PE :: Volume #35

#1741: Initially sees Hongjun?

Hongjun appeared, his strength makes all people feel to be startled, Qilin of the Beginning is head of the clan of Qilin clan Earlier Heaven Three Races, but, unexpectedly completely is not the appearance of Hongjun match. 鸿钧出现了,他的实力让所有的人感到吃惊,始麒麟乃是先天三族之一麒麟族的族长啊,可是,居然完全不是鸿钧对手的样子。 Adds on treasure by Qilin of the Beginning strength again in the hand, is, in the Hongjun front unexpectedly including strength to hit back no appearance, easy by Hongjun magical treasure winning? 始麒麟力量再加上一件宝物在手,可是,在鸿钧的面前居然连还手之力都没有的样子,轻而易举的就被鸿钧法宝给夺走了? Then, this Hongjun strength, powerful to what degree? 那么,这鸿钧实力,强大到了什么样的程度? This fellow, when became such strong......”, even if were Rāhu, looks at present this, the pupil was also the fierce contraction, in the heart thought that shocked. “这家伙,什么时候变得这么强了……”,就算是罗睺,看着眼前这一幕,瞳孔也是猛的收缩,心中觉得震撼不已。 oneself strength is known as Great Desolate Continent most powerhouse, but, wants empty-handed to capture Qilin of the Beginning magical treasure is very difficult to achieve, but, Hongjun can actually be able to achieve, saying that Hongjun strength even above oneself? 自己实力号称洪荒大陆最强者啊,可是,想要空手夺取始麒麟法宝都很难做到,可是,鸿钧却能做得到,岂不是说,鸿钧力量甚至在自己之上? Was good, the matter like this ended, a palm of the hand after emptying Qilin of the Beginning which flies, the Hongjun vision sweeps has presented all people \; Rāhu, Qilin of the Beginning and even Primal Phoenix. “好了,事情就这样结束吧”,一巴掌临空将始麒麟飞出去了之后,鸿钧的目光扫过了在场所有的人\;罗睺,始麒麟乃至元凤 Does not have no powerful imposing manner obviously, but his look likely is profound sea is ordinary, making the person not dare to look straight ahead. 明明没有什么强大气势,可他的眼神却像是深邃的大海一般,让人不敢直视。 After the voice falls, Hongjun has not waited for people's response, turned around directly, bringing Ancestral Dragon Ao Yi to leave the territory of this phoenix clan. 话音落下之后,鸿钧也没有等众人的反应,直接转身,带着祖龙傲一离开了这凤凰族的领地。 Under such situation, Primal Phoenix had already reached an agreement not take action, only Qilin of the Beginning and Rāhu two, wanted to keep Ancestral Dragon is the impossible matters. 这样的局势下,元凤早就说好了不会出手的,单凭始麒麟罗睺两个,想要把祖龙留下来已经是不可能的事情了。 After all just Qilin of the Beginning by Hongjun superficial has been defeated, Hongjun of strength, to person an immeasurably deep feeling. 毕竟刚刚始麒麟鸿钧轻描淡写的就打败了,鸿钧实力之强,给人一种深不可测的感觉。 Rāhu looked at the side because of a Hongjun palm, is Qilin of the Beginning that the severe wound spits blood, has a look at figure that Hongjun and Ancestral Dragon depart again, Executing Immortal Sword and Absolute Immortal Sword float in own both sides, did not have again the take action thoughts, strength that but in the heart has regarding Hongjun, unusual caring. 罗睺看了看身旁因为鸿钧一掌,就已经是重伤吐血的始麒麟,再看看鸿钧祖龙离去的身形,诛仙剑绝仙剑悬浮于自身的两侧,却也没有了再出手的心思,只是心中对于鸿钧所拥有的实力,非常的在意。 180,000 years ago, because of the Boros reason, Rāhu and Hongjun has begun, at that time their strength was the same, these 180,000 years of time, Rāhu to some Hongjun naturally attention somewhat, his constantly was holding half incomplete jade small dish to sense, strength has left uncultivated, let alone compared favorably with oneself, even if compared with Qilin of the Beginning their several, the strength outline difference planned. 180000年前,因为波罗斯的缘故,罗睺鸿钧动过手,那个时候两人的实力算是半斤八两吧,这180000年的时光,罗睺鸿钧自然多多少少的都有些关注,他无时无刻的都在抱着半块残缺的玉碟在感悟,以至于实力荒废了很多,别说比得上自己了,就算是比起始麒麟他们几个,实力都要略差一筹的。 strength that but, Hongjun shows today suddenly, making Rāhu think the heart startled, even, thought that Hongjun strength has perhaps surmounted oneself. 可是,今天鸿钧突然展现出来的实力,让罗睺都觉得心惊,甚至,觉得鸿钧实力或许都已经超越自己了。 powerful strength that such this fellow, where comes? don't tell me? For these years, has he been hiding oneself strength?”. “这家伙,到底哪里来的这么强大力量难道?这么多年来,他一直都在隐藏自己实力吗?”。 The form that looks at Hongjun go far away, in the heart of Rāhu muttered secretly thought. 看着鸿钧已经远去的身影,罗睺的心中喃喃暗道 Dongfang Yu, the Earlier Heaven Three Races head of the clan, in addition present Hongjun, Rāhu thought that oneself wants a series entire Great Desolate Continent ambition, the stumbling obstacle was more and more. 一个东方玉,还有先天三族的族长,再加上现在的鸿钧,罗睺觉得自己想要一统整个洪荒大陆的野心,绊脚石是越来越多了啊。 Not to mention Rāhu, Primal Phoenix also has Qilin of the Beginning they, regarding strength that Hongjun shows suddenly, is actually what thoughts, at this time, Hongjun brought Ancestral Dragon to leave the territory range of phoenix clan. 且不说罗睺,元凤还有始麒麟他们这些人,对于鸿钧突然所展现出来的实力,究竟是什么样的心思,这个时候,鸿钧已经带着祖龙离开了凤凰族的领地范围了。 Regarding benevolence that Hongjun take action rescues, Ancestral Dragon Ao Yi naturally was start to talk expressed gratitude, today oneself is under the chance coincidence, has not fallen into Rāhu during carefully surrounding of their several people, if not for Hongjun take action rescued, Ancestral Dragon also knows that today oneself should be more unfortunate than fortunate. 对于鸿钧出手相救的恩情,祖龙傲一自然是开口表示了感谢,今天自己算是机缘巧合之下,不小心掉入了罗睺他们几个人的包围之中了,若不是鸿钧出手相救,祖龙也知道今天自己应该是凶多吉少了。 Perhaps others obtained the gratitude of Ancestral Dragon, perhaps will also think highly cares, after all dragon race strength almost suppressed entire Great Desolate, was only, Hongjun regarding thanks of Ancestral Dragon, actually displayed the tranquil appearance, beckoned with the hand to say \; You do not need to thank me, my choice, but is complies with Heavenly Dao to operate......”. 或许别人得到了祖龙的感激,或许还会觉得非常在意,毕竟龙族实力几乎镇压整个洪荒了,只是,鸿钧对于祖龙的感谢,却表现得非常平静的样子,摆了摆手说道\;“你无需谢我,我的抉择,不过是顺应天道运行罢了……”。 Heavenly Dao......”, the Hongjun words, making the Ancestral Dragon look move slightly. 天道……”,鸿钧的话,让祖龙的神色微微一动。 This word, he is not first time heard, before the Pangu palace, Dongfang Yu persuaded oneself to contract dragon race influence, once had said Heavenly Dao this word. 这个词,他已经不是第一次听到了,之前在盘古殿的时候,东方玉劝说自己收缩龙族势力,也曾说过“天道”这个词。 But because at that time the Dongfang Yu's words, making Ancestral Dragon think that is uncomfortable, therefore, regarding so-called Heavenly Dao this word, Ancestral Dragon has not placed at heart, actually didn't expect, from Hongjun here, oneself heard Heavenly Dao unexpectedly this word. 可是因为当时东方玉的话,让祖龙觉得并不舒服,所以,对于所谓“天道”这个词,祖龙也没有放在心里,却没想到,从鸿钧这里,自己居然又听到了“天道”这个词。 The change of Ancestral Dragon look, the nature was noted by Hongjun, this makes Hongjun think that was actually somewhat curious. 祖龙神色的变化,自然被鸿钧注意到了,这倒是让鸿钧觉得有些好奇了。 Great Desolate Continent although was born 180,000 years, but looks like in Hongjun, on this Great Desolate Continent all races do not know that what is Heavenly Dao exist(ence), the actions also completely and wild animal not different. 洪荒大陆虽然已经诞生了180000年之久,可是在鸿钧看来,这洪荒大陆上所有的种族都是不知何为天道存在,所作所为也完全和野兽无异。 But, this word Heavenly Dao comes out, does Ancestral Dragon have the different response unexpectedly? This made Hongjun think actually curiously. 可是,这“天道”一词出来,祖龙居然有不一样的反应?这倒是让鸿钧觉得好奇了。 How? Have you understood Heavenly Dao?”, In the heart some interests, Hongjun start to talk asked to Ancestral Dragon. “怎么了?你对于天道有所了解吗?”,心中有些兴趣了,鸿钧开口祖龙问道。 Perceives through meditation Good Fortunes Jade Plate 180,000 years, looks like in Hongjun, regarding Heavenly Dao the comprehension, oneself looks like acting alone, person who others do not have the concept regarding Heavenly Dao, even if said is also similar to with the summer insect language ice, colleague who therefore, regarding acting alone, can find a dear friend, is a big good fortune. 参悟造化玉碟180000年之久,在鸿钧看来,对于“天道”的领悟,自己就像是一个独行者似的,别人对于“天道”没有概念的人,就算是说了也如同和夏虫语冰,所以,对于一个独行者而言,能找到一个相知的同行者,也是一大幸事。 No, I do not know regarding Heavenly Dao, but had also heard in others' mouth a time, Ancestral Dragon very confident shaking the head, replied said. “不,对于天道我并不知晓,只是在别人的嘴里也听说过一次罢了”,祖龙很坦然的摇摇头,回答说道。 „?”, hear speech/words, the brow of Hongjun raises slightly, in the look the interested look was richer: Whose mouth have you from heard this word?”. “哦?”,闻言,鸿钧的眉头微微一扬,眼神中有兴趣的神色更加浓郁了许多:“你从谁的嘴里听说过这个词?”。 Dongfang Yu, Ancestral Dragon start to talk replied. 东方玉”,祖龙开口答道。 Mentioned this, turns round slightly at once curiously asked to Hongjun: You and Dongfang Yu once mentioned Heavenly Dao, but actually this is Heavenly Dao what? Whether to dispel doubt for me 12?”. 一言及此,微微一顿,旋即复又好奇的对鸿钧问道:“你和东方玉都曾言及天道,只是这天道究竟是何物?能否为我解惑12?”。 What is Heavenly Dao, is hard to describe in the spoken language that knowing is the knowledge, does not know that for does not know, shakes the head, Hongjun thinks that oneself also perceives through meditation Heavenly Dao initially to peep the access, has not been by far reaches highest knowledge, nature, is hard to explain that to Ancestral Dragon what Heavenly Dao was. “何为天道啊,难以用言语来形容,知者为知,不知者为不知吧”,摇摇头,鸿钧认为自身也只是参悟天道初窥门径罢了,远远还算不上登堂入室,自然,也难以向祖龙解释天道是何物了。 Has not kept and Ancestral Dragon again said anything's meaning, should say after said similarly, Hongjun beckons with the hand, distinguished with Ancestral Dragon. 没有再留下来和祖龙多说什么的意思,该说的已经说得差不多了之后,鸿钧摆摆手,与祖龙分别了。 Looks that drags Ancestral Dragon that an injury is leaving, Hongjun to gaze after his figure to go far away, finally, quiet however sighed: Oh, heaven's will such as the blade, after the heaven has been doomed Great Tribulation of Dragon and Phoenix, Earlier Heaven Three Races leaves the stage, really has been a pity, today saves you, is hopes that you can slaughter with other two clans, let many Earlier Heaven Three Races powerhouse fallen. 看着拖着一身伤势离开的祖龙,鸿钧目送着他的身形远去,最后,幽然一叹:“唉,天意如刀啊,上天注定了龙凤大劫之后,先天三族退出舞台,真是可惜了,今日救下你,也不过是希望你能与其余两族厮杀,让更多先天三族的强者陨落罢了”。 Shakes the head, in the Hongjun heart sighed secretly a heartlessness of after heaven's will, at once, has hesitated a moment later, figure moves, flew in the territory direction that witch clan was at directly. 摇摇头,鸿钧心中暗自感叹了一番天意的无情之后,旋即,沉吟了片刻之后,身形一动,直接朝着巫族所在的领地方向飞了过去。 Dongfang Yu has been missing for 180,000 years, unexpectedly knows Heavenly Dao exist(ence)? It looks like in Hongjun, perhaps he is oneself explores colleague on Heavenly Dao, therefore, Hongjun thought that oneself must pass to see him are good. 东方玉失踪了180000年,居然知道“天道”的存在?在鸿钧看来,他或许是自己探索天道上的同行者,所以,鸿钧觉得自己必须要过去见一见他才行。 Also, oneself and Boros have been together after all for 180,000 years, at this time Boros treated that side Dongfang Yu, oneself also happen to had the reason in the past...... 再说了,自己波罗斯毕竟相处了180000年,这个时候波罗斯待在东方玉那边,自己也正好有理由过去…… Houyi, but also practices the oneself archery in the oneself practice arena, Dongfang Yu static treating looks in side. 后羿,还在自己的练习场上练习自己的箭术,东方玉则静静的待在旁边看着。 although in looking at the practice of Houyi archery, may in fact, the Dongfang Yu's mind actually completely not place here, his thoughts placed at the Great Tribulation of Dragon and Phoenix matter. 只是虽然在看着后羿箭术的练习,可实际上,东方玉的心神却完全不放在这边,他的心思都放在龙凤大劫的事情上了。 Also does not know that what happened, Ancestral Dragon announced on start to talk suddenly to declaring war of phoenix clan, Dongfang Yu thought oneself perhaps should also go to the crystal palace to walk one. 也不知道发生了什么事,突然祖龙开口宣告了对凤族的宣战,东方玉觉得自己或许也该去水晶宫走一遭了。 Perhaps Great Tribulation of Dragon and Phoenix oneself cannot block, but, at least should oneself also understand the truth of matter? 龙凤大劫自己或许拦不住,可是,至少自己也该去了解一下事情的真相吧? Secretly is hesitating in the Dongfang Yu mind, the preparation under on the past crystal palace walks a time, suddenly, on Energy Tester presents one to make Dongfang Yu feel digit that shocks, scarlet such as warning symbol of blood, actually also makes clear to the goal to have what fearful energy value. 只是,就在东方玉心神暗自沉吟着,准备等下就过去水晶宫走一趟的时候,突然,能量测试仪上出现了一个让东方玉都感到震撼的数字,猩红如血的警报标志,也昭示着目标究竟拥有什么样可怕的能量值。 245600. 245600。 50,000 energy value? This makes in the Dongfang Yu heart be startled darkly. 5万能量值?这让东方玉心中暗惊。 The energy value of this degree, even if must be higher than one section compared with Rāhu, who this person is? 这个程度的能量值,就算是比罗睺都要高出一截呢,这个人到底是谁? On Great Desolate Continent, isn't Rāhu strongest Boss? Unexpectedly are the energy values of some people, higher than Rāhu? 洪荒大陆上,罗睺不是最强的BOSS吗?居然有人的能量值,比罗睺还高? When the mind is dignified, on the Dongfang Yu's face is having the solemn and respectful look, afterward after having confessed a few words, figure appears in the upper air, visual distant place. 心神凝重之余,东方玉的脸上带着肃穆的神色,随后交代了一句话之后,身形出现在高空之中,目视着远方。 Quick, wears the white Daoist robe, the beard and hair all white old man appears in Dongfang Yu's at present. 很快的,一个身穿白色道袍,须发皆白的老者出现在东方玉的眼前。 The whole body sends out elegant and natural Aura, the appearance of features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality slowly approaches, the future do not hide the meaning of oneself, therefore, huge Aura makes people distant can feel. 浑身散发出飘逸而自然的气息,仙风道骨的模样缓缓的靠近过来,来者并没有丝毫要掩藏自己的意思,因此,庞大的气息让人远远的就能感受到了。 Hongjun? How did you come?”, Dongfang Yu has not spoken, this time Boros also from out of the blue flew, obviously feels Aura of future, looks old [say / way] that this approached, wear a look of surprise color saying. 鸿钧?你怎么过来了?”,东方玉还未说话呢,这个时候的波罗斯也破空飞起来了,显然是感受到了来者的气息,看着这个靠近过来的老道,面带诧异之色的说道。 During the speeches, Boros has sized up Hongjun up and down a moment later, on the face flashes through one startled to accommodate, said: You, look like some are different, your strength promoted more suddenly. 说话间,波罗斯上下打量了鸿钧片刻之后,脸上更闪过一丝惊容,道:“你,看起来有些不一样了,你的实力突然间提升了很多很多啊”。 although Boros does not have Dongfang Yu such Energy Tester, but Boros oneself has also said that as Great Desolate Continent was known as that War God he, is very accurate regarding the powerhouse strength intuition, if met has been able to pose the threat to oneself exist(ence), in the intuition will have the strong and weak threat feeling. 虽然波罗斯没有东方玉这样的能量测试仪,但是波罗斯自己也说过了,作为洪荒大陆号称战神的他,对于强者实力的直觉还是很准的,若是遇上了能对自身造成威胁的存在,直觉上会有强弱不已的威胁感。 Treated an enough 180,000 years of time with Hongjun, Boros has thought that about Hongjun strength knew, but, this left for several days, saw Hongjun once more, the Boros one type admires the feeling unexpectedly. 鸿钧待了足足180000年的时光,波罗斯自认为对鸿钧实力还是非常了解的,可是,这才离开几天,再次见到鸿钧,波罗斯居然有一种高山仰止的感觉。 Very obviously, this was Hongjun strength is far in excess of oneself to have the feeling that such feeling, even if facing Ancestral Dragon time, oneself has not felt. 很显然,这是鸿钧实力远远超越了自己才有的感觉了,这样的感觉,就算是面对祖龙的时候,自己都没有感受过。 Um, I perceived through meditation Heavenly Dao these many years, suddenly had some sudden enlightenment, therefore, on cultivation base also with when production costs rise , prices rise too, hear speech/words, Hongjun with a smile selected nod(ded) to say to Boros. “嗯,我参悟天道这么多年了,突然有了些顿悟,因此,修为上也跟着水涨船高了”,闻言,鸿钧波罗斯笑着点点头说道。 Naturally, Hongjun these words although was to Boros said that but his attention actually part placed on Dongfang Yu's, when oneself mentioned perceived through meditation Heavenly Dao this words, is among the earnest attention Dongfang Yu looks whether had the change. 当然,鸿钧的这番话虽然是对波罗斯说的,可他的注意力却有一部分放在东方玉的身上,当自己言及“参悟天道”这个话语的时候,更是认真的注意东方玉神色间是否有变化。 Making Hongjun think that what is surprised, the Dongfang Yu's look has not changed completely. 只是,让鸿钧觉得惊讶的是,东方玉的神色完全没有变化。
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