PE :: Volume #35

#1740: Breakthrough Hongjun

Looks that on oneself Dragon Ball presented two very obvious fissures, in the heart of Ancestral Dragon similarly is the unusual anxiety, naturally, unusual being startled. 看着自己龙珠上出现了两道很明显的裂痕,祖龙的心中同样是非常的肉疼,当然,也非常的吃惊。 For these years, to condense this Dragon Ball, he does not know has consumed many painstaking care and material get down, Ancestral Dragon thought oneself the Dragon Ball, quality comparing favorably with innate supreme treasure, but knows that finally unexpectedly will be damaged. 这么多年来,为了凝聚这颗龙珠,他不知道耗费了多少的心血和材料下去,祖龙自认为自己的这颗龙珠,品质比得上先天至宝了,可哪知道,最后居然会受到损伤。 Really worthily is Ancestral Dragon Dragon Ball, seriously is much stronger!”, Feels Executing Immortal Sword and on the Absolute Immortal Sword two handle Divine sword received some internal injuries, even wail in a low voice, in heart of Rāhu when shock, sighs with emotion secretly. “真不愧是祖龙龙珠啊,当真强得可怕!”,感受到诛仙剑绝仙剑两柄神剑上都受到了一些暗伤,甚至低声的哀鸣了起来,罗睺的心中在震撼之余,也暗自感慨。 However, the although this Dragon Ball prestige can be much stronger, but thinks that the Ancestral Dragon status, Rāhu thought that poured is not the unacceptable matter. 不过,虽然龙珠的威能强得让人心惊,但是想想祖龙的身份,罗睺觉得,倒也不是不能接受的事情了。 After all Dragon Ball powerful or not, not only concerns the painstaking care that oneself itself pours into, is the material, but Great Desolate Continent the sovereign of non- crown, how will Ancestral Dragon lack the material? 毕竟龙珠强大与否不只是关乎自己本身灌注的心血而已,还是材料,而洪荒大陆的无冕之皇,祖龙岂会缺少材料? A bit faster begins, restrains mind, Rāhu continues to control a oneself pair of Divine sword, has cut toward Ancestral Dragon, in the meantime, mouth loud was shouting calling out to Qilin of the Beginning. “快点动手”,收敛心神,罗睺继续操控着自己的一对神剑,朝着祖龙斩了过去,同时,嘴里大声的对着始麒麟呼喊着叫道。 This Rāhu studied actually intelligently, under his control, two handle Divine sword, changed to two directions respectively toward Ancestral Dragon. 这次罗睺倒是学聪明了很多,在他的操控之下,两柄神剑,分别化作两个方向朝着祖龙袭过去。 Does Dragon Ball also after all have one again is not? Can don't tell me also simultaneously resist the attacks of oneself two handle Divine sword? 龙珠再强也毕竟只有一颗不是?难道还能同时抵挡自己两柄神剑的袭击吗? Really, faced the left and right simultaneously to raid to the oneself Divine sword, Ancestral Dragon can only control Dragon Ball to hit toward Executing Immortal Sword that side. 果然,面对着左右两边同时袭向自己的神剑,祖龙只能操控着龙珠朝着诛仙剑那边撞了过去。 Meanwhile, tenacious incomparable dragon claw, has grasped toward another handle Absolute Immortal Sword directly. 与此同时,坚韧无比的龙爪,直接朝着另外一柄绝仙剑抓了过去。 Meanwhile, looks nine pagodas that offers a sacrifice to once again, the Ancestral Dragon body turns, giant Dragon's Tail maliciously has pulled out toward that pagoda. 同时,看着再度祭起的九层宝塔,祖龙身子一扭,巨大的龙尾狠狠的朝着那宝塔抽了过去。 Good move of Shenron|Divine Dragon to fishtail. 好一招神龙摆尾。 Dragon Ball and Executing Immortal Sword bump into, naked eye obvious, Executing Immortal Sword looked like a toothpick has run upon iron ball(s), as if not the waste small effort, Dragon Ball struck to fly Executing Immortal Sword directly. 龙珠诛仙剑相撞,肉眼可见,诛仙剑就像是一根牙签撞上了一颗铁球似的,似乎不废吹灰之力,龙珠直接把诛仙剑击飞了出去。 If careful looked that believes certainly can see on Executing Immortal Sword has left behind several thin, if the fissure of hair. 若是仔细的去看,相信一定能看得到诛仙剑上留下了好几道细若毛发的裂痕。 Similarly, Shenron|Divine Dragon fishtails, which maliciously on that nine pagodas. 同样的,一记神龙摆尾,狠狠的在那九层宝塔上面。 Pagoda although is strong, but Ancestral Dragon mortal body is not similarly weak, under strikes, this magical treasure prestige energy, unexpectedly also by Ancestral Dragon mortal body strength resisting, 宝塔虽然强,可祖龙肉身同样不弱,一击之下,这法宝的威能,竟然也被祖龙肉身力量给抵挡住了, That searched the past dragon claw toward Absolute Immortal Sword, actually suddenly dragon blood scattered. 只是,那一只朝着绝仙剑探过去的龙爪,却突然龙血四溅。 Although mortal body is strong, is actually hard to resist the Absolute Immortal Sword point, saw only Absolute Immortal Sword to leave behind a huge wound on the dragon claw of Ancestral Dragon, fearful dragon blood as if did not ask for money to resemble sprinkled from the midair. 肉身虽强,却难以抵挡绝仙剑的锋芒,只见绝仙剑祖龙的龙爪上留下了一道巨大的伤口,可怕的龙血仿佛不要钱似的从半空中洒落下来。 The injury, was getting more and more serious, although Ancestral Dragon Dragon Ball unusual formidable, may after all Dragon Ball, only then, under Rāhu and Qilin of the Beginning they collaborate, Ancestral Dragon absolutely does not have the strength to hit back. 伤势,越来越重了,虽然祖龙龙珠非常的强悍,可毕竟龙珠只有一颗,在罗睺始麒麟两人联手之下,祖龙完全没有还手之力。 The discerning people can look, with the lapse of time, being defeated of Ancestral Dragon, and even was put to death is only the issue of time. 明眼人都能看得出来,随着时间的推移,祖龙的落败,乃至被诛杀都只是时间的问题罢了。 Oh......”, looks at present this, even if observes many phoenixes, secretly sighed, is not cruel enough to look. “唉……”,看着眼前这一幕,就算是观战中的许多凤凰,都暗自叹了一口气,不忍心看。 The Ancestral Dragon good and evil was entire Great Desolate Continent the sovereign of non- crown, didn't expect, because actually alone arrived at the Chinese parasol tree temple, simultaneously has encountered the collaboration attack of Qilin of the Beginning and Rāhu. 祖龙好歹是整个洪荒大陆的无冕之皇了,没想到,却因为独自来到了梧桐神殿这边,同时遭遇了始麒麟罗睺的联手袭击。 This simply looks like a natural trap, Ancestral Dragon actually oneself jumped to be the same. 这简直就像是一个天然的陷阱,祖龙自己跳进去了一样。 The scar, were getting more and more, along with the passage of fight, green dragon's body Ancestral Dragon almost turned into the red blood dragon, from top to bottom everywhere is the scars that Executing Immortal Sword and Absolute Immortal Sword keep. 伤痕,越来越多了,随着战斗的推移,青色龙躯祖龙几乎变成了红色的血龙,浑身上下到处都是诛仙剑绝仙剑所留下来的伤痕。 Innumerable dragon blood unceasing overflows from these wounds, because of the excessive loss of blood reason, Ancestral Dragon felt that the whole body started somewhat to feel cold, realized also gradually became must blur. 无数的龙血不断的从这些伤口之中溢出来,因为失血过多的缘故,祖龙已经感觉到浑身开始有些发冷了,就连意识也渐渐的变得模糊了起来。 Actually, in the heart of Ancestral Dragon has also thought the escape, but, is Great Desolate Continent the sovereign of non- crown, unexpectedly escapes in a panic, this point makes Ancestral Dragon be hard to accept. 其实,祖龙的心中也想过逃命,只是,身为洪荒大陆的无冕之皇,居然仓皇逃命,这一点让祖龙难以接受。 Therefore, how struggle even if, Ancestral Dragon has not made the decision that must escape. 所以,即便是如何的苦战,祖龙都从来没有作出要逃命的决定。 Is the dragon race head of the clan, no matter facing what crisis, dragon race that dragon race that only then died in battle, has not escaped absolutely. 身为龙族的族长,不管是面对什么样的危机,都只有战死的龙族,绝对没有逃命的龙族 He is not quickly good!”, Saw that the Ancestral Dragon injury is getting more and more serious, the appearance that the movement as if also started becomes slow getting down, on the face of Rāhu had the happy expression, start to talk to say. “他快不行了!”,眼看着祖龙的伤势越来越重,动作似乎也开始变得迟缓了下来的样子,罗睺的脸上带着浓浓的笑意,开口说道。 Along with his words, Executing Immortal Sword and Absolute Immortal Sword danced in the air were more crowded . Moreover, the position that the sword blade edge referred, has revolved the head of Ancestral Dragon, the throat and heart these fatal positions, obviously wanted while this opportunity, at one fell swoop Ancestral Dragon putting to death. 随着他的话语,诛仙剑绝仙剑飞舞得更加的密集了,而且,剑刃所指的位置,一直都围绕着祖龙的脑袋,咽喉和心脏这些致命的位置,显然是想要趁此机会,一举将祖龙给诛杀掉了。 Nearby Qilin of the Beginning, naturally also felt the Ancestral Dragon condition to be not much, when heart great happiness, similarly was controlling the oneself nine pagodas, unceasing emanation was more intensive and broad attack, continuous pounded toward Ancestral Dragon, has created the serious pressure. 旁边的始麒麟,自然也感受到了祖龙的状态不怎么样,心中大喜之余,同样的操控着自己的九层宝塔,不断的发出更加密集而恢弘的攻击,接连不断的朝着祖龙砸过去,给它带来了沉重的压力。 Ancestral Dragon injury, is getting more and more serious . Moreover, has achieved started to affect the fighting strength degree. 祖龙身上的伤势,越来越重,而且,已经达到了开始影响战斗力的程度了。 Gets down according to such situation, along with deepening of his injury, strength will be getting more and more weak, let alone was wants to dump tray, to behind, even if were wants to escape is almost the impossible matters. 照这样的情况下去,随着他伤势的加深,实力会越来越弱,别说是想要翻盘了,到了后面,就算是想要逃跑几乎都是不可能的事情了。 However, saw that Ancestral Dragon injury is getting more and more serious, situation also more and more heavy time, suddenly, in the world, surged an intermittent remote immortal sound, at the same time, in the world as if can see an intermittent dense ray. 不过,眼看着祖龙身上的伤势越来越严重,局势也越来越沉重的时候,突然,天地之间,涌起了一阵阵渺渺的仙音,与此同时,天地之间似乎能看到一阵阵氤氲的光芒。 Wears white Daoist robe, the beard and hair all white old man, such appeared from Void, overstepped in Void step by step, arrived at the Ancestral Dragon side. 紧接着,一个身穿白色道袍,须发皆白的老者,就这么从虚空之中出现了,一步步在虚空中踏过,来到了祖龙的身旁。 It seems like very slow step, but quick appeared in the Ancestral Dragon side. 看似非常缓慢的步履,可是很快的却出现在了祖龙的身旁。 ! 咻! The radiant cold glow, has delimited in the midair together, Executing Immortal Sword, changes to together shining, like lightning attacks toward Ancestral Dragon. 一道璀璨的寒芒,在半空中划过,诛仙剑,化作一道流光溢彩,闪电般的朝着祖龙这边袭击过来。 In this [say / way] person hand is actually one whisks, has brandished gently, at once, can see that this innumerable silk threads saw to rise against the wind, change to the innumerable dense and numerous silk threads to twine Executing Immortal Sword. 只是,这个道人手中却是一根拂尘,轻轻的挥舞了一下,旋即,能看到这无数的丝线迎风见涨,化作无数密密麻麻的丝线缠绕上了诛仙剑 The although sharp sword light has cut off the innumerable silk threads, but, has the more silk thread continuous windings, gradually this handle Executing Immortal Sword tying up. 虽然锋锐的剑光切断了无数的丝线,可是,却有更多的丝线接连不断的缠绕上去,渐渐的将这柄诛仙剑给捆住了。 What!?”, Looks at oneself Executing Immortal Sword, unexpectedly had been blocked, the Rāhu look concentrates slightly, look that some do not dare to believe. “什么!?”,看着自己诛仙剑,居然都被人挡住了,罗睺的眼神微微一凝,有些不敢置信的神色。 By Rāhu cultivation base, in addition the Executing Immortal Sword point, on entire Great Desolate Continent can block the oneself Executing Immortal Sword person, number of the palm? 罗睺修为,再加上诛仙剑的锋芒,整个洪荒大陆上能挡住自己诛仙剑的人,不出一掌之数吧? Can fellow but who, this presents, block the attack of oneself unexpectedly? 可是,这个出现的家伙,居然能挡住自己的攻击? When shocks, Rāhu careful sizes up the oneself present old [say / way], at once, the complexion cannot help but changed, simultaneously being startled sound called out: Hongjun? Is you?”. 震撼之余,罗睺细细的打量自己眼前的老道,旋即,脸色不由得变了变,同时惊声叫道:“鸿钧?是你?”。 During the speeches, Rāhu earnest about has sized up Hongjun a moment later, on the face brings to puzzle with the vacant look, said: You, your feeling some are different, you yes what's the matter?”. 说话间,罗睺认真的上下打量了鸿钧片刻之后,脸上带着迷惑不解和茫然的神色,道:“你,你的感觉有些不一样啊,你这是怎么回事?”。 Hongjun and Rāhu naturally are recognize, after all for Boros, they also had fought one. 鸿钧罗睺自然是认得的,毕竟曾经为了波罗斯,两人还大战过一场呢。 Moreover, at the beginning of Pangu splitting heaven and earth apart, Hongjun status, is one of the that three thousand Primal Chaos Fiendgod. 而且,在盘古开天辟地之初,鸿钧的身份,也是那三千混沌魔神之一呢。 But, Rāhu careful sizing up Hongjun, from his body could not realize at this time unexpectedly the slight primal chaos demon air/Qi, instead gives people a nature and completely relaxed feeling, this feeling completely and does the demon air/Qi run counter? 可是,这个时候罗睺仔细的打量鸿钧,从他的身上居然察觉不到丝毫的混沌魔气,反而给人一种自然而心旷神怡的感觉,这感觉完全和魔气背道而驰吧? Rāhu, Ancestral Dragon cannot die today here, Hongjun to the feeling of person, unhappy is not sad, but static stares at Rāhu, start to talk was saying. 罗睺,今日祖龙不能死在这里”,鸿钧给人的感觉,不喜不悲,只是静静的盯着罗睺,开口说道。 „? Also became the dragon race running dog including you?”. “哦?连你也成为了龙族的走狗吗?”。 Hears the Hongjun words, obviously to help Ancestral Dragon comes, the Rāhu look narrows the eyes slightly, saying of sinking sound. 听到鸿钧的话,显然是为了帮助祖龙而来的,罗睺的眼神微微眯起,沉声的说道。 I follow the path conduct of Heavenly Dao operation, looked that your appearances are also hard to understand what Heavenly Dao is, so long as you know, today's Ancestral Dragon not Damn it here and that's the end. “我只是遵循天道运行的轨迹行事罢了,也罢,看你们的模样也难以理解天道是何物,你们只要知道,今天的祖龙该死在这里就是了”。 Shakes the head, Hongjun mentioned Heavenly Dao, but looked at everybody is a vacant puzzled appearance, did not have the meaning of again explaining, but said the words that people on the scene have been able to understand to come out earnestly. 摇摇头,鸿钧言及天道,可是看大家都是一副茫然不解的样子,也就没有了再解释的意思,只是认真的说出了一番在场众人都能听得懂的话语出来。 „Are you? Hongjun?”, Qilin of the Beginning this time vision also fell on the body of Hongjun, high and low has sized up a moment later, asking of some surprise. “你是?鸿钧?”,始麒麟这个时候的目光也落在鸿钧的身上,上下打量了片刻之后,有些诧异的问道。 Hongjun, must say that the reputation in Great Desolate is not low, after all he and War God Boros relates closely, moreover strength under War God Boros, this did not make the Great Desolate Continent people remember his given name sufficiently. 鸿钧,要说起来在洪荒之中的名头并不低,毕竟他和战神波罗斯关系密切,而且实力也不下于战神波罗斯,这足以让洪荒大陆的人都记住他的名号了。 Mentioned reasonably, by Hongjun strength, should to miss a small truncation Rāhu was more right than? How to block Rāhu Executing Immortal Sword? 只是,按理说来,以鸿钧力量,应该比罗睺要差一小截才对吧?怎会挡得住罗睺诛仙剑的? Regarding the Qilin of the Beginning words, Rāhu had not replied, but the vision places the body of Rāhu, is very obvious, Rāhu is the center of gravity that he pays attention. 对于始麒麟的话,罗睺并没有回答,只是目光放在罗睺的身上,很显然,罗睺才是他关注的重心。 Snort, Hongjun? Had already heard your given name, I must weigh you had many weight today but actually. “哼,鸿钧啊?早就听说过你的名号了,今日我倒要称一称你有多少的斤两”。 Saw that the Hongjun attention places the body of Rāhu, unexpectedly despises oneself, this lets Qilin of the Beginning mouth coldly snorted, impolite saying, during the speeches, offers a sacrifice to nine Jinta, has pounded toward Hongjun directly. 眼看鸿钧的注意力都放在罗睺的身上,居然轻视自己,这让始麒麟嘴里冷哼一声,不客气的说道,说话间,祭起九层金塔,直接朝着鸿钧这边砸了过来。 Looks that Qilin of the Beginning pounds on nine pagodas, the appearance that Hongjun has not actually cared about, but stretched out the palm of oneself superficially. 只是,看着始麒麟砸过来的这一座就九层宝塔,鸿钧却并没有太在意的样子,只是轻描淡写的伸出了自己的手掌。 Obviously looks like palm not any change of Hongjun, but, his palm actually gave people one type to enlarge suddenly did not have the several fold, grasped the misconception of entire Great Desolate world sufficiently. 明明看起来鸿钧的手掌没有任何的变化,可是,他的手掌却给人一种突然间放大了无数倍,足以掌握整个洪荒天地的错觉。 Nine pagodas, fell in the hand of Hongjun directly, the giant pagoda changed to a fine buttress tower, as if the accessory was common. 九层宝塔,直接落在了鸿钧的手中,巨大的宝塔化作一尊精致的小塔,仿佛饰品一般。 Gently has hefted hefting in the palm of oneself this pagoda, finally, the Hongjun palm turns, received this pagoda directly: This pagoda looks like also the good appearance, I was impolite accepted. 轻轻的将这宝塔在自己的掌心中掂了掂,最后,鸿钧手掌一翻,直接将这尊宝塔收了起来:“这座宝塔看起来还不错的样子,我就不客气收下了”。 „The bastard thing, puts down my yellow and black tower!”. 混账东西,放下我的玄黄塔!”。 Saw that oneself treasure take action had been taken away by Hongjun unexpectedly, Qilin of the Beginning complexion big change, startled and calling out of anger, figure like electricity, threw toward Hongjun maliciously. 眼看着自己宝贝居然一出手就被鸿钧收走了,始麒麟脸色大变,又惊又怒的叫道,身形如电,朝着鸿钧狠狠的扑了过去。 Bang! 砰! Qilin of the Beginning that throws shortly, Hongjun actually stretches out oneself palm which. 只是,眼看着扑过来的始麒麟,鸿钧却是伸出自己的手掌一 A bang, Qilin of the Beginning figure approaches unexpectedly continually cannot achieve, this was held which to fly directly. 一声巨响,始麒麟身形居然连靠近都做不到,直接被这一掌飞了出去。
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