked yesterday, once on that day was changed to the myriad things by primal chaos the picture, inexplicable had an affected state of mind. 每每想起,当初盘古大神开辟天地时候的景象,都恍如昨日,曾经那天地由混沌化作万物的景象,更让人莫名的生出一股感动的心绪。 tà tà tà...... 踏踏踏…… Dongfang Yu static sitting in the corner of Pangu palace, the mind unceasing recollection initially with own eyes saw the Pangu big god time all sorts of mirror images, at this time, a sound of footsteps suddenly behind has made a sound in Dongfang Yu's, gradually approaches. 东方玉静静的坐在盘古殿的角落,心神不断的回忆起当初亲眼见到盘古大神时候的种种镜像,就在这个时候,一阵脚步声突然在东方玉的身后响了起来,缓步靠近过来。 Cannot turn head, Dongfang Yu then knew the status of behind person. 不需回头,东方玉便知道身后之人的身份了。 Mr. Dongfang Yu, watches this star light to be radiant, can the the sun and moon change, what feelings once have?”. 东方玉先生,观看这星光璀璨,日月更替,可曾有什么感想?”。 After Hongjun arrives at the Dongfang Yu's side, similarly looks at the following Great Desolate Continent night scene, as if the heart has the feeling appearance, start to talk asks to Dongfang Yu. 鸿钧来到东方玉的身旁之后,同样看着下面的洪荒大陆夜景,似乎心有所感的样子,开口东方玉问道。 Indifferent feelings, all are Heavenly Dao operate, grow continually, Dongfang Yu from banquet, approximate can realize the reason that reason that Hongjun keeps, hear speech/words, the mouth is also the tranquil appearance reply said. “无所谓感想,一切不过是天道运行,生生不息罢了”,东方玉从宴会之上,也大致的能够察觉到鸿钧之所以留下来的原因了,闻言,嘴里也是平静的模样回答说道。 Good, Heavenly Dao operates, grows continually, it seems like, Mr. Dongfang Yu regarding the understanding of Heavenly Dao, went to very profound situation, hear speech/words, the Hongjun look was slightly brighter, nod(ded) said. “不错,天道运行,生生不息啊,看来,东方玉先生对于天道的了解,已经达到了非常深刻的地步了”,闻言,鸿钧的眼神微微亮了一些,点头赞道。 Also indifferent profound, actually in my opinion, the entire Great Desolate Earth all living things myriad things, are similar to a person body mortal body, but so-called Heavenly Dao, is similar to the a person soul, the nature, human body mortal body all behaviors, must rely on own soul the will to move, that is all. “也无所谓的深刻,其实在我看来,整个洪荒大地的众生万物,便如同一个人的躯体肉身,而所谓的天道,便如同一个人的灵魂,自然,人体肉身的一切行为,都要依循自身灵魂的意志而行动,仅此而已”。 Regarding the Hongjun look, Dongfang Yu shows a faint smile, start to talk replied. 对于鸿钧的神色,东方玉微微一笑,开口答道。 Great Desolate myriad things like body, Heavenly Dao operation such as soul will? This is actually very appropriate, very vivid view. 洪荒万物如躯壳,天道运行如灵魂意志?这倒是个很贴切,也很形象的说法啊”。 hear speech/words, Hongjun has hesitated slightly the moment, actually some approvals said to Dongfang Yu, regarding his analogy, obviously is the approval. 闻言,鸿钧微微沉吟了片刻,倒是有些赞同的对东方玉说道,对于他的这个比喻,显然是非常认同的了。 Mentioned this, Hongjun, then as if careless appearance, said to Dongfang Yu slightly: Passed on a message Great Desolate Continent about Ancestral Dragon, to matter that the entire phoenix clan declared war, does not know that Mr. Dongfang Yu you also did have what respected opinion? Hope hear Qixiang. 一言及此,鸿钧微微一顿,接着仿佛漫不经心的样子,对东方玉说道:“关于祖龙传言洪荒大陆,向整个凤族宣战的事情,不知东方玉先生你又有何高见呢?愿闻其详”。 Hongjun these words, making Dongfang Yu excessive, look at him earnestly. 鸿钧的这番话,让东方玉偏过头来,认真的看了看他。 Dongfang Yu understands that in the surface Hongjun this is inquiring oneself, may words in fact, this be is testing oneself. 东方玉明白表面上鸿钧这是在询问自己,可实际上的话,他这算是在考验自己了。 This time Hongjun has not achieved the boundary of later generation that sage after all, let alone body about Heavenly Dao, therefore, Dongfang Yu does not know that what situation Hongjun has now gone to regarding perceiving through meditation of Heavenly Dao. 只是,这个时候的鸿钧毕竟还没有达到后世那圣人之境,更别说身合天道了,因此,东方玉也不知道鸿钧对于天道的参悟现在达到了什么样的地步。 Has hesitated slightly the moment, among Dongfang Yu thoughts revolve, has remembered just the dialog of Boros and Hongjun quickly. 微微迟疑了片刻,东方玉心念电转之间,很快想起了刚刚波罗斯鸿钧的对话。 Boros said that Hongjun cultivation base promoted very big one section, good luck oneself also to say suddenly recently suddenly saw the light suddenly some truth, is it possible that? Is then related with the matter that Ancestral Dragon start to talk does declare war? 波罗斯说突然间鸿钧修为提升了很大一截,鸿运自己也说了最近突然顿悟了一些道理,莫非?便是和祖龙开口宣战的事情有关? Read and this, Dongfang Yu start to talk said: „The word of Ancestral Dragon, there are his wills and truth, but similarly, actually is also the result of Heavenly Dao operation? Why as for will have these words to come out, I believe that you certainly have also understood?”. 一念及此,东方玉开口说道:“祖龙之言,有其自身的意志和道理,但是同样的,却也是天道运行的结果吧?至于为什么会有这番话出来,我相信你也一定有所了解吧?”。 During speeches, does not wait for the reply of Hongjun, Dongfang Yu occupies a commanding position, is overlooking the entire Great Desolate Continent scenery, then said very classical sentence of one in the later generation. 说话间,也不等鸿钧的回答,东方玉居高临下,俯视着整个洪荒大陆的景色,接着说出了一句在后世之中非常经典的语句。 World is unkind, takes myriad things as dogs and hay worthless thing. “天地不仁,以万物为刍狗”。
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